Luo Yin

Chinese litterateur, poet and lyricist in the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties
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Luo Yin (February 16, 833 to January 26, 909), his real name is Heng, and his character is Zhaojian. His self name is Jiang Dongsheng, Hangzhou New Town (Today's Zhejiang Province Hangzhou Fuyang District Xindeng Town )People. Chinese litterateur, poet and lyricist in the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties. [21] [23 ]
Luo Yin was born in a poor Confucian family. He studied hard and was intelligent and literate when he was young. However, the path of the imperial examination was rough. In 28 years, ten examinations were held Jinshi , and finally failed to ascend the throne. In the 12th year of Xiantong (871), he went to Hunan to observe Yu Gui Shogunate, Ren Hengyang Registrar Later, Huai and Runzhu towns be engaged in They are not proud. [21] Guangming During the period, the situation was turbulent, and Luo Yin was blocked from going north, so he lived in seclusion in Jiuhua Mountain, Chizhou. In the third year of Guangqi (887), he joined Hangzhou Governor Qian Liu , on Wu Yue Forces successively served in Qiantang county magistrate , Town Navy Secretary Zhang , Zhenhai Navy Judge of temperance official in charge of admonition and arbitration In progress And ferric salt Despatch envoy (One as deputy envoy). In 909, the third year of Kaiping in Houliang, Luo Yin died at the age of 77. [22] [32]
When Luo Yinsheng was in turmoil, he was never seen in exile for most of his life, so he was cynical and good at doing things Banter Satire. He is good at writing, especially good at Sketch Most of his poems express the feeling that talent is not met, and there are some satirists who satirize the world. The poetic style is simple and fluent, especially good at refining oral language, such as“ enjoy while one can The "worry of tomorrow comes to worry of tomorrow", "after picking flowers into honey, I don't know who is sweet for hard work", etc., became the motto of later generations, and had an impact on the Song Dynasty Neo Confucianism A school of family poetry. His poems and essays were famous all over the world Luo Qiu Luo Ye Syndication“ Sanluo ”。 And calligraphy《 Xuanhe Bookscript 》He said that although he was not famous for his books, his semi cursive writing was especially typical of the Tang Dynasty. Author of Jiangdong Part A and Part B《 Slander book 》"Two Tales of Taiping", "Huaihai Fables", "Guangling Demon Chaos", etc. [22] [43 ]
Full Name
Luo Yin
Luo Weishi
Late Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Hangzhou New Town (now Xindeng Town, Fuyang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang)
date of birth
February 16, 833 [4]
Date of death
January 26, 910 [4]
Key achievements
Poetry and satirical sketch creation
Main works
Part A and Part B Slander Book "Two Identities"
True name
Luo Heng

Character's Life


The talent and name are beginning to show

Tang Wenzong Luo Yin (formerly known as Luo Heng) was born in Hangzhou on the 23rd day of the first month of the seventh year of Dahe (February 16, 833) New Town One "last name Simple cold [40 ] Home. [2-4]
Luo Yin, early witted and capable of writing, claimed to be "weak and weak" Wenhan ”。 He has lofty ambitions, cares about current affairs, is good at rhetoric, and has eloquence. He once said to himself, "When he was young, he believed in words." This free life has initially formed his wild character; Poetry and prose creation has gradually formed“ Predestined affection When stabbing, Body matter Never forget Admonish hunting ”Features. [39 ] His poems and articles are highly praised by the world, and together with two other talented people of the same clan, he is called "Three Luo", that is, Luo Yin Luo Qiu Luo Ye [2-4]

No place in the top ten

The statue of Luo Yin, taken from the "Genealogy of Luo Family in Cixi, Zhejiang" revised in 1923 [24]
Luo Yin, like many people, also wants to use imperial examination Enter the official career and show your ambition. In the 13th year of Dazhong's reign (859), it was taken from Nankang, Jiangxi Province, and paid a visit to the Prime Minister via Jiangling Bai Minzhong The request was quoted in the severe winter. At the end of the year, you should try to enter the capital. After finishing the first place, you can visit Tongzhou and Xiazhou in the north. [3-4]
Xiantong Around the second year (861), you visited Hezhongfu, Jinzhou and other places. [3-4]
In the third year of Xiantong (862), Luo Yin was trapped in Chang'an and completed in the eighth year of Xiantong (867)《 Slander book 》Five volumes. [3-4]
In the ninth year of Xiantong (868), in Suzhou, Yuezhou and other places Pang Xun insurgence It broke out and failed to go to Beijing for the spring test the next year. [3-4]
In the summer and autumn of the eleventh year of Xiantong (870) Hezhong Prefecture (Pu Jin) Take part in the autumn trial. [3-4]
In the spring of the twelfth year of Xiantong (871) general civil service examinations After the defeat, Luo Yin wrote Hunan Observation Envoy Yu Gui Looking for a job, I was the master of Hengyang County in the summer of that year. In winter and October, I beg for leave and return to the east《 Application Set Sequence of South Hunan 》。
In the 13th year of Xiantong (872), he wrote poems on the way back to the east《 Gift to prostitute Yun Ying 》。 [3-4]
Dry rune In the spring of the first year (874), I left Chang'an to visit Daliang (now Henan Kaifeng ), spent two years in Daliang. [3-4]
In the third year of Qianfu (876) Jingzhao Mansion In the autumn, he was admitted to the "tenth grade", but did not participate in the Spring Examination of Rites in the fourth year of Qianfu (877). It may be because his father died of illness and returned home Dingyou In the fourth year of Qianfu's reign (877), he entered the "tenth rank" of Zhaofu Mansion in Beijing. [3-4]
In the spring of the fifth year of Qianfu's reign (878), Luo Yin traveled south after he lost the throne Xiakou (Present Hubei Wuhan )Qizhou (now Hubei Qichun ), with text《 Before investment, Xia Kou Wei Shang Shuqi 》"Voting for Commissioner Pei in Qizhou" and poems《 Send it to Pei Member of Qizhou 》, back to the east. [3-4]
Luo Yin "went to the exam at the beginning" since the middle and late years of his life, and he has taken more than ten examinations in total. However, because of his "poor appearance", lonely personality, and outstanding poetry, he has offended many people in power with sarcasm, and has never been on the list. In the end, he failed to return, and the history said that he was "not the top ten", so he changed his name to Yin. [3-4] [20] [39 ]

Living in seclusion in Chizhou

In the sixth year of Qianfu (879), the north of the Yangtze River was Huangchao Uprising According to the army, Luo Yinyu Guangming In the first year (880), the northward movement was blocked, and only the ancestors Luo E, Luo Ye and du xunhe Zhang Qiao People live in seclusion together Chizhou Jiuhua Mountain. Tang Poetry Chronicle 》The so-called "Chi Shoudou's side and camp villa are built in the Guangming period" means that the Chizhou governor at that time specially built villas for Luo to live in seclusion. [3-4]
In the third year of Zhonghe's reign (883), Luo Yin left Chizhou to visit Zhengzhou and other places. The next year (884), he joined Zhenhai as a festival envoy Zhou Bao , on Runzhou (Today's Jiangsu Zhenjiang )During this period, I worked with monks Silence Make friends. [3-4]

Guishi Wu Yue

In the third year of Guangqi (887), Luo Yin, 55 years old, became a governor of Hangzhou Qian Liu , made the most important decision in life. He, whom I never met in half a lifetime, was loved and respected by Qian Liu, and was appointed as Qiantang County magistrate, again Works by Zoran [3-4] [39 ]
In the second year of Jingfu (893), Qian Liuchong Town Navy Commissioner Later, Luo Yin was recruited as Zhen Haijun Secretary Zhang [3-4]
In the fourth year of Qianning (897), Luo Yin drafted the "Table of Iron Certificates" on behalf of Qian Liu(《 Table of Qian Liu, representing Wu Su Wang, thanking for money coupons 》)。 [3-4]
In the third year of Guanghua (900), Luo Yin served as the town's navy Observation judge [3-4]
God bless In the first year (904), Luo Yin was ordered by Qian Liu to take a wooden boat from Rui'an to the Jiangkou and walk to Jujiang Ditou Village (now Zhejiang Xinpu Township )Searching for Yu Xian Wuqi (Yuanping Zhang Shi official in charge of admonition and arbitration )To assist in government affairs. [3-4]
In the third year of Tianyou (906) Sixun Doctor , served as Zhenhai Judge of temperance [3-4]
In the fourth year of Tianyou (907), Zhu Wen Usurping the tang dynasty, the tang dynasty perished. Luo Yin once persuaded Qian Liu to raise an army to beg Liang, but failed to use it. Luo Yinyue became official later Receive a book Access. Later Liang Dynasty official in charge of admonition and arbitration He was recruited into the DPRK, but he was not ordered. [3-4]
Rear sill In the second year of Kaiping (908), Qian Liubiao taught Luo Yinwei In progress Around this year, he and Luo Gun Sing a chord [3-4]

Death in old age

In the third year of Kaiping (909), Luo Yin was transferred to Yantie Despatch envoy (One as deputy envoy). On December 13 of the same year (January 26, 910), Luo Yin died. [1] [3-4] [32]

Main impacts



  • Poetry
Status and influence
Luo Yin, together with his ancestors Luo Ye and Luo Qiu in Xiantong and Qianfu, is also known as a fellow poet Zhang Jie Equal fame. At that time, someone compared Luo Yin with the older poets wen tingyun Li Shangyin Together, they are called "Sanxiangzi", saying that the three of them were known to the Prime Minister successively Linghu Son of Linghu Xuan Ling Huxuan When he entered the Jinshi section, Luo Yin congratulated him with a poem. Linghu Xuan said to his son, "I'm not happy for you to win. What I'm happy about is that you got a piece of work by Luo Gong." [29] It can be seen that Linghu Xuan worships the name of Luo Yin's poems more than“ Wen Li ”。 [9-10]
Among many outstanding poets in the late Tang Dynasty, Luo Yin has always been listed as one of the most outstanding poets by later literary and historical theorists Bai Juyi Poetry is a popular school of creation model, also known as "Xiangshan style" poetry school. Luo Yin's Poems Inherit from the Past Du Fu The spirit of entering the world to face the reality and life, followed Bai Juyi's popular and allegorical creation thoughts, bravely fought against the darkness of society with poetry, attacked social evils, reflected the sufferings of people's livelihood, and described personal frustrations. His poetic sense is beautiful, his writing ability is unrestrained, and his style is gloomy and desolate. His language is simple, clear, plain, and popular. Although he can't help being careless sometimes, he is still a famous scholar in the late Tang Dynasty. [14]
Theme and style
Luo Yin's poetry can be divided into four categories according to the theme: Poems on History and Nostalgia , offer rewards and send poems, travel poems and chants allegorical poem Genre form eight-line poem with seven characters per line and rigorous prosodic rules four-line poem with seven characters per line Mainly, pentasyllabic regulated verse Five character quatrain and Yuefu Poems The number is small and the literary value is not high. Among them, the most important ones for later generations are the seven character rhymes and seven character quatrains that recite history and cherish the past. [14]
Among Luo Yin's poems, the most appreciated by poetry critics is his sad, indignant and cold poems about history and ancient times. Luo Yin's poems on history and reminiscence of ancient times are inherited Zuo Si On the body of Epics Its tradition of satirizing the present by borrowing the past, and ingenious use of overturning cases, is unique among many mediocre poems about history and remembering the past in the late Tang Dynasty. Yuan people Fang Hui Of《 Ying Kui Lv Sui 》Volume III "Nostalgic One Seven Words" includes 78 poems of Tang and Song poets, and Luo Yin alone accounts for eight, which shows that his artistic achievements in history chanting and nostalgic poems are valued by later generations. [14]
Luo Yin's poems on history are full of comments and insightful, and the case is properly overturned, just like the ones that people say《 Xi Shi 》The whole discussion is tactful and tortuous, and clearly opposes the theory of "women's misfortune". It comes down in the same line with the progressive thought of opposing the fallacy of "those who seek to reach women will perish" in the article "Ten Jiazi Years", Volume V of Slander, which is obviously more than many poets in the Tang Dynasty“ An Shi Rebellion ”Blame favorite concubine of emperor Minghuang We should make much progress in our opinions. Its《 Pen raising post 》The two sentences of "Time comes from heaven and earth with the help of others, and heroes are not free when they are transported" express their feelings directly, and there is no dependence. The words "time" and "luck", excluding their idealistic elements, should mean the trend of historical development. Compared with Li Shangyin's poems of the same name, though less romantic, the words are simple and profound. The two sentences of "Han Ding didn't divide the hands and Chu Fermented Rice was willing to work together" in the title of Stone Sheep in front of Miaoshan Temple in Runzhou, which is easy to understand and shows the mentality of the heroes in the late Tang Dynasty. Luo Yin's poems of chanting history and cherishing the past not only talk about transcending the past and present, but also have a critical edge similar to the style of Slander. For example, Qin Ji: "Before you arrive at the sand dune, you are willing to believe that there is death in the world?" Yang Di Ling: "The monarch will endure to level his old business and only exchange a few acres of land for Leitang." Mawei Slope: "You will never know what is rare without breaking the Central Plains."《 Book burning pit 》"Zulong is a clever man who counts things, and he will say that poetry is alive." The cold critical tone in these poems made all emperors' boastful holiness disappear in the poet's writing. His energetic, cheerful and incisive critical edge came down in one continuous line with Luo Yin's upright and strong nature. Luo Yin's poems about history and ancient times have traces of his habitual rational thinking, and he is accustomed to using function words to link up the ups and downs of poetry Prosaic culture Exactly Han Yu Ancient prose movement The fashion of "taking literature as poetry" initiated by Song poetry The good discussion of the has a subtle influence. [14]
Luo Yin's poems of offering rewards and sending gifts account for most of his poetry collections. Of course, there are a lot of hasty polite words, but most of them are Luo Yin's true feelings from the bottom of his heart. Luo Yinzai rebel leader During the war, he was accepted and protected by Dou Jue, the governor of Xuanzhou. Luo Yin never forgets this. He wrote, "Ten years later, the Hou State blocked the trend of Taiwan, and sent dreams to Taiwan."(《 Two copies of Xuanzhou Dou Shangshu were mailed 》)As well as "I can't say grace when I leave here, and I will spare my tears to the spring breeze"(《 Jinling sent Dou Shangshu 》)The spatio-temporal correspondence between "ten years" and "ten miles" suddenly opens up the poetic mood, which sets off Luo Yin's deep kindness and friendship to his former master. In the poems sent to friends, besides expressing the sadness of parting, Luo Yin's poems are more about the feelings of his own experience and encouragement to his friends(《 See you and send Zang Gu, a scholar of Guangling in autumn 》)The large number of function words inserted in the prose makes the originally compact image of the metrical poetry become coherent, as if the prose is logical and progressive, revealing Luo Yin's helplessness and sadness to society and life. However, "as long as a man has a confidant, how can a talented person become more interested" ("Praise on Sending a Person to a Post"), "as long as he has a confidant, he must be adaptable at the end of the world, and why should a man be successful"(《 Donggui Biechang 》)The simple lyric makes people feel the flavor of vicissitudes of life when shocked. [14]
In Luo Yin's poetry collection, Luo Yin and Qian Liu have the most poems of offering rewards. This is not only the relationship between Luo Yin and Qian Liu, who spent the rest of his life in Wuyue, but also because Qian Liu was grateful to him. "The official rank has already claimed the position of Wu Pin, and his name also shows Lu Chunqiu. The salt cart has paid attention to the voice of the rear, and its voice is heavy, and the fire starts to float when it sees the flame."(《 Two Songs of Marshal Shang Fu of Qiantang in Spring 》)In order to show that he is well received by Qian Zhuge Liang While praising the Qian family, he skillfully used Zhuge Liang's allusion of seeing the fire well in Sichuan, "It's very meaningful to persuade Qian Liukuang to help the Tang Dynasty, not just to be grateful" (The Poetry of Zaiyuan also edited). Many of Luo Yin's poems of offering rewards in Wu and Yue countries have such lines of loyalty and integrity, such as "Da Ang points down to fight bulls, and promotes the Tang Clan as princes"(《 Monk Qian's birthday 》)At this time, Qian Liuji suffered Rear sill Luo Yin is still earnestly saying that Luo Yin is honest and loyal, and also shows the deep friendship between the monarchs and officials of Wu and Yue. Luo Yin's poems are sincere and sincere. On the poetic paradigm, they reveal the aesthetic characteristics of frankness and straightness, and together with other poems of various styles, they constitute the "steep" artistic style of Luo Yin's poems. [14]
Luo Yin's travel poems have the characteristics of Du Fu's depressed "poetry history". Such as《 Send the king's envoy to Sutai 》The continuous wars in the Yangtze and Huaihe Rivers have made the south of the Yangtze River sparsely populated, and the chaos caused by repeated wars has brought great suffering to the people. Its《 Jiazi Zhongyuan's Four Poems of Happiness in Sichuan 》It has always been regarded as Du Fu's masterpiece by the world, but different from Du Fu's "the Arctic court will never change, and bandits in the western mountains will never invade", Luo Yin directed his pen at the court responsible for the war: "Dare to hate the armour horse as a waste, and the lamentation of the Qing Dynasty." "Nine temples have Lingsi Li Ling, and Sanchuan mourns and hates Zhang Yi." "It is easy to find a life for the nobility, but it is difficult to start a business for the emperor." The incompetence and timidity of the imperial dignitaries are ridiculed. The most irritating thing is that《 Extragalactic 》It is like the comment of prose sentence that exposes the despicable and ugly appearance of the general who supports troops and respects himself to the world. [14]
In addition to the "poetry history" poems that hurt the time and saddened the world, Luo Yin's travel poems depicting scenery have not been paid attention to, or Xu Wen's critics think it is not consistent with Luo Yin's image of a clandestine scholar. His travel poems not only have the beauty of Jiangnan, such as "the wind keeps the lotus fragrance scattered, and the moonlight towers invade each other" ("Jiangling Hall in Sujingzhou"). The fragrance and shadow seem to have life like activities, which set off the tranquility and peace of summer nights in Jianghuai; There are also magnificent places in the northern part of the Great Wall, such as "thousands of miles of mountains, rivers, lands of the Tang Dynasty, heroes of the Jin Dynasty with a thousand year soul"(《 Dengxia Prefecture Tower 》)The time and space echo of "thousands of miles" and "thousands of years" makes the poetic artistic conception magnificent and grand. The long and solemn history is integrated with the vast world outside the Great Wall, making people feel the value of life in the vicissitudes of history. In the experience of traveling, Luo Yin not only reaped the spiritual gifts of nature, but also experienced the warmth of the world. Such as《 Night Mooring Yixing Drama Presented to Yizai 》"Wei Zhou asked Dai Xing by the river bank. There is a picture of the three evils here. The long bridge can avoid the Nanshan Mountain, but it is probably the most effective." As Qian Zhongshu On《 The Pipe and Awl Collection 》Luo Yin's arrogant nature makes him unacceptable to the secular world, and his experience of widowhood makes him open his eyes and realize the evil of the human heart. Some poems reflect a kind of "evil theory of human nature": "I don't know no taboo evil skeleton, but what kind of wild Ge Miao?"(《 Su Ji Nan Posthouse 》)"After changing the fur, where can we be good people in the world?" ("Wild Fox Spring") Luo Yin's poems are more about historical wisdom and life perception when they give people artistic enjoyment of beauty. [14]
Luo Yin's satirical style is most obvious in his satirical poems on objects, except for poems on history and reminiscence of ancient times. The decline of the national strength in the late Tang Dynasty cast a lingering gloom over the poet's inner world. In order to dispel the gloom, the poet began to pay attention to the flowers, birds, insects and fish in the nature. As the comments in the four sides of the volume of Ying Kui Law Pith said, "If people in the late Tang Dynasty were not wind, flowers, snow, moon, birds, birds, insects, fish, bamboo and trees, they could not write a word." At that time, many poets were famous for chanting something, such as“ Zheng Partridge ”“ Cheng Junshan ”"Cui Yuanyang" and so on. Luo Yin himself is also known as "Luo Peony" because of the famous line in his poem "Peony Flowers": "If you want to teach an explanation, you should go to the country and be ruthless and moving". [14]
Luo Yin's allegorical poems on objects are mostly Bixing To express the author's inner feelings, and mainly seven character quatrains. The distinctive feature of Luo Yin's seven character quatrains on chanting things is that the first two sentences simply chant things, with fine strokes depicting the shape and verve of things, and the last two sentences are filled with emotion, expressing their views and feelings directly with Leng Jun's angry or humorous comments. Such as《 parrot 》"Don't hate the green feathers of the carved cage. The ground is warm in the south and cold in the west. It's hard to persuade you not to use clear words." Luo Yin has always been conceited by the arrogant Three Kingdoms madman You Heng, for example, the book of slander, Volume I, "Xuer's Crazy Life" and《 Wu Yue prepares history 》The broken sentence "You can't bear it, think about Huang Zu's calling heroes", etc, You Heng Of《 Parrot Ode 》It expresses his anxiety, slander and fear of ridicule, and this poem has the same trick with it. The last two sentences imply Luo Yin's complex psychology of satirizing people and self mocking. "If this thing can be collected and stored, it should be killed by a powerful family" ("Honeysuckle"), "I'm afraid that after a different time, the jade wheel will still raise toads" ("The Moon is not seen on the Mid Autumn Festival"), and so on, make a bitter and merciless mockery and criticism, pointing to the highest ruling class of society. The latter poem is similar to Yuan Jiao's "Moon" poem at the same time, "Hou Yi has searched everywhere, but the sky is tolerant of traitors", which is due to the same social background. Luo Yin's most famous allegorical poem of chanting objects is the Seven Rhymes《 Yellow River 》: "Don't dump donkey hide gelatin here. Heaven's will is firm and hard to understand. It's unclear when you get out of Kunlun only after you understand the Yinhan Yingxuqu. Gao Zu swore that his clothes are small and the immortal is light. If you know who is there three thousand years later, why bother to report peace!" Liu Tieleng The satirical poem titled "Anger at loss, impetuous words" is Luo Yin's angry declaration after failing the imperial examination for a long time and seeing through the essence of the Tang Dynasty. It has critical and alert significance to the whole feudal society. Luo Yinyong's allegorical poems are not only limited to satirizing the times and the world, criticizing the society, but also have the same Qu Yuan Ode to Orange 》As well as poems that show their noble character, such as《 Komatsu 》"The tomb moved to the valley and became a high festival. Don't be a doctor to the world." His loyalty and integrity were clear to the world. His righteous act of persuading Qian Liu to fight against Zhu Wen complements each other and complements each other. The allegorical poems of chanting things really reveal and show Luo Yin's upright and arrogant nature. His skillful artistic technique of "Bixing sustenance" is《 The Book of Songs 》《 LiSao 》It is the conscious pursuit of the tradition of "elegance and prosperity". [14]
  • Prose
Luo Yin's satirical prose has a high achievement. He has strong realistic critical spirit and outstanding satirical artistic talent essay It is particularly good at writing, and is often easy to write, interesting, laughing and scolding, all of which become articles. [7]
Luo Yin's essays have unique artistic personality in subject matter, style, technique and language, have made various artistic achievements, and are more flexible and free in satirical art. [15]
Luo Yin's poetry collection A and B
Luo Yin's essays have a wide range of themes. He not only uses the themes commonly used by the essays writers at that time to create, but also pays attention to developing new themes. His life has covered ten provinces with rich experience and broad vision. He also pays attention to the observation and understanding of society, and pays attention to the sufferings of people's livelihood. Therefore, his essays can draw materials from many aspects, from the national economy and people's livelihood to the future and destiny of individuals, from court officials to the public customs, from history to reality, from people, things and things in society to birds, insects and animals in nature, It is easy to drink and write. His essays are based on historical allusions, reflecting real life and representing major themes. For example, "Understanding Wuding's Dream" and "Qin Shihuang's Meaning", the former was taken from Wuding of the Shang Dynasty after he ascended the throne to seek rejuvenation, and to get wise people in his dream Fu Shuo , so he drew the image and asked for it, and presented the story as a picture. The latter is taken from the history of the Qin Dynasty. It says that the first emperor of Qin burned books to pit Confucianism, but kept《 I Ching 》In order to see the meaning of the saints, it gradually became "no way to perish" later. By making history serve the reality, the author alludes to the general trend of the decline of the late Tang Empire. There is no bright monarch who can restore the country and revitalize the country, and the dynasty is irretrievably driven by fallen officials. Such materials are also drawn from historical facts, such as Saving the Two Emperors of Xia and Shang, Yi Yin's Words, and Han Wushan's Call《 Ode to Lost Mansions 》Wait. The author always stands at the junction of history and reality, summarizes history, criticizes reality, discusses the present with history, and discusses politics with history, which makes his essays on history have obvious "political" nature. The themes of Luo Yin's essays are also taken from the daily life around him. For example, "Shi Nuo" talks about what he sees in his daily life. At that time, from the court to the people, there was a custom of welcoming the gods to expel the plague ghosts, which was called "Nuo". The evil teenagers who love leisure and hate work all use this custom to dress up and ask people for money. Luo Yin picked up this common phenomenon in some streets, villages and towns and fairs, analyzed it, and satirized the corrupt officials who took advantage of the society at that time. Others such as《 Talk about the chicken 》"Jing Wu", "Wei Ming", etc. are also taken from daily life. Even the birds and insects in nature, Luo Yin also used them as the theme of his essays. For example, "Sad Two Feathers" refers to the theme of two birds, the phoenix and the pheasant, and "Cricket and Cricket Poetry"《 Autumn Insect Fu 》Taking crickets and spiders as subjects, we can see that the subjects of Luo Yin's essays are meticulous. [15]
The flexibility of Luo Yin's satirical art is also reflected in the use of style. The style of his essays includes more common narration, saying, writing, preface, explanation, metaphor, title, discrimination, etc., such as "Xuer Kuangsheng", "Miscellaneous Sayings", "Shumawei Posthouse", "Xulu Shengdong", "Jiewuding Dream"《 Cha Ke Yu 》"The Painting of Gods and Sheep", "Identification of Harms", etc., also have rare roots and doubts, such as "Bennong", "Doubtful Wind Platform", which is particularly commendable for his poetry, fu, shu, pair, tablet, hanging and other styles of writing Satirical essay , such as《 Cricket poem 》《 Screen assignment 》"On behalf of Wei Zhengjun and Xun Guan Shu"《 Wind and rain 》"Three Uncle Stele", "Diao Cui County Magistrate", etc., are bold innovations in style, greatly enriching the form of essays. Fu, Shu, Dui, Bei, Diao, etc. are typical forms of solemn discussion of "Tao". The orthodox literati of the ruling class are either used to sing praises, whitewash the peace, or use them to make corrections and comments on the classics. Few people go beyond their barriers and use them to criticize and satirize the current problems. Luo Yin, however, broke the stereotype and used these solemn and serious Taoist style to laugh and scold and make complaints, which caused "dislocation" and "contrast" in form and content. The more serious the "dislocation" and "contrast", the more obvious the satire will be. For example, in "Dai Wei Zhengjun Xun Guan Shu", the tone of the fictitious Wei Zhengjun was sparse to the emperor, but there was no serious words. The absurdity of the content completely dispelled the seriousness of the style, and achieved a wonderful effect of satirizing the hypocritical nature of the ruler's "playing with people". [15]
Luo Yin's Essays Sarcasm They are diverse and can serve the performance of content. He mainly uses historical facts, fables, objects to express interest, and comparison, exaggeration, association irony Such satirical techniques are ingenious and vivid. [7] [9-10] [15]
The language of Luo Yin's essays is simple, pungent, humorous and meaningful. This language characteristic of his is expressed through the changeable language color and form. In Slander Satirical sketch All of them are Luo Yin's "indignant and unjust words, which are not found in the current world and have no reason to vent their anger" (Fang Hui's "Slander" postscript). Luo Yin himself also believes that "therefore, we should be alert to the present and guard against the future" (repeated preface in Slander). For example, the words of heroes Liu Bang Nape feather The two so-called "heroic words" in the article deeply exposed the bandit nature of those emperors who claimed to be "heroes" to save the people, and finally put forward a warning to the supreme ruler (meaning that he may not have a heart of retreat and integrity, so as to regard him as arrogant, and then give him advice). Such brilliant thoughts are revealed from time to time in Luo Yin's essays. "Shuo Tianji", "Han Wushan Hu", "San Lu Doctor Yi", "Xu Er Kuang Sheng", "Mr. Mei's Stele" and other articles are also full of laughter and anger, which shows his strong critical spirit of reality and outstanding satirical artistic talent. [7] [9-10] [15]


Luo Yin's stone carving is taken from the Five Hundred Virtuous Figures in Canglang Pavilion painted by Kong Jiyao and engraved by Tan Songpo in the Qing Dynasty [24]
Luo Yin's thoughts are mainly embodied in《 Two identical books 》And《 Slander book 》In these works, he tried to extract a set of "peace" for the people of the world Kuang Ji Technique ". [5]
  • The Ideological Proposition of Liang Tong Shu
"Liangtong Book" tries to extract a set of "Taiping Kuang Ji Techniques" for rulers to use. The book consists of ten articles, which are divided into ten issues, such as low and high, strong and weak, profit and loss, and disorder. It discusses the "origin" and "technique" of "to Taiping" from different sides. There are not only rich social and political thoughts, but also profound dialectical thinking. The first five chapters explain the methods of self-cultivation, and each chapter ends with Laozi Conclusion. [5-6]
The explanation of "Noble and lowly First" is that the nature is different; The nobility and inferiority of people depend on their morality. The Second Strong and Weak shows that strong and weak are relative, and strength is determined by virtue rather than violence. Profit and Loss No.3 shows that the profit and loss of the people depends on the extravagance and thrift of the people. Respect and Slowness No. 4 shows that a virtuous gentleman must show respect to a virtuous corporal in order to win the hearts of the people. The Fifth Thick and Thin shows that abstinence from lust can prolong life. The contents of the five articles are closely related, and it is discussed that people mainly have the morality of "only kindness but benevolence", so that they can be noble, strong, abstemious, courteous, and consolidate their rule. Similarly, there is a system in the next five chapters. Volume II uses all except Chapter 10 Confucius It mainly discusses the method of managing the world. The sixth book is the general outline of the second volume. It shows that the way of civil and military affairs is a good tool for governing the country. People must be good at mastering it. The next few articles will discuss the methods of governing the country from different aspects. The Seventh Book of Gains and Losses believes that people mainly distinguish between truth and falsehood, and appoint good officials without losing their control. The Eighth Book of Truth and Falsity explains that in order to distinguish between truth and falsity, we should neither believe in public opinions nor stick to our own opinions, but study the micro. The Ninth Similarity and Difference is the strategy of using officials, "Seeing slowly and listening carefully, standing high and looking far, whenever it is appropriate, it is only appropriate to change". Unity and struggle should suit each other. The Tenth Love and Hate shows that people should not decide whether to gain or lose by personal love and hatred, and advocate that Mingjun accept remonstrance. [5-6]
The main contents of the two volumes of Luo Yin's Liangtongshu are to explain to the rulers the necessity of implementing a benevolent policy and how to implement it. The benevolent government he advocated is the traditional proposition of Confucianism, and its starting point is to maintain the rule of the feudal landlord class. At the stage of intense contradictions between the peasantry and the landlord class, his method of governing the world was of little use. However, in the process of discussing self-cultivation and world governance, Liangtongshu contains clear changes and demotions, strong love and hatred, and exposes problems that are often related to social diseases, so it still has some progress. His dialectic remarks not only enriched China's social and political thought, but also History of Chinese Philosophy It occupies an important position. [5-6]
  • The Ideological Proposition of Slander
The Book of Slander was written by Luo Yinyi confucian The ideal social form measures the reality, and denounces the fact that the reality deviates too far from the Confucian Way. The collection of essays reveals and criticizes the society at that time deeply, which is very militant. [7-8]
Luo Yin advocated that "the main road should not be bypassed" and "the great policy should not be heard". This idea of safeguarding the centralization of monarchy, opposing the disorderly government of eunuchs and the despotic vassals was of positive significance under the historical conditions at that time. In "Discrimination of Harm", he opposed the imperial court's practice of accommodating and accommodating the despotic vassal towns, and advocated balancing the interests, determining the seriousness, and resolutely carrying out punitive sanctions. In the face of the severe political situation in the late Tang Dynasty, Luo Yin has been soberly aware of the huge destructive effect of eunuch and vassal issues on the rule of the Tang Dynasty, and he expressed strong dissatisfaction with the weakness and fatuity of the court. "Spirit of the Dragon" and "Monchau's Legacy" come into contact with the problem of class exploitation. The previous article criticized the cruel exploitation and oppression of the ruling class, which was "thinking only of exhausted resources, not considering no fish". The latter is based on《 Zhuangzi, Internal Part, Ying Emperor 》And《 Supernatural scripture ·The relevant records in the Western Wilderness Classic were reconstructed and recreated. It is written that the Emperor of Heaven dissected Hundun because he is an evil beast who "resists when people have virtue, and relies on when they have evil virtue". And use copper, iron and fish salt to press its branches and put them into its intestines and stomach to prevent it from harming life again. But the result is contrary to God's intentions. "Chaos can't stand, but human energy can't stand", which has caused another disaster, that is, the rulers' plundering of fish, salt, copper and iron has caused people to be harassed. This may be aimed at the benefits of salt, tea, wine, copper and iron in the Tang Dynasty. [7-8]
Revealing and satirizing the supreme ruler is also a prominent content of Luo Yin's Slander. Such as《 Heroic words 》Played《 Zhuangzi - External Chapter - Hanging Trunk 》"Those who steal the hook will be punished, and those who steal the country will be marquises". The article "Saving the Two Emperors of Xia and Shang" says cruel and oppressive person Shang Zhou Yes, "Those who die in their own bodies and pass through their caves will be famous for thousands of years, and those who have heard of their names will Contractions Covering ears ". He hoped that the current emperor could pay attention to the two negative textbooks, Jie and Zhou, and never forget to learn from them. The critical edge of Luo Yin's Slander often points to those important officials, such as the praise of the late Western Han Dynasty in the Monument to Mr. Mei Merv Can regard the world as its own responsibility, although not in its position, it has repeatedly written on current affairs. [7-8]

Historical evaluation

Qian Liu "The Yellow River believes that there will be a day of clarification, and future generations should not be able to follow this talent." [34]
Xue Juzheng "Poems are famous in the world, especially in chanting history. However, they are often ridiculed, so they are not the best...." [27]
The statue of Luo Yin in the Forest of Steles
Xin Wenfang : "He is less sensitive, good at writing, excellent at poetry, and has a noble spirit... He is arrogant because of his talent, and people hate him very much. He thinks he can make great use of himself, but once he falls down, he eats princes, and because people make things, he deeply resents the Tang Dynasty. His poems and essays are mostly satirical. Although there are no puppets in the temple, he can't avoid them." [28]
Qian Liangxuan "Zhao Jian was born at the end of the Tang Dynasty, and its death has entered the five generations. The modern style poetry has a strong tone and is rarely matched. However, the Tang people used the gentle and restrained style to make the most of Zhao Jian; the Song people used the simple habit of shouting to make the most of Zhao Jian. The article is so lucky that it can see the changes in the world." [11]
  • ① The name of "Sanluo" is the most hidden, followed by Qiu, and Yesi. [11]
  • ② Luo Zhaojian is the outstanding person of the three Luo. It is not trivial in the late Tang Dynasty to tune high and loud. It should be the same as Wei Duanzi. [11]
Mao Jianxin : "Zhao Jianneng's poems finally arrived late, and Mao came first( Zhang Hua )Natural history is not poor. " [31]
Zheng Banqiao "Luo Yin lived up to the Tang Dynasty all his life. The king loved his articles. The officials were worried Let's see , changing faces and clothes, but things are going well. The mountains and rivers of Wuyue are lonely, and the scholar has something on his mind. How can ten thousand crossbows cross the river and shoot the tide instead of Zhu Wen? " [26]
Li Diaoyuan "Han Jian and Wei Zhuang have been promoted into the Five Dynasties since they were born. However, those who hold the bull's ear will push Jiangdong. His poetry is strong, vigorous and rich. It also comes from the old Du, but it is not like the appearance of the Song Xijiang School. People call it few. What is it? The leather and the Lu generations are carved, close to the figure figure, less interesting." [11]
Hong Liangji "The seven laws were created at the end of the Tang Dynasty, but Luo Zhaojian was most impressed by the desolation and depression. He could actually introduce Huanhua far away and Liyuhuo near. Because of his high personality and outstanding insight, he was far from others. Next came Han Zhiyao's deep beauty, and Sikong's detachment. It is true that he never forgets the thought of the monarchy. Who can not give priority to temperament when chanting! If Wu Zihua is solemn and stirring, and Wei Duanji is sad and beautiful, then it is next. " [11]
Zhang Xunjia: "The article has no life and follows Luo Yin, elegant and affectionate Let go of weng 。” [30]
Lu Xun "At the end of the Tang Dynasty, the poetic style declined, and the sketches were brilliant. But Luo Yin's Slander was almost all about resistance and indignation; Furlough and Tortoise shell They think they are hermits, and others call them hermits, but they can see that they are Wensou 》And the essays in the "Lize Series" did not forget the world, just the brilliance and edge of a muddle bed. " [10-11]

Anecdotes and allusions


Birth anecdote

According to the data recorded and the text repeated by predecessors, Luo Yin's father was a farmer who went up the mountain to watch the crops in summer and fell in love with a tiger spirit who turned into a beauty. His elder brother found out about it and stole it from the tiger skin outside the straw shed and pressed it under the dung tank. The tiger spirit lost its skin and could no longer return to its original shape, so it went home with Luo's father and became a couple. [12]
The next year, the couple gave birth to a son and lived a peaceful life. One day, for a little housework, there was a quarrel between the sisters in law. In anger, the sister-in-law pointed at her younger brother and daughter-in-law and scolded, "What are you! You are a demon, what kind of person you are!" Hearing this, the sister-in-law burst into tears and said in reply, "You said I was a demon, you should pay me back (evidence)!" The sister-in-law was so angry that she forgot to remember her interests for a moment, and said, "If you want to pay me back, you should pay me back!" Really dig out the tiger skin under the dung tank and throw it in front of my brother and daughter-in-law. The sister-in-law rolled on the spot and turned into a tiger, killing his sister-in-law, brother and husband. When she wanted to bite the child again, the old grandmother hurriedly covered the child with a grain basket, hit it on the forehead with a cane, and scolded: "Brute! Do you want to bite your own blood and bones?" The tiger cried in his eyes, roared, and went out. The child was named Luo (Luo) Yin because he was protected by Gu Luo. [12]

Bodhisattva standing

Luo Yin grew up without parents and was raised by his grandmother. Grandparents and grandchildren depend on each other and live a hard life. When Luo Yinchang was six or seven years old, his grandmother would send him to the nearby Mongolian Pavilion to study. From home to Mengguan, you will pass a temple. Every time Luo Yin walked through the temple door, he always saw the Bodhisattva inside standing up, as if to pay homage to him. He felt very strange and went home to tell his grandmother. The next day, Grandma followed Luo Yin to see for herself. At the gate of the temple, Luo Yin said that the Bodhisattva stood up again, but his grandmother could not see him. [12]
On the third day, Grandma put a pair of scissors on the Bodhisattva's knee in advance. Luo Yin had just passed by when he heard the sound of pawning and the scissors fell to the ground. The grandmother finally believed that it was true that the Bodhisattva would stand up when he saw Luo Yin, and she believed that Luo Yin would be blessed as an emperor in the future. [12]

Leave a decree

According to the collection of folk songs and the records of predecessors, Luo Yin's wonder lies in the "mouth of the imperial edict of begging bones". Luo Yin's family was very poor and often had to borrow rice and salt from his neighbors. The neighbors gradually became unwilling to borrow more and more. His grandmother is a narrow-minded person. Every time when she borrows something, she always remembers it. When she goes to the kitchen, she often nags: "If Zhang San borrows rice, Zhang San won't borrow it, once; if Li Si borrows salt, Li Si won't borrow it, once again." Zaoshi Bodhisattva's ears are a little hard to hear. Grandma Luo Yin said "once", but he mistook it for "a knife". After listening to it many times, the Kitchen Secretary Bodhisattva was a little worried: if Luo Yin became the emperor, he would kill many people if he moved? On the 23rd day of December this year, Zaosi Bodhisattva went to heaven and reported it to the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor immediately sent Lei Gongdian to remove Luo Yin's "keel" so that he could not become an emperor in the future. [12]
So Lei Gongdian came to the world to remove Luo Yin's "keel". The sky was shining with lightning and thunder was rumbling. Grandmother saw this situation and hurriedly asked Luo Yin to bite the toilet lid. As a result, Luo Yin's "keel" was completely demolished by Lei Gong. Because Lei Gongdian was afraid of being dirty, he didn't remove his mouth bone. So Luo Yin left a so-called "imperial edict mouth", and everything he said could be fulfilled. [12]

A talented woman detests

Luo Yin once offered poems to the Prime Minister Zheng Tian Zheng Tian's daughter is a talented woman. When she saw Luo Yin's poems, she admired them very much, and often read in front of her father the sentence "Zhang Hua's words are like pills, not as good as Liu Hou's words", showing admiration. One day, Luo Yin came to visit Zheng Tian. Zheng Tian asked his daughter to peep out of the curtain. When she found that Luo Yin was pedantic (she saw that Luo Yin was ugly), she stopped reciting Luo Yin's poems. [16-17]

Know Ye Wang

King Ye Luo Shaowei I like literature, but I am very picky. I often tear up the tirade made by the curtain men and write it myself. When he heard about Luo Yin's name, he paid tribute to him. Luo Yin sent his poems to Luo Shaowei. Luo Shaowei admired him very much and changed his poetry collection into Stealing Jiangdong Collection to express his admiration for Luo Yin's literary talent. [18]

prophetic vision

When Qian Liu was appointed as an envoy of Zhenhai Festival Xuanzhou More than 5000 traitors came to surrender, and he accepted them and treated them as his confidants. At that time, Luo Yin was in the Qian Liu shogunate and repeatedly advised that he was an enemy and could not be trusted easily. Qian Liu refused to listen. The newly built city walls and watchtowers in Hangzhou are magnificent. Qian Liu took the guests' subordinates to visit. Luo Yin knew that it was built to resist foreign enemies, but pretended not to understand: "What is the purpose of building these?" Qian Liu said: "Don't you know they are used to defend the enemy?" Luo Yin said: "If you want to retreat from the enemy, why don't you build in?" This implied that the rebels in Xuanzhou were the enemy. Later, the commander Xu Wan As expected, they led the rebels of Xuanzhou to launch a mutiny, which almost destroyed the country. [25] [36] Mao Zedong When he read about it, he circled Luo Yin's words word by word and annotated: "There are military plans for making remonstrances." [37]

interpersonal relationship



full name
brief introduction
The word child knows. Official to Fuzhou Futang County Order. [39 ]
Luo Xiugu
It was once held as a "New Year Ceremony". [39 ]
younger brother
Luo Quan
Born in 835, the ninth year of Dahe. [14]
Wu Xingren was born in the first year of Kaicheng (836). [14]
Born in the fourth year of Dazhong (850), he is a painter and good at painting sheep. [14] [19]


Luo Yin went to the imperial examination in many ways Dry call , submitted a book, and made friends such as Zheng Tian Crus Gao Pian Weichan , Yu Huan Wang Ning Bai Minzhong Sun Yuru, Pei Defu Li Wei Linghu , Pei Woo Meng Qiu Li Jue Yang Hangong Luo Shaowei, Zheng Rengui Zhou Bao Zheng Chuxiao Many of the dignitaries, such as, were appreciated by many of them and forged deep friendship with some of them. After the death of Linghu Xuan and Sun Yuru, Luo Yin had a poem to mourn them. The content of the poem was sincere, which showed his friendship. [39 ]
Luo Yin and Poets du xunhe Zhang Qiao They are friendly. They once lived in seclusion together in Jiuhua Mountain. [3] He doesn't like military affairs, but he is with Wu and Yue officials as fellow countrymen Du Jianhui The two were born one after another, which was regarded as the new "civil and military" Delicate ”。 [35]

Main works

Luo Yin has written extensively《 History of the Song Dynasty · Art and Literature Annals 》The records are detailed, including three volumes of Xiangnan Application Collection, seven volumes of Huaihai Fables, three volumes of A and B Collection, one volume of Waiji Poems, one volume of Later Affairs, five volumes of Slander Book, three volumes of Slander Book, and two volumes of Two Tongshu. There are also 20 volumes of Later Collection, 3 volumes of Rujiang Collection, 14 volumes of Songs, and 3 volumes of Wu Yue Zhang Secretary Collection. However, as recorded in the Biography of Talented Scholars of the Tang Dynasty in the Yuan Dynasty, much has been lost. The extant book of Slander has five volumes and sixty chapters (two incomplete chapters), two volumes (ten chapters) of Two Tongshu, and ten volumes of A and B Collection. Other scattered《 Wenyuan Yinghua 》《 Collection of Luo Zhao's Admonitions 》《 Complete Poetry of the Tang 》《 Complete Prose Works of the Tang 》There are about 500 poems, about 40 miscellaneous works such as prefaces, books, inscriptions, revelations, steles, and notes, and novels《 Guangling Demon Rebellion Record 》Zhongyuan Biography, etc. [1] [5]
Some of Luo Yin's Poems
Jingwu《 Yue Fu Yan 》《 Heroic words 》"Han Wu Shan Hu", "Save the Two Emperors of Xia and Shang", "Identify Harm"《 Talk about the chicken 》《 Wu Palace's Legacy 》"Danshang is not unworthy", "Carving Yanling Fishing Platform"
Source of the above content [4-5]

Character controversy


Native place

There has always been a dispute about where Luo Yin's native place is in today's Zhejiang Province. Xie Xianmo has listed three views in his Research on the Native Place of Luo Yin:
Regarding the above disputes, Chen 鳣 According to Luo Yintiao in the Collation of Biographies of Talented Scholars of the Tang Dynasty, "if concealment was once the order of Qiantang people, it would not be known by Qiantang people", "if newly boarded, it would be a new city, and if Liang avoided concealment, it would also be changed... if the tomb of Xu Village Shuiwu (Luo) in the new city is still there, then the new city or its Ancestral home , or they moved, so the "(Wuyue) History Preparation" is soft? " and Liu Kaiyang In his On Luo Yin, he further concluded that Luo Yin was from the new city of Yuhang. He believed that "the epitaph says," Home is the new city Yuhang County In the "History of the Old Five Dynasties" and Ji Yougong's "Chronicles of Tang Poetry", Yuhang people may be called county names. " Liu Kaiyang further pointed out that the tomb of Luo Yin recorded in the Ten Kingdoms Spring and Autumn Annals: Biography of Luo Yin was "in the dock of Xu Village at the boundary of the (new city) county", and Wang Dezhen According to Xu Houzhai's "Leisure Cloud Record", "Xindeng County Annals", and "Luo's Genealogy", the Chronicle of Luo Yin · A Study of Li Ju also records the ruins of Luo Yin's ancient house and Luo Yin's "Reading Platform" in Xincheng County. Yuan Ren Lu Youzai《 Yanbei Magazine 》It is recorded in: "Xie Gaowen tasted the new city, and heard the old saying: Luo Weishi (Luo Yin)'s tomb is in the water dock of Xu Village at the county boundary, and the tomb tablet still exists. It was four years since Liang Kaiping Shen Song " In addition, Luo Yin《 Vote for Yongning Li Xianggong Qi 》In one article, he said: "In the mixed court, Fang Yu was on the trail. The new town came down and suddenly received warm words." According to the "History of Wu Yuebei", "(Luo Yin) was initially engaged in Hunan. He was not satisfied with the experience of Huai River and Run River, but returned to Xindeng." [41 ]
It can be seen that Luo Yin should be a new town in Hangzhou (today's Zhejiang Province Hangzhou Fuyang District Xindeng Town )People. [41 ]

Scientific research

There are three main statements about Luo Yin's age when he took the imperial examination for the first time:
  • 1、 At the age of 20 Wang Dezhen's "(Luo Yin) Weak crown The account of "selecting Jinshi" is considered to be 20 years old; [44]
  • 2、 At the age of 27 Li Zhiliang, according to Luo Yinyu《 Application Set Sequence of South Hunan 》"In the middle and late years of Yinda Tribute Book Medium. I think I was twenty-seven years old, according to my own account of "Gengyin, who had watched people change in twelve years". [44]
  • 3、 At the age of 28 Wu Qi pointed out that in the Tang Dynasty, in the case of Luo Yin, the time when he obtained the tribute book should be between July and August in the 13th year of Dazhong (859), based on his understanding of the words "weak crown" and "tribute book". But he can't join this year palace of the crown prince , just paid a wide visit to the dignitaries on the way to the capital in autumn and winter, hoping to quote. According to Luo Yin's "Preface to Slander Book", it says that "the first month of the spring of Dinghai", that is, the first month of the eighth year of Xiantong (867 years), and that "seven years of coming to Beijing". In terms of actual years, he started to go to Beijing in the 13th year of the middle school of the university (859 years), and the second year of scientific research ended in the preface of "Slander Book" just seven years ago. Therefore, Luo Yin took the imperial examination for the first time when he was 28 years old in the first year of Xiantong (860). [44]

Commemoration for future generations


Memorial buildings

Luoyin Stele Forest Located in Fuyang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province Xindeng Town It was built by the former Fuyang Municipal Government in 1995. There are two open-air courtyards in the forest of steles, divided into two steps, surrounded by a number of granite steles engraved with contemporary calligraphers and painters Liu Haisu There are more than 40 pieces of fine calligraphy art inscribed by, among others. On the wall of the corridor, there are a dozen black marbles carved with Luo Yin's poems written by contemporary calligraphers. Walk up more than forty steps along the corridors on both sides of the courtyard, and you will find Luoyin Memorial Hall. In the memorial hall, there is a two meter high statue of Luo Yinshi. Beside the statue, there is a black marble tablet engraved with the inscription of the Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress Jiang Zhenghua Luo Yin's poems written in Zhuan. [13]
 Luoyin Stele Forest Luoyin Stele Forest Luoyin Stele Forest Luoyin Stele Forest
Luoyin Stele Forest

Relevant institutions

The "Luo Yin Research Association" was established in Fuyang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. [33]

Legend Memorial

After Luo Yin's death, he left many well-known strange legends and stories, which were spread in Fuyang, Wu, Chu, Yan, Shu and other places. The legend of Luo Yin is rich in content, including the legend of strange life experience, the legend of punishing evil and promoting good, the legend of being close to the poor, the legend of extraordinary wisdom and the legend of related place names. On June 22, 2009, the legend of Luo Yin was listed in the "Third Batch of Zhejiang Province Intangible cultural heritage Directory ". [45]

Film and television image

2006 TV Drama《 King Qian of Wuyue 》: An Zehao As Luo Yin. [38]

Historical data index

For Luo Yin's life story, see《 History of the Old Five Dynasties 》Volume 24 [27] 、《 Wu Yue prepares history 》Volume 2 [34] as well as Shen Song Luogeshi Epitaph [43 ] In addition《 Supplement to the History of the Five Dynasties 》Volume 1《 Tang Poetry Chronicle 》Volume 69 and《 Biography of Tang Scholars 》Volume 9 also has relevant records.