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Forbes American University Rankings

Forbes' ranking of American universities
Forbes 》Yes U.S.A The famous business magazine, since 2008, has begun to combine the College of Arts and Sciences Mix to rank. It is based on the comprehensive consideration of students' studies, school teachers, students' achievements, students' development after graduation and other factors U.S. News Ranking of America's Best Universities Different [6] Forbes' ranking of the best universities in the United States focuses on students' investment in schools and the rate of return on employment. [1]
In April 2023, the Forbes 2022 Best American Universities Ranking List, which measures the business value of colleges, was released. [7]
Chinese name
Forbes American University Rankings [2]
Foreign name
Forbes America's Top Colleges
First release time
2008 [3]
Issued by

Ranking Introduction

Forbes 》The magazine publishes America's Top Colleges around August every year. Factors for ranking include student satisfaction (20%), graduate achievement (20%), student loan burden (20%), leader list (15%), graduation rate (12.5%) and academic achievement (12.5%). [4]

Ranking features

Familiar with foreign students U.S. News QS and THE Different from other lists, Forbes' evaluation criteria for this list are not only academic performance, discipline ranking and admission rate, but also attach more importance to students' satisfaction, graduates' achievements, students' loan burden, graduation rate and academic achievements.
In addition, a highlight of Forbes' ranking is that comprehensive universities and College of Arts and Sciences Mixed ranking.

Related events

In 2020, Forbes did not rank universities to reassess their methodology. [5]