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Organization size

Management field terms
Organization size is the size of the organization. The so-called organization size refers to a organization The number of people they have and the interaction between them. In a sense, the number of personnel has a decisive impact on the organizational structure. Organization size affects organization Structure of, in organization development The influence of organization size is different at different stages of.
Chinese name
Organization size
It refers to the number of personnel in an organization and the interaction between these personnel
Size of organization
Management field terms


Organizational size/size of the organization

Enterprise comparison

Large scale organizations are interested in enterprise It is necessary because global competition requires a lot of resources and the benefits brought by economies of scale. Large scale company organizations are complex and standardized, so they can complete complex work and produce complex products. However, large-scale organizations often bring about bureaucracy, which leads to the decline of enterprise efficiency. Small scale organizations have better flexibility and can respond quickly to the environment. Therefore, although many super giant companies have emerged from industry mergers in recent years, the average size of the organization is shrinking. Small companies have flat, organic and free flowing management methods to encourage entrepreneurship and innovation.
Small company advantage There will be such a paradox: the advantages of small companies enable them to grow and grow at the same time of success. For this problem, someone put forward the theory of mixing large companies with small companies: that is, combining the resources of large companies with the simple flexibility of small companies by decentralization and reducing hierarchy.

Structural relationship

Organizational scale is an endogenous correlation variable that affects organizational structure and function, just like the commonly discussed correlation factors such as human capital, environment and objectives. For organizations, a large number of resources and economies of scale can bring about increasing returns to scale, so it is necessary for enterprises to maintain a certain scale. Despite the fact that some industries have merged to form giant companies, the average size of organizations is shrinking, not only in the United States, but also in other developed countries. Through the analysis of the relationship between information technology and company size, Malone believes that information technology reduces collaboration costs, which leads to the transformation of enterprises to relatively small-scale companies, reduces hierarchical control, and uses more market mechanisms to coordinate the economic behavior of departments. ".?
From the internal analysis of enterprises, on the one hand, information technology has reduced the costs of organizational collaboration and production, which may retain more production capacity and production levels, and reduce enterprise planning and intervention; On the other hand, enterprises can rely more on common goals and work together with teams. Information technology makes the division of labor no longer important, and the organizational integration of cross functional departments has become the general trend. At the same time, information technology has reduced the cost of market cooperation, such as e-commerce and e-market. Enterprises pay more attention to relying on external resources to develop core products and core competitiveness, expand the production of core products, and increase the level and scale of enterprises. Therefore, under other given conditions, information technology has changed the development trend of vertical scale and horizontal scale of production. The influence of information technology on the production scale of an enterprise is twofold. The selection condition of the company size is that the production cost, organization coordination cost and market coordination cost are the least. The application of Internet technology and e-commerce has largely solved the problem of internal information flow. The information, resources and tasks in the internal business process chain of the company have multi-level ownership and decision-making power. Each team has relative autonomy. They control resource input, cost allocation and planning, It can fully realize the inherent parallel characteristics and advantages of business processes.

management information systems

The organization size is management information systems One of the most important factors in the environment. The scale of the organization determines the goal and scale of the application of management information system. Therefore, in the construction of management information system, it is the primary task of system analysts to determine the scale and goal of the system according to the size of the organization.
Organization size is the size of the organization. Organizations of different sizes have their own characteristics when applying management information systems, and they must carefully analyze before the system is applied. The impact of organization size mainly includes:
In terms of system development investment: small-scale organizations have more restrictions, Risk tolerance Smaller, investment is generally prudent; However, large-scale organizations have more sources of funds, and have a strong ability to bear and digest risks.
In terms of system complexity: small-scale organizations are relatively simple, and the development cycle is generally short. However, due to the constraints of investment capacity, they often sacrifice the performance of the system in exchange for the rapid application of the system; Larger organizations have much higher requirements in terms of system performance and complexity, and the general development cycle is much longer.
It cannot be simply considered that it is easy for a small organization to apply the management information system, while it is difficult for a large organization to apply the management information system. The correct attitude is to consider the size of the organization as an important factor, and combine the actual situation of the organization to develop an advanced and reasonable management information system that meets the needs of the organization.