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Crystalline schist

Rock type
Crystalline schist is a general term for regional metamorphic rocks with directional structure, such as phyllite, schist, gneiss, granulite, etc. But sometimes it generally refers to all regional metamorphic rocks, regardless of whether they have obvious directional structures. [1]
Chinese name
Crystalline schist
Foreign name
crystalline schist


Green schist is the general name of green to dark green regional metamorphic rocks with schistose texture, which are generally basic to neutral volcano The rock is the product of low to medium low degree metamorphism, consisting of mineral More than half of them are chlorite, and the other half are quartz, epidote, zoisite, mica and calcite. The mineral particles are fine to medium. The schistose minerals such as chlorite are often arranged along a specific direction, so they have good schistosity. The metamorphic degree of schist is higher than that of slate. The originally fine minerals form coarse particles due to recrystallization. The schist minerals and granular minerals gradually concentrate to form alternating deep and shallow, parallel curvilinear stripes, in which white stripes sometimes appear, mostly from calcite quartz and plagioclase form.


Crystalline schist
It is characterized by schistosity structure and is a common regional metamorphic rock. The protolith has been completely recrystallized and consists of schistose, columnar and granular minerals. Generally lepidoblastic texture Fibroblastic structure and Porphyroblastic texture Common minerals are mica , chlorite, talc Hornblende . The granular minerals are mainly quartz, followed by feldspar.

Main categories

Crystalline schist
The original rocks of mica schist are mainly argillaceous rocks, intermediate acid volcanic rocks, calcareous sand shale, etc. The mineral composition is mainly mica, followed by quartz, plagioclase Garnet , kyanite, staurolite, etc. Mica schist is widely distributed, which is often seen in regional metamorphic rock distribution areas. The rock has porphyroblastic texture, and the porphyroblast is Almandine The matrix is muscovite, biotite, quartz and a small amount of plagioclase. Phenocrysts sometimes have residual structure. The original rocks of greenschists are generally neutral to basic volcanic rocks, pyroclastic rocks and calcareous dolomitic marls, which are formed by low-grade regional metamorphism and are typical rocks commonly seen in greenschist facies. Mineral composition mainly includes chlorite, epidote, actinolite, albite, quartz, calcite, muscovite, and accessory minerals include magnetite, sphene, apatite, etc. Talc schist and serpentine schist are metamorphosed from ultrabasic rock and Fe Mg bearing dolomitic marl at low temperature. It is mainly composed of talc and serpentine, as well as actinolite, chlorite, etc. hornblende schist The original rock is similar to greenschist in composition, and is formed by metamorphism of basic rock and calcareous dolomitic marl at high temperature. The main minerals are Ordinary hornblende , followed by quartz and plagioclase. Glaucophane schist Blue amphibole schist is characterized by sodium bearing hornblende and sodium bearing pyroxene, and other common minerals include muscovite, chlorite Epidote , garnet, quartz, albite, etc. It mainly comes from basic rock and sandstone. The appearance of glaucophane should be related to stress.