Natuna Islands

Islands between Malay Peninsula and Borneo Island
zero Useful+1
The total area of Natuna Islands is 2110 square kilometers, with a population of about 90000. be located Malay Peninsula and Kalimantan Island The highest point in the sea area between Grand Natuna And the altitude is about 959m. It is hot and rainy all year round, Subtropical zone forest. The island is rich in timber Coconut cocoa , rice and corn. The main towns are in Panarique and Zhiluofutu on the north and south coast of the main island.
Natuna Islands is a multicultural archipelago, dominated by Malay culture, rich in natural resources and rare species. It is also an important energy base in Indonesia. Although its residents live a simple life, they are full of awe and protection of nature. Cultural and recreational activities focus on natural ecology and religious beliefs.
Chinese name
Natuna Islands
Foreign name
Natuna Islands
geographical position
South China Sea Southernmost
Malay Peninsula and Kalimantan Island Sea area between
2110 km²
Ambona Islands
Archipelago population
About 90000
Sovereign ownership

geographical environment

The Natuna Islands consist of 272 islands, located in Natuna Sea The Natuna Sea itself is part of the South China Sea. Geographical coordinates : 4 ° 00 ′ N, 108 ° 15 ′ E, bordering Malaysia in the west and Malaysia in the east Kalimantan Island , the main islands include Natuna Big Island (Natuna Besar), South Natuna archipelago Tameland Islands (Tambelanarchipelago) and Badas Islands (Badas Islands)。 The South Natuna Islands mainly include Serasan, Panjang and Subi. A few hundred kilometers west of the Natuna Islands is Anambas (Anambas archipelago) is mainly composed of Terempa, Matak and Jemaja Andriabu island, and sometimes the Natuna Islands are included in the Anambas Islands.

natural resources



There are 71 kinds birds , including endangered Fishing carving , Natuna Snake carving And rare Silver dove Other species are also endangered, such as Green Sparrow Bulbul Brown Babbler Calyptomena viridis Etc. Multicoloured Coral It is widely distributed in the surrounding waters, and sea turtles will Tameland Islands Spawning on warm beaches, Natuna Langur (Natuna Banded Leaf Monkey) is one of the 20 most endangered species in the world.
There is a rare species on the Natuna Islands - Origan betta. In 2002, from China (including mainland and Taiwan), Indonesia Malaysia the Philippines Singapore Thailand and Vietnam? Two surveys were carried out in the Natuna Islands by the researchers of. This kind of fish is mentioned in the report. "Aurans" in Latin It means "golden flash of light ”, referring to the golden color on the body and abdomen of this fish scale


Natuna gas field be located South China Sea Sea area, in Jakarta 683 miles north, 140 miles northeast of Natuna. The gas field was discovered by Italian Agip Company in 1970, Recoverable reserves Estimated 46 trillion Cubic feet However, Agip finally gave up the right to develop the gas field. In January 1999, Singapore SembGas signed a natural gas contract Purchase and Sales Contract The contract volume is 325 million cubic feet/day. West Natuna Natural Gas Group is a member of Pertamina Conoco A joint venture with Gulf Indonesia Resources. McDermott won the pipeline contract for the project, and the pipeline will start to flow to Singapore in the middle of 2001 Supply of natural gas In November 1999, Conoco announced the discovery of new natural gas resources in Sinatuna Natural gas reserves It has increased by about 1 trillion cubic feet. Matak Island is the most important offshore gas production base. By 2003, Indonesia had passed the Natural gas pipeline Natural gas is transported from the West Natuna Islands to Singapore. Later, it was built from the south sumatra Natural gas pipeline to Singapore, from the Sinatura Islands to Malaysia. stay Irian Jaya Provincial and Natuna Islands liquified natural gas The transmission project will promote the export of Indonesian LNG. After 2008, Indonesia began to cooperate with the eight countries Joint development Natural gas in the Natuna Islands. In addition to oil and natural gas, what the local government can offer is fishing.


85.27% of the inhabitants of the Natuna Islands are Malay , others by Chinese Java People and Sumatra People. Although here is Indonesia But the ancestors of most residents are from peninsular malaysia On the east coast. The common language is Malay Of Tengjialou Prefecture Dialect, Islamism It is the common belief of the islanders.