Su Shi

Northern Song Dynasty litterateur
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synonym Su Dongpo (Song Dynasty litterateur) generally refers to Su Shi (Northern Song Dynasty litterateur)
Su Shi (1037-1101), known as Zizhan and Hezhong, is known as Tieguan Taoist and Dongpo Buddhist, and is known as Su Dongpo, Su Xian and Po Xian. [98] Meizhou Meishan (today Sichuan Province Meishan City )People, Northern Song Dynasty He is a writer, calligrapher, painter, and famous person in historical water control. [85 ] [89] With the parent Su Xun , Brother Su Zhe Three persons collectively“ Sansu ”。 [86-88]
jiayou Two years (1057), participated in Palace examination Chinese family B [90-92] , Grant Scholars and [93-94] (A gift Scholarship background [95] In the sixth year of Jiayou (1061) System examination , granted Dali comments , Signed by Judge of Fengxiang Mansion [88] Song Shenzong At Hangzhou Mizhou Xuzhou Huzhou And other places. Yuanfeng Three years (1080), because“ Wutaishi case ”, demoted to Huangzhou League Practice Deputy Envoy Song Zhezong After assuming the throne Minister of War Minister of Rites Rank, and let them govern Hangzhou Yingzhou Yangzhou Dingzhou Etc. As the new party came into power, it was demoted again Huizhou Danzhou Song Huizong When he was pardoned and returned to the north, he died of illness Changzhou Southern Song Dynasty During the period, posthumously presented to Grand Master, posthumous title“ Wenzhong ”。 [86] [96-97]
Su Shi was a literary leader in the middle of the Northern Song Dynasty, who made great achievements in poetry, ci, literature, calligraphy and painting. His poems are broad in subject matter, fresh and vigorous, good at using exaggerated metaphors, unique in style, and Huang Tingjian Syndication“ Cynanchum ”; His words are bold and unconstrained, and Xin Qiji Same Bold and unconstrained school For and on behalf of“ Susin ”; [96] His writings are rich, unbridled, bold and unrestrained, and Ouyang Xiu Also known as "Ousu", and Han Yu Liu Zongyuan Ouyang Xiu Su Xun Su Zhe Wang Anshi Zeng Gong Collectively“ Eight Great Men of Letters of the Tang and Song Dynasties ”; Good at calligraphy, and Huang Tingjian Mi Fu Cai Xiang Collectively“ Song Sijia ”; He is good at literati painting, especially ink bamboo, strange stones, dead wood, etc. [88] Works include《 Dongpo Seven Episodes 》《 Dongpo Yichuan 》《 Dongpo Yuefu 》《 Cold Food Posts 》《 Xiaoxiang Bamboo and Stone Painting 》《 Dead Trees and Strange Stones 》Etc. [85 ] [88]
Full Name
Su Shi
Su Dongpo Su Wenzhong Su Xian Poxian Su Yu Bureau
Zi Zhan, He Zhong
Tieguan Taoist, Dongpo Buddhist
Posthumous title
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Meishan, Meizhou (Now Meishan City, Sichuan Province)
date of birth
January 8, 1037
Date of death
August 24, 1101
Place of death
Burial place
Jiacheng (Now Jiaxian County, Henan Province)
Key achievements
Eight Great Men of Letters of the Tang and Song Dynasties ”One (Creation of Ancient Chinese)
Song poetry Everyone Bold and unconstrained school representative (Poetry creation)
Song Sijia ”Head (Calligraphy creation)
Highest office
Minister of Rites

Character's Life


Early experience

Su Shi in Song Dynasty Jingyou Born on December 19, 2003 (January 8, 1037) in Meishan, Meizhou [2-4] , the minister of the early Tang Dynasty Su flavor Descendants. [5] Su Shi's name "Shi" originally means the handrail in front of the car, which means it is unknown but indispensable. [6] Su Shi, his father, had a good family education when he was young Su Xun He is a famous ancient writer. His mother, Cheng, was once a famous scholar in the Eastern Han Dynasty Fan Pang His deeds encouraged him to forge ahead with his reputation. [16]
Qingli In the eighth year (1048), Su Xun lived at home because of his father's death, studied in closed doors, and taught his knowledge and conduct to Su Shi and his young son Su Zhe [7]
Su Shi is broad-minded and straightforward, and he is well known as a Taoist. Good at making friends [8] Good food [9] , creating many high-quality food products [10] , good tea [11] It's also a good place to visit the mountains and forests [12]

Examination in Beijing

Statue of Su Shi
In the first year of Jiayou (1056), Su Shi went to Beijing from Sichuan for the first time to participate in the imperial court's The imperial examination Su Xun, together with Su Shi (21 years old) and Su Zhe (19 years old) in the lunar calendar Xishu In the second year of Jiayou's reign (1057), he entered Beijing to take an exam.
The question of strategy theory in the exam that year was《 On the Loyalty of Punishment and Reward 》。 Su Shi's strategy and theory was awarded the examiner at that time Ouyang Xiu And small examiners Mei Yaochen Appreciation of. Su Shi wrote, "As a scholar, Gao Tao will kill people. Gao Tao said that he would kill three people, and Yao said that he would forgive three people." Without knowing the origin of this sentence, Ou and Mei reduced him from the first to the second (It is said that Ouyang Xiu mistook it for his disciple Zeng Gong, and in order to avoid suspicion, he got the second place) After the announcement, Su Shi paid tribute. Mei Yaochen asked Su Shi where this sentence came from, and Su Shi answered yes《 Romance of the Three Kingdoms ·Note to Kong Rongzhuan: Ouyang Xiu went back to check, but didn't find it. Su Shi said he took Kong Rong“ assume ”Meaning. Ouyang Xiu could not help admiring Su Shi's boldness and foresaw his future: "This man is good at reading and using books, and his articles will be unique in the world someday." [77-79]

Famous Jingshi

stay Ouyang Xiu Thanks to his repeated praise, Su Shi became famous for the time being. Every time he has a new work, he will immediately spread it to the capital. When the father and son were famous and wanted to show their skills in Beijing, Su Shi Su Zhe The sad news of her mother's death. The two brothers went home with their father to mourn.
In October of the fourth year of Jiayou (1059), the mourning period expired. The next February, the Sansu returned to Bianjing. Su Shi Henan Province The main book of Fuchang County, Su Xun The trial secretary saves the schoolmaster. [76]
In the sixth year of Jiayou (1061) Ouyang Xiu With the recommendation of, the Su Shi brothers participated in the System examination In September, Su Shi's countermeasures were rated as the third class (The first and second classes are fictitious, and the third class is actually the first class) , before the Song Dynasty, there was only one Wu Yu The third class of Su Shi is called "the first in a hundred years" because he was the third class of this system. Later, Dali was granted the right to comment and sign the letter Fengxiang Mansion Judges. Four years later, he returned to the court and passed the examination of the Bachelor's Academy Zhishiguan [14] [76]
Song Yingzong govern the nation and bring peace to the world In 1066, Su Xun died of illness. Su Shi and Su Zhe returned to their hometown with the coffin. Three years later, Sushi returned to court. At this time, the government and the public Wang Anshi's Political Reform Start. Many of Su Shi's teachers and friends, including Ouyang Xiu, who had appreciated him at the beginning, were forced to leave Beijing because they disagreed with the new Prime Minister Wang Anshi due to their opposition to the new law. The old rain of the imperial court and the countryside withered, and what Sushi saw was not the "peaceful world" he saw when he was 20 years old. [15]

Please leave Beijing

Song Shenzong Xining In the fourth year (1071), Su Shi wrote to talk about the shortcomings of the new law. Wang Anshi Feeling very angry, he asked the Imperial Historian Xie Jingwen Chen told the Shenzong about Su Shi's mistakes. Su Shi then asked to leave Beijing to take a post and was awarded the Hangzhou General Judge.
In the autumn of the seventh year of Xining (1074), Su Shi was transferred to Mizhou (Today Shandong Zhucheng )Ren Zhizhou.
From April of the 10th year of Xining (1077) to March of the 2nd year of Yuanfeng (1079) Xuzhou Ren Zhizhou. The Yellow River burst at Cao Village Liang Shanbo In the flood, the Nanqing River overflowed the old road, and the flood converged under the city of Xuzhou. The rising flood spilled out from time to time, and the city wall was about to be destroyed by the flood. The rich people rushed out of the city to avoid the flood. Su Shi said, "If the rich people go out of the city, the people in the whole city will be shaken. Who will defend the city with me? I am here, and the flood will never destroy the city wall." Drive the rich people back to the city. Su Shi went to the Wuwei Camp and shouted to the officer of the soldiers, "The river is going to wash down the city wall. It's urgent. Although you are the imperial guard, please do something for me." The officer of the soldiers said, "The imperial guard still does not escape the flood on the road. My generation of villains should serve." The soldiers who led him came out with dustpans and shovels, built the southeast dike, and began to play horses, At the end is the city wall. The city wall is only three times as high when it comes out of the water. Su Shi built a cottage to live on the city wall, but did not go in when he passed his own house. He sent officials to block the gap to guard the city wall, and finally saved Xuzhou City. He also requested that the next year's Husband's Labor Force be recruited to build the old city of Xuzhou and build a wooden revetment in case of floods. The court agreed to his request. [15]

Wutaishi case

Su Shi's portrait
In April of the second year of Yuanfeng (1079), Su Shi was transferred Huzhou Zhizhou. After taking office, he wrote a letter to the Shenzong《 Huzhou Xie Shang Biao 》This is a routine, but Su Shi is a poet, and his writing is often sentimental. Even if he writes official articles, he can't forget to add some personal color, saying that he is "stupid and untimely, it is difficult to follow new progress", "old people do not cause trouble or can herd small people". These words were used by the New Party, saying that he "fooled the court, arrogant", "resentful and angry", "scolding the public opinion", "harboring evil intentions", He also satirizes the government for its recklessness and disloyalty to the emperor, which is a crime worthy of death. They picked out sentences that they thought implied sarcasm from a large number of Su Shi's poems, and at that time, there was an uproar against Su in the imperial court. On July 28, Su Shi, who had been in office for only three months, was censorate The officials and soldiers were arrested and transferred to the capital, involving dozens of people. This is the famous“ Wutaishi case (Wutai, namely censorate , because it is planted with cypress trees and inhabits crows all the year round, it is called Wutai)
Wutaishi case This great blow became the turning point of Su Shi's life. The new parties had to kill Sushi, and rescue activities were also carried out in both the government and the field. Not only did many elders who had the same political views as Su Shi write to him in succession, but also some people of insight from the reform school advised the Shenzong not to kill Su Shi. Wang Anshi Retired at that time Jinling He also wrote: "Is it true that An has a noble world and kills talented people?" With everyone's efforts, the poem case was decided by Wang Anshi "with one word", and Su Shi was demoted to the vice envoy of Huangzhou (today's Huanggang, Hubei) for regimental training. He was "resettled in his own prefecture" and monitored by local officials. Su Shi was nearly killed after being imprisoned for 103 days. Fortunately, Song Taizu founder of the Song dynasty When he decided not to kill the scholar officials, he was able to escape. [17]
The position of deputy envoy of Huangzhou Youth League Training was quite low, and he had no real power. At this time, Su Shi had become discouraged after this battle. Su Shi was depressed after he took office. He visited Chibi Mountain outside Huangzhou many times and wrote《 Song of the Red Cliff 》《 Houchibi Fu 》And《 Niannujiao · Red Cliff Nostalgia 》And other famous works to express his thoughts and feelings when he was exiled. In his spare time, he led his family to reclaim a slope in the east of the city to help them make a living. The nickname of "Dongpo Jushi" was given by Su Shi at this time. [17]

stage a comeback

Yuanfeng In the seventh year (1084), Su Shi left Huangzhou and went there under the imperial edict Ruzhou Inauguration. Due to the long journey and tiredness, Su Shi's baby died early. The journey to Ruzhou was far away, and the toll had been exhausted. In addition to the pain of losing his son, Su Shi wrote to the imperial court to request not to go to Ruzhou for the time being, but to live in Changzhou before being approved. When he was ready to return to Changzhou, Shenzong died. Changzhou has a crisscross water network and beautiful scenery. Living in Changzhou, he neither worries about hunger nor cold, nor enjoys the beautiful scenery. He is far away from the political disputes in the capital, and can get along with his family and many friends day and night. So Su Shi chose Changzhou as his place of dying. [18]
In the eighth year of Yuanfeng (1085), Song Zhezong Enthronement, Empress Dowager Gao In the name of the young Zhezong, he was in charge of the court, author of the history Zizhi Tongjian Re enabled as phase to Wang Anshi The new party led by the party was suppressed. Su Shi Becomes Emperor Fenglang and Knows Dengzhou( Penglai )。 Four months later Courtesy Doctor He was called back to court. Half a month in Korea, rising to Living Buddhist Three months later, liters Zhongshu Sheren Soon, I will rise again hanlin academician official in charge of secretarial matters , Tribute of the Zhili Department. [19]
When Su Shi saw that the emerging forces were desperately suppressing the figures of Wang Anshi Group and abolishing the new laws, he thought that they were just like the so-called "Wang Party", and again made a suggestion to the court. He criticized the corruption exposed by the old party after it came to power. As a result, he was strongly opposed by the conservative forces, and was falsely accused. So far, Su Shi could neither tolerate the new party nor forgive the old party, so he asked for external transfer again. [19]

Re appointed to Hangzhou

Yuanyou Four years (1089), Su Shi Longtuge Bachelor Know Hangzhou. Su Shi came to Hangzhou for the second time as an official. Hangzhou suffered from drought, famine and plague. Su Shi asked the imperial court to reduce one third of the rice he had supplied on the road. He was given an ultimatum to the shaver monk and replaced it with rice to help the hungry people.
In the spring of the fifth year of Yuanyou (1090), Chang square meters were sold at a reduced price, a lot of thick porridge and soup were made, and people with doctors were sent to treat people in the neighborhood, saving many people. Su Shi said, "Hangzhou is the place where land and water meet, and more people often die of plague than other places." So he gathered the surplus public money of 2000 min, and Su Shi took out his own fifty liang gold to set up a clinic, and saved a little money to treat the sick people. Su Shi saw that there was a river in Maoshan to accommodate the tidal water of Qiantang River, and a river in Yanqiao to accommodate the water of West Lake, so he dredged these two rivers for navigation. The dam gate will be built again to control the accumulation and discharge of water from the West Lake, so that the Qiantang River tide will no longer enter Hangzhou. The remaining manpower was used to repair the Six Well, and then the excavated sludge was piled up in the West Lake, which is 30 miles from north to south, and a long embankment was built for pedestrians. People in Wu planted water chestnut and weeded in spring, leaving no grass inch. Su Shi also hired people to plant water chestnut in the West Lake, and the water grass no longer grew. The income of Zhong Ling will be used as the cost of repairing the West Lake in the future, and the remaining ten thousand yuan and ten thousand stone grains for disaster relief will be taken; And the 100 Buddhist certificates obtained from the application were used to recruit migrant workers. The Long Causeway was built, and hibiscus and willows were planted on it. It looks like a picture. Hangzhou people named the Long Causeway Sugong Dike [16]

Exile in Danzhou

Su Dongpo's Night Tour of Chengtian Temple
Su Shi is enjoying himself in Hangzhou Tang dynasty Of Bai Juyi In the sixth year of Yuanyou's reign (1091), he was recalled to the Ministry of Official Affairs, which was to be appointed by the government. Because my brother Su Zhe let Shangshu Youcheng Su Shi changed his post to Hanlin to accept the imperial edict. Not long after that, in August of the sixth year of Yuanyou, because of political disagreement, he asked to be a local official Longtuge Bachelor Yingzhou is known. [100]
In February of the seventh year of Yuanyou (1092) Yangzhou Zhizhou. A year later, the imperial court Minister of War Su Shi was called to Beijing to serve as an attendant. This year, Song Zhezong went to the southern suburbs to offer sacrifices. Su Shi Bittern dispenser , guided entry the ancestral shrine There were more than ten ocher umbrella cars and green cover cars fighting for the way, without giving way to the emperor's honor guard. Su Shi's envoy to investigate the reason was the motorcade of the empress and the eldest princess. At that time, Imperial Minister Li Zhichun He was the royal guard of honor. Su Shi asked him to play to the emperor, but Li Zhichun was afraid of offending the queen and the eldest princess, so he dared not say. Su Shi told Zhezong about the matter in the car, and Zhezong sent him to the empress dowager to deal with it. The next day, the imperial court issued an edict to clean up the honor guard, and no one from the queen was allowed to greet the audience. Soon Su Shi was appointed minister of the Ritual Department, and was also a scholar of Duanming Hall Imperial Scholar [101]
In September of the eighth year of Yuanyou (1093) Dingzhou Zhizhou. When Empress Dowager Gao died in, Zhezong came into power and the New Party came into power again.
Shaosheng In June of the first year (1094), he was demoted to be the vice envoy of Ningyuan Army, and was demoted to Huizhou (now Huizhou, Guangdong) again.
In the fourth year of Shaosheng (1097), Su Shi, who was 62 years old, was sent to a desolate place near the border by a lonely boat Hainan Island Danzhou It is said that Song dynasty Exile Hainan is only a lesser punishment than the crime of copying and killing people. He regarded Danzhou as his second hometown, "I was born in Dan'er and parasitized in Xishu". He set up a school here and introduced the style of study, so that many people traveled thousands of miles to Danzhou to learn from Su Shi. In more than one hundred years of the Song Dynasty, no one in Hainan ever entered the imperial examination. But soon after Sushi returned to the north, Jiang Tangzuo here paid tribute to his hometown. For this reason, Su Shi wrote a poem: "How did the sea ever break the earth's veins, and the Pearl Cliff became the first in history." People always regard Su Shi as the pioneer and planter of Danzhou culture, and have deep respect for him. It's handed down in Danzhou Dongpo Village Dongpo Well, Dongpo Field, Dongpo Road, Dongpo Bridge, Dongpo Hat, etc. express people's feelings of remembrance, and even the language has a "Dongpo dialect".

Died in Changzhou

Song Huizong After he ascended the throne, Sushi was successively transferred to Lianzhou resettlement, Shuzhou Tuanlian deputy envoy and Yongzhou resettlement. In April of the third year of Yuanfu (1100), the imperial court issued amnesty , Su Shi resumed his post Chao Fenglang
On the way back to the north, Su Shi Jianzhong Jingguo On July 28 of the first year (August 24, 1101), he died in Changzhou (now Jiangsu) at the age of 66. [75] Su Shi left a will and buried in Jiacheng County, Ruzhou (today's Jiaxian County, Henan Province) Juntai Township Shangruili. The next year, his son Su Guo Carry his father's coffin to Jiacheng County for burial as instructed. [20] Song Gaozong After he ascended the throne, he gave posthumous gifts to Su Shi Grand Master Song Xiaozong At that time, the posthumous title was "Wen Zhong". [21]

Main impacts



  • Poetry
Sushi's views on society and his thoughts on life are undisguised in his literary works, among which poetry is the most incisive and hearty. Among more than 2700 poems by Su, the theme of intervening in social reality and thinking about life is very prominent.
Su Shi's attitude towards all kinds of unreasonable phenomena in social reality is "a belly out of time", and he always takes criticizing reality as an important theme of his poetry. What is more valuable is that Sushi's criticism of society was not limited to the New Deal, nor was it limited to the present. He criticized the long-standing maladministration and bad habits in feudal society, reflecting a deeper sense of criticism.
Su Shi's official career was full of ups and downs, and he traveled everywhere with rich life experience. He is good at summing up experience from life experiences, and also good at seeing laws from objective things. In his eyes, ordinary life and natural scenery contain profound truth, such as《 Title Xilin Wall 》And《 Heziyou Mianchi Nostalgia 》Two poems. In these poems, the natural phenomenon has risen to philosophy, and the feeling of life has also been transformed into rational reflection. What is particularly valuable is that the philosophy in poetry is naturally expressed through vivid and distinct artistic images, rather than through logical derivation or argumentation. Such poems are beautiful, moving and interesting, and they are worthy of the name of rational and interesting poems. Don't know the true face of Mount Lushan ”And“ constant departure and reunion of friends ”As soon as it came out, it became popular as an idiom, indicating that Su Shi's poems of reason and interest were generally loved. There are many similar works in Su's poems, such as《 Sizhou Sangha Pagoda 》《 Drink the rain after the first clear on the lake 》《 Cihu Lake is sandwiched with wind 》Etc.
Su Shi is very intelligent, so he can find new ideas everywhere. The profound thinking of life made Su Shi hold a calm and broad-minded attitude towards ups and downs, which is fully reflected in Su's poems. Su Shi's poems in adversity certainly contain pain, resentment and depression, but Su Shi's more poems show pride in suffering and transcendence of pain.
Su Shi has a high erudite talent, and his mastery of the artistic skills of poetry has reached a level of proficiency. He treats the artistic norms with a spirit of renovation and surprise, and indulges in what he likes. Moreover, the expressive ability of Su Shi's poems is amazing, and there are almost no themes that can not be included in the poems in Su Shi's works.
The late Northern Song Dynasty, represented by the "Yuanyou" poetry circle, was the heyday of Song poetry Wang Anshi Huang Tingjian Chen Shidao Their creation pushed the art of Song poetry to its peak. In terms of outstanding and distinct style and personality, Wang, Huang and Chen may be more eye-catching than Sushi's poems. However, in terms of his creative achievements, Su Shi is undoubtedly the first poet in the Northern Song Dynasty. Su's poems are outstanding in terms of the wide range of subjects, the diversity of forms and the depth of feelings. More importantly, Su Shi has a strong artistic compatibility. He does not put a certain style in the same position in theory and creation.
In this way, although Sushi made great contributions in the process of creating a new look of Song poetry, he basically avoided the two main shortcomings of Song poetry, namely, being new and hard and boring. So Su Shi surpassed the poets of the same era in his overall achievements and became the most popular poet of the Song Dynasty among the readers of future generations. [16]
  • Ci
Su Shi has made extraordinary achievements in the creation of ci poetry. As far as the development of a style itself is concerned, Su Shi's historical contribution to ci poetry has exceeded Su's literature and poetry. Su Shiji Liu Yong After that, a comprehensive reform was carried out on the style of Ci, which finally broke through the traditional pattern of "Yan Ke", improved the literary status of Ci, changed Ci from an accessory of music to an independent lyric poetry, and fundamentally changed the development direction of the history of Ci.
Statue of Su Shi
Su Shi's reform of Ci is based on his idea of integrating poetry and Ci and his creation idea of "being independent". since late Tang dynasty Five Dynasties Since then, the word has been regarded as a "path". Although Liu Yong devoted his whole life to writing Ci, which promoted the development of Ci, he failed to improve the literary status of Ci. Su Shi first broke the concept that poetry is superior to poetry in theory. He believes that poetry and ci are of the same origin and belong to one body. Ci is "the Miao descendant of poetry". Although poetry and ci differ in external form, their artistic essence and expressive function should be consistent. Therefore, he often mentioned poetry and poetry in the same breath. Because he raised poetry to the same position as poetry from the perspective of style, this provided a theoretical basis for the close relationship between poetry and poetry and the communication and penetration between poetry and poetry.
In order to make the aesthetic taste of Ci truly keep pace with poetry, Su Shi also put forward the idea that Ci should be "a family of its own". The "self is a family" theory here is put forward for the "flavor" different from Liu Yong's ci, and its connotation includes: pursuing magnificent style and broad artistic conception, the ci quality should be consistent with the personality, and the ci writing should be like poetry writing, expressing one's true feelings and unique feelings of life. Because only in this way can "his writing is just like his personality" (Answer to Zhang Wenqian, the county magistrate), and he has his own way in the creation of ci. Su Shi has always attached equal importance to integrity in writing, but in literature he is opposed to following others, so he is dissatisfied Qin Guan "Learn Liu Qi to write words" but lack of "style".
The main direction of Su Shi's reform of Ci is to expand the expressive function of Ci and expand its realm. He expanded the traditional expression of tenderness to the expression of pride, and the traditional expression of love to the expression of temperament, so that the words can fully express the author's temperament and personality like poetry. Su Shi let people with lofty ideals, full of enterprising spirit, passion and vitality, hold their heads high into the world of ci poetry, changed the original soft tone of ci poetry, and opened the precedent of Xin School of ci poetry in the Southern Song Dynasty.
Like Su's poems, Su's poems often reflect on life. This kind of rational thinking about life and destiny has strengthened the philosophical implication of Ci. Although Su Shi deeply felt that life was like a dream, he did not deny life because of this, but tried to be detached from himself, always maintaining a strong and optimistic belief and detached and adaptive attitude towards life. Su's ci poems fully show the author's mental journey from positive to contradictory, striving to transcend self adaption and constantly pursuing, and his personality of being wild, romantic, passionate and thoughtful. After Liu Yong and Ouyang Xiu, Su Shi further made the image of lyric characters and the subject of creation move from separation to identity.
Su Ci not only expanded to the inner world, but also to the outside world. Different from the narrow life scenes in the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties literati ci, Su Shi not only vigorously described the author's daily communication, leisure reading, plowing, hunting, sightseeing and other life scenes in his ci, but also further demonstrated the magnificent scenery of nature. Su Shi's own writing practice shows that ci is a kind of writing that can't be written without intention. Ci, like poetry, has the function of fully expressing social life and real life. Because Su Shi expanded the expressive function of Ci, enriched its emotional connotation, expanded its space-time scene, thus improved its artistic taste, introduced Ci into the literary palace, and promoted Ci from a "path" to a lyric style with the same status as poetry.
Statue of Su Shi
Poetry as a word ”The main weapon of Su Shi's changing the style of Ci poetry is his hand. The so-called "taking poetry as the word" is to transplant the expression of poetry into the word. The successful expression of Su's ci poems includes two aspects: preface and allusion. With the word title and word order, it is not only convenient for the time, place and origin of the writing of alternate pronouns, but also can enrich and deepen the aesthetic connotation of words. A large number of allusions in Ci also began with Sushi. The use of allusions in Ci is not only an alternative and concentrated narrative way, but also a tortuous and profound lyric way. Su Ci used a large number of titles and allusions to enrich and develop the expression of Ci, which had a significant impact on the development of later Ci.
Essentially, Su Shi's "taking poetry as poetry" is to break through the restriction and restriction of music on poetry and change poetry from an appendage of music to an independent lyric poetry. Su Shi wrote poems mainly for people to read, but not for singing, so he paid attention to the freedom of expressing feelings and aspirations, although he also followed the musical rules of words rather than being constrained by them. Because of this, Su Shi's words were written with a good grace, even if he occasionally did not agree with the rules of rhythm. Just like Su's poems, Su's ci poetry shows abundant passion, rich imagination and freely changing and colorful language style. Although the style of most of Su Shi's 362 existing poems is still close to the traditional graceful and gentle style, there are a considerable number of works that reflect the new style of unrestrained and heroic, as free as the wind in the sky and as straightforward as the rain in the sea, such as《 When will the bright moon appear 》。
Su Shi was the key figure in the transformation of the style of Ci in the Song Dynasty. Wang Zhuo Biji Manzhi 》He said: "Mr. Dongpo is not obsessed with music. He occasionally sings songs, pointing out that the way up, the new world's ears and eyes, and the author will know how to shake himself up." Strengthening the literariness of ci poetry and weakening its dependence on music is what Su Shi pointed out for future generations. The later poets of Nandu and Xinpai followed this path to further develop. [22]
  • article
Sushi's literary thought attaches equal importance to literature and Taoism. He praised the contributions of Han Yu and Ouyang Xiu to ancient Chinese, both from the perspective of literature and Taoism. But Sushi's view of literature and Taoism was very unique in the Northern Song Dynasty. First of all, Sushi believes that the art of writing has independent value, such as "fine gold and beautiful jade. Writing is not just a tool to carry Tao, but its own performance function is an advanced form of human spiritual activities. Second, Sushi's idea of" Tao "is not limited to the Confucian way, but refers to the laws of things in general. So Sushi advocated that articles should be like the objective world, with natural culture and science and arbitrary posture. He advocated the diversity and vividness of artistic style, opposed the uniform style of writing, and believed that it would lead to the desolation of the literary world like "yellow grass and white reed".
East Slope Map [23]
It is under the guidance of this unique literary thought that Su Shi's prose presents a colorful artistic style. He extensively drew artistic nutrition from the works of the previous generation, the most important source of which is the boldness of Mencius and the strategists of the Warring States Period, the rich association of Zhuangzi and the natural and unbridled style of writing.
Su Shi has extremely high expressive power, and there are almost no objective things or inner feelings that can not be expressed in his writing. Su's style changes freely with the different objects, like flowing clouds and flowing water. Han Yu's ancient prose relies on eloquence, layout, preparation and other means to achieve the same goal, while Su Wen relies on the way of expressing Ruyi and thinking. Su's prose is powerful, but its language is simple and natural, which is one of the characteristics of Song's prose that is different from Tang's.
Su Shi is good at writing argumentative essays. His early historical theories have a strong habit of being a strategist, sometimes pretending to be surprising and unreasonable, such as《 Jia Yi's Theory 》Blame Jia Yi for not knowing how to make friends with ministers in order to see the letter from the imperial court《 Fan Zengdian 》Fan Zengying was proposed to kill Xiang Yu for the Yidi. But there are also many original opinions, such as《 Lingering theory 》It is said that the elderly man was a hermit in the Qin Dynasty, and the purpose of humiliating Zhang Liang was to cultivate his perseverance; "On Ping Wang" criticizes Zhou Ping Wang's failure to avoid bandits and move to the capital, which is novel, profound and enlightening. These historical theories were good at random growth in writing, and showed a high degree of argumentation skills. They became the model essays for scholars to take examinations at that time, so they were widely spread. Su Shi's political essays in his early years also had similar style characteristics, but with the deepening of experience, the habits of strategists gradually weakened. For example, some of the memorials written by Yuanyou after that were targeted in content and calm in words, close to the style of Jia Yi and Lu Zhi. Although historical and political commentaries show Su Shi's extraordinary talent, argumentative essays such as essays, letters, prefaces and postscripts can better reflect Su Shi's literary achievements. These articles are also good at renovating and surprising, but they are more lively in form, more lively in discussion, and often are interlocutory and lyrical. They use artistic appeal to strengthen logical persuasion, so they are more beautiful than historical and political comments.
Su Shi's narrative travel notes, narrative, lyric, and argumentative functions are also well integrated. Because Sushi's composition is based on the principle of "Ci Da", he should do what he wants to do and stop when he wants to do it. There are few words and sentences in his essays, which are most prominent in his notes. Such as《 Night Tour of Chengtian Temple 》The full text is only about 80 words, but the artistic conception is transcendent and the lasting appeal is meaningful, which is the wonderful piece of essays in the Song Dynasty.
Su Shi's Ci Fu and "Four Six" also made great achievements. His ci fu inherits Ouyang Xiu's tradition, but it is more integrated with the laxity and desolation of ancient prose, absorbs the lyric meaning of poetry, and thus stands out from the blue rather than the blue《 Song of the Red Cliff 》And《 Houchibi Fu 》Such a famous article. "Red Cliff Fu" follows the traditional pattern of "subject and object question and answer", "restrain and extend the subject", describes its own philosophy of life, and also describes the beautiful scenery of the moon night on the Yangtze River. The full text can be called a beautiful prose poem with parallel prose and scattered prose. Even in the Fourth and Sixth Middle School, Su Shi also showed the style of flowing clouds and flowing water. When he held office in the Imperial Academy, he drew up the Zhigaoqu to support the lofty and powerful, which is rare in the Taige characters. After being relegated, he wrote a vivid and moving book, which is a rare work of temperament in the Siliuti.
Su Shi's Prose in the Song Dynasty and Ouyang Xiu Wang Anshi Although they are equally famous, Su Wen is undoubtedly the most successful one in Song Wen if viewed from the perspective of literature alone. [16]


  • Calligraphy
Su Shi is good at writing running script regular script , and Huang Tingjian Mi Fu Cai Xiang It is also known as the "Song Sijia". He once learned from the masters of Jin, Tang and Five Dynasties, and then Wang Sengqian Xu Hao Li Yong learned scholar Yang Ning type The creative styles of famous artists such as Li and Li have become their own. He once claimed that: "My book was not intended to be", "it is new and does not practice the ancients". Huang Tingjian said that he was "more skillful in writing in his early years, and less natural than his boss." This shows that Su Shi has experienced many ups and downs in his life, resulting in the ups and downs of his calligraphy style. His surviving works include "Ode to Red Cliff", "Poems on Cold Food in Huangzhou" and "Some Essays on Offering Sacrifice to Yellow River". [24] [26]
  • painting
Su Shi is good at painting ink and bamboo, and he attaches importance to the likeness of spirit in painting. He advocates that there should be sustenance outside the painting, opposes the likeness of form, and opposes the shackles of procedure. He advocates that "poetry and painting should be the same, natural and fresh", and clearly puts forward the concept of "scholar painting", which has laid a theoretical foundation for the development of "literati painting" in the future. Su Shi is an important figure who stands on the watershed of the development of Chinese painting aesthetics and its practice. His works include Dead Trees and Strange Stones, Xiaoxiang Bamboo and Stone, etc. [24-25]

Historical evaluation


Overall evaluation

Su Shi has achieved high attainments in literature, poetry and ci, which can be regarded as the representative of the highest achievement of literature in the Song Dynasty. Moreover, Sushi's creative activities were not limited to literature. His achievements in calligraphy, painting and other fields were outstanding, and he also contributed to medicine, cooking, water conservancy and other skills. Su Shi typically embodies the cultural spirit of the Song Dynasty. From the scope of literary history, Sushi's significance mainly has two points: first, Sushi's attitude towards life has become a paradigm admired by future generations of scholars: advance and retreat freely, and be not surprised. As Sushi integrated the two attitudes of the feudal sergeants with the same value scale, he was able to cope with changes without fear. Of course, this paradigm is more suitable for scholars when they are suffering from difficulties. It can lead to a realm of life that not only adheres to integrity but also has a healthy personality, which is exactly what scholars of all dynasties after the Song Dynasty hope to do. Secondly, Su Shi's aesthetic attitude provides an enlightening aesthetic paradigm for future generations. He embraces the world with a broad aesthetic vision, so everything is impressive, and beauty can be found everywhere. This paradigm has opened up a new world for future generations in terms of subject matter, content and means of expression. Therefore, it is a historical necessity for Sushi to be loved by later generations of scholars.
Su Shi's portrait
Sushi enjoyed a great reputation in the literary world at that time. He inherited Ouyang Xiu We attach great importance to the discovery and cultivation of literary talents. At that time, many young writers surrounded him like stars and moons, among which the greatest achievements were Huang Tingjian Zhang Lei Chao Buzhi Qin Guan Four persons, collectively“ Sumen Fourth Bachelor ”。 Plus Chen Shidao and Li Zhi , also called collectively“ Six Gentlemen of Su Clan ”。 In addition, Li Gefei Li Zhiyi Tang Geng Zhang Shunmin Kong Pingzhong He Zhu They were also directly or indirectly influenced by Su Shi. Because Su Shi's achievements include various literary styles, and his own creation has no fixed norms to follow, Su Men's writers have their own features in creation. Huang Tingjian Chen Shidao is good at poetry, Qin Guan is good at poetry, Li Zhi is famous for his ancient prose, and Zhang and Chao are good at poetry and prose. At the same time, their artistic styles and features also have their own characteristics. For example, Huang Shisheng is new, Chen Shipu is simple and unsophisticated, and their styles are not similar to Su's poems. Later, Huang and Chen also set up another school.
Su Shi's works were famous at that time, and were popular in Liao, Xixia and other places. At the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, the imperial court once banned the spread of Su Shi's works, but the stricter the ban, the wider the spread. When the party ban was lifted in the Southern Song Dynasty, Su Shi's collections were widely circulated in various versions, which were engraved in successive dynasties.
In the minds of later generations of scholars, Su Shi was a talented literary giant, and people scrambled to learn from Su Shi's works. In the era of confrontation between the Jin State and the Southern Song Dynasty, Sushi had a profound impact on both the north and the south. Su's poems not only influenced the poems of the Song Dynasty, but also gave important enlightenment to the public security poets of the Ming Dynasty and the Song poetry poets of the early Qing Dynasty. Su Shi's spirit of liberating the style of Ci was directly inherited by the poets of Xin School in the Southern Song Dynasty, forming an equal share with the graceful Ci Bold Ci School Its influence has always affected Chen Weisong and others in the Qing Dynasty. Su Shi's prose, especially his essays, is the artistic origin of the Ming Dynasty's Gong'an School prose, which symbolizes the unique expression of spirit. Until the Qing Dynasty, the influence of Su Wen was still seen in Yuan Mei's and Zheng Xie's prose.
Su Shi also retained the image of amiability, humor and wit in the minds of ordinary people in future generations. His travels around the world and his inventions in life are all favorite topics for future generations. Among the writers in the Song Dynasty, Su Shi is incomparable in terms of the extent to which he is widely loved by later generations. [22]

Evaluation of past dynasties

  • Zhao Zhen : Now I have two prime ministers of Taiping for my descendants. Chen Hu Old News ·Citation of Volume II, Yu Wenbao Sword Blowing Record 》"I get two things for my children".) [28]
  • Wang Bizhi : Zi Zhan's articles and comments are unique in the world. His style is superb and he is really an immortal; As for calligraphy and painting, they are also excellent. Therefore, his simple writing was just finished, that is, he was hidden away. Those who have authentic works are more important than pearls and jade. Although Zi Zhan was just in the high world and met a gentle person, some of them were good and desirable, and they often spent all their time with him, arguing about the reward of singing, and talking about banter between them, so he was especially loved by scholars and officials. He was sent to Huangzhou as a matchmaker. There was a scholar named Chushi Chen who took a pen and paper to ask Zizhan for a book and met a guest named Fang Guqin, so he wrote: "Or if you play the piano to a noble person, the sky is cloudy, and the noble person is strange, saying: 'How can the string be slow?' To Zizhan, 'The string is not slow.'" Zizhan's pure talk and banter are all like this. [69]
  • Su Zhe : If you are good at people, you can call it as if you are afraid of it; If you are not good at criticizing others, you will be afraid of them; Be brave and dare to do what is just, regardless of its harm. I am trapped in the world with this number, but I don't think I hate it. (The epitaph of the dead brother Zhan Duan Ming) [33]
  • Fan Zuyu : Su Shi's articles were published at that time. They are famous at home, loyal and loyal to Xu State, and dare to speak up when things happen. Such as Shi, should he go to the imperial court for a long time? [34]
  • Huang Tingjian : ① People said that Dongpo wrote this article because it is difficult to see ingenuity. I thought otherwise. He is good at writing, so his writing style is extremely comfortable. (Ba Zi Zhan, Zuiweng Cao) [30] ② The article is wonderful to the world, and the spirit of loyalty runs through the sun and the moon. (Badongpo Inscriptions) [31] ③ Yuan You tried the ritual department in the middle of the lock. Every time I saw it, the paper on the table could not be selected as fine or thick, and the books were everywhere. For sexual wedding, however, one should not be intoxicated by Yue in four or five days. He should lie down without saying goodbye, and his nose should sound like thunder. Little wake up, write like wind and rain, although banter all have meaning taste, really immortal. How can we compete with the calligraphers of today! (Title of Dongpo's Word) [32]
  • Liu Anshi : Dongpo's big festival of establishing a dynasty is very impressive. It has a high and broad meaning. It is only his own faith. In Yuanfeng, people are not allowed to kill him; In Yuanhu, though there were some disagreements with the old man (referring to Sima Guang, whom Liu Anshi learned from), he didn't go up and down at any time. (Ma Yongqing's Collection of Quotations from Yuancheng) [29]
  • Chao Wujiu : Dongpo's words have many dissonant sounds. However, Jushi Ci is outstanding, and can not be bound in the music. (《 Tiaoxi Yuyincong dialect Volume 33 (Citation) [35]
  • Wang Zhifang Dongpo tried to show that he was blameless and gentle with his small words, saying, "Why don't you travel less?" Both of them said to each other, "Your little words are like small words, and your little words are like poems." (Quoted from Wang Zhifang's Poems, The First Part of Yu Yin Cong's Poems, Volume IV 12) [36-37]
  • Wang Zhuo : ① Mr. Dongpo wrote poems with his spare time, and wrote lyrics and songs with overflow. He was absorbed in the sky at a high place, and smiled in the mirror at a flat place, regardless of his peers. Or, "Long and short sentences are full of poetry." Those who argue about this are poisoned by the saliva of Liu Yong's wild fox. Poetry and Yuefu come out at the same time, should they be differentiated? If we follow the Liu family, we will not differentiate our ears. ② Mr. Dongpo, who is not intoxicated with music, occasionally sings songs, pointing out that the way up, the new world will be heard and seen, and the author will know how to shake himself up. Today's youth falsely claims that Dongpo has shifted his poetic temperament to make long and short sentences. In nine cases out of ten, he will learn from Cao Yuanchong if he doesn't learn from Liu Qiqing. Although it is ridiculous, there is no need to laugh. (《 Biji Manzhi ·Volume II) [37-38]
  • Hu Yin : Lyrics and songs are the final creation of the ancient music house... However, those who are bold and unconstrained in their articles seldom pay attention to them, and they also sweep their tracks, which is just a game of joking waves. Tang people are the most skilled. Liu Qiqing came out later to hide the public system and do his best. Those who are good think they cannot add more. As for the Su family in Meishan, once they wash the state of Qi Luo and fragrance, they can get rid of the degree of preparation, make people look far and high, sing a song, and have a sense of grandeur, which is beyond the dust. Therefore, the flower is a sorcerer, and the Liu family is a Yutai. (Preface to Xianglin's Collection of Liquor Sides) [37] [42]
  • Zhao 昚 : So I gave the Grand Master a posthumous title of Wenzhong Sushi, who was loyal to the theory of the Communist Party, and who was a royal official for the time being. (Preface to the Imperial Collection of Su Wenzhong) [39]
  • Lu You : ① It is said that Dongpo cannot sing, so most of the Yuefu works are not harmonious. Chao said: "At the beginning of Shao Shengchu, he was separated from Dongpo in Bianshang. Dongpo was drunk and sang" Yangguan Song "." But the public could not sing, but he was bold and unconstrained, and did not like to cut his voice to the tune. Try to use the words and songs of Dongpo. At the end of the song, you will feel the wind, sea and rain are threatening. (Notes of Laoxue Temple) [35] [37] ② The public doesn't care about his country with all his misfortunes and blessings. After thousands of years, he is very angry.
  • Xu Du: (Liu Yong) Although his words are extremely exquisite, they are often mixed with contemptuous words, so ordinary people are especially fond of them. Later, the Duke of Europe and the Duke of the Soviet Union came out, and the style of the song was changed. It was the lyrics of the song, and the system was elegant. (Que Swept and Edited Volume II) [41]
  • Wang Ruoxu : ① Chao Wujiu said, "The words of Meishan Lord are shorter than love, which can't make the situation more impressive. Woo hoo! The charm is like Dongpo, but it is not as good as love, is it? He is a noble and leisurely man, just as he is. It overflows with small words, while leisure extends to the space between makeup and powder. It is called farce, and people who talk about farce also. If it is delicate and colourful, and goes into the human bone marrow, like the line in the field and the generation of Liu Qiqing, how elegant is it? ② The public is generous, and Yuefu is its game. How can Gu compete with the vulgar? Due to his extraordinary talent, he moves forward with resignation, so his writing style is extremely impressive. (Hunan Poetry Notes) [36-37] [43]
  • Liu Chenweng : As far as the east slope, poetry is as elegant as literature, as a wonder of heaven and earth. How could it be more clumsy than the female voice of a group of children? (Xin Jiaxuan Preface) [44]
  • Yuan Haowen : The lyrics of Tang Dynasty have many palace styles, and they all try their best to do it. Since Dongpo came out, I don't know the words except for my temperament. It really has the appearance of "washing all the time, all the horses are empty". Although the palace body was made at that time, how could it be generalized? People say that it is not difficult to write Yuefu, but it is difficult to write from Dongpo. This is not a man who knows slope. Therefore, the words of sorrow and boredom of young men and women in Poem 300 are suddenly touched by foreign objects, and they are full of feelings. Its first fruit wants to be orchestrated. Is the harmonic stone passed by the sage to be passed along with the Six Classics? It's wrong to call it Dongpo calligraphy game because I want to win or lose with my predecessors. From this point of view, Dongpo Holy Place did not intend to work with words, but had to work with them. Since the slope, the Valley, Chao Wujiu, Chen Qufei, and Xin You'an have all been famous for their lyrics, chanting their temperament, lingering on the scene, and being strong and downcast, which can make people think. There are also those who are clumsy in meaning and do not embellish themselves. Those who have become beautiful due to illness are all from the slope. (《 Essays of Yishan Volume XXXVI: New Pavilion Yuefu Introduction) [37]
  • Desquamation : When Su Shi was a boy, some scholars passed on Shi to introduce the poem "Qingli Shengde Poem" to the middle of Sichuan. Shi cited Han, Fu, Du and Fan Zhuxian mentioned in the poem to ask his teacher. It is said that "the right desire to know is the ear of all people." It has already meant to fight against the sages in the world. Weak crown, father, son and brother to the capital, one day and famous, moving in all directions. Then he ascended to the first place, promoted the Ci section, took charge of the calligraphy, and became a master of Fangzhou. With great knowledge, brilliant comments, powerful articles and shrewd political affairs, all of them can be based on a special ambition and supplemented by the spirit of marching forward. Intentional direction is enough to achieve excellence in words and success in deeds. As for the coming of disasters, integrity and righteousness are enough to keep them, and they are all determined to do what Qi does. When Renzong first read about Shi and his policy, he retired and said happily, "Today I have two prime ministers for my descendants." Shenzong especially loved his literature, read it in the palace, and forgot to eat. He was called a genius in the world. Both monarchs know Shi, but Shi's soldiers can't make great use of him. First, Ouyang Xiu knew it first, and then his name was the same as that of Shi. Isn't it Shi's strong point that can't be suppressed? The most important public in the world is not mutually destined! How fortunate is it that Shi can't meet each other? Or: "Although Shi has a little self concealment, he should avoid disaster even if he is not used as a handle." Although, if Shi is right and changes what he does, he should still be a Shi? [45]
  • Wang Shizhen ① Since the Han and Wei Dynasties, there have been many people who have been famous for their poems for more than 2000 years. Only Cao Zijian, Li Taibai and Su Zizhan are the only people who have been named as immortal by Gu Suo. (《 Poetry with Sutra Hall 》) [46] ② Yamaguchi said, "Dongpo's words are full of the wind and waves on the sea." When reading Po's words, I think they are just like this. They are too trivial to compare with Liu Qi. What's more, they are laughed at by Mr. Beard? (《 Flowers and plants are picked up 》) [36-37]
  • Yuan Mei : talented but ruthless, more interesting but less rhyme: because of high talent, shallow learning ability. There is a beginning but no end, more rigid but less soft: experience the poor scenery sooner or later. (《 Criticism of Poetry from the Garden of Leisure 》) [47]
  • Zhou Ji : People appreciate Dongpo's boldness, while I appreciate Dongpo's youth. Shaoxiu is the best place on the east slope, while the rude people are ill. Everything on Dongpo is not very hard. Ancient Chinese, calligraphy and painting are all excellent, and words are also excellent. (The Miscellaneous Works of Jiecun Zhai on Ci Poetry) [37]
  • Zeng Guofan The ancients called morality, meritorious service and speech three immortalities. Morality is the most difficult to establish. Since the Zhou and Han Dynasties, there have been few people who pass on morality. How many people have made contributions such as Xiao, Cao, Fang, Du, Guo, Li, Han, Yue, and made statements such as Ma, Ban, Han, Ou, Li, Du, Su, and Huang? (Collection of Zeng Guofan's Essays (V)) [49]
  • Liu Xizai : ① Dongpo's poems are quite similar to those of the old Du Fu, because they are unintentional and can't be entered, and nothing can be said. If it is bold and unconstrained, it is close to Taibai. ② Too white《 Recalling Qin E 》, sound and emotion are solemn and stirring. In the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, it was graceful and beautiful. The ancient style can be restored only when it reaches the east slope. Later generations' commenters may turn to Dongpo as a tone sandhi, but they do not know that it was a tone sandhi in the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties. ③ Dongpo's "Settling the Wind" said: "I still have a thin, lonely, snow and frost appearance Dongpo's ci poems have the appearance of immortality. It's a pity that he hasn't reached the white jade toad family outside. (Introduction to Art Volume IV) [36-37] [48]
  • Wang Pengyun The words of the Northern Song Dynasty, such as Pan Xiaoyao's elegance, Song Zijing's luxury, Ouyang Wenzhong's elegance, Liu Tuntian's broadness, Yan Xiaoshan's sparseness, Qin Taixu's grace, Zhang Ziye's beauty, Huang Wenjie's elegance, He Fanghui's elegance, can all be simulated as if they were. Su Wenzhong is the only one with a clear and powerful style, which is unique in the world. Is it just a matter of stopping talent when the sky is high and the earth is high? His temperament, his knowledge and his bosom are beyond his dreams. Su Xin, a famous poet, said that in fact, Xin was still in the realm of people, and Su was almost immortal! (Bantang Manuscript) [36]
  • Shen Zengzhi "Dongpo uses poetry as his word, which is like the dance of Ambassador Lei. Although it is the most important work in the world, it must not be true." This "Houshan Talk about Congyu" is also true. However, according to Cai Tao's "Tieweishan Cong Tan", "When the Emperor was in power, it was a time of peace. People who were skilled in chess were called Liu Zhongfu and Jin Shiming, while the zither was called Buddhist monk, Buddhist monk and Buddhist monk, and monk Quanya. The Pipa in the teaching school was called Liu Ji'an, while the dance was called Lei Zhongqing. Everyone in the world called him Ambassador Lei, and the flute was called Meng Shuiqing. These people were all superior to the skills of previous generations." However, Ambassador Lei was a unique skill of the teaching school, which was called non authentic, Is it true that foreigners are happy? (《 On Junge 》) [36-37] [40]
  • Chen Xun : Dongpo worships the style of style alone, and advocates the rules of Liu and Qin. The style of Ci is respected since Dongpo. (Words of Haixiao) [40]
  • Xia Jingguan : ① Dongpo's words are like spring flowers scattered in the sky, without any sign, making willows sing like the music of the wind and the waves, with many murmuring sounds, which is superior. If you are passionate and arrogant, Chen Wuji said, "It is like the dance of Ambassador Lei of the teaching school. Although it is a great work in the world, it must not be true." This is the second best. Later, those who learned from Su can only know the second best, and none of them can reach the top, that is, Jiaxuan. ② Dongpo《 Everlasting happiness 》As the word goes, "A drum is like three drums. It is like a leaf. It is dark and the clouds are broken. The night is boundless, and there is no place to find again. I feel that I have traveled all over the small garden." This number can be used as the place where Dongpo comes from. (吷吷吷吷吷吷吷吷吷吷吷吷吷21 [37]
  • Wang Guowei When comparing Song poetry with Tang poetry, Dongpo looks like Taibai, Ou and Qin look like Mothi, Qiqing looks like happy, Fanghui and Shuli look like ten sons in Dali. (Renjian Cihua) [51]
  • Cai Songyun : Dongpo's words have thousands of volumes on his chest and no dust on his pen. Its vastness does not mean that it can speak boldly, but that it covers all kinds of weather in its mind. If you follow his appearance, why not imitate him. Dongpo Xiaoling is beautiful, elegant and profound. If you are not broad-minded, how can you have such a vomit. (Curtin's Theory of Ci) [50]
  • Lin Yutang Su Dongpo is an irredeemable optimist, a great humanist, a friend of the people, a great writer, a great calligrapher, an innovative painter, a wine maker, an engineer, a person who hates Puritanism, a yoga practitioner, a Buddhist, a great Confucian politician, an emperor's secretary, a wine fairy, a kind judge A political naysayer. A moonwalker, a poet, a clown. But this is not enough to tell the whole story of Su Dongpo... Su Dongpo is more versatile than other Chinese poets in terms of his sense of richness, sense of change and sense of humor. He has excellent intelligence, but his heart is like a naive child - this mixture is equal to the wisdom of what Jesus called the snake plus the warmth of the dove. [52]
  • Qian Mu ① Su Dongpo's poetry is great because he has never been politically proud in his life. His life was full of ups and downs. However, Su Dongpo's realm of Confucianism is not high, but his personality is great in other difficult environments, such as his period in Huangzhou and later in Huizhou and Qiongzhou. At that time, the poems were all good, but once they were comfortable, some of them were not good. The poetic environment was sometimes vulgar. Dongpo's poems have the advantages of pride and interest. Its quietness is not as good as Wang Mojie's, and its loyalty is not as good as Du Gongbu's. ② Their (Su brothers) academic work is covered with a thick color of explaining the old, so they do not think there is a positive, beyond all ideal standard for world affairs. On the one hand, they are quite skillful in dealing with the world affairs, and they deal with them randomly with their living cleverness. They also do not believe that there is a certain system, which is better than other systems. However, on the other hand, they are fond of writing and rhetoric, so they often exaggerate their opinions and try their best. Close to ancient strategists. (Outline of the National History · Part VI of the Song Dynasty · Chapter 33: New and Old Party Struggles and Talents from the North and South) [53]
  • Li Zhimin "Su Shi is a versatile artist." [1]
  • Huang Jinxiang : "Dongpo is an unprecedented literary star, shining in the whole world. It's a wonder that will never be seen again!" [70]
  • Wang Jinyu "A model of harmony and unity of the People's Art Theatre". [27]

Anecdotes and allusions


Interesting Facts

Song Renzong In the second year of Jiayou (1057), Su Shi was appreciated by Mei Yaochen, the examiner, with a paper titled "On Punishment, Rewarding and Loyalty", and recommended it to Ouyang Xiu, the examiner. Ouyang Xiu was also very appreciative. He wanted to be promoted to the first place, but he was afraid that the article was written by his student Zeng Gong. In order to avoid suspicion, he ranked second. Results After the examination paper was opened, it was found that the article was written by Su Shi.
Su Shi wrote a thank-you letter to Ouyang Xiu after he was admitted to the imperial examination. Ouyang Xiu exclaimed at his talent. Ouyang Xiu is giving a poem Mei Yaochen A letter from《 Yu Shu with Mei Sheng 》He praised Su Shi: "I should avoid the road and let him stand out." When he came to the Ministry of Rites for the second interview, Su Shi again took the "Spring and Autumn Righteousness" as the first. [13] [54]
As for the content of "On Punishment, Reward, Loyalty and Kindness": "Gao Tao said the third to kill, Yao said the third to forgive". At that time, the examiners did not know its allusion. Ouyang Xiu asked Su Shi what the allusion was. Su Shi's answer is《 Romance of the Three Kingdoms ·Kong Rongzhuan. Ouyang Xiu couldn't find it after searching. Su Shi replied:“ Cao Cao After destroying Yuan Shao, he gave Cao Pi, Shao's son, Yuan Xi's wife Zhen Mi. Kong Rongyun said: 'That is, King Wu of Zhou attacked Zhou and granted Duke Zhou with Daji'. When he was surprised, he asked what the code was, and answered, 'Take it for granted.' " Ouyang Xiu suddenly understood. [55]

Building Su Dike

Statue of Su Shi
"Su dikes are built everywhere on the east slope". Su Shi has built many long dikes in his life. Northern Song Dynasty Xining In the autumn of 1077, Xuzhou was besieged by floods. Su Shi informed everyone to "prepare dustpan forks, store earth and stone, and accumulate rice paddies", and at the same time, he urgently dispatched 5000 people to reinforce the city foundation and build high walls. Su Shi organized the army and the people of Xuzhou to build a long dike for flood control in the south of the city, where the water situation was severe. The History of the Song Dynasty · The Biography of Sushi records that Sushi "led his disciples to hold a dustpan fork to build a long dike in the southeast, the first stage of horse playing, and the end of the dike belongs to the city". The Annals of Xuzhou · Mountains and Rivers · Sushi written by Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty: "When Sushi was guarding Xu, the river was doomed to be a disaster, because the city was blocked by building, the city belonged to the platform, and it was two miles long. The people depended on the whole, and the people survived." Xu people still think about it.
In the fourth year of Yuanyou in the Northern Song Dynasty (1089), Su Shi was appointed as the governor of Hangzhou. Since the West Lake had not been dredged for a long time, it was more than half silted up. "The flat lake in Qiutai has been full of weeds for a long time, and people are still withered and sparse when they are old." The lake gradually dried up, and weeds grew in the lake, seriously affecting agricultural production. In the second year of his visit to Hangzhou, Su Shi led the people to dredge the West Lake, used more than 200000 migrant workers, expelled Fengtian, restored the old view, and built three pagodas (today's three pools reflect the moon) in the deepest part of the lake as a sign. He collected the excavated mud and built a long dike that runs through the West Lake. The dike is connected by six bridges for pedestrians. Later generations called it "Sugong Dike", or "Sudi" for short.
In the sixth year of Yuanyou (1091), Su Shi was demoted to Yingzhou (present-day Anhui Fuyang )At that time, Yingzhou West Lake was also dredged and diked.
In the first year of Shaosheng (1094), Su Shi was demoted to the position of Deputy Commissioner of Yuanning Army and the placement of Huizhou (now Guangdong). Su Shi, who was nearly sixty years old, galloped around the clock and traveled thousands of miles to his hometown, and was warmly welcomed by the people in the south of the Five Ridges. Su Shi took out the gold awarded by the emperor, donated to dredge the West Lake, and built a dike. For this reason, "the elders like to gather together, and there is no empty bamboo pot to carry with them, and they will drink for three days, and kill all the chickens in the village". People are always celebrating.

North and South are the same

Since the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, scholars have《 Tanjing 》The reading and acceptance of the book is more widespread and in-depth. According to the Tanjing, Huineng first saw the Five Ancestors Hongren At that time, Master Hongren said, "You are both Lingnan people and Liao people. How can you be a Buddha?" Huineng He replied: "Although people have north and south, the Buddha nature is not the same as that of a monk. What is the difference in Buddha nature?" Su Shi accepted the concept of "north and south are equal" and expressed the idea of "when a lion roars, Buddhism has no north and south" in his poem "Wu Ziye Becomes a Monk in Chaoyang". Before this poem, he also said in "Sending Little Zen Master to Dharma Cloud" that "one's body is like a floating cloud, and one can only be satisfied in the north and south".
Under the influence of the concept of "North and South are the same", Sushi gradually integrated the North and South, which is reflected in his poems, such as "there are North and South at the bottom of the world, how could wild geese ever die", "a piece of cloud will be unintentionally won, north and south, east and west only one day". Since there is no difference between "north and south", Sushi's pursuit of life is to live a comfortable life. This idea is further demonstrated in the book "Settling the storm and always admiring the world to carve jade": "Do you think Lingnan should be a good place? But, as the saying goes, this is my hometown where my heart is secure." The place where my heart is secure is my hometown. The idea of integration of the north and the south and the life mentality of "self entertainment" have an important impact on Sushi's poetry creation.
The reason for the peace of mind is the acceptance of the northern and southern concepts in the Tanjing and the deep understanding of the Buddhist and Zen principles. It is this kind of peace of mind that makes Sushi have an indissoluble bond with the Southern Zen. During his exile in the south of the Five Ridges, he repeatedly expressed his yearning for Southern Buddhism in his poems: "If you don't make incense to Nanhua, where is your true dependence in your life", "If you travel thousands of miles to the south, you can know the taste of water by drinking Caoxi".


When Sushi took office in Hangzhou, Dushang Tax Arrest a tax evader, yes Nanjianzhou (now Nanping, Fujian) Xianggong Jinshi Wu Weiwei. He pretended to use the title of Su Shi to seal the two scrolls and send them to the capital Su Zhe Your mansion. Su Shi asked him what was in the scroll. Wu Weiwei said in fear, "I am honored to be recommended as a tribute scholar this autumn, and my fellow townsmen gathered 100000 yuan to give me as a farewell gift. I bought four hundred zhang Jianyang thin silk, but I thought that all the tax authorities along the road would tax, and I was afraid that less than half of them would be left when I arrived in the capital, so I thought privately: 'Only you and Su Shilang (Su Zhe) are the most famous people in the world today who like to promote and reward scholars. Even if it is revealed, it will be forgiven. ' So he sealed the silk under the guise of Mr. When I came here, I didn't know that my husband had come here first. Unfortunately, I have nothing to say. "
Su Dongpo looked at it for a long time, smiled and asked the servant in charge of the paperwork to remove the old seal, put a new title on it, attach a note with the words "sent to Tokyo (now Kaifeng, Henan) Zhugan Lane", and wrote a letter to his younger brother Su Zhe and handed it to Wu Wei, saying: "This time, you can take it to heaven."
The next year, Wu Weiwei passed the exam and came to thank him. [61]

Cheng Su Becomes Resentful

Song Zhezong The first year of Yuanyou (1086) author of the history Zizhi Tongjian When he died, the ministers were holding a memorial ceremony at the Mingtang Hall, which was too late for the memorial ceremony. As soon as the ceremony was completed, the ministers wanted to go to mourn, younger brother of Cheng Hao and forerunner of Zhu Xi But stopped everyone and said Confucius "Cry on a daily basis, but don't sing". After attending the Mingtang ceremony, you should not hang up your family again. Everyone thought it was inhuman, and retorted that "crying means not singing" does not mean "singing means not crying". Su Shi laughed at Cheng Yi and said, "This is a vain attempt to kill people in the market Shusuntong The established etiquette. " This is the beginning of the feud between Su Shi and Cheng Yi. [56]
Once, on the national death day, the ministers came to Xiangguo Temple When praying to Buddha, Cheng Yi asked for vegetarian food. Su Shi asked, "Uncle Zheng (Cheng Yi's character), don't you like Buddhism? Why eat vegetarian food?" Cheng Yi said, "Rites: don't drink or eat meat while you are in mourning; the death anniversary is the continuation of the funeral." Su Shi countered, "Those who support the Liu family should show their left arm!" Zhou Bo , comparing Cheng Yi to the Lu's Rebellion, and asking everyone to support him.) Fan Chunfu and others eat vegetarian food, while Qin Guan and Huang Tingjian eat meat. [57]

Food lovers

Sushi himself is a gourmet, and there are many records of Sushi's invention of food in the notes and novels of the Song Dynasty. When Sushi knew Hangzhou, it rained heavily in western Zhejiang and Taihu Lake flooded in May and June of the fifth year of Yuanyou (1090). Su Shi directed the dredging of the West Lake and the construction of the Su embankment. Hangzhou people thanked him. During the Chinese New Year, people would carry pigs and wine to pay him a New Year's greetings. Su Shi instructed his family to cut the pork into cubes, burn it red and crisp, and then distribute it to everyone Dongpo's braised pork The origin of.
Qu Wei's Old News also records that Su Dongpo discussed food with his guests and took a piece of paper to show them: "Steamed Tongzhou lamb, infused with apricot cheese sticks, recommended steamed goose, Wu Xing appointed a man to carve Songjiang Kuai; when he was full, he cooked Zengkeng tea with Lushan Jade Curtain Spring. Few people could undress and lie on their backs to make people recite Mr. Dongpo's" Ode to Red Cliff ", which was enough to laugh." [10]

Leizhou West Lake

Guangdong Leizhou West Lake Originally named Luohu, it was built in the Northern Song Dynasty. Since the famous literary giant Su Shi and his brother were drunk here, Luohu has changed its name to West Lake [60]
In the seventh year of Shaosheng in the Song Dynasty, Su Shi was exiled from Huizhou to Danzhou and traveled thousands of miles Leizhou , lucky to be with his brother who was demoted to Lei Su Zhe Encounter, sad and happy. The brothers took a day trip to Luohu Lake to go boating. They were attracted by the beautiful scenery of Luohu Lake. They did not want to return, so they went to the lakeside Tianning Temple After a rest, Suzhou is still full of fun. The word "No.1 in Ten Thousand Mountains" was written here and now.

Chaoyun knows me

Su Shi patted his belly one day after dinner and asked the maidservants what was inside. One maidservant said it was an article, and the other said it was insight. Su Shi didn't agree. alone possess Wang Chaoyun Lang Sheng said, "It's not appropriate for a scholar to have a belly." Su Shi laughed and said, "He who knows me knows the clouds!" [54] [80]
Sushi's sense of life《 Butterflies Love Flowers · Flowers Fade, Red and Green Apricots Are Small 》It is a famous article that was once read and sung by Chaoyun. But when she often sings "There are few willows blowing on the branches", Chaoyun will feel the sadness implied in the sentence and cannot help but weep. She said, "What can't be done, there is no grass anywhere in the world." Just because Chaoyun is such a bosom friend with keen sensibility and insight, Su Shi has "never heard this word for life" after her death.
In the sixth year of Yuanfeng (1083), Chaoyun gave birth to a son named Tuner for Su Shi. "Tun", that is, "Dun", expressed Sushi's determination that he had no intention of officialdom at that time. Su Shi was nearly sixty years old when he was demoted to Huiyang. Although he was optimistic and broad-minded about "eating 300 lychees a day and never hesitating to become a Lingnan person", people all knew that it was difficult for him to make a comeback politically. With the decline of the family situation, the attendants and concubines who once surrounded him all dispersed one after another, and Chaoyun was the only one who accompanied him.
In the third year of Su Shi's arrival in Huiyang, Chaoyun died of plague at the age of 34. "It's not appropriate. Only Chaoyun can recognize me. He plays the old tune alone and thinks more about Qing when it rains at dusk." This is Sushi's helpless and affectionate whisper after Chaoyun's death.

lioness 's roar

Su Shi had a good friend named Chen Jichang. In the third year of Yuanfeng (1080), Su Dongpo was demoted to Huangzhou as the deputy envoy of Tuanlian because of the "Wutai Poem Case", and unexpectedly met Chen Jichang. The two became friends. Chen Jichang's house in Longqiu is called Zhuojin Pool, which is spacious and gorgeous. He keeps a group of geisha in his house. When guests come, he entertains them with singing and dancing, which is similar to the way we treat guests into the concert hall. Chen Jichang's wife, Liu Shi, is irritable and jealous. When Chen Huan sings and dances, she becomes jealous. Holding a wooden staff and shouting, Chen Jichang was embarrassed by hitting the wall with force.
Su Dongpo wrote a poem to make fun of Chen Jichang: "The Longqiu hermit is also pitiful. He never sleeps when he talks. Suddenly, he heard the lion roaring in Hedong and leaned on his stick." Hedong is Liu's prefecture, implying Liu's. The term "lion roar" originates from Buddhism, which means "Buddha is making sound" and is used to describe majesty. Later, this story was written by Hong Mai of the Song Dynasty in "Rongzhai Sanbi" and spread widely. The allusion of Hedong Lion Roar was established from then on. [54]

Buddhism and Zen

Su Shi called himself a hermit of Dongpo, and signed many poems with this number. His creation of Buddhist and Zen poems almost ran through his life. At that time, Zen The prevalence of thoughts coincided with Sushi's political frustration and his separation from the imperial court. As a result, Sushi consciously accepted Buddhism and Zen thoughts and integrated Buddhism and Zen into his poetry creation. More Than This, Zen It also has a great impact on the ideological content of Su's poetry, making Su's poetry have a deeper spiritual realm and a more free and easy life feelings. Su Shi mainly absorbed Huayan Sect The cosmology of "perfect harmony" and Zen The epiphany theory that mind is pure and seeing nature becomes Buddha forms the empty, static and comprehensive outlook on the universe and life. [71]
Su Shi often worked with the abbot of Jinshan Temple in Huangzhou Buddhist seal One day, when the Zen master was travelling, Sushi wrote a poem saying, "Let the sky shine at the beginning of the day, let the light shine at the top of the sky, let the wind blow, and sit on the purple lotus" and presented it to the Buddhist seal. The Zen master immediately criticized the word "fart" and asked the schoolboy to bring it back. Dongpo was furious when he saw it. He immediately crossed the river and asked the Zen master. The Zen master laughed, "Master, master, don't you think you can't move with the wind? Why did you cross the river with another fart?" [58] "The Eight Winds Can't Move" can be seen in Volume V of On the Buddha's Land Sutra, Poetic Monk winter mountain There is also this sentence in poetry. The eight winds are Buddhist terms, referring to the wind in eight states: saying, ridiculing, destroying, reputation, benefit, decline, bitterness, and music. [59]
Su Shi was accompanied by his monk friend Weilin at the last moment of his life, which shows the consolation of Zen Buddhism for his life. In his last poem, "Answering the Elder of Jingshan Lin", he wrote: "I am a third child with you for 30000 days each. A thousand verses a day, I send a telegram to Rongjie. Great misfortunes are due to physical integrity, and without physical integrity, there is no disease. Smile at Luoshi in my life, and the divine mantra is flowing out." There is not only a Zen debate about life "without physical integrity, there is no disease" like the Vajra Sutra, but also detachment from the suffering of life, old age, disease and death, It is also the expression of Su Shi's thought reaching the acme. [71]

interpersonal relationship

brief introduction
Grandfather/ Su Xu
Zhong Xian [81] , official to Dali comments , posthumously presented to the crown prince [72]
Pursue the title of Lady Jia Guotai [72]
Father/ Su Xun
Eight Great Men of Letters of the Tang and Song Dynasties One, once made《 Ming Erzi said 》Explain the reason for naming his son. History records that he and the Cheng family had three sons and three daughters. However, the eldest son Su Jingxian died early with his eldest daughter and second daughter [73]
The daughter of Cheng Wenying, a rich man in Meishan, married Su Xun at the age of 19 when she was 18. After marriage, they should take care of their husbands and children, and do housework. Sushi's thought throughout his life was deeply influenced by his mother [73]
Peer generation
Sister/ Su Ba Niang
Su Shi is one year old and marries his cousin when he grows up Cheng Zhicai , often blamed by her husband's family, died of illness and depression [103]
Brother/Su Jingxian
die young
Brother/ Su Zhe
One of the Eight Great Families in Tang and Song Dynasties
Wife/ Wang Fu
When he was 16 years old, he married Sushi, who was 19 years old. After marriage, they loved each other sweetly. He died of illness after eleven years of marriage, Years twenty-seven. Su Shi wrote it at the age of 40《 Jiangchengzi Yimao's Dream on the 20th Day of the First Month 》Mourning for the dead wife
Wang Fu younger female cousin [104] Wang Fu married Sushi three years after his death. Su Shi died at the age of 58 at the age of 46
To serve a concubine/ Wang Chaoyun
Originally a geisha. At the age of 38, Su Shi redeemed Chao Yun at the age of 12, and later received concubine She accompanied Su Shi through the years when his official career was not smooth, and died Shaosheng Three years, 34 years
Younger generation
Eldest son/ Sumai
Born to Wang Fushuo
Second son/ Su Cai [83]
Born to Wang Runzhi
Sanzi/ Su Guo
Born to Wang Runzhi
Quartet/ Su Dun
Born to Wang Chaoyun, my concubine, she died before her first birthday
Daughter in law/Ouyang
Su Hou's Wife [83] Ouyang Xiu Granddaughter, Ouyang Fei daughter [82] [84]
Table Reference: Some data of wives and concubines are from [102] , other data are from [62]

personal works


Poetic works

Some Poems of Su Shi
Yu Qiannu
Qin poetry
Shou Sui
Crane sighs
Feel old poems [63-64]
Part of Su Shi's Ci
Settle the Wind, Red Plum [40] [65]
Some Articles of Su Shi
Three Chapters of "Cebie Training Brigade"
On Xun Qing
Houchibi Fu
Six chapters of "Hundred Officials in the Policy Class"
"Che Bie An Wan Min" six chapters
"Policy for Farewell to Wealth" Chapter 2
On Ministers
On the accumulated debt
"Discussing School Tribute and Calling out Zhazi"
Preface to the Collection of 61 Jushi
Preface to the Collection of Chao Juncheng's Poems
Selection with Li Gongxuan
Preface to Collection of Official Documents
"Ceduan" four chapters [40] [74]

Painting and calligraphy works

Calligraphy works
"Preface to Huaisu"
"Calligraphy of Proximity"
Lingzi post
"Several Essays of Offering Sacrifice to the Yellow River"
With Fan Zifeng
"To the Ambassador of Nangui"
Letter to Ruoxu, Chief Manager
Painting works
"The Painting Volume of Pine Trees"

Commemoration for future generations


Sansu Temple

The Sansu Temple is located in Meishan City Sha Huxing, Dongpo District, was a famous litterateur in the Northern Song Dynasty Su Xun Su Shi Su Zhe The former residence of the third father and son. In the Southern Song Dynasty, the house was changed into a temple, which was destroyed by military fire at the end of the Ming Dynasty. In the fourth year of the reign of Emperor Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty (1665), it was rebuilt on the original site. [105]

Artistic image

Film and television image
Play title
particular year
Su Dongpo
Su Dongpo
Qing Pingle
Grand Masters: Eight Masters of Tang and Song Dynasty Ouyang Xiu (Part 2)
Qiao Zhenyu (Young and middle-aged)
Wang Haoze (Juvenile) [109]
"The Grand Masters, the Eight Great Masters of Tang and Song Dynasty", Su Shi, Su Zhe
Qiao Zhenyu (Young and middle-aged) [110]
Wang Jinsong (Old age) [111]
Master Lie Chuan, Eight Masters of Tang and Song Dynasty, Wang Anshi
Liang Dawei [106-107]
Game image
particular year
Game name
Cold Against the Current
Appeared in the 26th round of the main line mission "Zhuxi Huapu was drunk together" and the branch mission "Snow and Mud and Goose Claw" [68]
Su Shi's Game Image