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Cheng Jinguang

Deputy Director, Researcher and Doctoral Supervisor of Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Cheng Jinguang, born in 1982, obtained a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in physics from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2003 and 2005. In 2010, he received a doctor's degree from the University of Texas at Austin, and then continued to carry out postdoctoral research in our school for two years. Joined the Institute of Physics in 2012. incumbent Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Deputy director, researcher, doctoral supervisor. [2]
Chinese name
Cheng Jinguang
date of birth
1982 [2]
University one is graduated from
Harbin Institute of Technology [2] University of Texas at Austin [2]
Professional direction
High pressure of strongly correlated electron system

Character experience

September 2012~August 2014, Post doctor of JSPS, Institute of Physical Properties, University of Tokyo, Japan
June 2010~August 2012, University of Texas at Austin, postdoctoral
2006-08-2010-05, University of Texas at Austin, USA, Doctor
September 2003~July 2006, Master of Harbin Institute of Technology
September 1999~July 2003, Harbin University of Technology, Bachelor [3]

Research direction

New Materials and Strange Physical Phenomena under High Pressure Extreme Conditions [2]

Scientific research achievements

1. The first high-pressure and low-temperature comprehensive physical property measurement device based on the hexagonal anvil cavity was built in China to carry out the state control and mechanism research under multiple extreme conditions; High pressure induced superconductivity was found in CrAs and MnP for the first time, and the first breakthrough of Cr based and Mn based compound superconductor zero was achieved successively; The high-voltage effect of FeSe based superconductors was systematically studied, revealing the competition between complex electronic order and superconductivity in FeSe. High pressure induced superconducting phase II and abnormal normal behavior were found in heavy electron doped FeSe materials.
2. Several materials systems with novel crystal structures and strange physical properties were first synthesized under high pressure and high temperature conditions using a two-stage propulsion multi-plane anvil press, including the quantum spin liquid candidate material Ba with spin S=1 three NiSb two O nine , d electron heavy fermi material CaCu three Ir four O twelve And Slater insulator SrIr with strong spin orbit coupling 1-x Sn x O three
So far, it has co published more than 190 papers in academic journals including Nature Communications, PRL, JACS and PNAS, and made invitation reports at important international and domestic conferences for more than 20 times. [2]

Honorary awards

He has won the 2015 Lu Jiaxi Young Talent Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the 2016 Sir Martin Wood Chinese Physical Science Award. In 2020, he won the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. [2]
August 2020, selected for 2020 National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars List of applicants for proposed funding projects. [1]