zero Useful+1

Construction and maintenance of website

A WEB presentation mode
website The construction is through html (front end) and script programs such as php and asp script Implemented WEB Presentation method.
Chinese name
Construction and maintenance of website
Applicable fields
Web site design

Nature and task

The course of Web Site Design is a professional course for computer majors in the network direction. Students should have computer network Preliminary knowledge of computer application operation and computer software programming.
The tasks of this course are:
1. Make students have a clear understanding of the construction of Web sites as a whole.
2. Have a clear understanding of the technology used by current Web sites.
3. Be familiar with the corresponding web page production software, web page animation production software and other related software.
4. Master the production of static and dynamic web pages.
5. Master the background technology of web interaction preliminarily.
6. Web site construction practice.

Features and requirements

The characteristics and basic teaching requirements of this course are as follows: this course is very practical. Strengthening practical exercises in teaching and completing specific production and script code writing are two topics of this course. Students are required to have a comprehensive grasp of what they have learned and be able to independently complete the construction of general Web sites. Be able to better understand the interaction technology of Web sites, and understand the overall construction of a commercial Web site.

Contents and requirements

Chapter 1 Website Creation Ideas
Chapter 2 Layout of Website
Chapter 3 Hyperlink
Chapter 4 Using CSS Styles CSS Definitions
Chapter 5 Improving the efficiency of web page production
Chapter 6 Making Special Effects in Dreamweaver
Chapter 7 Basic Principles of Web Animation
Chapter 8 GIF Animation
Chapter 9 Introduction to JavaScript Language Special Effects
Chapter 10 Other Tools for Animation
Chapter 11 Dynamic and Static Web Pages
Chapter 12 Forms and Databases
Chapter 13 Realize Interaction with ASP
Chapter 14 Using CGI to Realize Interaction
Chapter 15 Dynamic Database
Chapter 16 Site Construction Practice

Suggestions on class hour allocation

S/N Course content Total hours Total teaching
1 2Site creation thought4 2
2 Layout of the website 4 2 2
3 Hyperlinks 4 2 2
4 Use CSS style 6 3 3
5 Improve the efficiency of web page production 6 3 3
6 Make special effects in Dreamweaver 6 3 3
7 Web page animation 6 3 3
8 GIF Animation 6 3 3
9 Other tools for animation 6 3 3
10 JavaScript language special effects 6 3 3
11 Dynamic webpage 6 3 3
12Forms and databases4 2
13 Using ASP to Realize Interaction 6 3 3
14 Using CGI to realize interaction 4 2 2
15 Dynamic database 6 3 3
16 Site construction 16 8 8
17 Motor 12 Total 108 48 48 12


1. This basic teaching requirement is applicable to 2+1 mode teaching.
2. The classroom teaching of this course should use modern educational technology as far as possible, and use practical applications as cases to increase students' perceptual knowledge and inspire students' scientific thinking. Pay attention to the new development of computer visual programming technology, and timely introduce new teaching content.
3. Attention should be paid to the reform of assessment means and methods. Students' scores can be comprehensively evaluated through classroom questioning, student assignments, usual tests, experimental training and examinations. In particular, there should be an appropriate proportion of computer assessment. Students who are innovative in learning and application should be particularly encouraged. [1]