Social needs

An important part of human needs
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synonym social needs (Social needs) generally refers to social needs
Social needs, and Personal needs It can be divided into material needs and Spiritual needs It is an important part of human needs.
Human needs are divided into Individual needs And social needs.
Chinese name
Social needs
social needs
Individual needs And social needs
Expectations for the development of certain moral and quality trends


It refers to the actual investment and consumption of products, services and purchasing power Total. It includes two parts: first, domestic demand, including Investment demand and consumer demand Investment demand is determined by fixed assets Investment demand and current assets Investment demand composition. Consumption demand is determined by residents Individual consumption demand and Consumption demand of social groups form. The second is foreign demand, that is, the export of products and services.
In the spiritual field, it refers to the expectation of social development on the development of certain moral and quality trends.

Measurement method

There are two methods:
First, it is measured from the perspective of demand formation, that is, on the basis of production indicators, according to the impact Aggregate demand To adjust the factors of purchasing power Method. his Calculation formula For:
Total social demand =Current period gross domestic product - Current savings+current bank credit Income+current period financial deficits +Current export
The second is from the perspective of demand use, which is the method of adding up the various items where the total purchasing power of society may be used. The calculation formula is:
Total social demand=current period Investment demand Total amount+total consumption demand in the current period+total foreign demand in the current period
The above comparison between the total demand and the total supply reflects the balance between the demand represented by the monetary payment power and the supply of goods (including labor services).
keep Total social demand And Aggregate supply Balance of, yes national economy The need for sustained, rapid and healthy development. The practice of long-term economic construction shows that the total demand is too large, Investment inflation economic growth Too fast Social financial resources The affordability of material resources and resources is strained in all aspects, which is difficult to sustain, and will eventually lead to economic ups and downs, causing huge losses to the national economy. Therefore, in order to promote the sustained, rapid and healthy development of the national economy, we must pay attention to regulating the basic balance between total social demand and total supply.
To maintain the balance between total social demand and supply is to adjust the industrial structure and improve society economic performance Needs. To promote industrial structure and product mix Adjustment and product quality In order to improve social and economic benefits, it is also necessary to maintain the balance between total social demand and total supply.
Keeping the balance between the total demand and the total supply of society is the guarantee Economic system reform The need for smooth progress. To do well in the reform of the economic system, we must have a relatively stable and relaxed Socio economic environment Excessive aggregate demand often leads to inflation, which often leads to Enterprise production behavior and Resident consumption purchasing behavior The chaos of. The social and economic order is difficult to stabilize due to the inability of enterprises to produce according to normal information and the resulting rush buying behavior of residents. Therefore, in order to ensure the smooth progress of economic restructuring, we must also maintain Total social demand And Aggregate supply The basic balance of.