
Undergraduate major of China's ordinary colleges and universities
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Economics is an undergraduate major of ordinary colleges and universities. It is an economics major. The basic length of study is four years. It is awarded a bachelor's degree in economics.
This major focuses on theoretical economics, has the attributes of applied economics, and also has strong applicability and practicality; It aims to cultivate high-quality economics professionals with solid professional basic knowledge and basic theory, as well as international vision and innovation and entrepreneurship ability. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Economics [13]
Major code
Professional level
Professional category
length of schooling
Four years
award a degree
Bachelor of Economics

development history

In 1895, Beijing Normal University At the beginning of its establishment, economic courses were set up.
In 1912, Peking University The first economic department in China, the Business Society, was established.
In the early 1930s, Chinese educational circles began to explore the "sinicization" of economic education and research.
After the founding of the People's Republic of China, economics education mainly studied the Soviet Union, and set up majors and curriculum systems according to the Soviet model. The training goal of economics specialty is determined to be that the training has certain Marxism Leninism Economic professionals with ideological level and certain economic theories and professional knowledge.
After 1966, the education of economics specialty completely stagnated, until the reform and opening up, the economics specialty was restored and expanded.
In 1998, Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China Promulgated《 Undergraduate Specialty Catalog of Ordinary Colleges and Universities 》Economics majors are divided into two different disciplines: economics and management. Economics majors belong to economics. [2-3]
In the Catalogue of Undergraduate Specialties of Ordinary Institutions of Higher Learning issued by the Ministry of Education in 2012 and 2020, the discipline category of economic majors is economics, and the specialty code is 020101, which is an economics major. [4-5]

Training objectives

Cultivate high-quality economic professionals who have good ideological and moral character and moral cultivation, consciously practice socialist core values, have solid professional basic knowledge and basic theory, master the basic methods of modern economics, are familiar with China's economic operation and reform practice, and have an international perspective and innovation and entrepreneurship ability. [1]

Cultivation specification

  • Length of schooling and degree
The basic educational system is 4 years, and flexible educational system can be implemented. Students can graduate in advance when they have completed all credits and completed all training programs, but the length of study shall not be less than 3 years; Those who have not completed the credits or the training program may postpone their graduation. Students are allowed to stay away from school for innovation and entrepreneurship.
The student is allowed to graduate after completing the courses and credit requirements specified in the training program, passing the examination and meeting the graduation conditions. Those who meet the conditions for degree awarding will be awarded a bachelor's degree in economics.
  • Knowledge requirements
(1) Instrumental knowledge
1. Proficient in 1 foreign language, with strong foreign language listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation ability. If the first foreign language is not English, if a second foreign language is offered, English should be offered as far as possible.
2. Have relatively perfect mathematical knowledge and good mathematical foundation, and be able to understand and analyze economic problems using mathematical methods.
3. Proficient in computer and modern information technology, able to use modern information technology and database for literature retrieval, data processing, model design, research analysis and paper writing.
(2) Expertise
1. Firmly grasp the basic knowledge, basic theory and basic application skills of economics; Master the internal relationship between economic operation rules and economic indicators.
2. Understand the connotation, development and evolution of economic theory, school differences and key points of debate.
3. Be familiar with the market environment, policy basis and policy effect of the application of economic theory.
4. Understand the development frontier of economic theory and the current situation of practical development.
(3) Other relevant knowledge
The theoretical research and practical business work of economics professionals is highly social and comprehensive, which requires a wide range of knowledge. Therefore, according to the specific professional attributes, they must also be familiar with knowledge in other related fields, such as humanities, management, law, natural science and engineering science.
  • Capability requirements
(1) Strong writing and language skills.
(2) Have the ability to learn independently, think independently, and constantly accept new knowledge, new theories, and new technologies.
(3) Have the ability to integrate professional theories and knowledge, and comprehensively use professional knowledge to analyze and solve problems.
(4) Have the ability to use creative thinking to carry out scientific research and entrepreneurship and employment.
(5) Strong communication and teamwork skills.
  • Quality requirements
(1) Have a correct outlook on life, values and the world, good moral cultivation, professional quality, legal awareness and social responsibility.
(2) Have a continuous spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship.
(3) Have a complete knowledge structure and good scientific and humanistic literacy.
(4) It has high cultural taste and aesthetic taste.
(5) Have good physical quality and healthy psychological quality. [1]

Curriculum system


Overall framework

The curriculum system includes theoretical teaching and practical teaching. Theory teaching includes ideological and political theory courses, general education courses, professional basic courses, professional courses and optional courses; Practical teaching includes professional experiment and training (including employment guidance), professional practice, social practice (including innovation and entrepreneurship practice) and graduation thesis.
The curriculum system should focus on knowledge and at the same time strengthen innovative education. The contents or courses of research methods, academic frontiers, entrepreneurship foundation, employment and entrepreneurship guidance should be integrated into the curriculum system.
For schools that implement the credit system, the total credits for training programs should be controlled at about 150 credits, including about 125 credits for theoretical teaching courses and 25 credits for practical teaching courses. Among the theoretical teaching courses, about 16 credits for ideological and political theory courses, about 30 credits for general education courses, about 25 credits for professional basic courses, about 39 credits for professional courses (including about 21 credits for professional compulsory courses, and about 18 credits for professional elective courses), and about 15 credits for optional courses. In practice teaching courses, in principle, about 12 credits for professional experiment and training (including employment guidance), about 4 credits for professional practice, about 5 credits for social practice (including innovation and entrepreneurship practice), and about 4 credits for graduation thesis. Colleges and universities can make appropriate adjustments to the credit arrangement in practical teaching according to their own actual conditions, but the sum of all practical teaching credits should be kept at about 25 credits, about 15% of the total credits.
The courses of ideological and political theory, general education, professional basic courses and professional compulsory courses are compulsory; Other kinds of courses added by the school according to the training objectives can be compulsory or optional.
Schools without credit system shall meet the above credit requirements after conversion. Classroom teaching is converted into 1 credit according to 16-18 class hours (50 minutes per class hour), professional practice and social practice is converted into 1 credit according to 1 week, and graduation thesis is converted into 4 credits. [1]

Theoretical courses

  • Ideological and Political Theory Course
Ideological and political theory courses should fully implement the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education, and promote the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics into textbooks, classrooms and minds. The ideological and political theory course is 16 credits, and the following courses should be offered at least: Introduction to the Basic Principles of Marxism, Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, Outline of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History, Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis, Situation and Policy.
  • General education courses
General courses include college Chinese and writing, foreign language, mathematics, computer operation and database application, innovation and entrepreneurship education, sports, and courses in humanities, management, law, natural science and engineering technology offered by the school according to the training objectives. General courses are about 30 credits, including about 8 credits for foreign language courses and 9 credits for mathematics courses.
General courses shall at least offer the following courses: college Chinese and writing, foreign language, mathematical analysis (or calculus), advanced algebra (or linear algebra), probability theory and mathematical statistics, computer operation and database application, innovation and entrepreneurship education, physical education, national defense education (military training).
  • Professional courses
(1) Professional basic courses
About 25 credits for professional basic courses. The professional basic courses shall at least offer the following courses: political economy, microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics, finance, finance, statistics and accounting. The school can open other professional basic courses according to the training objectives.
(2) Professional compulsory and elective courses
Professional compulsory courses: about 21 credits. The professional compulsory courses adopt the "4+4+X" mode. The first "4" refers to four courses that are both professional basic courses and professional compulsory courses; the second "4" refers to four professional compulsory courses that must be opened, and "X" refers to the courses selected by the school to enter the professional compulsory courses according to the training objectives. For courses that are both professional basic courses and professional compulsory courses, class hours and credits can be appropriately increased. Credit statistics are included in professional basic courses or professional compulsory courses, but not repeated.
Professional elective courses have about 18 credits, and should form a logical expansion and continuity relationship with professional compulsory courses. The school can provide alternative courses for students to choose according to the training objectives. It is encouraged to form course modules with relevant or similar contents for students to choose, but students should not only choose courses in one module, but should choose enough elective courses in multiple modules.
  • Any elective course
About 15 credits for optional courses. The purpose of optional courses is to broaden students' knowledge, cultivate their hobbies and develop their specialties. The school should provide students with alternative courses according to the training objectives.
Cross disciplinary and interdisciplinary courses are encouraged for students to choose. Advocate the sharing of curriculum resources among colleges and universities, and make full use of network resources to provide high-quality curriculum resources for students' independent learning. Explore the establishment of online open course learning recognition and credit recognition system. [1]

Practical teaching

Practical teaching includes professional experimental classroom teaching, such as professional training (including employment guidance), professional practice and social practice (including innovation and entrepreneurship practice).
  • Professional experiment and practical training (including employment guidance)
According to the actual teaching needs, make full use of professional laboratories and professional training bases, and set up independent experiment and training courses or links. Teachers should track and guide students' experiments and training activities throughout the process. At the same time, in the classroom practice teaching, the school should strengthen the employment guidance for students to improve their employability.
  • Professional Practice
According to professional characteristics and employment needs, we should make full use of professional practice bases and practice teaching bases to carry out organized professional practice. Students are allowed to contact suitable units for professional practice by themselves, but management and supervision should be strengthened to ensure the quality of practice. Professional practice is suggested to be arranged in the third academic year and later, which can be carried out once or more, with a total of about 4 weeks. The internship process should have complete records, and students should complete an internship report of no less than 2000 words after the internship.
  • Social practice (including innovation and entrepreneurship practice)
Social practice includes social survey, innovation and entrepreneurship practice, work study program, public welfare activities, and production labor, with a total of about 5 weeks. Social practice should be organized according to the training objectives, and colleges and universities should be encouraged to actively carry out innovation and entrepreneurship practice, enrich students' entrepreneurial experience, and cultivate innovative spirit.
  • dissertation
The graduation thesis should reflect the distinctive theoretical color of economics majors, and be both practical and practical. It can take academic papers, case studies, research reports and other forms, mainly academic papers. On the basis of accuracy, graduation theses in the form of case studies and research reports should have a certain depth of theoretical analysis. Students should select topics and write them under the guidance of instructors according to their own knowledge reserves, interests and expertise within the scope of their major. The content of graduation thesis should reflect the ability of students to comprehensively use professional knowledge, to skillfully use modern economic research methods, and to logically analyze and summarize problems. Thesis should comply with academic ethics and academic norms. Graduation thesis instructors should be professional teachers with lecturer or above titles in their respective majors, and experienced personnel from professional practice departments can be employed to guide them when necessary. Instructors should strengthen the guidance and inspection of graduation thesis topics, opening, writing and other aspects. Thesis is generally no less than 6000 words. [1]

Teaching conditions


Teaching staff

  • Teacher size and structure
(1) The number of professional teachers should meet the teaching needs. Each profession shall be equipped with at least 10 full-time teachers, and each professional course shall be equipped with at least 2 full-time teachers.
(2) The professional title structure and age structure of professional teachers should be reasonable. The proportion of teachers with professional titles in the total number of full-time teachers shall not be less than 10%, the proportion of teachers with professional and technical titles of associate professors and above in the total number of full-time teachers shall not be less than 30%, and the student teacher ratio shall not be higher than 18:1.
  • Teachers' professional background and level requirements
(1) Full time teachers should have the professional education or research background, and generally should have a master's degree or above. Full time teachers should carry out pre job training. Full time teachers of practical courses should have practical work background or practical experience,
(2) Teachers should have noble ethics and professional ethics; Understand the basic knowledge and laws of educational psychology, master the basic theories and methods of education and teaching; Have solid professional basic knowledge and broad international vision, and understand the cutting-edge trends and development trends of the discipline; Have strong teaching, scientific research and knowledge updating ability, and be able to transform scientific research achievements and updated knowledge into teaching content; Have strong ability to guide students in innovation and entrepreneurship; Pay attention to participating in the construction of teaching team. [1]

Device resources

  • information resources
There are a sufficient number of paper and electronic books, periodicals and other resources for economics majors with a full range of types, and a database of electronic resources in Chinese and foreign languages and online video courses that meet the needs of teaching. Teaching information resources are regularly updated every year. In principle, the number of professional books (including paper and electronic books) per student should not be less than 100, and the number of books per student should increase by no less than 4 every year. A special teaching information resource platform or several online open courses in domestic and foreign universities can be built.
  • teaching facilities
Provide sufficient teaching facilities with complete functions. Teaching facilities include classrooms, reading rooms, professional laboratories, practice bases and teacher studios.
The number of classrooms can meet the needs of teaching and students' self-study, and the reading room should ensure enough seats and space. Schools with conditions are encouraged to set up special extracurricular discussion rooms for students.
The professional laboratory shall have complete functions and advanced equipment. The number of computers can meet the experimental teaching needs of at least one natural class, and the teaching software and database resources are sufficient. The laboratory shall establish a systematic and perfect management system and specification to ensure normal operation.
The school should establish a relatively stable off campus practice base with relevant practical departments, and make it an effective platform for long-term cooperation and exchange between the school and relevant practical departments. The number and scale of practice bases can ensure that the proportion of collective practice of each session of students is not less than 10%.
Provide fixed office space and supporting facilities for full-time teachers.
  • Teaching funds
Ensure the investment of professional teaching funds. The use of teaching funds should incline to the front line of teaching and should not be used for non teaching purposes. The minimum guarantee standard of teaching funds shall comply with relevant national regulations, and the increase of teaching funds shall keep pace with the increase of tuition income. [1]

Quality assurance

  • Organizational guarantee
The school should attach great importance to specialty construction, pay full attention to innovation and entrepreneurship education in specialty construction, and ensure the quality of talent training. All teaching units should strengthen teaching organization and management, and effectively give play to the main role of teachers in teaching. We will improve the construction of grass-roots teaching organizations, such as teaching and research sections (curriculum groups) and departments, adhere to collective teaching seminars, and improve the mechanism for old, middle-aged, and young teachers to pass on help and guidance. The school should strengthen the guidance of specialty construction and supervision of teaching quality, and actively carry out teaching observation and research. Small class (less than 50 people) teaching is encouraged, and large class (more than 100 people) teaching is strictly controlled.
  • System guarantee
(1) Establish and improve various systems for teaching management and document management, such as teaching plan, syllabus, teaching schedule, course scheduling and adjustment, textbook selection, performance assessment, examination papers and papers.
(2) Establish and improve the post responsibility system and reward and punishment system for teachers and teaching managers, clarify the responsibility of teachers' innovation and entrepreneurship education, and take it as one of the contents of teachers' professional and technical post evaluation and performance assessment; Provide necessary financial guarantee for the improvement of teachers' level.
(3) Establish and improve the curriculum teaching quality evaluation system, and encourage qualified schools to explore multiple evaluation systems such as student evaluation of teaching, peer evaluation and social evaluation of learning.
(4) Establish and improve student management systems such as student rules, classroom norms and extracurricular practices.
  • Quality monitoring
Schools should establish a teaching quality status data platform, encourage qualified schools to build a real-time teaching quality status information database according to their specialties, regularly publish undergraduate teaching quality reports, and carry out regular and institutionalized quality assessment. Establish and improve the quality assurance system of graduation thesis to ensure the quality of talent cultivation. The quality of innovation and entrepreneurship education should be included in the teaching evaluation index system to measure the level of running a school. Encourage the introduction of third-party evaluation to ensure the effective monitoring of the whole process of teaching quality. [1]

Cultivation mode

  • "2+2+2" talent training mode
This model can be summarized as two types of enrollment models, two major direction modules and two teaching languages. There are two types of enrollment modes, namely, the enrollment of economics majors according to the "trinity" and the enrollment of economics majors according to the "major enrollment and major diversion". The two major direction modules refer to the academic mathematical economics module focusing on strengthening the mathematical analysis ability and the practical economics module focusing on embodying the regional characteristics of provinces and cities, and the corresponding curriculum system has been set as scientifically and reasonably as possible. Two teaching languages, that is, some core courses and professional elective courses implement the hierarchical teaching mode of Chinese and bilingual or all English teaching languages, so as to give students more rights to choose courses and meet the requirements of different students for teaching languages.
Representative school: Ningbo University [6]
  • "2+4" talent training mode
The "2" in this model means that talent cultivation is oriented in two directions, namely, deep postgraduate entrance examination and dual certificate employment. "4" refers to quality, ability, method and atmosphere. Quality and ability are the core of economics talent training. Through methods and means, we can create an open, relaxed, fair and competitive atmosphere.
Representative school: Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics [7]
  • The talent training mode of "knowing doing thinking"
"Knowledge" means knowing, knowing is the subject's understanding, cognition or cognition of things; "Action" means action, which is the activity carried out by the subject to achieve a certain purpose; "Thinking" refers to thinking. Consideration is the thinking activity of analyzing, synthesizing, reasoning and judging one or more objects. The organic unity of knowledge, action and thinking is a complete learning process. The specific connotation of this model is:
(1) Pay attention to the innovation of teaching methods. In the teaching process, we advocate heuristic, exploratory, discussion and participatory teaching to help students learn how to learn, stimulate their enthusiasm for learning, cultivate their hobbies, and make students change from "I want to learn" to "I want to learn".
(2) Pay attention to the combination of in class and out of class. Make full use of extracurricular time, actively develop practical courses and activity courses, stimulate students' enthusiasm for scientific research, cultivate their initiative to participate in social practice, and change students' "learning books" to "practice", so that they can gain true knowledge from the interaction between theory and practice.
(3) Pay attention to the good interaction between teachers and students. Teachers and students form a learning community of "knowing, doing and thinking", promoting each other and learning from each other.
Representative school: Hebei University [8]

Development prospect


Postgraduate Entrance Examination Direction

The relevant postgraduate entrance examination directions of economics undergraduate major are theoretical economics and applied economics. [9]

Employment direction

It mainly includes government agencies, scientific research and higher education institutions, financial institutions such as banks and securities, various industrial and commercial enterprises, Chinese and foreign consulting institutions, etc. [10]

Opening colleges and universities

List of colleges and universities
Peking University
Tsinghua University
Renmin University of China
Capital University of Economics and Business
China Youth Political College
Beijing Technology and Business University
Beijing Material College
China University of Geosciences (Beijing)
Beijing Sport University
North China Electric Power University
Central University of Finance and Economics
China University of Political Science and Law
Beijing Normal University
Central University for Nationalities
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Beijing University of Technology
Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
China Institute of Labor Relations
Beijing University of Information Technology
Tianjin University of Commerce
Tianjin University of Finance and Economics
Tianjin Normal University
Tianjin Polytechnic University
Tianjin Foreign Studies University
Nankai University
Fudan University
New York University, Shanghai
Shanghai Maritime University
Shanghai University of Political Science and Law
Shanghai Normal University
East China University of Political Science and Law
East China Normal University
Shanghai University of International Business and Economics
Shanghai Electric Power University
Shanghai University
East China University of Science and Technology
Shanghai Lixin College of Accounting and Finance
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Shanghai Jiaotong University
Chongqing Three Gorges University
Chongqing University of Technology
Chongqing Gongshang University
Chongqing Normal University
Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Southwest University
Chongqing University
Chongqing University of Humanities and Technology
Chongqing University of Finance and Economics
Hebei University of Technology
Hebei Finance University
Hebei University of Economics and Trade
Hebei Normal University
Hebei Engineering University
Yanshan University
Hebei University
Hebei University of Geosciences
Beihua Institute of Aerospace Technology
Hebei University of Science and Technology
Zhengzhou University
xuchang university
shangqiu normal university
xinyang normal university
Zhengzhou University of Light Industry
North China University of Water Resources and Hydropower
Henan University of Economics and Law
Henan Agricultural University
Henan University of Technology
Henan University of Science and Technology
Henan University
Zhengzhou Institute of Aviation Industry Management
Shangqiu College
Xinyang University
Zhengzhou Shengda Economic and Trade Management College
Zhengzhou University of Science and Technology
Zhengzhou Institute of Industrial Application Technology
Huanghe University of Science and Technology
Shandong Youth Political College
Jining University
Heze University
shandong sports institute
Shandong Business University
Shandong University of Finance and Economics
Shandong Normal University
Qingdao University
China University of Petroleum (East China)
Ocean University of China
ludong university
qufu normal university
Shandong Agricultural University
Jinan University
qingdao technological university
liaocheng university
Shandong University of Technology
Shandong University of Political Science and Law
Shandong University
Qingdao Binhai University
taiyuan normal university
Taiyuan Institute of Technology
Shanxi University of Finance and Economics
Shanxi Normal University
Taiyuan University of Science and Technology
Shanxi University
Business College of Shanxi University
Modern College of Arts and Sciences, Shanxi Normal University
changzhi university
Anhui University
Hefei Polytechnic University
Anhui University of Technology
Anhui Agricultural University
hefei university
Tongling University
Fuyang Normal University
Hefei Normal University
Anhui Jianzhu University
Huaibei normal university
Anhui University of Finance and Economics
Anhui Normal University
ANHUI SANLIAN university
Anhui University of Finance and Economics [12]
yichun university
Jinggangshan University
Nanchang Hangkong University
Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
Jiangxi Normal University
Jiangxi Agricultural University
Nanchang University
Science and Technology College of Nanchang Aviation University
Nanjing University
Southeast University
Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University
Nanjing Audit University
Xuzhou Institute of Engineering
Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications
yangzhou university
Nanjing Normal University
Suzhou University
China Pharmaceutical University
Nanjing University of Finance and Economics
Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics
Zhejiang Media College
Zhejiang Ocean University
Jiaxing University
Zhejiang Gongshang University
Zhejiang University of Technology
Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology
Ningbo University
Zhejiang University
Hangzhou Normal University
Jiaxing Nanhu University
Wenzhou-Kean University
Ningbo Nottingham University
WuHan University
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
Wuhan University of Technology
Hubei University of Science and Technology
Hubei Engineering University
Wuhan University of Engineering
Changjiang University
Hubei University
Central South University for Nationalities
Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
Huazhong Agricultural University
Wuhan Institute of Physical Education
Hubei University of Economics
Hubei Normal University
Hunan University
Hunan Normal University
Hunan Gongshang University
hengyang normal university
Hunan Institute of Engineering
Hunan Agricultural University
Nanhua University
Jishou University
Xiangtan University
Hunan University of Science and Technology
South China Normal University
Jinan University
South China University of Technology
Sun Yat-sen University
Guangzhou University
Southern Medical University
Guangdong Ocean University
South China Agricultural University
Guangdong University of Technology
Shenzhen University
Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education
Guangdong University of Finance and Economics
Guangdong Institute of Finance
hanshan normal university
Guangdong Pharmaceutical University
Guangdong Peizheng College
Guangzhou Xinhua University
Guangzhou Nanfang University
Guangxi University of Finance and Economics
Yulin Normal University
Guangxi University of Science and Technology
Guangxi University
Lijiang College of Guangxi Normal University
Yunnan University
Southwest Forestry University
yunnan normal university
Dali University
Yunnan University for Nationalities
Yunnan University of Finance and Economics
yunnan agricultural university
qujing normal university
Honghe University
Yunnan Industrial and Commercial University
Lijiang College of Culture and Tourism
guiyang university
Kaili University
Guizhou Minzu University
Guizhou University of Finance and Economics
Guizhou Institute of Engineering Application Technology
Qiannan Normal University for Nationalities
Guizhou Normal College
Guizhou Normal University
Xihua University
Sichuan University
Sichuan Agricultural University
Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
Chengdu Sport University
neijiang normal university
Southwest Petroleum University
Sichuan Normal University
Chengdu University of Technology
Southwest University for Nationalities
University of Electronic Science and Technology
Chengdu University of Arts and Sciences
Sichuan University Jinjiang College
Xi'an Jiaotong University
Northwestern University
Shaanxi Normal University
Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University
Northwest University of Political Science and Law
Xi'an University of Finance and Economics
Xi'an International Studies University
Xi'an Technological University
Xi'an University of Technology
Yan'an University
Baoji College of Arts and Sciences
Xianyang Normal University
Shaanxi University of Science and Technology
Weinan Teachers College
Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications
Qinghai University for Nationalities
Qinghai Normal University
qinghai university
Kunlun College of Qinghai University
Northern University for Nationalities
Ningxia University
Harbin Finance University
Mudanjiang Normal College
Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology
Northeast Petroleum University
Harbin University of Commerce
harbin normal university
Harbin University of Science and Technology
Heilongjiang University
Harbin Institute of Technology
Heilongjiang University of Finance and Economics
Jilin University
Jilin Industrial and Commercial University
changchun university
Changchun University of Finance and Economics
Jilin Foreign Studies University
Changchun Guanghua University
Dalian Maritime University
Dalian Nationalities University
Dongbei University of Finance and Economics
Bohai University
Dalian Jiaotong University
Liaoning University of Engineering and Technology
Shenyang Ligong University
Liaoning University
Northeastern University
Shenyang University
Liaoning University of Finance and Trade
Tibet University
Xinjiang University
Shihezi University
Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics
Inner Mongolia
Inner Mongolia University of Finance and Economics
Inner Mongolia University
Inner Mongolia Normal University
Inner Mongolia Agricultural University
Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities
Hainan Normal University
Haikou University of Economics
Xiamen University
Fuzhou University
Fujian Normal University
Fujian Jiangxia University
Minnan Normal University
Quanzhou Normal University
Jimei University
Huaqiao University
Fuzhou Institute of Technology
Minnan Institute of Technology
Yangon University
Lanzhou University
Hexi University
Lanzhou City University
Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics
Longdong University
Northwest Normal University
Gansu Agricultural University
Northwest University for Nationalities
(Source: Window of Chinese Universities; extracted on March 31, 2020) [11]