
[shén qí]
religious belief
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God (q í) is one of the religious concepts, but it has its body image. Be able to Material world Directly or Indirect impact Almost all human society This concept exists more or less in China, but due to different cultures, people's perception of God is ever-changing.
Chinese name
Foreign name
A general reference to God

Chinese interpretation

[Definition] "God" refers to God, and "only" refers to Geogod "God" generally refers to God.
[Five] pyqa
[English] the god of the sky and the earth/the god
god of the earth
① Earth god. The Analects of Confucius · Narrative 》: "Pray for the gods." (Pray for you to the gods of heaven and earth.)
[Pinyin] sh é n q í
[Definition] 'God' refers to the heaven god, 'only' refers to the earth god, and 'god only' refers to the god in general. (Quoted from《 Modern Chinese Dictionary 》)
[English] god [C] (In some religions) a being or spirit who is believed to have power over a particular quality: Mars was the Roman god of war Mars It is the ancient Roman god of war. ◇ the rain/sky god ◇ Hindougods hinduism Gods
[Example] I don't know my son shepherd What's the use. Does God kill—— Tang Dynasty· Li Chaowei Liu Yichuan
[Note] The "only" of the god can't be written as "only", just a little short of the following.


Natural deity (Natural God) from Primitive society Later, the uncontrollable natural body natural force Evolve into a god. stay fetishism At the initial stage, natural bodies, such as fire, thunder, water and sun, were directly personified, believing that they had will and life. Later, even animals and plants were deified Abstract ability The gods are independent of the Natural objects The concept of.
Social God will social phenomenon Or power personification, originated in the late primitive society, is the evolution of natural gods. With the development of productivity and social structure Complicated and classed, people are no longer a single individual, Social forces It is also considered as an incomprehensible and uncontrollable force, such as the god of war, the god of love, the god of wealth, the regional guardian god Trade god Etc.
There are many branches of social gods, which can be divided into two categories: the first category is related to one's own innate identity (clan), which can be called clan gods; The second category is related to one's own identity (such as industry). The most important one in this category is the god of industry.
Household god (Family God) is the guardian god of the family, usually worshipping the ancestors of their own family. Believers believe that the ancestors have become gods, and can protect the stability of the family. To some extent Tribal deity However, the family gods also have the function of dividing families and marking the uniqueness of families. Unlike the tribal gods, the family gods rarely merge into the mainstream.
Tribal deity( Tribal God) related to tribal origin or multi tribal origin.
National deity (National God) is a combination of tribal gods of several larger tribes, or several of the same religion Main God The extinction of a nation does not mean the disappearance of its god, because it may be assimilated by other nations.
Trade God can also be regarded as one of the social gods Social division of labor It is mostly related to the originators and meritorious persons of myths or various professions, such as Lu Ban ancient Greek Of Artemis Etc.
Anthropomorphic god (Anthropomorphic God) Xenophanil (Xenophanes) proposed that human beings imagine a god system according to their own image and nature, which does not mean all gods in general, but refers to the god who is completely personified by believers. There are two main types. The first is Ancient Egypt It is a semi anthropomorphic transition period. The head is an animal, while the body is a human god. There are countless other fully anthropomorphic gods, which were most found in ancient Greece and Ancient Rome , such as Zeus All the gods in the Gods' Department have human images, and they also live a life of personification.
Abstract deity (Abstract God) refers to the god without visible image Judaism And Islam. Islam prohibits making statues for gods and kneeling to idols. For example, the concept of "heaven" in ancient China is quite abstract, almost impersonal and impersonal.


atheism Atheism believes that no god exists, which first appeared in Plato The most famous supporter of Marx's works is Marx.
Agnosticism Agnosticism believed that the existence of God could not be recognized or could not be fully understood, which was criticized by theologians. They believed that although there was no sufficient reason to believe or not to believe, the suspicion in thought still represented the affirmation of religious falsehood in action.
Deism Deism believed that after God created the world, he completed his mission to let the universe develop on its own, which was as early as Christianity in the 16th century Socini Propose that, Sheng in Voltaire and Rousseau The era has declined.
Pantheism (Pantheism) believes that God is nature. Mysterious pantheism believes that God includes nature and human beings. In short, human beings are part of God, while natural pantheism believes that nature is a way for God to exist. In some cases, it is similar to atheism. Philosopher Spinoza established the most complete monotheism.
Pantheism Pandeism is a philosophical viewpoint that combines deism and pantheism. This view holds that after God created the universe and its rules of existence, he incarnated himself into the universe and all things in the world.
Internalism Immanuence believes that God cannot leave the world and live alone, and Superexistence theory Relatively, it emphasizes the immanence of God to the world, and the quietness, circulation and business of God( Historical view ), also emphasizing the divine Mystery And non personality nature (divinity), which can be seen in Buddhism's universe order theory hinduism Pantheism Egypt Greece Waiting Polytheism primitive religion Of Animism
Transcendentalism believes that God exists beyond or independent of the world, as opposed to internalism, and emphasizes God's Externality Transcendence , emphasizing the positivity of God, the ultimate direction of history (historical view), and the rationality and personality of God (divinity), which exist in Judaism The only theory, the supremacy of Islam Zoroastrianism Gnosticism dualism Etc.
Super pantheism Panentheism comprehensively discusses the immanence, and believes that God is the existence itself, and that existence, as the foundation of all existence, is transcendent, and that existence expresses itself in existence, and that God is both transcendent and internal, and is modern Christian theology A tendency of.


Polytheism (Polytheism) began in the late primitive society, believing in the existence of many gods, such as the main industry, the main region, and the main nature. Adopters can choose different gods to worship as they wish under different circumstances and needs. In polytheism, there are often different classes of deities, usually with the highest god, and others have their own abilities and relationships with each other.
Rotation of the main theology : Also called Alternate main theology , similar to polytheism, but the position of the main god has not yet Immobilization Its main god changes with the region or time. As in Hinduism Brahma Vishnu Shiva Between, like Zeus of Greece Athena Apollo between.
Monotheism (Henotheism), polytheism with fixed main gods, is the trend of polytheism Monotheism A transition formation in. Monotheism does not necessarily lead to monotheism, such as Japan Shintoism
dualistic religion (Dualistic Religion) Believes that there are two opposite gods, and only good gods can be chosen as objects of worship, including Zoroastrianism , Gnosticism Manichaeism Etc.
Monotheism believes that there is only one god, and the most typical and famous is Abrahamic religions Monotheism does not deny other spiritual bodies, such as angels, demons, etc., but they are created rather than creators, so they are neither gods nor objects of worship.

Religion and folk beliefs

The Jade Emperor worshipped by the people
God only acts as Folk belief It can be generally understood as:
1. God and Geogod
2. Referred to as Si Zhong, Si Ming wind god rain god
3. General gods
God is just a symbol, a sustenance. It symbolizes auspiciousness, power and justice, and places people's wishes, happiness and consolation on it. In ancient folk beliefs《 Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals 》It is recorded that there are gods Earthlings In addition, there were systems of things, spirits, demons, etc. After the Song Dynasty, folk beliefs crossed, and Buddhist, Taoist, and Western religious beliefs and immortal systems intertwined, with no clear faction. The main gods are:
God or God is just one of the religious concepts, Supernatural body The highest of the two is generally considered to have no physical body, but a body image. Not accepted natural law Limit, on the contrary, it is higher than the natural law and dominates Material world , can directly or Indirect impact Almost all human society However, due to different cultures, people's ideas about God vary greatly.
The idea of God comes from Primitive society At that time, God was established by people's fear of death, and all things and things that human beings could not reach were deified. Originally from Fetish , along with the social structure and Cultural development The image of God, the body of God and the number of God are gradually changing from simple gods to complex gods; From the division of duties among the gods, it evolved into a supreme or multi-level god system; It has also changed from spreading in the clan to flowing into the tribe, nation and even the united world, from multi gods to monotheism.
In Taoism, "Sanqing" is the highest god. "God" refers to the innate gods, that is, the gods of heaven, earth, things, earth, human beings, ghosts, etc. Among them, the "gods", such as the gods of heaven, earth, hell, and human body, are the true saints who are born; "Xian" refers to Xianzhen, including immortals and real people. He is a man who has learned the Tao through cultivation the day after tomorrow, has great power, is unpredictable and lives forever. [1]

Jade Emperor

The name Jade Emperor appeared in the Tang Dynasty and became popular in the Song Dynasty. Because the ancients had the mentality of worshipping jade, which symbolized purity and tranquility, and had the same characteristics, they called the highest emperor the Jade Emperor, which meant that he would be the emperor of heaven forever like jade. Because no one has seen the emperor in the sky, the image of the Jade Emperor is to imitate the appearance of the emperor on earth: wearing nine chapters Legal dress , wearing a twelve line pearl crown royal diadem. The Jade Emperor Wei sits in the Lingxiao Hall of the Cloud Palace in the Tianque. He has a large group of civil and military immortals, soldiers and generals under his command. He governs all the gods, gods and ghosts, as well as the growth of all things and the fate of mankind. He can be said to be omnipotent Lord of All Gods Almighty God.

guanyin bodhisattva

Avalokitesvara is a Buddhist Four Bodhisattvas First, after being introduced into China, it became a folk god widely spread among Chinese people and believed by many people.
Guanyin, the full name of "Guanyin", is a free translation of Sanskrit, which was avoided in the Tang Dynasty Taizong Li Shimin The word "world" is omitted from the taboo of "Guanyin" for short. The name of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Inspired by Great Compassion and Salvation". Guanyin is a symbol of compassion. People believe that Guanyin Bodhisattva can pray for blessings and avoid disasters, as well as send and bless children. When all beings are suffering, as long as they recite the name of Guanyin, Bodhisattva will watch it in time Sound Come to help. Guanyin is a household name in China, known to women and children. "Every family has Amitabha and every household has Guanyin", a popular saying from ancient to modern times, illustrates the grand occasion of worshipping Guanyin Bodhisattva and the profound influence of Guanyin Bodhisattva on Chinese folk.

God of Wealth

The rich life is directly connected with the amount of wealth. Wealth can create a more superior material life. The pursuit of wealth by the public has created a fervent respect for the god of wealth. There are many gods of wealth in folk beliefs, and the prototypes of gods of wealth believed by people in different times and regions are also different. In addition, the god of wealth can be divided into civil and martial arts. Generally speaking, the god of wealth generally refers to the god of wealth Zhao Gongming , and Wu God of Wealth yes Guan Yu Chai Rong, Zhao Gongming; God of Wealth yes Bican Li Jizu Fan Li Etc.
Wu Caishen
God of Wealth
Guan Yu, the Duke of Guan, was in the Three Kingdoms period Liu Bei Of become sworn brothers or sisters Brother, famous General Wu Hu one of. His story is as follows“ Three Ties of Justice in Taoyuan ” “ A Thousand Miles of Riding Alone ” “ Wenjiu Chops Huaxiong ”"Passing five passes and killing six generals" and "going to the meeting alone" are widely spread among the people, and are well-known historical figures in our country. Guan Gong is a civil and military omnipotent god among Chinese people, and the god of wealth is just one of his identities. In fact, Guan regarded money as dirt《 Romance of the Three Kingdoms 》Medium, Guan Yu After being forced to surrender to Cao Cao, Cao Cao Guan Yu tried to retain Guan Yu with a lot of money, beautiful women and high-ranking officials, but Guan Yu was not moved, and finally left Cao Cao and returned to Liu Bei. Just because people admire Guan Yu's loyalty and faithfulness, they hope to use traditional morality to regulate economic behavior Only by conducting transactions based on the principle of integrity can Guan Gong, the incarnation of integrity, be established as the most ideal justice figure and god.
Zhao Gongming: Zhao Gongming, whose surname is Zhao Minglang and whose name is Gongming, was a fictional figure of Taoism. On《 The Canonization of the Gods 》Chinese, Zhao Gongming is Mount Emei Tao Xian of Ginger Teeth He was granted the title of "Golden Dragon, True King of the Dragon and Tiger Altar", and he has treasure, treasure To attract wealth , Profit Market Four gods , specialized in "greeting and blessing, chasing and fleeing" Capture and perish ”。 Thus, Zhao Gongming became the god of wealth. Zhao Gongming, who is worshipped by the people, is usually dressed in battle robes and has a powerful image, surrounded by symbols of wealth Cornucopia , big dollar treasure and the like to enhance the effect of rolling wealth.
Chai Rong, commonly known as“ Lord Chai ”, later Emperor Shizong of Zhou Dynasty. Chai Rong went into business after his family's downfall. He mainly engaged in porcelain, tea, umbrellas and other businesses. Later, his business was very successful and he set up businesses all over the country. After Chai Rong became emperor, he loved the people as a son and was deeply loved by the people Song and Yuan Dynasties Began to be regarded as God of Wealth
God of Wealth
Bigan is the Shang Dynasty Yin King Zhou He was an honest, strong and loyal uncle of King Zhou. He was cut to the heart when he saw King Zhou's tyranny and immorality and gave advice. According to the folk legend, Bigan was later saved by Jiang Ziya with a panacea. Because he had no heart, he was able to be impartial, fair, and honest, so he was honored as God of Wealth
Fan Li was in the Spring and Autumn Period Vietnam An important minister, Zeng Zhu Gou Jian Revenge and destroy Wu. It's a folk legend that Fan Li came to the sea after his retirement Qi State In agriculture and commerce, three times of making a fortune, the money gained was distributed to the poor. Because he can get rich and is willing to spread his wealth, he is a rare idol in people's minds, so he is respected as the god of wealth.

Bixia Yuanjun

Legend has it that Bixia Yuanjun yes Mount Tai God of Emperor Dongyue She is the daughter of“ Taishan Empress ”, commonly known as the temple built for her“ Nanaimo ”。 Because the word "Tai" is《 Zhouyi ·Tai "divination means that" heaven and earth meet and all things connect ", and Mount Tai is located in the east, and the east is also the master of birth, so people attach the meaning of having children for women. Therefore, the people also regard the Taishan Empress as Goddess of Child Giving Of. The original palace of Bixia Yuanjun was in Mount Tai, but in order to facilitate worship, people have built various "Grandma's Temple" in many places, and the Bixia God enshrined in it is mostly related to women's fertility.

local god of the land

In ancient China, there was a custom of offering sacrifices to the earth. The reason why Chinese people worship the land is that the land bears all things, breeds all things and nourishes all people. In ancient China, in Beijing, there were people who set altars to worship local gods and sought shelter from the god of state Ditan So go up to Princes and nobility , down to the common people, they have unlimited respect for the land.
local god of the land It represents that the land is deified and has Supernatural ability The deity of is also a common deity in Chinese folk customs. His image is mostly an old man with white beard and hair, kind face, smiling face, simple clothes and approachable. It is said that the Land God is a god in charge of one side of the land. Compared with other gods, village god It is omniscient. We see that《 Journey to the West 》Medium, Sun WuKong Subdue demons and subdue demons. Although the eyes of fire are golden, there are also things that cannot be seen. At this time, we must rely on the guidance of the Land God.
The hardworking farmers work hard on the land, and the "task" of the land master is to protect the survival and growth of all kinds of plants as much as possible Anthelmintic , hail avoidance, etc. 365 days a year, day and night spring, summer, autumn and winter No matter it rains or blows, he will be unswervingly loyal to his duties. He would also like to bless the safety of the local animal spirits' homes, and the import of young people would make the six animals prosperous. Therefore, the Land God is also an extremely laborious God.
local god of the land Although he is powerful, people worship him casually. His ancestral temples have magnificent halls and are also low built with several bricks Small temple Supplies Rich and frugal, thick and thin are also optional. Big fish and big meat are OK. One piece of cake, a bowl of rice, a handful of fried bean OK. So what we occasionally see is a corner of the village or a pier in the field. Maybe it is the place where the pious worshippers worship the land god.

town god

The city god is the city and local protection god. In addition to building city walls, ancient cities also had a ring of moats. In this way, the cut with water is called "pool", and the cut without water is called "god". Primitive worship believed that everything related to people's daily life had gods. Because the city walls and trenches have contributed to the people in defending the enemy attacks and protecting the safety of the people in a city, of course, there must be a city god. So the City God came into being as the patron saint of the city.
The city god was originally a natural god, but with the development and evolution of society, his functions became more and more, from the most primitive protection of the city and the people to the later generation of the natural things, to eliminate evil, protect the people and the country, and surrender Ganze , the city god has become able to protect people's lives and property almighty God only. In the process of inheriting the belief of the city god, people also let the city god in the city manage the Yamen of the underworld, so the city god also manages the soul of the underworld. It is said that his subordinates have eighteen judges, Split palm People's life and death, disease, happiness and longevity, etc. According to the folk saying, there is a central supervisor in the underworld as well as in the sun( Yama King )There is a local supervisor (the city god). When a person dies, he will visit the city god in the underworld. The city god will follow the principle of "good is rewarded, evil is rewarded", clearly distinguish the good and evil before life, and then make a judgment. Therefore, good men and women would burn incense to worship the city god, and regard him as a god to distinguish good from evil.

Kitchen God

Kitchen God also called kitchen god , Zaojun. The appearance of stoves can not be separated from fire, and ancient Chinese ancestors lit piles in their residences Everbright fire , used for heating and lighting, cooking food, and defending wild animals. This is the original stove. Food is the most important thing for the people, and the position of ancient stoves is very important Worship the Kitchen God It is also the custom of Kitchen God. There are many legends about the origin of the Kitchen God Emperor Yan Yellow Emperor Zhu Rong , bills, etc. People let the highly respected Yellow Emperor, Yan Emperor or Vulcan Zhu Rong serve as the Kitchen God just to appreciate and praise the merits of the Kitchen God.
The Kitchen God's main responsibility is to take charge of food and drink in the world, monitor people's behavior and mistakes, and report the good and evil performances of each family member to the Jade Emperor. The life of the accused will be reduced by 300 days if he makes a big mistake, and by 100 days if he makes a small mistake. Therefore, people were afraid that he would have to please him. Since they could not afford to be provoked or hide, they had to think of some way when making a confession. So every year the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month When sacrificing to the kitchen, people not only offer various offerings, but also provide sesame candy, in order to sweeten the mouth of the kitchen god with sugar, so that he can report his good deeds more sweetly and conceal his mistakes and mistakes. At the same time, there should be a couplet next to the statue of the Kitchen God: God promises good things, and the lower world brings good luck.
The three saints of the West also called Three Amitabha Amitabha in the middle, Avalokitesvara on the left, and Avalokitesvara on the right Great momentum to Bodhisattva The composition (left and right here are the left and right sides of Amitabha) is the worship object of Pure Land Sect. Amitabha shows immeasurable brightness, immeasurable life span, and immeasurable merit. Guanyin Bodhisattva is a watch Great mercy The great mercy of the universe. The most powerful Bodhisattva represents Xishe [1]。