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Computer Network Academic Language
synonym Make friends online (Friends met through the Internet platform) Generally refers to online social networking
Social networking refers to the networking of relationships between people, which is manifested on the Internet by various Social network software , such as Blog, Wiki, Tag, SNS, RSS and a series of Web2.0 core applications. The Internet has led to a new kind of human social organization and survival mode quietly coming into us, and has built a huge group beyond the earth space - network group. The human society in the 21st century is gradually emerging new forms and characteristics, and individuals in the era of network globalization are converging into new social groups. [1]
Chinese name
social contact
Network communication



In this new era, information network will be the nervous system of the future society, and its impact on the whole society and personal life will be far higher than the impact of traditional communication equipment. No matter what you think the Internet connects Specific things ——Computers, resources, or the Internet as a kind of media, we can not ignore the existence of the subject - people. It can be said that the Internet is connected to computers, in which information flows and resources are developed, but it attracts people in front of computers. In essence, it is a network of "people". If the Internet is a kind of media, then its "humanistic" level cannot be ignored - is there any media that leaves people?
Communication based on the Internet may be both direct (direct interaction through network technology) and comprehensive internal communication at the spiritual and cultural level. This means that human communication in the network era has broken through industry social communication The limit of Coaxial cable , cellular systems and communication satellites, this form does not need the intermediary of commodities Network media Directly connected; On the other hand, this form of communication also has a spiritual internalization. In the past, the "computer server" model is changing to the "network user" model. In essence, network communication is a kind of connection difference network terminal Of human brain Virtual thinking, digital communication and interaction.
It can be seen that the newborn Network society It has two sides different from any previous social form. It is made up of numerous "networks" of human beings, nation states, national societies and individuals.
along with Friendster .corn、 Orkut With the rise of online social networking sites such as. korn,,,, online social networking is booming, and new Internet craze is warming up again. Some analysts even said that online social networking will create a new mode of interpersonal communication. After the emergence of the network social networking website represented by in March 2003, it has become popular in the United States for more than a year. Some time ago, Friendster refused Google $40 million acquisition plan because it is estimated that Friendster With a market value of more than 50 million dollar For a newly developed website, this is a miracle.
According to the latest survey by ComScore, an American Internet research company, the number of people using social networks worldwide is increasing, from 464 million in 2007 to 580 million in June 2008, an increase of 25%. At present, there are 250 online social networking sites or companies in the United States. Wake up in 2008, China SNS website (Online social networking sites) seem to blossom everywhere. The Xiaonei Network, established in December 2005, is undoubtedly one of the earliest followers in China. Intranet Skynet 51 communities... A large number of SNS websites and online social networking have sprung up in China: 7 million people have Friendster In addition, 200000 new users join the website every week; Search Engines google Company owned Orkut The users of the website are growing at a rate of 10% every week; MySpace The number of users of the website has reached 2 million; Up to 16 million people have registered on Tickle. The network really forms a society, not just a new media, new business and new communication mode. The biggest feature is that individuals become the main body of the Internet. To be specific, everyone in the future will have their own representatives on the Internet, in addition to their own in real life. On the Internet, they can reflect your personality, your thoughts, and your various information. At the same time, they can communicate with you at any time. Everyone will become a "node" of the Internet.

main features

From the perspective of the development process of human science, technology and culture, the Internet has promoted the scientization, technicalization and intellectualization of human activities, changed the human value system, thus providing a new material basis and scientific and technological basis for the development of morality, and also promoted the trend of human moral progress, which has a profound impact on people's lifestyle, It has changed some traditional living habits and behavior patterns of people. "Online social networking" has its own characteristics: [2]
(1) Social networking has virtual characteristics
Social networking is based on Virtual technology Based on, interpersonal communication is based on Indirect communication Based on symbolization, it has many characteristics in real society, such as name, gender, age, work unit and social relations All these have been "diluted", so human behavior has the characteristics of "virtual reality". Far from socialization in the real social context, the virtuality and anonymity of the network lead to the weakening of the moral sense of teenagers on the network. A survey report by Xie Zongbao, the Communist Youth League Party Committee of Guangdong Province, mentioned that 31.4% of teenagers do not think that "it is immoral to lie when chatting online", 37.4% of teenagers think that "it is no big deal to talk about rude words on the Internet occasionally", and 24.9% of people think that "nothing can be done online without scruple". The weakening of teenagers' network moral sense is mainly due to the high concealment of the network. Everyone's existence on the Internet is virtual, digital, and in the form of symbols. There is no pressure of "others' presence". The "happiness principle" dominates personal desires. The evil side of the suppressed human nature in daily life will be released in this unconstrained or low constraint situation. This weakening of online moral sense directly affects and reacts on the moral behavior of teenagers in real life.
(2) Social networking has multiple characteristics
The global exchange and sharing of network information makes time and space meaningless. People can no longer be restricted by physical space and time to communicate freely, and the conflict and integration of different ideas, values, religious beliefs, customs and lifestyles between them become possible. The "multiple sources" and "multiple differences" of this value orientation have created an unprecedented loose moral life space for every Internet teenager. For those without subjective consciousness, the ability and confidence to make moral choices independently, and the sense of right and responsibility to make moral choices, the "freedom" given by this space is not so much the gospel of moral life as the "trap" of moral life. A considerable part of subjects in moral life will lose themselves in this "trap". And his personality will also have a certain degree of personality crisis, which is embodied in "three losses", namely, the "failure" of traditional personality, the "anomie" of realistic personality and the "loss" of ideal personality. Therefore, the construction of subjective moral personality is the realistic requirement to solve the moral problems in the current society.
(3) Social networking has innovative characteristics
The network is the product of innovation, and its innovative form makes the information transmission process become the active cognitive process of participants. In the field of ideology, it is easy to breed more diversified and even deviating from the constraints of social norms of normal behavior. CCTV《 Social longitude and latitude 》A story was broadcast about a 17-year-old hacker who used his superb computer network technology to design a hacker website, which paralyzed tens of thousands of computers logged on to the website and caused incalculable economic losses. When asked by the police, the teenager said easily, "I just show my talent and prove my value in the online world. Is it also illegal?"? Moreover, the network world is a virtual world, how much loss can it cause? The current publicity of international public opinion on cyber crime cases has made many people feel that Cybercrime It is the embodiment of personal wisdom, ability and courage. It is neither outrageous nor cruel. It is just a "heroic feat" of the "lone hero" type. stay Individualism In the prevailing western countries, many people do not regard it as shameful, but envy and admire this behavior, which is good and evil regardless of right and wrong Public opinion guidance It has also played a role in promoting cyber crime. In recent years, some teenagers in our country have used information technology to steal money, obtain information, disseminate unhealthy content, slander others, violate others' privacy and other illegal and criminal acts, which is a signal worthy of our moral educators' vigilance.
(4) Social networking is free
Network society ”The decentralized network structure makes it have no center, no stratum and no hierarchical relationship. Compared with the communication of people in the real society, the "network society" has a broader free space, and the traditional supervision and control methods can no longer adapt to its development. Some scholars conducted a survey among young netizens, and the results were worrying: 34.6% admitted that they had "ever" visited pornographic websites, and 4.9% admitted that they "often" visited pornographic websites. Many of them abandoned their studies and became“ electronic heroin ”Of the smokers, serious damage has been caused to their physical and mental health. According to the statistics of the respondents, more than 90% of the teenagers frequently visit pornographic sites due to the lack of strong external binding force and weak self-control ability. According to the survey of Wuhan Public Security Department, the majority of students entering Internet cafes are primary and secondary school students, accounting for about 70%, and the number around colleges and universities can reach 90% chat room 76%, 35% choose to play games, and less than 20% of students surf the Internet to search for information or download software. Therefore, while the network brings us great convenience, it also brings great challenges to the traditional moral and legal system.
(5) Social networking is characterized by alienation
Network society ”The communication in China is mainly mediated by computers, which makes people tend to be isolated, indifferent and non socialized, and easily leads to the loss and alienation of human nature itself. The open and free information system of "network society" provides a new, dynamic and Hypertext This kind of communication mode Man machine system Highly automated, accurate and lacking in human feelings, it is easy to cause people to be indifferent to the happiness of others and society in real life, easily lead to mental numbness and moral indifference, and lose the sense of reality and effectiveness Moral judgment In serious cases, it will lead to the loss and alienation of human nature, and some extreme events against humanity will occur. According to the survey, many students in universities spend most of their time surfing the Internet not studying but playing online games, and there are also many people who are good at it. At present, most online games are full of bloody content such as war, violence and murder. Students who are obsessed with these games tend to develop a cold, heartless and selfish character, neither caring about the collective nor others. German Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution In July 1998, a survey report was published to remind people of the neo-nazi And other extreme right-wing forces use the Internet to strengthen propaganda. According to the report, although this trend is still "not enough to enhance the action ability of the neo Nazi forces", the propaganda materials of the right-wing forces are increasing on the Internet, and the impact has caused concern.


According to different social purposes or communication topic fields, the current social networks (social networking sites) are mainly divided into four types:
(1) Entertaining and making friends. Well known foreign companies such as Facebook YouTube、Myspace, Well known in China are Cat pouncing net Youku Qing Entertainment Etc.
(2) Material consumption Type. It involves the consumption of various products Leisure consumption , Pepsi and other activities, such as the above taobao and The main topics are catering, leisure and entertainment, real estate transactions, life services, etc.
(3) Cultural consumption Type. It involves books, movies, music, etc., such as well-known domestic The main activities are book reviews, music reviews, etc.
(4) Comprehensive type. The topics and activities are relatively miscellaneous, widely involved in various fields of individuals and society, and have strong publicity. for example People's Network The powerful communities in China have a greater influence on the exchange of national topics; Tianya Community It is a comprehensive social networking site focusing on entertainment, making friends and communication; Well-known Baidu Post Bar There are more topics. In general, all social networking sites are characterized by leisure, entertainment and speech exchange, and the final product is to help individuals build a network relationship circle, which is increasingly overlapping with the daily interpersonal relationship circle of Internet users. With the help of the Internet, a social platform, netizens experience an unprecedented "crowd" atmosphere and a sense of collective strength.
The network not only provides people with more information, but also provides a wide range of interpersonal communication opportunities, providing a broadening social relations new Interactivity Space. In the agitation of multiple values, netizens reach communication, understanding or consensus through learning, communication and reference. In the highly information-based and automated Network society China, home office, online school, online shopping mall Online hospital Online Library as well as E-banking Waiting is no longer a dream. In short, in the special communication environment of the network, people will integrate themselves into the "infinite" network groups with the flow of network information, and the range of social contact will multiply, which will help people to establish new social relations and expand their socialization. Network life is increasingly becoming an important part of people's lifestyle, and network social networking has become a new way of communication for modern people. This new way of communication is having a profound impact on the traditional communication of human society. It has changed people's way of thinking, behavior and lifestyle.