
[chéng xù]
Management noun
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In the national standard《 quality Management System Fundamentals and Terminology GB/T19000-2008/ISO9000:2005 Clause 3.4.5 Procedure procedure The definition of "procedure" is specified in.
A link is nested with a series of complex column logic components. If something goes wrong in one place, it will affect the whole principal (which can be understood as a transaction).
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Quality Management System Fundamentals and Terminology
Where an activity or process is carried out regulations The way
renovation The best tool for detail
management style One of

Definition of terms

stay National Standards of the People's Republic of China quality management system Fundamentals and Terminology GB/T19000-2008/ISO9000:2005 (replacing GB/T19000-2000), Clause 3.4.5, Procedure, defines "Procedure" as "the way specified for carrying out an activity or process (3.4.1)."

Working procedures

In any organization, the first thing to emphasize is the procedure, because there is a famous saying in the management world: details determine success or failure. Procedure is the best tool to deal with details. As a result, all our work emphasizes procedures everywhere and all the time. Because of the standardized procedures, it is much easier for us civilians to work in government organs. At least we know what department to look for and how long it will take to do it. The government's open procedures have also brought closer relations with the people. Well, that's a good thing. As if to prove the truth that everything is divided into two, while praising the program, we also see the other side of the program's coldness. Bao Guangshe, the hero of Nanning, lost his last drop of blood in the cruel procedure of the hospital. The duty personnel at the toll station refused to let the ambulance pass because the ambulance could not pay the toll of 10 yuan ambulance , finally killing the patients in urgent need of help,... and so on, all of which outline the original form of the procedure priority that we emphasize or regard as the sacred rule.
Procedure is a kind of management method and a tool that can play a coordinated and efficient role. In our socialist construction or modernization, we should pay full attention to its role and constantly rectify our work from disorder to order.
However, when we only pay attention to the form and not to the essence, some things will develop to its opposite. Procedure is not a panacea for curing all diseases. When it goes to the opposite, it is the best shield for bureaucrats and people who ignore the interests of the laborious masses to shirk their responsibilities. Because the more rigorous and perfect the procedure is, the more time it takes to execute it step by step. When time is wasted, other losses caused should not be borne by the person who has executed the procedure exemplary. [1]