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Life attitude
Pro- active )This word was first introduced to the public by the famous psychologist Victor Frank. Frank himself is a typical example of being proactive and never bowing to difficulties.
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Victor Frank
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Life attitude



Frank was originally a Psychological school Deeply influential determinism Psychologist, however, he is Nazi concentration camp After a period of miserable years Psychological school
Frank's parents, wife and brother all died nazi The devil's hand, and he himself was in the Nazis concentration camp He was severely tortured. One day, when he was naked and alone in the cell, he suddenly realized a new feeling - perhaps, it was the harsh environment in the concentration camp that made him suddenly wake up: "In any extreme environment, people will always have a final freedom, that is, the freedom to choose their own attitude."
Frank means that when a person is in extreme pain and helpless, he can still make his own decisions Life attitude In the most difficult years, Frank chose a positive attitude. He did not have. Pessimism and despair, instead, imagine in my mind how to stand on the platform and introduce this painful experience to my students after my release. With such positive and optimistic Mode of thinking In prison, he constantly honed his will until his mind transcended the prison and galloped freely in the free world.
Frank found the thinking principle in prison, which is what every one of us who pursues success must have Life attitude ——Be proactive.

Seven Habits

Initiative means taking the initiative, taking responsibility for your past, present and future actions, and making decisions based on principles and values rather than emotions or external environment. Active people are the catalyst of change, they sublate the passive victim The role does not resent others. It brings into play the four unique gifts of human beings - consciousness, conscience, imagination and independent will. At the same time, it creates changes from the inside out and actively faces everything. They choose to create their own lives, which is also the most basic decision of everyone.
If you don't move forward, who will push you? Therefore, a proactive attitude is to achieve personal vision Principle of. Initiative is the first habit mentioned in the book. The author believes that: objective condition We are not afraid of being controlled by others. What is important is that we have a choice free And can actively respond to the real environment; People should be responsible for their own lives, create favorable opportunities for themselves, and be a real "fuck me". One of the most important sentences is "freedom of choice". The important feature of modern society is that individuals in society have freedom of choice. Everyone can choose their own life, rule It is the freedom not to interfere with others' choice. Next, individuals must take responsibility for the consequences of their choices. When there is stimulation from the outside world, an active person must be able to make his own choice according to his own value judgment, and then give a response with his own characteristics. This freedom is regarded as "the ultimate freedom of human beings", that is, in any environment, people have the ability to freely choose their own attitudes and responses. This provides a glimmer of light and hope for those who have no choice.
We often say: "I accidentally forgot..." "I was late because..." "There was a reason..." We are constantly making excuses or complaints every day. In fact, we should actively create the future and realize our dreams. Therefore, effective people are responsible for their own behavior and the choices they make in their life; They are committed to achieving things that they can control, rather than passively worrying about things that are beyond their control or difficult to control; They work hard to improve their effectiveness, so as to expand their scope of concern and influence. At the same time, a positive attitude can give you "freedom of choice".