Kingdom of Freedom

[zì yóu wáng guó]
Areas of non means production and activities
zero Useful+1
The realm of freedom refers to the field of non means production and activities. In this field, the purpose of people's survival activities lies in themselves, Human development The end, labor and everything else human activity They are all for the realization of the internal needs of the subject itself. People are both ends and means, and the activity itself reflects Purpose and means Human value Unification of realization and creation process. The essence is that the development of human subject's own ability becomes the goal. The realization of the kingdom of freedom is material Production activities The sublation of the opposition between "this shore" and "the other shore" is Working hours and free time The sublation of the opposition of. Its direct manifestation is to realize the universality of labor.
Marxist philosophy Among the basic principles of“ Kingdom of necessity ”And the "kingdom of freedom". Philosophy tells us that human history is a history of continuous development from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom.
Chinese name
Kingdom of Freedom
Kingdom of necessity
yes Social history The inevitability of
Kingdom of Freedom
material production Active“ This shore ”The antithesis of

Kingdom of necessity

The so-called realm of necessity refers to people's understanding of Social history The inevitability of human beings has not yet been recognized and mastered, so human activities and behaviors have to be dominated and enslaved by such blind forces to work for survival [1] The so-called kingdom of freedom means that people have known and mastered social history Inevitability The law of harmony, the law of development and change of everything in the universe, [2] Make yourself the master of nature and society, liberate from the domination and enslavement of blind forces in nature and social fields, and thus consciously create your own history. In the realm of freedom, human capabilities such as physical strength and intelligence will be given full play and truly comprehensive. [4]


Marx believed that the "realm of freedom" exists in real matter according to the nature of things Production field However, it does not mean that the other side of the material production field is the "free kingdom". Only when human beings take the development of their own capabilities as the goal itself can there be a real free kingdom.
material Production activities The opposition between "this shore" and "the other shore" is, in essence Working hours and free time The antithesis of.

Implementation Basis

All people Scientific quality Generally improved, [3] The level of productive forces has been greatly improved, science and technology has made great progress, education has made great progress, and civilization has been greatly popularized. The society has formed an atmosphere of emphasizing science, loving science, learning science, and using science, which is hidden among the people Innovative wisdom Release and innovate. [3]