Vitamin B17

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Benzaldehyde and cyanide compounds
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synonym Amygdalin (amygdalin) generally refers to vitamin B17
"Vitamin B17" is not family B vitamin (Because none of its components can be used as coenzyme). It is chemically two sugar molecules, namely Benzaldehyde (benzaldehide) and cyanide (cyanide), named Amygdalin As a medicament, it is also called Nitrosides; Taken from almonds; There is no amygdalin in beer yeast; Most state governments in the United States do not recognize this as treatment cancer Of drugs (legally recognized in 25 states). The American Cancer Society warns patients who listen to rumors on the Internet: clinical studies over decades have proved that this compound has no support anticancer Evidence. Taking this "tonic" will only increase the probability of cyanide poisoning, even death. Amygdalosides are non-toxic, but when they are metabolized by β - glucosidase, they will produce toxic hydrocyanic acid.
The experiment shows that amygdalin is not active in chemical properties and has little effect on healthy tissues, only invading and destroying cancer cells. The active ingredient of amygdalin is a naturally produced cyanide, which is a human metabolite and can only play a role in cancer cells. In healthy liver, kidney, spleen and white blood cells, the existing β - glucosidase acts on amygdalin to produce cyanide and benzaldehyde, and their synergistic toxicity increases. Extremely toxic. Some people think it has the function of controlling and preventing cancer.
Chinese name
Vitamin B17
cyanide Benzaldehyde
Existing form
In the form of food and vitamin B group
Molecular formula
C20H27NO11 [6]
be known as

brief introduction

Published in authoritative evidence-based medicine database in 2006 Cochrane Library The Cochrane Library can also be translated into Chinese“ The Cochrane Library ”)A systematic evaluation of, summarized all previous clinical studies on the efficacy of Laetrile, and concluded that: "The most useful way to understand whether Laetrile is effective in cancer treatment is to review and sort out clinical trials and scientific literature. Unfortunately, no trial can meet the conditions for this review. The author therefore suggests that in the future, we should consider conducting controlled clinical trials to evaluate whether Laetrile is effective in cancer treatment. " Vitamin B17 is a glycoside composed of glucose, benzyl alcohol and cyanide. It is not a B group vitamin In the form of food, vitamin B group and vitamin B group coexist.


Amygdalin [6] It mainly exists in the kernels and leaves of bitter apricot, bitter almond, peach, nectarines, loquat, plum, apple, black cherry, etc. The bitter almond peel does not contain amygdalin.
Amygdaloside is a β - type glycoside composed of gentian disaccharide and amygdalin, molecular formula: C20H27NO11, molecular weight: 457.428 [6]
The trihydrate is rhombic columnar crystal, with a melting point of 200 ℃, and that of anhydrous is about 20 ℃, [α]: 20D-42 ℃. 1g is soluble in 12mlH2O, 900ml ethanol and 11ml ethanol, and easily soluble in boiling water.
The content of amygdalin in bitter almond is about 3%, 20~30 times higher than that in sweet almond. The content of amygdalin in skin tip is slightly higher, and the skin does not contain amygdalin. Raw almonds contain 0.179% HCN, 98% HCN (HCN, H-C ∨ N) is lost in boiling, and 3-7% HCN is lost in frying.
The protein in bitter almond includes the enzyme that decomposes amygdalin, which needs to be inactivated during the preparation process. The blanching method is commonly used. The method is to boil the bitter almond (with skin) in water (90-100 ℃). The time should be appropriate (generally about 5 minutes, if it is too long, it will lose about 34.1% of the original amount, if it is too short, it will not be enough to inactivate the amygdalin enzyme). After taking it out, Peel, dry, and decoct again.
Bitter almond contains 50% fatty acid, which is a high-grade lubricating oil and edible, mainly including linoleic acid (27%), oleic acid (67%), palmitic acid (5.2%). It has the functions of insect repellency, sterilization, intestines moistening and skin cuticle softening. However, it needs to be removed when preparing amygdalin, and the oil yield is 44%.

Internal metabolism

It conforms to the open two room model.
The half-life of intravenous injection distribution is 6.2 min; The average half-life of the phase eliminated is 120.3 min; The average clearance rate was 99.3ml/min.
Urine is discharged in prototype.
Amygdalin and cherry leaf enzyme are both β - glucosidase, and gastric acid can also hydrolyze amygdalin.
Benzaldehyde produced in the stomach can inhibit the function of pepsin, and can be used for anti ulcer treatment. Benzoic acid, its oxidized product, is from digestive tract It is absorbed rapidly and forms in combination with glycine in the liver Hippuric acid The latter was rapidly discharged from the urine within 12 hours and reached 97% of the dosage within the first 4 hours. [1]
Hydrocyanic acid can cause tissue respiratory depression, which is the prime culprit of poisoning. At the same time, taking sugar can reduce its toxicity.
Hydrocyanic acid is considered to have anti-cancer effect.


Amygdalin can specifically inhibit the increase of blood glucose caused by urea, and the effect intensity is related to the concentration of amygdalin in the blood. Amygdalin also has anticoagulant effect. The hot plate test and acetic acid writhing test in mice confirmed that amygdalin had analgesic effect and no tolerance; There was no tail erecting reaction and allyl morphine induced jumping reaction in mice after administration of amygdalin Amygdalin 15mg/mouse, 35mg/mouse intramuscular injection can significantly promote the proliferation of T lymphocytes in mouse spleen by mitogen. The fast frozen sections of the right frontal temporal lobe of the rat brain were incubated and stained with cytochrome oxidase. The staining system was observed by a microscopic television image measurement system. The data were processed by a computer. The results showed that amygdalin could significantly improve the activity of cytochrome oxidase under cerebral ischemia. Amygdalin can increase the activity of type I collagenase secreted by human kidney fibroblasts (KFB), inhibit the proliferation of human kidney KFB and the expression of type I collagen, and promote the apoptosis of human kidney KFB in the optimal concentration range and action time. The combination of amygdalin and cordyceps sinensis and the primary monolayer culture of rat fibrous hepatocytes in vitro showed that amygdalin and cordyceps sinensis could significantly increase the synthesis and secretion of albumin in rat fibrous hepatocytes The effect of amygdalin on phagocytosis or rDNA activation of mouse hepatocytes was observed by injecting 99Mtc phytate sodium into mice or liver tissue imprint Ag NOR method. The results showed that amygdalin significantly promoted the phagocytosis and rDNA activation of mouse hepatocytes [2]


Amygdalin poisoning is very serious. Most of them occur within 1~2 hours after eating nuts. The early manifestations are listlessness, irritability, headache, dizziness, drooling, nausea and vomiting. Symptoms will gradually worsen. Respiratory depression, loss of consciousness, closed teeth, convulsions, body temperature and blood pressure drop often endanger life. [3-4]

Poisoning mechanism disposal

Amygdalin is hydrolyzed by amygdalin or gastric acid to produce hydrocyanic acid, which has tissue respiratory inhibition. After ingesting bitter almond, the amygdalin contained in bitter almond encounters water in the mouth, esophagus, stomach and intestines, and releases hydrocyanic acid after hydrolysis of bitter almond enzyme. Bitter almond can produce hydrocyanic acid when it is chewed in the mouth and mixed with saliva. Cyanide ions combine with iron containing cytochrome oxidase, which hinders normal respiration. The body is in a state of asphyxia due to tissue hypoxia. Hydrocyanic acid can also act on the respiratory center and vascular motor center, paralyzing them, and finally leading to death.

clinical manifestation

The incubation period is half an hour for the short and 12 hours for the long, usually 1-2 hours.
Common symptoms include bitter mouth, salivation, headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, palpitations, rapid pulse, cyanosis and pupil enlargement, loss of light reflex, tight jaw, paroxysmal spasm, and finally death due to respiratory paralysis or cardiac arrest. The patient may have a bitter almond smell when breathing.


History of eating bitter almonds or cassava; The exhaled gas or vomit has the taste of bitter almond, as well as the rapidly occurring neurological and mental symptoms, and the thiocyanate in urine increases.

First aid treatment

Emesis, gastric lavage, detoxification treatment, oxygen inhalation, and intravenous injection of cytochrome C, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), coenzyme A (CoA), and insulin can be used for severe patients. Take bitter apricot bark or root decoction.


Detoxification before consumption; Eat less each time.
80 almonds are about 100g, and the general intake is 0.5-1.0g per day. Excessive intake of amygdalin (Laetrile) may be dangerous. Although taking more than 3.0g at a time can also be safely digested, it is better to take it in small amounts in several times, not more than 1.0g at a time.
According to the Nutrition Yearbook, if you eat 5-30 almonds every day (never eat them all at once), you can get enough amygdalin. [5]

pharmaceutical analysis

Determination of amygdalin by high performance liquid chromatography
Scope of application: This method uses HPLC to determine the content of amygdalin in Guizhi Fuling pills.
This method is applicable to Guizhi Fuling Pills, a Chinese patent medicine.
Method principle: add methanol into a stoppered centrifuge tube, shake with ultrasound, centrifuge after constant temperature water bath, dilute the supernatant to prepare the test solution, enter the filtrate into the high performance liquid chromatograph for chromatographic separation, use the ultraviolet absorption detector to detect the absorption value of amygdalin at the wavelength of 210nm, and calculate its content.
Reagent: 1. Methanol (chromatographically pure)
two acetonitrile (Chromatographically pure)
Instrument and equipment: 1 instrument
1.1 High performance liquid chromatograph
1.2 Chromatographic column
Hypersil C18(4.6mm×250mm,5μm)
1.3 UV absorption detector
2 Chromatographic conditions
2.1 Mobile phase: methanol acetonitrile water glacial acetic acid=11 16 0.02
2.2 Detection wavelength: 210nm
2.3 Column temperature: 40 ℃
2.4 Flow rate: 0.8 mL/min
Sample preparation: 1. Weigh the test sample
Weigh precisely 0.2g of Guizhi Fuling Pill granule powder.
2. Preparation of reference solution
Precisely weigh 36mg of amygdalin reference substance dried at 105 ℃ for 2h, dissolve it in a 20mL measuring flask with methanol, and fix the volume to prepare the reference substance reserve solution.
3. Preparation of standard solution
Accurately suck 0.3, 1, 2.5, 4, 5mL of reference stock solution into a 5mL volumetric flask, dilute with methanol and fix the volume as a series of standard solutions for drawing standard curves.
4. Preparation of test solution
Put the test sample in a centrifuge tube with a cover and add 10mL of methanol, Ultrasonic oscillation (42kHz) 15min, 40 ℃ constant temperature water bath, shake for 15min, centrifugate for 15min (3500r · min-1), transfer the supernatant to a 20mL volumetric flask, wash the residue twice with methanol, incorporate the washing solution into the volumetric flask, fix the volume, shake well, and filter with microporous membrane to obtain the test solution.
Note: "Precise weighing" means that the weight should be accurate to one thousandth of the weight taken. "Precision measurement" means that the accuracy of volume measurement shall meet the accuracy requirements of the national standard for the volume pipette.
Operation steps: 1. Drawing of standard curve
Accurately suck 10 μ L of standard solutions of the above series of concentrations, inject them into the high performance liquid chromatograph, use the ultraviolet absorption detector to measure the peak area integral value of amygdalin at the wavelength of 210nm, and draw the standard curve with the peak area integral value of amygdalin against the concentration.
2. Determination of test solution
Accurately suck 10 μ L of the above control solution and 10 μ L of the test solution respectively and inject them into the high performance liquid phase Chromatograph The peak area integral value of amygdalin was measured at 210nm with the UV absorption detector, and the content of amygdalin was calculated by the external standard method. [2]