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Rope lava

Lava flow surface structure
genus Lava flow Surface texture. yes Crust lava The flow surface is locally pushed, twisted and curled to different degrees, and its appearance is very similar to that of steel wire rope, hemp rope, straw rope, etc. The surface is rough and appears in bundles.
Chinese name
Rope lava
Foreign name
Flow rate
65 km/h
Also called
Crust lava
A kind of lava that is generally flat and smooth


Pahoehoe lava is crust lava, which generally refers to the surface of lava flow. It is generally flat and smooth. Generally, the rope like lava is curved or chain shaped along the flow direction, and the arc top is mostly oriented Lava flow Moving direction. It is formed when the surface of highly mobile basalt is cooled while the interior is still in a molten state. This kind of lava is very common in Hawaii. [1]

Formation and characteristics

In the process of lava flow, the surface layer first cools and solidifies to form a shell without significant fragmentation. The thickness of its solidified case generally does not exceed 20-30 cm. This kind of lava is basic, with less siliceous content than massive lava, low viscosity and easy flow. When flowing, the surface layer first freezes to form a thin shell, but it is still plastic. The shell is about a few Xia meters to tens of centimeters thick. When pushed and dragged by the flowing lava under the shell, it generally does not break, but plastic deformation occurs, forming various forms of wrinkled lava structures. The front and side of this lava flow are slow in flow speed, which plays a blocking role. Crawler like and elephant trunk like lava flows are easy to form at its edge; Lava waterfalls are often formed when flowing through scarps or collapse pits, and lava fans are often formed when flowing to relatively flat and open areas. In general, the wrinkles on the surface of lava flow are mostly arc-shaped, and the direction indicated by the arc top is generally the direction of lava flow. The pores on the surface of the rope like lava shell are extremely small, many of which are invisible to the naked eye, but many pores can be seen inside. [1]