natural disaster

Natural phenomena that endanger human existence or damage human living environment
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Throughout human history, we can see that there are two main reasons for disasters: first Natural variation The second is human influence.
Natural disasters refer to hazards or damages to human survival environment Of natural phenomena , including drought , high temperature, low temperature cold wave flood and water-logging Mountain torrent typhoon tornado Flame tornado hail Wind and hail frost , rainstorm Blizzard Freezing rain acid rain , fog, wind, ice, haze smog earthquake tsunami landslide Debris flow , floating dust Sand blowing sand storm thunder thunderstorm Globular lightning Volcano eruption Etc. [1]
Occurred in December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami , affecting 14 countries, causing about 227000 deaths death toll Most tsunamis.
In the first half of 2024, a total of 32.381 million people across the country were affected by various natural disasters, 322 people died and disappeared due to disasters, and the direct economic loss was 93.16 billion yuan. In the first half of 2024, the number of production safety accidents and the number of deaths across the country will maintain a "double decline", and a total of 32.381 million people across the country will be affected by various natural disasters to varying degrees. [62-63]
Chinese name
natural disaster
Foreign name
Natural disasters
Natural hazards
Sudden, extensive, regional, inevitable, etc
Natural variation and human influence
Major disasters
Drought, high temperature, low temperature, cold wave, etc
zì rán zāi hài

Basic Introduction

Marine tornado
Natural variation on the earth, including natural variation induced by human activities, and natural disasters are bred by Atmosphere lithosphere Hydrosphere biosphere The earth's surface environment. It happens all the time and everywhere. When this variation brings harm to human society, it constitutes a natural disaster. Because it has brought different degrees of damage to human production and life, including the relationship between man and nature, as well as the relationship between man and man related to labor. Disasters are all negative or destructive. Therefore, natural disasters are a manifestation of the contradiction between man and nature, with dual attributes of nature and society, and are one of the most serious challenges facing mankind in the past, present and future.
Major sudden natural disasters worldwide include: drought , flood, typhoon Storm surge freeze injury disaster caused by hail , tsunami, earthquake, volcano landslide , debris flow, forest fire, agricultural and forestry diseases and pests, cosmic radiation red tide (It is rare and has little impact), etc.
China Territorial space There are many kinds of natural disasters, mainly including floods and droughts, typhoon hail Blizzard , sand storm, etc meteorological disaster , volcanoes earthquake disaster , mountain collapse, landslide, debris flow and other geological disasters, storm surge tsunami etc. Marine disaster Forest grassland fire And significant Biological disaster Etc. Natural disasters are abnormal events in the process of geographical environment evolution, but they have become obstacles to human beings social development Is one of the most important natural factors.
Natural disaster system is composed of disaster pregnant environment, disaster causing factors and Disaster bearing body Co constituted Surface of the earth Variant system, disaster situation is Subsystem Results of interaction. "Natural disasters" are abnormal phenomena that occur in the nature that human beings rely on, and the phenomena and events that have caused harm to human society. There are earthquakes Volcano eruption , debris flow, tsunami, typhoon tornado , flood and other sudden disasters; There is also ground Collapse land subsidence Land desertification , drought Coastline change It will gradually appear after a long time graduality Disaster; also ozone layer Change pollution of waters , water and soil loss acid rain Caused by human activities Environmental disaster These natural disasters and environmental damage have complex interrelationships. It has become a common theme of the international community that human beings should scientifically understand the occurrence and development of these disasters and minimize the harm they cause. Natural disasters refer to casualties, property losses, social instability, resource destruction and other phenomena or a series of events caused by abnormal natural changes. Its formation must have two conditions: first, it must have natural mutation as an inducement, and second, it must have damaged people, property and resources as the object of disaster.


Disaster is a general term for events that can cause destructive effects on human beings and the environment on which human beings depend. Throughout human history, we can see that there are two main reasons for disasters: first Natural variation The second is human influence. Therefore, disasters mainly caused by natural variation are usually called natural disasters, such as earthquakes, storms and tsunamis; The disasters mainly caused by human impact are called Man-made disaster , such as man-made fire, traffic accidents, etc.
There are three factors that affect the magnitude of natural disasters: first, the environment that breeds disasters( Disaster pregnant environment )The second is the factors that lead to disasters (disaster causing factors), and the third is the object that bears disasters (disaster victims).


The formation process of natural disasters varies from long to short, from slow to urgent. Some natural disasters, such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes Storm surge hail snowstorm , rainstorm, etc. This kind of disaster is called sudden natural disaster. drought Crop and forest diseases, pests, and grass disasters, although they generally occur within a few months, are still relatively rapid and obvious in the formation and end of disasters, so they are also included in sudden natural disasters. In addition, there are also some natural disasters that gradually become disasters under the long-term development of disaster causing factors, such as Land desertification , water and soil loss environmental deterioration Such disasters usually take several years or longer to develop, which is called delayed natural disasters.
Many natural disasters, especially those of high grade and high intensity, often induce a series of other disasters to occur in succession. This phenomenon is called Disaster chain The earliest active disaster in the disaster chain is called primary disaster The disasters induced by primary disasters are called Secondary disaster After natural disasters occur, they destroy the harmonious conditions for human survival, which can also lead to a series of other disasters, which are generally called derivative disasters. For example, after the severe drought, the surface and shallow fresh water are extremely scarce, forcing people to drink groundwater with high fluoride content in the deep layer, which leads to fluorosis. These are called derivative disasters.
Of course, the process of disasters is often very complex. Sometimes a disaster can be caused by several causes, or a disaster can cause several different disasters at the same time. At this time, the determination of disaster type should be based on the dominant cause of disaster and its main manifestations.


The characteristics of natural disasters can be summed up in six aspects:
First, natural disasters have Universality And regional. On the one hand, natural disasters are widely distributed. No matter whether it is sea or land, ground or underground, urban or rural, plain, hilly or mountainous, plateau, as long as there are human activities, natural disasters are likely to occur. on the other hand, Physical geographical environment The regionality of natural disasters also determines the regionality of natural disasters.
Destructive natural disasters
Secondly, natural disasters are frequent and Uncertainty There are many natural disasters of all sizes in the world every year. In recent decades, the number of natural disasters has also shown an increasing trend, and the uncertainty of the occurrence time, location and scale of natural disasters has greatly increased the difficulty for people to resist natural disasters.
Third, natural disasters have certain periodicity and Repeatability In the main natural disasters, whether earthquake or drought, flood, their occurrence shows a certain periodicity. The "once-in-a-decade, once-in-a-century" natural disaster is actually a popular description of the periodicity of natural disasters. The non repetition of natural disasters mainly refers to the disaster process harmful consequences Non repeatability of.
Fourth, natural disasters are linked. The connection of natural disasters is manifested in two aspects. On the one hand, there are connections between regions. For example, South America Occurred on the west coast "El Nino" phenomenon , which may lead to global meteorological disorder; US emissions Industrial waste gas , often in Canada Acid rain is formed in the territory. On the other hand, disasters are linked. In other words, some natural disasters can act as conditions for each other to form disaster groups or disaster chains. For example, volcanic activity It is a disaster group or disaster chain. Volcanic activity can lead to a series of disasters such as volcanic eruption, ice and snow melting, debris flow, air pollution, etc.
Fifth, the hazards caused by various natural disasters include seriousness For example, about 5 million recordable earthquakes occur every year in the world, of which Felt earthquake About 50000 times, nearly 1000 times of damage. The strong earthquakes with Richter scale above 7 that can cause heavy losses occur about 15 times every year. The economic losses caused by drought and flood are also very serious, reaching tens of billions of dollars every year.
Sixth, natural disasters are inevitable and can be mitigated. As there are always contradictions between man and nature, natural disasters cannot disappear as long as the earth is moving and the material is changing, as long as there are human beings. From this point of view, natural disasters are inevitable. However, intelligent human beings can prevent and reduce disasters in a wider and wider range. They can minimize disaster losses by taking measures such as avoiding disasters and seeking benefits, eliminating disasters and promoting benefits, turning disasters into benefits, and seeking benefits from disasters. From this point of view, natural disasters can be alleviated.

Main impacts

Main impacts of natural disasters:
1. Disaster will bring Substantive The trauma and Mental disorders
2. Most of the pain disappears within a year or two after the disaster, and people can adjust automatically;
3. Chronic mental disorders caused by disasters are rare;
4. The overall impact of some disasters may be positive, because it may increase social cohesive force
5. Disasters disrupt organizations, families, and individual lives.
Natural disasters can cause stress, anxiety, depression and other emotional and perceptual problems. The time of impact and why some people cannot adapt as soon as possible are still unknown. In case of flood tornado , hurricanes and other natural disasters, victim They will show bad thoughts, anxiety, depression and other emotional problems, which will last for a year.
The lasting effect of an extreme disaster is called Posttraumatic stress disorder That is, after experiencing trauma, the persistent, unnecessary and uncontrollable thoughts of unrelated events, a strong desire to avoid mentioning events, Sleep disorders , social withdrawal and intense vigilance Anxiety disorder

Disasters in China


Casualties due to disasters

Death toll caused by natural disasters in China over the years
particular year
Flood and geological disasters
Marine disaster
Wind and hail
Low temperature, snow and freezing disaster
forest fire
be missing
be missing
be missing
be missing
be missing
be missing
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
one hundred and ninety-three
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four
one thousand two hundred and forty-eight
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five
one hundred and eight
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six
five hundred and five
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven
two hundred and twenty
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight
one hundred and sixty-two
five thousand five hundred and eleven
[23] [52]
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine
seven hundred
two thousand nine hundred and sixty-six
[23] [30]
two thousand
three thousand and fourteen
[23] [54]
two thousand and one
four hundred and one
two thousand five hundred and thirty-eight
[23] [53]
two thousand and two
one hundred and twenty-four
two thousand three hundred and eighty-four
[23] [31]
two thousand and three
one hundred and twenty-eight
two thousand two hundred and fifty-nine
[23] [32]
two thousand and four
one hundred and forty
two thousand two hundred and fifty
[23] [33]
two thousand and five
three hundred and seventy-one
two thousand four hundred and seventy-five
[23] [34]
two thousand and six
four hundred and ninety-two
three thousand one hundred and fifty-five
[23] [35]
two thousand and seven
one hundred and sixty-one
two thousand three hundred and twenty-five
[22] [36]
two thousand and eight
one hundred and fifty-two
eighty-eight thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight
[21] [37]
two thousand and nine
one thousand five hundred and twenty-eight
[20] [38]
two thousand and ten
one hundred and thirty-seven
seven thousand eight hundred and forty-four
[19] [39]
two thousand and eleven
one thousand one hundred and twenty-six
[18] [40]
two thousand and twelve
one thousand three hundred and thirty-eight
one hundred and ninety-two
[9] [41]
two thousand and thirteen
one hundred and twenty-one
one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one
four hundred and thirty-three
[7] [42]
two thousand and fourteen
one thousand five hundred and eighty-three
two hundred and thirty-five
[8] [43]
two thousand and fifteen
eight hundred and nineteen
one hundred and forty-eight
[6] [44]
two thousand and sixteen
nine hundred and sixty-eight
two hundred and fourteen
two hundred and fifty-one
one hundred and seventy-four
one thousand four hundred and thirty-two
two hundred and seventy-four
[4] [45]
two thousand and seventeen
six hundred and seventy-four
eight hundred and eighty-one
[3] [46]
two thousand and eighteen
three hundred and thirty-eight
five hundred and eighty-nine
[5] [47]
two thousand and nineteen
nine hundred and nine
[11] [48]
two thousand and twenty
two hundred and seventy-nine
five hundred and ninety-one
[10] [49]
two thousand and twenty-one
five hundred and ninety
eight hundred and sixty-seven
[12] [17] [50]
two thousand and twenty-two
one hundred and seventy-one
one hundred and twenty-two
five hundred and forty-four
[16] [51]
two thousand and twenty-three
three hundred and nine
one hundred and fifty-one
six hundred and ninety-one
Note: those marked with "--" are no data.
China has the largest number of natural disasters in the world. The Natural Disaster Comprehensive Research Group of the State Science and Technology Commission, the State Planning Commission and the State Economic and Trade Commission divides natural disasters into eight categories: meteorological disaster Marine disaster , flood disaster, geological disaster, earthquake disaster, crop biological disaster, forest biological disaster and forest fire.
On December 7, the Ministry of Civil Affairs released the basic information of national natural disasters in November 2015. After verification, all kinds of natural disasters caused a total of 2.473 million people across the country, 47 people were killed and 4 people were missing; More than 4000 houses collapsed; Direct economic loss 4.8 billion yuan. According to statistics, 1.06 million people in 10 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) across the country were affected and 4 people died due to low temperature freezing and snow disasters; The affected area of crops is 691000 hectares, including 34000 hectares of dead crops; The direct economic loss was 3.08 billion yuan.
In January 2016, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Office of the National Committee for Disaster Reduction, together with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other departments, carried out a survey of natural disasters in 2015 Consultation analysis. According to the verification, 186.203 million people across the country were affected by various natural disasters in 2015, 819 people died and 148 people were missing.
In addition, 6.444 million people were urgently relocated and 1.817 million people needed emergency life assistance; 248000 houses collapsed and 2.505 million were damaged to different degrees; The affected area of crops is 21769800 hectares, including 2232700 hectares of dead crops; Direct economic loss 27041 billion yuan.
In general, the overall disaster situation in 2015 was light. Compared with 2014, the number of missing persons and collapsed houses due to disasters is more than 40% less; Compared with the average value from 2000 to 2014 (excluding 2008), the number of collapsed houses is more than 80% less, and the number of missing people killed by disasters is more than 60% less.
In May 2018, a total of 11.093 million people across the country were affected by various natural disasters, 82 people were killed, 8 people were missing, and 66000 people were urgently relocated; More than 4000 houses collapsed, 21000 Severe damage 319000 rooms General damage The affected area of crops is 2035.1 thousand hectares, including 162.5 thousand hectares of dead crops; The direct economic loss was 10.13 billion yuan. [1]
In 2020, a total of 138 million people were affected by various natural disasters throughout the year, 591 people died and disappeared, 100000 houses collapsed, 1.76 million houses were damaged, 199577000 hectares of crops were affected, and the direct economic loss was 370.15 billion yuan. Compared with the average in recent five years, the number of deaths and disappearances due to disasters in China in 2020 decreased by 43%, including 279 deaths and disappearances due to flood disasters, a decrease of 53%. In 2020, China's climate annual deviation, Main flood season Southern region Encountered the heaviest flood since 1998, natural disasters include floods, geological disasters Wind and hail typhoon disaster Mainly, earthquake, drought, low temperature freezing, snow disaster, forest and grassland fire and other disasters also occur to varying degrees [2]
In 2021, a total of 107 million people were affected by various natural disasters across the country, 867 people died and disappeared due to disasters, 162000 houses collapsed, and the direct economic loss was 334.02 billion yuan, 28%, 10.4%, 18.6% and 5.5% lower than the average in recent five years. The natural disasters throughout the year showed the following characteristics: first, the regional characteristics of the disaster were obvious, the disaster situation in the first half of the year was light, and the disaster situation in the second half of the year was heavy; The disaster in the north is worse than that in the south. Second, extreme Heavy rainfall Frequent process, North China The northwest region has serious flood disasters. The third is tornado, etc Severe convective weather Sudden wind and hail disasters are widespread. Fourth, the whole country drought severity Generally, it is light, and there is periodic drought locally. Fifth, the number of typhoons landing is relatively small, and the typhoon "fireworks" East China Cause great impact. Sixth, earthquake Activity intensity The number of incidents in the western region has increased Strong earthquake Seven is Cold Wave Weather There are obviously more snow disasters in Northeast China. Eighth, forest and grassland fires were generally stable, and there were no major or more serious fires. [12]
On May 16, 2022, the Emergency Management Department will press conference In April, a total of 2.254 million people were affected by various natural disasters, 13 people died and disappeared due to disasters, and the direct economic loss was 2.8 billion yuan. [13]
In July 2022, China's natural disasters will mainly be floods, wind and hail, and drought, typhoon, earthquake, geological disasters, forest fires, etc. will also occur to varying degrees. A total of 16.92 million people were affected by various natural disasters, 90 people died and disappeared due to disasters, and the direct economic loss was 28.59 billion yuan. [14]
2023 In the first quarter, China's natural disasters were mainly drought, wind and hail, low temperature freezing and snow disasters, and floods, earthquakes, geological disasters, sandstorms and forest and grassland fires also occurred to varying degrees. A total of 4.722 million people were affected by various natural disasters, and 39 people died; More than 100 houses collapsed, more than 600 houses were seriously damaged, and more than 38000 houses were generally damaged; The affected area of crops is 289800 hectares; The direct economic loss was 2.55 billion yuan. [15]
In July 2023, a total of 16.018 million people were affected by various natural disasters in China to varying degrees, 147 people died and disappeared due to disasters, and 703000 people were urgently relocated; 4300 houses collapsed, 8400 seriously damaged and 40000 generally damaged; The affected area of crops is 3134000 hectares; The direct economic loss was 41.18 billion yuan. [56]

meteorological disaster

There are more than 20 kinds of meteorological disasters, mainly including the following types:
(1) Rainstorm: flash floods, river flooding, urban ponding;
natural disaster
(2) Waterlogging : waterlogging;
(3) drought Drought in agriculture, forestry and grassland, water shortage in industry, cities and rural areas, land Desertification
(4) Dry hot air : dry wind Foehn
(5) High temperature Heat Wave : Hot summer, human diseases, burns, crop ripening;
(6) Tropical cyclone : gale, rainstorm, flood;
Jingning Ice and Snow
(7) Chilling injury : crops livestock Fruit trees are damaged;
(8) freeze injury : Frost, crops, livestock, water pipes and oil pipes are damaged by freezing;
(9) Freezing rain : Ice on wires, branches and roads;
(10) Ice: the river, lake and sea are frozen, and the road is frozen after rain and snow;
(11) Snow disaster snowstorm , snow;
(12) Hail damage : Destroy crops and houses;
(13) Wind damage : Tree fall, house fall, car overturn, ship overturn;
(14) tornado : local destructive disasters;
(15) thunder : Lightning casualties;
(16) Dense fog: human disease, traffic jam;
Minqin suffers from sandstorm
(17) Low level windshear : (aircraft) air crash;
(18) Continuous rain
(19) Acid rain
(20) Sandstorm

Marine disaster

Storm surge
(1) Storm surge : from High latitude Zonal cold air Through interaction with tropical cyclones from the sea coastal gale It happens in succession with huge waves, thus forming storm surge. west the pacific ocean It is the area producing the most storm surges.
Type of storm surge: typhoon type; Cold high pressure Match yellow the bohai sea Cyclonic type; Transverse cold high-pressure type; Strong isolated cyclones in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea; Strong Mongolia low-pressure type.
Storm surge disaster Of space distribution China's storm surge spreads all over the coast, but the main concentrated areas from north to south are: Laizhou Bay Xiaoyang Estuary in Jiangsu Province to Dehaimen in Zhejiang Province; Wenzhou Taizhou Shacheng to Minjiang estuary; Guangdong Shantou to Pearl River Estuary Leizhou Peninsula East bank and Hainan Island Northeast coast.
(2) Disastrous waves : The waves that cause disasters at sea are called disastrous waves.
Formation of disastrous waves: typhoon Extratropical cyclone cold wave etc. weather system Caused and formed by strong winds.
According to the type of weather system, the disastrous sea waves are cold high pressure type (also called cold wave type); Typhoon type; Cyclonic type; Cold high-pressure and cyclone matching type.
sea ice
(3) sea ice Sea ice is frozen by harmful water, including those flowing into the sea River ice And icebergs. Sea ice is the polar sea area and some High latitude Region is one of the prominent marine disasters.
Disasters caused by sea ice. Knock down the sea Oil platform , damage oceanographic engineering Facilities, channel facilities, or major shipwrecks caused by crashing ships; Obstruction of ship navigation and damage propeller Or the hull, and it is unable to navigate. Sea ice blocks the harbor, making the harbor unable to operate normally or increase use in a large amount Icebreaker Ice breaking pilotage fees; Fishing Fishing moratorium Excessive length and damage to marine breeding facilities and sites, resulting in economic losses.
Sea ice disaster Main features: easy to freeze in winter in China the bohai sea , North Yellow Sea and Liaodong Peninsula Coastal waters, and Shandong Peninsula Some bays.
Tsunami caused by 311 earthquake in Japan
(4) tsunami Tsunamis are mainly marine disasters caused by violent earthquakes in countries along the Pacific coast.
Conditions for tsunami formation: Undersea earthquake Source Shallow, generally less than 20km to 50km; The magnitude is generally Richter scale 6.5 or more; There must be a large area of the seabed Vertical movement The sea area where the submarine earthquake occurs should have a certain depth of water, especially the large tsunami across the ocean, which is generally more than 1000 meters deep.
Tsunami hazard: the tsunami in the coastal area is characterized by the sharp rise of the sea water, which suddenly forms a "water wall" moving toward the shore, and with a loud sound, it invades instantly Coastal land , engulf fertile fields, towns and villages, and then the sea water suddenly recedes, or recedes first and then rises, sometimes repeatedly, causing huge losses of human life and property.
red tide
(5) red tide : The concept of red tide: red tide is caused by some small phytoplankton protozoan Or bacteria environment condition The sudden increase in the value of water will cause the discoloration of seawater within a certain range for a period of time.
Harm of red tide: it causes abnormal changes in the sea, partially interrupts the marine food chain, and threatens marine organism Survival; Some Red tide organism Mucus excreted in vitro or decomposed after death, clamshell marine animal Filter feeding And breathing, thus suffocating them to death. Or toxins contained by red tide organisms are ingested by marine animals, resulting in fish, shrimp shellfish And died of poisoning. Some will make vertebrate And humans died of poisoning after eating. The following sections introduce several common natural disasters with large damage areas, as well as some disaster prevention and relief measures.
(6) el nino phenomenon : refers to the eastern and central Pacific Tropical ocean Of Sea water temperature The abnormal continuous warming has changed the climate pattern of the whole world, resulting in drought in some regions and excessive rainfall in others.

Flood disaster

(2) Mountain torrent
(3) Snowmelt flood
(4) Ice flood
(5) Dam break flood
(6) Debris flow Flood with cement flow.

geologic hazard

Both natural variation and human action may lead to geological environment or Geological body When the change reaches a certain degree, such as landslide, debris flow, ground decline, ground collapse, rock expansion Sandy soil liquefaction Land freezing and thawing soil salinization , land desertification and earthquakes, volcanoes Geothermal hazard Such consequences will cause harm to human beings and society. This phenomenon is called geological hazard. Geological hazards also include derived disasters.
(I) Debris flow Debris flow is a special flood flow with a lot of sand and stones in mountain valleys, which is triggered by water sources such as rainstorm, ice and snow melting.
The formation of debris flow must meet the following three conditions: steep, easy to collect water and materials topographic features Abundant loose material; There is a large amount of water in a short time.
The material composition of debris flow can be divided into three categories: Clayey soil Debris flow is composed of sand and stones with different particle sizes; It is mainly clayey soil, with a small amount of clay particles, stones, high viscosity and thick mud Mudflow It is composed of water, sand grains and stones of different sizes Water stone flow
Hazard of debris flow: hazard to residential areas; Hazards to roads and railways; For water conservancy Hydropower engineering Hazards; Hazards to the mine;
(II) landslide : The rock mountain on the landslide is gravity The phenomenon of overall downward sliding along a certain weak surface (or weak zone) under the action is called landslide. Commonly known as“ Mountain walking ”"Crossing mountains", "soil sliding", etc.
Landslide conditions: slope rock and soil are only Tectonic plane Only when cutting and separating into continuous states can downward sliding be possible.
Activity intensity of landslide: mainly related to the scale, speed, distance and accumulation of landslide potential energy It is related to the kinetic energy generated.
Activity time of landslide: mainly related to various external factors that induce landslide, such as earthquake, rainfall Freeze-thaw Tsunami, storm surge and human activities.
(3) Collapse: also called collapse, collapse or collapse, is the sudden collapse, rolling, and accumulation of rock mass on a steep slope Toe of slope (or gully rock) Geological phenomenon
According to the composition of collapse mass, collapse can be divided into earth collapse and Rockfall Two categories.
Activity time of collapse: collapse generally occurs in the process of rainstorm and long-term continuous rainfall or later; Strongly in the process; During or after excavation of slope toe; The initial stage of reservoir impoundment and the peak flood period of the river; intense mechanical vibration and Big blasting After.
Collapsed Regionality Southwest China is the main area of collapse distribution in China.
(4) Ground subsidence: the ground subsidence is caused by the long-term drought, which lowers the groundwater level, and the overexploitation of groundwater Deformation phenomenon
(V) earthquake : Earthquake is a kind of Destructive power Great natural disasters. Except for those directly caused by the earthquake Landslide Ground fissure In addition to the collapse of houses fire flood blast landslide Debris flow , poison gas spread plague And other secondary disasters.
2023 In the first quarter, 97 geological disasters occurred nationwide, mainly small collapses and ground collapses. [15]

earthquake disaster

(3) Mine earthquake;

Crop biology

(1) Crop diseases: mainly Rice disease There are more than 240 kinds of diseases, 50 kinds of wheat diseases, 40 kinds of corn diseases, 40 kinds of cotton diseases and many kinds of diseases such as soybean, peanut and hemp;
(2) Crop pest; There are mainly 252 kinds of rice pests, more than 100 kinds of water wheat pests, 52 kinds of corn pests, more than 300 kinds of cotton pests, and many kinds of other crop pests;
(3) Crop grass damage: about 8000 kinds;
(4) Rat damage.

Forest organism

(1) Forest disease : 2918 species;
(2) Forest pests: 5020 species;
(3) Forest rodent damage: more than 160 species.

Astronomical disaster

Refers to space objects or their states, such as sunlight Surface solar wind Magnetosphere the ionosphere and Thermosphere Abnormal changes occur instantaneously or in a short time, such as strong Coronal mass ejection , large solar flare , High speed solar wind magnetic storm the ionosphere Sudden disturbance, etc., can cause the collapse of satellite operation, communication, navigation and power station transmission network, endanger human life and health, and cause social and economic losses. The impact of small celestial bodies (such as meteorites) may cause human body and property losses.

Other disasters



In addition to earthquakes, floods, typhoons plague In addition to disasters that seriously affect people's lives and even threaten their lives thunder , fog hail Other disasters should also constantly improve the awareness of prevention and strengthen the ability to prevent.
(1) Formation of lightning
The weather with thunder and lightning is called thunderstorm In thunderstorm weather, when the Potential difference When a certain intensity is reached, the discharge phenomenon will occur. Lightning strikes the ground or strikes some objects, causing lightning strikes. According to research, lightning strikes electric current The strength can usually reach tens of thousands of amperes, and the temperature can reach Celsius At 20000 degrees, with such a strong current and high temperature, we can imagine the degree of harm.
(2) Measures to prevent lightning strike
1. In thunderstorm days, people should try to stay indoors, do not go out, close doors and windows to prevent Spherical lightning Walk through the hall and enter the room.
2. Try not to be close to doors and windows stove , heating furnace and other metal parts, do not stand barefoot on the mud or cement floor, and it is better to pad the feet with non-conductive items and sit on wooden chairs.
3. Do not swim or row in the river to prevent lightning from hitting the human body through the water medium.
4. When encountering thunderstorms in the wild, squat down in a low-lying or ditch as soon as possible, not in isolated trees, tall towers Telegraph Pole Take shelter from the rain.
5. Once someone is struck by lightning, rescue shall be carried out in time. The rescue method is the same as First aid for electric shock Similarly, artificial respiration and extracorporeal heart massage should be carried out in time and sent to the hospital urgently.
dense fog
When a large number of small water droplets or ice crystal particles are suspended in the near lower air, which makes people's vision blurred, and the horizontal energy distance between the parties drops below 1000 meters, it is called fog. Fog can be classified into different grades. When the energy distance is less than 1000 meters and more than 500 meters, it is called mist When the visible distance is less than 500 meters, it is called fog; When the visible distance is less than 200 meters, it is called dense fog.
1. Try not to go out. If you have to go out, wear a mask to prevent inhalation Toxic gas
2. Try not to exercise in the fog.
3. Pedestrians should be careful when crossing the road. They should see the traffic clearly.
4. When driving vehicles and cars, you should slow down, obey the command of the traffic police, do not rush to take the bus (boat), and do not crowd at the ferry when the ferry is stopped.
Natural disasters and epidemics
Natural disasters have destroyed people and environment Inter ecological equilibrium Therefore, the control of infectious diseases has become an important part of the disaster relief work.
After natural disasters, with the destruction of the old ecological balance and the establishment of a new balance Epidemic of infectious diseases The change of conditions will exist for a period of time“ Aftereffect ”In disaster conditions Infectious disease control It is an important feature different from other disaster relief work. When the direct consequences of natural disasters are basically eliminated, eliminating their "aftereffects" will become the focus of work, and this work will actually become the main work of infectious disease control under disaster conditions.


First, disasters are widely distributed, Local areas The disaster was serious.
Second, the South Spring flood Summer flood Obviously, north flood and water-logging Extremely heavy.
Third, typhoons frequently and intensively land, with a large span of influence.
Fourth Wind and hail disaster Local Heavy, drought The disaster was obviously mild.
Fifth, earthquakes frequently occur in the west, with low temperature snowstorm Attack the north repeatedly.
Sixth, frequent and severe disasters in poor areas Superimposition effect Significant.

Disaster impact

For different types of natural disasters, infectious diseases Control work They also have different characteristics. In this sense, disasters can be divided into sudden disasters, including floods, earthquakes Volcano eruption , tsunami, typhoon and other natural disasters that cause significant damage in a short period of time; Gradualness Disasters, including drought and rare Insect plague The famine caused by. Since the latter kind of disasters did not have a sudden impact on the basic living conditions of human beings, the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases can be more organized.

Epidemic mechanism

(1) The drinking water supply system is damaged
Most natural disasters may cause damage to the drinking water supply system, which will be the first problem after the disaster, often leading to large-scale Intestinal infectious disease The outbreak and popularity of.
When floods occur, the original safe drinking water source is flooded, damaged or silted up, and people are forced to use surface water as a drinking water source. These waters are often Excreta , human and animal carcasses and dirt in damaged buildings, especially in low-lying areas Waterlogging In the region, the victims have been besieged by floods for a long time, and have caused water related diseases Epidemic outbreak The People's Republic of Bangladesh The flood caused a large number of deaths.
In case of earthquake, the destruction of buildings will also involve Water supply system To interrupt the normal water supply for residents city dweller The impact is relatively serious, and the remaining water source is vulnerable to pollution due to pipeline damage. Tsunamis and wind disasters may also cause this situation.
During disasters, due to many drinking drying up of water sources , resulting in concentration of drinking water sources. In some disaster prone water shortage areas, residents often need to go far away to get drinking water. Once these water sources are polluted, disease outbreaks will occur. Such as Sichuan Badung It was extremely serious because of drought bacterial dysentery popular.
In some low-lying saline alkali areas, floods and droughts will also cause groundwater level To affect the salt content and PH value When the PH value and salt content in water increase Vibrio cholerae The proliferation of cholera Epidemic area Regular meetings The recurrence of cholera caused by floods and droughts can be prolonged for a long time.
(2) Food shortage
Although delivering food to disaster areas has become the first task of disaster relief, local food is still difficult to completely avoid when large-scale and geographically wide natural disasters occur. In addition to the destruction of basic living conditions, people are forced to store food in poor conditions, which is easy to cause food Mildew And corruption, resulting in food poisoning And food source Intestinal infectious disease popular.
Floods are often accompanied by rainy weather, when the grain is extremely easy to mildew. During a recent large-scale flood in several provinces in southern China, there were many mildew poisoning incidents. When disasters occur in the hot weather season, food corruption is very easy to occur. because Pickled food It is easy to preserve. When the supply of non-staple food is interrupted during large-scale disasters, pickled food often becomes the only non-staple food for residents, which is also Halophilic bacteria Poisoning provides conditions.
Food shortage will also cause people to physical quality The general decline makes all kinds of diseases prone to occur and spread.
(3) Fuel shortage
In large-scale natural disasters, fuel shortage is also a common phenomenon, especially among flood victims.
Fuel shortage first forces the victims to drink raw water and eat Raw and cold food So as to cause the occurrence and spread of intestinal pollution disease.
When it is difficult to restore fuel supply in the short term after a serious natural disaster, fuel shortage may cause residents to personal hygiene A decline in level. Especially in winter, the crowd is still crowded, which may lead to parasite The breeding and spread of the Control status Of Infectious Diseases (e.g. popularity Macular rash Typhoid fever And so on).
Floods often cause water pollution Water transmission Of infectious diseases, such as schistosomiasis Leptospirosis Etc. However, the effect of flood on water pollution is twofold. On a large scale Flood disaster In particular, during the trip, due to the dilution effect The incidence of this kind of disease has no obvious signs of rising, but when the flood begins to fall, many small water bodies are left in the waterlogged area. If these small water bodies are polluted, it is very easy to cause the outbreak and prevalence of this kind of disease.
(5) Damaged living conditions
Floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis will cause large-scale damage to living conditions. At the beginning, people are forced to sleep outdoors, and then they may live in simple shacks for a long time, resulting in population concentration and crowded living. Tangshan During the earthquake, in Tangshan, Tianjin and other large cities, simple shacks stretched for tens of miles, and the longest living time was more than one year. Even after moving back to the original residence, due to the destruction of a large number of houses, some residents will still be crowded for a long time.
Sleeping outdoors makes people vulnerable to blood sucking Arthropoda Attacks. At this stage, Insect borne diseases The incidence of may increase, such as malaria Japanese encephalitis And popularity hemorrhagic fever Etc; The crowded state of population living is conducive to the close relationship between people Contact transmission Epidemic diseases, such as hepatitis Red eye disease Etc. If this state continues into winter Respiratory infectious disease Will become a serious problem, such as Influenza Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis Etc.
Natural disasters often result in large-scale population migration. During the Tangshan earthquake, the wounded were transported directly to Chengdu and Chongqing in the hinterland of southwest China. During the period of urban reconstruction, the population evacuated in the form of relatives and friends almost spread throughout China. In today's economic conditions, people in disaster areas go out and engage in labor activities, almost Production self rescue The most important form in the activity.
Large scale migration of population, first of all Endemic Diseases The spread of has created conditions and caused some diseases Pandemic , such as medieval Black Death , China History of Yunnan Last Last plague A pandemic is a pandemic Population mobility Started.
Population mobility has caused two problems. First, when the population in the disaster area flows out Endemic disease Spread to the affected areas. More importantly, when the disaster area starts to rebuild and the population returns to their homes in succession Sexually transmitted diseases Take it back to the disaster area. If the affected areas have the conditions for disease prevalence, new endemic areas may be created.
The Second Coming Population Flow Major issues It interferes with the immune status of some people who mainly rely on immunity to control diseases, resulting in local non immune people, thus creating conditions for the prevalence of these diseases.
in China, planned immunization It has been carried out quite extensively, poliomyelitis measles The control of has achieved great results; Typhoid fever tuberculosis Hejia hepatitis B The incidence of has begun to decline. Due to the interference of disasters, it is difficult to carry out the EPI work normally, and the population flow makes some children miss vaccination, which may increase the incidence of such diseases.
Some diseases frequently occurring in children and young people Natural immunity State plays an important role in the prevalence of diseases. Whether it is the outflow of population from the disaster area or the return of population to their homes during the reconstruction of the disaster area, some non immune populations will be exposed to a low level of natural epidemic population, which will lead to an increase in the incidence of these diseases.

Media influence

Many infectious diseases are not only spread among people, but also have other biological hosts besides people. Some diseases must be transmitted through biological vectors. Disaster conditions destroy human, host animals, biological vectors and diseases pathogen The old ecological balance will be established on the new basis, so the impact of disasters on these diseases will be more lasting.
(1) Flies
Flies are Intestinal infectious disease The importance of Media Its breeding and proliferation are mainly determined by the unsanitary conditions of human living environment. Large natural disasters always cause major damage to the sanitary conditions of human living environment, and the breeding of flies is almost inevitable.
After the earthquake, houses collapsed. The bodies of dead people and animals are buried under the ruins, and there are a lot of things and others Organic matter , at temperature climatic conditions These organic components will soon decay, providing conditions for flies to breed easily. As a result, an earthquake as big as the Tangshan earthquake often causes an astonishing number of adult flies in a very short time, posing a serious threat to the residents in the disaster area.
Drowning animal carcasses and various Organic waste A large amount of land will be silent on the old site of the village. If it cannot be eliminated in time, a large number of flies will breed.
Even in the case of drought, there will be some unsanitary conditions due to the lack of water, which is conducive to the breeding of flies. Therefore, in the initial stage of post disaster reconstruction, the eradication of flies will be an important task in infectious disease control.
(2) Mosquitoes
Among the blood sucking arthropods that transmit diseases, mosquitoes are the most important and have the closest relationship with disasters. Under the common disaster conditions in China, malaria and Japanese encephalitis are the most serious threats to the residents in the disaster areas.
Mosquito breeding requires small, static water bodies. Therefore, in the great flood, Flood During this period, the increase of mosquito density is often not obvious. However, after the water recedes, a large number of small pieces of waterlogged areas are often left in the low-lying areas of waterlogged areas, and weeds are overgrown, making them the best breeding place for mosquitoes. If any at this time Infectious agent If it exists, the incidence of disease in this area will rise rapidly.
Drought can cut off some rivers and dry up lakes Puddle It will also become a good breeding place for mosquitoes.
In disasters that cause massive damage to buildings, such as earthquakes and wind disasters, water storage buildings and pipelines may be damaged at the same time. Tap water Overflow , especially domestic sewage Staying on the ground will also become an environment for mosquito breeding.
Disasters will not only increase the density of mosquitoes, but also increase the chance of mosquitoes invading humans. Residents trapped by floods and forced to sleep outdoors due to house damage often lack effective means to resist mosquito invasion, which is also an important reason for the rise in the incidence of mosquito borne diseases.
(3) Other blood sucking species Arthropoda
Under disaster conditions, the main manifestation is the increased chance of blood sucking arthropods to invade humans. Mosquitoes sometimes mechanically transmit some rare infectious diseases, such as anthrax Etc. Humans have more weeds, humus It is easy to be exposed to Chigger mite Gamasid mite The invasion of Tsutsugamushi disease And epidemic hemorrhagic fever areas, this threat to humanity has increased significantly. Disasters in forest areas, such as forest fires, force people to approach bushes When living in an area of Forest encephalitis Lyme disease and Spotted fever The popularity of waiting.
(4) Parasites
In China, the existing schistosomiasis The distribution of Flood disaster And Oncomelania hupensis The distribution of is greatly affected by the flood.
At ordinary times, the distribution of Oncomelania hupensis is constantly changing with the erosion of water flow and the formation of shoals. Under flood conditions, it is possible to take snails away from their original breeding areas and settle down in a new suitable environment. Therefore, the flood disaster often makes the distribution area of schistosomiasis significantly expanded.
(5) livestock
Domestic animals are important hosts of many infectious diseases, such as pigs and dogs Leptospirosis The host of Japanese encephalitis is pig and horse, and the host of schistosomiasis is cattle. When a flood disaster occurs, a large number of victims and livestock are often trapped in a narrow area by the flood. The natural return to the sea, which has caused a lot of damage to houses, will also lead to an unusually close relationship between people and livestock. This kind of environment will make infectious diseases shared by humans and animals easy to spread.
(6) Homely habitat And wild rodents
Domestic and wild rodents are the most important disease hosts, and their distribution and density are significantly affected by natural disasters.
Most of the mice related to diseases live underground in caves, and their swimming ability is not very strong. Therefore, when large-scale floods occur, the number of rats will be reduced. However, some rats may use Floater Escape and concentrate on the higher terrain where the victims live, thus forming abnormal high-density Under such conditions, due to the extremely close contact between humans and rats, it is possible to cause the epidemic of diseases.
Due to the strong reproductive capacity of rats, they usually leave abundant food for rats in villages and farmland damaged by floods. As a result, the density of rats may rise rapidly after the flood recedes, and in a period of time after that, there will be extremely high population density Thus, rats promote the epidemic of diseases and endanger human beings.
Drought may dry up some lake and marsh areas and become lowlands with overgrown weeds. This area provides a superior living environment for wild rodents, which makes their number grow rapidly. It has been reported that this condition has led to the prevalence of epidemic hemorrhagic fever.
The earthquake and other natural disasters caused a large number of house damage, and some houses that were not easily invaded by rats were damaged. A large amount of food left in the ruins made it possible for domestic rats to obtain conditions for mass reproduction. When post disaster reconstruction starts and residents move back to their original houses, Rat infestation It may become a major problem House rat The incidence of communicable diseases may also increase.

Development trend

Due to natural disasters, infectious diseases Pathogenesis After natural disasters, the incidence of communicable diseases may present a phased feature.
When sudden natural disasters occur, the source of drinking water and food is the first to be affected. Therefore, Intestinal infectious disease Will be the main threat in the early future. especially Water source pollution and food poisoning , often accumulating a large number of people, should be the focus of disease control in the early post disaster period.
The destruction of houses makes a large number of people live in the open air and are vulnerable to the invasion of blood sucking arthropods. But due to the invasion of arthropods. However, since the number of arthropods and infectious sources needs to be accumulated, the occurrence of infectious diseases is usually slightly late and may be a gradual process.
The excessive concentration of the population has increased the incidence of infectious diseases through close contact. If the scale of the disaster is large, the population in the disaster area needs to live under quarantine conditions for a long time. When the cold season comes, the incidence of respiratory infectious diseases will also rise.
Population migration may result in two peaks of disease. The first peak is caused by population outflows, but because patients are scattered in a wide range of non disaster areas, this peak is often difficult to detect and cannot receive corresponding attention. When the reconstruction of the disaster area begins and the displaced population returns to their hometown, there will be a second peak of incidence, which is often characterized by the incidence among children.
Finally, the post disaster period is actually a process of ecological balance reconstruction. This period may last for two or three years or even longer. During this period, infectious diseases shared by humans and animals, and infectious diseases transmitted through biological vectors, may appear to be associated with Normal time Different characteristics of the disease, and may have a higher incidence.

Prevention and control policy

In view of the above impact of natural disasters on the incidence of infectious diseases, the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases after natural disasters should have different characteristics from those in normal times, and Organizational leadership It should be the relevant government departments. According to the characteristics of infectious diseases during the disaster period, infectious disease control can be divided into four periods.
(1) Pre disaster
China is a big country, and some regions are prone to natural disasters. Therefore, preparations should be made before disasters occur, including the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.
1. Accumulation of basic data. To formulate scientific prevention and control measures for disaster period, we should pay attention to the accumulation of basic data at ordinary times, including population data Health information Information on the incidence of infectious diseases, distribution of major endemic diseases, and distribution of major animal hosts and vectors.
2. Formulation of infectious disease control plan. In some disaster prone areas, such as seismically active areas, low-lying areas in the lower reaches of large rivers Flood diversion area All of them should have emergency response plans in disaster period, including infectious disease control plans. The plan shall determine the disease prevention priorities in different periods according to the specific conditions of each disaster prone area. The allocation of mobile teams that can be sent to the disaster area, as well as the storage location and deployment plan of urgently needed disease prevention materials and equipment, should also be considered in the prevention.
Due to the sudden nature of natural disasters, it is impossible to formulate a plan for every possible disaster affected area. A more detailed plan should be formulated according to some typical areas for demonstration purposes.
3. Mobile epidemic prevention team is ready. Due to the key impact of natural disasters, there are often not enough Hygiene and epidemic prevention And medical forces to deal with emergencies that have occurred. In the face of sudden disasters, the existing epidemic prevention teams are often trapped in temporary chaos and paralysis. Therefore, when major natural disasters occur, mobile epidemic prevention teams must be sent into the disaster area to support disease control.
natural disaster
4. For some disaster prone areas, the personnel of these mobile teams should be trained regularly to make them understand the health and disease conditions of the main mobile directions and the problems they may encounter after entering the disaster area. When personnel change, the personnel of these mobile teams should also be supplemented and adjusted in a timely manner, so that they can cope at any time Emergencies Status of.
(2) Disaster shock period
When large-scale natural disasters strike suddenly, it is actually impossible to carry out effective disease prevention and control. However, during this period, the medical teams sent to the disaster area for the purpose of emergency rescue should be equipped with a sufficient number of Drinking water disinfection Place and prevention and treatment Intestinal infectious disease And pay attention to the signs of large-scale infectious diseases, and make appropriate treatment to control the initial outbreak of disease.
(3) Post disaster
When residents in disaster areas are out of danger and temporarily live in safe places, they should systematically carry out disease prevention and control:
1. Rebuilding mass diseases Monitoring system
Due to the impact of major natural disasters, the heavy work of disaster relief and the flow of personnel, the disease monitoring and reporting system established at ordinary times is often paralyzed in the early post disaster period. Therefore, Health management The first task of the department and mobile epidemic prevention team should be to rectify them and re-establish them according to the situation of the refugees Epidemic report System, so as to find out the epidemic situation in time and deal with it correctly. The content of monitoring should not only include the infectious diseases reported by law, but also the temporary residence and mobility of the population, the occurrence of major diseases, and the temporary residence and nearby rodent and Vector organism Number of.
2. Rebuild the safe drinking water system.
because Water diversion system The most serious threat to the population is the damage caused by.
3. Vigorously carry out health campaigns.
Improving the sanitary conditions of temporary settlements after disasters is an important link to reduce the incidence of diseases. Therefore, when the residents are basically out of danger and arrive at a safe place, they should organize the residents to continuously improve the sanitary conditions of the residence, eliminate garbage and dirt, spray insecticides regularly to reduce the density of mosquitoes and flies, and carry out deratization when necessary.
When the reconstruction starts after the disaster, the sanitary conditions of the original residence should be improved first before moving back to the original residence.
4. Prevention Bloodsucking insect The invasion of.
It is impossible to reduce the density of blood sucking insects to Safety level Therefore, prevention Insect borne diseases The main means is to prevent insect Bites All possible measures can be used to protect people from mosquito Bloodsucking insect like bite If plants with natural insect repellent effect are used to fumigate and expel mosquitoes, they should be transferred to the disaster area as far as possible Mosquito net And mosquito repellents.
5. Timely discover and deal with infectious sources
Under the conditions of major natural disasters, it is often difficult to improve the phenomenon of crowded population and mixed population and livestock in a short time. Therefore, finding patients, timely and correct isolation and treatment are the basic means to reduce infectious diseases.
There are some diseases, human beings are the only source of infection, such as hepatitis, malaria, etc. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the timely detection of such patients among the residents in the disaster area, and they should be transferred to a medical unit with isolation conditions for treatment.
In addition, there are many diseases that can occur not only in humans, but also in animals. Therefore, attention should be paid to domestic animals Check and find out in time Leptospira schistosomiasis And Japanese encephalitis infection, and the animals that become the source of infection should be treated in time.
6. Check and diagnose the outflow crowd.
After the fire, there will be a large number of people to engage in labor activities or visit relatives call on friends Leave the disaster area in other forms. Therefore, in the areas around the disaster area, especially in large and medium-sized cities, the population from the disaster area should be especially strengthened to check and diagnose, so as to find out the epidemic signs of infectious diseases in time. In some areas with endemic diseases, these immigrants should also Immunoprophylaxis To avoid some places Sexually transmitted diseases The outbreak of.
(4) Post effect period
When the affected people move back to their original places and begin post disaster reconstruction, the post disaster infectious disease prevention and control work will enter the stage of targeting the post disaster effects.
1. Check and immunize the returning people.
At this stage, the population who left the disaster area began to return to their hometown in succession, and the focus of infectious disease prevention and control should be shifted to preventing the second peak of incidence among the returning population.
People who go out for labor services may enter some endemic areas and become infected there, which may bring the disease or its host and vector back to their hometown. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen inspection and diagnosis among returnees to know which endemic areas (such as plague Brucellosis schistosomiasis And check these possible conditions. If the patient is found, he should be treated immediately.
Babies born in other places often lack immunity to some common diseases in their hometown, so we should strengthen the inspection and diagnosis of infants and children in order to find and treat their diseases in a timely manner.
Because of the floating population It is difficult to carry out normal immunization work, and there is often an immunization gap among these people. Therefore, timely supplementary immunization for returning people is an important measure to prevent the increase of disease incidence.
2. Reconstruction of the disaster area and re investigation of the disease.
Natural disasters often cause schistosomiasis Leptospirosis Epidemic hemorrhagic fever (EHF) and other infectious diseases shared with animals have expanded the pollution area, and led to changes in the distribution and epidemic intensity of animal diseases. Therefore, after the disaster Reconstruction period The distribution of these diseases should be re investigated and appropriate measures should be taken preventive measure In order to prevent its outbreak in the process of reconstruction.
For families and individuals in disaster areas, the following points should be noted:
① Pay attention to the cleanness of drinking water. If possible, follow the instructions of the disaster relief personnel and strictly disinfect with drugs. If not, try to boil the water before drinking. Never use contaminated water for trouble.
② Cooperate with the disaster relief personnel to do a good job of killing flies, mosquitoes and rats, and prevent mosquito bites by all means.
③ Abnormal conditions are found, such as illness have a fever , suffering from skin disease Report to the disaster relief personnel or relevant departments immediately.
④ Try to avoid multiple people living in the same room, and try to avoid sleeping with animals, even if it is your own poultry Domestic animals are not good either.
⑤ If not necessary, do not relocate without the organization and guidance of relevant personnel. Outgoing personnel should not rush into the disaster area because they care about the safety of relatives and friends.
⑥ After the disaster, the supply of tap water and other water was interrupted, and the underground water Fire water When water is stored, attention shall be paid to ensure the safety of drinking water. If the tap water supply is interrupted after the disaster, it should be used for drinking Bottled Water For priority, or take water from the designated place and boil it for drinking

International disaster reduction


Detailed introduction

Storm surge
The International Decade for Disaster Reduction was launched in July 1984 by Dr. Frank Pryce, former President of the American Academy of Sciences World Earthquake Engineering Proposed at the meeting. Since then, this plan has been the United Nations and international society Extensive attention. The 42nd Session of the UN U.N.General Assembly Resolution 169, Resolution 203 of the 43rd session of the General Assembly adopted on December 20, 1988, and economic and social council In 1989, resolution 99 made specific arrangements for the implementation of the International Decade for Disaster Reduction. In December 1989, the 44th session of the General Assembly adopted the report of the Economic and Social Council on the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction, and decided to launch the "International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction" from 1990 to 1999, stipulating that the second Wednesday of October each year is the "International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction". October 10, 1990 was the first International Decade for Disaster Reduction. The General Assembly also confirmed the international programme of action for the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction. 2001 U.N.General Assembly Decides to continue the commemoration on the second Wednesday in October every year International Day for Disaster Reduction And take this opportunity to advocate a global culture of natural disaster reduction, including disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness.
The international programme of action of the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction first defined the goals and objectives of action. The purpose of the action is: through concerted international action, especially in developing country , alleviated by earthquake Windstorm , tsunami, flood, landslide Volcano eruption forest fire , grasshopper and grasshopper drought And desertification and other natural disasters property loss And social and economic imbalance. Its objectives are to enhance the capacity of each country to mitigate the impact of natural disasters quickly and effectively, with particular attention to helping developing countries in need to establish early warning systems and disaster resistant structures; Develop appropriate guidelines and strategies for using existing scientific and technological knowledge, taking into account the different cultural and economic conditions of countries; Encourage all kinds of science and Process technology Committed to filling the key gaps in knowledge; Dissemination, evaluation and prediction of existing measures related to natural disaster mitigation technical information And new technical data; pass through technical assistance And Technology transfer , demonstration projects, education and training programs to develop measures to evaluate, predict and mitigate natural disasters, and evaluate these programs and their effectiveness.
The International Programme of Action requires all governments to: draw up national natural disaster mitigation programmes, especially for developing countries, and incorporate them into their national development programmes; During the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction, participate in concerted international action for natural disaster reduction, cooperate with relevant scientific and technological communities, and establish national committees; Encourage the country local administration The authorities take appropriate steps to contribute to the realization of the objectives of the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction; Take appropriate measures to raise public awareness of the importance of disaster reduction and strengthen community preparedness through education, training and other means; Pay attention to the impact of natural disasters on health care, especially the activities to reduce the vulnerability of hospitals and health centers, as well as the impact of natural disasters on food storage facilities refuge And other societies economic base Impact of facilities; Encourage scientific and technical institutions, financial institutions, industry, foundations and other relevant non-governmental organizations to support and fully participate in various disaster reduction programmes and activities formulated and implemented by the international community, including Governments, international organizations and non-governmental organizations.

Historical themes

Disaster reduction, development and environment in 1991 - for one goal
Natural disaster mitigation and sustained development
In 1993, we should pay special attention to schools and hospitals to reduce the losses caused by natural disasters
In 1994, areas threatened by disasters and areas vulnerable to disaster losses were identified - for a safer 21st century
Women and children in 1995 - the key to prevention
1996 Urbanization And disasters
Water in 1997: too much, too little - will cause natural disasters
Disaster prevention and media in 1998
Benefits of disaster reduction in 1999: science and technology have protected lives and Property security
Disaster prevention, education and youth in 2000 - special attention forest fire
Disaster resistance and mitigation in 2001 Vulnerability
Disaster Reduction and Sustainable Development in Mountainous Areas in 2002
Pay more attention to sustainable development in the face of disasters in 2003
Summarize experience and mitigate future disasters in 2004
In 2005, using microcredit and safe net , improve disaster resistance
Disaster Risk Reduction Begins at School in 2006 and 2007
Hospitals Safe from Disasters in 2008
Attention, everyone
Natural disasters and internal stress of the earth
along with natural resources The continuous acceleration of mining has caused the rapid escalation of stress changes inside and outside the earth, making natural disasters occur frequently in various regions of the world. Due to human overexploitation of underground mineral resources Thus forming the phenomenon of multiple "empty areas" and multiple "holes" in the earth's interior. In the interstellar space gravitational field field of gravity as well as earth rotation centrifugal force Under the joint action of, it has completely changed the original geological balance stress change in the earth interior, which is the main factor causing frequent natural disasters at present.
Earth“ hole ”The causes include the following:
1、 Mining of mineral resources
(1) coal resource Coal resources are Fossil energy An important part of. Coal resources are solid energy, occupying underground Total resources About 50%, including Not found Part of. Coal resources are also human beings Utilization One of the highest energy sources, mainly used in industry, power, heating and other industries. The coal vein includes the surface layer and the underground layer, and the formation of the "hole" effect is mainly the underground vein rock stratum.
(2) oil resources Petroleum resources are also fossil energy, belonging to liquid secondary development mineral resources, accounting for Total mineral resources About 40%. Petroleum is widely used, mainly as liquid Fuel energy And industrial basic raw material refining.
(3) Combustible ice Combustible ice is also a part of mineral resources, and its reserves only account for a few percent of the total mineral resources.
Mineral energy It is a consumable resource. along with human society Development and continuation of resources Consumption It will get bigger and bigger. Because mineral resources are consumable energy, their reserves in the earth are limited. With the extension of human survival, they will eventually enter the stage of depletion.
II Metallic ore Mining of
Metal is one of the necessary living resources for human survival. It is mainly used in electric power, transportation, aviation, shipping, construction, industry, military, agriculture, scientific research, commerce, civil and other fields. Metal resources are indispensable to all regions where human beings are involved.
Metallic mineral resources It is also one of the most widely used mineral resources, mainly distributed in the surface and underground layers. Metal mineral is a kind of recyclable resource Mining speed relatively Energy minerals The mining speed is slow. Since the distribution range of metal minerals is larger than that of energy minerals, and the formation of the earth's metal minerals originates from the universe Galaxy This led to large-scale mining and refining of metal minerals. However, if humans overexploit the minerals in the underground rock strata, it will form a large reduction in the original mineral rock strata inside the earth Earth's internal structure It will produce destructive stress changes and form the "cavity" effect of underground rock stratum.
3、 Mining of other minerals
Other minerals include:
(1) Limestone. It is mainly used as raw materials in the construction industry, such as lime, concrete and other building materials.
(2) Asbestos ore Mica ore
(3) Rare minerals. include; All kinds of jade mines and all kinds of Gem ore wait.
4、 Groundwater exploitation
Due to excessive consumption of surface fresh water Water crisis Because of the high purity of groundwater mineral High content, low pollution, etc., so people turn their attention to the fresh water layer below the earth's rock stratum. Because the formation of underground fresh water layer starts from Galaxy formation So it is most suitable for human use. Due to the internal Freshwater resources It is in the original closed state, forming a common stress antibody with the earth's lithosphere. If it is exploited and utilized, it will form a non closed "cave" state, thus changing the stress structure of the original lithosphere. Like the liquid petroleum energy, it also forms the lithosphere Stress action One of the main components of.
Cause the earth lithosphere The main reason for the internal "cavity" effect is the massive exploitation of fossil energy and metal mineral resources, as well as industrial and civil gemstones and other mineral resources, which also causes the earth Rock stratum Structural stress The main factors of change. Due to human overexploitation of mineral resources, the "cavity" effect of the earth's rock layer reduces the resistance of rock layers to changes such as the earth's centrifugal force and interstellar gravity, which will eventually lead to man-made multi hazard changes of the earth, making new rock layers Fault zone The number is rising. Volcanoes, earthquakes tsunami , hurricanes and other natural geological disasters incidence rate It will increase year by year, seriously endangering the survival and reproduction of human beings.
Why do you say the earth rock layer( upper mantle And the crust) will lead to the structural stress change of the earth? Because in the initial stage of the formation of the earth, the internal rock stratum structure belongs to the equilibrium state under the natural force, and the mineral resources in the rock stratum and the rock stratum are Overall structure , jointly bearing the gravity and centrifugal force of the earth's core, the gravity of the earth's surface and the interstellar gravity, so the multiple "holes" effect of the lithosphere is the main reason for the frequent occurrence of earth disasters.
The Earth's lithosphere is mantle Upper relative to Asthenosphere The hard rock layer. It is about 60~120km thick and is also an earthquake high wave velocity zone. The lithosphere, including the whole crust and the upper part of the upper mantle, is composed of granitic rocks, basaltic rocks and Ultrabasic rock form. The lower part of the mantle is seismic wave Low velocity zone And about 100 km thick Asthenosphere
After the "cavity" is formed, it can be surface water Filling. But for the strong resistance in the earth's lithosphere, the force role of the lithosphere has been greatly reduced. Even if water is used to fill the "hole" in the rock stratum, the original antibody strength of the rock stratum will not be reached. Because water is a soft liquid substance with great fluidity, its combined resistance is very small. Cave after "cavity" effect Closure The resistance has lost the original Stress intensity In this case, due to the Gravity of the earth , gravity, centrifugal force and interstellar gravity earthquake intensity The propagation of will accelerate and form a new fault zone.
With the accelerated exploitation of natural resources and the continuous expansion of the "hole" effect, man-made natural geological disasters will occur more and more frequently, sinkhole , volcanic eruption, earthquake, tsunami Mountain landslide And other major destructive factors will endanger human reproduction and survival. How to change this serious consequence? Humans should avoid or reduce hidden resources We should make full use of modern high-tech, limit ourselves to the development of upper surface resources, and accelerate the exploration of outer space energy. Should be used more widely Tidal energy , solar energy, electric power, biochemical energy, wind energy, etc; We must speed up nuclear energy The use of resources to reduce human dependence on natural resources. This is of great historical significance for improving human energy reuse capacity, forming a worldwide earth protection agreement, and improving cooperation between countries.

data statistics

In 2020, 591 people died and disappeared due to disasters, down 43% from the average in recent five years [2]
In July 2023, Aon Insurance Group released a report showing that in the first half of 2023, the global economic losses caused by natural disasters, including earthquakes and severe storms, could reach 194 billion yuan USD. [55]
On January 20, 2024, it was reported that, after consultation and verification by relevant member units of the National Committee for Disaster Prevention, Reduction and Relief, a total of 95.444 million people were affected by various natural disasters in China in 2023, 691 people died and disappeared due to disasters, and 3.344 million people were relocated and resettled in an emergency; 209000 houses collapsed, 623000 seriously damaged and 1441000 generally damaged; 105393000 hectares of crops were affected; The direct economic loss was 345.45 billion yuan. Compared with the average in recent five years, the number of people affected by disasters, the number of people killed and missing due to disasters and the area affected by crops decreased by 24.4%, 2.8% and 37.2% respectively, and the number of collapsed houses and direct economic losses increased by 96.9% and 12.6% respectively. [57]
In March 2024, the Office of the National Committee for Disaster Prevention, Reduction and Relief, together with relevant member units, held a consultation on the national natural disasters in February 2024. In February, the situation of natural disasters in China was complex and severe. Low temperature, snow and freezing disasters had a wide range of impacts and heavy losses. Drought, wind and hail, sandstorms, earthquakes, geological disasters and forest fires also occurred to varying degrees. A total of 6.52 million people were affected by various natural disasters to varying degrees, 19 people died, 77000 people were relocated in emergency, and 420000 people needed emergency life assistance; 1700 collapsed houses and 14000 damaged houses; 639000 hectares of crops were affected; The direct economic loss was 17.69 billion yuan. [58]
On April 12, 2024, the Emergency Management Department held a regular press conference to report the situation of natural disasters and safe production in the first quarter. At the meeting, Shen Zhanli, the spokesman of the Emergency Management Department and the director of the Information and Publicity Department, said that in the first quarter of this year, China's natural disasters were mainly low temperature, snow and ice, earthquakes and geological disasters, and drought, wind and hail, floods, sandstorms and forest fires occurred to varying degrees. A total of 10.379 million people in 26 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) were affected by various natural disasters to varying degrees, 79 people died, 111000 people were relocated in emergency, 66000 houses collapsed and damaged, 944300 hectares of crops were affected, and the direct economic loss was 23.76 billion yuan. [59]
In the first half of 2024, a total of 32.381 million people across the country were affected by various natural disasters to varying degrees, 322 people died and disappeared due to disasters, 856000 people were urgently relocated, 23000 houses collapsed, 3172100 hectares of crops were affected, and the direct economic loss was 93.16 billion yuan. In the first half of 2024, the number of production safety accidents and the number of deaths across the country will maintain a "double decline", and a total of 32.381 million people across the country will be affected by various natural disasters to varying degrees. [62-63]
In the first half of 2024, the national average precipitation is 316.9 mm, 13.9% more than that in the same period of the year. The heavy rainfall process is frequent, intense and extreme. There were 19 regional torrential rain processes in the country. The flood of major rivers occurred early and of large magnitude, and the flood of small and medium-sized rivers occurred frequently. The Yangtze River and Taihu Lake have experienced one serial number flood respectively, the Xijiang River, Beijiang River, Hanjiang River and Dongjiang River in the Pearl River basin have experienced multiple serial number floods, and 618 rivers in 21 provinces (districts and cities) including Guangdong and Guangxi have experienced floods above the warning level. In the first half of 2024, geological disasters in southwest, central south and southern China will be frequent, mainly including mountain landslides, collapses and debris flows. The causes of disasters are complex, and the scope of influence is wide, showing a sporadic trend. In the first half of 2024, there will be 22 regional short-term heavy rainfall, thunderstorms, gales, hail and other severe convective weather processes throughout the country, resulting in more than 900 counties (districts) in 28 provinces (districts, cities) affected by disasters. In the first half of 2024, there will be 19 cold air processes in China, slightly more than that in the same period of the year, of which two will reach the level of cold wave. In the first half of 2024, there were 204 forest fires in China, and the total number of fires was at a historical low. [64]
In July 2024, China's natural disasters are mainly rainstorm and flood, typhoon and geological disasters, and wind and hail, earthquake, forest fire, etc. also occur to varying degrees. A total of 26.398 million people across the country were affected by various natural disasters, 328 people died and disappeared due to disasters, and 1.103 million people were urgently relocated; 12000 houses collapsed and 157000 damaged; The affected area of crops is 2420600 hectares; Direct economic loss 76.85 billion Yuan. [65]
In August 2024, China's natural disasters mainly include rainstorm and flood, geological disasters, wind and hail, drought, earthquake, forest fire, etc. A total of 8.436 million people across the country were affected by various natural disasters, 107 people died and disappeared due to disasters, and 277000 people were urgently relocated; More than 2400 houses collapsed and 58000 houses were damaged; The affected area of crops is 1455.7 thousand hectares; The direct economic loss was 42.48 billion yuan. [66]