New York

Federal States of the United States of America
zero Useful+1
New York State, also known as "Empire State", United States of America Federal state, capital Albany , the largest city New York City. New York is located in the northeast of the United States, adjacent to Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont, and bordering Canada in the northwest, with a total area of 141000 square kilometers [1]
New York State is the nerve center and economic heart of the United States. In terms of finance, commerce, industry, art, clothing and other aspects, it is in a leading position in American states manufacturing industry It is the main industry of the state. It has the largest New York City and Port of New York [2]
The area beyond New York City and suburban counties (lower states) is called upper states. Nicknamed the Empire State [1] New York State formerly Indian live [1] In the first half of the 17th century, it became a Dutch colony and was renamed New York after the British occupation in 1664. [1]
In February 2018, in order to combat violent shooting, New York New Jersey and Connecticut The governor of. [3]
In December 2021, the death toll of COVID-19 in New York State on a single day reached 97, which is the highest record since the last winter pandemic at the end of February 2021. [13] In November 2022, according to CCTV News, the United States White House On the evening of the 20th local time, US President Biden declared a state of emergency in New York State and ordered federal assistance to help the local fight against the snowstorm, according to a statement issued on the 21st. [17]
Chinese name
New York
Foreign name
State of New York
Empire State
Administrative Region Category
Federal State
geographical position
Northeast United States
141298 km²
Government residence
Albany (Albany)
climatic conditions
Humid continental climate
population size
19.54 million [14] (July 2018)
train station
Pennsylvania Station etc.

Historical evolution

  • Early history
Before the arrival of European colonialists, the territory of New York State today was a settlement of Indians, mainly Iroquois and Powhatans.
New York State Emblem
In 1524, under the order of the French king, he was an Italian explorer Guiewani Villasano (Giovanni da Verrazano) came to North America by boat, sailed into what is now New York Bay and landed on April 17, which is the first time in history that European whites set foot on the land of what is now New York State.
  • Dutch period
Map of New York State
Employed on September 11, 1609 Netherlands East India Company British navigator Henry Hudson (Henry Hudson) took a boat to explore what is now New York State and brought a large number of native products back to Holland. Many Dutch businessmen became very interested in this land. They came here to seek trade with local natives and established the colony "New Holland". Dutch colonists established Fort Nassau (near Albany today) as a trade point in New Holland in 1614; In 1624, the trade point Fort Orange (now Albany City) was established; In 1625, the Trade Point Fort Amsterdam (now New York City) was established.
  • British colonial period
In 1664, the Dutch were defeated by the British in the Second Anglo Dutch War charles ii He granted part of the former "New Holland" colony to his brother James, then the highest commander of the Royal Navy, Duke of York James II ), and named an area in the northwest of the former "New Holland" colony as "New York", that is, "New York", and established the "Province of New York"; At the beginning of its establishment, New York Province had jurisdiction over 12 counties.
In 1686, Cornwall County was included in Massachusetts.
In 1692, Duke County was incorporated into Massachusetts Province.
  • Independent Chengzhou
New York State Scenery
On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was issued and the United States of America was founded. On July 9, New York Province recognized the Declaration of Independence and declared its independence as New York State. After the outbreak of the Revolutionary War, about one-third of the battles took place in New York State. In August, a large-scale war broke out on Long Island, New York.
In June 1777, the Revolutionary Army won a huge victory in Saratoga, New York, which is known as Saratoga's great victory in history, laying the foundation for the victory of the Revolutionary War. On July 30, George Clinton became the first governor of New York State. In the same year, Cumberland County and Gloucester County were included in Vermont.
September 13, 1778, New York New York City by the United States《 Federal Regulations 》Established as the national capital.
In 1784, the eastern part of Charlotte County was included in Vermont.
  • Join the Federation
Approved by the State of New York on July 26, 1788《 Constitution of the United States 》And joined the Union, becoming the 11th state to join the Union.
In January 1789, a large amount of land purchased from Indians by statesmen Phelps and Gorham was incorporated into New York State, known as the "Phelps and Gorham Land Purchase Case" in history. April 30, George Washington He became the first president of the United States in New York City, New York State.
In 1790, the capital of the United States was moved from New York City to Philadelphia
In 1797, Albany was officially established as the capital of New York State.
In 1802, a large amount of land to the west of the Jenassi River previously held by the Dutch Land Company was incorporated into New York State, known as the "Dutch Land Purchase Case" in history.

administrative division


Division evolution

On November 1, 1683, the administrative division of New York Province was clear, governing 12 counties including Albany County, Dutches County, Kings County (Brooklyn), New York County (Manhattan), Orange County, Queens County, Richmond County, Suffolk County (Long Island), Ulster County, Westchester County, Cornwall County and Duke County; Among them, New York County, Kings County, Queens County and Richmond County are administered by the previously established New York City Government.
In 1789, a large amount of land purchased by Phelps and Gorham was incorporated into New York State and set up in Ontario County.
In 1802, part of Ontario County was analyzed and merged with the land acquired in the Dutch land purchase case to establish Genesis County.
In 1806, Jenasi County was analyzed and Aligeny County was set up.
In 1808, Jienasi County was divided into Katragus County, Shotokua County and Niagara County.
In 1821, Genesis County and Ontario County were divided into Livingston County and Monroe County.
In 1824, Genesis County was established as Orleans County.
In 1841, Jienasi County was set up as Wyoming County.
In 1914, New York County was analyzed, and the Bronx County was set up, which was administered by New York City [21]

Zoning Details

As of August 2024, New York State has 62 counties; Among them, 5 counties are New York Municipal escrow; The state government is located in Albany City, Albany County.
Administrative Region
English of administrative region
Government residence
Government resident English
Albany County
Albany County
Albany city
Allegheny County
Allegany County
Broome County
Broome County
Cattaraugus County
Little Valley
Kayuga County
Cayuga County
Xiaotuokua County
Chautauqua County
Ximang County
Chemung County
Sinango County
Chenango County
Clinton County
Clinton County
Columbia County
Columbia County
Cortland County
Cortland County
Delaware County
Delaware County
Darkis County
Dutchess County
Yili County
Erie County
(Buffalo City)
Essex County
Essex County
Elizabeth Town
Franklin County
Franklin County
Fulton County
Fulton County
Genasi County
Genesee County
Green County
Greene County
Hamilton County
Hamilton County
Pleasant Lake Village
Lake Pleasant
Herkimo County
Herkimer County
Jefferson County
Jefferson County
Lewis County
Lewis County
Livingston County
Livingston County
Madison County
Madison County
Monroe County
Monroe County
Montgomery County
Montgomery County
Nassau County
Nassau County
Niagara County
Niagara County
Oneida County
Oneida County
Onondoga County
Onondaga County
Ontario County
Ontario County
Kanandegua City
Orange County
Orange County
Orleans County
Orleans County
Oswego County
Oswego County
Otsego County
Putnam County
Putnam County
Carmel Hamlet
Carmel Hamlet
Rensselaer County
Rensselaer County
Rockland County
Rockland County
New Market
New City
St. Lawrence County
St. Lawrence County
Saratoga County
Saratoga County
Bolton Spa
Ballston Spa
Schenectady County
Schenectady County
Skohari County
Schoharie County
Skyler County
Schuyler County
Watkins Glenn
Watkins Glen
Seneca County
Seneca County
Stoben County
Steuben County
Suffolk County
Suffolk County
Sullivan County
Sullivan County
Teoga County
Tioga County
Tompkins County
Tompkins County
Ulster County
Ulster County
Warren County
Warren County
Washington County
Washington County
Fort Edward
Fort Edward
Wayne County
Westchester County
White Plains
Wyoming County
Wyoming County
Yates County
Yates County
Peng Yang
Penn Yan
New York City
(New York City)
New York County*
New York County
Kings County*
Kings County
Bronx County*
Bronx County
Richmond County*
Richmond County
Staten Island
Queens County*
Queens County
reference material: [21] Note: The county marked with * is entrusted by New York City, and the rights of the entrusted county are less than those of the ordinary county
Administrative Division of New York State

geographical environment


Location context

New York City
New York State covers an area of 128401 square kilometers and is located in the northeast of the United States. The St. Lawrence Low Area is located in the north of the state, starting from Alexandria Bay in the west, and St. Lawrence River And Canada. Adirondack Highlands is located in the northeast of New York State, including the Adirondack Mountains. Located in the northwest of New York State, the low area of the Great Lakes is adjacent to Lake Erie And Lake Ontario. The Hudson Mohawk Low Area is located in the middle and southeast of New York State, including the valley of the Hamgyoupan Right Yonhak River. More than half of the eastern border south of New York State belongs to New England Highland area. This area is composed of Champlain Lake It extends all the way to Manhattan Island. The plain area along the Atlantic coast includes Staten Island Long Island (Long Island) and coastal areas. [5]

topographic features

Beautiful Night View of New York State
The terrain is complex, mainly plateau and mountain. The northeast is Adirondack Mountains, of which Mount Maxi is 1629 meters above sea level, the highest point in the state. Most genera in the south appalachian plateau , accounting for 1/2 of the total area of the state. There are lakeside plains and St. Lawrence Valley in the west and north, Hudson Mohawk lowland in the east and Atlantic coastal plain in the southeast at the edge of the state. There are many lakes Moraine lake The lake shoreline is 600km. The Hudson Mohawk Lowland is the only low channel connecting the Atlantic coast and the Great Lakes region, with convenient land and water transportation. [4]
The Appalachian Plateau is the largest geographical area in New York State, covering almost most of the southern part of the state. The main rivers in New York State are Hudson River Mohawk River , the St. Lawrence River, and the Niagara River. [1] [4]
New York State has 204 kilometers of coastline, and 600 kilometers of shoreline along Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. There are 8000 lakes and 9 major rivers in the prefecture. Niagara Falls is a major scenic spot in the northeast with rich hydropower resources. [6]

Climatic characteristics

genus Humid continental climate It is cold in winter and cool in summer. The average annual precipitation is 820-1100mm. It is often cloudy and humid. [1] [5] New York has a cold temperate climate, with an average temperature of below 0 ℃ in January and 21 ℃ in July. The annual precipitation ranges from 889 mm to 1143 mm. The average temperature in January in New York City is - 0.7 ℃; - 0.8 ℃ in February and 3.3 ℃ in March. The average temperature in July is 23 ℃; 22 ℃ in August. The annual precipitation is 1063mm. Northwest New York is rich in winter snow. [6]

natural resources

New York is rich in natural forest resources. The fishing industry is mainly outside Long Island. In recent years, the output value has decreased year by year due to serious seawater pollution [7] The minerals include iron, lead, zinc, silver and petroleum, but the output is not large. As the construction industry is extremely developed, sand, stone, clay, pebble, gypsum and talc are more important. [6]
The most valuable mineral resources are Non-metallic minerals , including cement, sand, gypsum, etc. Metal minerals include lead, zinc, iron and silver. Water resources are abundant, and hydropower accounts for one fourth of the total power generation in New York. [7]

Population and nationality

Map of New York State
In terms of population, it used to be the largest state in the United States, but now it is the third largest state after California and Texas, about equal to England The population of the six states is twice that of New York. By the end of 2010, the total population of New York State was 19378102. White people account for 75%; Non white people account for 25%. According to the 2010 census, there are about 840000 Chinese in New York State, which is one of the fastest growing ethnic groups in New York State; New York City is 48% non white. [4]
20.4% of the residents were born in foreign countries. The ethnic distribution of the population is roughly as follows: 62% are white (without Spanish origin), 15.9% are African Americans, 15.1% are Hispanics, 5.5% are Asian Americans, 0.4% are Indians, and 3.1% are mixed races.
New York State Scenery
According to the 2000 Population Census, among the ancestors of residents in New York State, African Americans (15.9%) were the most, followed by Italians (14.4%), Irish (12.9%), Germans (11.2%) and British (6%).
In New York State, 6.5% of residents are under the age of 5, 24.7% are under the age of 18, and 12.9% are older than 65. Women accounted for 51.8% of the population of New York State. [1]


The political power of New York State is composed of three organs: executive, legislative and judicial. Among them, the governor and other independently elected officials form an administrative body; The state upper house (senate) and lower house form the legislature; State Supreme Court New York Court of Appeal And lower courts to form a judicial body.
The current state government took office in January 2011 for a four-year term. The governor is a Democrat Andrew Cuomo The number of members of the Upper House (Senate) and the Lower House of the New York State Congress is 63 and 150 respectively, and their terms of office are two years. The Senate has a Republican majority. In the House of Commons, the Democratic Party holds a stable majority position with 105 seats. [1]
New York State and Jiangsu Province, New York City and Beijing are sister provinces, states and cities respectively. [1]
New York State is a federal state. The governor, deputy governor, auditor general and attorney general are directly elected. There are 20 departments under the governor. The state legislature is divided into the Senate and the House of Representatives, with 60 state senators and 150 state representatives. New York State has 11 judicial districts.
The Governor of New York is the highest consul of New York. His initial term of office was two years, extended to three years in 1877, changed back to two years in 1895, and was determined to be four years in 1938.
Successive governors
term of office
Democratic Republican Party
George Clinton
Democratic Republican Party
Democratic Republican Party
Democratic Republican Party
Democratic Republican Party
Democratic Republican Party
Joseph C. Yates
Democratic Republican Party
Dwight Clinton
Clinton Republican Party
Nathaniel Pitcher
Democratic Republican Party
Jackson Democratic Party
Innos T. Slupp
Jackson Democratic Party
the Democratic Party of the United States
Whig Party
William C. Bauk
the Democratic Party of the United States
Silas Wright
the Democratic Party of the United States
John Young
Whig Party
Whig Party
Washington Hunt
Anti Rent and Lending Whig Party
the Democratic Party of the United States
Myron H. Clark
Melting and Republican Party
John Alsop King
republican party
Edwin D. Morgan
republican party
the Democratic Party of the United States
Ruben Fenton
United Party
John Thompson Hoffman
the Democratic Party of the United States
republican party
the Democratic Party of the United States
Lucius Robinson
the Democratic Party of the United States
Alonso B. Cornell
republican party
Grover Cleveland
the Democratic Party of the United States
David B. Hill
the Democratic Party of the United States
Roswell P. Flower
the Democratic Party of the United States
Levi Parsons Morton
republican party
Frank S. Black
republican party
republican party
Benjamin Buck Odell, Jr
republican party
Frank W. Higgins
republican party
republican party
Horace White
republican party
John Alden Dix
the Democratic Party of the United States
1911 – 2012
William Salzer
the Democratic Party of the United States
Martin H. Green
the Democratic Party of the United States
Charles S. Whitman
republican party
the Democratic Party of the United States
Nathan Lewis Miller
republican party
the Democratic Party of the United States
the Democratic Party of the United States
the Democratic Party of the United States
Charles Poletti
the Democratic Party of the United States
republican party
the Democratic Party of the United States
republican party
Malcolm Wilson
republican party
Hugh Carey
the Democratic Party of the United States
the Democratic Party of the United States
republican party
the Democratic Party of the United States
the Democratic Party of the United States
the Democratic Party of the United States
2011-2021 [12]



economic structure

New York State has 13 industrial clusters, mainly including computer hardware and electronics, industrial machines and systems, transportation equipment, biomedicine, material processing, optics and imaging, software, food processing, communications and media, financial and insurance services, etc. [4]
Although the proportion of manufacturing industry in the economy of New York State continues to decrease, it still creates nearly 1 million jobs with an annual output value of 150 billion dollars. New York State has a strong force in clothing, printing, publishing, instrument and related industries, leading the country. In addition, New York is also rich in agricultural and forestry resources, with 40000 farms, accounting for about 25% of the state's land area, and an annual output value of about $3 billion. Dairy products, apples, grapes and sour strawberries are abundant, and food processing industry is also quite developed. [1]

investment environment

New York State has 82 technology incubators, including more than 600 enterprises and employing more than 4000 employees. Since 2003, the number of technology incubators in New York State has increased by 25%. Each district of New York State has at least one incubator, and New York City has 14 incubators. There are 13 advanced technology centers and multiple research centers in New York State, which focus on computer science, nanotechnology and microelectronics, electronic devices and information technology life sciences , optoelectronics and image and sensor, environment and energy system, material science and material processing. [2]

economic development

In 2018, the gross domestic product (GDP, current price) of New York State was USD 1701.4 billion, ranking the third, with a real GDP growth of 2.1%; GDP per capita is 87072 US dollars. [8]
Modern New York State
The working population of New York State is 8.957 million, of which the non-agricultural working population is about 8.73 million, and the unemployment rate is 4.3% (April 2001). If New York State is regarded as a country, it can rank the 10th largest economy in the world. In 2000, the average national income was about 34946 US dollars, ranking the fifth in the United States (after Connaught Dick State District of Columbia , New Jersey, Massachusetts). According to the statistics of Fortune magazine in 2001, 55 of the top 500 companies in the United States have their headquarters in New York State, of which 40 are headquartered in New York City. New York City is the world financial center, New York stock exchange The daily transaction amount is more than 1 trillion US dollars, accounting for about 85% of the US financial transaction amount.
New York State attaches equal importance to industry and agriculture. Fifty eight thousand farm The total area is 4680000 hectares. The average farm is 80 hectares. Plant grass and raise cows. Milk production ranks first. In addition, vegetables, watermelon, sweet Cherry , sour cherry Pear maple sugar Pulp output is the highest in all states. Grape Its production is second to that of California, its apple production is second to that of Washington State, and its broiler industry is very developed. In terms of grain, wheat and Maize New York State's printing industry, publishing industry, paper industry, clothing industry, photographic equipment industry, sports equipment, jewelry industry, and toy industry all produce more than any other state. New York State has mountains, rivers, lakes, waterfalls, and 128 state parks, with more than 50 million tourists every year.
ocean shipping The financial industry and foreign trade both rank first in the United States. The manufacturing sector is complete, and the output value is second only to California Tanning, clothing, printing and publishing, and instrument manufacturing are prominent in the country. The metropolitan area of New York, at the southeast end, is home to most industries. Steel and automobiles in Buffalo, photographic equipment and optical instruments in Rochester, Syracuse Metal and paper products, Binghamton Our computers and electronics are very famous. Agricultural income only accounts for a small part of the state's economic income. The main products are milk, poultry, eggs, vegetables, fruits, etc., which are supplied to nearby big cities for consumption. [9]



Recreation & Entertainment

Winter New York
New York State has about 150 state parks and 60 state forests. Popular outdoor activities in the state include hiking camping , canoeing, canoeing riding , hit Golf , driving Sailboat Swimming, hiking with heavy loads Bicycle , and skiing. The most popular scenic spots in New York City are: Statue of Liberty State of Liberty National Monument Brooklyn bridge (Brooklyn Bridge)、 Central Park (Central Park), Empire State Building The World Trade Center (World Trade Center)、 United Nations Headquarters (United Nations Headquarters)、 Times Square (Times Square)、 Wall Street (Wall Street), and rockefeller center (Rockefeller Center)。 Other places worth visiting in the state include the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, Fort Dikondroga, the Sereto Battle National Historic Park, and the Schuler Park State Historic Area. [5]

Professional sports

● Rugby
1、 New York Giants (New York Giants)
2. New York Jets
Although the two teams are named New York, their home courts are in New Jersey
3、 Buffalo Bills (Buffalo Bills)
● Baseball
1、 MLB
New York Yankees (New York Yankees)
New York Metropolitan (New York Mets)
2、 Minor League
buffalo Buffalo Bisons, 3A League of Nations, parent team: Cleveland Indians
Rochester Rochester Red Wings, 3A League of Nations, parent team: minnesota twins
Snow City Sky Collar (Syracuse Sky Chiefs), 3A level international league, parent team: Toronto Blue Jays
Binghampton Mets (Binghampton Mets), 2A Oriental League, parent team: New York Metropolitan
Staten Island Yankees (Staten Island Yankees), short-term 1A New York Pennsylvania League, parent team: New York Yankees
Brooklyn Cyclones (Brooklyn Cylones), short-term 1A New York Pennsylvania League, parent team: New York Metropolitan
Oneonta Tigers (Oneonta Tigers), short-term 1A New York Pennsylvania League, parent team: Detroit Tigers
Auburn Doubles (Auburn Doubledays), short-term 1A New York Pennsylvania League, parent team: Toronto Bluebird
Sancheng Valley Cat (Tri City Valleycats), short-term 1A New York Pennsylvania League, parent team: Houston astronauts
Hudson Hudson Valley Renegades, short-term 1A New York Pennsylvania League, parent team: Tampa Bay Bat Stingray
Bata Batavia Muckdogs, short-term 1A New York Pennsylvania League, parent team: Philadelphia Philadelphia people
Jamestown Jammers, short-term 1A New York Pennsylvania League, parent team: Florida Marlins
1、 NBA
New York Knicks (New York Knicks)
Brooklyn Nets (Brooklyn Nets)
Syracuse University
III National Women's Basketball League , referred to as WNBA
New York Liberty
● Ice hockey
I National Hockey League , referred to as NHL
New York Islander (New York Islanders)
new york rangers (New York Rangers)
Buffalo City Sabre (Buffalo Sabres)
2、 NHL Alliance
Albany River Rats
Rensselaer / RPI

Important cities

New York
Main entry: New York
New York City
New York City (English: New York City, official name: The City of New York), short for New York , is the most populous city in the United States, including its metropolitan area, which has the largest urban area in the world. For more than a century, New York has been the most important commercial and financial center in the world and has been rated as a world-class city. New York has a direct impact on the media, politics, education, entertainment and fashion circles around the world. The United Nations headquarters is also located in New York. New York is the largest city and the largest port in the United States. It is located in the northeast of the Atlantic coast of the United States and the southeast of New York State. The city has Manhattan District Queens Brooklyn The Bronx staten island District and other five districts.
Main entry: Buffalo
Buffalo (English: Buffalo), a city in western New York, located at the eastern end of Lake Erie The Niagara River The source of. With a population of 282864 (1.1 million in the metropolitan area in 2004), it is the second largest city in New York State (after New York City) and the capital of Erie County. The opposite bank is Fort Erie, Canada.
Main entry: Rochester
Rochester Rochester is located in the west of upstate New York and the south bank of Lake Ontario. It belongs to Monroe County and is also the seat of the county government. With a population of 212481 (2004), it is the third largest city in New York State. The metropolitan area centered on it had a population of 1037831 in 2000.
Main entry: Albany
Albany (Albany), with a population of 98469 (2015), is the capital of New York State, State University of New York Albany Established here. It obtained a charter in 1686 and became the state capital in 1797. Albany is located in Hudson River Bank. From New York boston The journey is almost an equilateral triangle, and the travel time by car is about 3 hours.
Main entry: syracuse
syracuse Syracuse is a city located in the middle of upstate New York, the county seat of Onondaga County. Population 147306 (2000 data). The name of Syracuse originates from the local heavy snowfall, while the English name was originally Italy sicily Shangcheng Syracuse


New York is one of the states with the most developed infrastructure in the United States, especially John F. Kennedy International Airport LaGuardia Airport and Newark Liberty International Airport The three major airports in New York City and its surrounding areas can fly to more than 400 cities in the world. Among them, the famous Kennedy International Airport undertakes 50% of the country's import and export cargo air transport business and 35% of the international passenger transport business. New York has a very developed highway, railway and water transportation system. Most rivers in the state lead to the Atlantic Ocean. The port is large in scale, well equipped, and free from freezing all the year round. New York City Subway The total length is more than 1000 kilometers, including Metro New York Long Island Railway Metropolitan Northern Railway is the longest and fastest subway transportation system in the world. [1] So is New York National Railway Passenger Company The state with the largest passenger flow, while New York Pennsylvania Station and Albany Rensler Railway Station Are National Railway Passenger Company The first and second busiest stations in New York, and the first and ninth busiest stations in the United States.


Columbia University
There are 314 universities and colleges in New York State [2] (second only to 346 in California) Colleges and universities The number of students studying for advanced studies exceeded 700000. The State University of New York has 64 campuses, the largest. The number of students in school is 470000. Columbia University (Columbia University) (founded in 1754) Cornell University Cornell University (founded in 1865), New York University (founded in 1831) Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Established in 1824) and University of Rochester (University of Rochester) (founded in 1850) are famous universities. [1]
New York State has the most complete and interconnected education system in the United States. There are more than 7000 public and private primary and secondary schools, 248 public and private colleges and universities, and more than 240000 public school teachers, consultants and administrators with professional qualifications. There are nearly 7000 libraries and 750 museums. The State University of New York is the largest university with 71 campuses. Columbia University, New York University, Fortamo University and Cornell University in Ithaca in New York City are famous universities. [5]
State university
State University of New York (SUNY for short, with 64 campuses, the larger ones are as follows)
Stony Brook University (Stony Brook)
School name
School name
Barnard College (Barnard Collede)
City University of New York (The City University of New York)
Fordham University (Fofdham University)
Juilliard School of Music
Manhattan College (Manhattan College)
Pace university (Pace University)
Preet College of Art (Pratt College)
St. John's University (St.John's University)
Sara Lawence College
Private university
Chinese name
English name
Colgate University
Columbia Unversity [7]
Cornell University
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
New York University
Skidmore College
Syracuse University
Vassar College
Polytechnic University
Other universities
School name
US Military Academy (The United States Military Academy)
West Point
United States Coast Guard Academy
high school
School name
buffalo seminary (Buffalo Seminary)
Girls' school
Darrow School (Darrow School)
Emma Willard School (Emma Willard School)
Girls' school
Gol Middle School (The Gow School)
Boys' school
Houghton Academy (Houghton Academy)
The Knox School (The Knox School)
The Masters School (The Masters School)
Millbrook School (Millbrook School)
New York Military Academy (New York Military Academy)
Beicun Middle School (North Country School)
Northwood School (Northwood School)
Ouke Middle School (Oakwood Friends School)
Pokepuxi full-time school (Poughkeepsie Day School)
Ross school (Ross School)
Shixi Middle School (The Stony Brook School)
The Storm King School (The Storm King School)
Trinity-Pawling School (Trinity-Pawling School)
Boys' school
Hackley School (Hackley School)
Kildonan School (The Kildonan School)
Hoosac School (Hoosac School)


Transportation is its economic lifeline. It is located at the hub connecting the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean. Railways, highways, waterways and canals form a dense and convenient transportation network. There are 2100 bridges in New York City.

Port of New York

Port of New York It is one of the world's largest seaports, with the largest throughput in the United States, and is known as the gateway to the United States. [1]


international airport
There are 8 international airports in New York, among which New York John F. Kennedy International Airport , New York LaGuardia Airport , Buffalo International Airport Albany International Airport , and Syracuse International Airport are the busiest. In addition, there are more than 470 ordinary airports. Major international ports include New York Port Rochester Buffalo and Albany
Important airports:
John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) in New York Delta Air Transit Center
New York LaGuardia Airport (LGA)
Important expressway
New York State Highway (I-87 South and I-90 West)


New York State Canal System
It was formerly called New York State Barge Canal (1918 ~ 1992), also known as Barge Canal.
The waterway system owned and managed by New York State in the United States is 843 kilometers (524 miles) long, connecting Lake Erie and the Hudson River, and the branch line extends to Lake Ontario, Lake Simplon, and Lake Cayuga and Seneca (in the Finger Lakes area). Its canal network includes Erie Canal (Erie Canal), from Troy via Rochester to Tonawanda in the north of Buffalo; The Samplen Canal flows into the Erie Canal at Waterford and extends northward to Whitehall; Oswego Canal connects the Erie Canal in the Three Rivers just north of Syracuse, and then flows into Lake Ontario in Oswego; And Lake Cayuga and Lake Seneca, which connect the Erie Canal at Montezuma. Barges with a length of 91 meters (300 feet), a width of 13 meters (43.5 feet), a draft of 3.7 meters (12 feet) and a cargo of 2000 tons (2200 tons) can pass through. The excavation was approved in 1903 and completed in 1918. In the 1980s, river transportation declined due to the growth of pipeline, railway and truck transportation. However, the canal system is most popular for yacht entertainment.



Art Center

Grand Central Station
Many of the most famous performing arts centers in the United States are located in New York City, such as Lincoln Center (Lincoln Center), Avery Fisher Hall Carnegie Hall (Carnegie Hall), and metropolitan opera (Metropolitan Opera House)。 New York City is also New York Philharmonic , the Metropolitan Opera Company, the New York City Ballet, the New York City Opera Company and many other performing arts groups. buffalo brooklyn (Brooklyn)、 Long Island , Syracuse, Rochester, Aberdeen and other cities also have orchestras. Theater area in New York City, including Broadway Broadway, there are nearly 1000 premieres every year. In addition, various parks in New York City also launch a number of performance activities every summer.
Museums in New York City include: Metropolitan Museum of Art Museum of Modern Art Gauguingham Museum American Museum of Natural History Whitney Museums, American Indian Museum, and Brooklyn Museum Other museums in the state include: Buffalo Science Museum, Eutika Children's Museum, and Emerson Art Museum, Farmer's Museum in Cooper Town Kangning Corning Corning Glass Museum ,, and the New York State Museum [5]

religious belief

New York State Assembly Site
Religionally, Washington Heights in Manhattan, New York, New York, has Catholicism The shrine and cemetery of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini: en: Mother Cabrini, the founder of the Sacred Heart Missionary Sisters. Sister Cabrini is the first nun to receive a title in the United States, and also an immigrant. Among the population of New York State, immigrants have a great influence on religion. Therefore, there is no absolute mainstream religion in this state, and various religious groups coexist with different characteristics. The following is the percentage of people in New York State who believe in religion. [4]
44% Roman Catholic
34% protestant Protestant
1% Other Christian
9% Judaism Judaism
2% Islamism Islam
1% Other Religions
9% non religious
Among the Protestants in New York State, there are different proportions of religious sects, among which Baptist Church Baptist is the highest (8%), followed by Methodist Methodist (6%), followed by Lutheran Lutheran(3%)。 [4]

City signs

Imperial State
New York State Architecture
In the early days of the founding of the United States, New York's economy and industry developed rapidly and won the title of "The Empire State". This title came from George Washington In your mouth. In 1809, Robert Fulton Robert Fulton's "North River Steamboat" successfully built the world's first steam driven ship, opening another page of water transportation.
Erie Canal
Completed in 1825 Erie Canal In addition to a great increase Port of New York The importance of Port of New York has also enabled many New York cities to be built along the river banks. The Erie Canal was replaced by the Badji Canal in 1918.
Statue of Liberty
It was sent to the United States by Ferdinand Lesseps on behalf of the Franco American Union on July 4, 1884 Statue of Liberty (Statue of Liberty) is a memorial to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the United States. The Statue of Liberty is located on Liberty Island off the coast of Manhattan, New York. The cornerstone stone was placed under the Statue of Liberty in 1884. In the same year, France disassembled the statue and packed it into 214 boxes, which were sent across the Atlantic Ocean to Manhattan. After reassembly in 1886 Grover Cleveland It was unveiled on October 28, 1886.
In the 19th century, the United States became a paradise for Europeans to seek freedom. New York City went on to become a melting pot. Statue of Liberty The famous inscription written by Emma Lazarus on the base of the statue represents the spirit of the United States and New York State:
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
"Give me your tired, poor body, curled up and eager to breathe freely, and pity the people abandoned on your coast. Give it to me, the homeless society and the people who are wandering. I hold the torch high at the Golden Gate.".

legal holiday

Spring Festival is a legal holiday for public schools in New York State. [20]


Beautiful city
Hudson River Hudson Valley is located in the north of New York City, where there are hillside pastoral areas, exquisite antique shops, wineries and famous historic sites. Go west to Catskills, a famous summer resort, golf course and ski resort. In summer, the town often has festivals and music performances of different nationalities; In addition, in Germany Ravel Trout fishing in the Delaware River or its west tributary is also a popular activity.
In the state capital of New York Albany (Albany) There is a Victorian hot spring resort Saratoga (Saragota Springs), the hot springs here have curative effects, but the more popular ones are the Saragota Performing Arts Center, which is the New York City Ballet and Philadelphia Orchestra (Philadelphia Orchestra). Fragrant to the north Pine Forests, frozen lakes and the towering Adirondacks are good places for camping, hiking and canoeing. The most famous place in this area is Lake Placid, which can skate, ski and ski jump all year round.
One of the seven wonders of the world Niagara Falls (Niagara Falls) 。 [11]


Actors, directors, writers, comedians Woody Allen (Woody Allen)
writer James Baldwin (James Baldwin)
NBA legend Michael Jordan (Michael Jordan)
Famous boxer Mike Tyson (Michael Gerard Tyson)
Eighth President of the United States Martin Van Buren (Martin Van Buren)
Thirteenth President of the United States Millard Fillmore (Millard Fillmore)
The 22nd and 24th Presidents of the United States Grover Cleveland (Grover Cleveland)
32nd President of the United States Franklin Roosevelt (Franklin Delano Roosevelt)
The 26th President of the United States Theodore Roosevelt (Theodore Roosevelt)
The 45th President of the United States Donald Trump (Donald Trump)
Industrialists and philanthropists John D. Rockefeller (John D. Rockefeller)
Shirley Chisholm, the first black female representative in the United States
Composer Aaron Copland
performer Tom Cruise (Tom Cruise)
Actress Jody Foster
Composer George Gershwin
writer joseph heller (Joseph Heller)
Writer Washington Irving
Clare Booth Luce, a political figure and playwright
writer James Michener (James Michener)
playwright arthur miller (Arthur Miller)
writer Henry Miller (Henry Miller)
Playwright Eugene O'Neill
artist Norman Rockwell (Norman Rockwell)
Scientist Jonas Salk
Folk composer and singer Pete Seeger
The playwright Neil Simon
Sojourner Truth, a social reformer
Action superstar Sylvester Stallone (Sylvester Stallone)
Action star Mel Gibson (Mel Gibson)
Action star Van Diesel (Vin Diesel)
Pop music diva butterfly Maria Kelly (Mariah Carey)
The poet Walt Whitman

Gun Ban Alliance

In February 2018, in order to combat violent shooting, New York State New Jersey and Connecticut The governor of.
At a joint press conference, New Jersey Governor Murphy said that gun violence is not a problem in New Jersey, New York, Connecticut or Rhode Island, but a national problem. We cannot wait for Congress or the President to take action. We must take immediate measures to protect our residents and communities. Most importantly, the joint action of multiple states can better ensure the safety of our community, so as to promote gun control common sense and establish effective gun control laws.
The governors said that this alliance, called "States for Gun safety", would create a database to include the names and information of people who are prohibited from buying guns in various states, including their criminal history, wholesale protection orders, mental health status, etc. The law enforcement officers of the three states can share these information to track down the origin and development of the criminals and the guns involved in the crime. This can also make those guns involved in cross-border transactions difficult to escape the law. Another purpose of the alliance is to control the proliferation of black market guns, strengthen the monitoring of potential violent criminals, coordinate the actions of law enforcement departments and share intelligence information. In addition, the governors will designate Higher education institutions Establish their own regional gun violence research groups, and the results will be used as a reference for governors to formulate legislation and gun control guidelines.
Reported that New York Governor Cuomo said that the federal government's gun control action was too slow. We cannot put children's lives in danger. This pioneering regional alliance will show legislators across the country how to effectively safeguard the safety of our community.
In New York City, Bai Sihao The mayor announced that a campus anti violence exercise will be held next month with the participation of all schools in the city metal detector To ensure the safety of students.
Earlier, President Trump said that he would consider letting trained teachers carry guns to fight against violence. Mayor Bethlehow said that he would "absolutely not approve". He said that no one who attaches importance to education would think this is a good idea.
In addition, Bai Sihao also announced that the primary and secondary schools in the city will hold a "resettlement and risk avoidance" exercise before next month. The mayor said that young people must be taught how to prepare for mass shootings, although doing so may be disturbing. Bai Sihao accused the current gun policy of being "a fundamental mistake", and the municipal government must respond. [3]

Important events


Epidemic events

On September 9, 2022, the official website of the New York State Government issued the Executive Order, declaring the state of emergency in response to the growing polio epidemic.
The New York Times reported on September 9 that on July 21, 2022, an adult who had not been vaccinated was declared infected with poliovirus in Rockland, New York, which led to paralysis. This case has also become the first case of polio found in the United States in the past decade. After that, the relevant departments found the virus in the wastewater samples of Orange County and Sullivan County nearby. Until last month (August), the virus was also found in the samples of Nassau County, which borders Queens District of New York City, which attracted the attention of the health department. However, no other cases have been found in the state.
In response to the epidemic, on September 9, Kathy Hochul, the governor of New York State, announced that New York had entered a state of disaster emergency to speed up the vaccination of residents against polio. [15] The state of emergency will last until October 9. [16]


On November 21, 2022, the White House of the United States issued a statement saying that President Biden declared a state of emergency in New York State on the evening of November 20 local time, and ordered federal aid to the state to help the local fight against the snowstorm. New York State has suffered severe snowstorms since November 18. [18]
On December 26, 2022 local time, the White House of the United States issued a statement announcing that President Biden approved the state of emergency in New York State and ordered the federal government to provide assistance to the state in combating the storm and snow disaster. The Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency will coordinate disaster relief Work. [19]