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Average salary of employees

Monetary payroll
The average wage of the staff and workers refers to the average per capita income of the staff and workers of enterprises, institutions and government departments within a certain period of time money wages Eh. "Average wage of employees" means“ Average social wage ”, not“ Average wage of on-the-job employees ”。 According to the statistical standards of the National Bureau of Statistics, gross wages refer to the total amount of labor remuneration directly paid by these units to all their employees within a certain period of time, including hourly wages, piecework wages, bonuses, allowances and subsidies Overtime wages Wages paid under special circumstances, whether included in the cost or not Monetary form Whether it is paid in kind or not, it is included in the total salary. In addition, the payroll counts individuals gross pay , including pension, medical, housing and other personal account funds paid by individuals, which is somewhat different from the salary paid to the wage card.
Chinese name
Average salary of employees
Main indicators reflecting the wage level of employees
Main indicators of staff wage level
The level of wage income of employees in a certain period

Basic concepts

The calculation formula is: average wage of employees= Reporting period All actually paid Total wages of employees /Average number of all employees in the reporting period


Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics The person in charge explained the role of average wage, saying that the indicator of average wage of employees is related to the immediate interests of workers and even after retirement, and plays a guiding role in population employment. The average wage data of employees is also formulated by government departments Minimum wage . Calculate the city including Basic endowment insurance basic medical insurance , unemployment insurance Housing Provident Fund The payment base and the reference basis for the court to determine the economic compensation for the victims in emergencies such as industrial injury and traffic accident. according to Ministry of Labor and Social Security According to relevant documents, the average monthly working days and working hours of employees throughout the year are 21.75 days and 174 hours respectively, and the average daily wage and hourly wage of employees are converted accordingly.