Pickled product

Let a large amount of salt penetrate into the food tissue to achieve the purpose of preserving food
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Pickling is to make salt A large amount of food is infiltrated into the food tissue to achieve the purpose of preserving food. These processed foods are called pickles. Salted products include pickles, bacon, and eggs. Vegetable pickles can be divided into three categories: pickles (dry, semi dry and wet salt pickles), and pickles (salt pickles with sugar or salt sauce). Distillery products (Rice wine and rice lees are also used for curing). Salted meat includes fish and meat products, commonly including salted pork, salted beef, salted fish, wind meat, bacon, salted duck, etc. The salted eggs are soaked in brine or glued with salty soil, and lime Soda ash The products made by the method of auxiliary materials include salty eggs, salty duck eggs, salty goose eggs, preserved eggs, etc.

Historical origin

Because China has many native vegetables, and made and used table salt very early, pottery was invented in the Neolithic Age, and Qu making techniques were mastered before BC. Therefore, China has a long history of making salted salted salted products, probably dating back to the Zhou Dynasty. The word "Potamogeton" in ancient books refers to roughly cutting food with a knife, and also refers to pickles, pickles or vegetables flavored with meat sauce. After the Han Dynasty, the word "Potamogeton" generally referred to vegetables pickled with salt, vinegar and sauce products. "Zhou Li, Tian Guan, Yi Ren", "Seven Potatoes", Zheng Xuan's note: "Leek, Jing, Mao, Kui, celery, bamboo shoots... all mixed with acyl sauce, cut into pieces, and the whole thing looks like Potatoes". Shuo Wen 》"Potato crispus is also a kind of vegetable." In the Southern Dynasty, Liang Zongmian's "Chronicles of the Age of Jingchu": "In the middle of winter, we picked and dried the frost turnips, sunflowers and other vegetables, and made them into dry salt Potato crispus. A big jar is often pickled and opened in three volts. Although the upper part is rotten, the lower part is extremely fragrant and beautiful, as white as jade. "
In 1971, the lobster sauce and ginger unearthed from the Western Han Tomb at Mawangdui in Changsha, Hunan, is the earliest physical evidence found in China so far, and the longest stored pickle in the world. The condiments for Chinese pickles mainly include salt, sauce, lees, soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, honey, shrimp oil, fish sauce, etc. Jia Sixie of the Northern Wei Dynasty《 Qi People's Essential Skills 》In the book, there are dozens of "Potamogeton crispus" recorded, most of which are salt and vinegar products, which are extremely important historical materials in the history of pickling technology. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the level of salted products reached the highest point, and the variety was extremely rich, which was the unique contribution of the Chinese people to the human diet civilization. [1]

Manufacturing principle

In the process of food curing, whether wet or dry curing is used, the curing agent is formed solution After that, it diffuses into the food tissue, thus reducing the Water activity , increase the osmotic pressure, thereby inhibiting microorganism And enzyme activity. Therefore, the diffusion and penetration of solution is the theoretical basis for the processing of pickled food.
1、 Diffusion and permeation of solution
The speed of food pickling depends on osmotic pressure. Since osmotic pressure is proportional to temperature and concentration, in order to accelerate the pickling process, it should be carried out under the conditions of high temperature and high concentration solution as far as possible. In terms of temperature, the osmotic pressure will increase by 0.3%~0.35% for every 1 ℃ increase.
In the process of food pickling, the concentration of solution inside and outside the food gradually tends to balance through osmosis, and the concentration of solution outside the food and solution inside the food cell reaches balance through solute diffusion. Therefore, the pickling process is actually a combination of diffusion and infiltration.
2、 Antiseptic effect of pickling agent
1. High osmotic pressure effect: a certain amount of salt The salt solution has a very high osmotic pressure. The salt concentration during pickling is 40~150g/L, which can produce an osmotic pressure of 246.8~925.5 kPa, while the osmotic pressure that most microorganisms can tolerate is 30.7~61.5 kPa. When the osmotic pressure of salt solution is greater than the osmotic pressure of microbial cells, the moisture in microbial cells will leak out and dehydrate them, which will eventually lead to the separation of microbial protoplasm and cell wall, thus inhibiting microbial activities and even causing death due to physiological dryness. Therefore, the use of high osmotic pressure of salt solution can play a very good anti-corrosion role.
two antioxidant Function: The oxygen content in the salt solution is very low, and the oxygen in the tissue can be eliminated through osmosis, so as to reduce oxidation, inhibit the activity of aerobic microorganisms, and reduce the destruction of microorganisms.
3. Effect of reducing water activity: After salt is dissolved in water, it will dissociate into Na and Cl, and a group of water molecules will gather around each ion. The percentage of water molecules around the hydrated ions in the total water content will increase with the increase of salt concentration, and the water in the corresponding solution will decrease, and its water activity will decrease.
4. Physiological toxicity: A small amount of Na can stimulate the growth of microorganisms. When it reaches a sufficiently high concentration, it will produce inhibition, mainly because Na can combine with anions in cell protoplasm, thus causing toxicity to microorganisms.
5. Impact on enzyme activity: enzyme activity secreted by microorganisms is often destroyed in low concentration salt solution. When the salt concentration is only 30g/L, proteus will lose the ability to decompose serum; Oxidase activity decreases with the increase of salt concentration, thus reducing or preventing oxidation. [2]

Method classification

The curing methods can be roughly divided into dry curing, wet curing, mixed curing and muscle or artery injection curing. The first two are basic curing methods, and the last two are only suitable for meat curing.

Dry salting

Dry pickled cabbage
Dry salting It is a method of using dry salt or mixed salt to wipe through the food surface first, that is, there is juice leakage, and then stacked in the curing container C. The salt should also be evenly removed between the layers, and each layer should be compacted in turn. Under the condition of external pressure or no pressure, the salt solution (called brine) formed by the exuded juice is used for curing.
The amount of salt used in dry curing is generally 17% - 20% of raw meat, and can be less in winter, 14% - 15%; The amount of salt used for dry salting of vegetables depends on the specific situation. The amount of salt used for long-term storage of pickled vegetables is 14% - 15% of the weight of vegetables, and the amount of salt used for production and marketing is 6% - 8% of the weight of vegetables.
The advantages of dry curing method are simple operation and less nutrient loss; The disadvantages are uneven pickling, heavy loss, salty taste and poor color.

Wet salting

Wet cured bacon
Wet salting The salting method is a method of immersing food in the pre prepared salt solution in the container, allowing the curing agent to penetrate into the food through diffusion and water transfer, and obtaining a relatively uniform distribution until its concentration is finally the same as that of the salt solution.
The advantage of wet pickling is that it is evenly pickled and the brine can be reused. The disadvantage is that the color and flavor of its products are not as good as those of dry cured products; The curing time is the same as that of dry curing, which is relatively long; The amount of labor required is greater than that of dry salting; When curing meat, the meat is soft and the salt water is appropriate, but the protein loss is large (0.8-0.9); It is difficult to preserve due to its high moisture content. [3]

Hybrid method

This is a combination of dry and wet pickling. It can be put into the container for dry curing first, and then put into the brine for curing or after the injection of brine, it can be put into the container for curing after wiping the meat products with dry nitrate mixture. The advantages of this method are good color, less loss of nutrients, moderate salinity, but it is more troublesome.

Injection method

In order to speed up the penetration of salt into the meat, first inject salt water into the meat and then put it into salt water for curing. It can be divided into arterial injection curing method and intramuscular injection curing method.
Arterial injection curing is a curing method that uses a pump to press salt water or pickle solution into the cut meat or leg meat through the arterial system, which is the best method to diffuse salt solution. This method can only be used for curing the front and rear legs. The advantage is that the curing speed is fast, but the disadvantage is that the cured meat must be the front and rear legs without damage to the vascular system. At the same time, the product is easy to deteriorate, and must be refrigerated. The intramuscular injection method uses the injection needle to inject the salt solution into the meat. There are two kinds of injection needles: single needle and multi needle. This method is suitable for meat segmentation. The injection volume of each shot of marinade is about 85g, with a general weight increase of 10%. [3]

Potential hazards

During curing, nitrite It can inhibit the growth of Clostridium botulinum and other types of putrefactive bacteria, has good coloration and antioxidant effects, and can improve the flavor of pickled food. However, nitrite can react with amine products of protein decomposition in pickled products to form nitrosamines, which is a strong carcinogen. The presence of nitrite in pickled food is the main potential hazard.

acute poisoning

The human body takes a large amount of nitrite for a long time, which can dilate the blood vessels, oxidize the iron of hemoglobin in the blood and cannot connect with oxygen, resulting in oxidized hemoglobin hematopathy, reducing the oxygen transmission capacity of the blood, destroying blood cells, and blocking renal tubules due to the presence of hemoglobin in plasma and urine. Generally, human ingestion of 0.3-0.5g nitrite can cause poisoning, and more than 3g nitrite can cause death.


Nitrite can be formed by reaction with amine, a protein decomposition product in cured meat Nitrosamine Nitrosamine is a strong carcinogen. According to animal tests, a large amount or long-term intake can cause cancer. Nasopharyngeal cancer, esophageal cancer, gastric cancer and liver cancer are all related to nitrosamines. Under the action of microsomal hydroxylase in vivo, nitrosamines undergo a series of metabolism, resulting in mutation or canceration of cells.

Teratogenic effect

Research shows that nitrite can enter the fetus through the placenta, and infants within 6 months are particularly sensitive to nitrite. The increased relative risk of brain cancer in children under 5 years of age is related to the amount of nitrite ingested by the mother through food. In addition, nitrite can also enter the baby's body through milk, resulting in hypoxia of the baby's body tissues, and blue and purple spots on the skin and mucosa. [2]

Reduce hazards


chemical method

Chemical methods to reduce nitrite mainly include: blocking the synthesis of nitrosamines by adding natural substances, such as garlic juice, ginger juice, aloe juice, etc; The function of adding bacteriostatic agents to partially replace nitrite, such as ascorbic acid, citric acid, etc. Its mechanism is also to block the combination of nitroso and secondary amine to prevent the production of nitrosamines; Add some substances, such as monascus pigment, ascorbic acid, which can play a similar role in nitrite coloring or anti-corrosion.

Biological methods

Biological methods mainly use microorganisms to reduce PH value Microbes that produce nitrite reductase to degrade nitrite or directly use nitrite reductase to reduce nitrite content in cured products. Some scholars use Lactobacillus plantarum, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Lactococcus lactis and Lactobacillus brevis freeze-dried bacteria powder to make a direct fermentation agent. The degradation rate of nitrite in sauerkraut is 98%. This technology can be used for industrial production. There are also studies on the separation and purification of nitrite reductase from Bacillus megaterium. The optimal temperature of the enzyme reaction is 40 ℃, the optimal pH is 6.5, and the thermal stability is good. After holding at 80 ℃ for 4h, there is still 70%~80% of the enzyme activity. The compound enzyme preparation composed of this enzyme and specific coenzyme is added in the meat curing process. Without changing the processing conditions of cooking sausage, The residue of nitrite was reduced by more than 70%. [2]

Processing technology


technological process

Pickles : raw material treatment → drying → salinization → vegetable pouring → pickle preparation
Sichuan pickle : raw material (vegetable head) → dehydration → pickling and fermentation → pruning → elutriation → mixing → jarring and sealing before ripening → finished product
bacon : raw material trimming → door opener → pickling → finished product
Bacon : material selection and finishing → ingredients preparation → pickling → air drying, baking or fumigation → finished products → packaging [3]

Key points of operation

(1) Pickled vegetables processed with raw materials shall be collected before and after the light snow every year. The root of the vegetable shall be cut off, and the edge of the skin and yellow leaves shall be removed for standby.
(2) The processed vegetables are dried in the sun for 1-2 days to reduce part of the moisture and make the vegetables soft and easy to operate.
(3) For salinization, the dried vegetables are discharged into the tank (pool) in turn, and 6-10kg of salt is added for every 100kg of vegetables. The amount of salt added depends on the length of storage time and the desired taste. The method of pickling is to mix vegetables and salt layer by layer, knead or trample them layer by layer.
(4) In order to make the salt evenly contact the vegetables, make the upper and lower vegetables evenly pickled, and distribute the bad smell produced in the process of pickling as soon as possible, pour the vegetables 1-2 times a day during the first 3-5 days of pickling.
(5) After the pickle is poured, the vat is sealed, and then the pickle is put into the pickle. In winter, it lasts about one month. The standard is to pickle the vegetable stems or pieces until they are translucent without white hearts. The finished product is bright yellow, crisp and refreshing. Generally, it can be stored for 3 months. [3]
Sichuan pickle
Brassica juncea var. tumida
(1) The head of green vegetable is selected as the main raw material for processing pickles. Generally, it is better to have a delicate texture, less fiber, a shallow and small protruding head, and a round or oval shape. The auxiliary materials include salt, pepper noodles, Chinese prickly ash, and mixed spice noodles (including 55% anise, 10% sannai, 5% licorice, 4% shatou, 8% cinnamon, 3% white pepper, and 15% dried ginger).
(2) Air dehydration is adopted. Choose a place with good wind and direction and flat terrain to erect the scaffold. Remove the stalks and leaves of the harvested head of vegetables, peel off the old skin at the bottom (do not damage the green skin), clean the sediment, and cut it in pairs according to the size of the head of vegetables (four can be used for the larger ones). When cutting, pay attention to both the old and the young, and complete the green and white. Use the white side of the white side of the white side to put it on the scaffold, and put it on the scaffold after putting the two ends back on, 4-5kg for each strand, Put it on the rack to dry. Generally, air dehydration lasts for 7-10 days, and you can feel its soft texture without hard core by hand.
(3) The pickled and dried vegetables shall be pickled immediately after being taken off the shelf. In production, pickling is carried out in three times, and the salt consumption is the key to determine the quality. Generally, 13-16kg salt is used for 100kg dried vegetables.
First pickling: use 3.5-4.0kg salt for 100kg dried vegetables, go down to the pool in the order of one layer of vegetables and one layer of salt, press the vegetables manually or mechanically, and after 2-3d, pull out the stock (1-2d) to remove the clear water (actually, use salt water to wash, pool and stock at the same time). The first pickle is called half cooked vegetable.
The second pickling: the salt water in the pool is introduced into the salt storage pool, and 7-8kg salt is added to 100kg half cooked vegetables. One layer of vegetables is put into the pool, and then pressed manually or mechanically. After 7-14d of pickling, it is elutriated, and stored for 24h, it is called cooked vegetables.
The third pickling is carried out after jaring.
(4) Trim and reshape: remove the old skin of the drained boiled vegetables with scissors or knives, remove the hard tendons, scrape out the black spots and rotten spots, and reshape them to make them basically the same size.
(5) The salt water in the salt storage tank is used for washing and storing the reshaped cooked vegetables to remove the sediment and dirt, and then the vegetables are stored again for 24 hours, and the excess water is removed by pressing (hence the name of pickles).
(6) The mixing materials shall be 100kg of washed and dried raw cooked vegetables. Use 5-6kg salt, 1.10% red pepper flour, 0.03% Chinese prickly ash, and 0.10% - 0.12% mixed spice flour. Mix them evenly with the raw cooked vegetables, and then jar them (the third pickling).
(7) After the jar is sealed and cooked, put the cooked vegetables into a jar glazed on both sides and free of sand holes, sterilized and wiped dry with boiling water, press it layer by layer until it is filled to the neck of the jar, and sprinkle 0.06kg red salt (red salt: 100kg salt mixed with 2. kg red pepper noodles). Cover the red salt with 2-3 layers of corn husks alternately, and then use them to cover the radish leaves. Tightly seal the jar mouth, and then store it for ripening. This process usually takes about 2 months.
During storage and ripening, check and clear the mouth of the jar 1-2 times to see if the vegetables are sinking, mouldy and sour. If any, eliminate it in time. During the post ripening period of storage, there is a phenomenon of turning water in the jar. When turning water stops in summer, it means that the jar has been post ripened, and then it can be sealed with cement to facilitate the jar lifting, transportation and sales. [3]
(1) For raw material trimming, the pig carcass that meets the requirements shall be trimmed, and the blood vessels, lymph nodes, meat fragments and diaphragms shall be cut.
(2) In order to speed up the curing, the knife can be cut on the pork body, commonly known as the knife door. The depth, size and quantity of the knife edge depend on the temperature and the thickness of the muscle.
Salted meat
(3) The salt shall be added three times during the curing. 5-18kg of salt shall be used for every 100kg of fresh meat. A small amount of Chinese prickly ash shall be crushed and mixed evenly. Some local varieties shall also be added with sodium nitrate for coloring. The maximum amount of salt used per kg of fresh meat shall not exceed 0.5g.
The first feeding of salt is also called primary salt. A small amount of salt is evenly rubbed on the surface of raw meat to drain the blood and water in the meat. The amount of salt used accounts for 30% of the total amount; The second salt filling is generally carried out on the day after the first salt filling. The brine is drained, and then new salt is evenly added. The knife edge should be filled with an appropriate amount of salt, and the amount of salt used is 50%; The third salt feeding, also known as double salt, is carried out 4-5 days after the second salt feeding. Turn it over once, change the position from top to bottom, and add a proper amount of new salt, with the salt consumption of 20%.
After each time of salt application, the meat should be stacked neatly, sliced clearly and pressed layer by layer. The meat should face up. After three times of salt application, it should be marinated for about 7 days to form a semi-finished product - tender bacon. In the future, it is necessary to turn over the piles and add new salt according to the climate to keep the meat salty. The finished product is cured for 25 days from the first time of salt application, with a yield of 90%.
The wet pickling method is to prepare 22% - 35% salt solution with boiling water, then add 0.7% - 1.2% saltpeter, 2% - 7% sugar. Stack the meat in rows in the vat, and then add the prepared clarified salt solution to immerse the meat. The weight of salt solution is 30% - 40% of the meat weight, and the meat surface is pressed with stones. Turn the lower layer every 4-5 days, 15-20 days. The over salt solution can be reused. [3]
(1) The fresh ribs with thin skin and tender meat and fat of more than 1. Scm are used as raw materials for dressing. According to the variety and curing time, the Cantonese bacon is cut into thin strips with a length of 38-1250px and a weight of 180-200g each, and the Sichuan bacon is cut into pieces with a length of 27-900px and a width of 33-1250px. After the strips are cut, cut a small hole at 3-100px at the upper end of the strips for hanging with ropes after curing.
(2) Different ingredients are used for different varieties of ingredients. The ingredients of Cantonese style bacon are 100kg boneless rib meat, 2kg refined salt, 3.75kg white sugar, 1509 sodium nitrate, 1.50kg Daqu liquor (55%) and 6.25kg white soy sauce.
(3) Pickling Put the strips of meat together with evenly mixed ingredients, knead them evenly, marinate them for 8-12h, turn the vat every 3h, so that the ingredients are completely absorbed. Keep the curing temperature at 0-10 ℃. Take out and filter the water according to the standard of marinating thoroughly.
Dried bacon
(4) Air dried, roasted or smoked winter home made bacon is usually placed in a ventilated and cool place for natural air drying. The industrial production of bacon can be carried out all year round, and only needs to be baked, so that the meat can be dehydrated quickly to prevent the bacon from getting sour. As there are many fat bacon, the baking temperature is generally controlled at 45-55 ℃, and the baking time varies according to the size of the meat strips, generally ranging from 24-72 hours. Baked meat strips shall be sent to a dry and ventilated place for hanging and cooling, and the meat temperature shall be reduced to room temperature.
Smoked and roasted is the last process of bacon processing. Some varieties can be eaten without being smoked and roasted. Fumigation can be carried out at the same time of baking or after baking. The manufacturer can decide which one to use. Home made bacon can be smoked above the stove.
(5) The finished product is the meat billet after baking and smoking, which is hung in the air circulation to dissipate the heat, and the yield is about 70%.
(6) Vacuum packaging is adopted, with 250g and 500g specifications. The shelf life of vacuum packed bacon can reach more than 6 months. [3]

Industry situation


Existing problems

1、 Keep the crispness of pickles
In the process of pickling, the poor quality of vegetable raw materials, improper pickling methods, poor environmental conditions and other reasons will lead to the decline of the crispness, poor color, bad aroma and taste of vegetable products. Some pickled products are polluted by harmful microorganisms, which makes the quality of products decline, deteriorate and rot. It will also produce some harmful and toxic substances, so it is necessary to create excellent environmental conditions (such as the concentration of brine, the pH value of vegetable brine and the temperature of the environment) in the pickling process to promote biochemical excellence, prevent deterioration, and pickle into excellent products.
The pickles are crisp and tender, which is one of the important sensory indicators. The change of the crispness of pickles during processing and curing is caused by the change of the swelling pressure of fresh tissue cells and the hydrolysis of protopectin in cell walls.
2、 Keep the color of pickles
The color of pickles is also one of the important indicators of sensory quality. Keeping its natural color or changing its color is a problem that should be paid special attention to in the process of curing. The browning of vegetable raw materials often occurs in the process of processing and curing. Browning can cause color change, making the original color dark or brown. The polyphenols and proteins in vegetables will undergo enzymatic and non enzymatic browning after hydrolysis to amino acids in the process of salinization. The browning process runs through the curing process, and the browning products are yellowish brown or dark brown. The color produced by these browning is one of the quality indicators that some pickles must have. [4]

Development trend

Low salt, increased acid and suitable sweetness are the development direction of pickled vegetables. Specifically, the development trend of Chinese pickles is to realize the scale of pollution-free vegetable raw material base and modernization of production and processing technology; Salted products are low in salt and saccharification, and develop towards nutrition, curative effect and naturalization; Internationalization of quality standards; The product has diversified flavor, color, fragrance, taste and shape. [4]

Reform direction

(1) We must focus on the source
The quality of vegetable raw materials is directly related to the product quality. When purchasing fresh vegetables, we should grasp the season and grasp the maturity of the vegetables. If the harvesting method is not correct, the vegetable skin will be damaged, easy to rot and affect the product quality. Early harvest of vegetables, too tender vegetables, high water content, low product yield; When vegetables are harvested too late, their cellulose lignification cannot reach the effect of crispness and tenderness. During transportation, it is necessary to handle with care to prevent vegetables from being bruised and pollution affecting product quality. The purchase of fresh vegetables should focus on brand, specification, season and other links. It is necessary to select good varieties suitable for processing and pickling of pickles, strictly grade them, master the purchase specifications and quality, and eliminate unqualified old and rotten vegetables. Keep the production season close.
(2) The curing process must be controlled
During the curing process, environmental pollution must be prevented to inhibit the propagation of harmful bacteria, and the processing and curing sites must be kept clean and disinfected. The vegetables should be processed and pickled in time after harvesting. Because assimilation basically stops and respiration becomes the dominant aspect of metabolism after vegetables are harvested, it also affects the development and change of storage resistance and disease resistance, and gradually tends to decline. Bacillus subtilis can decompose pectin in vegetables, causing deterioration of vegetables and affecting product quality. Fresh vegetables should not be piled too high, because large piles of vegetables are not easy to ventilate and dissipate heat, and the stacking time is too long, causing vegetables to "sweat". These water droplets attached to or dripping on the surface of vegetables are very conducive to the spread, germination and invasion of microbial spores. Sweating will inevitably lead to vegetable decay. Therefore, vegetables must be processed and pickled in time. According to different varieties and harvest periods of vegetables, different processing technologies and salt consumption should be adopted, and the main links of each process should be strictly controlled to ensure the quality of products.
(3) The process of processing, curing and storage must be controlled
In the process of processing and curing vegetables, we should master two suitability: the specification and quality of pickled vegetables should be suitable for making pickles.
In the management of pickled storage of vegetables, attention should be paid to three aspects of change prevention, and attention should be paid to the strict storage of anti change flavor vegetables. After the salted billets are stored, they should be protected from rain, dripping raw water, mildew and odor, which will affect the product quality; Pay attention to keep it clean and prevent discoloration, and the brine should be clear and not turbid after the pickled vegetables are stored. If it is found that the amount of brine and salt is insufficient or the pickled vegetable is deteriorated, it is necessary to add enough salt or replace the brine at any time. The salt content of the pickled vegetable is 16% - 20%. The surface of the green vegetables shall not be corroded, collapsed or brittle.
(4) Adopting science and technology to improve traditional production process
Generally, the production of pickled products is manual operation, with high labor intensity and low efficiency. It is necessary to change its backward appearance and gradually realize mechanized and automated production. Some traditional production methods are unreasonable from the perspective of hygiene. They can achieve low salinization and extend the shelf life through vacuum packaging, heating sterilization, low temperature, adding microbial inhibitors and other measures. In addition, the use of microwave and radiant energy has also played a positive role in improving the quality of vegetable products; The application of modern biotechnology is also of great significance to the improvement of the quality of vegetable pickled products. [4]