
Ancient Greek philosopher
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Socrates( Greek :Σωκράτης; English :Socrates; German: Sokrates) (469 BC [1] First, 470 BC [2] 399 BC), an ancient Greek philosopher, was Greece Athens )One of the founders of philosophy.
Socrates in later ancient and modern times philosopher Has had a strong impact. Socrates' views on art, literature and mass culture His description makes him western philosophy One of the most well-known figures in tradition. [3]
At the age of 70, Socrates was tried by the Athenian court for "disrespect to gods", "belief in new gods" and "seducing young people", and finally chose to drink poisoned wine and die. [7]
Fourteen years after Socrates' death (385 BC), the Athenian court retried the Socrates case, changed Socrates' innocence, and sentenced Meleto, who had falsely accused Socrates at that time, to death. Lucon and Anitus were sentenced to exile. And the stonemason also painted the head of Socrates to commemorate this event. [6]
  • Cause of death
Many people know that Socrates was a thinker who, together with Plato and Aristotle, had an impact on the entire western ideological circle. But what is the thinker's thought? He had no books in his life, and people mostly learned about him from his dialogue with Plato. Cicero, a famous statesman and philosopher in ancient Rome, once said that Socrates "was the first person to bring philosophy back from heaven", ... Details
Content from
one's native heath
date of birth
469 BC, 470 BC
Date of death
399 BC
Key achievements
Founder of western philosophy; One of the three sages of ancient Greece
Main works
Cleopatra, Theaetetus, Wise Men, Politicians
True name
Foreign name
Greek: ∑ω κ ρ≤ τη∨
Athens, Ancient Greece
Ethnic groups
ancient Greek
English translation
Famous ideas
Socrates' teaching method, Socrates' rhetorical method
virtue is knowledge . Know yourself
Enjoy one's old age
70 years old
Cause of death
I drank poison and died in front of all the disciples.




Socrates was born in Greece Athens A family of ordinary citizens. His father, Sophroneskos [4] (Sophroniscus) is a sculptor, and his mother, Fenaret [4] (Phaenarete) is a midwife. A family relying on the meager allowance , barely make a living. [5]


Socrates learned carving from his father. Later he became familiar with it Homer Epic As well as the works of other famous poets, he became a learned person by self-study. He made a living by imparting knowledge. He became a non remunerated man in his 30s found a private village school Of social morality teacher.
Socrates regarded himself as a gift and an envoy given by God to the Athenians. His task was to find people everywhere to talk, discuss problems, and seek the truth and wisdom most useful to people. Therefore, he spent most of his life outdoors, and liked to talk about various issues with people from all walks of life in public places such as markets, sports fields, and streets. For example, what is piety? What is democracy? What is virtue? What is courage? What is truth? And what is your job? What knowledge and skills do you have? Are you a politician? If so, what have you learned about governance? Are you a teacher? How can you conquer your ignorance before educating the ignorant? wait.
The theme that runs through these discussions is to guide people to understand that people are very ignorant on these issues that are important to people, so people need to seek what is true justice and good through critical research to achieve the goal of transforming the soul and saving the city-state.
Socrates said, "My mother is a midwife. I will follow her footsteps. I am a spiritual person midwife And help others generate their own ideas. " He also compared himself to a gadfly Is a gift from God to Athens. God gave him to Athens to use this gadfly To stimulate this country, because Athens is like a fine horse, but it has become dull and lethargic due to its fatness and laziness, so it is very necessary to have a gadfly closely sting it, scold it and persuade it at any time and anywhere, so that it can wake up from its lethargy and refresh its spirit.
Socrates regards criticizing Athens as a sacred mission given to him by God Sense of mission And the thinking and exploration that came from it became the purpose of his life and philosophical practice. He knew that he would make many people very angry and wanted to trample the gadfly to death. But God's mission to him must not be violated, so he risked his life. In this sense, he claims to be a sacred gadfly who criticizes the evils of the times.

middle age

Around the age of 40, he became a well-known figure in Athens. In Athens, he debated philosophical issues with many wise men at that time, mainly about Ethics As well as educational and political issues, he was considered to be the most intelligent person at that time.
He advocated people to understand the truth of life and live a moral life. He defined philosophy as“ Love wisdom ”One of his important points is that he knows he is ignorant. Many children of rich and poor families often gathered around him and asked him for advice, but Socrates often said, "I only know that I know nothing." He concluded: "Only God is wise. His answer is to point out that human wisdom is worthless or totally worthless. God is not talking about Socrates. He just uses my name as an explanation, like saying, people, only people like Socrates who know that their wisdom is actually worthless are the most intelligent people." He is proud of his ignorance and believes that everyone should admit his ignorance.
As a citizen, he has joined the army three times Heavy infantry , showed tenacity and bravery in the war, and rescued the wounded soldiers more than once in the battle. In addition, he has Athens Civic Assembly Served as a juror in.

In distress

Recovery in Athens Slave owner After democracy, Socrates was accused of contempt Traditional religion He was sentenced to death for introducing new gods, corrupting youth and opposing democracy. According to the Crito, he refused his friends and students' advice to beg for forgiveness and escape, drank poison and died at the age of 70.
Socrates really advocated a new god, who is the source of moral goodness and wisdom: Cosmic rationality God of. This universal rational god is the ultimate basis for Socrates' philosophical pursuit of true good. People can have knowledge because they have received special care from God and been endowed with a part of divinity, so they have a soul and a mind and reason that love intelligence. But people should understand that your soul is incomparable with God's wisdom. Therefore, the new concept of rational God and the teaching of "self knowledge and ignorance" have become a powerful force to stimulate and promote people to pursue true knowledge and criticize the false, true and hypocritical.
Socrates loves Athens city-state He does not allow the most sacred belief to be blasphemy Therefore, he resolutely chose to die. He does not cherish his life, but he pays more attention to his soul. He believes that God is omnipresent and omnipotent, and everything is God's conscious and purposeful clever arrangement. He did not betray God. In this case, death is God's call to him. What can he hesitate about? Maybe people laugh at him, at his innocence, at his stubbornness and obstinacy, but only those who have really insight into his inner world will be impressed by his wisdom and loyalty: wisdom enables him to see and have been closely watching the virtues that people have not noticed, loyalty is to the city he loves, to the laws he obeys throughout his life, and to his eternal pursuit of ideals.
In the case of Socrates, one side was great in pursuing truth and sacrificing life for righteousness philosopher On the other hand, it is billed as democratic freedom and regarded as the source of democratic politics Athens city-state It is not so clear which is right and which is wrong, and who is good and who is evil. The emotional choice becomes a painful torture, so its tragic color is increasingly highlighted.
Socrates had a large number of fanatical admirers and a large number of fierce opponents both before and after his death. He left no books in his life. His behavior and theory were mainly through his students Plato and xenophon The records in the works have been handed down. As there have been various records and statements on Socrates' life and theory since ancient times, it has always been one of the most discussed issues in academic circles.
But his influence is huge. In Europe cultural history He has always been regarded as a saint who died in pursuit of truth, almost the same as Confucius It occupies the same position in Chinese history. Philosophical historians often regard him as Ancient Greek philosophy Developmental watershed The philosophy before him is called pre Socratic philosophy. He created a new era of Greek philosophy with a new understanding of philosophy Reincarnation of soul The basic idea of purification had a profound and tremendous impact on Plato, and through them, it had always influenced Hellenization Roman times And later generations western philosophy


It is not a simple thing to study Socrates' philosophical beliefs: since he has not left any of his own works, we can only learn from Plato and xenophon However, their records are often contradictory, so it has always been a controversial topic which records are closer to the truth. Some people think that Socrates does not have any particular belief, but only interrogates each faith Plato in《 The Republic 》The lengthy theory published in is actually Plato's own idea. Distinguish from records Plato It is quite difficult to explain the concepts of Socrates and Socrates. Therefore, from Plato and xenophon It is not easy to find Socrates' ideas in the records of others - it must be noted that these ideas may not be proposed by Socrates himself, but may be closer to the views of these recorders themselves.
from Dialogues The evidence obtained in the book shows that Socrates had only two teachers: grammarians Prodicos (Prodicus), and one Priestess Diotima, who taught Socrates about love. Some dialogues also show that Socrates was once influenced by thinkers at that time, such as Parmenides and Anaxagora Historical records often regard these two people as Socrates' teachers. John Burnet, a classical historian, claimed that Socrates' main mentor was Archelaus, a scholar of the Anaxagorean school. The records about Archelaus were actually Socrates' own theory. Eric A. Havelock believes that the relationship between Socrates and Anaxagoras proves the difference between his philosophy and Plato's philosophy.
Before Socrates, Greek philosophy mainly studied what the origin of the universe was and what the world was made of. Later generations called it“ natural philosophy ”。 Socrates believes that further study of these issues has no practical significance for saving the country. He once said, "My friends are not the trees outside the city, but the people inside the city." It is precisely out of this concern for the fate of the country and people that Socrates began to study human beings themselves, that is, to study human ethical issues, such as what is justice and what is injustice; What is courage, what is cowardice; What is honesty and what is hypocrisy; What is wisdom and how is knowledge obtained; What is a country, what qualities of people can govern the country well, how to cultivate talents for governing the country, and so on. Socrates believed that the definition of a philosopher should be one who loves wisdom, not one who has wisdom. Later generations called Socrates' philosophy "ethical philosophy". He created a new field for philosophical research, making philosophy "return to the world from heaven", which has great significance in the history of philosophy.
Socratic Philosophical thought It is mainly reflected in the following aspects:


From the wise, Ancient Greek philosophy From focusing on the study of nature itself to focusing on the study of social ethics and people. But they only stay in the perceptual stage, and can only get relativism Conclusion. It was Socrates who fundamentally changed the situation. Socrates asked for a "spiritual turn" to turn philosophy from the study of nature to the study of self, which was later often said to pull philosophy from heaven to the world. He believes that the pursuit of natural truth is endless; Feel that the world is constantly changing, so the knowledge obtained is also uncertain. If Socrates wants to pursue an unchanging, certain and eternal truth, he can't seek the outside world, but he should return to himself and study himself. His famous saying is know yourself. Starting from Socrates, self and nature are clearly distinguished; Man is no longer just a part of nature, but another unique entity different from nature.


Socrates' theory of soul further clarified the division of spirit and material. There are philosophers before Socrates Immortality of soul There are already idealism and Materialism The bud of opposition. However, philosophers before him still had a vague view of the soul, and some regarded the soul as the most refined substance, so the boundary between idealism and materialism was not clear. It was not until Socrates that he clearly regarded the soul as fundamentally different from matter Spiritual entity In Socrates' view, the emergence and extinction of things are just the aggregation and dispersion of something. His view that spirit and matter are clearly opposed has become Beginning


according to Aristotle It is recorded that Socrates gave up the study of the natural world and wanted to seek ethical issues Universal truth And began to seek definitions for things. He's against the wise relativism They believe that "opinions" can be various, but "truth" can only be one; "Opinion" can change with each person and other conditions, but "truth" is eternal and unchanging. In Plato's early dialogues, the topic of discussion was almost how to Ethics Define the problem. What Socrates seeks is to know "beauty itself" and "justice itself", which is the universal definition of beauty and justice, and is real knowledge, that is, Plato's "idea of beauty" and "idea of justice". This is History of Western Philosophy On“ Idealism ”The original form of. Socrates further pointed out that the causal series of nature is endless. If philosophy only seeks such causal series, it is impossible to know the ultimate cause of things. He believes that the ultimate cause of things is "goodness", which is the Purposiveness He used teleology Instead of focusing on things causal relationship The research of the theory has opened the way for the future philosophy.


Midwifery and revealing contradictions Dialectics
Socrates believes that all knowledge comes from difficulties. The more progress you make, the more difficulties you make. Socrates admitted that he himself had no knowledge, and that he would teach others knowledge. He solved this contradiction in this way: this knowledge was not instilled by him, but had already been possessed by people; People are pregnant with "fetuses" in their hearts, but they do not know that Socrates is like a "midwife", helping others produce knowledge. Socrates' midwifery is concentrated in the form of "questioning", which he often uses to reveal the contradictions in various propositions and theories put forward by the other party in the way of questioning, so as to shake the basis of the other party's argument and point out the ignorance of the other party; Socrates himself did not give a positive and positive answer in the interrogation, because he admitted his ignorance. This method is generally called "Socrates' satire". Socrates' method is based on Elijah School The logical inference of Elijah Zeno's Counterevidence method Developed from. take generality It is concluded from special cases that the general is prior to and higher than the special and is an independent thing. In the negative form of Socrates' satire, there are contradictions exposed dialectical thinking Positive results. Su's self comparison midwife uses the method of cocoon stripping and silk drawing from the conversation to make the other party gradually understand their ignorance, find their own mistakes, and establish the correct Knowledge concept The characteristic of this kind of conversation is that the conversation is to clarify the other party's thinking and make itself discover the truth by means of questions and answers. Only in the process of conversation, Su focused on asking questions, and he was not easy to answer each other's questions. He only asked the other party to answer the questions he raised. He asked with a modest attitude. The other party's answers led to other questions, until finally, the youth admitted his ignorance due to constant questioning. In the process of asking questions, Su Shi gives students the highest wisdom, which is known as Socratic Irony (Socratic irony)。 Socrates' method History of Western Philosophy Yes, it's the earliest Dialectics Form of.
From the perspective of the development of philosophy, Socrates proposed that Spiritual entity and Physical entity The distinction between idealism and materialism broke away from the simple state of early philosophy and entered a more mature stage; He raised the ethical thought of early Greek philosophers to the height of philosophy; He inspires thought and exposes contradictions in the way of logical debate, and penetrates into the essence of things in the way of dialectical thinking. All these have contributed to the development of philosophical thinking. However, as the first philosopher with a systematic ideology in the history of western philosophy, he started the process of subjectivity and rationality abstract thinking , with Deism replace Religious mythology The era of.


Socrates was engaged in education all his life Educational practice Experience and own educational theory. But he didn't start his own school. So where does he teach? How does he teach? Square, temple, street, shop, workshop, gym, etc. are all places where he teaches. Young people, old people, rich people, poor people, farmers, craftsmen, nobles and civilians are all his teaching objects. Whoever asks for advice from him, he will teach enthusiastically. Other teachers at that time, wise men, charged tuition fees. They used to be teachers as a means of making money. Socrates did not charge tuition fees to teach people. He taught people for the interests of the city, and was a volunteer teacher. He believes that education is very important for a person's growth. He believes that whether they are more intelligent or less intelligent, if they are determined to get commendable achievements, they must study hard and practice hard.
Socrates' educational aim is to bring up talents for governing the country. Pericles After his death, Athens had no good leaders, democratic system Into extreme democracy Anarchism Even state leaders are selected by drawing lots or lotteries. Socrates was very sad about this. He believed that the talents for governing the country must be well educated, and advocated that the talents for governing the country should be trained through education. He devoted his whole life to cultivating talents for governing the country.
As for the content of education, he advocated that first of all, we should cultivate people's virtue, teach them how to behave themselves, and become virtuous people; Secondly, we should teach people to learn extensive and practical knowledge. He believed that the governor must have extensive knowledge. He said that in all things, those who are respected and praised are those who have the most extensive knowledge, while those who are condemned and despised are those who are the most ignorant; Finally, he advocated teaching people to exercise. He believes that a healthy body, whether in peacetime or wartime physical activity And thinking activities are very important. But healthy body is not innate, only through exercise can we make people strong.
In terms of teaching methods, Socrates formed his own unique set of Pedagogy People call it "Socratic method", and he himself calls it“ midwifery ”。 His mother was a midwife, and he used this as a metaphor for him teaching method His mother's midwifery is to deliver babies, and his teaching principle of "midwifery" is to deliver ideas and guide people to produce correct ideas.
The "Socratic method" is always conducted in the form of questions and answers between teachers and students, so it is also called“ Question and answer method ”。 Socrates, when teaching students to acquire a certain concept, did not directly tell them this concept, but first told them Ask questions Let the student answer. If the student answers wrong, he will not correct it directly, but put forward other questions to guide the student to think, so as to draw the correct conclusion step by step. It is Heuristic teaching Laid the foundation.
The question and answer method advocated by Socrates has a great influence on later generations. Until today, the question and answer method is still an important teaching method.
There was such a thing happened in Socrates' teaching. On the first day of school, Socrates said to his students: "Today we only do one thing, and everyone tries to swing his arm forward and then backward." Then he gave a demonstration. "Starting today, 300 times a day, can everyone do it?" The students laughed. Who can't do such a simple thing. But a year later, when Socrates asked again, only one of his students insisted. Later, this person became a new generation of thinkers after him. This person was called Plato. Socrates actually had an assistant who was his real successor.
Socrates has his own teaching plan
One day, in class, the philosopher Socrates took out a Apple He stood in front of the platform and said, "Please smell the smell in the air!" A student raised his hand and replied, "I smell the smell of apples. Socrates returned to the podium and raised the question again. This time, except for one student who did not raise his hand, everyone else raised their hands. Socrates walked up to the student and asked, "Are you really smelling nothing?" The student affirmed, "I really don't smell anything!" At this time, Socrates announced to everyone, "He is right, because this is a fake apple." This student was the famous philosopher Plato later.


Socrates established a virtue is knowledge Ethics of ideological system Its focus is to explore the purpose of life and virtue. He stressed that people should know civil life And "know yourself", and think that people have various beneficial or harmful purposes and moral They are all relative. Only by exploring the universal and absolute concept of good and grasping the true knowledge of the concept is people's highest purpose of life and the supreme virtue. Socrates believed that if a person wants to be moral, he must have moral knowledge. All immoral behaviors are the result of ignorance. Only when people get rid of the temptation of material desires and the limitations of acquired experience and acquire knowledge of concepts can they have virtues such as wisdom, courage, moderation and justice. He believes that morality can only be arranged by heart and God, moral education It is to enable people to know the mind and God and listen to the instructions of God. such Asceticism and Mysticism Ethics, later Antistani Inherit and develop, and form an abstinence oriented Cynics The theory of happiness contained in Socrates' ethical thought was Aristib Inherit and develop to form hedonic Cyrenaic school Plato fully inherited Socrates' ethical ideology and further systematized and theorized it. Socrates emphasized the importance of knowledge and believed that ethics should be determined by reason Rationalism And played a positive role in the development of western philosophy


Socrates often argued with people. During the debate, he used the form of question and answer to make the other party correct and give up the original wrong ideas and help people generate new ideas. This kind of question and answer is divided into three steps: the first step is called Socrates' satire, which he believes is a necessary step to make people become smart, because unless a person is very modest and "knows his ignorance", he cannot learn the truth. The second step is called definition. Through repeated questioning and induction in the question and answer, we can get a clear definition and concept. The third step is called midwifery, which guides the students to think for themselves and draw their own conclusions. As Socrates himself said, although he is ignorant, he can help others to gain knowledge, just like his mother is a midwife. Although she is old, she can't give birth, but she can deliver, It can help the birth of new life.
Socrates taught his friend Euthydemus not to give them ready-made answers, but to make students unconsciously accept his influence by asking questions and refuting. Please look at an interesting example of his question and answer with students.
Euthydemus: Socrates, what is good?
Socrates: Is stealing, cheating, and selling people as slaves good or evil?
Euthydemus: It's evil.
Socrates: Is it evil to deceive the enemy? Is it evil to sell captive enemies as slaves?
Euthydemus: This is good. But I'm talking about friends, not enemies.
Socrates: According to you, theft is evil to friends. However, if a friend wants to commit suicide, you steal the tools he is going to use to commit suicide. Is this a bad deed?
Euthydemus: Good deeds.
Socrates: You said that cheating on friends is evil, but in the war, the commander of the army said to the soldiers that reinforcements were coming. But in fact, there is no reinforcements. Is this deception a bad thing?
Euthydemus: This is good.
This kind of teaching method has its advantages. It can inspire people's thoughts, make people actively analyze and think about problems, and prove that the truth is concrete and has Relativity Under certain conditions, they can turn to their own negative side. This one epistemology It is of great significance in the history of European thought.


Socrates advocates Expert Governance Theory He believes that all walks of life, even State power Should be managed by trained, knowledgeable people, rather than by lottery Electoral law Applied democracy. He said: The managers are not those who hold the power and bully others with power, not those who are elected by the people, but those who know how to manage. For example, a ship should be familiar with navigation People driving; When spinning wool, women should manage men, because they are good at this, but men do not understand it. He also said that the best people are those who are competent for their own work. Good at farming is a good farmer; He who is proficient in medicine is a good doctor; He who is proficient in politics is an excellent politician.


Poison liquor
The Death of Socrates
ancient Greek Socrates, the most outstanding philosopher western philosophy Development has had a profound impact. Socrates continued to explore the truth all his life. Because he was good at rhetoric, he often refuted those shallow people who thought they were knowledgeable. Therefore, he enjoyed high prestige among the youth. Unfortunately, in 399 BC, he was tried in public by the democratic nobles for inciting youth and insulting the Athenian God, and was sentenced to death.
According to the time Athens According to the law, the method of executing a prisoner is to give him a cup of poisoned wine. However, the court allows relatives and friends of the prisoner to visit the prison one month before the execution. At that time, many young people went to the prison to visit Socrates every day. When a young man named Criton asked Socrates if he had any last words, Socrates replied, "I have nothing to ask for but what I said to you at ordinary times, please remember. You must keep your integrity. If you do not live as I say, no matter how many promises you make to me now, you will not be able to comfort my dead. " Then he got up to take a bath.
One evening in June 399 BC, on the night when Socrates was about to be executed, he was seen in rags, barefoot, and calm. He sent his wife and daughter away, and went to talk about the eternal life of the soul with his students Phaedo, Simmias, Sipas and Kerry. Soon, the jailer came in and said, "Every time I order prisoners to take poisoned wine, they hate and curse me, but I must follow the orders of my superiors. You are the most noble of many prisoners here, so I miss you I will never hate me, but only those who want to put you to death. I am now ordered to execute the order. May you suffer less. Farewell, my friend. " Then he left the cell with tears streaming down his face. Socrates looked at the jailer's back and said, "Farewell, friend, I will do as you said Come every day Visiting me and sometimes talking with me with a friendly attitude. Now he is crying for me again. What a kind person! Kritong, come here. If the poison is ready, send someone to get it at once. Otherwise, please hurry up and mix it. " Kriton replied, "It is said that some prisoners will do everything they can when they hear that they are going to be executed Procrastination In order to enjoy a sumptuous dinner. Please don't worry, there is still time! " At this time Socrates said: "You are right. Those people are justifiable for doing so, because in their view, delaying the taking of poisoned wine will gain something; but for me, delaying the taking of poisoned wine will not gain anything. On the contrary, the act of sparing life to get a good meal should be despised in my view. Go and get the wine. Please respect my request." [4]
At this time, Krypton had to look at the child waiting for orders, and the child went outside. After a while, the child came back and led a man in. The man who came in held a cup with poison in it. So, you can drink poison and die at any time. Socrates asked the man with the cup of poison in his hand, "Please tell me what I should do."
The man said, "After you drink this cup of poison, as long as you keep walking here, if you feel your feet are getting heavier and heavier, you will lie down. This shows that the poison has worked." Socrates was calm, his face did not change, and he raised the cup containing the poison to his chest, Quietly said: "It's time to break up, I'm going to die, they will survive, whose choice is good, only God knows." He took the glass and drank it. Everyone present wept for the loss of such a good friend. Socrates was very upset. He said, "How can you do this? I sent people away to avoid such a scene. As the saying goes," Don't be afraid to face death. Please be strong! "Socrates then walked around the room for a while, said his legs were numb, and lay down. The wine deliverer came over and touched his body, feeling that there was no heat. His last words were: "Krypton, I owe Asclepios (the god of medicine) a chicken (that is, I want Krypton to pay him a memorial to the god of medicine). Remember to pay this debt for me." [4] With that, the great philosopher closed his eyes and passed away quietly.
Socrates' philosophy is integrated with his life practice, and his personal destiny is inseparable from that of Athens. He pursued the ideal of good for his motherland, and his motherland repaid his contributions with the death penalty, which fulfilled his philosophy. Socrates did not show any anger, fear or sorrow, but still sincerely advised everything with his wisdom tone. He knew that he was the messenger of God, and all this was God's arrangement. He had unfinished parts of his life, and death could just give him a perfect ending.
In ancient Greece, the law was regarded as city-state The foundation of security, with goddess like dignity, can be said to be the true protector of the city-state. Under the protection of this god, the city states of ancient Greece were governed by law, and no one was above the law. Socrates believes that the laws of a city state are an agreement made unanimously by citizens, and should be implemented unswervingly. Only by abiding by the law can people work together to make the city state powerful. Strict adherence to the law is the fundamental guarantee for people's happiness and city state strength, and its value is far higher than personal life.
Socrates also believed that the law, like the city state, originates from God and is the principle of divine determination. The law was originally embodied as natural law Natural law is natural law It is purely a will of God or a deliberate arrangement of God. Later, the laws issued by the city-state were called Artificial law Although human law does not have the same characteristics as natural law universality , with Variability However, because human law originates from natural law, people's acceptance and obedience to the guidance of human law means that people accept and obey the constraints of natural law, that is, obey the will of God. A city-state Ideal state It must be the state that everyone abides by the law from the heart, which is not only Socrates' ideal and belief in his life, but also the internal power of his last generous sacrifice for the law.
When Socrates was unjustly sentenced to death by his compatriots, he still talked about "abiding by morality, valuing justice, valuing the law, and valuing the rule of law" Value of life This is really the spirit of freedom. Socrates was a hero who realized that Moral ideal And consciously and voluntarily realize it, even if they give their lives for it. His death is a tragedy. The tragedy lies in that both sides of the conflict have reasons for existence and can not be reconciled. So Socrates shouldered the great conflict and the responsibility and mission of free personality with his own body. For Socrates, his career is his spirit, the spirit of self-consciousness, voluntariness, self-discipline and freedom, through which he has been glorified.


Born in the same year as Socrates, he is a friend of the same district and family. He is also an old friend for many years. Sometimes he goes to the square to listen to Socrates' lectures. It is also the "custom" of "between teachers and friends" with Socrates. As a rich man in Athens, he was willing to pay a large sum of money to save Socrates from death more than once when Socrates was tried and after Su was put into prison. But Socrates was determined to be ungrateful and sacrifice his life to defend Athens democratic system The laws made were dedicated and martyred. Socrates believed that paying a ransom to avoid death was actually an admission of guilt, which was an act of living an ignoble life. Instead of admitting guilt, he is willing to accept the verdict of the law. Although he was executed, he is righteous. As a philosopher, he is the most noble Martyrdom Performance.
Socrates said to him, "I can't do what you said, I can't listen to your advice, please forgive me until I find another good way." Then Socrates even said, "Even if those people want to use more cruel means than now, such as imprisonment Confiscation of property I'm not willing to run away. " [4]

well-known saying

Do you live to eat, or do you eat to live?