Bamboo Chronicle

General Chronicle History by the Historian of Jin and Wei
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The Bamboo Chronicle, also known as the Ji Zhong Chronicle, is Jin state during Spring and Autumn period Wei Historiographer Written by Chronological General History Ji County in Jin Dynasty Grave robber Stealing the Warring States Period King Weixiang Unearthed from the tomb.
The Bamboo Chronicle has 13 chapters in total, recording summer merchant Western Zhou Dynasty spring and autumn At Jin state during Spring and Autumn period as well as the warring states At Wei In chronological order.
The Bamboo Chronicle does not take the Confucian "benevolence, righteousness and morality" as the guiding ideology. It records a lot of ancient history of "letting go and killing", for example, the book records events such as Qishayi and Taijia killing Yiyin.
In addition, the records of many events in the book are quite different from those in other historical books. For example, according to the book, from Zhou to King Mu of Zhou It should be 100 years old, not 100 years old. The Bamboo Chronicle records the struggle of the royal family for power and profit.
The Bamboo Chronicle was denounced by later Confucians because of its different writing ideas and contents from the orthodox Confucianism. The academic status of the book has gradually declined, and it is even called the "absurd" book.
Bamboo Chronicle
Ji Zhong Ji Nian Ancient Chinese Chronicle
Historian of Jin State in the Spring and Autumn Period Historian of the State of Wei in the Warring States Period
Creation era
Pre Qin
literary genre
Chronological General History
Number of content
historical value
General Chronicle of Ancient China without Qin Fire

brief introduction

The Bamboo Chronicle has 13 chapters, recording 89 emperors with a history of 1847 years.
It narrates summer merchant Western Zhou Dynasty and spring and autumn the warring states The history of, King Ping of Zhou Used after moving eastward Jin state during Spring and Autumn period The way of year counting, Han Zhao Wei The three families will use it after the promotion Wei The method of year counting is to King Weixiang Twenty years. [9]

Five Emperors Period

There are different opinions about the starting time of the Bamboo Chronicle. Du Yu Spring and Autumn Zuo Zhuan Ji Jie Hou Xu and《 Jin Shu · Shuxi Chuan 》It is said that the book began in the Xia Dynasty, but《 Redords of the Grand History of China · Wei Shijia 》The book started from the Yellow Emperor, according to the notes and quotations of Ji Jie and Qiao Yu. [1-3]
the Qing dynasty to Republic of China The Ancient Bamboo Chronicle, which was compiled and lost, began in the Xia Dynasty, and did not exist“ Five Emperors Period ”This part. In addition, there are sporadic words, such as "Shun released Yao to Pingyang ”It has been quoted by other books and passed down. Some editors believe that it is the quotation who mistakenly《 Jizhongsuo language 》The content of is taken as the content of "Ji Zhong Zhu Shu", so it is not accepted; However, there are also those who compile the lost books and append them to the books. [4-5]
Today's Bamboo Chronicle has a record of "Five Emperors" Yellow Emperor Zhuan Xu Diku , Emperor Yao Emperor Shun The matter. Summary of general items of the fourth library 》The author of《 Song Dynasty Book · Fu Ruizhi 》。 [6-7]

Xia Period

In Xia Ji《 Redords of the Grand History of China 》Just record“ Taikang lost his country ”Different, also recorded name of a master archer Things. Rang Yidai Taikang , become Xia Dynasty These old events of the ruler can be seen again.

Yin Dynasty

Yin Ji subverted《 Redords of the Grand History of China 》The first virtuous minister recorded in history Yi Yin Image of. Yi Yin's Exile Taijia He became king and was killed by Taijia when he escaped.
The young master was exiled and bullied by ministers, which seems to be more consistent with the truth of history. Due to the decipherment of Shang Dynasty oracle bone inscriptions unearthed in different regions, it was found that Yi Yin in the whole Shang Dynasty was a symbol of teacher power, respected in status, with records of Yi Yin's exile and returning to Taijia, and Yi Yin's descendants had high status and power. Therefore, this part of Yin Ji is questionable and needs further study.

Zhou Ji

The most different thing between Zhou Ji and Shiji is that Republican administration Records. As per《 Redords of the Grand History of China 》As recorded in official history, republican administration is King Li Zhou After being driven away by the Chinese, Duke Zhou Zhao Gong The two parties are in power together. Zhou Jize said that Total primordial sum To conduct the administration of the Emperor, that is Republic His uncle, his name, and his throne. This seems to be more in line with the statement of "republican administration".
In addition, there are complete Mu Tianzi Historical events and records King You of Zhou After his death, the two kings stood side by side.

Jin Dynasty

King Ping of Zhou After moving eastward, the Bamboo Chronicle Jin state during Spring and Autumn period It is used to record the year and the Jin Dynasty. The Jin Dynasty records Jin Wenhou kill Zhou and Wang The past events of Quwo Daiyi Process. To study the history of Jin, the Bamboo Chronicle · Jin Ji is an indispensable reference book.

Wei Dynasty

Wei Ji has been called "Liang Huicheng King" since Huicheng King, which is consistent with the state of Wei, also known as the State of Liang, recorded in other ancient books, and is conducive to reading ancient books, such as《 Mencius 》Find out why there is another Liang Huiwang Such questions. It has better preserved the original appearance of history, which is more convenient for the study of the history of the State of Wei.

Ancient and modern edition

The book uses Xia Zheng to record the year (Spring and Autumn Annals uses Zhou Zheng to record the year), and Jianyin's month as the beginning of the year. Its characters are written in Tadpole ancient Chinese, and its genre is chronological. Its notes are as brief as Spring and Autumn Annals.
The title of "Bamboo Chronicle" was taken by later generations, because it was originally written on bamboo slips and also used to record the year. And because it is from To draw graves Therefore, some people call it Ji Zhong Ji Nian or Ji Zhong Shu. Since its discovery, this book has often been quoted by people, such as《 Water injection 》、《 Soyin in Historical Records 》, Records of the Historian Justice《 Stone 》And other books have citations. However, it has not been recorded since the Tang Dynasty, so we can see that this book has been lost. This is the ancient edition of Bamboo Chronicle.
here we are the ming dynasty Suddenly, another book named "Bamboo Chronicle" appeared, with contents from Yellow Emperor Speaking of it, there are two volumes in total, which are called "Today's Bamboo Chronicle" by modern people. Many facts exist in ancient books, but this book does not contain them. After textual research by the people of the Qing Dynasty, it was proved that this book was a fake book put together by some boring scholars in the Ming Dynasty, and almost all of its contents were copied from the Records of the Historian and other books, with the addition of only years. [10]
There are three main differences between the current version and the ancient version:
The first is the way of chronology: according to different historical periods, the ancient edition adopts three ways of chronology: the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the Jin State and the Wei State; Now, the emperor or the son of heaven is used to record the year. [13]
The second is about the records of Shun's succession to Yao's position and the dispute over Yi Qi: the records in the ancient version completely overturned the traditional records in the classic ancient books such as Shangshu, Shiji, and the current version is identical to the records in Shangshu and Shiji. [13]
Third, there is no expression of emperor "zhi" in the revised edition of the ancient edition, but the present edition clearly points out that "the collapse of emperors is called zhi", and almost all the collapse of emperors are expressed by "zhi". [13]

Time of excavation

Academics have the following three opinions about the specific time of the unearthed bamboo slips:
First, it was said in the fifth year of Xianning (279). This statement is based on《 Jin Shu ·Wu Di Ji is the representative. It is recorded in the Book of Jin · History of Emperor Wu: "In the fifth year of (Xianning)... in the winter of October, Wuyin, the commander of Yuqu, the Hun, Duyong and other handsome tribes were naturalized. The people of Ji County were not allowed to dig the tomb of King Weixiang, and they obtained more than 100000 ancient bamboo slips and small seal script, which were hidden in secret places. In November, they attacked Wu on a large scale." This theory is also held by documents such as Shuduan, a Tang Dynasty scholar, and Hanjian, a brief account, a Song Dynasty scholar, Guo Zhongshu.
The second is the first year of Taikang (280 years). It was Du Yu, a famous scholar in the Western Jin Dynasty, who first put forward this statement. In his Preface to the Collection and Interpretation of the Spring and Autumn Annals, it was recorded that "in March of the first year of Taikang, Wu Kou Shiping returned to Xiangyang from Jiangling, and the Jiejia and Xiubing were to express the old meaning and revise the Spring and Autumn Annals and the Collection and Interpretation of the Annals. From the beginning to the end, Ji County, Huiji County, had published old graves within its boundaries, and had obtained ancient books, all of which were simply compiled into fighting characters." This view is also held by Jin Shu Wei Heng Zhuan, Jin Shu Li Li Zhi, Sui Shu Jing Ji Zhi and Tang Dynasty scholar Kong Yingda.
The third is the second year of Taikang (281). Xun Xu, the historiographer of the Western Jin Dynasty who presided over the collation of Ji Zhong Shu, put forward this view in the preface to another cultural classic, Mu Tianzi Biography, unearthed in Ji Zhong. He said: "In the second year of Taikang, people in Ji County were not allowed to steal the books obtained from the ancient tomb." In addition, Fang Xuanling's The Book of Jin · The Biography of Shuxi and Lu Wuji, Ji County magistrate in the tenth year of Taikang, also strongly supported this view. The Book of Jin · Biography of Shuxi records: "At the beginning, in the second year of Taikang, people in Ji County were not allowed to steal the tomb of King Weixiang, or talk about the tomb of King Anli, and got dozens of cars of bamboo writing... Emperor Wu paid his secretary with his book to proofread the book, and then wrote it in modern Chinese." [12]

Site of excavation

The most common statement used in various documents is Ji Zhong, which is located in the south of Niangniangmiao Village, Sunxing Village, 10 kilometers southwest of Weihui City (formerly Ji County), Henan Province. Because the cemetery is Ji County It got its name from the Tombs of the Warring States Period, with seven tombs (numbered from east to west according to the sky, the earth and the five elements).
In the second year of Taikang in the Western Jin Dynasty (281), people from Ji County were not allowed to send King Weixiang Tomb (or Yan Anli King Tomb) No. 3 Tomb with the character of "gold", got dozens of cars of bamboo script.
through Bandy fair The Bamboo Chronicle, which was collated and edited, is the earliest chronological history book in China. It was one of the four major discoveries in Chinese cultural history and a county-level cultural relic protection unit. This argument is mainly based on what Lu Wuji, the commander of Ji County, said in the "Qi Taigong Lvwang Table" in the tenth year of Taikang in the Western Jin Dynasty: "In the second year of Taikang, when Ji was leaning to the west, there were graves stolen and bamboo policy books were obtained.".
The Records of Huojia County, compiled in the 23rd year of the Republic of China, believed that "(Daliangzhong Village) was also the ancient Jizhong (Jin belonged to Jijun), or the tomb of Wei Anli King." The ancient tomb column of the "Cultural Relics Chapter" of the newly compiled Huixian Annals also believed that the tomb of Wei Anli King was located in the "Daliangzhong" in Huixian City, north of Daliangzhong Village in urban and rural areas.
The latter statement is contrary to the first one, and the original agreed excavation site of "Ji Zhong Shu" was moved from Sunxing Village in Ji County (now Weihui City, Henan Province) to Niangniaomiao Village in the south to Daliangzhong Village in Huixian City, Henan Province. Niangniangmiao Village, Sunxing Village, Weihui City and Daliangzhong Village, Huixian City, are more than 30 kilometers away. Although the distance between east and west is very far, it is certain that during the Western Jin Dynasty, these two places were under the jurisdiction of "Ji Jun".
According to historical data, "Ji Prefecture was established in the second year of the Taishi era of the Western Jin Dynasty (266). It is located in Jicheng (today's Jicheng Village in the southwest of Weihui City, Henan Province), and belongs to the state of Si. Its jurisdiction is roughly equivalent to today's cities and counties in Henan Province, such as Weihui, Xinxiang, Huixian, Huojia, Xiuwu, etc. Since then, the administration and jurisdiction have changed frequently." [12]

Unearthed process

In the second year of Taikang, Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty (281), Ji County, Ji County (today's Weihui City )A large number of ancient books have been unearthed from a Warring States tomb. The Bamboo Chronicle is one of them. [8]
In the early Western Jin Dynasty, Henan Province An important event happened in Ji County. A tomb robber named Bu Bu (pronounced "No Mark") secretly opened an ancient tomb. After the tomb is opened, it is difficult to find it because it is dark inside The funerary objects He scratched all over the ground and felt a handful of bamboo pieces. He didn't find gold and silver treasures as he expected when he lit bamboo pieces to take photos of treasures. What he saw was bundles of bamboo pieces. Don't be disappointed because they were useless to him. When he was disappointed, he was very unwilling, so he turned the bamboo pieces upside down, took some valuable items and threw them away.
When the villagers saw the opened ancient tombs and scattered bamboo pieces, they told the government. Several officials came, and saw that the bamboo pieces were the same size, with words on them. The handwriting was neat and the number was huge. So they gathered the bamboo pieces together and loaded them into several trucks to transport them away. Unexpectedly, these bamboo strips have been uncovered Chinese history It is a great event to shock the world and earth. These are Ji Zhong Shu and Zhu Shu Ji Nian.
These bamboo slips were transported from Ji County to Luoyang, the capital. Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty was responsible for sorting out the bamboo slips, which were sent to Xunzhou, Zhongshuling, and Jiao, the supervisor of calligraphy. The bamboo slips are two feet four inches long and written in ink (or write in varnish on bamboo tablets , also compound surname Book), 40 words each.
There were different opinions about the bamboo slips at that time, one was“ Xiaozhuan ”, said as“ Imperial combatant Characters ", once called" ancient Chinese ", should be a relatively standard the warring states written words. The first thing to do is Parallelism The second order of bamboo slips is to write explanations in the words of the time, and the last is Author summary. Through the study of bamboo slips, people found that the tomb dug by tomb robbers was the tomb of King Wei in the Warring States Period, and the bamboo slips with characters were unknown books because they were Kejun People are not allowed to find tomb robbers, so these bamboo slips are called Ji Zhong Shu. The Bamboo Chronicle is the most valuable historical material in Ji Zhong Shu.
Scholars in the Western Jin Dynasty sorted out the Jizhong books, and unexpectedly found the history books of the State of Wei. This rare history book that reappeared in the world is called the Bamboo Chronicle.
Of course, it has its own reason to name "Bamboo Chronicle". It turned out that there was no paper in ancient times. He wrote a book and wrote a book. The characters are written on the bamboo slips. Most of them are simplified into one book, so they are called bamboo books. Chronology is the chronological arrangement of historical events, becoming a genre of history books. This so-called "Bamboo Chronicle" means that it is a history book.

Version circulation


Unearthed Preliminary Interpretation

According to《 Jin Shu ·Volume 51 Biography 21· Bandy fair 》Recorded on Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty In the second year of Taikang, the name is not allowed Kejun People steal tombs and get dozens of bamboo slips of graves, all in ancient Chinese (before the unification of Qin Dynasty Warring States characters , or say“ tadpole character ”, or "ancient Chinese", or“ Xiaozhuan ”Records, historical title“ Ji Zhong Book ”。 Among them, there are 13 historical books recording the anniversary of the Xia and Shang Dynasties, named "Chronicle" (also known as "Ji Zhong Chronicle") in the early Jin Dynasty.
Chinese Book Supervisor Xun Xuan Middle order He Jiao He was ordered to arrange the scattered bamboo slips in order and use the commonly used words at that time to examine and revise the explanatory text, so there was a preliminary version of "Bamboo Chronicle", also known as "Xun He Ben". Thirteen articles are arranged in chronological order, covering Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, followed by Jin and Wei King Ping of Zhou moved eastward Later, the Jin Dynasty was used to record the years, Divided by three families Later, the Wei State was used to record the years, at least 20 years later. According to the original interpretation, the king recorded in the bamboo slips should be King Weixiang The tomb stolen by Ji County should belong to the King of Wei Xiang.
At that time, He Jiao believed that the bamboo chronology started from Yellow Emperor However, this opinion was not adopted, or the fragments of historical events since the Yellow Emperor were included as an appendix.

Yongjia Kaozheng

Because the bamboo slips were scattered and the characters of the Warring States Period could not be fully understood at that time, there was a great deal of controversy. here we are Jin Huidi Period, Secretary Cheng Wei Heng I was ordered to examine the bamboo slips to set the consensus. But the Eight Kings won the throne, Yongjia Rebellion Burst. Wei Heng was killed. Friends Zuolang Zuo Zuo Bandy fair If we continue to accomplish this, then there will be Examination of the original Bamboo Chronicle is also called Wei Shu Ben.
The original thought that the king in the bamboo slips should be Wei Anli King The tomb stolen by Ji County should belong to King Anli of Wei.
During the Yongjia Rebellion, the bamboo slips dating from the Bamboo Annals were lost, and the original of the first interpretation and textual research were handed down.
Sui Shu · Jingji Annals 》It records the same and different volumes of bamboo script, or the proofreading made by later generations based on the two books.

Lost in the Song Dynasty

Experience An Shi Rebellion In the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, the biographical copy of the Bamboo Chronicle gradually began to be lost, and the original of the initial interpretation and examination gradually disappeared. In addition to the impact of war, it is also related to the lack of researchers.
the Qing dynasty Zhu Youzeng Authored《 Ji Zhong Ji Nian Chu Zhen 》The preface pointedly points out: "Scholars are obsessed with what they learn, With Official Book of Imperial Historian 》And the Han Dynasty Scholar The legend is contradictory, so it is no longer studied. More than 600 years old, but the book is dead again. " Catalog books of the Song Dynasty, such as《 Chongwen Catalogue 》《 Prefectural Study Record 》《 Zhizhai's Book Record Solution 》, no description has been added to the Bamboo Chronicle.

Song Ming Current Edition

Southern Song Dynasty At the beginning of the year, Luobi The note of "History of the Road · History of the Country" quoted the "Chronicle" of the 12th year of King Huan, but the Jin Chronicle has no longer been used. Except for more than one word, it is the same as the current edition, so it can be inferred that this edition appeared at the latest in the early years of the Southern Song Dynasty.
Bamboo Chronicle Volume II
At the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, and even in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, there appeared the engraved edition of the Bamboo Chronicle. The part of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period was recorded by the royal family of Zhou Dynasty, which is different from the original version of the early interpretation and textual research. It is the current bamboo chronology. Scholars in the Qing Dynasty Qian Daxin And others accused him of pseudograph Yao Zhenzong Textual Research on the Sui Book Annals 》It can also be inferred as the Ming Dynasty Jiajing Master of Tianyi Pavilion Fan Qin Fake works.

Ancient Confucian Books of the Qing Dynasty

Scholars in the Qing Dynasty were keen on exegesis, and many of them studied bamboo chronology.
During the Jiaqing period, Zhu You compiled and recorded the lost articles of bamboo chronicles, which were verified and compiled into《 Ji Zhong Ji Nian Chu Zhen 》It is for the Ancient Bamboo Chronicle. Wang Guowei On this basis, it is compiled again《 Ancient Bamboo Chronicle 》。

Current traffic

In 1981, Fang Shiming The works of Zhu, Wang and Fan since the Qing Dynasty have been extensively collected and carefully researched Wang Xiuling Compiled by others《 Ancient Bamboo Annals 》The book includes Wang Guowei's "The Chronicle of Today's Bamboo Script", which is a relatively complete book today.
The contents of Bamboo Chronicle are different from those recorded in traditional official history, such as "(Yin Dynasty)" Zuyi To win the throne is to Zhongzong ", and Historical Records· Yin Benji 》Take Zhongzong as an example Terpentine Different, but different from Oracle The title of "Zhongzong Zuyi" is completely consistent, which shows that the bamboo chronology is of high historical value.
The Bamboo Chronicle contains 13 chapters, which describe Xia, Shang Western Zhou Dynasty The history of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period is arranged in chronological order. After moving eastward, King Ping of Zhou used the Jin State to record the years, and the three families used the Wei State to record the years until the 20th year of the reign of King Jin.
The Bamboo Chronicle was written in the State of Jin and State of Wei during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period Historiographer The historical records recorded here are the general chronicles of ancient China that have not been exposed to Qin fire. its historical value and social value They are all based on ancient classics and history. The book starts with the monarch chronology, which records the history of 89 emperors in 1847.

Later influence


historical value

The shock of the Bamboo Annals to the history circle lies in the historical materials and《 Redords of the Grand History of China 》The description is not only different in content, but also value orientation Different. The Bamboo Chronicle describes Xia Dynasty reach the warring states The bloody coups and military conflict According to the Records of the Historian, the Shang Dynasty Taijia cover Yi Yin After three years of imprisonment, Yi Yin saw Taijia's reform, and solemnly handed over the country to him. Taijia reset Later, he learned a lesson and became a sage who worked hard and loved the people.
However, the Bamboo Chronicle has a different description of this: after Yi Yi exiled Tai Jia, he became king. Seven years later, Tai Jia sneaked back to kill the usurper Yi Yin and replaced him with his son Yizhi He and Yifen inherit Yijia. Du Yu Say "This is the big and《 Shangshu 》It's strange to tell stories about the great things. I don't know whether the old man is alive or fainting. So this ancient book was also written at that time Miscellaneous Notes , which is not enough for trial. "
Because《 Redords of the Grand History of China 》Adopt Biographical style To record events, the appearance of the Bamboo Chronicle can examine the contents of historical records from another perspective, such as“ Xiaqi kill Boyi ”、“ Taijia kill Yi Yin ”、“ Wen Ding kill Seasonal calendar ”、“ Total primordial sum It is very different from the history books. Another example is the record in the Bamboo Chronicle: "In the first year of King Yi, the day came again in Zheng..." It may refer to that on April 21, 899 BC, Zheng (now Fengxiang or Huaxian County )Occurred in the early morning of the region Total solar eclipse , it can be inferred that King Yi of Zhou The true year of the first year (some scholars have doubts about this statement).
Wang Guowei It points out that King You of Zhou Six years (first 776 years) solar eclipse From《 The Book of Songs · Xiaoya 》October and《 New Tang Dynasty Book ·Calendar Annals“ Dayan calendar On the solar eclipse ", originally Zhou dynasty The decadal solar eclipse records and the calculation results before the Tang Dynasty.
The ancient edition of Chronicle of Bamboo Scripts takes the time as the longitude and the quotations of various dynasties as the latitude to vertically display the appearance of the original Chronicle; This chapter takes the introducer of the Bamboo Chronicle as the longitude and time as the latitude to horizontally show the appearance of the ancient edition of the Bamboo Chronicle, that is, the cross sections in the process of the spread and variation of the original Chronicle. From a new perspective, we can see things that cannot be seen from a vertical perspective, and we can find some truth and mystery. [8]
The Bamboo Chronicle is the only chronicle of ancient China that has not been exposed to Qin fire. However, it was lost in the Song Dynasty and then re collected, which reduced its credibility and historical value to a certain extent. [9]
The Bamboo Chronicle was written 200 years earlier than Sima Qian's Records of the Historian. According to the ancient edition of Bamboo Chronicle, the Shang Dynasty and the Wang Dynasty had Pan Geng moved to Yin After 273 years It was destroyed by the Zhou Dynasty and recorded in the Records of the Historian as 773 years In contrast, the record of the latter is 500 years more. This section of the official case between the ancient edition of "Bamboo Chronicle" and "Historical Records", because Oracle The advance of scientific archaeological work has finally reached a conclusion. After textual research, the ancient version of Bamboo Chronicle is correct. Academics generally believe that it only took more than 200 years for King Pan Geng of the Shang Dynasty to move his capital until the collapse of the Shang Dynasty. Because of tomb robbers forbid (Pronunciation of "no mark") broke in, uncovered this 500 year historical mystery, and corrected an extremely rare mistake in the Records of the Historian. [9]
Ji Zhong Zhu Shu has a profound impact on the research of history, literature, philology and other disciplines. Among them, the Bamboo Chronicle records and identifies some important historical events and time limits, which is more irreplaceable by other historical documents. Therefore, the National Key Scientific Research Project of the Ninth Five Year Plan "Xia Shang Zhou Chronology Project" takes this historical book as an important supporting evidence. The historians《 Ji Zhong Book 》With Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty Confucius Ancient texts found in the wall of the old house《 Shangshu 》《 The Book of Rites 》《 The Analects of Confucius 》《 The Book of Filial Piety 》Etc., found in the Yin Ruins Oracle And Dunhuang Sutra Cave , known as the four major discoveries in China's cultural history, which shows its important position in China's cultural history. [12]


Many later generations refer to the Bamboo Chronicle when writing books, such as famous historians in the Tang Dynasty Sima Zhen Of《 Soyin in Historical Records 》、 Li Daoyuan Of《 Water injection 》Etc. [9]

Work evaluation

Guo Moruo When he studied the social history of ancient China, oracle bone inscriptions and bronze inscriptions, he also made a high evaluation of the historical value of the Bamboo Chronicle. as Duke Huan of Qi The number of years of Tian Wu's reign. Tian Jingzhong's Complete Aristocratic Family and the Chronicle of Six Kingdoms in the Records of the Historian both consider it as six years, while the Bamboo Chronicle records it as eighteen years.
Later, in the bronze ware“ Chen Houwudun ”It was found in the inscription that there was a record of the 14th year of the reign of Duke Huan of Qi. Therefore, Guo Moruo asserted: "There is an inscription of 'ten and four years', which proves that the Chronicle is true, but the Historical Records is not." [12]

Work disputes

Press《 Summary of the Four Treasury Complete Books 》"In the second year of Taikang in the Jin Dynasty (281 AD), the people of Ji County King Weixiang Tombs, among the seventy-five ancient books, there are thirteen "Bamboo Chronicle", which is the title of this world author of an epochmaking work in phonology Note: It is also consistent with Sui Zhi, Gu Yanwu The science of textual research is the best《 Daily knowledge record 》It is often taken as the basis, and then repeatedly speculated. It seems that it is not the original book of Ji Zhong. " So scholars in the Qing Dynasty called it today's Bamboo Chronicle.
A study of the "Summary of the Complete Works of Siku" and the doubts cited by Wang Guowei, Zhu Youzeng and others can only prove that it is not the original document, but the processed ancient document. The ancient documents that have undergone necessary processing cannot be regarded as fake books, but also have their due value. [11]

Tomb Site

Unearthed Site of "Bamboo Chronicle"
In Henan Province Xinxiang city Ji County County seat (now Weihui City )10km southwest, Sun Xing Village To the south of Xiangniangniang Temple (Village), another saying is in huixian Southwest Zancheng Town Daliang Tomb Village (Daliang Tomb is the tomb of Wei Anli King). The cemetery was named in Ji County Kejun )。 It is a tomb in the Warring States Period. There are seven places in total (numbered from east to west according to heaven, earth and five elements).
Western Jin Dynasty In the second year of Taikang (AD 281), Ji County was born forbid Steal the No. 3 "Jin" Tomb of King Weixiang (or Yan Anli King Tomb) and get dozens of cars of bamboo script Fascicular illumination The Bamboo Chronicle is the earliest book in China (which has always been debated in the academic circle) Chronology History books Chinese Cultural History One of the four major discoveries. County level Cultural relics protection unit
As for the owner of Jizhong Tomb, there are also different opinions. Ji County in the Jin Dynasty, southwest of today's Ji County in Henan Province, was Wei's fief during the Warring States Period.
According to the Book of Jin · History of Emperor Wu《 Legal chronicle 》、 Xun Xu Preface to the Biography of Emperor Mu Wei Heng Four style script 》King Weixiang is the tomb owner. and Wang Yin The Book of Jin · Biography of Shuxi believes that the tomb owner should be the King of Wei Anli.
Until modern times, there is still no clear conclusion on this issue.