Social adaptability

Sociological terminology
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Sociology adaptability It refers to the psychological physiology A variety of adaptive changes in behavior, and a kind of executive adaptability to achieve harmony with society.
Chinese name
Social adaptability
Social skills, handling skills, interpersonal skills
Feedback on a person's overall quality and ability
Psychological defense mechanism
Projection, sublimation, decoration, etc

brief introduction

Content of social adaptability:
It is generally believed that social adaptability includes the following aspects: individuals Self care ability , Basic Labor capacity , ability to choose and engage in a profession Social interaction ability , using moral Constrain your ability.
In a sense, it refers to the ability to socialize, handle affairs Interpersonal skills
At the same time, social adaptability is feedback to one person Competence The indirect expression of high and low is the individual's integration into society and acceptance Social capacity Performance. [1]

Causes affecting society


Social adaptation

The psychological and behavioral changes of individuals to achieve a harmonious relationship with the environment. It is individual and various environmental factor Continuous and constantly changing interaction process. It has three basic components:
① Individual. Sociology Adaptive process The body of.
② Situations. Interaction with individuals not only puts forward natural and social requirements for individuals, but also is the source for individuals to realize their own needs, interpersonal relationship It is an important part of the situation in the process of individual social adaptation.
③ Change. yes Social adaptation The central link of. It includes not only the individual changing himself to adapt to the environment, but also the individual changing the environment to suit his needs.
When an individual encounters a new situation, there are generally three basic ways to adapt: Problem solving Change the environment to meet the needs of individuals; Accepting situations, including individuals who change their attitudes and values, accept and follow the new situation Social norms And norms, and take the initiative to act in line with society; Psychological defense, individual adoption Psychological defense mechanism Cover up the requirements and Individual needs The source of stress and anxiety caused by the contradiction.

Change environmental conditions

Tolstoy Say, "There are two kinds of people in the world: [2] One is a watcher, the other is an actor. Most people want to change the world, but they don't want to change themselves. " Sometimes, we can't change the environment around us, but we can change ourselves and change our view surrounding environment At that time, you will find that everything around you looks so beautiful, so the environment has changed? Famous Japanese actors Takakura At the beginning, I thought all the time that I would one day escape from the environment that is not conducive to my development. It is precisely because of this idea that he not only cannot earn money, but also faces the crisis of "laid-off". In order to make a living, his friend told him to try his best to adapt to the environment. It is impossible to change the environment because of you. Later, he tried to change himself and let everything blend into the overall environment of the performing arts industry. In the end, like a fish in a lake, he adapted to the environment of the sea, and the performing arts industry became an international star by freely swimming. Tionaxing also elaborated people's desire to change the environment in his 1995 book "On Social Adaptation".

Psychological defense mechanism

Some setbacks learned by individuals in life Reaction mode Its purpose is to alleviate psychological contradictions, eliminate anxiety and better adapt to the environment. S. Freudian Psychoanalytic theory First proposed defense mechanism The concept of. [3] He thought it was unconscious Psychological reaction To prevent unacceptable or directly expressed instinctive impulses restricted by social norms, and to coordinate "ego" with "superego" and external reality. Psychoanalytic school It is believed that, Neurosis Of Pathogenesis Or the main symptom is the result of some kind of defense mechanism, through which ideas, emotions or impulses that cannot be accepted by society are excluded from consciousness, or transformed into Mental symptoms
Common and important psychological defense mechanisms include:
Projection That is, to project ideas, emotions or impulses that cannot be recognized by oneself to others or attribute them to the role of external things.
Sublimation , that is, to transform the repressed unconscious impulses into activities acceptable to people or approved by society through some way or means.
Literary effect It refers to a person who seeks reasons to defend himself in order to cover up his behavior that is easy to be laughed at by others; Or skillfully prove that in fact, the feelings and behaviors he cannot tolerate are what he can tolerate.
Retrogression It refers to a situation in which a person takes the action of regressing to childhood or lower than the reality level to obtain the sympathy and care of others, so as to escape from tension or dissatisfaction.
⑤ Transposition Is dangerous in a situation emotion Or move to another safe situation to release.
Compensatory effect It refers to that when an individual is unable to reach a certain goal due to defects in some aspect of his mind and body, he consciously takes other activities that can achieve success to compensate for a certain ability defect and make up for the failure Emptiness