Website navigation

It is a website that gathers many websites and classifies them according to conditions
zero Useful+1
synonym Website navigation (Website navigation) generally refers to website navigation
The Directindustry Web Guide is a kind of website that gathers many websites and classifies them according to certain conditions Website station Website navigation is one of the earliest websites on the Internet.
hao123 Website navigation is one of the cases. The famous hao1232345, YAHOO, 360 Website Home Etc; They all started from the website navigation. So far, you can see the website navigation on YAHOO's page.
Chinese name
Website navigation
Foreign name
Directindustry Web Guide
Website navigation
More in one set website
Web Design standard concise beautiful


1. The web design is standard, simple and beautiful, the website is stable, and the access speed is fast.
2. The websites included are carefully selected, and only excellent websites are included, Coverage Wide, so as to facilitate the use of users at all levels.
3. The included website shall not contain reactionary, pornographic, gambling and other bad content or provide links to bad content.
4. The website itself must not contain Viruses , Trojans, Pop up plug-in Or maliciously change other people's computer settings.
5. Specially assigned maintenance personnel Regular inspection Website link All are valid and point to content that meets the website service objectives.
6. Do not use rogue methods that users dislike to promote.
7、 Web Design Adapt to the needs of Internet development, especially Mobile Internet Mobile Internet access The increasing number of people requires web site navigation. In this regard, the website navigation should follow the wap standard as much as possible, and put fewer pictures Dynamic page
8. Adaptation Mobile phone browser Browsing window requirements, design for mobile phones user-friendliness The web address of.
Navigation prerequisites:
1. Website navigation website must have a good domain name that is easy to remember.
2. Set up an interface for other webmasters to log on to their own website;
3. The content is free and comprehensive;
4. Provide diversified user experience.
5. The interface is simple because Audience group Most of them are primary Internet users;
Development advantages:
Hao, who made countless webmasters dream of new wealth 123Website navigation The website relies on "simple" Resource integration Created China Internet The miracle on the Internet has also made website navigation websites popular for a while, so navigation websites imitating hao123 can be found everywhere, instantly flooding the computers of netizens desktop Compared with the development environment in 2011, the personal website navigation website is difficult to develop. It is not only faced with the homogenization of quality content, but also faced with the grabbing of customers from large portals and even browsers. In terms of the Internet environment in 2012, the development of website navigation websites also has three advantages:
  1. one
    Browser clients and search engine products are actually more inclined to comprehensive content and search orientation, with a wide range, but not professional enough. Therefore, website navigation websites can use this to create a professional website navigation website.
  2. two
    Although China has a growing number of Internet users, there are still many primary users among China's 500 million Internet users waiting for the guidance of website navigation to enter the Internet.
  3. three
    Although the browser client provides users with a better user experience, the URL Navigation Most of the data analysis is based on the user's past access records. If there is no access record for a certain keyword, then you should also turn to the search product. Therefore, the impact of the browser client on the navigation website is, but not fatal. Seize the loophole and strive to build a highly professional navigation website. There is still room for development.
Well known navigation
It is difficult to find a specific timetable , but the main domestic website navigation includes:
Hao123 Website Navigation
The hao123 website navigation is made by an Internet cafe administrator in Guangdong who only read junior high school Li Xingping Founded by, hao123 is accepted by people because of its simple interface and taking the lead in entering the market. It was acquired by Baidu in 2004. Hao123 -- Baidu's website, founded in May 1999, is the earliest online navigation site in China. After more than 10 years of development, it has become the first stop for hundreds of millions of users to access the Internet and the first brand of Chinese online navigation. Hao123 is always committed to providing users with the simplest, most practical and most intimate navigation services.
265 Website navigation
265 Internet navigation It is one of the earliest website navigation websites in China. two six five The website service of the network has covered more than 50% of China's Internet users, with daily average Visits (IP) More than 10 million, daily average browsing( PV )Over 50 million, it has become the most popular navigation website in China. It was founded in 2003. It was acquired by Google in 2007. Not developed.


Website navigation must solve the problem of single service and establish fair Industry image Compared with the increasingly powerful search engines, providing differentiated services that they cannot provide can help us get rid of the industry dilemma in the future.
(1) Improve the participation of netizens in the inclusion website.
(2) Form more open Website inclusion And evaluation platform.
real Open Directory From the collection of the website and the determination of the profile of the website itself, the netizens should Discussion and decision This not only can more accurately describe and classify the functions of the website, but also can simplify Internet users' access to the Internet in the face of explosive Internet information information processing Time, better adapt to the future development of the Internet. The website navigation of the netizen card insists that the profile of each website is written by netizens, and is voted and generated by netizens Openness Compared with others dmoz The attempt to open the directory to a more open and democratic mechanism provides a differentiated Service mode
(3) Website navigation should also be innovative.
Everything in this world is not the same, and the stereotype and complacency will eventually be eliminated. In addition to strengthening the practical and convenient aspects of website navigation, I think we should also follow the trend and add new functions and applications to make it practical and entertaining Twofold combination For example, adding online Website Collection Function popular song Listen online, Stock Finance Check, humorous jokes, the latest news, various topics, etc. Visual website navigation websites have appeared abroad, while there are such websites in China. The domestic website navigation has launched a visual website navigation page. Although visual website navigation is just starting, I believe that such websites will appear soon! The website navigation station is no longer a low tech website.
China has a population of more than 1.3 billion, with only about 1/10 netizens, 1616, Huiji Network , hao123 and other websites are doing website navigation, and they Visits They are all very large. With the continuous influx of new Internet users, a considerable market of primary Internet users has formed. As they are new to computers, they can hardly use keyboards, and their typing speed is very slow, so they especially need a website that can be browsed with just a click of the mouse. Website navigation has been popular several years ago and will still have a market in the future because of its convenience, practicality, reasonable classification, large and comprehensive content, and few concise advertisements.
Because there are relatively many "grassroots" Internet users in website navigation, compared with other websites, Advertising revenue More. Because of the grassroots, it is difficult to distinguish the advertisement from the content and easy to contact new things , so the URL navigates the Advertising value Very high. This is like a school, which welcomes new students after sending off graduates. It is the most profitable link in cultivating students. With a good income, you can use some funds to purchase promotion services and continue to expand the users of the website.
The website navigation includes new stations, and the review is relatively strict, but one thing cannot be ignored, that is, add links to other stations on the websites that need to be included. As you all know, the link is Website ranking It plays a decisive role because you want to include the website navigation and add other people's links, which leads to a large number of website navigation Outer chain , so that in the Related Search Get a better position in. The links of the included websites will also bring a lot of traffic to the website navigation. If 1000 included websites come to 10 IPs per site every day, 10000 new IPs will arrive here.
The website navigation can also make a website matrix like Sohu. Usually, the webmaster has more than one website, and there will be two or more websites. When these website navigation matrices your other websites, the traffic will always turn in a circle, ensuring no loss of users.
Because the website navigation does not need to purchase copyright, nor does it need servers that consume a lot of bandwidth, such as movies and music. Usually, you only need to add and review some websites, and the maintenance cost is quite low.
With the rapid development of search engines and the exclusion of website navigation, as well as the mature development strategies and strong promotion funds of successful website navigation, it is difficult for newly started website navigation to seize the market Follow blindly This kind of website has been created.

present situation

The Internet industry has always regarded the website navigation and technical content So much homogenization an imitator With the emergence of the Internet and the powerful functions of search engines, website navigation itself is gradually considered to have lost its historical stage hao123 And 265 were successively Baidu With the fact of Google's acquisition, more and more people believe that website navigation has an insurmountable bottleneck, and will eventually be included in the portal or search.
Website navigation itself is also increasingly subject to a series of its own problems, such as single service, lack of fairness, serious homogenization, etc. The pattern of website navigation has basically formed several categories, such as:
(1) Old brand website navigation attached to search or portal, represented by hao123, 2345, 265 websites, etc.
(2) With 360 Secure Website 114la 3399 website navigation and other independently operated website navigation.
(3) Baidu Website Sogou website navigation and Yahoo It is a service-oriented website navigation under the system of the search engine itself, which is dominated by the website encyclopedia.
(4) With the help of online navigation source code , change it to your own.
(5) Use your own style of layout.
(6) With Leather search website navigation Vertical industry The main navigation website is a vertical navigation website serving all fields.
Comprehensive website navigation: This kind of website navigation is a popular website navigation, and the websites included are suitable for most Internet users.
Representatives include: the complete list of hao123 websites, 2345 Website navigation 114 website navigation Etc.
Industry website navigation: It is a kind of website navigation divided by industry. It only includes one or more industry related websites. It is suitable for personnel engaged in a certain industry national economy industry Classified catalogue Divided URL navigation.
Local website navigation: Different from the industry website navigation, this kind of website navigation is not divided by industry but by region, and includes the website website of a certain place in more detail.
Personalized website navigation: A kind of website navigation with personalized creativity or flexible user-defined functions.
Representatives include: Dongdong website, etc
Visual URL navigation A kind of website navigation with pictures and words alternating each other is also a trend of website navigation in the future.
Representatives: Yousuo Navigation , mykeshi, logo home, etc.
Vertical URL navigation: Some industry websites, such as finance, finance, shopping, high-end users, etc.
Scientific research academic website navigation: a website navigation for R&D personnel, which integrates intellectual property, patents, disciplines and scientific research, is also a unique field of website navigation.
Multilayer stereoscopic visual website navigation: The show China website has only one window, no pull-down, no advertising, and displays the most commonly used websites of netizens in the central region with landmark logo images or animations. The surrounding area is divided into 60 categories, each of which is a layer, with multi-layer visualization. The user does not need to click or input text, and gently moves the mouse to the surrounding categories to display the logo or animation of the common websites under this category. The website has Stereoscopic feeling And dynamic Interactivity


Traditional website navigation is based on Static page Add site links, tools, etc. in the home page You can quickly find the target site. This kind of production is simple propagation velocity Fast websites are used by more and more webmasters as a means to absorb traffic Rogue software The promotion of Internet users makes their home pages change like riding horses.


Although traditional website navigation has been accepted by many netizens, there are also many shortcomings:
1. Long page, difficult to browse
2. Single service
3、 fairness defect
4、 Homogenization serious
5. It is difficult to turn off the security of the link page, and some navigation Promotion method Trojans and mandatory installation.


1: There are columns or pages with empty content
2: Wrong link or Empty link
3: Think that the richer the content, the better, resulting in Junk information Too many.
4: Too many pop-up windows/pop-up links are abhorrent to users.
5: Too fond of animation or small functions, too fancy for users to browse.
6: Force users to favorite or set as home page
7: Completely follow the rules of search engines To design Columns and content, while losing the theme of the website.


The website navigation market is facing a reshuffle, and vertical navigation websites emerge as the times require
With the vigorous development of the network, the website navigation market has become increasingly mature and prosperous. As a website and information retrieval tool, website navigation has become Chinese netizens The importance of the main entrance to the Internet should not be overlooked. From Hao123 Website Home After the successful navigation of the main website market value It began to be discovered and recognized by people, which also attracted more and more people to imitate and follow the trend, resulting in a substantial increase in the number of website navigation networks, and the industry is facing a period of reshuffle.
With the rapid development of the website navigation market, numerous enterprises have followed the trend of competition and compromise Famous enterprises The industry has also entered the field of navigation, such as Sohu introduction sogou Website navigation, launched by 360 360 Secure Website Navigation , Tencent QQ QQ website navigation launched by Taobao TaoURL Navigation and so on. Many small and medium-sized websites have sprung up. The number of websites has increased market competition With the increase of power, the problems in the website navigation market have become increasingly prominent, the competition in the navigation market has become increasingly fierce, and the website navigation has entered a whole area Crimson Sea , the traditional integrated website navigation mode encounters severe challenges.
The break of integrated website navigation is imminent. In addition, the traditional integrated navigation is comprehensive but complicated, which can no longer meet the personalized needs of users. Users have increasingly urgent needs for personalized website navigation. Vertical navigation website is a professional website navigation for the specific needs of a certain field or population.


The success of "Good 123" has made the majority of webmasters rush up, just to get a share of it. However, gradually, we gradually found that copying websites is very simple, but copying other people's successful experience is not so simple. The website went online easily, but promotion became a big problem. Therefore, there are countless website navigation stations, but only hao123, 1616, 114la, 2653399, etc. are successful. It is needless to say that the emergence of 114la is late, but its success is really obvious, because 114la is promoted by Yulinmufeng with the influence of software, which is also a release of resources.
Since this popular and comprehensive website navigation station cannot be developed, webmasters have started new thinking and exploration. Navigation should help users improve their own Knowledge level , which can reflect the real value of the navigation station. The comprehensive navigation station is not like Universal navigation network The feature of focusing on life service is that it is difficult to develop, but it can be achieved in a certain field - professional navigation stations came into being. The content level is easy to arrange, so users can easily know how to increase their professional knowledge through your navigation station in order to learn better and more professional knowledge.
With the development of the Internet, the website navigation station is also gradually evolving, and the navigation station has gradually evolved from comprehensive to classified and specialized domain navigation station. The comprehensive navigation station has been basically finalized, but the professional navigation station is still full of vitality and vitality. Compared with the traditional integrated website navigation station, its classification system has made some adjustments, that is, it has well realized the combination of the regional positioning attribute of the website and the content attribute, which is more convenient for certain types of users, helps them understand their industry knowledge more deeply, and improves their own ability.
In this case profit model Fixed, fixed development ideas, the website navigation station is also developing with the development of the Internet to apply to more Internet people. Here, I will write my own experience for your reference.
I Website operation Development is separated from profit. Don't ignore the further development of the website by focusing on immediate interests. Because the website is successful Decision power In the hands of users, not the people who give you benefits.
2、 Have their own characteristics and highlight their own characteristics. Don't just imitate the successful experience of others, because since it is experience, it is already in the past. When you use the experience of others, others have achieved more Leap forward development Experience.
III User experience First. In fact, this is a summary of the first two items. Whether it is integrated navigation station or professional Website station User experience is the foundation of website success. Always review the website as a user, and strive to improve the website potential value


The Internet is a platform for rapid communication. Once people's common needs are met, they need websites with characteristics of subdivided fields and vertical focus on a certain field to meet this part of needs.
Integrated navigation is still the beginning of professional segmentation calf According to relevant data, hao123, 265 Internet navigation , 1616 Personal Portal Continue to lead the domestic comprehensive website navigation, relying on the network resource It occupies the home page of millions of netizens. Web sites can be classified into IT, games, fashion, stocks, etc., which are all inclusive and typical of a comprehensive type Chowder In this way, meeting the commonalities of netizens will become more and more important. At the same time, the demand for segmentation has begun to emerge at all levels: the school has grasped the demand of students, and the student group is a large market, so the school has achieved a platform of tens of millions of levels; Grasping the demands of white-collar workers and playing some small games when they are bored at work, they are reputed to be "the largest in China Social networking services Platform "; The financial sector needs to capture the needs of shareholders. The numerous cumbersome digital codes in the stock market will give shareholders a professional navigation in the stock field.


Website navigation and browser can be described as twin brothers The relationship between the two has always been subtle. Website navigation has become an important source of browser revenue, and the number of browser installations has brought a steady stream of website navigation Number of users similar 360 Navigation , Sogou navigation and roaming navigation are born of browsers, and navigation also directly promotes the birth of corresponding browsers. Compared with search engines, IM and other channels that control Internet users' access to the Internet, the website navigation and browser are not alone, so there is a situation of competition among the giants. In this scuffle, 360's 360 Secure Browser , 360 navigation, and Rain forest and woodwind Subordinate 115 Browser 114 E website navigation has the most fierce momentum, and Baidu Browser Although it is still under development, its lethality should not be underestimated.


Website promotion Nature: word of mouth, popular accumulation
Nature of website promotion: bundled plug-ins
Although bundled plug-ins have improved their popularity in a short time, they have also brought a lot negative effect The promotion mode of bundled plug-ins has basically failed because many companies, including 360 Security software The degree of dry preload is quite large.
Nature of website promotion: system bundled
Through its own system, during its installation, it has its own modification ie home page
Nature of website promotion: Vertical Portal And with software support
The website navigation is spread through your own website or software developed by yourself.
Blocked by well-known words, such as 43122 URL navigation Advertising words "Hao123" to attract users to click, and then jump to the website URL behavior.


SEO There is always a classic saying in the industry: "Content is king, Outer chain For the emperor, Inner chain She is an imperial concubine, the key word is phase, the code is general, the structure is city, and it is updated to prince. "
Establish a clear navigation structure
about spider In terms of clear navigation structure, spiders' crawling is greatly affected. Because when spiders crawl a site, the first thing they take is Home page Then browse the whole website through website navigation. A clear and reasonable website navigation structure can effectively guide spiders to crawl to every corner of the website.
  1. one
    The website navigation should adopt a flat tree structure as far as possible, so that the click distance from each article page to the home page of the website should be as short as possible (3-4 is recommended), which is more conducive to spiders' crawling and crawling. At the same time, it is recommended to do a good job of breadcrumb navigation, so that users and spiders can judge the position of the page in the whole structure of the website.
  2. two
    Links in website navigation are the main source for column pages to obtain internal links, so their anchor text has a greater impact on their relevance, as well as on the search engine endowments weight How many. Therefore, it is recommended to use relevant target keywords for column names, preferably 2-5 characters, and remember to stack keywords.
  3. three
    Remember not to use image links and flash navigation. Although the visual effect is good, it is difficult for spiders to crawl and identify navigation. Therefore, it is recommended to use HTML text navigation and CSS to achieve the desired visual effect. For example: text color change, drop-down menu, etc.

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