organization structure

Division, grouping and coordination of work tasks
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Organizational Structure refers to Task How to carry out division of labor, grouping and coordination and cooperation.
Organizational structure indicates the arrangement order of various parts of an organization spatial location , convergence and dispersion state contact information And the relationship between the elements management system The "frame" of the.
The organizational structure refers to the realization of Organizational objectives , division of labor and cooperation in management work structural system
The organizational structure is a dynamic structure system in terms of the incumbency, responsibility and authority of the organization. Its essence is to realize the organization strategic target As a division of labor and cooperation system, the organizational structure must follow the organization's major Strategic adjustment And adjust.
Chinese name
organization structure
Foreign name
Organizational Structure
Corporate technological process work

Design elements

Managers are conducting Organization structure design Six key factors must be correctly considered: Professional work , departmental Command chain Control span , centralization and decentralization, normalization.

Work specialization

At the beginning of the 20th century, Henry Ford (Henry Ford) Automobile production line The richest man in the world is famous all over the world. His approach is to assign specific Repeatability For example, some employees are only responsible for assembling the right front wheel of the car, while others are only responsible for installing the right front wheel front door By dividing the work into smaller, standardized tasks, so that workers can repeatedly perform the same operation, Ford can produce a car every 10 seconds using employees with relatively limited skills.
Ford's experience shows that when employees are engaged in specialized work, their production efficiency Will improve. We use Work specialization (work specialization) Division of labor This kind of vocabulary is used to describe Task The degree of refinement divided into several steps.
The essence of work specialization is that one person does not complete the whole of a job. It is divided into several steps, and each step is done by one person independently. In essence, it is a part of work activities, rather than all activities.
Organizational structure of a company's sales system
In the late 1940s, Industrialized country majority Production field Our work is all accomplished through work specialization. Management believes that this is the most effective use of Employee skills The way. In most organizations, some jobs require highly skilled employees to complete, while others can be done without training. If all employees are involved in every step of the organization's manufacturing process, they are required to have the skills required not only to complete the most complex tasks, but also to complete the simplest tasks. As a result, in addition to engaging in tasks that require higher skills or more complex tasks, employees spend part of their time on completing low skill jobs. because High skill The remuneration of employees is higher than that of low skilled employees, and the salary generally reflects a person's highest skill level. Therefore, it is undoubtedly right to pay high skilled employees high salaries and let them do simple jobs Organizational resources Waste.
Through the implementation of work specialization, management layer It also seeks to improve the organization's operating efficiency Through repetitive work, employees' skills will be improved working process The time required to install and remove tools and equipment will be reduced. Equally important, from the perspective of the organization, the implementation of work specialization is conducive to improving the training efficiency of the organization. It is easier and cheaper to select and train employees engaged in specific and repetitive work. This is especially true for highly sophisticated and complex operations.


Once task subdivision is completed through work specialization, they need to be grouped by category so that common work can be coordinated. The basis of work classification is departmentalization.
The classification of work activities is mainly based on their functions. Manufacturing managers organize their factories by dividing experts in engineering, accounting, manufacturing, personnel, procurement, etc. into common departments. Of course, the division of departments according to functions is applicable to all organizations. Only functional changes can reflect the objectives and activities of the organization. The main functional departments of a hospital may include research department Nursing Department , Finance and Accounting Department, etc; A professional football team may have players Ministry of Personnel , ticket sales department, travel and logistics department, etc. The main advantage of this functional grouping method is that it can improve the work efficiency by bringing experts of the same kind together. Functional departmentalization is achieved by assigning people with similar professional skills and research directions to the same department scale economy
The work task can also be based on the product type Sectoralization, for example, in the sun petroleum products In Sun Petroleum Products, its three major fields (crude oil, lubricating oil and wax products, chemical products) are under the control of a vice president. The vice president is an expert in this field and is responsible for all problems related to his production line. Each vice president has his own production and Marketing Department
The main advantages of this grouping method are: Improve the stability of product performance, because all activities related to a specific product in the company are directed by the same supervisor. If an organization's activities are related to services rather than products, each kind of service activity can be naturally divided.
There is also a departmental approach, which is based on the region Division of departments For example, in terms of marketing work, it can be divided into four regions, namely, east, west, south and north, according to the region. In fact, each region is a department formed around this region. If a company's customers are widely distributed, this departmental approach has its unique value.
Process departmentalization The method is applicable to the production of products and the service of customers. For example, if you go to a state motor vehicle management office Driving license , you must run several departments. In a certain state, three steps must be taken to apply for a driver's license, and each step is in the charge of an independent department: (1) the motor vehicle division responsible for verification; (2) The driver's license department responsible for handling the specific work of driver's license; (3) The finance department responsible for charging.
The last method of departmentalization is to departmentalize according to the type of customers. For example, a sales company office equipment The company can have three departments: Retail services The law firms with relatively large departments, such as the Ministry of Commerce, the Wholesale Service Department, and the Government Service Department, can set up their own departments according to whether they serve companies or individuals.
According to customers; Type Theoretical hypothesis Yes, customers of each department have common problems and requirements, therefore; By configuring relevant experts for them, their needs can be met.
When large-scale organizations are departmental, they may make comprehensive use of the above methods to achieve better results. For example, a large Japanese electronics company organizes its branches according to the type of functions when carrying out departmentalization; according to Production process To organize its manufacturing department; Divide the sales department into 7 regional work units; Each region is divided into 4 customer groups according to their customer types. However, there were two common trends in the 1990s: first, customer based departmentalization was increasingly favored. In order to better grasp the needs of customers and effectively customer need In response to the change, many organizations put more emphasis on the customer based division method.

Command chain

Twenty years ago, the concept of command chain was organization design However, when deciding how to better design the organizational structure, managers still need to consider the meaning of the command chain.
Command chain (chain of command) is an uninterrupted power line that extends from the highest level of the organization to the lowest level to clarify who reports to whom. It can answer such questions raised by employees: "When I have questions, who should I go to?" "Who am I responsible for?"
Before discussing the command chain, we should first discuss two auxiliary concepts: authority and Command uniformity Authority refers to the power inherent in the management position to issue orders and expect them to be executed.
In order to promote collaboration, each management position has its own position in the command chain, and each manager must be granted certain authority to complete his or her own duties and tasks. Command uniformity The principle of unity of command helps to maintain the chain of authority Continuity It means that a person should be directly responsible for one supervisor and only one supervisor. If the unity of the command chain is destroyed, a subordinate may have to deal with the conflict or priority choice between different orders of multiple supervisors.
Times are changing, organization Basic principles of design It is also changing. With the development of computer technology Full authorization The impact of the tide of the command chain, authority, command unity and other concepts have greatly reduced the importance. Business Week 》(Business Week) A recent article has two paragraphs that provide a good example of this change:
On a Wednesday morning in mid March, Charles Cather took a puzzled glance at the company Distribution Centre Inventory report sent. According to the report printed by the computer, Rose Varnish Only three days of supply can be guaranteed, which is far lower than the company's three-and-a-half week inventory requirements.
But Kather knows that the company is located in Missouri Jefferson City Our factory just shipped 346 cases (12 bottles per case) of varnish two days ago. The rose brand varnish must have been snapped up. He opened his computer connected to the production line and input the instructions: produce another 400 cases of varnish on Thursday morning.
This is a small episode in the work schedule of a plan manager, right? But in fact, Kaiser is not a manager. He is just a worker on the production line. His official title is "production line coordinator", and he is one of the hundreds of workers working on the computer network in the company. They have the right to check the delivery of goods and arrange their own Workload And often engaged in the work formerly belonging to the field of managers.
A grass-roots employee can get it in a few seconds Senior management To get the information. Similarly, with the development of computer technology, employees anywhere in the organization can communicate with anyone without formal channels. Moreover, the concept of authority and the maintenance of the command chain are increasingly irrelevant, because decisions that can only be made by the management are delegated to the operating staff to make their own decisions. In addition, along with Self management team , multifunctional teams, and new models with multiple bosses organization design With the prevalence of ideas, the concept of command unity is becoming more and more irrelevant. Of course, many organizations still believe that strengthening the command chain can productivity It is the highest, but there are fewer and fewer such organizations.

Control span

How many subordinates can a supervisor effectively guide? This is related Control span The issue of span of control is very important, because to a large extent, it determines how many levels and managers an organization should set up. When other conditions are the same, the wider the control span is, Organizational efficiency The higher, this can be illustrated.
Suppose there are two organizations, with 4096 grass-roots operators. If one control span is 4 and the other is 8, the organization with a wide control span has two fewer levels of management than the organization with a narrow control span, and about 800 fewer managers can be allocated. If the average annual salary of each manager is $40000, an organization with wide control span can save $32 million on the salary of managers every year. Obviously, in terms of cost, organizations with a wide control span are more efficient. However, in some aspects, a wide span may reduce the Effectiveness In other words, if the control span is too wide, the performance of employees will be adversely affected because the supervisor does not have enough time to provide necessary leadership and support for subordinates.
The narrow control span also has its advantages. If the control span is kept at 5-6 people, managers can exercise strict control over employees. However, the narrow control span has three main disadvantages: First, as pointed out by S above, the management level will increase accordingly, administration cost Will increase greatly. Second, make the organizational Vertical communication More complex. The increase of management level will also slow down Decision speed And make senior managers tend to be isolated. Third, too narrow control span is likely to lead to too strict supervision of subordinates and hinder their Autonomy
The trend is to widen the control span. For example, in General Electric Company And Renault Metal company In such a large company, the control span has reached 10 to 12 people, twice that of 15 years ago. Tom Smith is a regional manager of Carboline Co., directly responsible for 27 people. If 20 years ago, there were only 12 subordinates in his position.
Widen the control span and work with various companies cost reduction General reduction of enterprises Administrative expenses , Acceleration decision-making process The trend of increasing flexibility, shortening the distance with customers, and delegating to subordinates is consistent. However, in order to avoid causing Employee performance Reduced, companies have greatly strengthened Staff training And investment. Managers have realized that when their subordinates fully understand their work or can get help from colleagues in case of problems, they can control problems with a wide range of control.

Centralization and decentralization

In some organizations, Senior managers Make all decisions, and the lower level managers only implement the instructions of the senior managers. The other extreme case is that the organization Decision making power Down to the top Grass roots management personnel Hands. The former is a highly centralized organization, while the latter is highly decentralized.
Centralization( centralization )It refers to the degree to which decision-making power in an organization is concentrated. This concept only includes formal authority, that is, the power inherent in a position. Generally speaking, if the top management of the organization does not consider or seldom considers Grass roots personnel The organization is highly centralized if its main issues are determined by the opinions of. On the contrary, the higher the participation of grass-roots personnel, or they can make decisions independently, and the decentralization of the organization( decentralization )The higher the degree.
Centralized and decentralized organizations are different in nature. In a decentralized organization, the speed of taking action and solving problems is faster, and more people provide suggestions for decision-making. Therefore, employees have little or no separation from those who can affect their work and life.
The main tasks that must be formulated by the enterprise strategic decision It is related to the degree of centralization or decentralization of its structure. This usually depends on the special industry, environment and technology adopted by the enterprise.
The advantages of centralized organization mainly include the following aspects:
First, it is easy to coordinate the decision-making among various functions;
The second is to standardize the form of the reporting line, such as the use of management accounts;
Third, it can reach an agreement with the enterprise's goals;
Fourth, be able to make quick decisions in critical situations;
Fifth, it helps to realize economies of scale;
Sixth, this structure is more suitable for enterprises closely monitored by external institutions (such as professional non-profit enterprises), because all decisions can be coordinated.
At the same time, the disadvantages of centralized organization are also prominent, mainly in the following aspects: first, the senior management may not pay attention to the different requirements of individual departments; Second, the decision-making time is too long because it needs to be reported up through all levels of centralized functions; Third, for managers at lower levels, their career development is limited.
The trend of decentralized decision-making is more prominent, which is different from Management thought Is consistent. In large companies, grass-roots managers are closer to the actual production and have a more detailed understanding of relevant issues than senior managers. So, like Sears Large retail companies such as J. C. Penny have given their store managers greater decision-making power in the selection of inventory goods. This allows their stores to compete more effectively with local stores. Similarly, Bank of Montreal Put it in Canada 1164 branches of the Bank are grouped into 236 communities, that is, a group of branches in a limited area. Each community has a manager who can freely patrol between the branches under his jurisdiction. The longest distance between the branches is no more than 20 minutes. He responded to the problems in his jurisdiction much faster than Corporate Headquarters It will also be handled in a more appropriate way. IBM Renato Rivosso, the European director of Continental Europe 20% of the company is divided into 200 independent business units, each of which has its own profit goals Employee incentive Methods and key customers. "We used to be used to top-down management, just like in the army," Rivasseau said. "We tried to make our employees learn Self management 。”


Normalization( formalization )It refers to the degree to which work in the organization is standardized. If a job is highly formalized, it means that the person doing the job job content working hours . The means of work is not very big Autonomy People always expect employees to work in the same way to ensure stable and consistent output results. In highly formal organizations, there are clear Statement of Work , with complicated organization Rules and regulations There are detailed regulations on the working process. For the work with a low degree of formality, the executor and schedule are relatively less rigid, and employees' handling of their own work right to license It is relatively wide. As the individual permission is inversely proportional to the organization's regulations on employee behavior, the higher the degree of work standardization, the less power employees have to decide their own work style. Work standardization not only reduces the possibility for employees to choose work behavior, but also makes employees not need to consider other behavior choices.
The degree of formalization varies greatly between organizations or among different jobs within organizations. One extreme case is that it is well known that some jobs, such as universities, have a low degree of normalization bookseller (The publisher agent who sells the company's new books to university professors) has a relatively large right to work freely, and their marketing language does not require uniform standards. In terms of behavioral constraints, it is just to submit a sales report once a week and make suggestions on the publication of new books. The other extreme situation is those who are in the same publishing company's staff and editorial positions. They must go to work on time at 8:00 a.m., otherwise they will be deducted from half an hour's wages. Moreover, they must abide by a series of detailed rules and regulations formulated by the management.

Four structures

The organizational structure is generally divided into: Functional structure hierarchical structure Departmental structure And authority structure.
1. Functional structure: It refers to the realization of Organizational objectives The required business work, proportion and relationship. The dimensions of its consideration include function overlapping, function redundancy, function missing, function separation (or insufficient connection), function decentralization, function division too fine, function dislocation, function weakening, etc.
2. Hierarchy: It refers to the composition of management levels and the number of people managed by managers (vertical structure). Its dimensions include: Similarity Management range Scope of authorization, complexity of decision-making, workload of guidance and control, and similarity of division of work of subordinate specialties.
3. Department structure: It refers to the composition of each management department (horizontal structure). The main dimension of consideration is whether some key departments are missing or optimized. Analyze the overall organization form and the primary and secondary structure of each department.
4. Authority structure: It refers to the division of labor and mutual relationship among all levels and departments in terms of power and responsibility. It mainly considers whether the power and responsibility relationship between departments and posts is equal.

optimization method

When optimizing the organizational structure of an enterprise, we usually divide it into three parts. adopt Enterprise organization structure The optimization of construction will ultimately achieve the scientific and systematic Management thinking mode
First, we should take the stable transition or existence of the organization as the premise: Stable current operation Production management Activities; The established organization has a certain period of stability; Can smoothly transition the old organization to the new organization; Personnel's Post adjustment Can smoothly and smoothly transition to new departments and posts; not suited to Employees in the original position can leave the company smoothly, and will not bring negative effect It will not take away people because of the resignation of individual people, which will lead to the ideological change of employees who have no confidence in the enterprise. The stability depends on whether the establishment of the department in the process of optimization and adjustment has achieved "three adaptations":
adapt: Adaptability Enterprise development Needs and management science Basic requirements of. The size of the enterprise Enterprise products Of Market share Whether there is an internal demand for adjustment is generally indicated by: although Enterprise scale Expansion and personnel increase, but the speed of enterprise efficiency improvement does not match uncoordinated . The prevarication often occurs, and the internal coordination work often needs to be coordinated by the superior leaders. The original departments and posts cannot meet the needs of the development and survival of the enterprise, division manager The staff on the post obviously feel that they do not know why or who they are working for, and they turn a blind eye to numbness, inaction, passivity or positive behavior.
Timely: Whether it is time for enterprises to achieve better results without adjustment; Whether it is adjusted or optimized at the right time; Whether in the appropriate Lead time (Compared with enterprise management level, personnel mentality quality of personnel Etc.); Whether the original normal operation and production order of the enterprise will be disrupted for a long time due to institutional adjustment; Whether it can help enterprises step on a new starting line in the future development; Whether it can promote rapid improvement operating performance Management level; Whether it has the effect of "back half step, further or two steps", etc.
Competence: Whether there are appropriate personnel or institutions to optimize and adjust; Whether the talents that can be used by the company can be widely found; Whether the role of existing talents can be maximized; Whether to tap the potential of existing talents. Whether it can introduce the talents urgently needed by the enterprise, and in short, whether it can use human resources reasonably to the maximum extent.
Second, the division of labor should be clear to facilitate assessment and coordination. Improve the uncoordinated organizational relationship on the existing basis, prevent and avoid the friction relationship that may exist in the future. The performance result of optimization should be that the functions of departments are clear, the rights and responsibilities are in place, the evaluation and assessment can be carried out, the management contact between departments, the coordination of work procedures, and the company's management system Can be effectively implemented.
Third, the setting of departments and posts should be combined with the cultivation of talents and the provision of good development space. When optimizing and adjusting departments and posts, both existing personnel and personnel should be considered comprehensively; Human relations departments or posts shall not be set up to take care of human relations; At the same time, it is also necessary to comprehensively consider the conduct of the existing personnel, the ability and potential required for the development of the enterprise, and consciously combine the department, post and talent training on the premise of ensuring the conduct and having low risk training value. The concept of "enterprise is the platform for personal development" is reflected through the employment of specific employees in the department or post.

Three contents

enterprise organizational structure It includes three aspects:
Setting of units, departments and positions
business organization The setting of units, departments and posts is not to divide an enterprise organization into several parts. Instead, as an organization serving a specific goal, an enterprise must be composed of several corresponding parts, just like a person needs feet to walk. It is not divided from whole to part, but the whole must have different parts in order to achieve specific goals. This relationship cannot be inverted.
Definition of responsibilities and powers of each unit, department and post
This is the definition of the target function of each part. If a certain component does not play an indispensable role in the target function, it will shrink and disappear like a human tail. This definition is a kind of division of labor, but it is a kind of Organism Internal division of labor. The mouth can be used for eating or breathing.
Definition of the relationship among units, departments and job roles
This is to define how the various parts coordinate, cooperate, supplement and replace each other when they play a role.
These three problems are closely linked. While solving the first problem, the last two problems have actually been solved. However, as a major task, the three have a relationship of mutual acceptance. We need to carry out normative analysis The focus is on the first question, and the latter two questions are the further development of the first question.
Requirements of enterprise organizational structure design specification
For this problem, if there is no analysis tool for the organizational structure design specification, it will fall into the situation of different opinions. We say Enterprise organizational structure Standardized design, that is, to achieve internal system function Complete, reasonable allocation of subsystem functions, matching of system functional departments and post responsibilities Management span Four reasonable standards.
Four key adjustments
In specific Organizational structure adjustment Four priorities should be considered:
1. Business development;
3. Resources Utilization
4. Manage operational efficiency.

Institutional form


Straight-line system

Straight-line system It is the earliest and simplest form of organization. It is characterized by enterprises at all levels Administrative unit Implement from top to bottom Vertical leadership The subordinate departments only accept the instructions of one superior, and the responsible persons at all levels are responsible for all problems of the subordinate units. factory headquarters No additional functional organization (functional personnel can be set to assist the supervisor) management functions Basically Executive Director Perform it yourself. Straight line organizational structure Its advantages are simple structure, clear responsibility and unified command. The disadvantage is that it requires the administrator to know a variety of knowledge and skills and handle various businesses personally. In the case of complex business and large enterprise scale, it is obviously not competent to concentrate all management functions on the top manager. Therefore, the straight-line system is only applicable to small scale, Production technology Simple enterprises Operation management Complex enterprises are not suitable.

Functional system

Functional organizational structure In addition to the person in charge, administrative units at all levels also set up some functional organizations accordingly. If functional organizations and personnel are set up under the factory director, assist the factory director in Functional management Work. This structure requires the administrative director to hand over the corresponding management responsibilities and powers to the relevant functional organizations, and each functional organization has the right to scope of business Give orders to lower administrative units. Therefore, in addition to accepting the command of the superior administrative director, the lower level administrative responsible person must also accept the leadership of the superior functional organizations.
Functional system Its advantage is that it can adapt to the characteristics of modern industrial enterprises with complex production technology and fine management; Capable of giving full play to functional organizations Professional management It can reduce the workload of line leaders, but it also has obvious disadvantages: it hinders the necessary centralized leadership and unified command Multi leader Not conducive to the establishment and improvement of administrative heads and functional departments at all levels responsibility system In the middle management level, there is often the phenomenon of everyone grabbing and pushing; In addition, in the superior Executive leadership In case of conflict with the guidance and order of the functional organization, the lower level will not know what to do, which will affect the normal progress of the work and easily lead to loose discipline and confusion in production management. Due to the obvious defects of this organizational structure, modern enterprises generally do not adopt the functional system.

Line function

Linear functional system, also called production area system, or Straight line staff system It is based on the straight-line system and the functional system, learning from each other and absorbing the advantages of these two forms. Most of our enterprises adopt this organizational structure. This organizational structure is to Enterprise management organization And personnel are divided into two categories, one is straight line Leading organization And personnel, exercise command over organizations at all levels in accordance with the principle of unified order; The other is the functional organization and personnel, who are engaged in the management of various functions of the organization according to the principle of specialization. Line leading organizations and personnel have certain decision-making power and command power over their subordinates within their own scope of responsibility, and take full responsibility for the work of their own departments. The functional organizations and personnel are the staff officers of the line commanders. They cannot give orders to the direct departments, but can only give business guidance.
The advantages of the straight-line functional system are: Enterprise management system Under the leadership of administrative heads at all levels, the role of professional management organizations can be fully played. Its disadvantages are: the coordination and cooperation between functional departments is poor, and many work of functional departments can only be handled after reporting directly to the top leaders for instructions, which on the one hand increases the workload of the top leaders; On the other hand, it also leads to low efficiency. In order to overcome these shortcomings, various comprehensive committees can be set up or various Conference system To coordinate all aspects of work, play a communication role, and help senior leaders make suggestions.

Division system

Division system The United States General Motors President Sloan put forward it in 1924, so it is called "Sloan model", also called "federal decentralization", which is a kind of decentralization under high (level) centralization management system It is applicable to large enterprises with large scale, various varieties and complex technology, and it is the largest foreign enterprise Associates Some large enterprise groups or companies in China have also introduced this organizational structure. Division system is Hierarchical management Hierarchical accounting, a form of self financing, that is, a company is divided into several business divisions by region or product category, from product design, raw material procurement, cost accounting, product manufacturing to Product sales , the Business Division and its affiliated factories are responsible for implementing Separate accounting , independent operation, Corporate Headquarters Only personnel decisions are retained, budget control And supervise the power, and control the Division through profit and other indicators. Some business units are only responsible for commanding and organizing production, not for purchasing and sales, and separate production from supply and marketing. However, such business units are being replaced by product business units. Others are divided by region.

Simulation decentralization

This is a kind of Linear function system And business division system.
Many large enterprises, such as continuous production Due to the variety of products or Production process Due to process constraints, it is difficult to break down into several independent business divisions. And because of the large scale of the enterprise, senior managers feel that other Histomorphology It is not easy to manage, and then it appears Simulate decentralized organizational structure Form. The so-called simulation is to simulate the independent operation of the business division system, accounting separately, rather than the real business division, which is actually one by one“ Production unit ”。 These production units have their own functional organizations, enjoy as much autonomy as possible, and are responsible for "simulated" profits and losses in order to mobilize their Production and operation Enthusiasm, so as to improve the production, operation and management of enterprises. It should be pointed out that due to the continuity of production, it is difficult for each production unit to completely separate them petrochemical industry For example, the "products" produced by unit A directly become the raw materials of unit B, which does not need to stop and transfer. Therefore, the economic accounting between them can only be based on the internal price of the enterprise, not market price That is to say, these production units do not have their own independent external market, which is also the difference with the Division.
Simulation decentralization In addition to arousing the enthusiasm of all production units, the advantage of the enterprise is to solve the problem that the enterprise is too large and difficult to manage. The top management has allocated some power to the production unit, reducing their own Administrative affairs To focus on Strategic issues Come up. Its disadvantage is that it is not easy to define the task for the simulated production unit, resulting in difficulties in assessment; It is difficult for leaders of production units to understand the overall picture of the enterprise Information communication And decision-making power.

Matrix system

In terms of organizational structure, the existing vertical Leadership system , and horizontal division by product (project) Leadership The structure of, called Matrix Organization Structure
Matrix system The organization is to improve the line function system Horizontal connection Poor, Lack of elasticity A form of organization formed by the shortcomings of. It is characterized by the establishment of a special organization with cross functional departments around a specific task, such as forming a special product (project) team to engage in new product development The relevant departments will send people to participate in the work at different stages of research, design, test and manufacturing, trying to Strip and block combination To coordinate the activities of relevant departments and ensure the completion of tasks.
Matrix structure Its advantages are: flexible, flexible, and can be organized or disbanded with the development and completion of the project; Because this structure is based on project organization Yes, the task is clear, the purpose is clear, and people with expertise in all aspects are prepared. Therefore, in the new working group, they can communicate and integrate, link their own work with the overall work, and make suggestions to overcome difficulties and solve problems trust Sense of honor , which increased their sense of responsibility, stimulated their enthusiasm for work and promoted the realization of the project; It also strengthened the cooperation between different departments and Information exchange , overcome Line function structure The phenomenon that various departments are disconnected from each other.
The disadvantage of the matrix structure is that the responsibility of the project leader is greater than the power, because the personnel participating in the project are from different departments, Subordination It is still in the original unit, just for "battle", so the project leader has difficulty in managing them, and there is not enough incentive and punishment means. This dual management of personnel is the congenital defect of the matrix structure; Since the project members come from various functional departments and still have to return to the original unit after the task is completed, it is easy to have temporary ideas and have a certain impact on the work.
The matrix structure is applicable to some major research projects. It can be used by enterprises to complete a wide range of temporary and complex major projects Project Or management reform tasks. It is especially suitable for units focusing on development and experiment, such as scientific research , especially applied research Units, etc.


The committee is a special type of organizational structure. It is an organizational form that performs certain management functions and is characterized by collective activities. In practice, the committee is often combined with the above organizational structure to make decisions, consult, cooperate and Coordination role
① Can brainstorm; ② It is conducive to collective deliberation and judgment; ③ Prevent excessive concentration of power; ④ Facilitate communication and coordination; ⑤ Be able to represent Collective interests , easy to win the trust of the masses; ⑥ Promote the growth of management personnel.
Decentralization of responsibilities ;② Negotiate without decision; ③ High decision-making cost; ④ Minority autocracy, etc.

Multidimensional solid

This organizational structure is based on the business division system and Matrix organizational structure The organic combination of. It is mainly used for a variety of products and cross regional business organizations.
advantage: For many product production organizations, they are divided by specialty, product and region; The management structure is clear and easy to organize and manage.
Disadvantages: The organization is huge, management costs increase, and information communication is difficult.

Basic configuration

The five organizational structure configurations proposed by Mintzberg are entrepreneurial structure and machine Bureaucratic structure , professional bureaucratic structure Structure of Business Unit And special structure. Each structure configuration is described below. The following table summarizes the results of the strategy implementation Specific organizational characteristics related to the appropriate configuration.
Entrepreneurial structure
Machine bureaucracy
Professional bureaucracy
Structure of Business Unit
Special structure
Strategy and objectives
Development and survival
Defense and efficiency
Analysis, effectiveness
Business Division, profit
Exploration and innovation
Age and size
Young and small
Old and old
Old and very old
Machine but not automated
Separable, like machine bureaucracy
Very complex, often automated
Environmental Science
Simple and dynamic, sometimes hostile
Simple and stable
Complex and stable
Quite simple and stable in various markets
Complex and dynamic
hardly any
quite a lot
hardly any
Within the Business Unit
hardly any
Function or product
Product, comprehensive
Functions and products
Direct supervision
Vertical alliance
Horizontal alliance
Headquarters staff
Bidirectional adjustment
Group and bureaucratic
Market and bureaucratic
hardly any
There are many operation control personnel in the headquarters
hardly any
Administrative staff
hardly any
Many professionals
Headquarter and business department
There are many but within the project team
Key parts of the organization
top management
Production core
Center management
Supporters and technical core

Organization type characteristics


Entrepreneurial structure

Organizations with entrepreneurial structures are often Organizational life cycle The first stage is a new small company. The organization takes the machine as the core and is composed of the general manager and workers. This structure requires only a few support staff. There is no need for specialization and standardization, and coordination and control come from the upper level. The founder of the company has the power to create corporate culture There are no standardized work procedures, and almost no employees Decision power This kind of organization is suitable for dynamic environment. It can adjust quickly and compete successfully with larger and maladaptive organizations. It must be adaptable to build markets. However, such organizations have no strength and are vulnerable to sudden changes. Unless it has adaptability , otherwise it will fail.

Machine bureaucracy

machine Bureaucratic structure It's about Bureaucracy The organization is large and the technology has been standardized, often for large-scale production. The degree of specialization and standardization is strong, and the key decisions come from the top. Because this organization is not good at adjustment, its environment is simple and stable. The machine bureaucracy has a lot of technology and Administrative staff Technicians include engineers market research Personnel financial analysis Personnel and system analysts use them to check other parts of the organization, and to program and standardize them. Technicians are the dominant group within the organization. Machine bureaucratic structures are often criticized for lack of management of lower level employees, lack of innovation, weak culture and scattered work force, but they are suitable for large, stable environment and efficiency goals.

Professional bureaucracy

The obvious feature of professional bureaucratic structure is that the core of production is composed of professionals, such as hospitals, universities and consulting companies.
Although the organization is bureaucratic, the production core personnel have Autonomy Long term training and experience have promoted the organization of this structure to form a collective management and distinct culture, thus reducing the need for bureaucratic management structure. These organizations often provide services rather than tangible products, and they exist in complex environments. Most of the organization's strength lies in the professionals in the production core. The technical community is small or non-existent, but a large number of Administrative personnel To handle the daily affairs of the organization.

Structure of Business Unit

Structure of Business Unit Its organization is very large, and it is often divided into several business divisions according to the product or market. There are almost no contact measures between the business units to coordinate, and the business units emphasize market control through profit and loss reports. The division form of the business division can be quite standardized, because the technology is often rule-based.
Although the whole organization needs to serve various markets, the environment of any business unit is simple and stable. Each business unit is independent to a certain extent and has its own culture. There is decentralization within the Division, and headquarters personnel will retain some functions, such as planning and research.

Special structure

The special structure is designed to Dynamic environment Proposed for survival. The technology is complex, such as aerospace and electronics industry The age of special structural organizations is like young or middle-aged people, and their scale is quite large, but they need to adapt. The structure established on the basis of the team has many horizontal unions and authorized employees. Technical personnel and key production personnel are responsible for production factors Have power. The organization is detailed Division of labor , but not rigidly adhere to the form. The staff are highly professional, Cultural values Distinctive, emphasizing group control. Through decentralization, people at any level can Participation in decision-making In terms of structure, power relationship and environment, special structure is almost the opposite of machine bureaucracy.
The key points of the five structural configurations are Top management Be able to design an organization that can coordinate and match key elements. For example, the machine bureaucratic structure is suitable for the strategy of striving for high efficiency in a stable environment; But in a hostile and dynamic environment, it is a mistake to adopt a machine bureaucracy. Managers can implement the strategy by designing the correct structural configuration suitable for their environment.

organizational structure

1、 Measure the company's organizational structure What is the situation? Let's see where each department of the company is.
2、 The lack of functions is the starting point for considering the macro organizational structure, which is derived from the enterprise's strategy, macro processes and organizational structure. Many enterprises need human resources to participate in the change.
Any organizational structure should reflect the reporting relationship. It should reflect that each box is a position, not a department. One is to clearly reflect the relationship between posts, the other is to reflect how posts and posts are combined and how teams are formed; Third, it is necessary to see the general hierarchical relationship on the diagram, which is divided into several levels. Many people despise such an organizational structure.
Functional organization structure
The most common is the functional or functional organizational structure team building Easiest to receive. In such an architecture, a winner is a person who needs expertise, who has a deep understanding of his own work and can do what he does very well. Actually, this is Post design The significance of making employees have better work efficiency
However, this organizational structure puts more emphasis on individuals doing personal things. The disadvantage is that there are too many levels.
Product or service oriented organizational structure (business division style)
The business unit style architecture is very fashionable, which is usually divided according to products, customers and markets. The so-called product refers to, for example, an enterprise produces both automobiles and aircraft, and different products have different organizational structures.
Focus on customers or regions
According to customers, such as B-B, B or C of B-C is divided according to customers. Key customers Or public customers, customers are enterprise customers, and their sales market is done by a group of personnel; If it is an individual user, another group of personnel will do it. If the enterprise Customer segmentation Adult schools, public institutions, government agencies, etc., have different customer groups and practices. It is popular to follow the market practice, because great attention is paid to customer service Customer satisfaction This organizational structure can best meet the needs of customers. Each customer has one Account Manager , can work according to customer needs.
operation flow Team organization structure
It is seldom used. From solutions to customer service, production and logistics, it is completed step by step according to the process of each customer.
Matrix organizational structure
Basic problem of organization: management structure
Management level
Whether the number of management levels is large or small. How many levels does it take from CEO to UNE? Four or eight? Do you want to set up a deputy manager? Flatter Organization Question.
Control span
Number of direct reports; Narrow and wide control spans.
technological process Concentration
The concentration degree of the enterprise's main decision-making, control power and authority.

design code

Standard method of enterprise organizational structure design - objectives Function tree System analysis model
1. How to solve the four aspects of standardization of organizational structure design?
Specialized in exploring and solving organizational structure design scientific method , few people have explored, and there is no literature in books and periodicals. In this case, the discussion on the standardization of organizational structure design only becomes a statement of the subjective preference of the discussant on the organizational structure.
It is not simple here to say whether it is standard or not value judgment Instead of judging what is good and what is bad by one's own subjective preference, one should grasp the nature of the regulated object itself, and use the internal logical connection and development law of the regulated object itself to define norms. That is to say, instead of imposing something on the object to be standardized from the outside, the object to be standardized should operate and develop according to its proper form and law. Only in this way can we Standardized management This work should be improved enterprise value The purpose of. Standardized management of enterprises must be based on the promotion of enterprise value—— Management efficiency and Management benefits The improvement is fully reflected. When exploring the problem of standardized management of enterprises, we have repeatedly stressed the need to seek a scientific method. The most fundamental point is how to solve the efficiency and efficiency of management.
2. What is the scientific method to standardize the design of enterprise organizational structure?
Before answering this question, we must first understand what the enterprise organization itself is.
As previously analyzed, enterprise organization is an organic system, an organic system existing in a larger system, and its internal can be subdivided into many subsystems. The enterprise organization, as a human social organization , which itself has Purposiveness That is to say, its existence serves the specific purpose of people, and it is created by people to achieve the specific purpose. Enterprise organization is different from natural existence. It is created by people and must serve the will and purpose of the people who created it. In this sense, it can be said that it is a tool created by people themselves to achieve a specific purpose.
The enterprise is created by people Instrumentality The purpose and goal of the social organization is obvious, and its internal structure must serve this specific purpose and goal, which is also obvious. Its purposeful and functional characteristics provide clues for us to find scientific methods to regulate it. This method is related to its goal Functional characteristics Directly corresponding target function tree system analysis model.
The so-called target function tree system analysis model is a systematic analysis of the target function structure of the analysis object itself to analyze and determine the internal structure and development and operation rules of the analysis object.
The existence created by human beings has a common feature, that is, they have a multi-level structure of goals and functions. The existence of landscape vegetation itself has no purpose, and it is impossible to distinguish the hierarchical structure of goals and functions within it. Vegetation itself has no will. When it is selected as a special tool to achieve a specific purpose, people endow it with a specific purpose. Its function is to realize this purpose. When this natural existence is selected as a specific tool of man, it is no longer a natural existence in the complete sense, but a means and tool injected into the will and goal of man. The goal here is actually a human goal, and its function is its function and nature relative to this goal.
The goal and function are not diametrically opposed, but interdependent. Relative to the function, the goal becomes the goal. The function function becomes a function only when it is relative to a certain goal. Breathing is the function of the lung, but it has this function only relative to the animals that need to breathe. A need is a specific purpose or goal. And the definition of goals and functions is also relative, in a complex System structure In, goals and functions exist at multiple levels. In order to achieve certain goals, there must be corresponding functions; In order to ensure the normal functioning of certain functions, a series of small functions must be provided. The function of the upper level is relative to the function of the lower level, which becomes the goal.
Through this target function tree analysis, it is very convenient and effective to clarify the hierarchical structure within the system. As far as the enterprise organization is concerned, by using the target function tree system analysis model to analyze it, it can accurately provide a framework tool for the design of enterprise organizational structure. This kind of analysis not only helps us to determine the goals to be achieved in different periods of time, but also helps us to choose to achieve them layer by layer Enterprise objectives The specific measures that must be taken.
Analyzing the enterprise system, the goal of the enterprise is to make money. How do enterprises make money? How can I make money? After a little analysis, it will be found that the enterprise system is composed of information( information flow )Organization (flow of people), marketing (logistics), finance( Capital flow )It is composed of four systems. This is the analysis on the target function of the first level. If further subdivision is needed, 61 small subsystems can be obtained by entering the third and fourth levels of analysis on the relationship between target functions. The system formed by the "four streams" of the enterprise is analyzed separately below to clarify its internal structure and the goals of its subsystems at all levels

Normative implementation

The standard of organizational structure and the method that must be used to standardize the organizational structure - target function tree system analysis model have been analyzed previously. But how to implement the standardization of organizational structure is analyzed here.
The first step is to select the basic mode to determine the organizational structure. This step requires that a typical organization model should be selected and determined according to the actual situation of the enterprise as the basic model of the enterprise's organizational structure. In the practice of contemporary enterprises Linear functional type and Matrix structure More common, and more and more enterprises choose to increase the corresponding characteristics of the elastic model to supplement its Basic mode Limitations of.
The second step is to analyze and determine the responsibilities System objectives The workload of the function. This step requires to analyze and determine the workload of the target function of each subsystem within the enterprise according to the target function tree system analysis model. There are two variables to consider: first, the size of the enterprise; Second, the enterprise's Industry nature
The third step is to determine the functional departments. This step is determined according to the workload of each subsystem in the enterprise and the relationship between different subsystems Enterprise functions administrative department. Namely Association Combined with the objective function of independent subsystems with small workload, a functional management department as the main undertaking unit is responsible for the coordination and summary of the objective function of the combined subsystems. Assign the target function of the subsystem of the check and balance relationship to different units, departments or posts Role assumption
The fourth step is to balance the workload. This step requires a general balance of the workload of the proposed units and departments. Because units and departments with too much workload often have too large management span, and units and departments with too small workload often have too small management span. Therefore, the management span needs to be rationalized through workload balance between units and departments. Here, we should pay attention to the following points: for subsystems with checks and balances, we should avoid dividing their target functions into the same unit, that is, we should give priority to ensuring that the target functions of the subsystems with checks and balances are borne separately.
Step 5: establish the setting of subordinate counterpart units, departments or positions. If the scale of subsidiaries, independent companies and branches of the enterprise is still relatively large, and the superior functional management department cannot fully undertake the work coordination and summary of the target functions of its corresponding subsystems, it is necessary to set up corresponding functional departments or specialist positions at this level.
Step 6: Draw Organization Chart This step of work requires that the relationship between the units, departments and positions of the entire enterprise and the corresponding work of the target function of the subsystem undertaken be visualized.
The seventh step is to draw up enterprise system analysis documents. This step is to establish norms for the enterprise organizational structure. The enterprise system analysis document specifically describes the target function of each subsystem within the enterprise, which units, departments or positions should be specifically responsible for, and what they should be responsible for, and defines the responsibilities and powers.
Step 8: Write according to the enterprise system analysis file Organization Description This step is to analyze and define the details of each unit, department organization and position on the basis of the organization chart operating duty , rights enjoyed information transfer Route, resource flow route, etc.
Step 9: Propose the unit, department and position Working standards Clearly define the work responsibilities, work objectives and work requirements of each unit, department and post.
Step 10: according to the enterprise system analysis documents, organization instructions and the work standards of units, departments and posts job analysis And write a statement of work. In addition to defining the above contents, it is also necessary to clearly define the conditions and qualifications for holding a post.
The eleventh step is to summarize and discuss the above documents, and formally issue them after they are approved. The organizational structure adjustment and transformation work is completed.

Diagnostic dimension

When systematically reviewing the organizational structure of an enterprise, we often start from the following four dimensions: business structure, functional structure, hierarchical structure, and authority structure.
When an organization has multiple businesses, we examine the division structure of each business and the allocation of organizational resources. In terms of individual business, we start from operation flow Start by examining whether the settings of the organization department are sufficient to cover the business process without overlapping. According to Robbins' research on organizations, Business Department There are several ways to divide, each of which has different advantages and disadvantages, which can be flexibly mastered in actual operation.
1. Dividing departments by products
Advantages: conducive to product improvement and intra department coordination Disadvantages: departmental tendency (departmentalism), high management costs (institutional overlap)
Applicable: large scale, many products and large differences between products.
2. By region: Concentrate the business of a certain region on a certain department.
Cause: traffic inconvenience and information communication difficulty caused by geographical dispersion. Advantage: strong pertinence environmental change Rapid response. Disadvantages: difficult coordination with headquarters (difficult to control)
3. By customer: The premise is that the specific customers served by each department have common needs and a sufficient number. For example, the sales of an office supplies company: retail department Wholesale Department Ministry of Government.
4. Comprehensive standards: Often several in practice Division method Combine
In this dimension, we examine two issues. One is whether there is overlap or lack of functions, especially what the organization needs Key functions Whether it has. Second, whether the functional departments are clearly positioned and have a clear mission.
Including organizational Management level And management range.
The management level follows Organization size It is closely related to the scale and management range. Management range refers to the number of subordinates under the direct and effective control of a supervisor. Management range and level It is inversely proportional. Generally, we think it is appropriate to manage 3-20 direct reports. Among them, senior management 3 -10 Subordinates; middle managers Manage 6-15 subordinates; Grass roots managers It is reasonable, but not absolute, to manage 15-20 subordinates. The following factors will also affect the management range: the quality and ability of managers, the quality and ability of subordinates, work similarity, stability of wage environment, planned Degree of perfection , authorization, personnel space distribution, assistant allocation, etc.
It refers to the division of labor and mutual relationship among various departments and levels in terms of rights and responsibilities. According to Robbins' understanding, there are three types of authority:
one Straight line authority : command and command relationship between superior and subordinate. That's what we usually say“ Chain of command ”。
two staff authority : The right of organization members to provide advice and suggestions to managers. This authority stems from the need of line personnel for professional knowledge, such as finance, quality, personnel, public relations, etc.
three Functional authority : A part of the power of the staff department or staff member who was originally a line member. This authority refers to that the line personnel, due to lack of professional knowledge, entrust some commanders to staff officers to exercise command power within a certain functional scope. The functions and powers are effective only within the scope of their functions. It is a kind of limited command.
In reviewing the authority structure, we need to grasp two key points: first, is the authorization reasonable? Second, is the information communication smooth?
Through the above four dimensions, we can usually carry out a systematic analysis of the enterprise's organizational structure. Of course, every enterprise has its own characteristics and background, and faces different problems. We need to be flexible in our practical work.

Reform opportunity

one Enterprise Strategy Great changes have taken place, and the organizational structure has been difficult to adapt
2. Enterprise location Development stage Changes have taken place, and the organizational structure has become a constraint on development
3. Organize personnel or management model Changes occur, and the organizational structure needs to be adjusted urgently
four External market Changes have taken place and competitors' networks have changed, so it is urgent to adjust the organizational structure
5. The organizational structure is bloated, coordination is difficult, communication is not smooth, and decision-making is slow, so it is urgent to optimize the organizational structure
6. Organize overstaffing, Bureaucracy
7. Poor information, Decision execution Aliasing


In the sense of management, the organizational structure is essentially a power responsibility relationship structure. A modern and sound organization generally includes the following relationships Subsystem
1. Decision subsystem
The organization's leadership system and all levels decision-making body And its decision-makers constitute the decision-making subsystem. The decision-making bodies and decision-makers at all levels are Organizational decision-making The core of.
2. Command subsystem
The command subsystem is the command center for organizing activities chief executive It forms a vertical system with its members. The main task of the executive head is to implement the decisions of the decision-making body, be responsible for directing the activities of the organization, and ensure that the activities are carried out smoothly and effectively. The design of the command subsystem should be reasonably determined from the actual situation of the organization Management level According to the principle of authorization, the command power is delegated level by level, and a multi-level and authoritative command system is established to exercise unified command over various activities of the organization.
3. Staff - functional subsystem
The staff officer function subsystem is a horizontal system composed of staff officers or functional departments. The staff officers or functional departments are the staff officers and assistants of the executive heads, who are respectively responsible for certain business activities. To design the staff function subsystem, necessary staff officers or functional organizations should be set up according to the actual needs and the principle of professional division of labor, and their responsibility scope and work requirements should be specified to ensure effective management in all aspects.
4. Execution subsystem, supervision subsystem and feedback subsystem
The decision-making center decides the major policy of the organization, the command center is the starting point for implementing the plan, and the execution subsystem, supervision subsystem and feedback subsystem are the institutions that enable the plan to be implemented correctly.
The command center sends instructions, which on the one hand leads to the executive agency, and on the other hand, sends instructions to the supervision agency to supervise the implementation. The feedback organization will return to the command center after comparing the difference between the effect and the instruction through the processing of the information system. In this way, the command center can issue new instructions according to the situation.
The executing agency must accurately implement the instructions of the command center. In order to ensure this, there should be a supervision institution to supervise the implementation, and the feedback subsystem reflects the implementation effect. The execution subsystem, supervision subsystem and feedback subsystem must be independent of each other and cannot be integrated.


Organization Structure Settings It is also a common crime General error That is, the "ideal" or "universal" Mechanical organization The model is imposed on another living enterprise. With the development of the enterprise to a certain stage, some contradictions with unreasonable organizational structure will become increasingly acute, which are directly manifested as:
1. There are so many management levels in the organization that an able person can take a management position when he is 25 years old, but he cannot reach the top when he is still young and efficient through the normal promotion ladder Management position
2. Organize attention to inappropriate issues, intensify unnecessary arguments and make a mountain out of a molehill;
3. Increase the weakness and defect rather than strengthen the strength and advantage;
4. Managers spend more time in meetings than 1/4 or more of their work, and the danger of unreasonable organizational structure is self-evident. Such problems have caused the organization to be superficial. Based on this, adjusting the organizational structure to make it conform to the actual situation of the enterprise is on the agenda of the enterprise.

Development trend

(1) The Evolution Law of Enterprise Organizational Structure
From enterprise organization development From the historical point of view, the evolution process of the enterprise's organizational structure itself is a process of continuous innovation and development Straight-line system Matrix system Division system And other organizational structures. At present, the pyramidal hierarchical structure can no longer meet the requirements of modern society, especially in the era of knowledge economy. Enterprise development has presented competition globalization , customer orientation and Knowledge of employees Etc. Therefore, Enterprise organization form It must be flexible and decentralized. Therefore, modern enterprises highly value Process reengineering , organizational restructuring Satisfaction For the purpose of fundamentally rethinking and completely rebuilding the existing business process of the enterprise, and using advanced manufacturing technology, information technology and modern Management means , to the maximum extent implementation technique On Function integration And management functions to break the traditional Functional organization structure , establish a new process oriented organizational structure, so as to realize the enterprise Operating costs , quality, service and efficiency to better adapt to the modern era characterized by customers, competition and change Business environment
(2) Enterprise organizational structure Development trend And new organizational structure
From the actual situation of the investigation in the United States, the development of enterprise organizational structure shows a new trend, which is characterized by: 1. polarization of the center of gravity; 2. Flattening of shape; 3. Operation flexibility; 4. Dynamic structure. Team organization Dynamic alliance virtual enterprise New forms of organizational structure have emerged. Specifically, new forms of organizational structure with these characteristics include:
First, horizontal organization. The horizontal organizational structure weakens the vertical hierarchy, breaks the rigid departmental boundaries, and focuses on horizontal cooperation and coordination. Its characteristics are: (1) The organizational structure is based on Workflow Instead of being built around departmental functions, traditional departmental boundaries have been broken; (2) Reduced vertical Organization level , make Flat organizational structure (3) Managers are more empowered to lower level employees and attach importance to the use of Self managed team Form; (4) Reflect customers and market orientation Organize work processes and establish corresponding Horizontal connection
Second, Borderless organization This organizational structure seeks to cut down the command chain Hierarchical order Down to the lowest point of r, with unlimited Control span , cancel various functional departments and replace them with authorized ones Work team The concept of boundlessness refers to breaking the internal and Outer boundary : Breaking the internal boundaries of the enterprise is mainly to form a multi-functional team within the enterprise to replace the traditionally separated functional departments; Breaking the external boundary of an enterprise is to engage with external suppliers, customers and competitors strategic cooperation And establish a cooperative alliance.
Third, networking and virtualization of organizations. Borderless organization and virtual organization yes Organization networking The specific form of virtualization, organizational virtualization, can be Virtual operation , or it can be a virtual office space.