Su Buqing

[sū bù qīng]
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Founder of Chinese School of Differential Geometry
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Su Buqing (October 24, 1902 - March 17, 2003), a native of Pingyang, Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, was born in Fujian Province Quanzhou City Academician of CAS , famous in China mathematician educator , China Differential geometry The founder of the school, known as "the brilliant mathematical star in the eastern country", "the first geometer in the east", "the king of mathematics". [1] [13]
Graduated from Japan in 1927 Northeast Imperial University Department of Mathematics, obtained the doctor's degree of science of the university in 1931, and was elected as Academia Sinica Academician, elected as Chinese Academy of Sciences Member of the Ministry of Education, joined the Communist Party of China in 1959 and took office after 1978 Fudan University President, Director of Mathematics Research Institute, Honorary President and Professor of Fudan University. [2-3]
Since 1927, he has published more than 160 mathematical papers and more than 10 monographs at home and abroad Zhejiang University School of differential geometry; He was right“ K exhibition space ”The study of geometry and projective curves. [4]
Su Buqing is mainly engaged in Differential geometry Research on affine differential geometry and projective differential geometry has made outstanding achievements, and outstanding achievements have been made in general spatial differential geometry, high-dimensional spatial conjugate theory, geometric shape design, computer-aided geometric design, etc.
Chinese name
Su Buqing
Foreign name
Su Buqing
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
date of birth
October 24, 1902 [13]
Date of death
March 17, 2003
University one is graduated from
Japan Northeast Imperial University
Key achievements
Discover the fourth (third order) algebraic cone
Take the lead in researching and developing space theory in China
Deeply study the theory of affine and projective differential geometry
Vice Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee and Vice Chairman of the NLD Central Committee
one's native heath
Zhejiang Province Wenzhou City Daixi Township, Tengjiao Town, Pingyang County
Representative works
Differential Geometry, Introduction to Projective Curves, Introduction to Projective Surfaces, Su Buqing's Amateur Poetry Notes, Blending of Numbers and Poetry

Character's Life

Born in October 1902 in Zhejiang Province Pingyang County In a mountain village, my father lived by farming. In his childhood, he used to herd cattle and feed pigs and mow grass. Although his family was poor, his parents still saved for his schooling. [13]
In 1911, he became a shift student in Pingyang No. 1 Primary School more than 100 miles away.
In 1914, he was admitted to Zhejiang Provincial No. 10 Middle School with excellent results,
In July 1919, when he was just 17 years old, he went to Japan to study under the support of Mr. Hong, the headmaster of the middle school. After a month of Japanese tutoring, he took part in the entrance examination of Tokyo Higher Industrial School in February 1920, and was admitted to the electrical engineering department of the school with excellent results.
From 1920 to 1924, he studied in the Department of Electrical Engineering of Tokyo Higher Technical College in Japan.
On September 1, 1923, a major earthquake occurred in Tokyo, and he escaped from the disaster. Clothes, books, and notes were all burned. After graduating from the Tokyo Institute of Technology in March of the next year, he went to apply for an examination in Japan's famous universities- Northeast Imperial University The Department of Mathematics of the College of Science ranked first among 90 candidates with full scores in both courses, and was admitted as a Chinese international student in the Department of Mathematics of Northeast Imperial University.
Graduated from Japan in 1927 Northeast Imperial University Department of Mathematics.
At the beginning of 1928, Su Buqing discovered the fourth (third order) algebraic cone in the research of general surfaces. After the paper was published, it had a great response in the Japanese and international mathematical circles, known as the "Su cone". Since then, Su Buqing has been teaching and researching. His research mainly focused on affine differential geometry. He has published 41 papers on mathematical journals in Japan, the United States and Italy. Some people called him "the brilliant mathematical star rising above the eastern countries". [5]
At the beginning of 1931 Chen Jiangong Sir has a prior engagement: come together after learning Zhejiang University It took 20 years to make the Department of Mathematics of Zhejiang University the world's first class, to train talents for the country, and finally returned to the hometown where he had been away for 12 years with deep nostalgia for his motherland and hometown, to teach in the Department of Mathematics of Zhejiang University. The domestic teaching conditions were very poor, and the salary could not be paid. With the help of the acting principal, we overcame difficulties and insisted on teaching and scientific research. and Chen Jiangong He started a math seminar and trained his students with strict requirements. Even during the Anti Japanese War, when the school moved west to Guizhou, he was forced to hold seminars for students in caves.
In 1933, he was promoted to professor and served as the head of the Department of Mathematics. He and Professor Chen Jiangong have designed a modern teaching plan, which attaches importance to the basic training of mathematics, and is strict with students. Each course has exercise classes. Students have to work out problems on the blackboard, but they can't work out, which is called "hanging the blackboard"
In 1937, the Mathematics Department of Zhejiang University showed great strength in cultivating talents and began to enroll graduate students. His earliest student Fang Dezhi A research paper has been written. In the second half of the year, when Su Buqing was evading the air attack due to the invasion of the Japanese invasion army, he also took documents with him Air raid shelter Li insists on research. stay Meitan , Su Buqing and some of his early students Xiong Quanzhi Zhang Sucheng Bai Zhengguo Et al. insisted on the research of projective differential geometry and produced a series of important results. Many papers have been published in internationally influential journals and enjoy high reputation in the international geometry community. The school of differential geometry of Zhejiang University, headed by Su Buqing, has begun to take shape. Zhejiang University moved back to Hangzhou. Su Buqing and Chen Jiangong saw the need to link various branches of mathematics, implemented the principle of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, and decided to let two outstanding students Gu Chaohao and Zhang Mingyong It was also an innovation at that time to participate in the two discussion classes of "differential geometry" and "function theory" at the same time. Zhejiang University has also sent several top students to the Institute of Mathematics of the Central Research Institute in Shanghai, and several teachers with academic achievements have been selected to study abroad, which is a measure for them to expand foreign exchanges.
In November 1942, the head of the British Scientific Expedition to China University of Cambridge professor Joseph Needham Visited College of Science, Zhejiang University Department of Mathematics, repeatedly praised: "You are here in Oriental Cambridge". In the hard years, I still took the time to write and sort out the research results. In the aspect of projective differential geometry, I used the composition with geometric meaning to establish the basic theory of general projective curve.
The 1945 edition of "Introduction to Projective Curves" is a comprehensive report on this theory. We also studied many important types of surfaces and conjugate nets, and obtained rich geometric compositions. Especially in the aspect of closed Laplacian sequence and composition (T4), the Laplacian sequence with period of 4 is studied. The study of a special case requires that their diagonals form a stratified couple. This sequence is internationally known as the "Su Chain". The monograph Introduction to Projective Surfaces published in 1946 is a summary of this aspect.
In October 1952, he came to Fudan University He served as professor and dean of the Department of Mathematics, and later as provost, vice president and president of Fudan University. He has served as a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), a deputy to the National People's Congress (NPC), a vice chairman of the 7th and 8th CPPCC National Committee, and a vice chairman of the NLD Central Committee.
In 1956, it was first awarded by New China National Natural Science Award , to reward the research achievements in "differential geometry of K-exhibition space", and also to reward the achievements in "general metric space geometry" and "differential geometry of projective space curves" over the years. "K-exhibition space" is a new research field emerging in the 1940s.
In 1952, he was transferred to Fudan University In the late 1950s, a series of new and in-depth results were obtained by applying the exterior differential form method to the conjugate network theory of high-dimensional projective space, which has been summarized into the monograph Introduction to Projective Conjugate Networks.
In 1959, joined Communist Party of China [2]
In 1978, he served as the president of Fudan University, and made great contributions to teaching and scientific research while doing a lot of work to bring the educational front out of chaos. At the annual meeting of Shanghai Mathematics Society, he made a report entitled "Theory and Application of Geometric Shape Design", and computational geometry, a new discipline, rose in China from then on. He opened the course of Five Lectures on Differential Geometry and presided over the seminar on computational geometry.
In January 1982, under the leadership of Professor Su Buqing, the National Computational Geometry Cooperation Group was established, which was attended by Zhejiang University, Shandong University, University of Science and Technology of China, Institute of Mathematics of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Fudan University. Since then, academic conferences and classes on computational geometry have been held every two years, providing theories and methods for China's high-tech projects in computer-aided design and manufacturing, and cultivating a group of talents who combine theory with practice.
In May 1980, Mr. Su presided over the first academic and working conference of applied mathematics in colleges and universities directly under the State Education Commission in Shanghai, and later served as the consultant of each conference.
On January 31, 1985, the Propaganda Department of Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee appointed Su Buqing as the former honorary president of Wenzhou University [10]
In 1989, under his guidance and care, the Shanghai Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics was founded in 1990 Chinese Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (CSIAM) was established and he was employed as a consultant. [10]
At 16:45:13 on March 17, 2003, he died in Shanghai at the age of 101. [4]

Key achievements


scientific research

He founded the Chinese school of differential geometry, which in his later years opened up a new research direction of computational geometry.
He has made outstanding contributions to affine differential geometry, projective differential geometry, general space differential geometry and projective conjugate network theory, and founded the internationally recognized school of Chinese differential geometry; When he was over 70 years old, he also established and started a new research direction of computational geometry in combination with the practical problem of solving the mathematical lofting of ship hulls. [6]
Su Buqing's research direction is mainly differential geometry. Most of Su Buqing's research work is affine Differential geometry And projective differential geometry. In addition, he is committed to General space differential geometry And computational geometry. He founded the internationally recognized school of differential geometry of Zhejiang University. [4]

Thesis and works

In 1945, he published the first paper in this field, which developed the theory of "K exhibition space". There are more than 20 monographs and textbooks, and the main works are included in Su Buqing's Selected Mathematical Papers. [2] Since 1927, he has published more than 160 mathematical papers and more than 10 monographs at home and abroad. [4]

Teaching achievements

Su Buqing with student Gu Chaohao
Su Buqing has been engaged in the research and teaching of differential geometry and computational geometry for more than 70 years. From 1931 to 1952, Su Buqing trained nearly 100 students. Among more than 10 famous colleges and universities in China, there were 25 heads and deputy heads of departments, 5 were elected as academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a total of 8 academicians were trained after liberation, including 3 academicians. In the Fudan Institute of Mathematics, Su Buqing has more, forming a rare and gratifying phenomenon that four academicians of three generations work together.
Student: Professor of Mathematics Zhang Sucheng , Researcher, Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Bai Zhengguo Professor, Department of Mathematics, Hangzhou University Wu Zuji Professor, Department of Mathematics, Zhengzhou University Xiong Quanzhi , Professor of Fudan University, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Li Daqian Gu Chaohao Academicians Hu Hesheng Academicians and Li Daqian academician. [7]

Social posts

In 1935, he participated in the establishment of the Chinese Mathematical Society and was promoted as the chief editor of the Journal of the Chinese Mathematical Society. [6]
After 1941, he served as a researcher, academician and member of the Standing Committee of the Academic Committee of the Central Academy of Sciences, and the chief editor of the Journal of the Chinese Mathematical Society; [2]
After 1949, he was professor and provost of Mathematics Department of Zhejiang University, and professor and provost of Mathematics Department of Fudan University; [2]
Professor of Mathematics Department of Fudan University in 1952, [6]
After 1955, he served as a member of the Academic Department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and vice president of Fudan University; [2]
In 1960, he served as the vice president of the Chinese Mathematics Society; [6]
After 1978, he served as President of Fudan University, Director of the Institute of Mathematics, Honorary President and Professor of Fudan University, Chief Editor of the Mathematics Yearbook, Member of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress, Honorary Member of the China Association for Science and Technology, Vice Chairman of the Education, Science, Culture and Health Committee of the National People's Congress, President of the Shanghai Association for Foreign Cultural Exchanges, President and Honorary President of Shanghai Branch of China Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries; [2]
1978 President of Fudan University; [6]
1979 China Democratic Alliance Vice Chairman of the Central Committee, Chairman of the Central Advisory Committee; [2]
In 1983, he served as honorary president of Fudan University, honorary chairman of the Chinese Mathematical Society, and served as vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, vice chairman and honorary chairman of the NLD Central Committee. [6]
Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the CPPCC from March 1988 to March 1998; [2]
He is a deputy to the Second and Third National People's Congress and a member of the Standing Committee of the Fifth and Sixth National People's Congress; Member of the Second National Committee of the CPPCC. [2]
He once served as a member of the Academic Department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a member of several sessions of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, a deputy to the National People's Congress, a member of the Standing Committee of the Fifth and Sixth National People's Congress, a vice chairman of the Seventh and Eighth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and a vice chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic League, the chairman of the Department of Mathematics of Zhejiang University, and the president of Fudan University.

Award record

Awards won
Award time Award Name Award results
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight Won the Science and Technology Achievement Award of the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Award
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-six Won the National Science Progress Award Award
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-six State Science and Technology Awards Award
one thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight National Science Conference Award Award
one thousand nine hundred and fifty-six National Natural Science Award Award
Honorary title
Award time Award Name Award results
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three He was awarded the "Second Class Noble Medal" by the Japanese government. [2] Award

Publishing books

  • Author name Su Buqing
    Work time 2000-01
    The Blending of Numbers and Poetry is a book published by Baihua Literature and Art Publishing House in 2000. The author is Su Buqing.
  • Author name Su Buqing
    Work time 1982-1
    Introduction to Affine Differential Geometry: Affine differential geometry is an early developed discipline. The author of Affine Differential Geometry has done a lot of work in this subject from the mid 1920s to the early 1930s. Affine Differential Geometry fully reflects the author's research achievements. Compared with similar works abroad, it has different starting points and priorities, which shows the characteristics of monographs written by Chinese mathematicians in their own unique methods. Affine Differential Geometry
  • Computational geometry
    Author name Su Buqing
    Su Buqing (1902-2003) was born in Pingyang, Zhejiang Province. In 1927, he graduated from the Department of Mathematics of the Northeast Imperial University of Japan, and later joined the research institute of the university, obtaining a doctor's degree in science. After returning to China, he was employed by the Mathematics Department of Zhejiang University. In 1952, the national faculty was adjusted to teach in Fudan University, serving as the provost, vice president, president, etc. Since 1983, he has been the honorary president of Fudan University. He has successively served as Vice Chairman of the Seventh and Eighth CPPCC National Committee, and Member of the Standing Committee of the Fifth and Sixth National People's Congress

Character evaluation

Su Buqing selflessly devoted his life energy to the people's education, and cultivated a large number of outstanding mathematical talents for the motherland, including many academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He deserves to be a generation of mathematical masters, and is deeply respected and respected by people, including many international friends. China Science Online Review [6]
Comrade Su Buqing is an outstanding mathematician renowned at home and abroad and an educator with lofty professional ethics. He insists on the combination of scientific research and teaching, attaches great importance to teaching and educating people, selflessly devotes his life energy to the people's education, and has trained generations of algebra talents for the motherland. People's online review )。
We should remember his patriotism and devotion to learning when we remember old Su. When we remember Old Su, we must remember his strict teacher and example. When we remember Old Su, we want to remember his virtue and integrity. Today, we commemorate Mr. Su Buqing to inherit the lofty ambition of Mr. Su, better develop the scientific and educational undertakings initiated by Mr. Su, better inherit the spirit and character of Mr. Su, better carry forward the academic tradition of Mr. Su's practice, strive for the further development of Fudan's mathematical discipline, and strive for Fudan's "facing the country In the strategic process of "Serving Shanghai", we should make due contributions and work hard to promote the reform and development of Fudan and build a world-class university. " President of Fudan University Yang Yuliang review [7]
Su Buqing taught and educated people all his life, and cultivated a large number of excellent mathematical talents for the motherland, showing a good Su Buqing effect. Su Buqing's outstanding achievements are the pride of the mathematics and education circles. Wang Zhongyi review [8]
In his life, Mr. Su Buqing was open and aboveboard, realistic, modest and prudent, and lived a simple life, which was worthy of being a model for intellectuals. Be ambitious and abandon impetuosity, regardless of personal gains and losses, and be able to calm down and engage in research. Li Daqian Academician Comments

Commemoration for future generations

Statue of Su Buqing
Su Buqing's Former Residence
2001, located at Pingyang County Tengdai Village, Tengjiao Town Su Buqing's Former Residence Founded in 1902, Su Buqing was born here and spent his youth. In 1996, it was listed as the fifth batch of cultural relics protection units by Pingyang County. In 2000, it was named as the patriotism education base by Wenzhou Municipal Party Committee and Wenzhou Municipal Government. In the former residence, Su Buqing's life story, family background and various information about his children are displayed, and nearly 200 photos of all sizes are displayed in a certain chronological order. [1]
Su Buqing Award
In August 2003, the International Federation of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) decided to establish the "ICIAM Su Buqing Award" to reward individuals who have made contributions to the application of mathematics to economic take-off and human development.
Symposium on the 110th Anniversary of Birth
On September 23, 2012, a symposium to commemorate the 110th anniversary of Su Buqing's birth was held in Yifu Science and Technology Building of Fudan University., Li Daqian, a student of Mr. Su, a professor of Fudan University, and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, attended the symposium. At the symposium, he carried forward the lofty ambition of inheriting Mr. Su, better developed the scientific and educational undertakings created by Mr. Su, better inherited the spiritual character of Mr. Su, and better carried forward the academic tradition of Mr. Su's practice. [7]
Bronze statue of Mr. Su Buqing
On September 23, 2012, Bronze Statue of Su Bu The unveiling ceremony was held in front of Zibin Academy of Fudan University. The bronze statue was proposed by four academicians, Gu Chaohao, Hu Hesheng, Li Daqian and Hong Jiaxing. [7]
Su Buqing Inspirational Education Center
In December 2015, located in Tengdai Village, Tengjiao Town, Pingyang County, Wenzhou City Su Buqing Inspirational Education Center Completed, it is a youth patriotism education base built by Pingyang County Party Committee, County Government and Tengjiao Town, and the only celebrity memorial venue in the province with the name of "inspirational". The Education Museum is mainly responsible for the collection, identification, sorting, preservation, collection and display of cultural relics related to Su Buqing; To carry out research and academic exchanges on cultural relics and their protection techniques; Receive the materials related to Su Buqing submitted by all parties, sort them out, file them, keep them and provide services for the society; Responsible for data research and information construction of Su Buqing; Undertake the publicity of Su Buqing's inspirational stories, base construction, information consultation and other public welfare social services. [9]
special exhibition
On December 15, 2022, The "Centennial Giant with Bright Stars - Special Exhibition to Commemorate the 120th Anniversary of Su Buqing's Birthday" was opened in Shanghai Songjiang District Humanities Songjiang Activity Center. [11]
Biographical documentary
From March 4, 2024, the documentary film "Centennial Masters · Education and Sports", which tells the biographies of 11 giants including Su Buqing, will be broadcast on China Education Television Channel 1 (CETV-1). [12]