Fuzhou City

[fú zhōu shì]
Prefecture level cities and provincial capital cities under the jurisdiction of Fujian Province, China
zero Useful+1
Fuzhou is called "Rong" for short, also called Rongcheng in ancient times Mindu, [96] China Fujian Province Subordinate Prefecture level city , Fujian Province provincial capital Type I big city [104] [112] The central city of Fuzhou Metropolitan Circle, [133] [158] It is located at the east end of central Fujian Province, between 25 ° 15 ′ - 26 ° 39 ′ north latitude and 118 ° 08 ′ - 120 ° 31 ′ east longitude. It borders the Taiwan Strait in the east, Sanming City and Nanping City in the west, Putian City in the south and Ningde City in the north, with a total area of 11968.53 square kilometers. [156] As of October 2023, Fuzhou has six districts and six counties under its jurisdiction, and one county-level city is under its administration. The Municipal People's Government is located at No. 96, Wushan Road, Gulou District, Fuzhou. [2-3] [154] By the end of 2023, Fuzhou has a permanent population of 8.469 million, and Fuzhou dialect is mainly the eastern Fujian dialect. [145] [157]
Fuzhou is a typical estuarine basin with mountainous and hilly terrain. [150] It is a typical subtropical monsoon climate, warm and humid, evergreen all the year round. In 202 BC, Wu Zhu, a descendant of Gou Jian, the King of Yue (named as the King of Minyue), built a city capital here, called "Yecheng". In 725 AD, it was first called "Fuzhou" because of the "Fushan Mountain in the north of the prefecture", and was upgraded to the governor's office, which was located in the prefecture (today's Guping Road). [153] In 1946, Fuzhou was established as a city. [1]
In 2023, the gross regional product of Fuzhou will be 1292.847 billion yuan, an increase of 5.2% over the previous year, and the three industrial structure will be 5.636.1:58.3. [145] Fuzhou focuses on the development of three leading industries: electronic information, new chemical materials and textile chemical fiber. [155] Fuzhou is a national famous historical and cultural city, which has a history of more than 2200 years. Since the Ming Dynasty, Fuzhou has always been the capital of Fujian, with Tanshi Mountain , shipping administration Three lanes and seven alleys Shoushan Stone Wait for the four major cultural business cards to get out of here Lin Zexu Shen Baozhen Prolific translator of Western works into classical Chinese And a group of historical celebrities. [142] Fuzhou Cauda equina It is the cradle of China's modern navy Chinese shipping culture The birthplace of Trading port one of.
Chinese name
Fuzhou City
Foreign name
Fuzhou City
Rongcheng Mindu [96] Yecheng Tiger rectification [95] East Vietnam
area number
three hundred and fifty thousand and one hundred
Administrative Region Category
Prefecture level city
Fujian Province, China
geographical position
China's southeast coast, Taiwan Strait west bank
11968.53 km²
Area under jurisdiction
6 municipal districts, 6 counties, and 1 county-level city
Government residence
Gulou District No. 96, Wushan Road [66]
Area Code
Postal Code
three hundred and fifty thousand
climatic conditions
Subtropical marine monsoon climate
population size
8.469 million [145] (Permanent population by the end of 2023)
License plate code
OFF A, OFF K [85] (Min K is Pingtan County)
1292.847 billion yuan [141] (2023)

Historical evolution

Fuzhou has a long history, Neolithic Age advanced Tanshishan Culture To Zhongyuan Shang and Zhou Dynasties The Huangtulun type of the period indicates that the ancestors of the Min nationality had Fishing and hunting collection , or engaged in Primitive farming , use grinding Shi: a stone axe stone knife etc. stone artifact Already mastered spin , pottery making and other production technologies and corresponding decorative arts. the warring states Qin and Han Dynasties , Fujian ancestors in Fuzhou and Gou Jian, King of Yue Descendants merged and formed Minyue nationality Local governments. In 1992, 1998 and 1999, the cultural accumulation layer of the Han Dynasty was found at the infrastructure construction site at the west entrance of Qiantang Lane, Guping Road, the infrastructure construction site of Pingshan Vegetable Market, and the infrastructure construction site of the Department of Finance of Ouyechipan Province. The Han Dynasty dragon and phoenix pattern tile, longevity pattern tile, cloth pattern brick, tube tile, plate tile accumulation and construction site were unearthed; At the same time, the ruins of the Han Dynasty city site were found in the ancient town village of Xindian《 Redords of the Grand History of China 》The records of Yecheng, the capital of Fujian and Vietnam, provide new material evidence.
since Martial Emperor Pingding Fujian and Vietnam , moved to Yangtze and Huai rivers After that, Fuzhou, a prosperous local kingdom, once withered and declined. Jin Taikang Three years (282 years), Tai Shou Yan Gao Build Zicheng, dig West Lake and East Lake to irrigate farmland; Eastern Jin Dynasty The dressed gentry crossed south with the common people. Many surnames came to Fujian, bringing central plains The region's advanced production technology and culture promote the recovery and development of Fuzhou's economy and culture. In the suburbs of Fuzhou, it was found that Southern Dynasties 's grave; Fuzhou, 1982 Huai'an Kiln Site During the excavation, more than 3000 pieces of artifacts were unearthed, and kiln furniture of the Southern Dynasty was found. Tang Dynasty Kaiyuan In the 13th year (725), it was upgraded to Fuzhou governor's office The government is located in the city of Fuzhou (today's Guping Road), and the name of Fuzhou has been used ever since. At the end of the Tang Dynasty, Wang Shenzhi Main switch, construction Min , built outside Zicheng Luocheng And the north and south Jiacheng, and the north side crosses Wang Mountain (i.e Ping Shan )And surrounded Jiuxian Mountain (i.e. Yushan Mountain) and Wushi Mountain in the south into the city, dug trenches around the south, east and west of Huluo City, laying a unique urban pattern of "Three Mountains Confronted and One Water Circulating", so Fuzhou has another name of "Three Mountains".
In the second year of Song Zhiping (1065), Zhang Boyu Knowing Fuzhou, weaving households and planting banyan trees, the city is covered with green trees, making Fuzhou the "Banyan City" famous. later, Cai Xiang Cheng Shimeng Zeng Gong Zhao Ruyu Liang Kejia Xin Qiji Many famous people have taken charge of Fuzhou, worked hard to promote economic and cultural development, and Fuzhou has enjoyed“ Shore Zoulu ”The reputation of. Fuzhou became a temporary capital at the end of the Song Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty. Opium War Later, Fuzhou was established as Wukou Trade Port one of; With the rise of the Westernization Movement, Fuzhou Ship Administration became the cradle of China's modern navy, as well as one of the cradles of China's modern cultural, educational, scientific and technological talents.

From ancient times to the Southern and Northern Dynasties

Fuzhou Historical Relics
According to archaeological excavations Neolithic The culture can be traced back to 5000 BC Pingtan Keqiutou Culture and Minhou in the First 3000 Years Tanshishan Culture Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period During the period, Chinese historical records began to appear“ Baiyue ”、“ Fujian and Vietnam ”The title of. The History of the Han Dynasty Geography records: "Since region comprising present-day northern Viet Nam to Joint inspection Seven or eight thousand miles, hundreds of places, each has a caste ". During this period, the residents of Fuzhou were either ancient Fujian people or Fujian Yue people. The first year of King Zhaoxiang of Qin Dynasty (306 BC) Vietnam After the demise, some Vietnamese nobles who fled south merged with local residents in Fuzhou. In the 25th year of Qin Shihuang (222 BC), Qin Dynasty set up Minzhong County (Fuzhou is subordinate to it today). Five years of Emperor Gaodi of Han Dynasty (202 BC) Nothing Was officially sealed as Fujian and Vietnam King, the capital of Yecheng, also known as Dongye, in today's Yeshan area of Fuzhou, is the beginning of the establishment of Fuzhou. In the first year of Yuanfeng (110 BC), Han Dynasty Extinguish Fujian and Vietnam Some Minyue people were forced to move to the Jianghuai area, and Yecheng declined. It was not until the second year of the Shiyuan era (85 BC) that Yexian County was established here. Fuzhou was one of the shipbuilding centers of the Eastern Wu Dynasty during the Three Kingdoms Period. During the reign of Taikang in the Jin Dynasty, Yan Gao, the first prefecture magistrate of Jin'an County, built Fuzhou Zicheng, and dug the East Lake, West Lake and Canal (i.e Jin'an River )And lay the foundation of Fuzhou City in later generations. In the second year of Yongjia (308)“ fifth century invasion of China by northern nomads ”At this time, Jin'an County He became a member of the Eight Family central plains Important settlement for Han immigrants.

Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties

Main hall of the Hualin Temple
During the Sui and Tang dynasties, the political and economic center of Fujian shifted from northern Fujian to Fuzhou. In the 13th year of the Kaiyuan era of the Tang Dynasty (725), the original Minzhou was renamed Fuzhou, and the name of Fuzhou began. After the Mid Tang Dynasty, Fuzhou's economy, culture and education made great progress. In the middle and late Tang Dynasty, the Central Plains was turbulent, and the Han people in the north continued to immigrate to Fujian. In the sixth year of Qianfu's reign (879), Fuzhou City was once occupied by Huang Chao's army. The first year of Jingfu (893) Wang Chao The Guang and Shouzhou armies of Wang Shenzhi occupied Fuzhou, unified Fujian with Fuzhou as a stronghold, created the State of Fujian, and brought a wave of immigrants to the Central Plains. They were called "eighteen surnames following the king". In the third year of Kaiping (909), Wang Shenzhi establish Min The capital is Fuzhou. Baoda In 945, the State of Fujian was destroyed by the Southern Tang Dynasty, start shipping In the fourth year (947), Wu and Yue defeated the warlord Li Hongyi and took control of Fuzhou until the Northern Song Dynasty annexed Wu and Yue and occupied Fuzhou in the third year of the Taiping Xingguo period (978).
Fuzhou was very prosperous in the Five Dynasties, and the expansion of the city will Wushan Yu Shan Ping Shan After being enclosed in the city, Fuzhou was also named "Three Mountains". At this time Buddhism The development in Fuzhou is also very rapid. The earliest existing wooden buildings in southern China - Main hall of the Hualin Temple It was built in this period. The Fuzhou ethnic group also gradually formed in the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties.

Song Yuan Dynasty

Old Data Map of Fuzhou Water Ministry in Song Dynasty
The Song Dynasty was a golden age in the history of Fuzhou, where population, economy and culture reached a peak. In the seventh year of Kaibao (974) and the second year of Xining (1069), the city was expanded by the governor Qian Yu and Cheng Shimeng. The fourth year of Qingli (1044) Cai Xiang During his tenure as governor of Fuzhou, he promoted water conservancy. In the second year of Zhiping (1065), Fuzhou Taishou Zhang Boyu Banyan trees are planted everywhere in Fuzhou, hence the name of "Banyan City". Fuzhou's urban inland water network system also formed in the Song Dynasty. In the Song Dynasty, Fuzhou had a large population and extremely prosperous economy Song dynasty One of the six major cities, with a population of more than 590000 in the Southern Song Dynasty, of which the urban population exceeded 100000. Fuzhou's agriculture was highly developed in the Song Dynasty, and it was also the center of the shipbuilding industry in the Song Dynasty. Its commodity economy was developed and overseas trade developed rapidly. In terms of culture, there were 10 top scholars, 11 top martial artists and 2247 top scholars in Fuzhou during the Song Dynasty. Fujian was the province with the most top scholars in China. Fuzhou accounted for most of Fujian, laying a leading position in Fuzhou's imperial examination, culture and education in China.
In the second year of Deyou (1276), after the Mongolian army captured Lin'an, King Yi of the Southern Song Dynasty Zhao Bo In November, the Mongolian army captured Fuzhou and Zhao Bo fled south by sea. Fuzhou was the capital of Fujian for most of the Yuan Dynasty. From 1359 to 1362 I also think of Hangzhou's military chaos Yisi Bashi Army Once occupied Fuzhou. Zhu Yuanzhang In the first year of Hongwu (1368), the Ming army occupied Fuzhou.

Ming and Qing Dynasties

Fuzhou Historic Site
Fuzhou has been the capital of Fujian since the Ming Dynasty. Fuzhou in the early Ming Dynasty had developed shipbuilding industry and advanced navigation technology. Hong Wu In the 29th year (1396), the thirty-six family members of Fuzhou began to move to Ryukyu, and Zheng He's fleet chose Taiping Port in Changle County as the berthing base, material procurement place and the starting point for sailing to the West. Many scholars believe that the treasure ships of Zheng He's fleet were made in Fuzhou Fukushima (Represented by ancient wooden ships), while a large number of capable Fuzhou sailors were active in Zheng He's fleet. Since then, Fuzhou's overseas trade has gradually recovered, and in the tenth year of Chenghua (1474), it became the location of Fujian Shibo Company. Fuzhou is also the hub of communication between China and Ryukyu. Fuzhou Rouyuan Posthouse is specially used to receive Ryukyu envoys and merchants.
During the Jiajing period, the Fuzhou government suffered a lot from Japanese invaders, Military leader famed for combat against Japanese pirate invaders He entered Fujian twice to pacify Japanese pirates. Since the late Ming Dynasty, Europe Of Portugal Spain Netherlands Italy And other countries have increasingly frequent contacts with Fuzhou, Apocalypse At the end of four years (1624), Eliot take Catholicism It was introduced into Fuzhou. Longwu In the first year (1645), the king of the Ming and Tang dynasties Zhu Yujian In 1646, the Qing army defeated the Longwu regime and captured Fuzhou.
In the early Qing Dynasty, Qing Army And Zheng Chenggong At one time, it was a tug of war in Fuzhou, Kangxi From the 13th year (1674) to the 15th year of Kangxi (1676), Geng Jingzhong According to Fuzhou against the Qing Dynasty. The turbulent situation led the Qing government to implement the policy of sea ban and border relocation, forcing the coastal residents of Fuzhou to move in, which severely damaged the social economy of Fuzhou coastal areas until the cancellation of the border relocation policy in the 23rd year of Kangxi's reign (1684). The relatively stable social environment in the Ming and Qing dynasties made Fuzhou develop on a large scale. In the middle and early Qing Dynasty, Fuzhou was an important marine trade center in China, and its main trade objects were Ryukyu and Japan Most Fuzhou people migrated to Ryukyu and Japan. The economic prosperity has also increased the population nineteenth century brilliance of virtue During the year, there were European It is estimated that the urban population of Fuzhou may have reached 500000. [7]
Mawei Shipyard Drawing Institute
Opium War After that, brilliance of virtue In 1844, Fuzhou was officially opened as one of the five ports. Since the establishment of the British consulate in Nantai Island in the 25th year of Daoguang (1845), 17 countries have set up consulates in Fuzhou. In the 27th year of Daoguang's reign (1847), Protestantism began to spread in Fuzhou, and after that, many missionary schools and Fuzhou's earliest newspapers and periodicals were founded. Westernization Movement After the rise, Tongzhi In 1866, the Qing government set up Fujian Shipping Bureau in Mawei (later changed Fuzhou Shipbuilding Bureau )To build modern ships and set up Fujian Shipping School Cultivate relevant talents. subsequently Fujian Navy Establishment. Guangxu reign period Ten years (1884) Sino French War During the period Majiang Naval Battle As a result, Fujian's navy was almost completely destroyed. Fuzhou in the late Qing Dynasty was a relatively modern city in China. After the constitutional movement of the Qing Dynasty, the Fujian Provincial Advisory Bureau opened in Fuzhou in the first year of Xuantong (1909). Xuantong On November 9, 1911, the Fujian Alliance defeated the Qing army, occupied Fuzhou, and established the Fujian military government.

Modern times

Modern History of Fuzhou
Republic of China Two years (1913), Fujian Second Revolution After the failure, Fuzhou warlords contended for power and the political situation was turbulent. The warlords of various factions successively stationed in Fuzhou to control the administrative power of Fujian Province. Fuzhou in the third year of the Republic of China (1914) Hokkaido [68] On December 13 of the 15th year of the Republic of China (1926), the Northern Expedition Army occupied Fuzhou and ended the warlord rule in Fuzhou. On November 20, the 22nd year of the Republic of China (1933), the 19th Route Army and the Kuomintang launched the Fujian Incident in Fuzhou The People's Revolutionary Government of the Republic of China , with Fuzhou as its capital, Jiang Zhongzheng Then he led the army to attack Fujian and occupied Fuzhou on January 16, the 23rd year of the Republic of China (1934). The Fujian Revolution failed. Twenty sixth year of the Republic of China (1937) Counter-Japanese War After the outbreak, Japan occupied Fuzhou twice from April 21, 1941 to September 3, 1941, and from October 4, 1944 to May 18, 1945. In the 35th year of the Republic of China (1946), Fuzhou was established as a city. the Chinese People's Liberation Army It entered Fuzhou City after August 17, 1949.


The People's Republic of China Once established, Fuzhou Municipal People's Government We began to implement large-scale social reforms. A large number of private schools and missionary schools in Fuzhou were abolished, many missionary organizations were banned, private enterprises were gradually nationalized, and many political movements were carried out. In May 1966, the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution From Fuzhou until April 1978, Fuzhou began to rehabilitate the persecuted people in the Cultural Revolution. With the approval of the State Council, on February 17, 1970, the office of Minhou District in Fujian moved to Putian Chengxiang, [8] have jurisdiction over Minhou County Yongtai County Changle County Fuqing County Minqing County Lianjiang County Gutian County Luoyuan County Pingnan County Pingtan County Putian County Xianyou County At the end of July 1970, Lianjiang County, Gutian County, Luoyuan County and Pingnan County were again included Fu'an District In April 1971 Minhou District It is Putian District, which governs Putian County, Xianyou County, Minhou County, Yongtai County, Changle County, Fuqing County, Minqing County [9] Pingtan County. In June, it was renamed Putian , the jurisdiction remains unchanged. In July 1973, Minhou County was actually transferred from Putian to Fuzhou. On March 30, 1980, the State Council approved Fuzhou to become Coastal open cities In August 1983, Yongtai, Fuqing, Pingtan, Changle, Yongtai and Minqing, formerly under the jurisdiction of Putian, actually gave jurisdiction to Fuzhou. On September 9, 1983, the State Council officially approved Putian as Putian City The power and water supply of Yongtai County, Fuqing City (Fuqing County was upgraded to Fuqing City in 1990) and Pingtan County is still under the construction, maintenance and responsibility of Putian Prefecture (Putian City) until 2008, [10] The power and water conservancy of Yongtai County, Fuqing City and Pingtan County were officially transferred from Putian to Fuzhou in 2008. In 1985, it was approved to establish Fuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone in Mawei. In May 2009, the State Council announced its support Economic Zone on the West Side of the Straits Resolution of. In August 2015, the State Council approved the establishment of Fuzhou New Area, which is located in the coastal area of Fuzhou. The initial planning scope includes Mawei District, Cangshan District, Changle City, and some areas of Fuqing City, with a planned area of 800 square kilometers. [11]

administrative division

By 2021, Fuzhou Gulou District Taijiang District Cangshan District Jin'an District Cauda equina Changle District 6 zones, Minhou County Lianjiang County Luoyuan County Minqing County Yongtai County Pingtan County 6 counties, escrow Fuqing City 1 county-level city; The whole city (including Pingtan County) has jurisdiction over 45 streets, 97 towns and 39 townships (including Mazu Township and 2 ethnic townships in Lianjiang County); 540 communities and 2196 villages. The Municipal People's Government is located at No. 96, Wushan Road, Gulou District. [100]
List of Administrative Divisions of Fuzhou County (City) in 2021
County (city) name
Area (square kilometers)
Street, township (town) name
Community neighborhood committee
Village Committee
thirty-five point seven
one hundred and forty-two
one hundred and two
five hundred and sixty-seven
one hundred and fourteen
two hundred and eighty-one
seven hundred and seventeen point five
two hundred and twenty-five
one thousand five hundred and eighteen point two four
four hundred and thirty-eight
two thousand one hundred and thirty-six point three three
two hundred and ninety-seven
(including Mazu
one thousand two hundred and twenty-eight
two hundred and forty-three
one thousand one hundred and eighty-seven
one hundred and eighty-nine
one thousand five hundred and three point eight three
two hundred and seventy-one
two thousand two hundred and forty-one
two hundred and fifty-five
three hundred and ninety-two point nine three
one hundred and ninety-two
reference material [100]

geographical environment


Location context

Fuzhou is located at the east end of central Fujian Province, between 25 ° 15 ′ - 26 ° 39 ′ N and 118 ° 08 ′ - 120 ° 31 ′ E. To the east Taiwan Strait , west Sanming City Nanping City , south Putian City , north Ningde City [114] The total area of the city is 11968.53 square kilometers, and the municipal area is 1761.2 square kilometers. [12] [100]
Fuzhou City

topographic features

Fuzhou is a typical estuary basin with Gushan , Xiyou Gisan , Nanyou Five Tiger Mountain There is Lianhua Peak in the north, which is mostly between 600 and 1000 meters above sea level. The southern part is the majority of the basin; The northern part is mountainous, leaning from southwest to east; The west is the middle and low mountains; Eastern hills and plains alternate. Mountains and hills account for 72.68% of the total land area of the region, of which mountains account for 32.41% and hills account for 40.27%. The Jiufeng and Daiyun mountain ranges cut from north to south, and the Minjiang River flows through the urban area to the sea. [114]


Topographic Map of Fuzhou
Typical of Fuzhou Subtropical monsoon climate The temperature is suitable, warm and humid, evergreen all the year round, with sufficient sunshine and rainfall, less frost and snow, long summer and short winter, and a frost free period of 326 days. The annual average sunshine is 1700-1980 hours; The average annual precipitation is 900~2100 mm; The annual average temperature is 20~25 ℃. The coldest month is January~February, and the average temperature is 6~10 ℃; The hottest month is from July to August, and the average temperature is 33~37 ℃. The highest extreme temperature is 42.3 ℃, and the lowest is - 2.5 ℃. In 2013, Fuzhou became the first of the four furnaces. The annual relative humidity is about 77%. The heat island effect often occurs, and Fuzhou is a basin terrain, and the temperature at noon in summer is as high as 36 ℃. The dominant wind direction is northeast wind, and southerly wind is dominant in summer. From July to September, the weather is hot, which is a period of concentrated typhoon activities. On average, typhoons directly land in the city twice a year. The best travel season is from April to November every year.
Fuzhou generally has no snow in winter. Sometimes there are sporadic snowfalls in areas with high altitude, such as Gushan. However, it rains in winter and the climate is relatively humid.
Four Seasonal Climatic Characteristics in Fuzhou
Climatic characteristics
Spring (March to May)
It is always rainy and the temperature changes greatly. It is the season with the most rainy days in a year. There are spring rain period (March to April) and plum rain period (May). The weather in spring rain period is cold and hot, and in some years there will be severe convective weather such as cold weather in late spring and hail; During the plum rain season, the temperature rises significantly, the humidity is high, and there is much rain
Summer (June to September)
The weather is mainly sunny, hot and hot, which is the period when local geothermal thunderstorms, tropical storms and typhoons are most concentrated
Autumn (October to December)
The sky is high, the clouds are light, the sunshine is sufficient, the humidity is reduced, and the temperature is appropriate
Winter (January to February)
Generally, the rainfall is less, the climate is mild, and there is rarely subzero low temperature

natural resources


water resource

Fuzhou is rich in water resources. the minjiang river It is the largest water system in the province, originating from wuyi mountains , on Shuikou Town Flowing into Fuzhou; It flows from northwest to southeast Minqing County Minhou County , Fuzhou urban area Changle District , respectively from Changmen Waterway and Meihuagang Waterway into the East China Sea. Minjiang River is 530 kilometers long, 150 kilometers in Fuzhou; The drainage area is 60992 square kilometers, 8011.27 square kilometers in Fuzhou. The main tributaries in China are An Renxi Meixi Dazhangxi Damu Stream , Xindian Stream, Yingqian Stream, etc. Fuzhou is densely covered with waterways, mainly including Jin'an River Baima River Guangminggang Antai River More than 30 inland rivers were connected with Minjiang River, and the water quality was good. In addition, Lianjiang County The main water system of Aojiang River Fuqing City The main water system of Longjiang
The local water resources in Fuzhou are 10.159 billion cubic meters, the inbound passenger volume is 54.69 billion cubic meters, the total water resources is 66.649 billion cubic meters, and the per capita water resources are up to 12500 cubic meters.

plant resources

The forest land area of Fuzhou is 7792 square kilometers, accounting for 65% of the total area of the city. The existing forest area is 9.47 million mu, and the total forest stock is 16.8 million cubic meters, forest coverage 57.8%, and the greening degree reaches 88.6%.
Vascular bundle in Fuzhou Woody plant There are 945 species belonging to 428 genera and 109 families. And sub varieties, accounting for about 48% of the total number of woody plants in the province (more than 1900 species). There are many species, but the resources are not large. In terms of tree species structure, coniferous forest Significantly more than broad-leaved forest And the two are about 75:25. conifer Masson pine and fir wood Mainly, including Masson pine Especially outstanding. broadleaf tree China and Israel Fagaceae Mainly, such as Castanopsis carlesii Castanopsis eyrei Castanopsis eyrei Castanopsis fargesii Etc., followed by Lauraceae , such as Camphor , Nan, etc. Banyan trees of mulberry family are also widely distributed.

Geothermal resources

Fuzhou has a total geothermal reserve of 9800 cubic meters, which is one of the three major hot spring areas in China. The geothermal field in Fuzhou Basin is the largest in Fujian Province Geothermal field The spring has wide vein, high temperature, excellent water quality, large flow, shallow burial, and is distributed in the urban center.

mineral resources

56 kinds of minerals (including sub minerals) have been found in Fuzhou. Dominant minerals are mainly sand, stone, soil and geothermal. There are few kinds of metal minerals, small reserves and few high-grade minerals. There are 11 minerals developed and utilized, and the main minerals are for construction Granite And building Tuff Pyrophyllite ground temperature mineral water Ceramic clay. Geothermal resources are rich and distinctive. Geothermal fields (spots) are mainly distributed in urban areas and Yongtai County Minhou County Minqing County Lianjiang County Fuqing City And other counties (cities). The geothermal resources in Fuzhou are buried shallowly, the water temperature is high, and the water quality is good. It has the reputation of "Minzhong Hot Spring is the best in the world" since ancient times. In December 2010, Fuzhou was awarded“ City of Hot Springs in China ”Yongtai County, Lianjiang County and Minqing County successively won the title“ Hometown of Hot Springs in China ”Title. [106]

ocean resources

Fuzhou City coastline The total length is 1137 kilometers, accounting for one third of the total coastline of Fujian Province. There are many natural ports along the coast, and there are more than 100 natural ports that can build deep-water berths of 10 to 200 thousand tons: Fuqing Bay Luoyuan Bay Xinghua Bay It has a long reputation and is a rare deep-water harbor in China. Eastern coastal Haitan Island With an area of 251.4 square kilometers, it is the largest island in Fujian Province and the fifth largest island in China. Insular 36 Foot Lake With an area of 2.1 square kilometers, it is the largest natural lake in the province Freshwater lake Other larger islands are Nantai Island Jiangyin Island Langqi Island Chulu Island Chuanshi Island Dalian Island Etc. There are 120 species of freshwater cultured fish and more than 500 species of marine fish.



population size

By the end of 2021, Fuzhou Permanent population 8.42 million, 100000 more than at the end of the previous year. Among them, 6.1466 million are urban permanent residents, accounting for 73% of the total population (urbanization rate of permanent residents), an increase of 0.5 percentage point over the end of last year. The annual birth population was 63000, birth rate 8.82 ‰; 35000 people died, mortality 4.88 ‰; Natural growth rate 3.94 ‰. The registered population at the end of the year was 7.2336 million, an increase of 79500 over the end of the previous year. [105]
By the end of 2022, the permanent population of Fuzhou will be 8.448 million, an increase of 28000 over the end of the previous year. Among them, there are 6.19 million permanent urban residents, accounting for 73.27% of the total population (urbanization rate of permanent population), 0.27 percentage points higher than that at the end of last year. The annual birth rate was 7.38%, the mortality rate was 3.39 ‰, and the natural growth rate was 3.99 ‰. At the end of the year, the registered population was 7.2884 million, an increase of 54800 over the end of the previous year. [128]
Change of permanent population in Fuzhou (2018~2022)
Reference source [105] [128] [130-132]
By the end of 2023, the permanent population will be 8.469 million, an increase of 21 thousand over the end of the previous year. Among them, 6.259 million are urban permanent residents, accounting for 73.91% of the total population (urbanization rate of permanent residents), 0.64 percentage points higher than that at the end of last year. At the end of the year, the registered population was 7.3363 million, an increase of 47900 over the end of the previous year. The annual birth rate was 7.26 ‰, the mortality rate was 4.34 ‰, and the natural growth rate was 2.92 ‰. [144]

Ethnic Composition

Fuzhou has 54 ethnic groups ethnic minority The population is 161287, accounting for 1.95% of the total population of the city, including 51570 She people, accounting for 31.97% of the total minority population of the city. Ethnic minorities with more than 10000 people the She ethnic group Hui nationality Miao nationality Tujia nationality Yi nationality Etc. The minorities in Fuzhou belong to the scattered and mixed type, which is in a state of large dispersion and small settlement. [113]


Fuzhou Leaders
Secretary of Municipal Party Committee
Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Mayor
Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the New Area
Member of the Standing Committee and Secretary General of the Municipal Party Committee
Vice Mayor
Director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress
Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress
Chairman of the CPPCC Municipal Committee
Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Municipal Committee
Leadership information as of August 2024 [6] [13] [64-65] [67] [77] [117] [120-124] [127] [134] [138-140] [146] [151]




In 2023, Fuzhou will achieve a regional GDP of 1292.847 billion yuan, an increase of 5.2% over the previous year. Among them, the added value of the primary industry was 72.159 billion yuan, up 4.0%; The added value of the secondary industry was 467.512 billion yuan, up 4.8%; The added value of the tertiary industry was 753.177 billion yuan, up 5.5%. The added value of the primary industry accounted for 5.6% of the regional GDP, the added value of the secondary industry accounted for 36.1%, and the added value of the tertiary industry accounted for 58.3%. The annual per capita GDP was 152846 yuan, an increase of 4.9% over the previous year. [145]
In 2023, the fixed asset investment in Fuzhou will increase by 3.2% over the previous year. Investment in the primary industry increased by 9.2%; Investment in the secondary industry increased by 31.4%, of which industrial investment increased by 30.2%; Investment in the tertiary industry dropped by 5.2%. Infrastructure investment increased by 18.3%. The paid in funds for the whole year decreased by 3.0% over the previous year.
In 2023, the general public budget revenue of Fuzhou will be 118.977 billion yuan, an increase of 12.3% over the previous year, of which the local general public budget revenue will be 75.408 billion yuan, an increase of 8.0%. The general public budget expenditure was 100.778 billion yuan, up 0.2%.
In 2023, the per capita disposable income of Fuzhou residents will be 48861 yuan, an increase of 5.3% over the previous year. According to permanent residence, the per capita disposable income of rural residents was 28636 yuan, up 6.7%; The per capita disposable income of urban residents was 58009 yuan, up 4.3%. The annual per capita living consumption expenditure of residents was 34216 yuan, an increase of 5.9% over the previous year. By permanent residence, the per capita living consumption expenditure of rural residents was 23256 yuan, up 6.1%; The per capita living consumption expenditure of urban residents was 39174 yuan, up 5.4%. [145]
Change of Fuzhou's GDP (2018~2022)
Reference source [105] [128-131]

primary industry

In 2023, the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery in Fuzhou will be 123.528 billion yuan, an increase of 4.1% over the previous year. The grain planting area was 87300 hectares, an increase of 600 hectares over the previous year. The grain output was 496300 tons, an increase of 2600 tons or 0.5% over the previous year. Among them, the rice output was 240400 tons, a decrease of 600 tons or 0.2%.
In 2023, the total output of meat, eggs and milk in Fuzhou will be 371500 tons, an increase of 5.4% over the previous year. The total output of meat was 225100 tons, up 4.7%. Among them, the output of pork was 175300 tons, up 5.2%. The output of poultry eggs was 140800 tons, up 8.3%. The milk output was 5548.1 tons, down 22.7%. The number of live pigs on hand at the end of the year was 1.1558 million, 4.9% lower than that at the end of the previous year; 2.1883 million pigs were sold throughout the year, up 0.7% over the previous year. [145]
In 2023, the total output of aquatic products in Fuzhou will be 3.0747 million tons, an increase of 2.6% over the previous year. Among them, the output of freshwater products was 286300 tons, up 2.6%; 393900 tons of offshore fishing, down 1.3%; Ocean fishing reached 448000 tons, down 6.9%; Mariculture was 1.9466 million tons, up 5.9%.

the secondary industry

In 2023, the total industrial added value of Fuzhou will increase by 2.7% over the previous year. The added value of industries above designated size increased by 3.3%. Among them, light industry decreased by 9.0%, and heavy industry increased by 9.9%; Mining industry grew by 13.3%, manufacturing industry by 2.8%, and power, heat, gas and water production and supply industries by 7.2%. The sales rate of industrial products is 95.11%.
In 2023, 19 of the 35 industries above designated size in Fuzhou will achieve positive growth in added value. Among them, the manufacturing industry of chemical raw materials and chemical products grew by 39.6%, the manufacturing industry of ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry grew by 14.0%, the manufacturing industry of electrical machinery and equipment grew by 8.8%, the production and supply of electricity and heat increased by 5.9%, the automobile manufacturing industry grew by 2.3%, and the non-metallic mineral products industry grew by 1.0%. The added value of high-tech manufacturing fell 4.0%. The added value of the equipment manufacturing industry dropped 0.7%. [145]
In 2023, the profits of industrial enterprises above designated size in Fuzhou will increase by 20.3% over the previous year. In the whole year, the cost per 100 yuan of operating income of industrial enterprises above designated size was 87.06 yuan, down 0.91 yuan from the previous year; The operating income profit margin was 5.43%, up 0.9 percentage points. At the end of the year, the asset liability ratio of industrial enterprises above designated size was 57.6%, down 0.3 percentage points from the end of the previous year. [145]
In 2023, the added value of Fuzhou's construction industry will increase by 9.0% over the previous year. The total output value of the construction industry of general contracting and professional contracting construction enterprises with qualification levels increased by 5.3%.

the service sector; the tertiary industry

In 2023, the added value of Fuzhou's wholesale and retail industry will be 166.869 billion yuan, up 8.9% over the previous year; The added value of transportation, warehousing and postal services was 50.176 billion yuan, up 6.5%; The added value of accommodation and catering industry was 18.874 billion yuan, up 9.9%; The added value of the financial industry was 171.985 billion yuan, up 7.8%; The added value of the real estate industry was 58.468 billion yuan, down 9.7%. The operating revenue of service enterprises above designated size increased by 7.9% over the previous year.
In 2023, the total retail sales of consumer goods in Fuzhou will be 496.376 billion yuan, an increase of 6.1% over the previous year. According to the statistics of the total retail sales above designated size, the retail sales of consumer goods in urban areas were 238.314 billion yuan, up 3.9%; Retail sales of rural consumer goods reached 8.927 billion yuan, down 1.3%; According to the consumption pattern, the retail sales of goods reached 221.88 billion yuan, up 2.7%; Catering revenue was 25.361 billion yuan, up 13.5%. Among the retail sales of commodities above the designated size, the retail sales of grain, oil and food increased by 7.5% over the previous year, the retail sales of beverages increased by 2.8%, the retail sales of tobacco and alcohol increased by 10.3%, the retail sales of clothing, shoes and hats, knitwear and textiles decreased by 6.4%, the retail sales of cosmetics increased by 3.9%, the retail sales of gold, silver and jewelry increased by 13.2%, the retail sales of daily necessities increased by 9.4%, the retail sales of household appliances and audio-visual equipment increased by 15.2%, and the retail sales of Chinese and western medicines increased by 0.0%, Cultural and office supplies increased by 12.7%, furniture by 0.7%, communication equipment by 8.0%, construction and decoration materials by 20.9%, oil and products by 6.7%, and automobiles by 3.2%. In the whole year, the sales of goods above the designated size realized through public networks increased by 14.7% over the previous year. [145]
In 2023, the total import and export volume of Fuzhou will be 343.53 billion yuan, a decrease of 5.7% over the previous year. Among them, the export value was 255.85 billion yuan, up 0.2%; The import volume was 87.68 billion yuan, down 19.6%. The actually utilized foreign capital was $920 million, and the contracted foreign capital was $8.315 billion. 585 new foreign-funded enterprises were established. 76 overseas investment projects were newly approved, and the total amount of newly approved overseas agreed investment was US $2.23 billion, of which the amount of Chinese agreed investment was US $2.004 billion. There were 268 Taiwan funded enterprises newly established this year. [145]
In 2023, the turnover of Fuzhou's foreign contracted projects will reach 652 million US dollars, down 25.2%. At the end of the period, there were 615 overseas personnel for foreign contracted projects, down 55.3%. The total actual income of labor service personnel was 393 million US dollars, up 4.5%; At the end of the period of foreign labor service cooperation, 31328 people were abroad, up 5.9%.
By the end of 2023, the balance of local and foreign currency deposits of financial institutions in Fuzhou was 2354.72 billion yuan, an increase of 10.8% over the end of the previous year; The balance of domestic and foreign currency loans of financial institutions was 2449073 million yuan, an increase of 6.3% over the end of the previous year.
By the end of 2023, there are 54 listed companies in Fuzhou, with a total market value of 851.245 billion yuan, up 1.5%. The city's stock and fund trading volume was 11373.953 billion yuan, and the annual futures trading volume was 4142.801 billion yuan. At the end of the year, there were 5.6571 million shareholder capital accounts opened, an increase of 306700; At the end of the year, there were 3 futures companies and 40 futures business departments; 2 securities companies, 129 business departments; There are 10 branches of foreign-funded financial institutions (excluding insurance and securities institutions) in Fuzhou. [145]
In 2023, the premium income of Fuzhou insurance companies will be 45.787 billion yuan, an increase of 13.4% over the previous year. Among them, the premium income of property insurance was 10.379 billion yuan, and that of life insurance was 35.409 billion yuan. The annual compensation expenditure was 16.514 billion yuan, an increase of 20.8% over the previous year. Including 9.377 billion yuan for property insurance and 7.138 billion yuan for life insurance.
In 2023, Fuzhou will complete 10.322 billion standard postal services, an increase of 14.6%; The total amount of telecommunication services was 13.79 billion yuan, up 13.9%. Postal service revenue was 11.629 billion yuan, down 0.3%; The revenue from telecommunications business was 13.913 billion yuan, up 8.6%. The postal industry completed 10.665 million postal letters and 616.5247 million express deliveries throughout the year. At the end of the year, the total number of telephone users in the city was 11.4457 million, including 1.4771 million fixed line telephone users; There were 9.9686 million mobile phone users, including 4.7082 million 5G phone users. At the end of the year, 4.54 million Internet broadband access users (excluding mobile phone Internet users), an increase of 260000. [145]

social undertakings



  • Historical development
School education in Fuzhou began in the Western Jin Dynasty and began in the Tang Dynasty. From the Northern Song Dynasty to the Southern Song Dynasty, Fuzhou education entered its heyday. Government run schools and county schools were generally established, private lecture academies emerged in large numbers, and there were bookstores in all villages. From the Sui Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty, 502 Jinshi examinations were held and 502 top scholars were produced, 50 of whom were from Fujian Province, of which Fuzhou Mansion Ten Cities People from ten counties (from the early Song Dynasty to the late Ming Dynasty, there were eleven counties, including those who returned to Houguan County in the late Ming Dynasty Huai'an County )It accounted for 22. According to the imperial examination data, ten counties in ten cities of Fuzhou are famous nationwide for their "2247 Jinshi candidates". A poem by Lu Zuqian, a scholar of the Southern Song Dynasty, vividly described the prosperity of Fuzhou's culture and education at that time: "When you meet ten guests and nine young men on the road, half of them are old brothers, most of whom remember the quiet lights on the city bridge and the sound of reading books in the south and north lanes".
In 2023, Fuzhou will recruit 16871 graduate students and 48838 graduate students. General higher education enrolled 135409 students and 434843 students. Secondary vocational education enrolled 36221 students and 105036 students. The city's regular high schools enrolled 46978 students and 131109 students. The junior high school enrolled 91094 students and 270389 students. The general primary school enrolls 105602 students and 625030 students. There are 2127 special education students. There are 222880 preschool children in the kindergarten. There are 92 municipal demonstration parks and 78 provincial standard middle schools. The graduation rate of junior high school is 98.8%. [145]
  • elementary education
  • Higher Education
Colleges and universities
School name
competent department
School level
Ben Shuobo
"Double First-Class" initiative [89]
Outstanding Engineer Education and Training Plan
Colleges and universities jointly built by provinces and ministries
Key Universities in Fujian Province
First class universities in Fujian Province
High level universities in Fujian Province
Colleges and universities jointly built by provinces and ministries
2011 Plan
Colleges and universities jointly built by provinces and ministries
Key Universities in Fujian Province
First class universities in Fujian Province
Fujian Provincial Key Construction High level University
First class universities in Fujian Province
Key Universities in Fujian Province
Education and training plan for excellent doctors
Provincial key universities
Education and Training Plan for Outstanding Doctors (Traditional Chinese Medicine)
Key Universities in Fujian Province
Outstanding Engineer Education and Training Plan
Fujian Province's first-class discipline construction universities
Key Universities in Fujian Province
Fujian Province's first-class discipline construction universities
Double 10000 plan
Fujian Provincial Pilot Unit for Overall Transformation and Development of Colleges and Universities
Pilot universities for application oriented transformation in Fujian Province
independent college
independent college
independent college
Fujian Provincial People's Government
National Model Higher Vocational College
High level vocational schools and specialty construction plan with Chinese characteristics
Demonstration Higher Vocational Colleges in Fujian Province
Higher vocational colleges with national demonstration and key cultivation
Fujian Model Higher Vocational Colleges
Fujian Model Higher Vocational Colleges
Fujian Provincial Department of Education
Privately run, Sino foreign cooperation in running schools
Fujian Armed Police Corps
military schools and colleges
Fujian Provincial Department of Education
civilian-run [80]

Science and technology

In 2023, Fuzhou will have key state laboratories 3, 2 provincial innovation laboratories, 134 provincial key laboratories, 4 national engineering technology research centers, 136 provincial engineering technology research centers, and 77 provincial new research and development institutions. There are 4509 high-tech enterprises. 23545 patents were granted, including 5379 invention patents. By the end of the year, there were 29398 effective invention patents, an increase of 18.6% over the end of the previous year, and 36.35 invention patents per 10000 people. A total of 9239 technical contracts were registered throughout the year, with a turnover of 10.51 billion yuan. [145]

Cultural undertakings

By the end of 2023, Fuzhou's cultural system will have 9 art performance groups, 13 public libraries, 13 cultural centers, 1 theater and theater, and 26 municipal museums and memorial halls. 826 performances by various art performance groups, 14.224 million books in public libraries, 27100 cultural relics in municipal museums and memorial halls, 1015 book circulation points, 173 township comprehensive cultural stations and 2200 rural bookstores. There were 84 cinemas at the end of the year. There are 8 radio stations, 11 radio programs and 11 TV programs. At the end of the year, the comprehensive population coverage rate of radio and television was 100%. [145]

medical and health work

By the end of 2023, Fuzhou has various levels Medical and health institutions 5205, including 150 hospitals, 123 township hospitals and 2089 village clinics. At the end of the year, there were 47592 beds in health institutions. At the end of the year, there were 78752 health technicians, including 29835 licensed doctors and licensed (assistant) doctors, 35236 registered nurses, 6195 health technicians in township hospitals, and 1011 health technicians in village clinics. Every thousand people have 5.88 beds in health institutions, 5.08 beds in hospitals, 9.74 health technicians and 3.69 doctors. [145]


In 2022, Fuzhou athletes won 11 gold medals, 4 silver medals and 4 bronze medals in various competitions at national level and above. At the end of the year, there were 26644 stadiums and gymnasiums in the city, with a total area of 19.8244 million square meters and 7293 national fitness routes.

social security

By the end of 2023, 5.5057 million people participated in Fuzhou's basic endowment insurance, an increase of 385400 over the previous year. The number of insured urban enterprise employees is 2.9571 million, the number of urban and rural residents' pension insurance personnel is 2.3346 million, and the number of government institutions' pension insurance personnel is 214000. There are 685100 old-age security personnel of land requisitioned farmers. [145]
By the end of 2023, there will be 6.8455 million people covered by basic medical insurance in Fuzhou, including 2.2377 million people covered by basic medical insurance for employees and 4.6078 million people covered by basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents. At the end of the year, 1602600 people participated in maternity insurance. 1.5905 million people participated in unemployment insurance in the city. At the end of the year, there were 1.9681 million people covered by industrial injury insurance.
By the end of 2023, 38925 people in Fuzhou will receive unemployment insurance benefits, 9501 people will be included in the urban minimum living security, and 62601 people will be included in the rural minimum living security. Throughout the year, 6628 people were supported by the poverty-stricken people. At the end of the year, there were 57053 old-age beds of all kinds, and 38.27 beds for every thousand old people. [145]




Fuzhou Changle International Airport is located in Fuzhou Changle District coastal, [79] It is the main international airport in Fujian Province and one of the international ports of China's aviation. It was put into use on June 23, 1997, and is the first large-scale modern aviation airport completely funded by the local government. Airfield The grade is 4E, and the apron area is more than 300000 square meters. As of 2017, Fuzhou Airport has operated 103 domestic and international routes, 75 navigable cities, including 4 regional routes and 12 international routes. It is the ninth city airport in China to achieve full coverage of provincial capital routes. The annual passenger throughput exceeded 10 million person times in 2015.
International routes to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan include Angkor Singapore Kuala Lumpur Tokyo Paris Osaka Bangkok Jakarta , China Hong Kong , China Macao And China Taiwan There are about 200 inbound and outbound flights every day, basically radiating from Fuzhou to the whole country East Asia and Southeast Asia Extended air traffic network.


As of June 2015, Fuzhou has arrived in Wenzhou Wenzhou Fuzhou Railway , to Xiamen Fuzhou Xiamen Railway , to Hengfeng, Shangrao, Jiangxi Fengfu Railway Waifu Railway ), west connection Yingsha Xiamen Railway , Fuzhou Malaba Railway, Fuzhou Xiangpu High speed Railway (opened on September 26, 2013) Hangzhou Shenzhen Railway (The whole line was opened on December 28, 2013) Hefei Fuzhou High speed Railway (Opened on June 28, 2015 [14] ), Fuping Railway (Open on December 26, 2020 [15] )。
By the end of 2020, Fuzhou has three or more roads passenger station 12, including 5 primary stations. There are 95 passenger transport enterprises, including 34 regular line passenger transport enterprises and 61 tourist charter passenger transport enterprises; 34 grade road passenger stations, 2798 passenger vehicles/94333 passenger seats; There are 1709 road general cargo transportation enterprises, 79 dangerous cargo transportation enterprises, and 36900 freight vehicles of various types/611700 tons. 998 motor vehicle maintenance enterprises, including 116 enterprises of Class I; There are 81 driving schools, and 116851 people will be trained in 2020. [72]
By the end of 2021, Fuzhou has a total railway mileage of 542.33 km (476.24 km for trunk lines and 66.09 km for branch lines), including 409.64 km for high-speed railways. [105]


By the end of 2020, the total mileage of roads open to traffic in Fuzhou City is 11617 kilometers, and the road density reaches 105.3 kilometers/100 square kilometers, including 756 kilometers of expressways, 1289 kilometers of ordinary national and provincial roads, and 9572 kilometers of rural roads such as county, township, and village roads. "There are highways in counties, and trunk lines in towns." 100% of villages have hardened roads, basically forming "three vertical and three horizontal" The framework network of expressways has greatly enhanced its influence on important cities and towns, industrial bases, industrial parks and tourist attractions, improved rural road infrastructure, and promoted the equalization of public services in urban and rural transportation. [72]
By the end of 2021, Fuzhou's highway mileage (excluding Pingtan) will be 11570km, down 0.4%. The total mileage of expressways was 764km, up 1.1%. [105]
Night View of Fuzhou
Fuzhou to Yinchuan, Ningxia, passing through G70 Fuzhou Yinchuan Expressway in Jiangxi, Fujian to Jiangxi, etc Xingyou Expressway Fuzhou Section( Mekong Chongqing Expressway : Xinghua Bay leaves Fujian and passes Jiangxi), G3 Beijing Taiwan Expressway G15 Shenyang Haikou Expressway, Fuzhou Guangdong Expressway Fuzhou Guangzhou Expressway , to Fuzhou Airport Fuzhou Airport Expressway , Luoning Expressway from Fuzhou Luoyuan to Ningde, Luochang Expressway, Fuzhou Fuqing to Pingtan Yuping Expressway Fuzhou Changle Pingtan Changping Expressway , from Fuzhou Changle to Fuzhou Fuqing Changfu Expressway


The new standard freight rate approved by the Municipal Price Bureau will be implemented for passenger taxis from September 15, 2017: the starting price will be 10 yuan for 3 kilometers; The rental price per kilometer is 2 yuan; If the car is waiting or the speed is less than 12 kilometers per hour, a parking and low-speed waiting fee of 0.8 yuan per minute will be charged; The starting mileage of empty driving fee is 8 kilometers, which is 50% of the rental price of vehicle kilometers; At night (23:00~5:00 the next day), 20% of the night surcharge will be charged according to the rental price of vehicle kilometers. The main taxi operators in the urban area are: Fuzhou Taxi Company, Fuzhou Automobile General Passenger Transport Company, Fuzhou Minyun Taxi Company, Fuzhou Huawei Taxi Company, Fuzhou Bus Group Taxi Company Fuzhou Shijifeng Taxi Co., Ltd 26 taxi operation companies; There are special blue dotted taxi waiting points on both sides of Fuzhou urban roads.


Fuzhou became the second batch of pilot cities for the demonstration project of transit metropolis construction in China at the end of 2013, [109] In 2014, the Operation Plan for the Launch of Pure Electric Bus was formulated. [107] Continuously update clean energy and new energy buses, [108] By the end of 2020, Fuzhou has Fuzhou Public Transport Group Co., Ltd Fuzhou Kangchi New Bus Co., Ltd Fuzhou Minyun Public Transport Co., Ltd 3 public transport enterprises, [78] It has 6141 buses, 500 operating lines and 48.40% of public transport travel share; There are 20 cruise taxi enterprises in the urban area, including 6 state-owned enterprises and 6345 cruise cars; There are 27 online car hailing platform companies and 9245 licensed online car hailing companies. [72]
Night View of Fuzhou Taixi CBD
As of 2019, all air-conditioned vehicles will be operated. One yuan one ticket system will be implemented for urban lines throughout the year, and the operation time will be concentrated at 6:00~23:00. Main bus hubs include the North Square of Railway Station (North Third Ring Road), Rende Bus Station (Rende Intersection of Guangda Road), Jinshan Bus Terminal (Jinzhou Intersection of Lubin Road), Xieyuan Bus Station (east side of Gushan Jinshan Pass), Helin Bus Station (next to East Fuzhou Station of Helin Road), South Railway Station (Lulei Intersection of Yongnan Road), Jinshan Jinju Station (Jinju Road) Luling Bus Terminal (South 2nd Ring Road), Strait Olympic Sports Bus Terminal (Henglong 3rd Intersection of Olympic Road), Olympic Sports Bus Terminal (Olympic Road), Fuxin Bus Terminal (Fuxing East Intersection of Fuguang Road), Strait International Convention and Exhibition Center East Station (Convention and Exhibition East Road), Strait International Convention and Exhibition Center West Station (Convention and Exhibition West Road) Aofengzhou Bus Terminal (at the intersection of Aofeng Road and Aogang), etc.


Main term: Fuzhou Metro
Operation of Fuzhou Metro
starting point end point
Number of stations
The total length is about 29.58km
starting point: Xiangfeng Station
25 stations
The total length is about 30.30km
starting point: Suyang Station
22 stations
Fuzhou Metro Line 4 First pass section
Total length: about 24km
starting point: Difengjiang Station
19 stations
The total length is about 27.71 km
starting point: Houyu Station, Jingxi
20 stations
The total length is about 31.50 km
starting point: Pandun Station
16 stations
reference material: [16] [93] [101] [135-136]

water transport

Mawei Port It is a century old port and Fujian Province An important port for foreign trade. [115] Mawei Port contains three rivers, connects to the four seas, and has excellent port conditions. The annual trading volume of the aquatic products trading center adjacent to Mawei Port accounts for about 9% of the country's total, and the annual pelagic fish catch ashore at Mawei Port accounts for about 40% of the country's total. [116]

Historical culture


City signs

city emblem
Three mountains and one water
In Fuzhou Yu Shan Wushan Ping Shan The "three mountains" stand still, the minjiang river Like a green belt passing through the city. Historical records, Five Dynasties Liang Kaiping In the second year, the King of Fujian recognized the expansion of the city, and enclosed the beautiful Yushan, Wushan and Pingshan into the city, forming the unique style of Fuzhou "mountains in the city, cities in the mountains". "Three mountains and one water" has become the main symbol of Rongcheng, so Fuzhou is also called "three mountains".
Fuzhou City Standard - Three Mountains and One Water
City tree
Banyan planting in Fuzhou has become a fashion in ancient times. Northern Song Dynasty, Taishou Zhang Boyu The advocacy of "weaving households and planting banyan trees" and "the city is full of green trees and not open in summer" have made Fuzhou known as "Banyan City". The banyan trees are evergreen all the year round, with luxuriant branches and leaves, majestic and tall, full of vitality, symbolizing the spirit of Fuzhou. There are nearly 1000 ancient banyan trees in Fuzhou urban area, including fuzhou national forest park A thousand year old ancient banyan is known as the largest banyan in Fuzhou. It is said that it was planted by three military officers during the Yeping period of the Northern Song Dynasty when they practiced martial arts here. The tree is 20 meters high and its crown has a ground projection area of more than 1330 square meters. On February 8, 1985, the 12th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 8th Fuzhou Municipal People's Congress decided to name banyan as a city tree.
City tree - banyan
city flower
Jasmine Flower
Fuzhou is a local product with the highest output and quality in China. Jasmine was widely cultivated in Fuzhou during the Song Dynasty. There are many jasmine gardens in the suburbs of Fuzhou. It symbolizes that Fuzhou, a famous historical and cultural city, has four fragrance. Fujian jasmine tea, which is smoked with jasmine flowers, also enjoys a long reputation and is sold at home and abroad. On February 8, 1985, the 12th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 8th Fuzhou Municipal People's Congress decided to name jasmine as the city flower.
City flower jasmine
Market fruit
Fuzhou Basin is rich in oranges, especially oranges, which are thin skinned, red, juicy, sweet, and unique in flavor, called "Fuju". The ripening period of tangerines is just at the end of the year. Fuzhou's custom is "red", and "orange" sounds like "auspicious", so it has become a folk mascot and New Year gift. The main production areas are located on both sides of the Minjiang River. On February 8, 1985, the 12th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth Fuzhou Municipal People's Congress decided to name Fuju as a city fruit.
Market Fruit - Citrus
City identity
Blessed State
The city image logo of the "Blessed State" takes Fuzhou's "Banyan Tree" and the ancient architectural feature "Saddle Wall" as the main creative body, ingeniously integrates urban elements such as Fushan, Fushui, and Fudao, realizing the natural integration of the beauty of "Fu" culture and artistic creativity. [91]
City Identity - Blessed State
Top Ten Business Cards

Common language

Universal in Fuzhou Foochow , locally known as Pinghua (First, it means folk language. In Fuzhou dialect, people read the word "Hurry and Peace" with slight difference.). Fuzhou dialect( Mindong dialect )It is one of the eight major dialects of Chinese and has been shaped since the end of the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties fujian dialect It plays an important role in.
Fuzhou dialect is the common language of the old "Shiyi" of Fuzhou Prefecture in the lower reaches of the Minjiang River, and the representative dialect of the whole eastern Fujian region. Fuzhou dialect is mainly used in the area from the middle and lower reaches of the Minjiang River basin (including its tributaries, Dazhang River and Gutian River) to the estuary in Fujian, covering 11 counties and cities, namely Gutian County Pingnan County Minhou County Yongtai County Minqing County Changle District Fuqing City Pingtan County Luoyuan County Lianjiang County And Fuzhou, with a population of more than 10 million. Ningde City (Old Funing Mansion )7 counties under its jurisdiction( Fu'an City , Ningde Zhouning County Shouning County Zherong County Xiapu County fuding )Can understand. As for northern Fujian, such as Youxi County Jian'ou City Shaxian District Shunchang County Jiangle County The second dialect is Fuzhou dialect Mindong dialect The overseas Chinese outside the district have spread Fuzhou dialect to all parts of the world.
Fuzhou dialect has many origins. Its bottom layer should be the language of the ancient Minyue nationality. The early immigrants before the Wei and Jin dynasties brought ancient Wu language and ancient Chu language, Old Sinitic and Ancient Chinese It is also obviously preserved in Fuzhou dialect. [22]

Folk customs

Fuzhou folk customs can be divided into five categories: festival customs, wedding and funeral customs, local customs, food customs, and clothing customs Lantern Festival Walking on stilts Dragon Lantern Dance Lion dance Dragon-boat Racing Climb high And other folk activities.
  • Festival customs
Fuzhou's living habits are also influenced Catholicism and Christianity Impact. Christmas Valentine's Day Mother's Day It reflects the tradition that Fuzhou people are good at absorbing foreign cultural habits. All folk customs are "handed down by predecessors and posterity" (Fuzhou saying). Because duck eggs are homophonic to Fuzhou dialect, fishermen go out to sea to pray for no wind and waves, and also have the meaning of "suppressing chaos", Fuzhou calls it "Taiping Egg". When encountering wedding banquet, birthday, farewell party, and passing the ninth anniversary (those who meet the ninth anniversary of their virtual age), they should eat too flat.
Old Fuzhou People“ Year ”Qiu Denghui, a folk custom expert in Fuzhou, said that there are mainly four versions: first, first, second, third; Second, from the beginning of the first day of the twelfth lunar month to the second day of the second lunar month when the dragon looks up, these two months are all in the concept of "Nian", that is, "Nian Mei Dou"; Third, from the "tail tooth" on December 16 of the lunar calendar to the 29th of the first month (Aojiu Festival), it was counted as New Year, lasting 45 days; Fourth, from the 24th day of the twelfth lunar month to the 29th day of the first lunar month. [23]
In the Han Dynasty, Spring Festival meant twenty-four solar terms Medium“ Beginning of Spring ”This day. Revolution of 1911 Later, the first day of the first lunar month was changed to Spring Festival "The custom of the Spring Festival is first related to the beginning of spring. During the Spring Festival, farmers often have the custom of looking at the signs and divining the years. In some places, there are still proverbs such as' sunny weather at the beginning of spring, good harvest for everything '." Zhao Linbin, a cultural scholar in Fuzhou, wrote in his book A Brief Introduction to Fuzhou Folk Culture. [23]
Wandering spirit Welcome the gods It is a custom activity held in the first month of the month in Fuzhou countryside. The third to fifteenth day of the first lunar month is a time for visiting gods, which is one of the important activities of "making New Year" in the countryside. The wandering gods often take the village as a unit, and sometimes several villages unite to carry the statues of the local gods with open top sedans. They parade around the village with the sound of gongs, drums and firecrackers. The people watch and greet each other through the way, and the scene is warm. On the 15th Lantern Festival, the activity of "Youshen Yingshen" reached its climax. [24]
Fuzhou Tradition“ Jiujie depression ”, married daughters will cook on the 29th of the first month“ Abandoned Nine Congee ”, send them back to their parents as soon as possible. Up to now, the suburban counties of Fuzhou still maintain this custom, but the "Jiujie Festival" in the urban area has gradually been“ Mother's Day ”Instead, once this festival comes, the florist business is particularly good. A banquet for parents can also be seen in the restaurant.
  • ballad
Fuzhou has a history of more than 2200 years. The earliest ballad produced here should be "Yue Women Weaving Ge Ge" sung by Fuzhou Minyue people during the Minyue Spring and Autumn Period. [147]
Fuzhou folk song Fuzhou folk songs belong to one kind of Fuzhou folk songs. Fuzhou folk songs are also called "Panshi" among the people in Shiyi. It is also true to call "song" "poem". "Panshi" means that farmers often sing to each other when they are tired or joking between farming or herding. Many Fuzhou folk songs contain philosophy. [147]
Yongtai Folk Song It is also called Yongfu Panshi. This is a kind of cultural form that is passed down by word of mouth among the people with regional characteristics. There are three tunes: Yongfu tune, Minnan tune and Puxian tune. Folk songs are from the folk and close to life. Yongtai's folk songs are very active. On festivals, folk song lovers spontaneously gather to hold folk song duets. [148] In 2018, Yongtai folk songs were Fuzhou Municipal People's Government It is included in the list of representative intangible cultural heritage projects in Fuzhou. [149]
  • Food customs
Fujian cuisine World famous, Fuzhou people's taste is sweet and sour. Local snacks include Fuzhou fish balls Noodles Bird's nest Shrimp crisp Oyster cake Pancake Cauldron edge paste Spring Rolls , fried rice noodles Fuzhou Line And so on.
Fuzhou Cuisine It is the representative of Fujian cuisine. Fujian cuisine is known as "Fuzhou cuisine is fragrant all over the world, and food culture is passed down through the ages". Exquisite selection of materials and careful cutting; Pay attention to heat and soup mixing; He likes to use seasonings and has a variety of tastes, which shows two bright features: one is that the knife is smart and clever, which is interesting in taste. He has a reputation of being cut like hair and thin as paper, and the more famous dishes are like thin snails. The second is that there are many soup dishes with various changes, known as "one soup with ten changes". The famous soup is like the Buddha jumping over the wall with a long history. It has a good reputation of "from the altar, meat is fragrant, and the Buddha jumps over the wall when he hears about it". Among them, Juchun Garden is the most famous.
Fuzhou is also famous for its vegetarian dishes, which are made of gluten, tofu skin, tofu tendon, winter bamboo shoots, mushrooms, agaric and other plant foods. They are skillfully processed, well cooked and taste good. Many temples and restaurants in Fuzhou are engaged in vegetable dishes, among which Gushan Yongquan Temple The vegetarian dishes of the most famous. Famous vegetarian dishes“ Nanhai Jinlian ”、“ Half moon sinks into the river ”There are more than 30 kinds of "three fresh stone drums" and "three silk springs".
(Source of atlas: [25-27]

Local culture

Fujian Tanshishan Site Museum
Tanshishan Culture Tanshishan Culture It is named for Tanshishan Ancient Human Site. The site is located in Fuzhou Minhou County Sugarcane Street Tanshi Village , Yes National key cultural relics protection units It is also the most complete and substantial prehistoric human cultural site in China. Tanshishan culture, which has been more than 5000 years, is worthy of Yangshao Culture Hemudu culture Compared with, it has the unique and distinctive characteristics of marine civilization. Discovered in 1954 Tanshishan Cultural Site Since then, 8 archaeological excavations have been carried out, and the Pottery lamp And a number of important cultural relics.
Shipping culture : refers to the late Qing Dynasty Fujian Shipping Administration The ideological and cultural achievements formed during the founding period. Fujian Ship Administration, founded in Mawei, Fuzhou in the fourth year of Tongzhi (1866), is recognized as the "cradle of China's modern navy" and China's modern industry, science and technology Higher Education The birthplace of.
Fuzhou Humanistic Map
"Three lanes and seven alleys" culture :“ Three lanes and seven alleys ”The culture originates from the "three lanes and seven alleys" of Fuzhou historical and cultural block. "Three lanes and seven alleys" is located in the central urban area of Fuzhou( Gulou District )Is the general name of the alleys arranged from north to south on both sides of Nanhou Street.
"Three Blocks" Yijin Shop Wenrufang Guanglu Square "Seven lanes" Yangqiao Lane Langguan Lane Tower lane Huangxiang Anmin Lane Palace Lane Jibi Lane The basic pattern of "three lanes and seven alleys" historical and cultural blocks was formed in the late Tang Dynasty, and reached its peak in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, especially in the middle of the Qing Dynasty, with a total area of about 45 hectares. There are more than 200 existing ancient buildings. The blocks are connected with each other, the lanes are connected, the walls and tiles are white, the layout is rigorous, the houses are exquisite, and the craftsmanship is ingenious. It is known as the "Museum of Ancient Buildings in the Ming and Qing Dynasties" "Living Fossil of Urban Lifang System in China". Many celebrities in Fuzhou come from or are closely related to "three lanes and seven alleys".
Shoushan Stone Culture Shoushan Stone Shoushan stone carving is the carrier of culture. Shoushan Stone, produced in Shoushan Township, Jin'an District, Fuzhou, is a first-class carved colored stone. [22]

Traditional art

Fujian Opera: Also called“ Fuzhou Opera ”。 In the Ming Dynasty, Kunshan Tune Ming opera style When it was introduced into Fuzhou, Fuzhou dialect opera gradually rose. The first arrival of Qingguang Revolution of 1911 Before and after, it is called "Fujian class". In the 13th year of the Republic of China (1924), Zheng Zhenduo Publishing traditional plays《 Purple jade hairpin 》The title of "Fujian Opera" was officially replaced by "Fujian Opera".
Min Opera Mu Guiying's Marriage Invitation (Lin Ying as Mu Guiying)
Comments: The main folk art varieties in Fuzhou pay attention to singing, speaking, doing and expressing, and are reputed as "living human fossils".
Tenfold The original name is "Xiehuan", which means harmony of sounds. It is one of the main local music in Fuzhou, evolved from the folk dragon dance, and the melody is melodious and beautiful.

Religious culture

Fuzhou is rich in religious culture, known as the "Buddhist country", and there are 6 key Buddhist temples( Yongquan Temple Xichan Temple Linyang Temple Dizang Temple Wanfu Temple Xuefeng Temple )Fuzhou was selected as the top city in China China World Records Association The city with the largest number of key Buddhist temples in China.
Fuzhou has a long history of foreign religious culture, and almost all of these religions established their strongholds in Fuzhou at the beginning of their introduction into China, which is closely related to Fuzhou being a port for overseas trade since ancient times.
As early as the Eastern Han Dynasty, Fuzhou had trade relations with Southeast Asian countries. During the Tang and Song Dynasties, Fuzhou has become a prosperous international trade port with "department stores entering the market with the tide of ships and thousands of wine sellers hanging down". In the Ming Dynasty, Fuzhou's foreign trade reached its peak. The famous navigator Zheng He's seven voyages to the Western Seas were all in Fuzhou Taiping Port (Mawei, Changle area), after increasing supplies, set sail for the sea, Fuzhou Port It has officially become a national port. In the Qing Dynasty, after Kangxi and Yongzheng, the ban on the establishment of customs was lifted, and Fuzhou's foreign trade became more prosperous, "making all the mouths of the Southwest Seas come to the market". After the Opium War, Fuzhou was established as“ Five Ports for Trade ”One of the ports. For a long time, foreign envoys, businessmen and so on have come in a continuous stream, making Fuzhou's foreign religious culture rich and diverse.
Fuzhou City reserves Buddhism Islamism Christianity And other religious and cultural relics. During the Three Kingdoms period, Buddhism was introduced into Fuzhou. During the Five Dynasties, Fuzhou was known as the "Buddhist Country". Kaiyuan Temple in Fuzhou is the oldest existing temple in Fuzhou. It was built in the third year of Liang Taiqing (549 AD) of the Southern Dynasty, and has a history of nearly 1500 years. The history of Gushan Yongquan Temple, another Buddhist temple in Fuzhou, can also be traced back to the second year of Kaiping in the Later Liang Dynasty (908 AD). There is a mosque in Nanmendou, Fuzhou, whose history can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty. From the Ming and Qing Dynasty steles preserved in the mosque, we can roughly understand the spread and development of Islam in Fuzhou at that time. In the fourth year of the apocalypse of the Ming Dynasty (1624 AD), the Italian Jesuit missionary Julio Arillo came to Fuzhou to preach. Ten years later, there are hundreds of believers in Fuzhou. The oldest existing Catholic church in Fuzhou is the Panchuanpu Catholic Church in Nantai Island (built in 1868 AD).
Another religious culture in Fuzhou is characterized by its oceanness Folk belief , which is related to its local environment. Fuzhou is located in the lower reaches of the Minjiang River, bordering the East China Sea. It was originally a land of water, with many rivers, lakes, rivers and sandbanks. There are four main rivers in the urban area, namely Baima River, Dongxi River, Jin'an River and Guangminggang River, and more than 10 inland rivers, including Antai River, Datigang River, Wusi River, Yingzhou River, Dadao River, Chating River, Yangcha River and Longjin River. Rivers, seas and rivers are connected, and the sea, tide and river are connected, which makes Fuzhou culture branded with marine characteristics. The marine feature of Fuzhou culture is reflected in its folk beliefs, that is, Fuzhou people worship the river god and the sea god. [22]

famous scenery



Fuzhou is an excellent tourist city in China. There are many famous mountains, temples, gardens and residences, and it has a unique style of riverside, coastal and landscape garden tourist city. have Three lanes and seven alleys Pingtan Haitan Gushan Qingyunshan Shibazhong Stream And other national key scenic spots.
Fuzhou has more than 150 famous historical sites, including three lanes and seven alleys Tomb of Lin Zexu Hualin Temple in Fuzhou Uta Mawei Ship Administration Site Fuqing Maitreya rock Tanshishan Cultural Site Luo Yuan Chen Taiwei Palace It has been listed as a national key cultural relics protection unit. Gushan Cliff Stone Carving, known as "Fuzhou Forest of Steles", Hualin Temple, the oldest wooden structure building in the south of the Yangtze River, "Monument of Virtue to Langya Wang", one of the "Four Famous Monuments in the World", Li Yang Bingwu Mountain Cliff Stone Carving, and the historical records of Zheng He's navigation in the Ming Dynasty“ Monument of Tianfei Lingying ”。 [29]

scenic spot

  • Cultural relics
Distribution of Historical Buildings in Fuzhou
The historical areas of Fuzhou, a famous historical and cultural city, are divided into three types: historical and cultural blocks, historical and cultural landscape areas, and historical buildings, which are protected by classification. The main historical sites include three historical and cultural blocks, namely, three lanes and seven alleys, Zhu Zifang, Shangxiahang, 13 historical and cultural areas, including Yantai Mountain, Wushan, Pingshan, Yushan, Yeshan, West Lake, Mawei, Linpu, Luozhou, Hongtang, Yangqi, Min'an, Nanyu, Daqiaotou, Taijiangxun, Fanchuanpu, Machang Street, Gongyuan Road, Chanchen Garden, Fujian Private Union University Guling and other seven historical buildings. [30]
  • famous scenery
  • Grade A tourist attractions
3A Tourist Attraction
Pingshan Park (Zhenhai Tower)
Emperor Cave Ecological Tourism Scenic Spot
Yonghong Cultural Tourism City
Luohanli Red Tourist Attraction
Fengxiang Shouyi Hot Spring Resort
Shangxiahang Historical and Cultural Block
Source: [31] [69-70]

Famous and special products

Fuzhou Ten Cities Ten counties are rich in specialties and famous products, including "tea shoots, mountains and trees spread all over the world", "fish, salt, mirage and clams are rich and green", "the tide of two faiths grows from sea to sky, and fish and shrimp enter the market at no cost"( Fujian General Records )It is called. Longan, lychee, citrus, olive Lotus plum , tea, mushroom, bamboo shoot, lotus seed, fish, shrimp, snail, clam, muntjac, pheasant Partridge Stone scale Bodiless lacquerware Wood painting Wood carving Paper umbrella Shell carving And other special or famous products. Fuzhou cork painting Shoushan stone carving Bodiless lacquerware Pingtan Shell Carving Shoushan stone carving, bodiless lacquerware Cork paintings Known as“ Three wonders of Rongcheng ”。 The bodiless lacquerware, Beijing cloisonne and Jingdezhen porcelain are called the "three treasures" of Chinese traditional crafts. [28]
Shoushan stone carving
Cork paintings
Fuzhou horn comb
Fuzhou bodiless lacquer ware
Fuzhou paper umbrella
Fuzhou Olive

Foreign exchange


Counter communication

Fuzhou is located at the continental distance Taiwan The nearest provincial capital. In terms of exchanges with Taiwan, Fuzhou has inherent advantages - close geographical proximity, blood affinity, deep cultural affinity, wide business affinity, and long legal affinity. Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, there were 30000 people from Fuzhou to Taiwan. By 2012, there were 27 Fuzhou Fellowship Associations and more than 600000 Fuzhou villagers in Taiwan; There are more than 1300 Taiwanese compatriots living in Fuzhou, including 120000 Taiwanese.
Fuzhou is one of the most active cities for exchanges with Taiwan, and has introduced many preferential policies and measures for cross-strait exchanges. Fuzhou has been successively identified as a pilot port for direct flights across the Taiwan Straits, a pilot area for agricultural cooperation across the Taiwan Straits, a port for Taiwan compatriots to land for certification, a city for direct passenger charter flights across the Taiwan Straits, a city for direct maritime cargo flights, and the only general contracting bureau for land and water mail across the Taiwan Straits.
The 10th Cross Strait University Debate in 2010
Fuzhou is connected with Taiwan by water, by land, by language and by habit. The folk exchanges have a long history and have always been very close. Every year, Fuzhou and Taiwan hold a series of cultural and educational exchange activities. At present, brands have been formed, including "Two Horses Celebrating Lantern Festival in the Same Spring Festival", "Cross Strait Chorus Festival", "Fuqing Shizhu Mountain Dream Culture Festival", "Minwang Wang Shen Zhi Culture Series Activities", "Rongtai Youth Summer (Winter) Camp", "Cross Strait Urban Youth Creative Genealogy Exhibition", "Shipping Culture" and other activities. [18]
Fuzhou New Area deepens exchanges with Taiwan and innovates measures against Taiwan. The Minjiang River Mawei to Taiwan Integrated Passenger Terminal Project in Langqi has been completed, and the new route of "two horses" will be opened on May 17, 2019. The journey time of the new route of "two horses" can be shortened to 45 minutes. [19] In 2019, 35000 tourists visited Taiwan through Fuzhou Port, down 3.96%. Fuzhou is connected with Taiwan by water, by land, by language and by habit. The folk exchanges have a long history and have always been very close.

Overseas Chinese

Fuzhou is a famous city in China hometown of overseas Chinese There are more than 3 million overseas Chinese and Chinese of Fuzhou origin in 102 countries and regions on five continents. There are as many as 2 million returned overseas Chinese and their relatives in Fuzhou, and nearly 300000 Fuzhou relatives in Hong Kong and Macao. Almost all the places with seawater around the world have the footprints of Fuzhou people. Not only in developed countries such as the United States, Japan, Western European countries, but also in developing country For example, Indonesia Malaysia And a large number of Fuzhou villagers, and in some backward countries, small and remote areas such as Barbados Marshall Islands Antigua and Barbuda sierra leone There are also footprints of Fuzhou people.

Sister city

List of International Sister Cities in Fuzhou
Foreign city
Closing time
Syracuse,the US
Tacoma,the US
poland West Coast Province Koshalin
Rio Gallegos,Argentina
Manila,the Philippines
Mauritania Dahlet Nouadhibo Province Nouadhibo city
Siem Reap,Cambodia
Ha Long,Vietnam
Honolulu,the US
Friendly city in county, city and district
Des Moines, Washington, USA
Des Moines,the US
Indonesia East Java Malang City
(Drum Tower)
reference material: [159]

Famous people

Fuzhou is one of the regions with the largest number of Jinshi (more than 4100 people), No. 1 Scholar (31 people) and academicians of the "two academies" (67 people). In the Song, Ming and Qing dynasties, there were 3632 scholars from Fuzhou, including 7 top scholars, ranking first in the country. Fuzhou is the cradle of China's modern navy. From the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, 13 generals, vice presidents and commanders in chief of the navy were included by Fuzhou people.
In 1991, according to the statistics made by the state on outstanding experts and scholars in modern China, there were 53 people from Fuzhou, and 47 members and academicians from Fuzhou of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, all of whom were among the best in China. As of November 2010, there were 133 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (academic members) and the Chinese Academy of Engineering (including Yan Kai and Min Guirong) from Fujian and working in Fujian, ranking the third in China.

Honorary title

Fuzhou has won“ National Civilized City ”"National Innovative Pilot City" [32] "National Advanced City in Building a Civilized City" and "National Advanced Collective in Urban and Rural Greening", [33] It has been rated as "National Advanced City in Science and Technology Progress" for three times, [34] It has won the title of "National Model City for Double Support" for four consecutive times“ National Health City ”、“ China Excellent Tourism City ”Title. [5] It has been awarded the title of Riverside Ecological Garden City [4] national model city for environmental protection National Model City of Double Support National Civilized City Equivalent title; [62]
In 2023, Fuzhou was selected into the list of public employment and entrepreneurship service demonstration cities published by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China. [118]
In August 2024, Fuzhou's case of "Deep Blue Smart Chain - Lianjiang Deep and Offshore Aquaculture Road Based on AI and Data Driven" Shortlisted for the 2024 World Smart City Award in China. [152]
Low carbon city award for sustainable development
Top 50 Cities with the Most Investment Potential in China [38]
Top 200 Charming Cities with World Characteristics [39]
Visit 100 cities in China [40]
China Unicom 5G pilot city [41]
China's annual landmark city [42]
National ranking of urban industrial competitiveness 24 [43]
The Best Commercial City in Mainland China [44]
National Health City (District) [45]
Unit that pays attention to the 20th anniversary of forest activities [46]
China's Top 100 Foreign Trade Cities [47]
Demonstration city (district) of social credit system construction [48]
Pilot city of national urban medical consortium construction [49]
Top 100 cities in China [50]
Comprehensive information consumption demonstration city [51]
Advanced city in the middle of the "Seventh Five Year Plan" [52]
China's Top 100 Foreign Trade Cities [53]
first batch 5G commercial city [17]
Sample cities for urban physical examination in 2020 [20]
Ministry of Transport ETC Smart Parking Pilot City
The second batch of prefabricated building example cities [55]
National Model City (County) of Double Support [56]
2020 China's livable city [57]
The first batch of national culture and tourism consumption pilot cities [58]
Top Ten Beautiful Cities in China [60]
Create national barrier free environment demonstration cities, counties, villages and towns [59]
National drug control demonstration city [61]
2020 China's Top 100 Foreign Trade Cities [71]
2021 Top 100 Cities in Digital Transformation [73]
Safe China Construction Demonstration City. [74]
The first batch of demonstration areas for the construction of provincial rule of law government [75]
Model City for Healthy City Construction in All Provinces in 2020 [76]
National Health City in 2021 [81-82]
Pilot area for comprehensive reform of "three integrity education" in colleges and universities [83]
List of Air Quality of Key Cities in China [84]
In 2021, it is planned to encourage cities and counties to take charge of the river and lake system [86]
Build information infrastructure and promote industrial digitalization in 2021 City with obvious effect [87]
Digital RMB pilot area [88] [90]
List of "Waste free Cities" during the 14th Five Year Plan Period [92]
National Intellectual Property Strong City Construction Demonstration City [97]
Construction of recycling system of waste materials in key cities [98]
List of the First Batch of National Integrated Freight Hub Chain Repair and Strengthening [102]
Key cities of national waste material recycling system construction [99]
In May 2023, the first batch of national network market supervision and service demonstration areas were approved. [125]
On October 28, 2023, it won the first Global Sustainable Development City Award. [137]