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Gradational difference

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Labor wage terms
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Gradation has different meanings in different contexts. It usually refers to the difference between two adjacent data when describing the same thing or indicator.
Chinese name
Gradational difference
Difference between two adjacent data
Field I
Terms for filling in college entrance examination volunteers
Field II
Labor wage terms

Basic meaning

Gradation has different meanings in different contexts. It usually refers to the difference and grade between two adjacent data when describing the same thing or indicator.

Different meanings


Terms for filling in college entrance examination volunteers

The so-called differential refers to that when colleges and universities enroll the first volunteer and non first volunteer candidates Minimum admission control line The score difference of. Generally, the minimum control line for admission of non first volunteer candidates is several to dozens of points higher. If further subdivided, there are two kinds of "voluntary differential" and "professional differential". Some colleges and universities also use different admission score lines in the admission of the first volunteer major and non first volunteer major.
Popular explanation: the so-called differential is the fractional differential, which can also be divided into Poor grade of school volunteers Poor grading with professional volunteers.
The difference in the grade of school volunteers refers to the difference in the scores of non first college volunteer candidates. For example, a university stipulates that the grade difference of school volunteers is 20 points, and the score line of the first volunteer is 600 points, so the score line of the second volunteer is 620 points. For colleges and universities with sufficient number of first volunteer students and prescribed voluntary graduation, the provincial recruitment office will submit the files of first volunteer candidates according to the proportion of files submitted, and then submit the files of second volunteer candidates whose scores are above the graduation to the school according to the voluntary graduation proposed by the college, and the school will review and enroll them.
In addition, some colleges and universities also stipulate the grade difference of professional volunteer when assigning majors, which refers to the score difference when enrolling non first major candidates. For example, a school stipulates that the major grade difference is 5 points. When assigning majors, the school will subtract 5 points from the scores of the second major volunteer candidates, and then rank and determine the majors together with the first major volunteer candidates.
However, some schools that do not stipulate the poor grading of professional volunteers adopt the principle of voluntary priority when assigning majors, that is, first meet the first professional volunteer candidates, and some adopt the principle of score priority, that is, priority is given to the candidates with high scores.

Voluntary graduation

Volunteer grade difference (score grade difference) refers to the score difference required to be higher than the filing line of the first volunteer candidates when extracting the files of non first volunteer (second volunteer) candidates on the premise that there are sufficient first volunteer students in colleges and universities. The Provincial High School Admission Office still submits the files of the first volunteer candidates to the admission institutions according to the prescribed filing method, namely, the ratio of 1:1.2. During the admission process, the institutions that implement the grading of scores will decide how to extract the files of the second volunteer candidates that meet their grade differences, and the remaining problems will also be solved by the admission institutions. The admission of insufficient college students and candidates who are willing to obey the adjustment will not be subject to grading.

Introduction to Professional Volunteer Grading

There are professional volunteers Professional volunteer level difference The professional grade difference is 5 points, 3 points, 2 points, 1 point, that is, the volunteer difference between the first and second volunteers is 5 points, and the volunteer difference between the second and third volunteers is 3 points... The professional grade difference is not set for transfer volunteers. When filling in professional volunteers, candidates should know the average score and grade of each enrollment major in the school in recent years, and then arrange the majors in a reasonable order according to their own interests and strength.

Labor wage terms

Grade difference refers to the difference between the high grade wage standard and the low grade wage standard between the two adjacent wage standards in the wage grade, indicating that different grades of labor have different labor remuneration due to their different labor complexity and proficiency. Wage differential can be used as absolute amount, differential percentage or Salary grade coefficient express.

Size gradation

Dimension grade difference refers to the difference between adjacent dimensions in different dimension data of product series. For example, in furniture design, in order to meet the different needs of users, a piece of furniture usually designs and produces multiple specifications, with adjustments in length, width, height and angle (inclination). The difference between the corresponding size data is the size difference. In industrial production, it is also called modulus. Due to the 32mm manufacturing system of processing technology, the modulus is generally a multiple of 32mm.