Su flavor

Officials and poets in the Tang Dynasty
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Su Weiwei (648-705), a native of Luancheng District, Zhaozhou (now in Luancheng District, Hebei Province), the ancestor of the "Three Sus" in the Song Dynasty, was a poet and official in the Tang Dynasty. [10] [33-34]
Few literary names, and fellow villagers Li Qiao Syndication“ Mussoorie ”。 General seal Two years (669), Jinshihe Xianyang County Lieutenant, get the minister of the official department Pei Xingjian Recognized and enlisted for three times Turkic , granted official in charge of the discipline of public functionaries , migration To serve as an official , Zhongshusheren. longevity In March of three years (694) Middle School Waiter Same story , initial phase. Holy Calendar The first year (698) Chang'an Two years (702), two times of worship and acquaintance cabinet minister story. Shenlong In the first year (705), after the restoration of Tang Zhongzong Zhang Yizhi Brother, demote to Meizhou The governor, who died at the age of 58, was presented as governor of Jizhou. [5] [10] [33]
Su is good at taste Metrical poetry , with Li Jiao Cui Rong du shenyan Collectively“ Article Four Friends ”。 Fifteen poems have been written today. The style of poetry is pure and upright, beautiful but not gorgeous, which has a positive role in promoting the shaping and development of the regular poetry in the Tang Dynasty. His famous article, "The Fifteenth Night of the First Moon", eulogizes the grand occasion of watching lanterns on the Chang'an Lantern Festival night. "The fire trees, silver flowers and silver flowers are combined, and the star bridge is locked open". It is carved with gold and picked up by mistake, and its charm is flowing. It has always been read by people. [10] [33]
(Reference for overview drawing [7]
Tang dynasty
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Luancheng, Zhaozhou
date of birth
Date of death
705 years
Main works
Su Flavor Collection, The 15th Night of the First Month
True name
Su flavor

Character's Life


There was a literary name

Su Weiwei was born in 648, the 22nd year of Zhenguan in Tang Dynasty. [12]
In the first year of Xianqing (656), Su Wei was able to write poems. [12]
In the first year of Qianfeng (666), Su Weiwei and his hometown Li Jiao were both famous for their writings. At that time, people called them "Su Li". Later, he, together with Li Qiao, Du Shenyan and Cui Rong, was called the "Four Friends of Literature". [12-13]
In the second year of Qianfeng (667), Su Weiwei was in Zhaozhouju Jinshi [12] [14]
In the second year of the General Seal (669), Su Weiwei Scholars and Ministry of Officials To be selected. [12]

First official career

In the first year of Xianheng (670), Pei Xingjian Official Ministry Attendant palm select after evaluating qualifications Pei Xingjian saw Su Weiwei's great development in the future and gave him the post of county captain with great courtesy. [12] [14]
In the second year of Yifeng (677), Su Weiwei moved to Xianyang County. [12] [14]
In June of the first year of Tiaolu (679), Pei Xingjian sent troops to Anxi to conquer Turks Ashnaduz He appointed Su Weiwei as the Secretary of the Administration and also supervised the Imperial Historian. [14] In November, Pei Xingjian was the general manager of Dingxiang Road's march to discuss Turks, and Su Weiwei was the general secretary again. From this year to April of the first year of Yongchun (682), Pei Xingjian died. Su Wei has been in Pei Xingjian's army for more than three years. [12]

All the way up

In the first year of Guangzhai (684), Su Weiwei was appointed as the imperial historian. In the same year, Honor the emperor Concubine father Pei Judao Second term General Zuo Jin Wuwei , asked the talented person to write a thank-you note for him, and chose Su Weiwei. Su Weiwei's writing style is well known in the contemporary era. [11-12]
Vertical arch In the first year (685), Su Weiwei went to Kuaiji County (Shaoxing, Zhejiang) to deal with Li Shidan. [12]
In the autumn of the second year of Chuigong (686), the taste of Su was to appease the envoys in Lingnan. Compose a poem《 To make Lingnan hear about Cui Ma and pay homage to Tai Lang 》《 Jiujiangkou connects Qichun South and Xunyang Bank from south to north 》《 Starting from the autumn suburbs of Los Angeles, paying attention to the courtiers in Taichung 》《 Present the imperial historian to the stage 》。 In the same year, Song Jing Presenting the poem Changsong to Su Weiwei《 Plum blossom ode 》After reading it, Su Weiwei praised his talent and Song Jing became famous. [12]
In the third year of Chuigong (687), Su Weiwei moved to the post of Spring Official Wailang. [12]
In December of the fourth year of Chuigong (688), the taste of Su follows Wu Zetian Bailuo receiving pictures , write poems to be made《 Fenghe Shoutu Wenluo 》。 [12]
Yongchang In the first year (689), Su Weiwei moved Kaogong Doctor [12]
In the first year of Wuzhou Tianshu (690), Su Weiwei moved to Fengge. [12]

First worship

longevity In March of the third year (694), Su Weiwei laid down people in the Phoenix Pavilion, where he worshipped the waiter of the Phoenix Pavilion who moved to the school and the official affairs of the Phoenix Pavilion. [15] On the same day, Empress Wu Huaiyi Serve as the chief manager of Shuofangdao's march, Su Weiwei Marching Sima I went to Shuofang to attack Turks, but I did not meet Turks. The class teacher returned to Luoyang. [12]
Apostolic saint In the first month of the first year (695), Su Weiwei attached an internal history Li Zhaode , demoted to Jizhou Governor. [12] [16]
Long live In the first month of the second year (697), Su Weiwei was appointed by Jizhou Governor Calling Heavenly Official Waiter. [12] [17]

Worship again

In September of the first year of the Holy Calendar (698), Su Weiwei paid another visit to the Fengge waitress, and shared with the Fengge Luantai for official affairs. [18] In the autumn of the same year Wu Sansi To Mount Song Tianzhong Temple , for《 He and Wu Sansi found Master Li's work in Tianzhong Temple 》。 [12]
Holy Calendar In May of the third year (700 years), Su Weiwei traveled from Wuhou to Songshan Shicong《 Songshan Shicong Catering 》Poetry. In June, participated in editing《 Three teachings Zhu Ying 》, during which he wrote miscellaneous poems《 Chant the fog 》《 Chant the rainbow 》《 Chant frost 》《 Chant the well 》《 Chant stone 》Five songs. [12]
Dazu In March of the first year (701), Su Weiwei was sent to serve as a criminal in prison. Empress Wu pardoned him and reset him. In July, he acted as the military envoy of Chayou and Equality states. [12]

Three dimensional worship

In October of the second year of Chang'an (702), Su Weisanbai Tongfeng Pavilion Luan Terrace Third Grade [12]
In March of the fourth year of Chang'an (704), Su Weiwei was invaded and destroyed by his father because of his burial Xiao Zhizhong Impeachment, demotion to the governor of Fangzhou. In the same year, he moved to Yizhou to be the chief official of Dudu Prefecture. [12] [19]

Meizhou died

The first month of the first year of Tang Shenlong (705), the Lantern Festival The capital's lantern festival, Su Weizuo《 The 15th night of the first month 》Poetry. In February, he was demoted to Meizhou as a governor because of his attachment to Zhang Yizhi and Zhang Changzong. In spring and summer, it was restored to the governor's office of Yizhou Long history , died before he did, at the age of 58. To the governor of Jizhou. [12] [20]

Main impacts

Su Weiwei's comments on the new style of poetry in the early Tang Dynasty—— modern-style poetry The construction of the poem had a great role in guiding, demonstrating and promoting, and had a deep influence on the poetic world at that time. [31] New Book of the Tang Dynasty · Art and Culture Annals 》And《 The Old Book of the Tang Dynasty, Classics and Records 》All of them contained 15 volumes of "Su Weiji Collection", but unfortunately they had already been lost. Only《 Complete Poetry of the Tang 》A volume of Su flavor poems, 15 in total. From these works, we can still see his artistic achievements and contributions to the promotion of the new poetic style.
As an important official of the imperial court, Su Wei often accompanies the king, so it is inevitable to write Fenghe poems. For example, "The 15th Night of the First Moon", "The Catering of Songshan Shicong", "The Catering of the Palace in Early Spring", etc. Although these social poems are eulogizing, the poets pay attention to the writing skills in order to express their knowledge, and the poems appear solemn and elegant, reflecting the peaceful scene and prosperous atmosphere of the Tang Empire in the rising period. His representative work The Fifteenth Night of the First Moon:
Flaming trees and silver flowers close, and the star bridge is locked open.
The dark dust goes with the horse, and the bright moon comes one by one.
All the troupes are full of plums, and all the songs are full of plums.
Jin Wu cannot help but stay at night, and jade leakage cannot urge each other.
This is a poem with five rhymes. The rhyme characters are "Kai", "Lai", "Mei" and "Cui". In ancient poetry, the rhyme is gray. The first three couplets are very neat antithesis, and the whole work also meets the requirements. It can be seen that the poet is very proficient in modern poetry techniques. This poem delicately and vividly depicts the night scene of the Lantern Festival in Chang'an City, and outlines a grand picture of a prosperous era under the rule of Empress Wu Zetian.
His other poem "Song Mountain Shicong Banquet" was written in the third year of the Holy Calendar (700 years). On May 19 of the same year, Empress Wu led her officials to visit Shi Cong (thirty miles southeast of Dengfeng County, Henan Province today). The Wu family made a song with seven characters. There were 17 people with the same title, 12 of which were out of tune. Su Weiwei also contributed one song with seven words, which fully meets the requirements of the seven laws. It can be seen that his vocal and rhythmic accomplishments are more profound than those of his contemporaries. There is another significant difference between this should be made poem and the general tour banquet poem. It is written in the real natural landscape and contains the beautiful landscape sentiment in the should be made poem. In fact, it is a beautiful landscape poem, which is inherited from Xie Lingyun , the landscape poems of the Tang Dynasty will be opened.
In the early and prosperous Tang Dynasty, the vigorous development of the Tang Dynasty encouraged countless poets to join the frontier fortress and make contributions. Frontier life is an important part of the poet's writing. Su Weiwei, like many poets in the early and high Tang Dynasty, has the ambition of making contributions to the frontier fortress. He followed the famous general at that time Pei Xingjian He was the head secretary of the expedition to the West Turks. His poem "Shan Yuchuan's Two Poems on the Rain" can prove that he came to the frontier fortress to join the army. Shan Yuchuan in the poem is the Tang Dynasty Shanyu Protectorate Territory. The second of Shan Yuchuan's Two Songs on the Rain:
Flying rain is about to greet ten days, and floating clouds have sent spring.
From behind the Zhuo branch, I came to meet the soldiers.
Outside the Qihelong Temple, the sound is heard over the whale beach.
I know there is a family when I cut Xingxing, and I have seen the dust on the edge.
This is also a song of five laws. Rhythm, tone, and antithesis are all in harmony with the law. The poet explored the subject matter, combined the scenery description with the military life with a light and free style, expressed his positive attitude towards the war of the Tang Dynasty against the Huns and his desire to guard the border and pacify the people, and showed an optimistic and progressive spirit of the times.
Su Weiwei also created a group of poems chanting objects in the form of modern poems: "Singing Fog", "Singing Rainbow", "Singing Frost", "Singing Well", and "Singing Stone". Let's take a look at one of the songs "Chanting the Rainbow":
With stars in the margin, the sky is graceful and graceful.
Air because the heroes see, also a beauty Shen.
Yizhao contains fine jade and divine flowers and algae are golden.
The long sword color alone will defeat the old sages.
The poem pays attention to the description of the image, allusions, ornamentation and musical antithesis. All eight lines of the poem are correct, and the rhythm is harmonious. "Yuyu" and "Yaotiao" are both rhyming and continuous words rich in music. The poet made full use of a series of poetic rhetoric writing skills to vividly depict the image of "rainbow". At this time, it was the time when the five character poems were standardized and finalized. The creation of this group of five character poems undoubtedly played a certain role in promoting the development of regular poems.
In addition, Su Weiwei also wrote some scenery poems, such as "Beginning to Back the Autumn Suburb of Luoyang and Paying Attention to the Imperial Servants in the Platform", which vividly described the autumn scenery in the suburbs of Luoyang with line drawing techniques, giving people a natural, beautiful, and ethereal feeling, with a bright style and less decoration. The poem "Jiujiangkou connects Qichun South and Xunyang Bank from the south to the north" presents another picture of southern landscapes, which is powerful, lofty, broad, fresh and smooth. These poems are all in the form of modern style poems, emphasizing harmony of voice and rhythm and neat antithesis.
In the early Tang Dynasty poetry world, Su Weiwei, as a prominent political figure, with his outstanding talent, has carried out long-term poetry creation activities, which is of great significance for completing the shaping of the emerging modern poetry in the early Tang Dynasty. Modern style poetry has strict requirements on words and sentences, level and oblique tones, antithesis and rhyme. The form is neat and beautiful, the tone is harmonious and pleasant, and the content is concise and implicit. As a court poet, the "four friends of the article" naturally chose to write poetry in the form of modern poetry, which was increasingly valued by the world at that time, because they often socialized, which could not only show their talents, but also give people the enjoyment of beauty. And the earlier times had an impact on the development of modern poetry“ Four heroes in early Tang Dynasty ”In contrast, the proportion of their modern style poems is obviously higher. Among the four friends, Su Weiwei is the most diligent and dedicated in writing modern poems, and he is also devoted to the creation of five character poems. The other three have all written some ancient poems, while Su Wei is a modern style poem, and most of them are five character poems, among which there are many excellent works, such as The Fifteenth Night of the First Moon, which is a mature and influential five character poem. This kind of wholehearted creation of modern poetry is unique in the poetic world, which fully shows that he is consciously and actively promoting the process of modern poetry.
At the same time, because of his position in politics, he further promoted the completion of the metrical form of modern poetry. "Shen Song", which later contributed to modern poetry( shen quanqi song zhiwen )”In contrast, Su's five principles of taste have matured, which indicates that the shaping of the five principles has been completed. Therefore, predecessors compared his achievements in promoting the finalization of regular poetry with those of Shen and Song dynasties. [28]

Historical evaluation

Politicians in Tang Dynasty and Wu Zhou Dynasty Di Renjie : If your majesty asks for article qualifications, Li Qiao and Su Weiwei, today's top officials, will also be civil officials. [25]
Tang Dynasty novelist Zhang Zhuo Government and government officials 》Volume IV: Su Weicai's learning and knowledge are based on his taste. [26]
Tang Dynasty litterateur Liu Su New Words of the Tang Dynasty 》Volume VIII "Articles": rich in talent and famous for articles. [27]
Later Jin Dynasty Liu Xu Et al《 Old Tang Script 》: ① Li Qiao, a young villager, is famous for his prose, and people at that time called him Su Li. ② He is good at playing, and knows many stories about Taiwan Pavilion. However, he has lived in front of and behind for several years, and can't invent anything. It is said that people "do not want to be decisive and understand when dealing with things. If there is a mistake, it will be punished, but ambiguity can only hold both ends." At that time, people's nickname was "Su Moling". ③ Only out of wisdom, action out of sex. So the article is skillful and clumsy, depending on the depth of wisdom; Doing righteousness, deceit and truth is the virtue and evil of nature. However, intelligence is endowed with qi and cannot be made strong. Su Wei, Li Qiao, etc. are all complementary and respected everywhere. It is not without abstruse support to observe the ability of its organization; To test the way of bi harmony, you can't have chastity and purity. Therefore, Di Renjie once said, "Su and Li are civil servants." They are not filthy, and the vague disease is especially laughable. Cui Rong, Lu Zangyong, Xu Yanbo, etc., made great contributions to literature, but Su and Li did not know that there was a way to abide by the rules and there was no chance to change. The depth of remonstrance, Cui Bilu and Xu, is slightly better. ④ Praise said: Fang, Du, Yao and Song all made great contributions. There are two nationalities in Xian, and Tan is the beautiful style. The literature of Su and Li is the greatest of their generation. If you are ashamed of Fu Bi, you cannot call him the same. [4]
Northern Song Dynasty Song Qi Ouyang Xiu Equal co authorship《 New Tang Dynasty Book 》: ① At the age of nine, he was able to resign. He and Li Qiao, a member of his family, were distinguished by their literary style, and the time was called "Su Li". ② Taste and practice the stories of Taiwan Pavilion, and be good at playing. However, it is a phase, unique, and has never been invented. Zhiwei only supports itself. It is often said that people say, "Never want to understand something. If you make a mistake, you will regret it. It is OK to hold both ends when you feel the edge." It is called "the edge finder". Sexual friendship. [5]
Song and Yuan Dynasties Poet Fang Hui Summary of Ying Kui's Law 》Volume 16: Taste, people of Wu Hou. The rhyme is so vigorous. There are few Yuanxiao poems in ancient and modern times, and those who are good at five characters can hardly write this article (referring to the 15th Night of the First Moon). [28]
Ming Dynasty poets Ding instrument "The Origin of Poetics - Volume VIII": the collection of poems should be made, without changing the old habits of Chen and Sui dynasties. The use of things is elegant, and later it became a pavilion. To be deliberately affectionate, to judge matters and things, is to solidify the essence of Tang poetry, which is different from that of the Six Dynasties. [2]
Scholars in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China Song Yuren Three Tang Poems 》: Sheng is famous sometimes, which is suitable for her. But her arrival is fast, so her entry into China is not great. In the old collection, the palace was incomplete, but I didn't see its wood. It was intended to be a series of parallels. Its source was Wang Yun. The ancient fragrance of the early Tang Dynasty is the real branch of Liang and Chen. "Flaming trees and silvery silver flowers", when leaving handsome to enjoy, but abundant muscles and bones, there is no recovery of Chen Sui. [2]

Main works

The Old Book of Tang and the New Book of Tang recorded 15 volumes of Su Weiji, which are lost today. Complete Poetry of the Tang 》Only 15 of his 1 volume poems were recorded (Shan Yuchuan Facing the Rain is a set of two poems). Division《 Songshan Shicong Catering 》One is a poem with seven lines and the other is a poem with five characters. [8]
15 poems recorded in Complete Tang Poetry
"In early spring, the palace banquet should be made into a heavenly word"
Shan Yuchuan's Two Songs on the Rain
The 15th Night of the First Moon
"Ode to the Fog"
"Chanting the Rainbow"
"Chanting Frost"
Ode to the Well
"Chanting the Stone"
Feng He Shou Tu Wenluo Ying Zhi
"Making Lingnan Hear about Cui Ma and Worship Tai Lang"
"Presenting Imperial Historian to Taiwan"
"Beginning to carry the attention of the autumn suburbs of Los Angeles and serve the officials on the stage"
Jiujiang Ri connects Qichun South and Xunyang Bank from the south to the north
He Wu Sansi Seeks Master Li's Works in Tianzhong Temple
"Song Mountain Shicong Catering System"
- [29]

Anecdotes and allusions


Mourning Prime Minister

According to the "Miscellaneous Records of the Lu Family", after Su Wei became the prime minister, someone asked how to coordinate the governance of the duke, because there are so many and complicated things under heaven today? Su Wei felt the edge of the bed, but did not make a statement. It is also recorded in Tang Yulin that Su Weiwei once said to others: "You can't make a clear decision when dealing with things because if something goes wrong, you should be responsible, and you can only do things in an ambiguous way." Since then, Su Weiwei has been called "Su Mouleng" and "Mouleng hand" by officials in the central court“ ready to accept either course ”It's from here. [3] [6] [32]

Fraternal brother

Su Weixuan is very friendly with his younger brother, Prince Xi Ma. Su Weixuan often blames him to his face if he fails to do what he has entrusted him to do. However, Su Weixuan is happy with him and does not take this seriously. All commentators praise him for this. [22]

Auspicious snow flatters

In March of the summer calendar, the weather was abnormal and it snowed heavily. Su Weiwei wrote a memorial to Wu Zetian, saying that it was snowing heavily in March, which was really a great auspicious sign. This was God's affirmation of His Majesty's achievements. Empress Wu saw the beauty of Long Yan and told the ministers to read Su's memorial. When everyone saw that the emperor was happy, they did not dare to express their opposition. At this time, the minister Wang Qiuli Standing out, the man was always honest. He exclaimed, "Longxia, the prime minister's duty is to assist the emperor in commanding the people and helping to understand Yin and Yang. Now the climate is abnormal, and heavy snow falls in spring, which causes disasters to the people. How can it be said that it is auspicious? If the snow in March is auspicious, can the thunder in December also be called auspicious thunder?" The ministers listened to Wang Qiuli's last words, and were happy. Empress Wu also thought it was funny, smiled and did not punish Wang Qiuli. Su Weiwei knew that it was boring, so she hurried to switch off with other words. [30]

interpersonal relationship

Jizhou Governor in the Eastern Han Dynasty Su Zhang Descendants settle down Luancheng , known as the Su family of Zhao County. In the Tang Dynasty, it had the flavor of Su. Su Weiwei died of illness in the first year of Shenlong (705), and his second son Su Fen stayed in Meizhou (now Meishan). Su Xun It is the ninth generation grandson of Sufen, Su Shi Su Zhe It is the tenth generation grandson of Su Fen (the eleventh generation grandson of Su Weiwei), and its words are signed by the Su family or Zhao Jun in Zhao County Su Shi [1] [10] [21]
full name
brief introduction
Hedong Pei Family
The daughter of Pei, the minister of the Ministry of Officials, who is thrifty.
younger brother
Su Weixuan
The prince washed the horse.
Su Xuan
The catering minister, Wai Lang.
The ancestor of Su Shi in Meishan.
Su Ti
Governor of Yanzhou.
Joining the army Employer's Doctor
(Reference materials above) [12] [22] [24]

Commemoration for future generations


Tomb site

Luancheng, Hebei
Su Weiwei Tomb in Luancheng, Hebei
Su Weiwei was buried in Suqiu Village, Yehe Town, Luancheng County. Su Weiwei Tomb It is 8 kilometers away from the northwest of the county seat. The original tomb is roughly composed of five parts: tomb field, tomb, tomb well, tombstone and tomb wall. The tomb mound is piled up from loess. The tomb field is 70 steps. The diameter of the bottom of the tomb is 15-20 meters. The height of the tomb is 7-8 meters. The dragon head and tortoise skin tombstone is nine feet high. Four brick wells are distributed at the four corners of the cemetery. Each well has a small pavilion. Each well has a water channel opening to the side of the tomb. After liberation, the perimeter of the expanded homestead cemetery was destroyed. The buildings on the tomb were removed, leaving only the tomb mound and the surrounding ancient locust trees and jujube trees. In 1999, the People's Government of Luancheng County rebuilt the original tomb site in accordance with the Tang system. The tomb was sealed with earth 4 meters high and 10 meters in diameter. The tomb platform and four tomb pavilions were built, surrounded by white jade railings. In front of the tomb, there was a stone tablet titled "Tang Feng Pavilion Attendant and Feng Pavilion Luancheng Platform Ping Zhang Zhang Su Gong Taste Tomb". On the right stands the monument of "Meishan Prosperity". On the left stands the monument of "Three Sus Originated". In front of the tomb base stands the Stele of Restoration of Su Wei Tomb, which was written and engraved by the People's Government of Luancheng County. In March of the same year, the People's Government of Luancheng County designated Su Weiwei Tomb as a county-level cultural relics protection unit. In July, Shijiazhuang Municipal Cultural Relics Bureau approved it as a municipal cultural relics protection unit. [10]
Meishan, Sichuan
In the Su Dongpo family cemetery in Shizika Village, Xiuwen Town, Meishan, Sichuan, there is a Su flavor tomb. In December 2017, the local government completed the repair of Su Weiwei's mausoleum. [23]

inscriptions on a tablet

Meishan Fortune Monument. In order to commemorate the grand event that the father and son of the "Three Sus" originated from Luancheng and made their fortune in Meishan, Fan Zhiwan, the right footman of the Ministry of War and the governor of Guannei in 1638, came to Luancheng to inspect, and wrote "Meishan made its fortune". People in Luancheng engraved the word "Meishan Faxing" on the stone and stood in front of Su Weiwei's tomb. The stone tablet is about four feet high, about two feet wide and has a rectangular base. The villagers moved the stele into the city during the clearing of the road. It first stood at the gate of Longgang Academy, and then moved to the south of the front road of Confucius Temple in the county government. In 1996, Meishan Rise Stele Pavilion was built in Luancheng Middle School. In 1999, the People's Government of Luancheng County took the original rubbings as samples to re carve this stele, and re established it in front of Su Wei Tomb in Suqiu Village. [10]


Memorial tablet and portrait of Su flavor in Qixian Hall of Sansu Temple in Meishan, Sichuan
Luancheng County Su Dongpo Culture Research Association, aiming at the characteristics of Luancheng Dongpo ancestral home with a long history, many Sansu cultural relics and strong historical data. In June 1999, Luancheng County Government officially approved its establishment. Edited and published books such as "Su Wei, San Su and Luancheng", "Su Wei Chronicle", "Su Wei Poetry Notes", repaired Su Wei Tomb, and prepared to build Su Dongpo Memorial Hall In 2008, he published the book "The Legend of Su Taste and the History of Su Family Name". In 2012, he published the book Su Weiquan Biography. [10]

ancestral hall

In Meishan, Sichuan Sansu Temple In Qixian Hall, memorial tablets and portraits of Su Weiwei are enshrined. On the portrait, there are author of the history Zizhi Tongjian Plaque: Yishi Rongchang. There are professors from Renmin University of China on both sides of the portrait Zhu Jinghua Couplet written: Zhao Jun is the hometown of Jinsheng Lishui Sansu; The jade comes out of Kungang and Meishan, and its source is Luancheng. [9]

Historical data index

The Old Book of the Tang Dynasty, Volume 94, Biography 44 [4]
New Book of the Tang Dynasty, Volume 114, Biography 39 [5]