zero Useful+1

Su Tianjue

A litterateur, historian and neo confucianist of the Yuan Dynasty
Su Tianjue (1294-1352), known as Bo Xiu and named as Mr. Zixi, is a native of Zhending (now Zhengding County, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province), a litterateur, historian and theorist of the Yuan Dynasty. Lingbei Province The son of Su Zhidao, the Zuo and Zuo Silang, was born in the 31st year of Zhiyuan (1294) in a distinguished family who has collected thousands of books for generations. Fewer followers Anxi To learn, as a Chinese student Wu Cheng Yu Ji Qi Ruqian He served as a teacher successively. In the fourth year of Yanyou's reign (1317), he participated in the public examination of Chinese students and ranked first. pass the third degree of the national civil-service examination and remove commoners' dress He was awarded the Judge of Dadu Lu Jizhou. In the 12th year of Zhizheng era (1352), the Red Scarf Army of Jianghuai Uprising was ordered to take part in the administration of Jianghuai provinces, and the army in chief was Yu Rao and Xin. He died in the army at the age of 59.
Su Tianjue once served in the history museum for three times and participated in the compilation of the factual records, leaving important historical documents for the study of the Yuan history in later generations. At the same time, he has made certain achievements in literature. His poems are simple, gentle and unadorned. He also has a place in the history of thought, and he believes that Neo Confucianism He always claimed to advocate Confucianism, and was the representative of the famous Confucian ministers in the late Yuan Dynasty. His political thoughts were always branded with Confucianism.
Chinese name
Su Tianjue
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
date of birth
Emperor Shizu Zhiyuan Thirty one years (1294)
Date of death
Emperor Shundi Zhizheng of the Yuan Dynasty Twelve years (1352)
Key achievements
Editing historical materials of the Yuan Dynasty, righting wrongs and being called "living Baogong" by the people
one's native heath
Zhending People (now Zhengding, Hebei)
Representative works
Zixi Manuscript A Brief Introduction to Famous Officials of the Yuan Dynasty Yuan Wen Lei
Mr. Boxiu, Mr. Zixi
Yuan dynasty
Folk honorific title
Bao Gong of the Yuan Dynasty
Transit envoy of both Zhejiang and Zhejiang

Character's Life


Confucian Enlightenment

Emperor Shizu of the Yuan Dynasty To yuan In April of the 31st year (1294), Su Tianjue was born to an official family in Zhending. father Su Zhidao , Mrs. Liu.
Yuan Chengzong great virtue In the third year (1299), Su Tianjue was introduced by his father, Su Zhidao, and joined Tongjun Anxi (Jingzhong) The door for Mr. to learn from the great Confucians of the Yuan Dynasty Liu Yin An Xi is Liu Yin's disciple. Su Tianjue became Anxi's disciple. He studied under Anxi for many years. Period and famous scholar in Gaocheng Zhang Yu The systematic and strict Confucian education Tianjue received as a teenager and the guidance of famous teachers had a profound impact on his life. Tianjue is knowledgeable and has a strong memory. He has read poetry and books and soon surpassed his teacher in knowledge. Especially in poetry and prose, with elegant and profound words, he became a famous writer of the same period. The atmosphere of writing is often different from Ouyang Xiu and Su Shi, even more than their teachers. [1]

Guozi studies

Yuan Wuzong extremely large In the second year (1309), Su Zhidao was the official of Shangshu Province. Since his father was the central official, Su Tianjue moved in with his family mostly
Yuan Renzong Yanyou In the first year (1314), 21 year old Tianjue entered Guozi School. Worship successively Wu Cheng Yu Ji Qi Ruqian Wait for great Confucians to learn from Confucian classics. Due to his hard work and tireless interest in learning, he was appreciated by many teachers and friends. Yu collected the poem Fu Su Bo Xiuzi Xi Shu Tang, which said: "accumulate learning and hold silence, and then you can walk", "extract the history of Lu, collect poems and praise Su Tianjue" intentnesses He immersed himself in ancient books, studied anecdotes, and finally accumulated a lot, and said that he could "take on the responsibility of documenting a generation."
Yanyou In the fourth year (1317), Su Tianjue participated in the public examination of the national student Gongju, and was responsible for the public examination with the essay "Stone Tablet Fu" (Ma Zuchang's comments), which was "elegant, beautiful, detailed" Ma Zuchang First. Tianjue can pass the third degree of the national civil-service examination and remove commoners' dress As an official, he was awarded the title of "Shi Lang, Judge of Dadu Road Jizhou". He was ranked as the seventh grade official and was 24 years old at that time.
Yanyou In February of 1320, his father Su Zhidao died of illness in Dadu at the age of 60. Tianjue settled his worries with his father's death. In July, my mother died, and my colleague Ding had difficulties both at home and abroad. [1]

Served as a Hanlin

Yuanying Sect Zhizhi In the second year (1322), Su Tianjue took office again after serving his filial duty Meritorious envoy The driver takes care of the mill. The meritorious envoy took the post of Zhao Mo, mainly responsible for the revenue and expenditure audit of the Buddhist and Taoist management departments.
Emperor Dingdi of Yuantai Taiding In the first year (1324), famous scholars Yuan Jue Su Tianjue was able to change his recommendation Imperial Academy of National History Classics Officer, Sheng To be served Hanlin characters, and participated in the revision of "Yingzong Real Record". Su Tianjue has always been grateful for Yuan Jue's recommendation. Later, he wrote an epitaph for Yuan Jue, and he wrote this gratitude into it. Factual record It is the chronicle of the government affairs of the emperors of all dynasties. It is a lofty honor for a feudal scholar to be able to prepare the factual record. Since then, Su Tianjue has entered the field of historiography. Tianjue was interested in writing history when he was young. He finally had the opportunity to display his talent Imperial Academy feel just like a fish in water.
In February of the second year of Taiding (1325), he was appointed as Wen Linlang, Imperial Academy of National History Bibliographer.
In the fourth year of Taiding (1327), Ren Yingfeng Cheng Zhilang Tongzhi Zhigao and concurrently editor of the National History Institute. On August 3, his mentor Yuan Juezhu, 62 years old, Su Tianjue wrote the "Yuan Dynasty Imperial Academy Lecturer Scholar Zhizhi Tongxiu National History Gives Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provincial Political Advisor Yuan Wenqing Cemetery Inscription". Tianjue was appointed by the imperial court to take the examination paper and appreciate the article of Fuguang Luo Xuesheng.
Yuanmingzong Calendar In the second year (1329), Ren Yingfeng wrote in Hanlin, and Kuizhang Pavilion He served in the office, and compiled A Brief Introduction to Famous Officials of the Yuan Dynasty. September 16th, Practitioner Qi Ruqian He died at the age of 67.
Yuan Wenzong In the first year of Zhishun (1330), Ren Yingfeng wrote in Hanlin, and Huang Qinglao Wait until the pre revision of Yingzong Brief is completed. September 5, Ma Zuchang This is a postscript to Tianjue's anthology (the predecessor of Zixi Manuscript).
In the second year of Zhishun (1331), the Emperor Wenzong of the Yuan Dynasty, he was appointed to present the Hanlin script. In May, the Imperial Academy's retinue, the Emperor Qingshu, went to Beijing to write the "Imperial Academy Title Record". He went to Beijing with Huang Jin and other attendants. Huang Jin wrote a number of travel poems, and Tian Jue wrote "After the Official Travel Poem Titled with Huang Literature". [1]

Served as the Imperial Historian

In the first month of the first month of the third year of Zhishun era (1332), Wenzong of the Yuan Dynasty, he took office as the imperial historian in Nantai. Soon after, he was ordered to take prisoners in Huguang, and there were many unjust jails on the local platform, which won widespread praise. In May, he called the imperial historian to supervise. When he entered Beijing in August, the Taoist priest eliminated Kuizhang Pavilion and gave him a lecture. In August, Wenzong collapsed in Shangdu. In October, the second son of the Ming Dynasty, Yilin Quality Group, ascended the throne of the Daming Hall for Yuanningzong In November, Ning Zong collapsed and hit the right side of the book Quariges Yingming Zong's eldest son Be kind and considerate Yu Jingjiang (now Guilin).
Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty Proterozoic In the first year (1333), in June, Emperor Shun was located in Xanadu City. Wu Cheng died at the age of 85. On August 21, Emperor Shun gave the official banquet, wine and food, and the pleasure of sailing in Taiye Pool. Su Tianjue wrote a poem about it. In October, the Yuan Dynasty was reformed. In winter, six officials were reinstated and asked to revise the Biographies of Meritorious Officials. Shun Di ordered the historiographer to revise the records of Taiding and Tianli dynasties. Su Tianjue and Wang Jie , Zhang Qiyan and Ouyang Xuan.
In the second year of Yuantong (1334) of Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty, in April, the "Factual Record of Wenzong" was pre revised, and the supervisor was moved to the Hanlin to be prepared. He was also appointed as the counselor of Jingyan. In October, I played "Please specify the preface of the Dingchao Yiban", wrote "On the uncountable forgiveness", and commented on "Songting Zhangshu".
In the third year of Yuantong, Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty, To yuan In the first year (1335), he served as the governor of Yousi and the counselor of Jingyan in Zhongshu Province. In the middle of the year, someone wanted to take the Kong family to seize the title of nobility. Tianjue marshaled all the imperial historians to argue for it.
In the second year of the Zhiyuan era (1336), the Criminal Department Doctor changed into the Imperial Shitai Capital. [1]

Post etiquette department

In the third year of the Zhiyuan era (1337), he was appointed as the minister of rites. At the end of the first month, Xu Youren Write an inscription on the monument of Su Zhidao, Su Tianjue's father, Ma Zuchang For books, Tensite Seal its forehead. Xu Youren wrote "The imperial edict bestows the inscription of Sugong's divine way to the Marquis of Zhending County awarded by the provincial left and right doctors to the Jixian Zhixue Yazhong doctor's light car captain".
In the fourth year of the Zhiyuan era (1338), the official was still in the Ritual Department. Please stay in the court, so that a priest could enjoy the true destiny Shi Tianze Temple, and wrote "Prime Minister Shi Zhongwu's Portrait Praise". On July 22, Zichang Wensheng. please Song Xuan Name the child "Ride the Cloud". [1]

Ups and downs of the official sea

In the fifth year of the Zhiyuan era (1339), the minister of the Rites Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was appointed as a visiting envoy to the Huaidong Road in Jiangbei.
In the sixth year of Zhiyuan era (1340), in February, he became a judge of the Privy Council; In May, he was appointed Minister of the Ministry of Officials; In October, he paid a visit to the West to take charge of Taiwan, served as a secretary to the Imperial Historian, and submitted the Record of Prison Management to the emperor, describing the experience of prison management.
Rightness In the first year (1341), the first month of the imperial edict changed the Yuan Dynasty to the highest level, and Su Tianjue was appointed as a provincial governor in the deliberation.
In the summer of the second year of Zhizheng (1342), the official paid homage to the provincial government of Huguang.
In the third year of Zhizheng (1343), the imperial court ordered to revise the historical records of the Liao, Jin and Song dynasties Ouyang Xuan , Jiexi , Tensite And others are president officers. Ouyang Xuan was summoned to go north. When he passed Hubei, Su Tianjue sent him his book "Three Histories Questioning".
In the fourth year of Zhizheng era (1344), Su Tianjue was appointed as the official of Shaanxi Zhudaoxiang Imperial Platform, and was called Jixian Hall Bachelor of Lecture , and Guozi offered sacrifices to wine
In the autumn of the fifth year of Zhizheng era (1345), he was appointed as the visiting envoy of Shandong Province, serving as a lecturer in the Jixian Hall, and serving as an envoy to the capital city. Su Tianjue was well aware of the sufferings of the people and was serious about governing officials, so the people took him with Bao Zheng Han Qi In contrast, they were eventually excluded because they were not popular, and were eventually dismissed in the name of "incompetence". October, Zhang Yanghao Zhang Yin, his son, asked Su Tianjue to write a book for the Seven Engagement Hall, so he wrote The Seven Engagement Hall.
In the sixth year of Zhizheng era (1346), he served as Jixian Lecturer and the son of the state offering wine, and served as an envoy to Xuanfu in Gyeonggi Province.
In the seventh year of Zhizheng (1347), they were reused as Hubei Dao's propaganda envoy and Zhedong Dao's incorruptible visiting envoy, but they did not take office. Later, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces were granted the political advisor.
In May of the eighth year of Zhizheng's reign (1348), he served as the visiting envoy of the Right Road in the East Zhejiang Sea to eliminate government corruption. In winter, he served as a counselor in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, and was responsible for the provincial affairs in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. During this period, those who sought talents found and helped Sha Kexue Gao Zecheng , Ge Yuanzhe, et al.
From the eighth year of Zhizheng (1349) to the twelfth year of Zhizheng (1351), Su Tianjue had been working as an operating envoy in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, as well as being an adviser to political affairs. At that time, the salt law had serious drawbacks. After taking office, Su Tianjue was well saved and well managed. The tax revenue reached 800000 pounds, and the tax revenue was collected within the specified time. The uprising of Fang Guozhen broke out in the south of the Yangtze River, Han Shantong Liu Futong Red Scarf Army Uprising Xu Shouhui Red Scarf Army Uprising And other anti Yuan peasant uprisings. [2]

Death in the army

In the 12th year of Zhizheng era (1352), in the first month of the month, the Xu Shouhui Rebellion Army occupied many places in Hubei. In February, the Guo Zixing Rebellion in Dingyuan, Anhui Province, conquered Haozhou, claiming to be the marshal of moderation. The Xu Shouhui Rebellion Army expanded its influence in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces and occupied many places. In September, the imperial court appointed Su Tianjue as jiangzhe province Learn about political affairs, be responsible for military and political affairs, and lead troops in Rao used in place names ), Xin (Lu Zhijin now Jiangxi Shangrao )The military strategy of fighting with the Rebellion along the belt was precise and meticulous, and the military discipline was strict. Even some veteran generals could not compare with him. During this period, Su Tianjue led the army to recover six counties along the way. However, because of the complicated military and political affairs, and because Su Tianjue was worried and overworked, he finally died in the army in October that year at the age of 59. [1]

Key achievements


political phase

As an official who has served in the supervisory system for a long time, Su Tianjue has made outstanding achievements in supervision and justice as his main political achievement in his official career.
Su Tianjue has three major achievements in supervision:
Zhishun In 1332, Su Tianjue arrived Hubei When investigating prison cases, the History of the Yuan Dynasty called them "worried about jailing Hubei", that is, to solve the problems of unjust, false and wrong cases and detention in prison. When Su Tianjue arrived, he traveled all over the country and spared no pains. The History of the Yuan Dynasty recorded that he "did everything carefully and carefully" [3] Scholars of the Yuan Dynasty Huang Jin The edited "A Record of the Imperial History of Su Governing Prison" recorded eight difficult cases handled by Su Tianjue, all of which were death penalty cases corrected by him peacefully; After that, he also exposed several cases of Hao You who colluded with the corrupt officials and perverted the law. He had outstanding achievements and became famous. Soon, he was transferred to Beijing as official in charge of the discipline of public functionaries , Taoist reform, Kuizhang Pavilion, taught Jinglang. [4]
Proterozoic In the first year (1333), because Su Tianjue, a famous jailer in Hubei Province, was re appointed as the supervisor of the imperial historian. During his four months in office, he had 45 chapters and articles, including all the contents. It was amazing. Later, his friend Huang Ji read the 45 pieces of the manuscript in the article "Reading the Manuscript of the Imperial History of Su", Summarized and evaluated Su Tianjue's performance in four months. according to Huang Jin The record of Su Tianjue's 45 chapters mainly involves: the five officials impeached were all "powerful" figures; One hundred and nine people were recommended, all of whom were "officials who were virtuous and famous at that time, while officials who were under foreign officials and people who were careless had no choice." This is a surprising figure. If we average this figure to four months, we can imagine that the Imperial History of Su was brave and decisive, and would never fail to move forward.
Rightness In the autumn of the fifth year (1345), Su Tianjue changed his position from a scholar who served as a lecturer and also served as the son of the state to be a visiting envoy for the government and honesty in Shandong Province, and served as a part-time envoy to the capital city. Su Tianjue made great achievements in his patrols around the capital city. He was well aware of the sufferings of the people, and maintained the style of fearing power, being outspoken and admonishing. In addition to the old, he did not play the role of judges and officials. The common people all gave him Bao Zheng Han Qi In contrast, they were eventually excluded because they were not popular, and were eventually dismissed in the name of "incompetence". [4]
Judicial and legal aspects
1、 Attach importance to legislation
Su Tianjue is here Zixi Manuscript It points out that "the law is the public of the world, so it is secondary to governance, and the law is the code of the past dynasties, so it is secondary to the law. Therefore, since the country used to govern, it must establish a generation of laws, and the legislator must make a certain law. Therefore, it is unclear and secret to set up a law school to teach people, and set up a law department to test officials, so it is secondary to governance." It also says: "Since the past, the country must have a law to abide by, and then can do something." It clearly pointed out that the law is a major issue related to the state's governance, so we must be careful. He agreed with the view that "the courtesy of the court must be respected, and the laws of the world must be established. If the courtesy is not respected, China will have nothing to look forward to, and if the law is not established, the subjects will have nothing to abide by." For this reason, Su Tianjue proposed to the court to revise and standardize the legal documents First, the punishment in the early Yuan Dynasty was mostly based on the judgments of the cases that had occurred. After the Emperor Yingzong, although there was a general system, the items were too complicated to adapt to the complicated cases; Second, the level of law enforcers is uneven, and the same crime is punished differently, with exceptions. As a result, subsequent punishments cannot be applied when citing precedents. If we allow development, do not compile concise and concise laws and regulations, and issue clear laws and regulations at home and abroad, "it really happens that we are sincerely afraid of people from afar, or misbehave without knowing, or corrupt officials, who learn to dance and write independently, The situation will become more complicated, and eventually it will become irreversible. " He suggested that part of the laws of the Yuan Dynasty should be formulated and revised earlier, and that "the system of listing saints must be combined into a charter for a generation, so as to finally achieve the goal that the people know what to avoid, the officials have to abide by the punishment and the government has been eliminated, and the governance has been harmonious". [5]
2、 Emphasize that laws must be obeyed
Su Tianjue attaches importance to the improvement of the legal system, and also advocates that we should resolutely act according to the law. Rewards and punishments are based on evidence. He said: "The rewards and punishments are the major responsibility of the country, and the court's discipline is in place. The establishment of the legal system is not only formal, but also full of treachery and hypocrisy, which should be strictly prohibited." At the same time, he advocated that "rewards do not lose merit, punishment does not lose crime, and if both are lost, the discipline will be broken.".
3、 Punishment is based on leniency
Su Tianjue has a clear understanding of the nature of punishment. He said: "The punishment is a tool to help the punishment, not to rely on the punishment. He emphasized that punishment is only an auxiliary measure of the rule, not the purpose. Therefore, the sages should be lenient in their punishment and honest in their punishment.", Outside, the discipline of criticism and responsibility "organically combines the legal system with supervision, and demonstrates the governance of the holy pilgrimage.
In addition to practicing the principle of leniency, simplicity and prudence in punishment, Su Tianjue also appreciated the words and deeds of other ministers, and he agreed with Jiang Zhexing, a doctor from the Yuan Dynasty, who was also a secretary to the provincial government Boshulu Chong "The state established discipline in order to eliminate corruption, promote governance and reform, and did not pay special attention to punishment at the beginning" and the late Emperor Zhongcheng of the Yuan Dynasty Cao Boqi "Moderate punishment".
4、 Actively perform Taiwan Constitution duties
Su Tianjue has always attached great importance to the rehabilitation of unjust jails. In the third year of Zhishun (1333), during his imprisonment in Hubei Province, Su Tianjue solved many unjust, false and wrong cases, including eight famous ones; In the fifth year of Zhizheng era (1345), Su Tianjue, who served as an adjunct to the Imperial Historian's Platform of Shaanxi Zhu Daoxing, a scholar who gathered scholars to lecture and the son of the state to sacrifice wine to the imperial court, was impressed by the imperial edict of the son of heaven in February: "In recent years, innocent victims' homes should be sorted out and corrected by Zhongshu Province." He wrote "On the correction of innocent victims' homes in recent years, Yi Zhaoxue," hoping that a company would conscientiously implement the imperial decree, "Since a certain year later, those who have not corrected their mistakes have been selected from the public and sorted out one by one, so as to make Saint En Pu reach the serenity and justice extend to the world"; In the autumn of the same year, Su Tianjue went out as a visiting envoy of Shandong Province to purge government and clean government. He sought to be a lecturer in the Jixian Hall and served as an envoy to the capital city. During this period, he "rehabilitated 16 unjust jails", "cured 36 evils", and "tried 97 criminals". People call him "Bao Zheng, Han Qi is alive". [2]
5、 Political and legal environment
(1) . Strictly punish judicial corruption
Su Tianjue believed that the main reason for the proliferation of unjust jails and the suffering of the people was the corruption of the legal system, and officials were greedy and arrogant. In the process of law enforcement, officials at all levels took advantage of the opportunity to search and plunder, and wanton looting frequently occurred. For this situation, Su Tianjue advocated to resolutely crack down on it. He said: "The crimes committed by the people have regular punishments, and it is reasonable to ban them if they do not engage in wanton looting.".
(2) Focus on trial efficiency
In terms of the treatment of heavy prisoners, he advocated that the Lian Visiting Department should review and record them every six months, and opposed the execution of five government officials every three years.
(3) Unification of torture and pardon
Su Tianjue believed that in the era of Emperor Shizu of the Yuan Dynasty pardon The Emperor Shizu has been in power for 35 years, and he has granted eight amnesties for eight times. This is to eliminate punishment and politics, practice rites and music, know greed and fear, and extend kindness. Therefore, the rule of Zhongtong and Zhiyuan is more ancient than before. However, since Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty ascended the throne, he has pardoned too many people, from 1328 to 1333. In six years, he has pardoned people nine times. Su Tianjue worried that this would make the traitors corrupt officials, each with luck, and greatly profited from the country.
(4) . Select qualified prison officials
Su Tianjue further proposed that qualified prison officials must be selected to change the current situation of the legal prison system. At the same time, he especially suggested that the prison officials should be selected in their prime of life. He proposed that those over 65 years old should be counted. This is not discrimination against the elderly officials, but reflects that "the state has been giving preferential treatment to officials and officials for a long time, fearing that they will not be able to catch up in their old age, and that they will be extremely virtuous." Su Tianjue was keenly aware of the age structure of prison officials and proposed practical measures, It shows his foresight and sagacity. [5]

Cultural aspects

Su Tianjue is a historian and philologist. His achievements in culture mainly focus on historiography.
1、 Compile historical materials
"A Brief Account of Famous Officials of the State Dynasty", also known as "A Brief Account of Famous Officials of the Yuan Dynasty", is Su Tianjue's masterpiece in historiography, and also an important private historical work that represents the achievements of historiography of the Yuan Dynasty. Four years before Yanyou (1317), when Su Tianjue was still the son of the state, he was very careful to collect and compile the collection, tomb list, family biography and other materials of "Jugong Shiqing" since the founding of the Yuan Dynasty, and has already begun to prepare for the compilation of early historical materials, Ouyang Xuan "Preface" was written in April of the second year of the calendar year (1329), which is not far from the time when the book was written. According to this, the whole book took more than ten years from conception, drawing materials to compilation.
Most of the famous officials of the Yuan Dynasty are included in The Brief of Famous Officials of the Yuan Dynasty. The completion of the book can be called Su's early efforts to plan and compile "biographies of outstanding officials of the Yuan Dynasty", which aims to provide lessons for the rulers of the dynasty.
During the period when Su Tianjue sketched out A Brief Account of Famous Officials in the National Dynasty, he began to compile Yuan Wenlei. Although this book is only a collection of documents, it is another representative work that focuses on reflecting Su's outstanding historical knowledge and talent, and is an indispensable source of important historical data for future generations to study and manage Yuan history. The compilation of "A Brief Account of Famous Officials in the State Dynasty" was mainly for the purpose of "managing the world with history", while the compilation of "Yuan Wenlei" was for the purpose of preserving the current literature. Both of them fundamentally reflected the academic purpose of Su's "practical measures, not empty words". [6]
2、 Historiography
Su Tianjue was not only diligent in compiling history and writing, but also paid attention to summarizing the experience of compiling history. He put forward many systematic and valuable understandings in the aspects of historical compilation thoughts and theories, which strongly promoted the development of historiography in the Yuan Dynasty, and also played an important guiding role in compiling history for later generations
(1) Dare to expose the accumulated disadvantages of the history museum and emphasize the responsibilities of the historiographer.
(2) Attaching importance to the collection and compilation of historical materials, compiling extensively, and not sticking to routine.
(3) Calling on historians to have a "straight" trip and improve their moral cultivation.
To sum up, Su Tianjue, as an accomplished historian in the Yuan Dynasty, devoted himself to the compilation of contemporary history and the preservation of contemporary documents, and paid attention to summing up the experience of history revision. He did his duty and actively helped the historiographer Classic Classic True Record The compilation of the history of Song, Liao, and Jin dynasties, and put forward important suggestions, which greatly promoted the new progress of the historiography of the Yuan Dynasty. [6]
3、 Historical view of meritorious deeds
When compiling and revising the historical materials of the Yuan Dynasty, Su Tianjue emphasized the role of Confucianism in managing the world and showed his historical view of meritorious deeds:
(1) Consciously record the achievements in politics, economy, culture and education since the founding of the Yuan Dynasty.
(2) . Strong sense of hardship.
(3) Advocate the idea of managing the world by giving more benevolent policies and loving the people. [7]

Character evaluation

Scholars and poets of the Yuan Dynasty Yu Ji : Bo Xiu's article is simple and serious, just like a man.
Scholars of the Yuan Dynasty Zhao Pang : His clear cultivation and devotion are enough to devote himself to great cause without being confused by his differences, and his profound knowledge is enough to compromise Baishi rather than a plaything. As for the more strict the virtue is, the more serious the leisure is, and the more strict the behavior is, the more serious the discipline is. For more than 30 years of traveling in and out of China, Jiamo has made great achievements in the world, while being honest with Vietnam, being neutral without friends, stands as a pillar of decline. Its civilization is clean, pure and warm, cautious and smooth, like the pearl wall is bright, and the quiet millet is the taste. [8]
Scholars of the Yuan Dynasty Wu Shidao Today, when Uncle Xiu, the Duke of Su, was the Imperial Historian, he recorded more than ten things in prison management, and stole too much. There is a large number of people in the same place in Hubei Province. It is a mistake for a small public to go in and out. Who knows? Alas, a prison is also a prison. Creature cannot make it alive, officials cannot make it die, the dead can live, and the living cannot regret death. It is only Duke Su! I say it by analogy. The Imperial Court suffers from many prison inmates. When I was three years old, I sent officials to make decisions. This is a good law. Why should we worry about making everyone like Duke Su?
Historian of Yuan Dynasty Wang Yi He is better than other contemporary scholars in "chronicles".
"Summary of the Complete Works of the Four Treasury": (Su Tianjue) sent documents of any generation. [8]

personal works

Su Tianjue's works, including 7 volumes of poems, are lost today. Written in two volumes of Notes on Spring Pavilion A Brief Introduction to Famous Officials of the Yuan Dynasty (A Brief Introduction to Famous Officials in the National Dynasty) 15 volumes. Zixi Manuscript 》30 volumes, including most of his articles, compiled by Yongjia Gaoming and Linchuan Ge Yuanzhe. He wrote 70 volumes of Yuan Wenlei (Guochao Wenlei). Songting Zhangshu, Volume 5《 A good example of managing the world 》1 volume《 Liu Wenjing's Legacy 》Volume 1 and the Catalogue of the Three Histories of Song, Liao, and Jin Dynasties are not handed down; There are also "Liao Jin Chronicle" and "The Origin of the Yellow River", both of which have not been undrafted. [3]

Publishing books

  • Author name Su Tianjue
    Work time 2019-11
    A Brief Account of Famous Officials of the Yuan Dynasty is a total of 15 volumes, which is a selection of biographical materials of the Yuan Dynasty. It was compiled by Su Tianjue of the Yuan Dynasty (see Yuanwenlei). The editor is Zhending (now Zhengding in Hebei). There is a preface of the calendar year (1329) before the book, so the book should be written no later than this time.
  • Author name Su Tianjue
    Work time 1958-05
    Yuan Wenlei, compiled by Su Tianjue of Yuan Dynasty. An anthology of poems and essays of the Yuan Dynasty, formerly known as Guochao Wenlei. A total of 70 volumes, including 162 writers' poems and essays from the early Yuan Dynasty to Yanyou: 8 volumes of poems and 62 volumes of essays.
  • Author name Su Tianjue
    Work time 1997-1
    Zixi Manuscript, written by Su Tianjue, 30 volumes in total. It is named after its Zixi Library. Originally 37 volumes, 7 volumes of today's poetry manuscript have been lost and 30 volumes remain. When Su Tianjue was a counselor of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Branch, he was compiled by Puan Gaoming and Ge Yuanzhe. 108 pieces of epitaphs, lines, biographies, etc., which are detailed, clear and comprehensive, are of great historical value to those who study the canon system, characters, and historical biographies of the Yuan Dynasty. It is an important collection of essays on the political culture of the mid and late Yuan Dynasty

Family members



Zeng Gaozu: Su Gongyan, later generations commented that he was a noble man who did not become an official.
Gao Zu: Elder Su , also known as Yuchengweng, is an expert with rich family resources, noble moral character, handsome appearance, generosity and great ambition.
Zeng Zu: Su Cheng, known as "Chengfu", was a young soldier, who valued loyalty, charity, loyalty and filial piety. In the last years of the Jin Dynasty, he followed Jin Aizong Moving to Bianjing; After the death of Jin, Su Cheng returned to his hometown. In daily life, he often used his abundant financial resources to help the neighbors. Su Cheng paid great attention to the education of his children and bought many books to educate them. [1]
Grandfather: Su Rongzu grew up with a good family education. He was filial, loyal, and sincere to his friends. He also collected thousands of books at home. He was a famous scholar at that time and served as the tax collector of Zhending. Marry Mrs. Wu.
Father: Su Zhidao (1261-1320), styled Zining, started his career as an official. He has successively served as a scribe in Hedong Road, Shanxi Province, supervising the transfer of the imperial scribes to the Ministry of Household Order, writing in the Privy Council of the officials, serving as the official Chengzhilang, the provincial prosecutor in the Central Committee, the head of the Ministry of Punishment, and the experience of the Privy Council of the Lingbei Province. He is an official who was highly praised by the people for his outstanding political achievements in the Yuan Dynasty.
Mother: Mrs. Liu. [1]


Son: Su Changwen [1]

Anecdotes and allusions

When Su Tianjue was worried about imprisoning Hubei, he handled eight famous difficult cases, including the adoption and abandonment murder case, the battle for farmland murder case, the "stolen grain" murder case, the brother killing brother murder case, the false accusation murder case, the oversight murder case, and the Wei Tui officer framing the murder case. These cases were all framed by his friends, scholars of the Yuan Dynasty Huang Jin Recorded in the book A Record of Su Yu Shi's Prison Control, these became the proof that Su Tianjue was "Bao Gong alive" by the people at that time, and also became the text of some legendary dramas. [4]

Commemoration for future generations


Tombstone unearthed

Zhengding County, Shijiazhuang City, 2004 Xinchengpu Village Liu Wencai, a villager, found a stone tablet inscribed with the epitaph of Su Gong, a famous scholar in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other provinces, who was in charge of political affairs. In 2012, the villagers set up a stone tablet of "Su Tianjue's hometown" at the west entrance of the village near the stone tablet they found. [9]

Artistic image

There is a Qin Opera in Shaanxi White Jade Ornament This is to introduce the story of Su Tianjue who solved the case as if he were a god and ended the injustice. Up to now, the play is still a representative play of Qin Opera. [9]