Malaysian cuisine
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Meat and bone tea is a kind of diet with both meat and bone as well as tea, Minnan : Bah Kut Teh, famous for its flavor at home and abroad. Meat bone tea is divided into Singapore Chaozhou School and Malaysia Chaozhou meat and bone tea has a strong pepper flavor, while Fujian meat and bone tea has a strong medicinal flavor.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Bak Kut Teh
Herbal soup, Malaysian food
Light, fresh and tender
Main ingredients
pork Pig bone

Origin of name

Legend has it that Chinese When I first started my business in Nanyang, my living conditions were very poor because not suited to Damp heat Many people suffer from rheumatism In order to cure diseases and cold, the sages used various medicinal materials, including Chinses angelica Chinese wolfberry Codonopsis pilosula Wait to cook the medicine, but the medicine is called "tea" because of taboo. Once, one of them accidentally Pig bone Put in gruel of millet flour and sugar To my surprise, this (tea soup) tastes very delicious and unique. Later, people specially adjusted the ingredients of tea, and after continuous improvement, it became one of the famous local delicacies.
This is the most Representativeness The (coolie) theory is the script that has been most widely spread and has influenced many people to position meat bone tea as a common people's diet.
In the common people's view, they often sell Nanyang Piglet Scribe Equal sign As a result of habitual thinking, these ancestors who were sold to Nanyang as coolies naturally became the founders of meat and bone tea, or participated in it to highlight the role of the early Chinese in the hard times. It is said that it happened in Malaysia Klang Anyway, the scene is nothing more than a port or a dock. In the late Qing Dynasty, Chinese then came to Nanyang to make a living in order to leave the turbulent country. At that time, Malaysia British colonies The British have plundered a lot of resources in Malaysia and need to transport them back britain , and then Klang (Distance from the capital Kuala Lumpur 30 km city) has built a deep-water wharf. At that time, many Chinese people Knowledge level Not high, come Malaya You can only exchange labor for salary, such as being a tricycle driver, working as a coolie at the dock or digging Simi, so you need good physical strength.
To maintain strength and adapt for a long time tropic The regional climate needs to be supplemented. However, they are not willing to buy expensive Chinese medicine ingredients. The TCM doctors at that time South Fujian And the tea drinking in Chaoshan area, and use the local tea pepper , plus Chinses angelica rhizome of chuanxiong cinnamon Licorice And other materials into meat and bone tea bags, so that they can stew ribs and add rice or Glutinous oil rice To increase physical strength and cope with work. At that time, meat and bone tea belonged to the food of the poor.
Due to the use of medicinal materials and pork In addition to being delicious, the soup base is nutritious and resistant to rheumatism It also provided the energy needed by coolies, so it was widely spread from then on. After continuous development and improvement, it became a characteristic delicacy of the Chinese society in Singapore and Malaysia. Another name comes from the fact that, according to old Ba Sheng, there were several people in the southern district of Ba Sheng before the war everlasting spring Villagers sell local snacks, such as dried oysters, on the streets Salted rice , meat Soup And the stewed pork bones that later evolved into meat bone tea, but there was no word of meat bone tea at that time, and they all said it was "eating meat bone".
After the war, there was a man named Li Wendi who used to work as a waiter in these food stalls. Later, he started his own business in the back street. He only sold his hometown Stew Bone with Fried rice with lard Instead of dried and salted rice with oysters, he was welcomed by diners because he added Chinese medicine formula to meat and bones. At that time, because its medicinal ingredients could build up a good physique and improve one's health As a result, meat and bone tea has become very popular among workers, and gradually it has gained popularity among people of all walks of life and become a household food.
Later, people named it after Li Wendi's cooking materials (meat and bone) and his name (place). "Pork and bone place" is just like Ah Rong, who sells pork, is called "Pork Rong" Tea preparation Originally Yongchun Food customs Li Wendi simply hung up a sign and wrote the name "Dedi Meat and Bone Tea"! So "meat and bone tea" was officially born; At the same time, In the shop Li Wendi is also called "the father of meat and bone tea". According to Li Wendi's descendants, there were only seven people selling this food, including Li Wendi; Li's Meat and bone tea has been passed on to the fourth generation, and the secret recipe for cooking meat and bone tea is not passed on. Another saying is that local people like to drink one or two cups of soup when they taste it Kung Fu Tea It comes and goes greasy, so it has been called "meat and bone tea" since then.
No matter where the name of "meat and bone tea" comes from, meat and bone tea has been constantly improved from ingredients to services. It has evolved from the original "food for the poor" to one of the famous foods loved by the rich and the poor, men and women, old and young today. It is the most distinctive breakfast of Chinese in Klang, and the best choice for entertaining guests. Due to the popularity of raw pork and bone tea, many non local businesses“ Basheng Pork Bone Tea ”In the name of, we started the meat and bone tea business in Waipo; Even as far as neighboring Singapore, it is not difficult to find "raw pork and bone tea". Some people say that they have never been to Cichang Street, so they don't count it Kuala Lumpur come Klang If you haven't tasted the delicious meat and bone tea, how can you come to Klang, the hometown of meat and bone tea!

Special eating method

Eating meat and bone tea is not to go to high-end restaurants, but to shop in the street. Some in Kuala Lumpur street Lane, this kind of meat bone tea a gear It is always popular, and polished stone tables and benches are seldom available. Meat bone tea stall is closed at night, so when you eat "tea", the sun will weave a beam of light net on both sides of the awning. In this warm atmosphere, taste Malaysia Famous food, How A "cozy"! Although the food is simple, the procedure is neat. In Malaysia, whether it is high-end hotels, fashionable delicatessens or specially designed roadside snacks, the dining style is very exquisite. For example, eat Crossfire , a disc will be attached when the table is set Peanut chili sauce , Blocks Rice and vegetable roll , cucumbers and onions... eating meat bone tea is also true. First, serve a pot of tea. You can use the tea to wash the cup and tableware inside and outside, and then add the dressing garlic Tree pepper Oil and Pepper Pour the shredded pork into the dinner plate for dipping in ribs or seasoning with soup. Then, in the tea tasting room, a pot of meat and bone tea was served, steaming hot and fragrant. The soup is extremely fragrant and has a unique taste. The meat and bones are also very tender. Add some more Mushroom or dried mushrooms It's authentic Kuala Lumpur It's time for meat and bone tea. Of course, it can also be matched with a bowl of inch cut Deep-Fried Dough Sticks , soaking in soup, eating fried dough sticks in this way has a special taste. Occasionally, the stall owner will reveal to the diners that the secret of soup lies in the selection of spices and the freshness of materials. At 5 o'clock every morning, they would go to the stall to cook soup slowly, which often took three hours.

Cuisine Features

mention Malaysian cuisine First, I think of Bak Kut Teh. When saying "meat bone tea", many people may mistake it for a tea name. In fact, this "tea" is not another "tea". Although meat bone tea is called "tea", it is a pork herbal soup, which has no tea ingredients, but is made of pork and Pig bone , mixed with traditional Chinese medicine and spices, such as Chinses angelica , Chinese wolfberry Polygonatum odoratum Codonopsis pilosula , cinnamon, ox seven, cooked land American ginseng , liquorice rhizome of chuanxiong Octagon fennel , Guixiang clove , garlic and pepper, boiled for many hours thick soup "Meat and bone" is made of pigs Rib row (commonly known as ribs); And "tea" is a soup of ribs and herbs. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was initiated by overseas Chinese from Fujian, Malaysia. Later, it became popular in Southeast Asia One Belt.
Bak Kut Teh( Minnan )It is a kind of food popular in Malaysia and Singapore in Southeast Asia. It is made of meat and bone Traditional Chinese Medicine Pot The finished soup has no tea or tea ingredients, but it is usually called meat bone tea because it will make tea to dissolve the fat of the soup and meat when eaten.
Although the name of meat bone tea is tea, it is actually a mixture of traditional Chinese medicine and spices (including Star anise , cinnamon, cloves, garlic) and Steak Boil the thick soup for many hours. In some small towns in Malaysia, sea cucumbers and Abalone Cook together.
Meat and bone tea usually accompanies Plain white rice Or dip fried dough sticks in soup. With soy sauce, crushed Red pepper and Minced garlic Season together. All kinds of China Tea (Malaysian Klang River Basin In the region, the most popular bottle is Guanyin), which is usually served with soup. It is believed that it can clear away the greasy pork. In Malaysia, meat bone tea is a typical breakfast dish.

Food materials

Spareribs 1000g
1 bag of meat and bone tea
Garlic 25g
1 tbsp soy sauce
Appropriate amount of water
/ [3]

Production method


Approach 1

Specific operation
Step Diagram
Step 1
Prepare the ingredients. The ribs can be cleaned in advance. Use kitchen paper to absorb water. Large garlic can not be peeled, depending on your preference
Step 2
Boil the spareribs in boiling water, set aside
Step 3
Prepare a pot, pour proper amount of water into the pot, add garlic, and boil it.
Step 4
Put the boiled spareribs in the pot, put the meat bone tea spice bag into the pot, boil it, add a tablespoon of soy sauce, and boil it for about 1 hour over medium heat.
Step 5
The meat and bone tea soup is ready.

Approach 2

Food preparation
Pork chops salad oil Huai yam fruit of Chinese wolfberry , longan, tangerine peel White pepper Licorice Octagon , salt, soy sauce
Manufacturing steps
Specific operation
Step 1
"Pork bone" refers to the use of pork ribs, cut it into a single bone about a finger long segment, blanch it and then cross the cold river to remove impurities on the surface.
Step 2
Then, take some garlic meat without "clothes", deep fry it until golden yellow, blanch it to remove the oil, and add some Huai yam Chinese wolfberry Longan Add dried tangerine peel, white pepper, liquorice Octagon Add water and simmer for 3-4 hours.
Step 3
When seasoning such as salt is added, it can become a very exotic "meat and bone tea". It is usually accompanied by a dish of "Zhitian Pepper Soy Sauce" for dipping in ribs or seasoning with soup. Those who do not like spicy food can also be accompanied by ordinary soy sauce.

Approach 3

Food preparation
Spices (with Gauze bag Wrapped), chinese cinnamon 1 stick, 4-5 cloves, 1 teaspoon white pepper, fruit of Chinese wolfberry 1 tablespoon, Octagon 2 Pork ribs 500g (1lb), 2 large garlic (without peeling), Black soy sauce 1 tablespoon, 6-7 cups of water, 1 tablespoon of salt, 1-2 pieces of lettuce (washed and separated)
Manufacturing steps
Specific operation
Step 1
Put the meat bones, spice buns and garlic into a large pot.
Step 2
Pour water into the pot and boil it. Discard the dregs on the surface of the soup, add soy sauce and salt, and then boil it over low heat until the meat is soft.
Step 3
First put the lettuce on the bottom of the bowl, then put the meat bones and soup into the bowl. Serve with rice and sliced red pepper dipped in soy sauce.

Approach IV

Food preparation
Low-fat spareribs 2kg, half kg garlic, 200g pepper, 2 bags of meat bone tea seasoning
Manufacturing steps
Specific operation
Step 1
Use a large pot to hold 10 bowls of water, blanch the ribs and put them in. At the same time, put the peeled garlic and seasoning bags in.
Step 2
The pepper is mashed slightly and put into it. After it is boiled over high heat, use medium heat instead.
Step 3
When you smell the fragrance becoming thicker, turn the fire down slightly, but keep it in a slightly boiling state, then you can use salt and sugar to taste.

Practice 5

Food preparation
500g pork ribs Rape heart 6 Dried mushrooms 8 Garlic clove 10, 1 cinnamon root, 3 cloves, 1 teaspoon (5g) white pepper Chinese wolfberry 2 teaspoons (10 grams), 2 star anise, 3 grams licorice, 2 pieces tangerine peel dried longan 2, 10ml soy sauce, 1 teaspoon salt (5g).
Manufacturing steps
Specific operation
Step 1
Clean the rape, soak the dried shiitake mushrooms in clean water, remove the stalks, and wrap the dried cinnamon, cloves, white pepper, medlar, anise, licorice, tangerine peel, and longan in gauze to make condiment bags;
Step 2
Blanch pork chops in boiling water for three minutes, remove them and rinse the blood foam with water repeatedly, and drain the water;
Step 3
Put enough water in the pot, add seasoning bag, add soy sauce and salt, boil over high heat until boiling, add pork ribs, garlic cloves, and mushrooms, boil again, and then turn to low heat for about one and a half hours;
Step 4
Boil another pot of water, pour in some salad oil and salt after boiling, boil the rape heart for half a minute, take it out and let it cool, and drain the water;
Step 5
When eating, put boiled rape heart in a bowl, and put in the boiled meat bone tea. [1]

Approach VI

Food preparation
500g ribs, 4 rape hearts, 6 dried mushrooms, 10 garlic, 1 cinnamon, 3 cloves, 10g Chinese wolfberry
2 anise, 3g licorice, 2 tangerine peel, 2 dried longan, 5g white pepper, 15ml soy sauce, salt
Manufacturing steps
Specific operation
Step 1
Rape heart cut the root, wash the sediment of leaves and roots. Soak dried shiitake mushrooms in water, remove the stalks and clean them. Pork chops are cut into about 5cm long segments. Cinnamon, cloves, white pepper, Chinese wolfberry, anise, licorice, dried tangerine peel, and dried longan are wrapped in gauze to make seasoning bags.
Step 2
Boil the water in the pot over high fire, boil the rape heart for half a minute, remove it and cool it with clear water.
Step 3
Keep the water in the pot boiling, boil the pork chops for 3 minutes, remove and rinse the blood foam with clear water repeatedly, and drain the water.
Step 4
Add 2000ml of clear water into the pot, add seasoning bag, add soy sauce and salt, boil over high heat until boiling, add the cut pork chops, garlic cloves, and mushrooms, boil again, turn to low heat (keep slightly boiling), and boil for about 90 minutes.
Step 5
When eating, put the boiled rape heart in a bowl and put it in the boiled meat bone tea.
It is said that it is "meat and bone tea". In fact, this "tea" is not that "tea". This is a Singapore The well-known spareribs soup is filled with superior herbs. After a long time of stewing, the flavor of the herbs seeps into the ribs. There is no bright color, only a pungent fragrance, which is fresh and refreshing with medicinal materials. In Singapore, not only every household can cook meat and bone tea, but also many small shops can eat meat and bone tea. After eating meat bone tea, you will feel the whole body fever It has the effect of nourishing women's face and tonifying the kidney for men.
1. When making meat and bone tea, the choice of ribs is very picky, and you must choose the best ones wrapped with thick ones lean meat 's fresh pork chops. The meat and bone tea can be fresh and tender Greasy feeling
2. Lentinula edodes and rape heart are added randomly according to personal preference.
3. Meat bone tea has the effects of blood production, blood enriching and qi tonifying. When eating it, it is mixed with sweet soy sauce and Pepper , sip gently and swallow slowly, add a bowl rice It can set off the mellow taste of meat and bone tea. [2]

nutritive value


Pork ribs

pork Provide for human High quality protein And essential fatty acids. Pork available hemoglobin (organic iron) and iron absorption promoting Cysteine , can improve iron-deficiency anemia spareribs In addition to protein, fat and vitamins, it also contains a large amount of calcium phosphate ossein , bone mucin, etc., can provide calcium for children and the elderly. Indications fever Injury to fluid Quench thirst Emaciated Kidney asthenia Weakness, postpartum Blood deficiency Dry cough Constipation, tonifying deficiency, nourishing yin, moistening dryness, nourishing Liver yin , moisturize skin, facilitate urination and quench thirst.

Chinese wolfberry

one fruit of Chinese wolfberry Rich Carotene vitamin A , B1, B2, C and calcium, iron, etc Eye care It is good at improving eyesight, so it is commonly called "Mingyanzi". Medical treatment of previous dynasties Hepatic insufficiency kidney yin Deficiency caused Blurred vision and Night blindness , often use medlar, a famous prescription Qiju Dihuang Pill Lycium barbarum is the main drug. Chinese wolfberry is also commonly used by people to treat chronic eye diseases, Steamed Egg with Chinese Wolfberry Is simple and effective Dietotherapy prescription
two Chinese wolfberry It has the function of improving the immunity of the body and can replenish qi and essence Nourish the liver and kidney Anti aging, thirst quenching, body warming, anti tumour The efficacy of.
3. Lycium barbarum can reduce blood pressure, blood lipid and blood sugar, prevent arteriosclerosis like arteriosclerosis, protect the liver, and inhibit Fatty liver , promote Hepatocyte Regeneration.


one Longan Contains a variety of Nutrients It has the effect of nourishing blood, calming the nerves, strengthening the brain, improving intelligence, and nourishing the heart and spleen;
2. The study found that longans are uterine cancer Cell inhibition rate exceeds 90%, women the menopause yes Gynecological tumor At the stage of good hair, eat some properly longan Beneficial to health;
3. Guiyuan has a tonic effect, and has an auxiliary effect on people who need recuperation and weak physique after illness.

Dishes dispute

In February 2024, the Malaysian government announced that 10 kinds of traditional foods loved by Malaysians, such as meat and bone tea, were officially included in the national food heritage list. In Malaysia, some people support the inclusion of meat bone tea as a national food heritage, and believe that as long as it is Malaysian food, it should be included. But others said that meat and bone tea was not a "national delicacy". A deputy minister of the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture of Malaysia also said that meat bone tea is not a food available to all people, so it should not be included in the heritage list. [4]