Examinations for English Majors in Comprehensive Universities in China
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TEM-8, Test for English Majors-Band 8), The full name is National College English Test Band 8. Since 1991 Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China Implement and investigate English majors in comprehensive universities across the country. The TEM8 is sponsored by the Foreign Language Teaching Steering Committee of colleges and universities (not by the Ministry of Education). It is held once a year in March, and the exam is held in the morning. The questions include hearing Reading, error correction, translation and writing. The examination covers all aspects of English listening, reading, writing and translation. In 2005, it added humanistic knowledge. Examination in written form. In addition, the oral test is called "TEM8 Oral and Interpretation Test", and the "TEM8 Oral and Interpretation Certificate" will be issued after passing the test. However, the popularity of the oral test is not enough, and the number of participants is not large. Many English majors do not know that there is another TEM8 oral test.
The time is in the first ten days of March every year, and the target is senior students of English and related majors. Non English and related majors and non school students cannot take the exam. Those who pass the exam will be issued transcripts by the Foreign Language Teaching Steering Committee of colleges and universities. There are three grades: 60-69 is qualified; 70-79 is good; 80 points and above are excellent. The certificate issued after passing the examination is valid for life. Since 2003, if you fail the exam, you can take a make-up exam. After passing the make-up examination, only the qualification certificate will be issued.
On April 23, 2022, the Teaching and Testing Office for Foreign Language Majors in Colleges and Universities issued a notice that, according to the national epidemic situation, the National TEM8 Test for English Majors in Colleges and Universities, originally scheduled to be held on May 28, 2022, will be postponed to the second half of 2022.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Test for English Majors-Band 8
Question types include
Listening, reading, error correction, translation and writing
Implemented by the Ministry of Education

main features

The uniqueness and scarcity of the Level IV and Level VIII professional certificates are mainly reflected in the following aspects:
1. In general types of universities, only English Major % of the students are qualified to take the exam, and none of the students in other majors are qualified to take the exam (not even those who are excellent in CET-6);
2. In foreign language universities (Shangwai, Beiwai, Beierwai, Xiwai, Guangwai, Tianwai, Dawai, Chuanwai, etc.), except for English language majors, other related majors can apply for the exam (CET-6 must be above 600 points), such as international trade, tourism management, etc;
3. Generally, there is only one opportunity to apply for junior college entrance examination in sophomore year and one opportunity to apply for junior college entrance examination in senior year; If you fail, you can take a make-up exam in the next year, only once. The exam must be taken in the second year and cannot be postponed. For example, when I was a senior in 2008, I failed to take the Junior Eight exam. In 2009, I could go back to the graduation school to take a make-up exam. If I failed again, I could not apply for the exam in the future. If I did not take the make-up exam in 2009, I would give up the chance to take the make-up exam, and I could not apply for the exam in the future.
Special Eight Certificate
4. The difficulty of Level 4 is basically above CET-6, and the difficulty of Level 8 is even higher than CET-6 GRE There is a comparison, and there are more English to Chinese and Chinese to English questions than GRE. The question of listening first and then filling in the blank is used to investigate memory.
5. The recognition of CET-4/6 is relatively widespread in the society, but it is also an indisputable fact that the "deterrent power" of CET-4 and CET-8 is higher than that of CET-4/6. In terms of certification of English proficiency, the highest level certificate within the scope of domestic examinations is the Professional Band 8. If you can have such a certificate in your hand, you can imagine your priority in the future job search, salary increase, job hopping, professional title evaluation and other aspects.

Examination requirements



The National Education Commission's English Teaching Syllabus for English Majors in Colleges and Universities at the Basic Stage stipulates that the teaching task of English majors in colleges and universities for senior students is to "continue to develop basic language skills, further expand their knowledge, and focus on cultivating comprehensive English skills, enriching cultural knowledge, and improving their communicative ability." At the same time, the Syllabus also points out that, "The implementation of the outline is mainly checked through unified testing." "Testing and scoring should strive to achieve standardization and computerization as soon as possible to make it scientific, objective and feasible.". According to the above requirements in the Outline, the TEM8 for English majors stipulates the following principles and examination contents:
1、 Examination purpose:
The purpose of this exam is to check the implementation of the syllabus, especially the comprehensive language skills and communicative competence required by the level 8 specified in the syllabus, to promote the further implementation of the syllabus and improve the teaching quality.
2、 Nature and scope of examination:
This test is a reference level test to test the individual and comprehensive language abilities of candidates. The scope of the examination includes the skills of listening, reading, writing and translation as stipulated in the syllabus. Since the conditions for large-scale oral examination are not yet available, the test of speaking skills is postponed.
3、 Examination time and proposition:
The TEM8 is held in March every year, and the TEM8 proposition team is responsible for the proposition and implementation.
4、 Examination form:
In order to better assess the ability of students to use various basic skills, both scientificity, objectivity and feasibility should be taken into consideration
And the characteristics of the Advanced English Proficiency Test, the method of highly combining this test with the comprehensive skills test. On the whole, objective questions account for 40% of the total, and subjective questions account for 60% of the total. The specific distribution of objective and subjective questions in each question is shown in the "List of Examination Contents".
5、 Examination content:
This exam has five parts: listening comprehension, proofreading and error correction, reading comprehension, translation, and writing. The five parts are divided into two test papers. Paper One includes the first three parts; Paper Two includes the last two parts. The items, time, number of questions and proportion of TEM-8 examination are shown in the table below.
Proportion of project time (minutes) questions
I Listening Comprehension 25 15 15%
Gap-filling 15 10 10%
II Proofreading and correcting errors 15 10 10%
Ⅲ Reading comprehension
Ⅳ Translation 60 2 20%
Ⅴ Writing 60 1 20%
Total 210 63 100%
6、 Pass Criteria:
The TEM-8 exam is a pass grade of 60 points. Those who have passed the examination shall be issued a qualification certificate by the Foreign Language Teaching Steering Committee of colleges and universities.
The score is divided into three grades: 60-69 qualified; 70-79 Good; 80 points or more is excellent.
7、 Examinees:
Fourth year full-time undergraduate students majoring in English and related subjects in colleges and universities across the country.

Question type and requirements

1. Hearing for about 25min (8:30~8:55)
Listen to the tape and answer the questions. After Section A, leave a 3-minute gap on the tape/CD for students to complete the blank filling project. This part of the answer is written on answer sheet 1.
Listen to the tape and answer the questions. The answers to this part are written on answer sheet 2 (questions 1-10). Take back Answer Sheet 1 after Section B. Fast examinees can also do the following reading.
2. Reading for 45 min (8:55~9:40)
Section A choice question
Section B Short answer questions
This part of the answer is written on answer sheet 2 (questions 11-32). Take back Answer Sheet 2 when the project time is up.
Issue answer card 3, and ask the examinee to fill in the number and name of the examination permit on answer card 3.
3. Language knowledge 15min (9:40~9:55)
Error Correction
The answers are written on answer sheet 3.
4. Translation 20min (9:55~10:15)
Chinese to English
The answers are written on answer sheet 3. Take back Answer Sheet 3 when the project time is up.
Issue the answer card 4 and ask the examinee to fill in the examination permit number and name on the answer card 4 (the examinee is not allowed to fill in the school name and name in the blank space of the answer card, and the violator's test paper will be treated as zero).
5. Composition 45min (10:15~11:00)
The answers are written on answer sheet 4.
It is suggested to make an outline in 3-5 minutes, and then start writing.
When the time is up, take back the answer card 4 and the test book, and the examiner announces the end of the exam. [4]

Answering and scoring

This exam is divided into Test Paper 1 and Test Paper 2. Test paper I (I, II, III) except I Section D and II. In addition to proofreading and correcting errors, candidates are required to choose the best answer from the four choices A, B, C and D given in each question, and draw a line on the answer sheet with a 2B pencil as required. The answers on the test paper are invalid. Only one answer can be selected for each question. Multiple choices are invalid. Only the number of correctly answered multiple-choice questions will be counted, and no points will be deducted for wrong answers. Multiple choice questions are marked by the machine. Section D in listening comprehension and the second part are proofread and corrected on another answer sheet. All answers written on the test paper will be invalidated. Test paper II (IV and V) is a subjective test, and candidates are required to write the translation and composition directly on the answer sheet with pen or ballpoint pen. Subjective questions shall be scored according to the unified scoring standard. Each part of the test paper is converted into a hundred point system by weighing. The passing standard is 60 points.

Listening coping

Listening Comprehension
According to the characteristics of the listening part of TEM-8, we can discuss it from two aspects: partial and full comprehension. From a comprehensive view of TEM-8 listening test questions, we can find that all test question types are based on the content included by what, who, where, when, why and how, namely events, people, places, time, reasons and ways. TEM-8 listening materials are composed of narrative essays and dialogues (or interviews and interviews) with different lengths and specific phenomena or events. Candidates must grasp the main points of events and the development clues of events in a big situation before they can answer the questions. Most English majors have good basic listening skills. What they need to improve is the breadth and depth of listening. Therefore, examinees must consciously listen and practice more in their daily learning life. At the same time, we suggest that students pay attention to the following questions when practicing listening:

Listening materials

In fact, the principle that "listening" and "speaking" are not separated is also reflected in the TEM-8 exam. TEM-8 listening materials are generally spoken English materials that reflect modern life. Therefore, examinees can concentrate on listening to more mass media English and conducting practical exercises. The difficulty of the selected listening materials should be lower than that of the reading materials, because what you cannot understand is generally incomprehensible. English from newspapers, magazines, movies and TV is an excellent material for listening practice. English majors, especially seniors, can practice listening by watching original movies or listening to film clips. Generally, schools will have a wealth of audio and video materials, and many cities have set up English TV channels. TV English news is very helpful for candidates to cope with the third part of TEM-8 exam.

Practice method

When practicing listening, we can combine "intensive listening" with "extensive listening" to train ourselves. The former focuses on depth, while the latter focuses on breadth. The purpose of intensive listening is to understand all the issues related to it from the perspective of what, who, where, when, why and how, that is, all the details; And extensive listening is to understand the general idea. Through long-term and unremitting efforts in these two aspects, the examinee can finally acquire the ability to think in English. If we can think in English, it will not be too difficult to do a few questions correctly, because the questions can be broadly divided into two categories: partial comprehension questions and overall comprehension questions. The former belongs to the category of intensive listening, while the latter belongs to the object of extensive listening. The purpose of listening is to understand. How do you measure whether you understand? An effective method is "retelling". After listening to a segment, we can repeat what we have heard. If we have high accuracy, we really understand it; Otherwise, it is necessary to listen again. If you cannot repeat the content satisfactorily after listening several times, it means that the content is too difficult and should be replaced. At the same time, we should also help "listen" through "reading", especially in listening to news. Compared with other listening materials, news has its distinctive characteristics. The content of news is particularly extensive, covering almost every aspect of our lives.
One of the biggest obstacles to listening to English news is unfamiliar with news vocabulary. Therefore, in the initial stage of learning to listen to news, we can read some mass media literature, such as newspapers and periodicals, and accumulate some news terms from them. Some important organizations have names such as EEC (European Economic Community), IMF (International Monetary Fund) Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA); Words such as upsurge, manoeuvre, escalation, assertion, etc. A little knowledge of vocabulary in all fields of real life is the basis for understanding news. News, as a type of language test, is also a reflection of the true use of language in real life. In the TEM-8 exam, the content of news is general political, economic, entertainment and other information that the examinee is familiar with, which will not cause obstacles to the examinee in terms of subject matter. Its purpose is to test the examinee's ability to obtain news from VOA or BBC. Like other listening exercises, the only way to improve the ability to listen to English news is to listen more. At the initial stage of English news listening training, examinees can use textbooks with written texts to help them train. During the training, candidates should be encouraged to first listen to the recorded answers without looking at the written materials, and then read the script if they cannot understand them for many times. After a period of such training, most students' listening ability can be significantly improved. After reaching the requirement that you can basically understand the news without writing, candidates can transition to the practice of listening to English news regularly and quantitatively. During the exercise, we should also pay attention to the question we mentioned earlier, that is, understanding is one aspect. If we can review or retell the important details and general ideas of a news story in our mind after understanding it, it will greatly help us to achieve a qualitative leap in our listening ability. If we persist in the practice of combining "listening" with "retelling", we will greatly improve our listening and thinking ability in English.
The fourth part of TEM-8 listening is a combination of listening and note taking. This project is a 700 word lecture. The examinee takes notes while listening, and then completes the blank filling exercise. Listening to lectures and taking notes is an indispensable part of students' learning and life. This question type is to examine students' ability to take notes according to listening materials and organize notes to complete work. The fourth part of TEM-8 listening is actually divided into the steps of understanding, finding out the main points, recording and filling in the blank. It is worth noting that the words that examinees need to fill in the blanks in the exam are all notional words related to the lecture content, not grammatical function words, because the purpose of this test is to investigate examinees' understanding of the lecture content. During normal training, examinees can choose to listen to some in-depth recording materials that discuss a certain problem. While listening, they can make notes on important plots, and then write a summary according to the notes. If the examinee can successfully achieve this, he or she need not worry about this type of question in the exam, because the written material used by the examinee to fill in the blank in the exam is a summary of the content based on the listening recording. What is mentioned above is that examinees must lay a solid foundation in language at ordinary times. Let's take a look at some skills that should be paid attention to during the examination. Without a solid language foundation, it is meaningless to talk about skills. The skills discussed here are based on solid language training at ordinary times.
(1) Pre reading test questions
Listening is different from grammar and reading. Grammar and reading can be read back after reading, but the content of listening is temporary and one-time. Therefore, it is very important to learn to grasp the key points and keywords and understand the full text in the sense group. In the listening part of the CET 8, the questions have been printed on the test paper. At the same time, a section of question instructions has been printed on each part of the test questions, and the corresponding instructions have also been recorded on the tape. Since the instructions in this part of the test are basically the same every year, as long as the examinees are familiar with these contents, they can use the time for playing the instructions, or use the 10 second pause between the two questions, Quickly browse the questions and four options printed on the test paper to obtain the thinking clues before listening and the background hints of listening content, so that in the process of listening, you can listen to the original text in a targeted and selective manner, so as to seize relevant information, filter out irrelevant content, reduce the burden of listening and memory, and improve the effectiveness of listening. At the same time, Read the interference items, give more background hints, and then analyze the similarities and differences of the four options, so as to use them as clues. When listening, be targeted. For example, when we see the following question, we can know that the whole recording is probably related to robbery.
What strikes the woman most about the male robber is his___.
A. clothes B. age C. physique D. appearance.
Once we learn about the information about robbery in a piece of material we are about to hear, our brain will naturally start some of the scenes we have stored about robbery, so that we almost reach the situation where the army has not moved, and food and grass go first, so that the initiative is in the hands of the examinees. On the contrary, if we do not read the test questions in advance, we may not know that the central topic is robbery until we have heard one third of all the materials. This is the importance of pre reading. Not only that, we can also use the extra time to answer questions
The purpose of pre reading. There is usually 15 seconds between questions. If the examinee finishes the first question in only 5 seconds, the remaining 10 seconds can be used to preview questions 2 and 3. Of the four parts of TEM-8 listening test, only the fourth part of the test can not be read in advance, because the test takers will send the answer paper of this part, ANSWER SHEET ONE, after they finish the transcript.
(2) Carefully examine the topic
It seems to be an old topic, but it is very important. The examination here does not mean that the examinee cannot understand the question at all, but that he cannot catch the core of the question because he is not careful in examining the question. Let's look at the following question:
The modern electronic anti-noise devices____.
A. are an update version of the traditional methods.
B. share similarities with the traditional methods.
C. are as inefficient as the traditional methods
D. are based on an entirely new working principle.
The core of the above problem is to understand the definition of modern electronic anti noise devices, not only anti noise devices, but also ordinary anti noise devices. It is likely that information about the different characteristics of anti noise device in different development periods will appear in the recording. If you do not carefully examine the topic, you will make mistakes. In addition, the careful examination of questions is also reflected in the understanding of special forms of questions, such as the negative which of the following is INCORRECT, or the exclusive All the following are true EXCEPT, etc. Correct examination is the key to answer questions, otherwise no matter how good the listening ability is, the examinee will not get good grades.
(3) Understand the speaker's tone
Understanding the speaker's tone can help us answer questions. This is more important in the second part of TEM-8 listening (dialogue or interview). For example, Well, I'm afraid I do. But I might be mistaken. Sometimes the literal meaning is opposite to the speaker's intention. At this time, candidates rely more on the speaker's tone to answer questions. For example, I'd be sacked if I accepted your offer. The tone of speech is varied. It can express surprise, hesitation, challenge, irony, comfort, determination, etc. If you understand them correctly, you will get twice the result with half the effort.
(4) Listen and record at the same time
Candidates can make appropriate notes while listening because they can't remember the discussion or dialogue that lasts for several minutes only with their brains. The examinees need not be restricted to the form when recording. They can make some simple symbol records that they can understand, especially the numerous numbers, times, dates, person names, and place names. Moreover, the fourth part of TEM-8 listening is to examine the synchronous ability of "listening" and "memorizing". The fourth part of TEM-8 listening, taking notes and filling in the blank, is a relatively complicated listening test item, which has its own characteristics. Mastering these characteristics is of great benefit to examinees. This part of the recording is usually a text with strong logic, demonstrating or describing a problem from several aspects. Because the words that examinees must fill in the blanks are notional words based on the main points of the whole question and its important details, examinees should focus on these contents when taking notes, rather than on complicated essays. For example, if there are three or four examples of a problem in the recording, such as Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonald's, Pizza Hut, etc. listed to illustrate fast food, the examinee can remember at most one or two. In addition, the words used to fill in the blanks do not necessarily have to be the words appearing in the recording. All words that are semantically consistent with the original text and grammatically compatible with the blank filling passage can be used. This part of the exercise questions in this book is not limited to the answers given in the book. There may be more answers, and you can master them yourself. When filling in the blanks, the examinee must pay attention to the accuracy of the part of speech of the words. We find that some examinees can find a word with corresponding meaning, but they do not pay much attention to the part of speech, because the place where the verb should be filled must be filled with a verb, such as not using sense instead of understanding. In addition, if the word is at the beginning of the sentence, the first letter of the word should be capitalized.

Reading Coping



Reading comprehension is one of the most important basic skills in language learning. Reading is the most direct and effective way to acquire language knowledge. Reading ability is an important sign to measure the comprehensive ability to master language. Learning to read, learning to read and improving English reading ability are the only way to finally master English and improve the overall English level. The reading comprehension section has also been set up in the TEM8, and the reading section accounts for a considerable proportion in the whole exam. The score of this section directly affects the success or failure of the whole exam, so both teachers and examinees attach great importance to it. The reading comprehension part of CET 8 is mainly based on the provisions on the teaching content and requirements of English reading in the English Teaching Syllabus for English Majors in Colleges and Universities approved by the National Education Commission, and uses scientific testing methods to test English majors' mastery of advanced English reading ability and skills, So as to check the completion and implementation of the teaching content and teaching requirements specified in the syllabus by relevant colleges and universities. It should be said that when preparing for CET 8, students already have considerable reading experience and reading ability. The key is to do more exercises, read a lot, and improve reading through reading. If there are still some bad reading habits, such as pointing with your fingers, making sounds when silently reading, etc., you should not hesitate to work hard to correct them. Some common reading skills are listed below for reminding purposes only. It is hoped that the examinees can carefully compare their own situation and change their bad habits as soon as possible in order to improve their reading efficiency.
(1) Skim
Skimming is one of the commonly used reading methods, and its main feature is selective reading. The usual reading requirement is to see every word, and focus on 1-2 words at a time. Skimming does not need to see every word. The frequency and range of eye movements have been greatly improved, sometimes even from the previous line to the next line. Skimming can't make you know everything you read, but you can greatly improve your reading speed and get a lot of information. The main function of skimming is to understand the general idea of the article. After skimming, you have a general understanding of what you read, and then read carefully, you will be more impressed and understand more thoroughly. Most readers can skim without formal training and guidance. But consciously training will greatly improve your skimming speed and efficiency. The simplest way to skim training is to force yourself to finish reading an article within the specified time. When starting the training, you can set the skimming speed at 5/4 times of the normal reading speed, and gradually increase it later. The key to skimming is to increase the range of saccades, focus attention, and try to capture the content that can attract attention or that you think is important.
(2) Scanning
Scanning is to scan the material as quickly as possible, and then read it carefully when you find the information you need. For example, this method is used to find a person's name, place name, time, place, etc., that is, to find specific information, specific facts, and the content required for the answer.?
(3) Study
Study reading is to read carefully and have a thorough and profound understanding of the article. According to the test questions, use context, logical relationship and background knowledge to make judgments and inferences. This method can be used to understand and translate difficult sentences.

Expand one's vocabulary

An important part of improving reading speed is to expand vocabulary. Its necessity is shown in the following aspects:
1. Your vocabulary determines your reading comprehension ability. The larger your vocabulary is, the wider your reading will be, the broader your vision will be, and the higher your reading comprehension score will be.
2. Your limited vocabulary will inevitably affect your reading comprehension. The meaning of new words can only be fully displayed in the context, and can be easily remembered, understood and mastered. In other words, it is the context that gives a word a specific meaning, which is often unavailable in the dictionary. Some people may say that we learn college English vocabulary by memorizing the vocabulary list. But the readers who say this ignore the important point: the vocabulary behind the learned text is for the text, and the examples of certain words or expressions given by teachers in class are actually setting context for them. Many teachers encourage students to memorize sentences, paragraphs, or whole articles for the same purpose, that is, to understand and master vocabulary and phrases in the context.
3. Reading more is the best way to expand your vocabulary. Not only do you need to read books and articles of different genres, but also you need to be more exposed to different subjects to meet the needs of examinations.

Reading Solution Skills

1. Find out the central idea of the paragraph?
Any reading material has the main meaning, that is, the main idea. The general meaning of the written materials has different levels. A long sentence can say many things, but generally it has only one general idea, which can be summarized in several words; A paragraph contains many sentences, but only one general idea. Usually, the topic sentence of the paragraph contains the general idea of the paragraph. Usually people say "general idea" refers to the central idea of the whole material. Non fiction reading materials usually have obvious general ideas and clear structures. The beginning of the article (introduction) clearly points out the central idea of the article. Each paragraph in the main part of the article also has a topic sentence, usually at the beginning or end of the paragraph. At the end of the article, we should also make a general summary of the full text.? In order to find out the central idea of a paragraph, readers should seek the author's direct or indirect comments on life on the basis of understanding the context. These comments are sometimes expressed directly by the author, sometimes hidden in the text, and sometimes expressed through others. In order to find out the central idea of the work, you can consider the following questions when reading:
(1) Does the work show something important about social life? Does it help you form a new outlook on life?
(2) Does the work show a general truth?
(3) Do you agree with the central idea of the work or the author's point of view?
2. How to deal with vocabulary problems in reading?
It is inevitable to encounter new words in reading. The outline stipulates that 3% of new words are allowed, that is to say, about 60 new words are allowed out of 2000 words, but generally there are not so many new words. Some people stop to look up a dictionary as soon as they encounter a new word, others look up a dictionary after reading a page or two, and some people completely ignore the new word. In fact, if you encounter new words in reading, you should generally continue to read as long as it does not affect your understanding of the main meaning of the text. If new words do affect your understanding of the content, looking up the dictionary is certainly a method, but it is very inconvenient. Frequent looking up the dictionary not only affects the reading speed, but also affects the overall understanding of the content of the article. So the best way to meet new words is to guess through the context when reading. Here are some suggestions to help you guess the meaning of words
(1) Another way to see if there are new words in the context is to find synonyms. Sometimes the context will explain a new word or provide some hints.
(2) Look at the part of speech of the new word in the article, that is, the word is a noun, verb, adjective, adverb or other part of speech. In addition, look at which words this word is used with in the text, and then make a correct guess according to your other knowledge.
(3) Analyze the composition of new words, especially the prefix and suffix of words. Many words in English are changed by adding prefixes or suffixes. For example, if you know the two words write and similarity, you can accurately guess the meaning of rewrite and similarity according to the meaning of the prefix re - and suffix - ity.
(4) See if the same word appears elsewhere in the context, and compare the two contexts to guess the meaning of the word more accurately.?
(5) Make full use of what you already know about what you are reading.
In order to consolidate the new words in the reading process, after reading an article, you can look up the most important new words in this article in the dictionary to accurately understand the meaning of the new words in the text. Because the chapters we train are subject to the syllabus, we may also encounter articles in this field, even words, in the real topic.
3. Infer the implied meaning of the paragraph
Sometimes, for some purpose, the author often does not say a meaning directly, but expresses it implicitly. This implied meaning is sometimes the main meaning of the text. Therefore, reading essays often requires making inference. Sometimes the meaning of a sentence needs to be inferred, and sometimes the meaning of the whole chapter needs to be inferred. The following suggestions can help you make inferences:
(1) Inference is made based on the author's ideas and writing background.
(2) Look for the connection between many events directly stated by the author.
(3) Carefully understand the implicit meaning and emotional color of some important words. For example, politician and statesman both mean "politician", but the former is derogatory, that is, "politician", while the latter does not.
(4) Read the author's "reading beyond the lines" from his tone, intonation, wording and other stylistic features.
(5) After reaching a certain conclusion, try to find evidence from the context.
(6) Make full use of your existing knowledge in all aspects, and consider the things described in the article with your own experience or familiar things.
4. Predict what follows?
Predicting the following is also an important means to improve reading efficiency. Forecasting is different from guessing. Guess is the assumption of the meaning of the words you are not sure about, and prediction is the assumption of what will happen next. The reason why prediction can improve reading efficiency is that it gives you some "expectations". If you read the following with this expectation, you will try to find evidence for your assumptions, and your attention will be more focused on the important content of the text. Of course, forecasting is not arbitrary, and you must make logical predictions based on what has happened or what you have learned and your own common sense. As you continue to read below, your predictions are either positive or negative. Whether positive or negative, it will deepen your understanding of the original text. Here are some suggestions:
(1) If you have a preliminary understanding of the theme of the paragraph, think about what things are usually described about this topic, and will these things happen in this article?
(2) Use your English language knowledge and language idioms in specific contexts to predict what the article will write. The above introduction does not specifically separate normal reading from fast reading, because no matter which part of the test questions you read, you will use methods such as scanning and skimming. However, since reading at Band 8 is divided into normal reading and fast reading, it is necessary to remind the examinees that the time given by the two parts is different. Usually, the normal reading is four to five articles, and 15 questions are answered. Fast reading is six to seven articles, and ten questions are answered. The time for the latter is only ten minutes. Therefore, we must not spend too much time on one article. We can only use skip reading or search reading to get information as soon as possible. For each article, read the questions and options first, and then read them in a targeted manner. If you can't solve some questions or can't understand some sentences in the article, you should give up temporarily and do other questions or continue to read other parts.
After finishing other questions, if you have time, you can do these uncertain questions again. Never stop for a question or a paragraph of text. The overall performance can only be guaranteed if the pawn and car are lost in time. The improvement of reading ability does not depend on a short time of surprise. We need to persevere and practice correctly for a long time. The TEM8 is a scientific language test with considerable reliability and validity. It is impossible to achieve good results by taking chances. Therefore, we sincerely hope that the examinees can really improve their language ability through training and achieve good results in the TEM8.

Hierarchical division

(1) Literal comprehension mainly means that the reader can understand the words and sentence patterns of the article, recall the general idea, details, time, place and order of the event, and the relationship, contrast, character characteristics and causal relationship between the characters.
(2) Inferential comprehension mainly refers to the reader infers the implied meaning between the lines according to the literal meaning, including the author's intention and opinions.
(3) Evaluative comprehension mainly refers to readers' analysis and evaluation of articles according to their own principles and views.
(4) Appreciative comprehension refers to the reader's final evaluation of the writing skills and ideological level of the article.
From the above classification, we can easily see that literal understanding belongs to shallow understanding, which can be completed by relying on the reader's language knowledge. Inferential understanding belongs to deep understanding, which depends on readers' language ability and reading skills. The evaluative understanding and appreciative understanding belong to the highest realm of understanding, which means that readers can analyze and make logical judgments according to the structure of the article, and infer the implied meaning of the author and the author's point of view from between the lines. Readers rely on their own reading experience and judgment principles to analyze and evaluate the merits of the article, the authenticity of information, the possibility of events and the rationality of conclusions, and show their own attitudes.


The students participating in the unified test must be English majors from our school who have passed the national college entrance examination. The specific requirements for the registration qualification are as follows:
1. Among the institutions of higher learning registered or approved by the Ministry of Education: English majors in grade four enrolled in 2005 (the number of examinee type is "40").
2. Among the adult colleges of higher education (hereinafter referred to as adult colleges) with educational background approved by the Ministry of Education, the undergraduate students of English major (the fourth academic year) who entered in 2005 for a four-year program or full-time study are the undergraduate students of English major (the fifth academic year) who entered in 2004 for a five-year program or full-time study (the number of candidates is "50").
3. Among the key foreign language colleges (see Note 1 for details), the fourth year undergraduate students (the number of candidate type is "60") who entered in 2005, took professional English as their second degree, and had a CET6 score of 600 or above (equivalent to excellent).
4. English majors of Grade 2002 who participated in the TEM8 test in 2008 but failed can take this make-up exam, but only this is a make-up exam opportunity. If they do not take the exam, they will automatically give up, and the make-up exam opportunity will not be postponed (the number of the candidate type is "70").
[Note: 1] Key foreign language colleges refer to Beijing International Studies University, Beijing International Studies University , University of International Business and Economics, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Tianjin Institute of Foreign Languages, Dalian Institute of Foreign Languages, Shanghai International Studies University , Sichuan International Studies University, Xi'an International Studies University 15 colleges and universities.
[Note: 2] Those who fail to pass the TEM4 can also participate in the TEM8.
[Note: 3] English major undergraduates with "3+2" and "2+2" academic systems in ordinary colleges and adult colleges can participate in the TEM4 statistical test as make-up examinees in the first year after upgrading. The examinee category is "70", but this opportunity is not postponed; Two year and three-year undergraduate students of English majors in ordinary universities and adult colleges can participate in the TEM8 unified test as normal candidates in the year of graduation. The examinees are classified as "40" and "50" respectively, and can take a make-up examination in the next year. The opportunity for make-up examination will not be postponed.

Scoring rules

Test content
Test question type
Number of questions
Score proportion
Examination time (minutes)
Listening comprehension
A Lecture
B session
Answer a question
choice question
About 25 minutes
reading comprehension
A multiple choice question
B Short answer question
choice question
Answer a question
45 minutes
language knowledge
Answer a question
15 minutes
Chinese to English
Answer a question
20 minutes
Answer a question
45 minutes
one hundred
150 minutes

Registration time

The registration time is November or December of each year. The specific time is subject to the notice of the Academic Affairs Office of each university. Collective registration is required by the student ID card of the university - no other students are accepted.

Registration method

There are two general ways to register, and specific institutions are different

On site registration

In accordance with the requirements, the applicants shall fill in all items on the application form in the order of student number, taking the class as the unit. Students are required to fill in the form by themselves, with correct handwriting and correct name (the name must be consistent with that on the enrollment register, and they shall be responsible for any adverse consequences caused by filling in errors). The transferred students should indicate on the remarks which major they are transferred from. Students who suspend or repeat their studies should also state in the remarks. Each class should submit the application form and application fee to the department office before November 28, and the application form will not wait until it expires (each class should download the application form from the educational administration information column on the home page of our department website, and each class should submit one electronic form and one paper form reviewed by the class committee when registering).

Online registration

According to the notice, examinees log on to the examination website, and generally need to click "Online Registration" to enter the "TEM for TEM-4 and TEM-8" registration system to fill in the registration form, and remember the registration number automatically generated by the system. Please consult the university for details!

Application fee

Each university is slightly different, and the general registration fee is about 60 to 80 yuan.

Epidemic prevention and control

On February 3, 2020, due to the impact of the pneumonia epidemic caused by the new coronavirus infection, the examination time of TEM8, which was originally scheduled to be held on March 21, 2020, was appropriately adjusted. The specific examination time will be notified separately according to the implementation of the epidemic prevention and control work. [1]
On June 1, 2020, in accordance with the national epidemic prevention and control work decision-making deployment, practically guarantee the life safety and health of the vast number of examinees and test related staff. After research, it was decided to cancel the National College English Test Band 8 originally scheduled to be held on March 21, 2020. [2]
On April 23, 2022, the Teaching and Testing Office for Foreign Language Majors in Colleges and Universities issued a notice that, according to the national epidemic situation, the National TEM8 Test for English Majors in Colleges and Universities, originally scheduled to be held on May 28, 2022, will be postponed to the second half of 2022. [3]