Cordillera Mountains

The longest folded mountain system in the world
zero Useful+1
The Cordillera Mountains are the longest in the world Folded mountain system , running from north to south America Western China. From Alaska in the north to Alaska in the south Tierra del Fuego , stretching about 15000 km, belonging to Mesozoic Cenozoic era Fold zone The structure is complex, composed of a series of fold faults, and the crustal activity is still continuing volcano , earthquake, yes Circum Pacific volcanic seismic zone Important components. The mountain range is generally north-south or north-west southeast, consisting of a series of parallel mountains, plateaus and basins between mountains. The rise of this high mountain system and Barrier effect , Yes South America Continental climate and hydrological network distribution geographical environment Regional differentiation places of historic figures and cultural heritage and Traffic line layout And so on. Copper, lead, zinc, tin, gold, silver, oil, coal, sulfur Saltpeter Etc mineral resources It can be called a "treasure house of minerals".
Chinese name
Cordillera Mountains
Foreign name
The Cordillera mountains
geographical position
Across the western part of the North and South American continent
north and south
About 15000 km
Starting point
Tierra del Fuego
Geological type
Folded mountain system
mineral resources
Copper, lead, zinc, tin, gold, silver, petroleum, etc
the peak
Akongagagua Mountain (6962m)
climatic conditions
Temperate marine climate
Major mountain ranges
Rocky Mountains, Andes

geographical environment

Scenery of Cordillera Mountains
Cordillera Mountains natural environment Complex, distributed in various climates from cold zone to tropical zone—— Biozone , the most complete in the world Vertical band Spectrum. There are modern glaciers in high mountains. It is an important source of rivers and rich in water resources. Tall mountains form an important climate in the southern and northern American continents Dividing line The mountain area is densely forested, rich in copper, aluminum, zinc, silver, gold, tin, oil, coal Sulfur and Saltpeter And other minerals. The Cordillera mountain system is structurally complex, caused by a series of fold faults and accompanied by earthquakes Volcanic phenomenon Alpine glacier Universal. North American Northwest Coast, South America equator Nearby and on the west coast of southern Chile, there are dense forests and abundant water resources. The natural environment of the Cordillera Mountains is complex and diverse Climate type and Natural zone In a mountain, there are several kinds of vertical landscape. The rise of high mountains and Barrier effect , the climate, hydrological network distribution and geographical environment of the South American continent Regional differentiation places of historic figures and cultural heritage and Traffic line layout And so on. Mexico, Central America and the central Andes are the birthplace of ancient Indian civilization.

topographic features

Cordillera is the longest in the world Folded mountain system , running from north to south America Western China. From Alaska in the north to Alaska in the south Tierra del Fuego It stretches about 15000 kilometers. The North American part of the mountain system is called The Rocky Mountains South America Part is called Andes
The Cordillera Mountains belong to the Mesozoic Cenozoic era Fold zone Its structure is complex and consists of a series of folds and faults. Mainly formed in the second half of Mesozoic and Tertiary, folded Fault structure Complex, crustal activity is still continuing, and there are many volcanic earthquakes Circum Pacific volcanic seismic zone Important components. The mountain ranges are generally north-south or north-west southeast. It is composed of a series of parallel mountains, intermountain plateaus and basins. The Cordillera Mountains in North America are wide and low in altitude, about 800~1600 kilometers wide and 1500~4000 meters above sea level. Topographic structure includes two rows of mountain belts in the east and west and a wide intermountain plateau basin. since Mexico To the south, the mountain system narrows into two branches: Sino American Isthmus stretch into South America , most of which are mountains with numerous volcanoes and rugged terrain; The other branch is facing east, and its longitude is large and small the antilles islands Extending into the South American continent, the islands are dominated by mountains. The Cordillera mountain system in South America is dominated by the Andes, with desert plateau and intermountain small basin in the middle. Its width is narrow (300~800 km), but its altitude is very high, more than 3000 meters. Especially in the middle of 4 °~28 ° south latitude, the mountains are magnificent, with an average altitude of more than 4500 meters, and many peaks reach 5000-6000 meters, western hemisphere And the highest peak in South America Akongagagua Mountain , 6962 meters above sea level.


Geographic Location Map of Cordillera Mountains
The Cordillera Mountains are mainly composed of the Farallon plate Pacific plate and America Plate The result of the interaction between subduction and compression. This activity was separated from the opening of the Atlantic Ocean and the southern Gondwana, especially South America and Africa The separation of is closely related.
The Cordillera Mountains are mainly formed in mesozoic Cenozoic era In the first half of the Mesozoic, Cordillera geosyncline In the stage of settlement and accumulation, jurassic period Finally, Geosyncline There have been many times Orogeny And accompanied by extensive magmatic intrusion. By the end of the Cretaceous, the Lalami movement, the farragon plate subducted toward the American plate, triggering a large-scale orogeny, which affected from Alaska in the north to the size of the south the antilles islands In South America, the Andean geosyncline underwent intense orogeny, which created the Fold structure So far, the area of the American continent has expanded westward by a big step. This movement lasted until the Tertiary. After the Cenozoic era, the Cordillera Mountains entered a period dominated by erosion Intermountain basin , piedmont depression and lowlands Continental deposit , in time pliocene A huge Ascending motion And continued until the Quaternary and later. This movement made the Cordillera Mountains rise, fold and break again, accompanied by magma intrusion, lava eruption and volcanic activity After this movement, the Cordillera Mountains are not only young and modern Tectonic geomorphology Through the Isthmus between China and the United States, the North and the South are linked, making it the longest mountain in the world.
The early Quaternary period has a certain impact on the Cordillera mountain system. From the time perspective, the northern section (North America) is earlier than the southern section (South America), and the coverage of glaciers in the northern section is larger than that in the southern section. The British Columbia Plateau is the glacier center of the northern section of Cordillera, and the southern section is mainly alpine glaciers. intense Glaciation , re etched the face of the Cordillera Mountains.

Geomorphic structure


North section

Cordillera Geomorphic structure It is self-contained and consists of a series of longitudinal mountains, intermountain plateaus, basins and valleys, but its north and south sections are slightly different:
(North America) can be roughly divided into three vertical belts: east, middle and west.
Rocky Mountains Scenery
To the east The Rocky Mountains It is dominated by Brooks Mountain in the north and Brooks Mountain in the south Mexican Plateau East Madley Mountain on the east side. The Rocky Mountains extend 5000 kilometers from north to south, generally 2000 meters high, and the southern peak can reach more than 4000 meters. Rocky Mountains have complex structures, mostly composed of folds and Thrust fault Based on, it is dominated by strip mountains and isolated layer valleys. famous Yellowstone National Park Located in the middle of it, it is famous for hot springs and fountains.
The middle part is the intermountain plateau basin zone. From north to south Yukon Plateau British Columbia Plateau, Columbia Plateau Large basin Colorado Plateau And the Mexican Plateau. It is widely distributed Tectonic topography The difference is also large. Yukon Plateau is 2000~3000 meters above sea level North America The northern part is not covered by glaciers; Both British Columbia Plateau and Columbia Plateau are Lava plateau , with Glacial landform Widely distributed. Short and narrow in large basin Fault block mountain It is crisscrossed with dry basins, and there are many deserts and salt lake [1] The Colorado Plateau is generally 2100~3300 meters high, composed of Precambrian granite gneiss To each Geological age Of Horizontal strata form; Cenozoic era Since then, it has been rising continuously, resulting in Colorado River Continuously cut down to form the famous Colorado Grand Canyon The rock formations on both sides of the canyon have been arranged horizontally from ancient times to the present, making it the most complete natural specimen room of geology. The Mexican Plateau is characterized by staggered distribution of fault block mountains and basins, higher in the south, and a east-west direction in the south edge Volcanic zone
To the west the pacific ocean Edge mountain. It is composed of mountains on both sides of the east and west and the sunken valley in the middle. From north to south, there are Alaskan Mountains, St. Elias Mountains, Canadian Coastal Mountains Cascade Mountain Sierra Nevada And West Madre Mountain, generally 2000~3000 meters high, including Alaska Mountains Of McKinley Hill It is 6193 meters high and the highest peak in North America. The west mountain ranges from north to south Aleutian Range Chujiachi Mountains and Elaas Mountains, which are connected to the south Island mountain Formal Alexandria Vancouver Island Wait, go south Coastal mountain range and Baja California Peninsula There are many fault block mountains and fault valleys. The famous San Andreas Fault is here. Some of the subsidence valleys in the middle have become bays, such as Cook Bay San Francisco Bay , California Valley Gulf of California Etc.

Southern section

(South America) The longest mountain range in the world Andes As the main body, its west is Coastal Mountains To the east is Cordillera Front Mountain. The Andes extend to South America From the west and north banks of Trinidad Turn west and south to get there Tierra del Fuego Linear distance Nearly 9000 kilometers, with an average height of 3600 meters, there are many peaks above 5000 meters, and some can exceed 6000 meters. It is one of the largest mountains in the world. Since the Cenozoic era, the Andes region Volcanic earthquake Very frequent, indicating that it is still in an unstable state. The north, middle and south sections of the Andes are different in topographic structure. The northern section has the characteristics of mountains separated by deep valleys. The Andes here is divided into east, middle and west branches Cordillera , they are South Latitude Gradually close to the south of 3 °. Middle section, east Cordillera Central As a result, the mountain gradually widens, reaching 800 kilometers at the widest point, Average altitude It can reach 4500 meters and has more than five or six kilometers of mountains. In the southern section south of 27 ° 30 'S, the eastern and western Cordillera Mountains are close to each other, and the width is convergent, gradually forming a mountain range; Its southernmost end has many islands and fjord Style coast.
The coastal mountains are composed of Peru The central coast extends southward to Tierra del Fuego, an ancient eroded massive mountain rising in the Cenozoic era, and the west slope is a steep rising cliff. Between the coastal mountains and the Andes Chile Central longitudinal valley. To the south of 42 ° south latitude, it became a harbor due to subsidence.
Cordillera front mountain, located in the east of Andes, structurally belongs to Hercynian fold belt Generation time Affected by the rise of the Andes, faults and Volcano eruption Topographically, it is characterized by a series of mountains and deep valleys that are parallel or slightly oblique to the Andes.

environmental effect

Geomorphic structure of North America
The tall and broad Cordillera Mountains are not only a basic element and feature of the geomorphic structure of the Americas, but also an important factor in geographical environment other Components Of Distribution pattern It also has a huge effect.
The tall north-south columns close to the Pacific Ocean Cordillera And become a huge barrier for the eastward process of the Pacific air flow. The precipitation along the Pacific coast is generally about 500 mm, and north of 40 ° north latitude is Rainbelt , up to 2000 mm. However, after entering the intermountain plateau and basin area, due to the leeward position and closed terrain, the annual precipitation is below 500 mm, and even less than 50 mm in the large basin and Colorado Plateau, indicating that the precipitation is decreasing from west to east. Therefore, the soil and vegetation change from west to east. It is more obvious north of 40 ° N Temperate marine climate and coniferous forest , eastward into the intermountain plateau, gradually replaced by temperate continental Semiarid climate And grassland. The mountain itself, vertical distribution It is very obvious.
The north-south vertical arrangement of the Cordillera Mountains makes the rivers on the west coast of the Americas short and mostly flow into the sea alone. Generally, they are rich in water and energy but lack of shipping value. However, to the east of the mountains, there are world famous rivers with a long history, such as those in North America Mississippi River And South American Amazon The water supply provided by mountains is undoubtedly an indispensable condition for the formation of these two water systems.

species characteristic

During the formation of Cordillera Mountains Asia There were contacts and interruptions in the northeast, which made the animals in the two places interact with each other, forming many common genera and similar animal species, such as minks Lynx , wolves and badgers, etc. It also provides conditions for animal exchanges between North and South America, appearing in the southeast of North America armadillo The same species and genera as South America Felidae Canidae And raccoons from North America. Therefore, the formation of the Cordillera Mountains has enriched the animal species in North and South America.

Tectonic activity

Akongagawa volcano
Because the Cordillera Mountain System is a young fold belt, the tectonic activity is very strong since the Cenozoic era, and it has become the world's Pacific Rim volcano Volcanic earthquakes are very frequent as an important part of seismic zone. For example, the three major volcanic belts in the Andes Volcanic cone There are only 18 volcanoes. At an altitude of 6964 meters, the Akongagawa volcano is the highest in the world Extinct volcano Tupengato volcano, 6800 meters above sea level, is the highest in the world Active volcano
Since this century, only North America California Grade 7 or above in the region Strong earthquake 9 times. In 1992, there were two strong earthquakes with magnitude 7.9. The reason why volcanoes and earthquakes are strong is that Continental plate And Oceanic plate Speed up the result of collision with each other.

mineral resources

Cordillera mineral resources It is very rich. Because its formation process Tectonic alteration , faults, magma intrusion, volcanic eruptions and repeated erosion have led to the metamorphism of rock strata and the exposure of ancient rock strata, thus forming a variety of rocks that are lacking in other parts of the Americas Metallic ore And sedimentary ore. Copper, lead, zinc, bauxite, molybdenum, antimony, petroleum phosphate Its reserves or production are of continental or world significance, and it provides an important material basis for the development and economic development of the American continent.

Main mountain range



Schematic Diagram of Andes Mountains
The Andes belongs to the Cordillera Mountains, which is the main part of the Cordillera Mountains. Most of the mountains in the west of South America are parallel to each other and in the same direction as the coast. They run through the west of the South American continent and are generally parallel to the Pacific coast. Its northern branch is along the Caribbean The shore extends into Trinidad, and the southern section extends to Tierra del Fuego. Across Venezuela Columbia Ecuador Peru bolivia Chile Argentina And other countries, with a total length of about 8900 kilometers. It is generally about 300km wide, and the widest point is from Arica to Santa Claus( Santa Cruz )It is about 750 kilometers wide. The average elevation of the whole mountain range is 3660 meters, with many peaks Year-round snow , more than 6000 meters above sea level, composed of a series of parallel mountains and Hengduan Mountain It is composed of plateau and valley.

Coastal mountain range

Coastal mountain range It is part of the Cordillera Mountains, also known as Pacific Coast Mountains It is a series of mountains along the Pacific coast in western North America. Starting from Alaska and British Columbia in the north (including Vancouver Island , Charlotte Queens Islands Alexandria And Kodiak Island), passing through Oregaon Washington State , south to southern California. These mountains are about 1000 meters high, but some peaks and ridges can reach 2000 meters high. Southern Oregon and Northern California Coastal forest The variety is huge redwood Mainly, and broad-leaved in areas closer to inland Hardwood and conifer Of Mixed forest British Columbia The coastal mountain range of Cascade Range

Sierra Nevada

Scenery of Sierra Nevada
Sierra Nevada Located in the United States California In the east, it starts from Lassen Peak in the north and ends at Tihachapi Pass in the south, with a total length of 640km and a width of 80-130km. It is a part of the western edge of the Cordillera Mountains, connected with the Cascade Mountains and the mountains along the Pacific coast. The mountains are lofty, steep and continuous. With an average altitude of 1800-3000m, there are 10 peaks above 4300m, including Mount Whitney At an altitude of 4418 meters, it is the highest peak in the United States. [2]
The mountain slopes from east to west: the east slope is steep, rising above the large basin in the east, with a height difference of 1500-3000m, sparse vegetation, mostly shrubs and grasses; The west slope gently inclines towards California Central valley , deep canyons cut by many rivers, dense forests, abundant rain and snow, numerous rivers and lakes, Water resources Abundance makes the central valley rich an agricultural region Snowline With a height of more than 3600 meters, modern glaciers are developed in the north, and many ancient mountains Glacial vestige Therefore, the Spanish expedition in 1518 was named after the Huada Mountains in China, which means snow mountain. Gold mining has been on the rise since 1848. There are peaks, deep valleys, waterfalls, lakes, forests, glaciers, and magnificent scenery. There are three national parks, including Yosemite.

The Rocky Mountains

Rocky Mountains Scenery
The Rocky Mountains , belonging to Cordillera Mountains, is the main mountain range in western North America. 4500km long, 2000-3000m above sea level [3] The widest part of the mountain range is hundreds of kilometers, running from northwest to southeast in the north Magengxie Mountains Brooks Hill, south sierra madre oriental Across Canada and Western United States The entire Rocky Mountains are composed of Small mountain range It consists of 39 famous mountains, Peak Mount Albert 4399m. The mountains are mainly formed in Lalami from the end of Cretaceous to the beginning of Tertiary Orogeny After uplift and vigorous erosion, the structural terrain is relatively complex.
Many big American rivers originate from the Rocky Mountains, such as the Mississippi River Arkansas River the missouri Colorado River There are many rivers that supply water by melting ice and snow on the top of the mountain. So the Rocky Mountains are North America Most important watershed The rivers in the west of the mountain range flow into the Pacific Ocean, belonging to the Pacific water system; The river in the eastern part of the mountain Gulf of Mexico [3] , of arctic ocean Water system and Atlantic river system. The mountain area is rich in mineral resources. It is a famous metal mining area in North America. Sullivan zinc in Canada, and the United States Beute It is famous for its copper, silver, zinc and lead in Binghan, its lead, silver and zinc in Kedarun, and its molybdenum in Klemax. The mountain scenery is strange and beautiful, and the tourism industry is growing rapidly.