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American National Standards Institute

American social groups
synonym National Bureau of Standards (American National Bureau of Standards) generally refers to American National Standards Institute
In 1918, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), and American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME )American Society of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers (ASMME) American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)、 American Institute of Electrical Engineers AIEE )And other organizations, jointly established the American Engineering Standards Committee (AESC). Three departments of the United States Government (Commerce Department, Army Department and Navy Department) also participated in the preparatory work of the committee. In 1928, AESC was reorganized into American Standards Institute (ASA)。 In August 1966, it was reorganized into United States of America Standards Institute (USASI). On October 6, 1969, it was renamed as American National Standards Institute( ANSI )。
Chinese name
American National Standards Institute
Foreign name
American National Standards Institute
Incorporated in
Initial name of organization
American Engineering Standards Committee
Change to current name
October 6, 1969

historical background

American National Standards Institute
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) was founded in 1918. At that time, U.S.A Many enterprises and professional and technical organizations in China have started standardization work, but there are many contradictions and problems due to lack of coordination between them. In order to further improve efficiency, hundreds of scientific and technological societies, associations and organizations all believe that it is necessary to establish a special standardization organization and formulate unified general standards. In 1918, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), and American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME )American Society of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers (ASMME) American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)、 American Institute of Electrical Engineers AIEE )And other organizations, jointly established the American Engineering Standards Committee (AESC). Three departments of the United States Government (Commerce Department, Army Department and Navy Department) also participated in the preparatory work of the committee.
In 1928, the American Engineering Standards Committee was reorganized into American Standards Institute (ASA)。 In order to devote to the international standardization cause and the standardization of consumer goods, it was reorganized into the United States Standards Institute (USASI) in August 1966. On October 6, 1969, it was renamed as American National Standards Institute( ANSI )。


American National Standards Institute is a non-profit non-governmental standardization organization. But it has actually become a national standardization center; Standardization activities from all walks of life revolve around it. Through it, the government related system and the civil system cooperate with each other, playing a bridge role between the federal government and the civil standardization system. It coordinates and guides national standardization activities, helps the units that formulate, research and use standards, and provides standardization information at home and abroad. It also acts as an administrative organ.
ANSI At present, there are about 200 group members of industry and associations, and about 1400 company (enterprise) members. Its funding comes from membership fees and sales revenue of standard materials, without government funds. The leading body is the board of directors composed of the chairman, vice chairman and 50 senior business representatives, who exercise leadership. When the Board of Directors is not in session, the Executive Committee shall exercise its functions and powers. The Executive Committee shall set up a standards review committee consisting of 15 people. The headquarters is in New York and the satellite office is in Washington.
National Bureau of Standards NBS )The staff of and the official representatives of many other agencies of the United States government also participate through various channels American Standards Institute Work.
The American Standards Institute consists of electricians, architects, daily necessities, draftsmen Material test And other technical committees.

Working procedures

Due to the diversity and liberalization of the American society, a unique decentralized standard system has been formed in the United States. In addition to the standards formulated by enterprises and companies, there are nearly 400 professional institutions, societies and associations that formulate and publish standards in their own professional fields, while more than 580 organizations participate in standardization activities. Its enterprise standardization work also started earlier and has been quite effective. With the continuous expansion of enterprises, the standardization organization of enterprise management is also expanding. Some standardization organizations are led by the management department, while others are led by the design unit or the process unit. Enterprise standards are generally not external. In 1996 alone, the standard increased by 4% to 13056.
The American National Standards Institute itself rarely sets standards. his ANSI Standard The following three methods are mainly adopted for the preparation of
1. Relevant units are responsible for drafting, inviting experts or professional groups to vote, and reporting the results ANSI The established standard review meeting will review and approve. This method is called voting survey method
2. Prepared by representatives of ANSI technical committees and committees organized by other agencies Draft Standards , all members shall vote, and the standard review meeting shall review and approve finally. This method is called committee method.
3. From the standards formulated by various professional societies and associations, the more mature ones that are of general significance to the whole country will be upgraded to national standards (ANSI) after being reviewed by ANSI technical committees and titled with ANSI Standard Code and classification number, but retain the original professional standard code.
Most of the standards of American National Standards Institute come from professional standards. On the other hand, professional associations and associations can also formulate certain product standards based on existing national standards. Of course, we can also formulate our own association standards without following the national standards.
ANSI The standard of is adopted voluntarily. The United States believes that mandatory standards may limit productivity growth. However, standards quoted by laws and formulated by government departments are generally mandatory standards.


ANSI Under the leadership of the Executive Board, there are four committees: Academic Committee , the Board of Directors, member parliaments and the Secretariat.
Academic committees include: Executive Standards Conference, International Technical Committee, Patent Group, Standards and Data Business Committee, Authorization Committee, American National Committee, etc.
The Board of Directors consists of the Executive Committee, the Finance Committee, the Board of Directors and the Conformity Assessment Committee, the International Committee and the National Publishing Commission form.
The member parliament includes the company member parliament, the government member parliament, the organization member parliament and the consumer rights parliament.
The Secretariat consists of senior managers, the Standards Publishing Office and the Management Implementation Office.

Main role

ANSI Recognize product certification bodies, quality system certification bodies, laboratories and reviewers, and quality system certification and personnel qualification. The fairness of the ANSI assessment process will be reviewed by everyone, and the comments will be published in the weekly magazine of ANSI. At the same time, a complaint mechanism and management measures should be established to deal with all complaints in a timely manner.
The ANSI operating agency is characterized by a wide range of partnerships with other agencies. In addition to the recognition of laboratories and reviewers, the projects that ANSI cooperates with other institutions are also recognized by product certification bodies and system certification bodies, and actively use the strength of other institutions to complete them. Its partners and relevant information can be queried on the network.
Develop accreditation policies and accreditation plans. ANSI will participate in relevant international conferences and activities on behalf of the country, and represent the United States information technology equipment Establish mutual recognition relationship and make contributions.
ANSI Not directly engaged in product certification. He especially emphasized that passing certification can improve product competitiveness and give buyers trust. At the same time, unifying standards, technical requirements, and interpretations to achieve a consistent understanding of standards and technical requirements is the significance of recognition, and it is also a very obvious benefit of certification.