management system

Organization management system
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The management system is designed to achieve Organizational objectives , for Manage Objects It is a complete organization management system composed of various management organizations, management systems, management processes and management methods with specific management functions and internal links. In an enterprise, the total system can be divided into subsystems such as planned operation, production technology, labor and personnel, financial cost and life service. There are both differences and connections between them. The goal of the subsystem should obey the overall goal of the enterprise management system. The role of each subsystem is not parallel, and one subsystem plays a leading role in achieving the overall goal. Considering enterprise management as a system, we can adopt a systematic analysis method to comprehensively study various professional management of the enterprise, organically combine the internal conditions and external environment of production and operation activities, quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, select the optimal scheme, improve economic efficiency and promote production development. [1]
Chinese name
management system
Foreign name
System Management
controller And Manage Objects form
Clear purpose and organization


English: Management System. The management system is composed of controller And Manage Objects A whole composed and controlled by the manager. The management system varies from one object to another, and can be scientific, economic, educational, political, etc. The whole management system is composed of relatively independent different parts. These parts can be divided according to people, finance, materials, information, time, etc., or according to the management function or the department setting of the management organization. Management worker If you can't see each part of the whole component If you can't see the overall structure and pattern clearly, it will cause confusion in understanding, and thus you can't distinguish the priorities in work. At the same time, any management system is changing and developing, and any change and development will be shown as management concrete tasks and management objectives Change of realization conditions of.
The management system has Clear purpose and Organizational

System classification

Classification by applicable scale
one C/S architecture Management system under. That is, the client server structure is to reasonably allocate the operating functions of the system to the client side and the server side. The management system under this architecture is suitable for the use of LAN within enterprises, with limitations and relatively strong confidentiality.
2. Management system under B/S architecture. B/S architecture, namely browser and server structure, the user's working interface can be realized through www browser. From the scope of application, the management system of B/S architecture is not only applicable to the internal LAN of enterprises, but also applicable to the external WAN. That is to say, while ensuring the confidentiality requirements of computers designated by enterprises, it can meet the requirements of unrestricted office work under the Internet and adapt to the needs of global management of enterprises.
Classification by enterprise development
1. Management system of finished product package
This kind of system is a finalized management system, which makes a small amount of function adjustment to the software through the parameter setting of the software. The management requirements that cannot be solved are realized through secondary development. The main structure of the system cannot be changed, and only part of the new requirements can be solved. At the same time, secondary development may cause system instability. Such systems have poor flexibility, slow update speed, low cost and fast application speed.
2. Management system developed on the development platform
This kind of management system is designed and developed according to user requirements on the development platform. However, the construction speed is slow, and the quality is limited by the business understanding ability and business experience of R&D personnel. Enterprises can also set up R&D teams to develop their own management systems, which costs a little more.
3. Management system under application design platform
Such systems carry out personalized design according to user needs, including finance, budget, assets, projects, contracts, procurement, bidding, inventory, planning, sales, production and manufacturing, sales, equipment, engineering, e-commerce, human resources, administrative office, analysis and decision-making, management functions, business processes, data query, user interface style, etc. It can respond to changes in management requirements, dynamically adjust business applications and management processes, and solve the problem that the management system cannot be completed synchronously with business changes due to the long secondary development cycle.


With the progress of computer technology, the management system has extended from the traditional management science to Software technology Category of. With the development of international salesforce Oracle 800 domestic customers, Shenma Management 123 , Baihui Jinzhi Software , Kingdee, UFIDA, Suda female housekeeper With the rise of a group of well-known management system builders, "management system" focuses more on ERP, SOA SAAS The word "etc." appears in various popular occasions.
Most software development platforms are integrated Standardized software Functions, such as OA CRM . Purchase, sales and storage Document management , contract management, etc modular yes end user and Software service provider For example, they can not only purchase these standardized software to meet the basic requirements, but also purchase software+platform packages to Personalized needs Rapid development.
This software development platform is mainly aimed at three groups: first, the developers of the manufacturers themselves, and second cooperative partner The third is the developers of the end user. The goal is to quickly redevelop, or build, personalized requirements. Many software development platforms have achieved code free development, and only need to build on the interface, can quickly generate new Business system , just like building blocks.
It is understood that in western developed countries, Software development platform It is a software development form widely used by large, medium and small companies, accounting for about 40% of enterprise management software market share However, in China, due to the difference between the economic environment and traditional management methods, it has not been recognized by customers.
In order to dispel the doubts of users, companies such as Asier Software have adopted the free trial mode. Asier Software can provide the service of trial before purchase for both standardized software and development platform. At the same time, the price of the platform is very low, and it can also provide users with comprehensive technical and personnel support, which makes their products gradually accepted. This way is also increasingly Platform provider Used.


The basic truth formed by scientific analysis and summary of the essence of management is the abstraction of the real management phenomenon, and it is the reflection of the management system and management Highly integrated and summarized.
Main features: objectivity General , stability systematicness
It mainly includes: human-oriented principle System principle Contingency principle and benefit principle

Humanistic principle

It means that all management activities should be based on mobilizing people's enthusiasm, subjective initiative and creativity Human's all-round development A management principle of.

System principle

Is to use system theory Systematic analysis and implementation of management activities systematization Management to achieve optimization goals.

Contingency principle

It means that under the premise of the continuous development and change of the environment and conditions of the organization's activities, management should adapt to the needs of people, events, time and place, and take management measures appropriate to the specific situation to achieve Organizational objectives A management principle of.

Benefit principle

It refers to a management principle that all management activities of the organization should aim at achieving effectiveness and pursuing high efficiency.

Enterprise system

The enterprise management system can help enterprise managers improve their work efficiency, rather than increase their burden. There is no complicated process design, no complicated form design, etc. Enterprise management software In terms of the comprehensiveness of system functions, the controllability of process, and the advancement of technology, more attention should be paid to the ease of use of the system.
Enterprise management system It refers to most functions that can reflect enterprise management (including policy decision , planning, organization, leadership, monitoring, analysis, etc.), can provide real-time, relevant, accurate and complete data controller A software that provides the basis for decision-making. By module, enterprise management software can be divided into financial management Workshop management Purchase, sales and inventory management (ERP), asset management, cost management, equipment management, quality management Distribution resource plan Management, Human Resources Management (HR) supply chain management (SCM)、 customer relationship management (CRM), etc.
seeing the name of a thing one thinks of its function, Enterprise management system It is a set of systems, but it is not only a system, but also the concretization and logicalization of management theory and experience, and the landing of management behavior. Because the design and development process of enterprise management software is to study the most advanced management model and process in the industry, which has even been proved effective by most enterprises Management rules These management experiences have been embodied in the ideas, processes, report contents, statistical analysis projects Management level Information decision-making is in progress. Therefore, the most effective enterprise management software is enterprise management software in the form of enterprise consultants. Only general consultants provide this service.

Functional features

1. Understandability
2. Easy learning habits
3. Operability
4. Ease of use and functionality

Company system

The company system is a new concept put forward by the team headed by Jia Changsong, Chairman of Changshong Consulting. It is intended to liberate the boss, let companies and enterprises use the system to make money, and build a system engineering of sustainable growth. The purpose is to let enterprises return to basic management through the introduction of the enterprise management system, realize the profit multiplication and sustainable development of enterprises, and become a systematic enterprise.
Enterprise system
Cultural system
Quantification of enterprise spirit culture
Formation of enterprise PK culture
MOT (key behavior) formation
Form specific scheme
Organizational system
Corporate Vision
Corporate mission
Organization and development planning
Form report
Salary system
Enterprise salary system
Remuneration of enterprise managers
Production system salary
Marketing system salary
Financial system salary
Compensation of functional system
1. System
2. Programme
3. Table
4. Evaluation scheme
5. Calculation software
Performance system
Construction of the Company's overall assessment system
Assessment culture and assessment system
employee evaluation form
Behavior assessment
1. System
2. Assessment Form
3. Standards
4. Software
Talent introduction system
Senior talent introduction system
Recruitment process system
Recruitment evaluation method
Five year talent planning system
1. System
2. Process
3. Methods
4. Software
Equity system
Share cooperation contract
Subsidiary company scheme
Senior management plan
Key talent plan
Equity purchase plan
1. Contract
2. Programme
3. Process


Changsong Consulting Team: the first brand in Chinese enterprise system construction, serving 600 Chinese enterprises every year, helping 70% of enterprises achieve an annual sales growth of 200%. Mr. Jia Changsong, the core expert of the company and system engineering, is the most practical system management expert in China, the lifelong promoter of China Marketing Academy, and the chairman of Changsong Group.
Mr. Jia Changshong, committed to the system construction focusing on private enterprises, advocated that entrepreneurs return to the basic management system, lay a good foundation in the enterprise management system, and grow with Chinese enterprises with the attitude of trust, hard work and service.

Online training

If you are using the learning management system for online training for your company, consider that some trainees may have never experienced online courses. Therefore, a trainer with high leadership skills is critical.
If you need trainees to work in groups or teams, it is also critical to establish a group atmosphere and build trust. The trainer can establish clear goals for each trainee and let them complete the task independently, so as to establish a trustworthy environment.
Virtual cooperation should be designed into the curriculum to establish dialogue among group members. The video conference system, wiki and discussion board can be used together with the learning management system to ensure the success of the group.
Using the learning management system, team members can distinguish roles, make plans and brainstorm, create project briefs, write logs, and create final reports.
In team cooperation, everyone is assigned a role, and the role assignment must be clear. The trainer should outline all standard procedures at the beginning of the training, including technical procedures and "soft" procedures. Since the role is very clear at the beginning, students will not lose or give up, and the conflict between team members may be minimized. Knowing how to communicate well can help avoid arguments.
The most important content of any team cooperation training is to create an atmosphere of mutual respect. Good support from trainees comes more from their attitudes and behaviors than from procedures and tools. Effective student teams come from the inspiration, encouragement and respect of trainers, not just from preaching.
The learning management system is very helpful for the training team to organize and set clear goals. The tracking system of the learning management system can provide rewards and recognition for team members. But what is more effective than learning management system online training courses is to encourage, communicate effectively and lead reliably

System value

1、 Transfer information management experience and standardize enterprise processes. Through the management system, you can sort out the process of excellent sales personnel managing customers, and optimize it into the system process, so that everyone can master the best sales process.
2、 Improve sales project management ability and closing rate. Through the management system, key management points can be set for the enterprise's sales management process, so that sales managers can provide relevant support in a timely manner, help sales personnel better manage the sales process, and improve Customer satisfaction And sales closing rate.
3、 Reduce training. What can management bring to enterprises? The management system standardizes all processes related to enterprise sales management. As long as new employees or job transfer employees follow the system's processes, they can quickly become familiar with new positions, which reduces the training work of enterprises and improves the speed of employees' employment.
4、 Prevent errors. Because the management system has specified the process that conforms to the characteristics of the enterprise in detail, and controls the key points, it can effectively prevent enterprise personnel from making mistakes. For example, many salespeople often make the mistake of quoting customers before internal cost accounting, which may easily lead to the situation of company projects. The management system can set the process that internal cost accounting is not available and quotation cannot be made, so as to prevent errors.
5、 Accumulate customer experience in the enterprise itself. Through the use of the management system, it can record all the contacts between the company's personnel and customers and all the transaction records with customers, so that customer related knowledge can be systematically recorded in the system, so that as long as the company's authorized personnel enter the system, they can fully understand the customer's preferences and customer's past, so as to start in time.
6、 Generate more business opportunities. Through the management system, it can help enterprises analyze customer levels, use limited resources to important customers, and explore opportunities for secondary marketing or large orders. The data analysis of the management system can help enterprises find customers' concerns and buying habits, improve our service content, and enhance customer satisfaction and business opportunities for new orders.

weighing system

Basic composition of weighing management system: composed of instrument, electronic scale, printer (generally needle printer), weighing software and computer; The instrument is connected to the computer through the data line, the printer is connected to the computer, and the driver is installed; That is to say, the weighbridge software can be used to operate and print the weighing list; Query statistical data;