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Overall planning method

Mathematical method
Overall planning method, also known as network planning method. The overall planning method is a mathematical method for production organization, arrangement and management parameter Using the network diagram and simple calculation method of the interaction between processes, reflect the overall picture of the studied system, find out the critical path that has an impact on the overall situation and the processes on the critical path, so as to make practical arrangements for all processes of the project. stay Critical path method In the calculation of, after comparing the road lengths of each route in the network diagram, find one (or several) road with the longest man hour, which is called the critical route. Generally, the calculation method is used to find the critical path of a network diagram, that is, the earliest time, the latest time and the total time difference of the process are used to determine the critical path. [1]
Chinese name
Overall planning method
Foreign name
critical path method
Network planning method
According to
with network diagram Reflect and express the plan
An optimized decision maker
Introducers in China
Qian Xuesen

brief introduction

The overall planning method is a scientific method that uses the basic idea of overall planning to make unified planning and reasonable arrangement for complex and diverse work. It is a branch of operational research. It is part of management science. The overall planning method is a new applied science developed in the past 60 years. In 1956, the United States first began to study the pooling law. It is called "plan evaluation", which means to use this method to evaluate and estimate "the quality of the plan". In 1958, the United States first applied the pooling method to Polaris missile Development of. Due to overall arrangement, careful planning and reasonable design, Polaris missile was completed two years ahead of schedule. Since 1962, the Ministry of Defense has refused to approve or allocate funds for every major military project (over 100 million yuan) of the United States without adopting the overall planning approach.
The Soviet Union began to study and apply the overall planning method in the 1960s. The Soviet Union called it "network", which mainly reflects the basic characteristics of the network diagram. Soviet militarists believed that this method was "scientific military command".
The overall planning method in China was studied and popularized by the famous mathematician Professor Hua Luogeng in 1964. It has been widely used in industrial and agricultural production and has achieved remarkable results. In the military field, the overall planning method has broad application prospects. The overall planning method can be applied to peacetime work plans, training plans, drill plans, wartime marching plans, organizing battles, coordinating actions, and battle support plans. With the modernization of national defense construction and military command, it is more important to use this advanced scientific method in military affairs.
The central content of the overall planning method is to intuitively express the work procedures of an engineering or combat task in a network diagram with arrow line segments according to their internal logical dependency, and use mathematics as a tool to calculate and optimize the network, so as to achieve the most effective completion of engineering or combat tasks. At the same time, it enables the management and command personnel to have a relatively complete and clear understanding of the overall situation, distinguish the primary and secondary, priorities, find out the key links and main contradictions, reasonably command and arrange the use of manpower, material resources, time and resources, and achieve the purpose of optimal control and mastery of the whole task process.
The overall planning method for organizing combat action can clearly reflect the whole process of combat action and the interdependencies between various actions. In the process of organizing and implementing combat, when problems are found, measures can be taken dynamically and timely to adjust them according to the constraints between various actions. [2]

Research situation at home and abroad

In 1957, American Chemical Corporation Du Pont M R. Walker and Rand, J E. Kelly, in order to coordinate the work of different business departments within the company, jointly developed the critical path method (abbreviated as CPM). For the first time, he applied this method to the preparation of a chemical plant, which was completed two months ahead of schedule. Later, he applied this method to the maintenance of the plant, which reduced the downtime by 47 hours, In the same year, it achieved considerable benefits of saving millions of yuan.
In 1958, the Special Planning Office of the U.S. Naval Weapons Planning Bureau developed the Polaris missile submarine program with about 3000 tasks, involving more than 11000 manufacturers. In order to carry out such complex work in an orderly manner, the leader of the Special Planning Office, W Fazar actively supports and promotes the Plan review technology (PERT for short). Results The development plan was completed two months ahead of schedule and achieved great success.
CPM in civil enterprises and PERT in Military industry The remarkable achievements of CPM and PERT have naturally attracted widespread attention. In a very short time, CPM and PERT have been applied to complex planning and management work in industry, agriculture, national defense and scientific research, and then extended to countries around the world. In the process of application and promotion of CPM and PERT, a variety of similar methods with different characteristics and priorities have been derived. However Always change The basic principles of various methods are derived from CPM and PERT.
CPM and PERT are essentially the same, but slightly different. Therefore, CPM, PERT and other similar methods are collectively referred to as Network planning technology , referred to as network technology or network method, abbreviated as overall planning method.
In 1962, Chinese scientists Qian Xuesen First, introduce network planning technology into China. In 1963, in the process of studying the national defense scientific research system SI village computer, the network planning technology was used to complete the development task ahead of schedule. The computer performance was stable and reliable Hua Luogengbest-known Chinese mathematician The vigorous promotion of network planning technology has finally enabled this scientific management technology to take root and blossom in China. In view of the common characteristics of such methods of "overall planning and reasonable arrangement", we also call them the overall planning method, network diagram Also known as the overall plan, this section mainly describes the basic idea of the overall plan method.

primary coverage

The overall planning method is mainly composed of three interrelated parts:
1. Concept of overall plan and drawing planning;
2. Calculation method of various parameters of the overall plan;
3. Adjustment and optimization of the overall plan. Created by Liu Hongping.


The basic idea of the overall planning method is to make overall plans and make reasonable arrangements. Professor Hua Luogeng used a very simple example of making tea to illustrate in his article "Planning Method".
For example: get up in the morning and want to make a pot of tea. At that time, there was no boiled water. The kettle, teapot and teacup needed to be washed. The fire had risen and tea had also been produced. What should we do?
Method 1: wash the kettle, fill it with water and put it on the fire; Wait for the time when the water boils, wash the teapot, cup, and put tea leaves; When the water boils, make tea.
Method 2: wash the kettle, wash the teapot and cup, and put tea leaves; Pour water and put it on fire; When the water boils, make tea.
Method 3: wash the kettle, fill it with water, and put it on the fire; Wait for the water to boil, wash the teapot and cup, put tea leaves, and make tea to drink.
Obviously, the first method is more time saving and more in line with the overall thinking.
The basic idea of the overall planning method is: first of all, from the perspective of the overall progress of the task to be managed, take the duration required by each work in the task as the time factor, and make an overall planning chart according to the work sequence and mutual relationship to reflect the overall picture of the task and realize the modeling of the management process. Then calculate the time parameters, find out the key work and critical path in the plan, and make reasonable arrangements for the personnel, finance and materials required for each work of the task through improving the network plan, so as to get a reasonable plan and put it into practice. In addition, it can also carry out quantitative analysis on various evaluation indicators, and carry out effective supervision and control during the implementation of the plan to ensure that the task is completed with high quality and quantity. [3]


The overall planning method has a broad application prospect in the military field. The overall planning method can be applied to peacetime work plans, training plans, drill plans, wartime marching plans, combat organization, coordinated action, combat support plans, etc. In recent years, our army has actively explored the use of the overall planning method to formulate military plans, organize and command troop operations, and has achieved remarkable results. The construction of the overall planning has now become an important staff business of the headquarters. With the informatization and scientization of our army's organization and command, using this advanced scientific method to improve and innovate the work of the headquarters and improve our current command method is of great significance for our army to adapt to the needs of information warfare and improve combat effectiveness. [3]