New York stock exchange

Securities trading institutions
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The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is located at 18 Broadway Avenue, New York, New York, USA, on the south side of the corner of Wall Street. It is a securities exchange in New York.
On June 1, 2006, the New York Stock Exchange announced that Euronext The merger formed NYSE Euronext.
The New York Stock Exchange is listed company The exchange with the first total market value (2009 data), the first IPO number and market value (2009 data), and the second trading volume (2008 data). At the end of April 2005, NYSE acquired Archipelago and became a for-profit institution.
On the evening of June 3, 2024, the New York Stock Exchange experienced a technical failure, resulting in Berkshire Hathaway Class A shares of the company seem to have dropped by nearly 100% [9] News on June 4, cleared by NYSE Berkshire Hathaway All wrong trades of, buy low Buffett The trading of company shares is invalid. [8]
Chinese name
New York stock exchange
Foreign name
New York Stock Exchange
11 Wall Street, Manhattan, New York, NY [3]
stock exchange

Development history

At the beginning of the issuance of securities in the United States, there was no stock exchange for centralized trading, and most of the securities trading was carried out in cafes and auction houses. The origin of the New York Stock Exchange can be traced back to May 17, 1792, when 24 securities brokers signed under a sycamore tree outside 68 Wall Street in New York buttonwood agreement , the agreement stipulates the "alliance and cooperation" rules of brokers, through Wall Street Modern Boss Club The membership system deals in stocks and high-grade commodities, which is also the birth date of the New York Stock Exchange. On March 8, 1817, the organization drafted a charter and changed its name to "New York Securities and Exchange Commission". In 1863, it was renamed "New York Stock Exchange". Since 1868, membership can only be obtained by buying seats from old members at that time.
 New York stock exchange  New York stock exchange
New York stock exchange
The first headquarters of the New York Stock Exchange was a room at 40 Wall Street with a monthly rent of 200 dollars in 1817. In 1865, the Exchange had its own building. The building located at No. 11 Wall Street in New York City was opened in 1903. The exchange has three stock trading halls, including the main hall, the blue hall and the "garage", and a bond trading hall. It is a place where securities brokers gather and trade with each other. There are 16 trading booths in total. Each trading booth has 16 to 20 trading counters, all equipped with modern office equipment and communication facilities. The main business objects of the exchange are stocks, followed by various domestic and foreign bonds. Except holidays, the trading time is five hours a day, five days a week. Since the 1920s, it has been an international financial center, where the sharp rise and fall of the stock market will be capitalist country The stock market has a chain reaction, causing fluctuations. It is also one of the most popular tourist attractions in New York City.
The exchange was closed shortly after the First World War (July 1914), but it was reopened on November 28 of the same year, which enabled free trading of various bonds to support the war. On October 24, 1929, "Black Thursday", the American stock market collapsed, and the panic caused by the decline of stock prices prompted the Great Depression. On October 31, 1938, in order to restore the confidence of investors and improve the protection of the investing public, the Exchange launched the 15 point plan.
New York stock exchange
On October 1, 1934, the Exchange Securities and Exchange Commission Registered as a national stock exchange, the board of directors has a chairman and 33 members. On February 18, 1971, the non-profit corporate body was officially established, and the number of board members was reduced to 25. On June 1, 2006, the New York Stock Exchange announced that Euronext Consolidated to form NYSE Euronext. One New York Stock Exchange share was exchanged for one new company share, and shareholders of Euronext exchanged one Euronext share for 0.98 shares and 21.32 euros in cash of the new company. The new company is headquartered in New York.
Since 1953, the number of members has been limited to 1366. Only companies that make a profit of 2.5 million dollars (before tax), sell a minimum of 1 million shares, give ordinary shareholders the right to vote and regularly publish their financial information are eligible to be listed on the exchange. By February 1999, the daily average trading volume of the exchange reached billion shares, with a trading volume of about 30 billion US dollars. As of February 1999, more than 3000 companies had been listed on the stock exchange, including 385 foreign companies from 48 countries, raising more than 10 trillion yuan in the global capital market. In addition, thousands of bonds of the US government, companies and foreign governments, companies and international banks are also listed on exchanges.
There are about 2800 companies listed here, with a global market value of $15 trillion.
By July 2004, 30 Dow Jones Index Companies in except Intel and Microsoft All are listed on NYSE.
At the end of 2006, the European Union regulators preliminarily approved the merger transaction between the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and Euronext, thus clearing a major obstacle for the completion of this transaction. This indicates that the first transatlantic stock exchange M&A transaction will go further towards the end after six months' journey.
In December 2018, World Brand Lab The list of 2018 World Top 500 Brands was released, ranking 372 on the New York Stock Exchange. [4]
From March 23, 2020, the New York Stock Exchange will temporarily close the trading hall, and the stock and option trading halls will be closed. [1]
On May 26, 2020, with the implementation of new security measures, the New York Stock Exchange reopened its trading hall. [2] [5]

Listing requirements

The New York Stock Exchange has a long history, so the market is more mature and the listing conditions are more strict. For example, companies that want to go public to raise funds before making money cannot enter the New York Stock Exchange, while most of the five hundred Caixing companies with a long history are listed on the New York Stock Exchange, such as Johoson&jonhson, who sells shampoo, Big companies such as pfizer, which sells the aphrodisiac Viagra, ups and fdx, which provide express services, are members of the New York Stock Exchange.
In the course of more than 200 years of development, the New York Stock Exchange has contributed to the development of the American economy and the smooth progress of social production Modern market economy The construction of the system has played a pivotal role.
New York stock exchange
Listing requirements for US domestic companies
The company's profit before tax in the latest year is not less than 2.5 million dollars;
The public owns no less than 110000 shares of the company;
The company has at least 2000 investors, each of whom owns more than 100 shares;
The issued amount of ordinary shares shall not be less than US $40 million at market price;
Corporate Tangible net worth Not less than US $40 million.
Listing requirements for non US companies
As a worldwide securities exchange, NYSE also accepts listing of foreign companies. The listing conditions are more stringent than those of domestic companies in the United States, mainly including:
: 1. The minimum number of public shares and business records The company must have at least 2000 shareholders (each shareholder has more than 100 shares); Or 2200 shareholders (the average monthly trading volume of six months before listing is 100000 shares); Or 500 shareholders (the average trading volume of 12 months before listing is 1 million shares); At least 1.1 million shares are owned by investors on the market (1.1 million public shares).
2. The minimum market value of public shares is 40 million dollars; Tangible net worth 40 million dollars.
3. Profitability requirements Two years before listing, the annual pre tax income is $2 million, and the latest year's pre tax income is $2.5 million; Or it must be fully profitable in three years. The total pre tax income is 6.5 million dollars, and the minimum pre tax income in the latest year is 4.5 million dollars; Or for companies with a total market value of no less than $500 million and an income of $200 million in the fiscal year before listing, the total adjusted net income in three years is $25 million (a positive number must be included in the annual report).
4. The type of listed enterprises is mainly for mature enterprises.
5. Adopt accounting standards in the United States Generally accepted accounting principles
6. There are no specific regulations on company registration and business location.
7. The Company's business information disclosure regulations shall comply with the annual report, quarterly report and interim report system of the Exchange.
8. Other factors have multiple requirements for the company's management and operation; Detailed description of the company's industry relative stability , the company's position in the industry, and the market situation of the company's products.

share index

The stock index adopts the "divisor method" to specify that when the list of constituent stocks changes, or the capital structure of constituent stocks changes, or the market value of constituent stocks changes due to non trading factors, the "divisor method" is used to modify the original fixed divisor to ensure the continuity of the index.
New York stock exchange
It is a stock price index compiled by the New York Stock Exchange. It started in June 1996, first as the common stock price index, and later as a mixed index, including 1570 stocks of 1500 companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange. The specific calculation method is to arrange these stocks according to their prices, and calculate the price index of industrial stocks, financial stocks, public utility stocks, and transportation stocks respectively. The largest and most extensive is the industrial stock price index, which consists of 1093 stocks; The stock price index is based on the 50 points determined on December 31, 1965, in the form of a composite index. The New York Stock Exchange announces the changes of the index every half an hour. Although the New York Stock Exchange has not been preparing the stock price index for a long time, it can comprehensively and timely reflect the comprehensive situation of its stock market activities, so it is more popular with investors.

data statistics

2758 listed companies Total market value of listed companies . 7 Number of trillion members 1366

Personnel changes

Agence France Presse reported on December 6, 2021 local time that the parent company of the New York Stock Exchange (ICE) announced on December 6 that Sharon Bowen would be appointed as the chairman of the New York Stock Exchange and the first African American female chairman of the New York Stock Exchange. [7]

Suspend transaction

On July 8, 2015, the New York Stock Exchange suspended all securities trading. The reason is not clear. According to Reuters, it may be due to technical reasons. CNBC reported that NYSE was solving technical problems. The New York Stock Exchange resumed trading at about 15:11 local time after suspending trading for more than 3.5 hours due to technical failure. [6]
On May 30, 2024 local time, there was a problem with the real-time pricing of the S&P index. The S&P 500 index and the Dow Jones index stopped after 10:41 New York time that day. At that time, the S&P index website announced that maintenance was in progress. The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) said that it was confirmed that there was no index quotation currently, and it was trying to deal with the problem. [10]
On the evening of June 3, 2024, a technical failure occurred in the New York Stock Exchange, which led to a decline of nearly 100% in Class A shares of Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Company [9] News on June 4: NYSE will clear Berkshire Hathaway All wrong trades of, buy low Buffett The trading of company shares is invalid. [8]
On the market, many stocks were suspended due to huge fluctuations. For example, the stock price of Berkshire Hathaway # - A, a company owned by Warren Buffett, a well-known American investor, showed a decline of 99.97%. In addition, shares such as Bank of Montreal and Barrick Gold fell by more than 98%, and the market was still. [10]
According to the information officially released by the New York Stock Exchange, since 2024 alone, the exchange has experienced six trading failures to varying degrees, involving stocks, options and other varieties. [10]