Fan Haifu

Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, crystal physicist
zero Useful+1
Fan Haifu (August 15, 1933 [15] -July 8, 2022 [13] ), male, born in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, crystallographer, Academician of CAS Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Developing Countries Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences researcher. [1-2]
Fan Haifu graduated from Peking University Department of Chemistry; In 1956, he worked in the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences; In 1986, he was promoted as a researcher; In 1991, he was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (member of the academic department); In 2000, he was elected as an academician of the Academy of Sciences of Developing Countries. [1] [3]
Fan Haifu is mainly engaged in the direct method in crystallography for structural analysis of biological macromolecules, the application of single crystal diffraction analysis method in powder crystal analysis, image processing in high-resolution electron microscopy, analysis method of incommensurate modulated crystal structure, computer software design of crystallography, and X-ray free electron laser (XFEL) and cryoelectron microscopy (Cryo EM) Related diffraction analysis. [4]
At 14:00 on July 8, 2022, Fan Haifu died in Beijing at the age of 88 due to invalid medical treatment. [13-14]
Chinese name
Fan Haifu
Ethnic groups
one's native heath
Guangzhou, Guangdong [15]
date of birth
August 15, 1933
Date of death
July 8, 2022 [13]
University one is graduated from
Peking University
Education and research workers
Key achievements
In 1991, he was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
In 2000, he was elected as an academician of the Academy of Sciences of Developing Countries
Native place
Kengtian Village, Shishan Township, Nanhai County, Guangdong Province (Shishan Town, Shibei Kengtian Village, Nanhai District, Foshan City today) [15]

Character's Life

Fan Haifu was born in August 1933 in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province. [5]
In 1956, after graduating from the Department of Chemistry of Peking University, he worked in the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. [5]
In 1986, he was promoted to researcher. [3]
In 1991, he was elected Academician of CAS (Member of the Academic Department). [5]
In 1996, he won the physics prize of the Third World Academy of Sciences. [4]
In 2000, he was elected as an academician of the Academy of Sciences of Developing Countries. [3]
At 14:00 on July 8, 2022, Fan Haifu died in Beijing at the age of 88 due to invalid medical treatment. [13-14]

Personal life

  • family
Fan Haifu's father is Fan Yaohua (Fan Aixiang). [15]
Fan Haifu's mother is Li Lijing. [15]
Fan Haifu's wife is Li Fanghua [9]
  • tutor
Fan Haifu's mentor is Wu Qianzhang [7]
  • Quotations of Academicians
Evaluation is an objective need, and standards need to be gradually improved. Leaders should be tolerant, and individuals need not be too serious. [10]
The goal of scientific research should not be "winning", and "winning" should not be the terminus of scientific research. [7]
Professional foundation is not equal to strong research ability. As a graduate student, he should strive to make a leap from understanding to application and then to innovation. Only innovation is really a requirement for scientists. [11]

Key achievements


Scientific research achievements

  • Overview of scientific research
Fan Haifu presided over the determination of the crystal structure of the new natural amino acids, pumpkin seed amino acid and emissary amino acid, which were found in China, and carried out the direct method research for the crystal structure analysis of natural organic substances. He proposed the principle of combining the direct method with heavy atom method, abnormal number scattering and isomorphic replacement method. From the mid-1970s to the early 1980s, he presided over and completed the research on "direct treatment of pseudosymmetry in crystal structure analysis", and developed a set of theories and application technologies. He presided over the experiment of direct method for protein crystal structure analysis. He presided over the establishment of the direct method in multidimensional space and used it for the first time to determine High temperature superconductor The incommensurate modulation structure of. He also cooperated with Li Fanghua to establish a new image processing method for electron microscopy. [2]
  • Rewards for scientific research achievements
Award time
Award winning projects
Award level
Study on Pseudo Symmetry in Crystal Structure Analysis by Direct Method [6]
Second Prize of National Natural Science Award [4]
Electronic crystallography study on the determination of micro crystal structure [6]
Second Prize of National Natural Science Award (the second winner) [4]
Application of symbolic relations in the determination of crystal structure containing heavy atoms -- I. A symbol correction scheme; II. Component relations and their applications
Grand Prize of Most Influential Thesis Award [7]
Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award (the second winner) [4]
  • Academic treatise
According to the website of ScienceNet on October 8, 2012, Fan Haifu published more than 100 academic papers. In 1995, he co wrote Physical and Non Physical Methods of Solving Crystal Structures with Michael Wolfson. [7]
  • academic exchange
Fan Haifu's research achievements have been invited to give reports at international academic conferences for more than 40 times. [4]
1. In 1963, he attended the first National Conference on Natural Organic Chemistry in Shanghai and gave a report on "X-ray Structural Analysis of Single Crystals and Its Application in the Study of Natural Organic Compounds". The full text was published in the Collection of Review Papers of Natural Organic Chemistry, Science Press, 1966250-277.
2、 “Direct Methods outside the Traditional Field”. Fan Hai-fu, lecture at Symposium in Honor of Jerome Karle and Herbert Hauptman (Nobel laureates in chemistry, 1985), XIVth IUCr Congress, Perth, Australia, 1987.
3、“Multi-dimensional direct methods”. Fan Hai-fu, lecture at Advanced Study Institute on Electron Crystallography, Erice, Italy, 1997, published in Electron Crystallography. Ed. by D. L. Dorset, S. Hovmöller & X. Zou, Kluwer Academic Publishes, The Netherlands, 1998. Pp. 193-202.
4、 “Direct methods of solving phase ambiguities in macromolecular structures”. Fan Hai-fu, lecture at Advanced Study Institute on Direct Methods for Solving Macromolecular Structures, Erice, Italy, 1997, published in Direct Methods for Solving Macromolecular Structures. Ed. by S. Fortier, Kluwer Academic Publishes, The Netherlands, 1998. Pp. 297-305.
5、 “New methods and visual computing in electron crystallography”. Fan, H.F. Wan, Z.H., Liu, Y.D., Fu, Z.Q., Li, Y and Li, F.H., lecture by Fan Hai-fu at International Kunming Symposium on Microscopy, Kunming, China, 2000.
6、 “Electron Crystallographic Study of Incommensurate Modulated Structures”. Fan Hai-fu, Li Yang, Wan Zheng-hua, Fu Zheng-qing, Mo You-de, Cheng Ting-zhu & Li Fang-hua, lecture by Fan Hai-fu at Joint annual meetings of the Microscopical Society of Canada and Microscopy Society of America. Quebec, Canada, 2002.
7、 “Direct methods in protein crystallography”. H.F. Fan & Y.X. Gu., lecture by Fan Hai-fu at X-ray Methods in Structural Biology Workshop, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory X-ray Crystallography Course at IBP, Beijing, China, 2008.
8、 “Diffraction phasing for nano-crystals/particles”. H.F. Fan, lecture at International workshop on Science with Free Electron Lasers, Shanghai, China, 2011.
9. In 2012, I went to Beijing to attend the Xiangshan Conference and made the first report on "Material Structure Analysis at Atomic Scale Based on Hard X-ray Free Electron Laser" (XFEL).
10. In 2014, he went to Shanghai to attend the Xiangshan Conference and made the third report on "Serial Crystallography" of X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL). [4]

personnel training

  • Student development
According to the website of the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in January 2021, Fan Haifu has trained more than ten doctors and masters, one of whom was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and eight of whom have been appointed professors or senior researchers at home and abroad. [4]

Honor recognition

Award time
Award Name
Elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences [1]
Ye Qisun Physics Award [4]
Third World Academy of Sciences Physics Award [4]
Science and Technology Progress Award of He Liang He Li Foundation [4]
Elected as a member of the Academy of Sciences of Developing Countries [1]
Chen Jiageng Science Award (Mathematical Science Award) [4]
Young and middle-aged scientists with outstanding contributions [6]

Social posts

Adjunct professor, Department of Chemistry and Department of Physics, Sun Yat sen University [8]
Adjunct Professor, Center for Structural Analysis, University of Science and Technology of China [8]
Member of the 14th International Crystallographic Society and Crystallographic Computing Committee [8]
Member of the 15th International Crystallographic Society and Crystallographic Computing Committee [8]
Adjunct professor of Peking University

Character evaluation

Like the scientists of the same era, Fan Haifu's scientific research path was marked with the brand of the times, but it seemed strange - he did not passively undertake a research project, but also resisted the impact of some "macro climate". [7] Scientific online review
Academician Fan Haifu is a well-known scientist in Chinese and international physics circles. CCTV International Review [12]