Shenzhou 9

China's fourth manned spacecraft
zero Useful+1
Shenzhou 9, referred to as "Shenzhou 9" for short, is the ninth spacecraft launched by China's manned space program. It is China's fourth manned space flight mission and China's first manned rendezvous and docking mission [1]
Shenzhou 9 was launched on June 16, 2012 and entered the scheduled orbit [2] On June 18, 2012, it completed the automatic rendezvous and docking with Tiangong No.1, established a rigid connection, and formed a combination [3] On June 29, 2012, the re-entry capsule landed safely at the main landing site in Inner Mongolia, and completed the mission of rendezvous and docking with Tiangong-1 manned spacecraft [4]
The success of the Shenzhou 9 mission marks that the second step of the manned space project has achieved significant results, laying a good foundation for the future development of manned space and the construction of the space station [5]
Chinese name
Shenzhou 9
Launch site
Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center
Return to location
Inner Mongolia main landing site
Date of launch
June 16, 2012
Return time
June 29, 2012

Operation history

On February 17, 2012, the General Coordination Meeting of Jinan University of the 20th Working Conference of China's Manned Space Program was held in Beijing. The meeting clearly defined and approved the implementation of the Tiangong-1 and Shenzhou-9 manned rendezvous and docking mission [6-7]
On April 9, 2012, Shenzhou 9 spacecraft passed the factory test and arrived at Jiuquan Space Launch Site [8]
On May 9, 2012, the Long March 2F carrier rocket that launched Shenzhou 9 passed the factory review and was transported to Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center for test preparation at the launch site.
On June 9, 2012, the Shenzhou 9 rocket assembly was transferred to the launcher, and the umbilical cord tower and mobile platforms were closed [9]
On June 16, 2012, Shenzhou 9 was launched into orbit [2]
On June 17, 2012, Shenzhou 9 completed long-distance guidance and orbit change [10]
On June 18, 2012, Shenzhou 9 and Tiangong 1 completed automatic rendezvous and docking, established rigid connection, and formed a combination [3] (Source of atlas: [27]
On June 19, 2012, Shenzhou 9 completed its first orbit maintenance after rendezvous and docking with Tiangong 1 [11]
On June 21, 2012, the first attitude adjustment of the Shenzhou 9 and Tiangong 1 combination was completed in space, from the inverted flight state of rendezvous and docking to the normal flight attitude, forming the standard flight mode of the combination of Tiangong in the rear upright flight and the spacecraft in the front inverted flight [12]
On June 22, 2012, under the normal flight status of the Shenzhou 9 and Tiangong 1 combination, astronauts carried out attitude control of the aircraft in space, completed manual attitude control tests, and completed orbit data update, flight program injection and other work [13-14]
On June 27, 2012, the Shenzhou 9 and Tiangong 1 combination completed various flight control work and carried out the communication between heaven and earth [15]
On June 28, 2012, Shenzhou 9 completed various flight control tasks such as turning upside down and separating from Tiangong 1 [16]
On June 29, 2012, the Shenzhou 9 re-entry capsule landed safely at the main landing site in Inner Mongolia, completing the mission of manned rendezvous and docking with Tiangong 1 [4]
On July 1, 2012, the opening ceremony of the Shenzhou 9 re-entry module was held in Beijing, and the carrying goods were handed over [17]

flying commission


Task plan

After more than ten days of Shenzhou 9's scheduled orbit flight, the spacecraft and Tiangong 1 made two rendezvous and docking, the first was automatic rendezvous and docking, and the second was manually controlled by astronauts.
About 20 days before the launch of the spaceship, the Tiangong-1 target aircraft began to descend orbit and phase adjust, entered a near circular docking orbit with a height of about 343 kilometers, established a manned environment, and waited for the rendezvous and docking with the spaceship.
After the spacecraft is launched into orbit, it will complete the automatic rendezvous and docking with the target aircraft according to the predetermined procedure, which is basically the same as the rendezvous and docking of Tiangong 1 and Shenzhou 8; It is automatically docked with Tiangong No.1 to form an assembly. Under the command and support of the ground, the astronauts completed the setting and inspection of the assembly status, opened the doors of each segment in turn, and entered the Tiangong No. 1 experimental module through the docking channel.
During the flight of the assembly, the target aircraft is responsible for flight control, and the spacecraft is in the docking state. Three astronauts ate in the spacecraft orbital module, and carried out scientific experiments, technical experiments, exercises and rest in Tiangong-1
Before the return of Shenzhou 9, three astronauts returned to the return capsule of the spacecraft. The two aircrafts were separated, and the astronauts manually controlled the spacecraft to evacuate to 140 meters, and the spacecraft turned to autonomous control, and continued to evacuate to a safe distance of 5 kilometers away; After that, the spacecraft returned to the landing site, and the ground personnel completed the astronaut search and rescue and recovery of the return capsule in time; The target aircraft changes its orbit to 370km autonomous flight orbit and turns to long-term on orbit operation [18]

Mission purpose

1. Validate the manual rendezvous and docking technology for the first time, and further validate the automatic rendezvous and docking technology
2. Fully verify the function and performance of the target aircraft to support the life and work of astronauts, as well as the combination management technology, realize the ground transportation and supply of personnel and materials to and from the orbiting aircraft for the first time, and carry out aerospace medical experiments and related key technology tests [18]

technical conditions


Docking target

The Tiangong-1 target aircraft was launched into orbit on September 29, 2011. As of June 2012, it has been in orbit for about 260 days. The target operation is stable and in good condition, meeting the requirements of rendezvous and docking mission [18]

Airship composition

Shenzhou 9 and Shenzhou VIII The technical status is basically the same. In order to further improve security and reliability, some technical status changes have been made. The total length of the spaceship is 9 meters, the maximum diameter of the cabin section is 2.8 meters, and the takeoff mass is not more than 8130 kilograms.
The Long March 2F Yaojiu rocket launching Shenzhou 9 is basically in the same technical state as the Yao-8 rocket, with a total length of about 58 meters, a takeoff mass of about 496820 kilograms, and a carrying capacity of no less than 8130 kilograms [18]

TT&C communication

The TT&C communication network is composed of 2 Tianlian 1 relay satellites, 14 domestic and foreign ground TT&C stations, 3 survey ships, Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center, Dongfeng Aerospace Launch Command and Control Center, Xi'an Satellite TT&C Center, and Relay Satellite Control and Management Center [18]

Landing site

The main landing site is located in the grassland in the middle of Inner Mongolia, and the auxiliary landing site is located in the southeast of Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. The ascending section and the operating section are respectively equipped with an onshore emergency return landing area and an offshore emergency splash down area [18]
 Shenzhou 9 Shenzhou 9 Shenzhou 9 Shenzhou 9 Shenzhou 9 Shenzhou 9 Shenzhou 9 Shenzhou 9 Shenzhou 9 Shenzhou 9 Shenzhou 9
Shenzhou 9

Flight carriage


Flight crew

The Shenzhou 9 flight crew consists of three people, who were selected into the mission flight crew in March 2012, respectively:
Jing Haipeng
Liu Wang
Liu Yang
full name
Jing Haipeng
Liu Wang
Liu Yang
to serve as
Command length
reference material: [19-21]

Carrying goods

The opening ceremony of the Shenzhou 9 re-entry module was held in Beijing on July 1, 2012. The main items handed over for carrying were:
1. The youth science popularization activity of "Opening the Dream of Heaven" of the China Association for Science and Technology carries the seeds of scientific experiments.
2. China Post Space Post Office "Blessings from Space" postal items.
3. Crop seeds and microbial strains carried by Shenzhou Tianchen Company of China Academy of Space Technology.
4. Letters from the public activities of "I write a letter to the astronauts of Shenjiu" of the China Aerospace News Agency, and aerospace culture and art chips.
5. The negative of the first photo "The First National Congress of the Chinese Soviet held" broadcast by the Red China News Agency (formerly Xinhua News Agency) on November 7, 1931 [22]

technical support


Technical breakthrough

In view of the characteristics of manned flight, Shenzhou 9 has made appropriate modifications in the scheme. Compared with the Shenzhou 8 mission, there are ten major differences and breakthroughs:
1. From unattended to attended. From the unmanned Shenzhou 8 to the full crew of Shenzhou 9 carrying three astronauts, Shenzhou 9 cancelled equipment irrelevant to manned space flight in order to meet the need of manned space flight.
2. The combination flight plan is different. Shenzhou 9 and Tiangong 1 will carry three astronauts to verify the longest flight mission of the combination for 30 people/day (3 people × 10 days); The independent flight time of the spaceship is the same as that of Shenba. It can fly independently for 3 days under normal conditions and 5 days under emergency conditions; The docking time of Shenzhou Jiujiang combination has changed from 14 days to 10 days, in order to verify the longest flight support capability of the combination.
3. The entry direction of rendezvous and docking is different. Shenzhou 9 carries out forward docking. Its spaceship is in the front, and Tiangong 1 chases Shenzhou 9 for docking. In the second docking, the spaceship automatically withdraws and retreats to 400 meters for forward docking.
4. The methods of rendezvous and docking are different. Shenzhou 9 and Tiangong 1 rendezvous and docking are under automatic rendezvous and docking, and manual control method is used to verify the astronauts' manual control of rendezvous and docking technology.
5. The rendezvous and docking environment is different. Since Shenzhou VIII is the first time for China to conduct space rendezvous and docking, in order to reduce the interference of various light waves in space on the rendezvous and docking equipment, according to technical considerations and design arrangements, Shenzhou VIII rendezvous and docking mission is designed to start automatic rendezvous and docking in the sunshine area. When the docking is completed, it is already in the shadow area, The Shenzhou 9 manned rendezvous and docking was conducted in the whole sunshine area; Since various light waves in space will interfere with the rendezvous and docking measurement equipment, it is much more difficult to complete rendezvous and docking in such an environment than Shenzhou VIII, and the rendezvous and docking equipment will undergo a severe and unusual test.
6. From self integration to integration. Since the astronauts of Shenzhou 9 want to enter the Tiangong 1 target aircraft to conduct a comprehensive verification of the working, living and combined manned environment, the astronauts of Shenzhou 9 will open the doors of the two spacecraft. At this time, Shenzhou 9 realizes space connectivity with Tiangong 1 for the first time, becoming two large rooms connected in space, The astronauts passed through the ninth hatch of the Shenzhou Ship and entered Tiangong 1 for the transfer of related goods, work and life. In this case, the environmental control and life support equipment such as carbon dioxide purification devices and microbial control devices in Tiangong 1 would be turned on, creating a working and living environment similar to that on the ground for the astronauts.
7. The equipment carried in the spaceship is different. The measurement of on orbit mechanical environment parameters has been completed in the Shenzhou VIII flight mission, so corresponding sensors and equipment have been cancelled on Shenzhou 9; The camera storage unit of the auxiliary CCD optical imaging sensor dedicated to image recording and download of Shenzhou VIII is also cancelled; The return cabin is equipped with seats for three people.
8. The disposal plans are different in case of emergency failure. During the development of Shenjiu, the research team designed more than 300 failure modes and countermeasures, and further improved more than 100 failure modes related to astronaut operation. In particular, in the case of manned spaceflight, in order to ensure the safety of astronauts, failure modes and countermeasures for manual rendezvous and docking, failure plans such as manual control prohibition command can not be sent normally, etc. have been added to further ensure the safety of astronauts.
9. The control scheme is improved and optimized locally. The guidance and navigation control system of Shenzhou 9 manned spacecraft, while summarizing the experience of Shenzhou 8 rendezvous and docking, has partially improved and optimized the automatic rendezvous and docking and evacuation, manual control rendezvous and docking and evacuation, and return control for the task, and has carried out a lot of experimental verification.
10. Return to scheme change. Compared with Shenzhou 8, in the control scheme of Shenzhou 9's return, manual control commands are added to the key commands to open the recovery main switch as backup, greatly improving the reliability and safety of the return [23]

Space support

As one of the three astronauts is a female astronaut, she is arranged to sit on the left side of the cockpit. At the same time, taking into account the physiological characteristics of the female astronaut, a special clothing spare parts bag for female astronauts is added, which is specially equipped with a set of pressure clothing and urine collection device for female astronauts, as well as a special sanitary supplies bag for women; The spaceship cabin is equipped with a food bag, which contains space food and drinking water for 15 days for three astronauts, as well as underwear spare parts bag and waste collection bag for astronauts [23]

Space experiment

During the manned rendezvous and docking mission of Shenzhou 9 and Tiangong 1, the astronauts will carry out 15 space experiments related to aerospace medicine, of which five are the most important:
Shenzhou 9 and Tiangong 1 combination
1. Study on the Effects of Space Flight on Vestibular Eye Movement, Cardiovascular and Advanced Brain Functions.
2. Cytological mechanism of protection against physiological effects of weightlessness.
3. Research on the protection technology of space bone loss.
4. On orbit harmful gas acquisition and analysis experiment.
five On track quality measurement [24]

Honor recognition

Award Name
Shenzhou 9 astronaut team
2012 Award of "Influencing the World's Chinese"
reference material: [25]

Cultural characteristics

On June 16, 2012, the Shenzhou 9 manned spacecraft was successfully launched, and the China Post Space Post issued a limited number of envelopes to commemorate the successful launch of the Shenzhou 9 spacecraft; It also issued a series of philatelic products such as the "Commemoration of the Manned Rendezvous and Docking Mission of Tiangong 1 and Shenzhou 9", including:
1. China Post issued a personalized stamp with special format for the first time.
2. Exclusive signature postcard of the crew portrait of the Shenzhou 9 astronaut.
3. The space post office's exclusive "China Manned Space Project" independent postage map "Shenjiu" mission commemorative cover.
4. Special format personalized stamps for astronaut flight crew
5. "Shenjiu" astronaut flight crew limit cover.
Commemoration of the Successful Launch of Shenzhou IX Spaceship

Task significance

The success of the Tiangong-1 and Shenzhou-9 manned rendezvous and docking mission has achieved another major breakthrough in China's space rendezvous and docking technology, marking the decisive and important progress of the second strategic goal of China's manned space program; It is a new achievement in building an innovative country, a new glory made by the Chinese people in their journey to climb the world's scientific and technological peak, another outstanding contribution made by the Chinese nation to the exploration and utilization of outer space, and a new victory for strengthening China's comprehensive national strength, inspiring the national spirit, and encouraging and inspiring the people of the whole country to strive for a well-off society in an all-round way, It is of great and far-reaching significance to constantly create a new situation in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics [26] (Evaluated by the CPC Central Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission)
The success of the Shenzhou 9 mission marks that the second step of the manned space project has achieved significant results, laying a good foundation for the future development of manned space and the construction of the space station [5] (commented by National Space Administration)
Shenzhou 9 completed its first manual rendezvous and docking mission and successfully hit the "Ten Rings" in space. Liu Yang Becomes China's First Female Astronaut in Space [29] Beijing Association for Science and Technology