artistic charm

The artistic appeal of works of art to appreciators
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finger artistic works A strong artistic appeal to the connoisseur. Marx In discussing ancient Greece Art I have fully affirmed ancient Greek The strong artistic charm of art for later generations says that it can still give modern people great artistic enjoyment after a long history. Artistic charm is permanent in a sense. But art ultimately reflects personality and noble humanity, so artistic charm is artist The creator shows the noble human nature through some means, so real art will infect people and improve their realm.
Chinese name
artistic charm
Foreign name
artistic charm
Influence and appeal
Scope of application
artistic works
Main types
Language, vision, hearing
Performance object


This is also one of the arts
The outstanding works of art in history have infected and touched countless Art connoisseur The existence of artistic charm is due to the fact that artistic works reflect the authenticity and profundity of social life, and their artistic image or artistic conception adapt to certain identical or similar attributes of human beings under certain practical conditions, and are appreciated by the broad masses of people in the long-term historical process, forming an enduring artistic charm. The artistic impact and artistic appeal of the unity of the content and form of artistic works are enough to transcend the boundaries of the times, countries and nations and become the precious spiritual wealth shared by all mankind.
The artistic charm comes from the aesthetic value of artistic works, and is closely related to the aesthetic cultural level, artistic accomplishment and artistic appreciation ability of the appreciators. Only through the connoisseur thorough exquisite Only through aesthetic perception and experience can the artistic charm of works be fully displayed.


Because the connotation of art is very broad, the charm of various arts is also very different, which is explained by the charm of language art.
Artistic charm of language
One of the core tasks of Chinese teaching is culture Students' language ability, how to formation A strong atmosphere, build Suitable environment?

Chinese Classroom

Creating language charm“ Three environments
The Chinese classroom should create an environment for appreciating and enjoying beauty. Teachers should explain the beauty contained in the text with full feelings and fresh language. Let students feel beauty in the context of beauty, and then enjoy it and love it.
The Chinese classroom should be an environment for publicizing the beauty of personality. Both the teaching language and the students' language should be conducive to the students' display of talent and personality.
The Chinese classroom should be an environment of free mind. Let students learn to use beautiful language, exercise their ability to control language, and cultivate their habit of pursuing the beauty of language.

Chinese teacher

Charming classroom language“ Six taboos and six requirements
Teachers' classroom language has the most direct impact on students' feelings of language charm, and should strive to achieve "six taboos and six requirements", namely: empty , must have Authenticity Taboo Clutter , be organized; Taboo Preach , be enlightening; Taboo dull , be interesting; Taboo mechanical , targeted; Taboo close It should be practical. Teachers should go deep into life, observe life and get close to nature. Only in this way can our language be fresh and full.

outside reading

artistic charm
Appreciating the charm of language“ Three focuses ”Only a limited number of articles in textbooks can not satisfy students' thirst for knowledge, and extracurricular reading is also particular. The selection of extracurricular reading materials should pay attention to appropriateness, and the language should be simple and plain first, then advance to depth; In guiding extracurricular reading, we should pay attention to strategy, let students take reading notes, and encourage students to use them in writing and language practice; To test the reading results, emphasis should be placed on lecturing, which can lead the extracurricular reading to depth through narration, exhibition, competition, etc.

Language of literary works

The Artistic Charm of Language in Literary Works
In a broad sense, "language" is a tool for communication, such as Chinese language, English language, etc. Moreover, in theory, we can also conceptualize language as a system of phonetics, vocabulary and grammar. The language in literary works is a concrete individual in the form of text.
The language of literary works is refined and colorful. It is different from the spoken language of daily communication, the rational language of scientific research, and the standardized language of news reporting. Therefore, the language of literary works has unique characteristics and artistic charm.
First, the language of literary works is descriptive. stay Zhu Ziqing Of《 Moonlight over the lotus pond 》There is a saying: along the lotus pond, there is a winding small coal road... There are many trees around the lotus pond, Dense and lush There are willows on one side of the road... The road without moonlight is dark and scary.
Secondly, the language of literary works is abstract and implicit. This abstract implication is understood as Endodactyly Integration with psychological implication, such as Du Fu The poem of "When feeling, flowers splash tears, and birds hate to leave"
Thirdly, the language of literary works also has the characteristics of the times. The Dream of Red Mansion 》The language of feudal society The status quo is declining. Ding Ling On《 The sun shines on the Sanggan River 》In this work, we use almost vulgar but simple language to reproduce the peasant class And the land reform.
In addition, with Local colour Its language form is particularly distinctive. Popularization: Lao She This is reflected in most of his works《 The Ricksha Boy 》Embodied in especially so , using Peiping Xiangzi's life is described in his local language. Personalized dialect is the best embodiment.
These characteristics of the language of literary works are not independent of each other, but intertwined with each other, which makes literary works more aesthetic and artistic.