Emilia Romagna Region

Northern Italy
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Emilia Romagna Region (Italian: Emilia Romagna) is located in the north of Italy. It is one of the 20 regions in Italy Emilia and Romagna form. East of the region Adriatic Sea , north boundary Po River Adjacent to Lombardy Region and Veneto Region, bordering Piemonte and Liguria Region in the west, Tuscany Region, Marche Region and Republic of San Marino It is located in the south. With an area of 22451.29 square kilometers and a population of about 4.44 million, the regional capital is Bologna City. Emilia Romagna is one of the most developed regions in Italy and also a famous food paradise in Italy.
Chinese name
Emilia Romagna Region
Foreign name
Administrative Region Category
Northern Italy
geographical position
Northern Italy, east of Adriatic Sea
22451.29 square kilometers
Area under jurisdiction
Parma, Modena and other nine provinces
Government residence
climatic conditions
Subcontinental climate
population size
4442501 (May 2011)
Famous scenic spot
St. Petunio Torre degli Asinelli Cathedral of Modena, etc
train station
Bologna Central Railway Station, etc
Famous teams
Parma Bologna etc.

Basic information

Emilia Romagna regional flag
Provinces: 9 (Bologna, Ferrara, Foli Cesena, Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Ravena, Reggio Emilia, Rimini)


Emilia Romagna, one of the 20 regions in Italy, is located in the middle zone between the north and the middle of Italy. The area is shaped like a triangle, bordering the Adriatic Sea in the east and the Lombardy Region across the Po River in the north Veneto Region Adjacent to the west Piedmont and Liguria Tuscany Marche Region and Republic of San Marino It is located in the south.
Emilia Romagna Region, covering an area of 22451.29 square kilometers, is the sixth largest administrative region in Italy. The southern part of the region is hilly, and the northern part is plain. The climate is subcontinental, cold in winter and hot in summer. However, there is ocean gust regulation along the Adriatic Sea, and the annual precipitation in mountainous areas can reach more than 3000 mm. In cold season, the plain area is foggy. [1]

Development history

The origin of Emilia Romagna benefits from its origin with ancient Rome. "Emilia" refers to Emilia Avenue, an ancient road built by the ancient Romans from Rome to northern Italy; The word "Romagna" is Lombardy The name for Ravina and its surrounding areas (including parts of today's Tuscany and Marche).

administrative division

Administrative Division Map of Emilia Romagna Region
Emilia Romagna Region is one of the 20 first level administrative regions in Italy. It is located in the north of Italy, and its capital is Bologna City. Emilia Romagna Region consists of 9 provinces, namely: Bologna (Bologna)、 Ferrara Province (Ferrara)、 Foley Cesena (Forli-Cesena)、 Modena (Modena)、 Parma (Parma)、 Piacenza (Piacenza)、 Ravenna Province (Ravenna)、 Reggio Emilia (Reggio Emilia)、 Rimini (Rimini)。 [1]


Agriculture and Agricultural product processing industry It is an important part of the economy of Emilia Romagna region. With fertile soil and advanced farming technology, the cooperative system enables small land owners to greatly reduce costs. With a high degree of water conservancy and mechanization, the yield per unit area ranks first in the country. It is an important agricultural region in Italy, and its main crops include wheat, vegetables beet , fruit Grape Etc. The factory feeding industry here is very developed. The beef, pork, chicken and dairy products produced here occupy an important position in the country, and the livestock slaughtering volume accounts for one fifth of the national output. In addition, fishery also accounts for a considerable proportion Eel The main place of origin.
The industry is characterized by a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises spread throughout the region, and the processing industry of agricultural and livestock products is the most developed. The main industries are food processing (ham, canned food, wine, dairy products, macaroni, sugar, sausage), machinery manufacturing (agricultural machinery), ceramics, clothing, chemicals, cars (Ferrari sports cars), feed processing, etc.
Tourism in the region is mainly concentrated in Adriatic Sea Along the coast, about 70 kilometers of coastline is distributed with about 30 famous seaside resorts, attracting many domestic and foreign tourists every year [1]
According to the data of the Italian National Bureau of Statistics (ISTAT), in 2009, Emilia Romagna realized gross domestic product 106436 million euros, accounting for 8.7% of Italy's total, down 5.9% from the previous year, ranking fourth. Among them, the industrial added value decreased by 13.7%; Agricultural added value Increased by 2.8%; Value added of service industry It decreased by 3.1%. The per capita GDP was 30500 euros, higher than the average level of Italy of 25200 euros. [2]


According to the statistics in 2004, Emilia Romagna region has 1044 kilometers of railways and 10900 kilometers of roads. Every 10000 people have 26.7 kilometers of roads, which is lower than the average level of 29.8 kilometers in Italy. The main port city, Ravenna, is the eighth largest port in Italy. The region has four civil airports, namely Bologna Airport (Aeroporto di Bologna-Borgo Panigale)、 Rimini Airport (Aeroporto di Rimini-Miramare/San Marino), Forli Airport (Aeroporto di Forl ì - Ridolfi) and Parma Airport (Aeroporto di Parma-Verdi)。 Its capital, Bologna, is the most important transportation hub for roads, railways and aviation in Italy, Bologna Central Railway Station (Stazione di Bologna Central) is the main railway station in the region. The whole region has a total of 3.4497 million vehicles, with an average of 824 vehicles per thousand people. [3]

scenic spot

Emilia Romagna is characterized by art, history and architecture World Cultural Heritage There are three.
Ferrara is a "Renaissance City" Ferrara Ferrara citt à del Rinascimento e delta del Po con le delizie estensi is listed as a world heritage site by UNESCO. Everything left by the Renaissance is well preserved in the city. When you walk in this city, which is known as the capital of ancient culture, you can see the lanes in the city, The appearance of the building is full of architectural art.
Duomo di Modena, located in the northern city of Modena, Italy, is the cathedral of the Catholic Diocese of Modena. It was consecrated in 1184. It is one of the most important Romanesque buildings in Europe and listed as a world heritage site. When you visit the Latin Cathedral and the tower of the Garland Church in Modena, you must not forget to visit the Ester Family Castle by the way. In Maranello Town, Modena Province, racing enthusiasts can visit all kinds of luxury cars, trophies and pictures in the Ferrari exhibition hall.
The other is UNESCO The place with at least 8 buildings listed as world heritage sites is Ravina, the city of mosaics. The masterpieces in the town reflect what the city looked like when it was the capital in the seventeenth century. Among these buildings, we have to highlight the Baroque Cathedral of St. Apollinavono and the Gothic Memorial Hall of Theoderick.
Bologna The commercial exhibition and trade are well integrated with the St. Bartholo Hall, which is one of the most beautiful churches in Italy. One side of the church is made of marble, and the other side is not carved. If you want to go to Asinellita, you have to climb 498 steps, but the scenery you will enjoy is definitely worth your hard work.
Faenza Is a rich man Historical and cultural heritage The small town of, with the development of the ancient ceramic industry in the 18th century and world-renowned.


Emilia Romagna region has four universities: university of bologna (Università degli Studi di Bologna)、 University of MODENA (Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia)、 University of Parma (University à degli Studi di Parma) and university of ferrara (Università degli Studi di Ferrara)。 The University of Bologna is the oldest university in Europe, with a history of more than 900 years. More than 90000 college students have registered. The investment in development research and practical scientific research in the region is very large. [1]


Parma vs Bologna (January 22, 2012, Serie A) [4]
The football in Emilia Romagna region is an important force in Italian football. More than 10 teams in the region participate in Italian football leagues at all levels. The most famous one is Bologna Football Club and Parma Football Club Bologna F.C. 1909, founded in 1903, has won 7 awards Italian Football League A It has won the Italian Cup twice and is the fifth football club in Italy to win the top league championship. Parma Football Club was founded in 1913 and won the Italian Cup three times, one time European Cup Winners Champions, two UEFA Cup champions and one European Super Cup champion. stay Italian Football League B Middle, and Sassoro Football Club Piacenza Football Club Modena Football Club Etc.