Seeing blood sealed the throat

Euphorbia in Moriaceae
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synonym Curare wood (Curculia curcas) generally refers to bleeding to seal throat (Moriaceae bleeding to seal throat)
Seeing blood sealed the throat( Antiaris toxicaria Lesch.) is a plant of the genus Euphorbia in the mulberry family, and large trees occasionally have plate roots; The bark is gray and slightly rough. The leaves are oval to obovate, with dark green surface and very short filaments; The style is stigma subulate, with persistent bracts that are bright red to purple red; The seed has no endosperm, hard exotesta and small radicle. The flowering period is from March to April, and the fruit period is from May to June. [8] The name "stop at the sight of blood, stop at the throat" was given by the residents in southern China. It seemed that an invisible hand was holding the throat in an instant, describing the toxicity. [9]
The place of origin is from southern China to southern Yunnan, and it is distributed in Oceania and Africa abroad. They are mostly found in mountain broad-leaved forest rain forest below 1500 meters above sea level. [10] Seen blood sealed throat is a positive plant. It likes high temperature, humid and sunny places. The suitable temperature for growth is 23-32 ℃. It is heat resistant, cold resistant and drought resistant. The natural propagation mode is sowing propagation. [11]
Chinese Herbal Medicine records that blocking the throat at the sight of blood has the functions of strengthening the heart, promoting vomiting, anaesthesia, treating lymphatic tuberculosis, relieving fever, and treating dysentery. It has certain research value and development value in medicine, but it should be noted that this product is highly toxic. Yunnan, Hainan and other places use tree juice as poison arrows to shoot wild animals, so it is called curare wood. [12]
Chinese name
Seeing blood sealed the throat
Latin name
Antiaris toxicaria Lesch.
Curare wood
Magnolia [6]
Seeing blood sealed the throat
Distribution area
Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Yunnan, Sri Lanka, India, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia

History of botany

The name "stop at the sight of blood, stop at the throat" was given by the residents in southern China. It seemed that an invisible hand was holding the throat in an instant, describing the toxicity. [9]

morphological character

Seen blood sealed throat is a plant of Moriaceae Seen blood sealed throat. It is 25-40 meters high, 30-40 cm in diameter at breast height, and big trees occasionally have plate roots; Bark gray, slightly rough; Branchlets are brown pilose when young and wrinkled when dry. [13]
The leaves are oval to obovate, densely covered with long coarse hairs when young, with serrated edges. The growing leaves are oval in length, 7-19 cm long, 3-6 cm wide, gradually pointed at the apex, round to light heart-shaped at the base, asymmetric on both sides, dark green on the surface, sparsely growing coarse hairs, light green on the back, densely covered with long coarse hairs, more dense along the midrib, becoming tan after drying, 10-13 pairs of lateral veins; Petiole short, 5-8 mm long, hirsute; Stipule Shackle shaped, early fall.
Male inflorescence is tray shaped, about 1.5 cm wide, surrounded by boat shaped triangular bracts, Bract The top is involute, and the outside is hairy; The male flower perianth lobes are 4, sparse to 3, the stamens and lobes are the same number and opposite, the anthers are oval, with scattered purple spots, and the filaments are very short; Female flower is solitary, hidden in pear shaped receptacle, surrounded by most bracts, without perianth, ovary is 1-locular, ovule hangs from the top of the locule, style is 2-lobed, style is stigmatic, hairy. The flowering period is from March to April.
Drupe Pear shaped, with persistent bracts, bright red to purple red; Ripe drupe, 2 cm in diameter, bright red to purple red; The seed has no endosperm, hard exotesta, fleshy cotyledons, and small radicle. The flowering period is from March to April, and the fruit period is from May to June. [1] [8]
 Seeing Blood Seals the Throat - Branches Seeing Blood Seals the Throat - Branches Seeing Blood Seals the Throat - Branches Seeing Blood Seals the Throat - Branches Seeing Blood Seals the Throat - Branches Seeing Blood Seals the Throat - Branches Seeing Blood Seals the Throat - Branches Seeing Blood Seals Throat - Branches and Fruits Seeing blood sealed throat ink line diagram
Seeing blood sealed the throat

Distinction of recent species

Seeing blood sealed the throat
breadfruit tree
Tall arbor with highly toxic emulsion.
Evergreen trees.
It is up to 45m in height, 1.5m in diameter at breast height, and has large roots. [1]
10-15m high; The bark is grayish brown and thick. [14]
Seeing blood sealed the throat
breadfruit tree


The place of origin is from southern China to southern Yunnan, and it is distributed in Oceania and Africa abroad. They are mostly found in mountain broad-leaved forest rain forest below 1500 meters above sea level. [10]
The place of origin is from southern China to southern Yunnan, and it is distributed in Oceania and Africa abroad. Mainly distributed in Guangdong (Leizhou Peninsula), Hainan, Guangxi, Sri Lanka, India (including Andaman Islands ), Myanmar, Thailand Indochina Peninsula , Malaysia, Indonesia( Sumatra , Java Kalimantan Sulawesi )。 The variety is distributed in Oceania and Africa. [1] They are mostly found in mountain broad-leaved forest rain forest below 1500 meters above sea level. [10]

Growth habit

Seen blood sealed throat is a positive plant. It likes high temperature, humid and sunny places. The suitable temperature for growth is 23-32 ℃. It is heat resistant, cold resistant and drought resistant. Polygenous Tropical dry forest Rainforest area, with abundant heat, long summer and no winter, and weak impact of cold wave in winter, the annual average temperature is mostly 21-24 ℃, the average temperature in the coldest month is above 13-17 ℃, and the extreme minimum temperature is above 0-5 ℃. In the year when the big cold wave invades south-west, the temporary low temperature below 0 ℃ can occur from southwest Guangxi to west Guangdong, with annual rainfall of 1200-2000mm, dry Wet season Clear or not so clear, with high air humidity; The annual average relative humidity is above 80%. stay Granite shale , sandstone and other acidic bedrock and Quaternary laterite, the soil is laterite or laterite, with pH value of 6.8-7.7. Blocking the throat at the sight of blood can form giant trees in the upper layer of seasonal rainforest, which are often tall and straight above the main canopy. In the coastal platform with developed roots, strong wind resistance and frequent wind disasters, isolated trees are also not vulnerable to wind fall, but they tend to grow shorter. [1]

Reproductive methods

Seed collection and treatment
In the first ten days of May every year, collect seeds when the skin of the fruit turns red to purple black and a large number of fruits fall off. Most of the resulting trees are 100 years old, and their trunks are tall. It is difficult to collect fruits on the trees, so it is necessary to collect them on the ground when they fall off. Manually clean the collected fruits, remove the peel, and obtain nearly oval seeds. Then, float the plump seeds with water, and dry the plump seeds for sowing.
Sowing and seedling management
According to the germination characteristics of the seeds of Dioscorea asphodeloides, in order to improve the germination rate of the seeds, it is best to sow while picking, and can be spot sown, trenched and drilled. Sow seeds at 3-4cm × 10cm spacing, about 250 seeds per square meter, cover with 2cm soil, then cover with dry straw, and drench with water to keep the soil moist. The seeds begin to germinate in 25-30 days, reach the peak in 40 days, and complete germination in 55 days.
One month after the seedlings are unearthed, they can be lightly applied with decomposed human and animal manure (the ratio of decomposed human and animal manure to water is 1:20) or 0.1% compound fertilizer and water fertilizer. 4-5 leaf transplantable nutrition bags are generally 16cm x 16cm in size. The substrate is 20% burnt soil and 80% sandy loam. It is best to transplant seedlings in rainy days or in the afternoon. After planting, drench them with root setting water, and then build a frame to shade them with 70% shading net. After the seedlings resume growth, remove the shading net. Fertilization can be carried out about one month after transplanting. Generally, compound fertilizer or urea, or two kinds of fertilizers are applied alternately, once every 15 days. The concentration is generally 0.1% - 0.3%, and the concentration of potassium fertilizer is increased appropriately from August to September, with a concentration of 0.3%, to promote its lignification, which is beneficial for young seedlings to survive the winter.
Generally, 2-year-old nutrition bag seedlings have a high survival rate. One month before planting, move the nutrition bag seedlings, sort the seedlings, and plant after the seedlings are stabilized again. Do not damage the root when removing the nutrition bag for planting, and shade 1 month after planting; Remove weeds around and keep the soil loose and moist. The planting site shall have sufficient sunshine, deep soil layer, good drainage, and no clay. The throat is sealed at the sight of blood, so we should pay attention to drainage and waterlogging prevention. [3]

cultivation techniques

Due to its high toxicity, cutting of branches should be avoided as far as possible during cultivation, and corresponding protection should be done before pruning. In greenhouse cultivation display, it should also be explained with signs, and planted in places that are not easily accessible to tourists.

Key values


chemical composition

Milk contains α - antiarin, β - sianoside, malayoside, 19 deoxy - α - ticoid, 19 deoxy - β - sianoside, con valloside, digitalin - α - rhamno side, and convalloxin.
The seeds contain cymarin, cymarol, strophaloside, periplolo side, scoparin - α - L-rhamnoside, lily of the valley, rhamnoside, strophantojavoside, Antiogoside, Antialoside, Antiarojavoside, Strophanthidin, Perilogenin, Antiari genin. [5]


Chinese Herbal Medicine records that blocking the throat at the sight of blood has the functions of strengthening the heart, promoting vomiting, anaesthesia, treating lymphatic tuberculosis, relieving fever, and treating dysentery. It has certain research value and development value in medicine, but it should be noted that this product is highly toxic. Yunnan, Hainan and other places use tree juice as poison arrows to shoot wild animals, so it is called curare wood. [12]

daily expenses

The bark of the tree is particularly thick, rich in slender and flexible fibers. Ethnic minorities in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, often use it skillfully to make mattresses, clothes or tube skirts. Take a section of tree trunk with suitable length, and use a small stick to knock it over and over evenly. When the bark is separated from the wooden layer, take off the whole section of bark like a snake peeling off, or use a knife to cut it open, peel it in whole pieces, then put it in water for about a month, and then put it in clean water while knocking and washing it. After this, remove the venom, remove the gum, and then dry it in the sun, you will get a piece of white Thick, soft fiber layer. The mattress on the bed made of it is comfortable and durable, and has good elasticity after sleeping for decades; The clothes or tube skirts made with it are both soft and warm, and are loved by local residents. [4]


Medicine related
Source of medicinal materials: It is the milk and seeds of mulberry plants.
Harvesting and storage: harvest fruits in summer, peel seeds and dry them; Or cut the milk and dry it. [5]
Drug property discussion
Nature and taste: bitter; Sexual temperature; Great Poison
Main functions: fresh tree juice; Cardiotonic; Emesis; Purgative; Anesthesia; External use for lymph node tuberculosis. Seed: antipyretic. Main dysentery
Precautions: It is highly toxic to kill the throat at the sight of blood, and should be used with caution. In Yunnan and Hainan, tree sap is used as curare to shoot wild animals; If the venom of the wounded person or animal enters the wound, it will be poisoned and die soon. [5]
Dai medicine
Buried in Guangzhou: The sap of the tree is used as the poison arrow "Banna Dai Medicine". Buried in Guangzhou, Gedui (Western Dai): The tree juice is used as an anesthetic. Ge Guan, Buri Guang, Guo Di (Western Dai): Tree sap is used as poison arrows for medicinal purposes. Buried wide, the poison arrow tree, blood sealed the throat, poison arrow tree: the sap is the poison arrow "Dai Yao Zhi".
pharmacological action
Cardiac strengthening effect: The ethanol extract of Seen Blood sealed Throat Milk has the effects of cardiac strengthening, pressure boosting and cardiac output increasing. Among the glycosides contained in this product, many have digitalis like cardiotonic effect. For example, when the frog lymph sac is injected with 0.05mg, its heart can stop in the systole; It can make the cat's ECG produce changes similar to those of xanthoside in turn, slowing down the heart beat, prolonging the P-R interval, ectopic rhythm, tachycardia, and finally leading to death due to ventricular fibrillation; The cardiac potency for cats, namely the minimum lethal dose (mg/kg) of cats, is: α - see blood seal throat glycoside 0.116, β - see blood seal throat glycoside 0.102, α - see blood seal throat guloside 0.142, see blood seal throat rhamnoside 0.125, Malayan poison arrow glucoside 0.107, see blood seal throat alooside 0.122, poisonous spiral flower seed alooside 0.118, periploid alooside 0.138, see blood seal throat aglycone 0.359. [5]

Protection status

Most of Hainan's bloodthirsty people live in Hainan's Wuzhi Mountain Tropical rain forest Region, which is National Nature Reserve [2] Therefore, it is the most complete. In Yunnan, most of the areas where the throat is sealed with blood are nature reserves. Outside the nature reserves, the local people have the habit of protecting and often do not cut down at will. The production areas in Guangdong and Guangxi that have not been protected have been strengthened and expanded.
In March 2023, it was selected into the List of Key Protected Wild Plants in Guangdong Province (the first batch). [7]

Plant culture


Dai nationality

According to legend, it was a Dai hunter who first discovered that the curare wood juice was highly toxic in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province. Once, the hunter was forced to climb a big tree when he was being hunted by a huge bear, but the bear still kept on chasing him. At the critical moment when he had no way to go and was dying, the hunter was quick to break a branch and stab the bear climbing the tree. A miracle happened suddenly, black bear Immediately fall to the ground and die. Since then, hunters in Xishuangbanna have learned to apply the sap of curare wood to arrows for hunting. There is also a legend among the Dai people that blood kills the throat. It is said that it happened once thousands of years ago in Xishuangbanna Flood and famine After the flood and famine, people who were going to rebuild their homes went up to the mountains to cut trees and met 77 tigers in the forest. Lin Zhongmeng tiger The hunters can't kill countless people. There was a man named Bohongsha who had to take many poisons in order to get rid of tigers. After the blood was soaked in the ground, a tree grew up. Since the tree has absorbed the poisonous blood of Bohongsha, the branches contain Highly toxic This kind of poisonous branch tells posterity with vivid legends that it is a kind of poisonous wood that stops the throat at the sight of blood. Its branches can make Chita Kill.


It is said that when the ancient Indians of America met the invasion of the enemy, women and children in the rear smeared the blood curdling juice on the arrowhead and transported it to the front for men to kill the enemy on the battlefield. As a result, the Indians fought and won repeatedly, killing the invading enemies everywhere, and were terrified. They tenaciously kept their homes for generations. According to historical records, in 1859, East Indies When fighting with the British army, the aboriginal people of the United States of America shot an arrow with the arrow painted with blood curdling juice at the attackers. At first, the British soldiers did not know how powerful the arrow was. Those who were shot by the arrow still rushed forward, but soon fell to the ground and died. The lethality of this poisonous arrow shocked the British army.


The tree sap is highly toxic. It is often mixed with strychnine as Curare medical. The tree sap enters the body from the wound and causes poisoning. The main symptoms are muscle relaxation, slow heartbeat, and finally death due to cardiac arrest. The symptoms of animal poisoning are similar to those of human, and the animal will die within 20 minutes to 2 hours after poisoning. It is the most poisonous tree in the world, distributed in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China and Danzhou, Hainan. The blood sealed the throat tree. Its sap is white, but extremely poisonous.
The milky juice containing Highly toxic , once exposed to human and animal wounds, it can make the poisoned person heart Paralysis, vascular occlusion, blood coagulation, and even asphyxia Death. In this regard, Xishuangbanna There is a folk saying that "seven up, eight down and nine down"
The 50% lethal dose of the ethanol extract of Seen Blood Seal Throat Milk injected into the frog lymph sac is 0.8mg/kg. The moderate dose can cause nausea and vomiting in dogs, while the large dose can accelerate their heart rate and produce ventricular fibrillation.