Frederick I

Holy Roman Emperor
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Frederick I (German: Friedrich I; English: Frederick I; 1122-1190, June 10), nickname“ Redbeard ”Or“ Barbarosa ”( Italian :Barbarossa; German: Rotbart), yes House of Hohenstaufen First place of Roman people The king Holy Roman Empire The emperor (from June 8, 1155 to June 10, 1190), also Germany A famous politician and strategist in history.
Frederick was born in 1122 to House of Hohenstaufen Taxi Duke of Swaben Friedrich II And Bavaria Welf family Judith. In 1147, he inherited Duke of Swabia His title was Frederick III. In 1152, he won the election of the German king and was crowned the King of the Roman People of Hohenstaufen Dynasty. In 1155 (1154), the Pope Eugenius III At the request of Frederick Italy , and on Pavia accept Iron Crown , was crowned king of Italy. In 1155, in St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome, the Pope Adrian IV Honor Frederick as Holy Roman Emperor , known as Frederick I. In 1178, Frederick Arles Once again he was crowned king of Burgundy.
Frederick I was considered one of the most successful rulers of medieval Germany, Holy Roman Empire Our national strength has reached its peak and we have become the strongest country in Europe.
Redbeard Barbarosa
Ethnic groups
germanic people
date of birth
Date of death
June 10, 1190
In office time
June 8, 1155 to June 10, 1190
Henry VI
Key achievements
conquer Italy
Key achievements
participate in The Third Crusade
True name
Frederick I
Foreign name
Friedrich I
Holy Roman Empire

fight north and south

Portrait of Frederick I in military uniform
Frederick I Yes Italy His strong interest in Italian affairs made him the most important part of his life. To conquer Lombardy Cities made these rich areas the source of revenue for the empire. Frederick I carried out the policy of invading Italy for a long time.
He made six military incursions into Italy:
for the first time
In 1154, the Italian Pope Eugenius III Sent a letter to Frederick I Letter of Help , originally at that time Rome An uprising broke out. The common people revolted under the leadership of a priest named Arnold. The insurgents claimed to abolish the papal territory and let the pope lead an ordinary life. Frederick I did not give up the opportunity. He sent troops to Italy, quickly suppressed the uprising, and convened representatives of Italian city states to hold the Loncaria Conference, reaffirming that Frederick I had absolute control over Italy Dominion From the appointment of officials to the collection of taxes, it can only be decided by the emperor;
The second time
In 1158, because Frederick I connived at the soldiers' looting in Italy, the northern Italian city states were completely angered, and they formed Milan The city state group led by Frederick I fought to the death. Frederick I overwhelmed the insurgents with powerful military violence, and the city alliance was forced to surrender;
But in the same year, the Milanese rebelled again and kidnapped Frederick I's wife in an attack Burgundy Countess Beatrice I Queen, force her tricycle Out of town. This is an insulting ceremony to witness oneself being paraded like a prisoner. This also led to Frederick's later revenge.
third time
In 1160, Frederick I invaded again Italy , because the new Rome the pontiff Alexander III could not tolerate the tyrannical red beard. He announced that Frederick I would Excommunication And support the struggle of the city-state alliance. Frederick I sent troops. After two years of fighting, Milan was captured. Milan representatives went out of the city in linen and barefoot to surrender. However, Frederick I relentlessly drove Milan residents out of the city, dug ditches in the central square of the city, making them barren, and allowed the prisoners to cut off their heads and kick them as balls to insult the people of Milan.
The fourth time
In 1167, Frederick I's slaughter of the city angered the Italian people, including Venice and Verona Italian city-state Formed a new“ Lombardy League ”And quickly won the support of the Pope. Frederick I once again sent troops. At the beginning, he was unstoppable and attacked Rome. Pope Alexander III fled. Later, the war reached an impasse. Frederick I's army was bravely resisted by the Italian people plague Popular, thousands of brave veterans died. At this time, Frederick I had to withdraw;
Fifth time
In 1174, because of the last failure, Frederick I rallied and marched out. At the beginning“ Lombardy League ”He wanted to talk about peace, but Frederick I refused. Due to the increase of "Lombardy League" cities (22) and the enhancement of the experience of League soldiers Battle of Leniano Frederick I's army failed, and Frederick I himself was seriously injured and had to surrender. In 1177, Frederick I and Alexander III signed《 Venice Peace Treaty 》Frederick I agreed to return the religious property, and at the same time he would not interfere Papal States Internal affairs.
The sixth time
In 1183, Frederick I launched his last expedition to Italy, which still ended in failure.
Frederick I signed a contract with the Lombardy League《 Treaty of Konstanz 》, abolished all the resolutions of the Longkalia Conference, but allowed Frederick I to keep them in name Right to appoint and remove personnel , and specify“ Lombardy League ”Do a good job when the emperor goes on patrol be in the position of receiving

Domestic policy

Frederick I, like all talented emperors, tried to Germany Control the rebellious princes in the territory. He issued it in 1158 Manor The decree required all the people who accepted the manor to perform military service for the emperor. His other major move was to divide the large vassal territory into several pieces, so in 1156 Austria from The Principality of Bavaria Divide it out and make it a principality.


Frederick I
After his first expedition to Italy (1154 Eugenius III He was crowned, but Eugene III had just died of grief and indignation. The new Pope Hadrian IV was very stubborn and rigid. When he crowned Frederick I, he constantly criticized Frederick I's behavior, and finally asked Frederick I to lead the horse and stirrup for the Pope according to the practice.
Frederick I was angry, and the coronation ceremony suddenly became Slaughterhouse Nearly a thousand priests fell under the sword of the army, but Frederick I still got“ Holy Roman Empire ”(Ironically, Frederick I knelt down on the Pope piously to show "repentance" after the failure of his fifth expedition to Italy alexander iii Kiss the Pope's feet).

Power struggle

Although Frederick I and his empire are famous, they have formed a feudal separatist regime Germany His centralized policy still faces strong challenges. His main enemies and competitors are Duke of Saxony Henry the Lion Henry also took over Bavaria in 1156.
In 1174, due to Henry the Lion Decline to participate Italy Of military action Frederick I attacked Henry and defeated him. Henry was deprived of most of his land, only Brunswick and Luneburg But Frederick I did not Henry the Lion The confiscated territories were incorporated into the royal domain and distributed to other dukes. Since then, it has become a practice in Germany that the confiscated duchy can only be owned by the emperor for a short time.

Leading the Eastern Expedition

In 1189, Frederick I, after reconciling with the Pope Richard I and Philip II ·Capey led it together The Third Crusade However, he failed to reach the Holy Land after all.
The German army took the road the danube skip over balkan , Arrival Constantinople saladin Buyout Byzantium emperor Isaac II Angelos (Isaac Angelus), let him try to slow down the speed of the crusade. Isaac angered Frederick I, and the two sides had friction, and finally exchanged hostages. East and West Roman emperor I also met him once in a lifetime. Shenluo troops spent the winter in Edirne and arrived across the strait in the spring of 1190 Asia Minor
On May 18, 1190, Shenluo troops occupied Konya after fighting( Battle of Konya )On the road, I sometimes meet some scattered Arabs Light cavalry In addition, the Turks did not dare to launch a major attack on this army all the way. At the end of May, the troops of the Holy Roman Empire entered the Armenian Silesia, from where they could safely go Syria Has. [1]


Frederick I
However, on the evening of a scorching summer on June 10, 1190, the 68 year old emperor was riding across the Saleph River Latin Middle pair Gekesu River In extreme fatigue heart disease , fell into the river and drowned. His death was saladin It is regarded as Allah's manifestation, because this time he is crusade The most powerful leader was also one of Saladin's most feared enemies.
Without the emperor's strong leadership, the German army began to disintegrate. Some of them went home immediately, and the rest went by boat or land Antioch , on Syria The troops suffered heavy losses due to minor battles and intense heat along the way Antioch Again plague The heavy blow of. Only a small number of people participated in the siege of Ak. When Friedrich's son, the Duke of Swabia, died on January 20, 1191, this Holy Roman Empire The Crusades of. And the Third Crusade Leadership It also fell to the English and French.
Later generations also have different views on the death of Frederick I, Niccolo Machiavelli In his works《 History of Florence 》It was suggested that Red Beard died because he took a bath in the Salifa River and fell ill from the cold; It is also said that Frederick inherited the 8th century Charlemagne The great monarch of the soul, and like Charlie, he was infected with the blood of Jesus Longinus The two also died because of the loss of the long gun. Although the death methods are slightly different, they are all equally regrettable. [2]

Evaluation of later generations

Statue of Frederick I
"The great and peaceful messenger crowned by God, the glorious victor and the continuous expansion of the empire, the Roman emperor Frederick." - Frederick I on the third expedition Italy Later, I evaluated myself on the released notice.
"The enemy forced you, and you never used your power to destroy the shackles... So you called in the Franks; it was like praying, there was no honor there" - Frederick I taunted the Romans.
"You must set an example for others to make the shaken empire recover through you" -- Frederick I persuaded Henry the Lion Take part in an expedition.
"Defender of justice, lover of law" - contemporary's evaluation of Frederick I.

Family relations

※ Wife:
Frederick I and his wife
△ Adela of Foeburg
△ The Countess of Burgundy Beatrice I
※ Children (born to the second wife):
  • Beatrix (c. 1162/1163-1174) William II They were engaged, but died of tuberculosis before they got married.
  • Frederick V (Friedrich V; July 16, 1164 - November 28, 1970), Duke of Schwaben.
  • Henry VI (Heinrich VI; November 1165 - September 28, 1997), Holy Roman Emperor, and Queen of Sicily Constance Marriage has offspring.
  • Friedrich VI (February 1167 - January 20, 1911), Duke of Schwaben.
  • A daughter (1168-1184)
  • Otto I (Otto I; 1170-13 January 2000) The Earl of Burgundy.
  • Konrad II (1172-1196), Duke of Schwaben.
  • Rainard (1173)
  • Wilhelm (1176)
  • Philip (1177-1208), and Otto IV The King of the Opposite Roman People (1198)
  • Agnes (1181-1184), who was engaged to the Hungarian king, died before their marriage.
※ Children born out of wedlock
△ Ulrich

Cultural influence

  • The romantic play created by Victor Hugo in 1843《 An old fogey 》( Les Burgraves )Frederick reappeared many years after people thought he had died;
  • Cyrus Townsend Brady, American writer and historian( Cyrus Townsend Brady )In his 1901 book, Hohensorum: The Story of Frederick Barbarosa( Hohenzollern; a Story of the Time of Frederick Barbarossa )The deeds of Barbarossa were mentioned in the dedication;
  • The Unreasonable Land, a fantasy novel co written by L. Sprague de Comm and Fletcher Platt in 1941( Land of Unreason )Frederick's Kiefferhausen Castle in Germany is mentioned in the book;
  • John Crowley's 1981 novel Small, Big( Little, Big )Frederick was portrayed as a modern character.
  • Real time strategy game developed by full effect studio in 1999《 Age of Empires II: Emperor Century 》The battle Barbarossa around Frederick appeared in, covering the history of nearly 50 years from Frederick's rule of Germany to the Third Crusade.
  • 2002 RTS Game《 Fortress: Crusade 》In, Emperor Frederick appeared as the player's opponent.
  • In the round based strategy game Medieval 2: Total War - Kingdom in 2006, Frederick appeared in the crusade.
  • 2016 round strategy game《 Civilization 6 》Frederick appeared as the leader of German civilization.