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Social justice

"Substantial justice" and "procedural justice"
Social justice is the essence and cornerstone of a harmonious society socialist system The primary value of. Social justice is actually composed of two parts, namely, "substantive justice" and“ procedural justice ”Both are indispensable.
Chinese name
Social justice
The essence and cornerstone of a harmonious society
"Substantial justice" and“ procedural justice
procedural justice
Is a necessary guarantee for achieving substantive justice
political rights
The right to vote, the right to move, the right to speak, etc
An organic whole composed of four basic rules

Composition and characteristics

From the perspective of substantive justice, social justice consists of the guarantee of the basic rights of social members, equal opportunities, distribution according to contributions and social adjustment (society redistribution )These four basic rules constitute an organic whole. In addition, from the perspective of procedures and processes, social justice also includes procedural justice. It can be said that procedural justice is the necessary guarantee to achieve substantive justice. Without procedural justice, there can be no substantive justice.

Document interpretation

It is used to describe the subject of political behavior - the category of the ethical nature of social behavior implemented by the state. It is the state dealing with two or It can be said that as long as someone in the society still needs to use the concept of "social justice" to evaluate the nature of the social system, there cannot be a unified standard to measure social justice. A Dictionary of Socialist Political System
Comprehensive category involving economy, politics, society, law, ethics and other fields. People of different ages and different class positions Social justice under socialist conditions runs through socialist society Every aspect of the relationship embodies the moral and legal norms and social and political norms of the equality of all citizens. Chinese Dictionary of Law · Jurisprudence Volume
It refers to the practice of the state as the subject of political behavior when dealing with the relationship between two or more social objects with different interests The concept of social justice based on the development of social productive forces is not only the product of all progressive socialism and social justice in history, but also the product of regular and logical development Historical materialism General principles. A Dictionary of New Nouns in the New Era
Reasonably distribute various interests in social life, including material interests, political rights, cultural and educational rights, and spiritual rights such as speech and publication Social justice is a historical category. Different production modes and social systems lead to different connotations and criteria of social justice. "The Greeks and Romans believed that slavery was fair【 A Complete Book of Marxist Philosophy
5. The basic characteristics and relationship state of a well ordered society. The biggest difference from the institutional justice as a formal requirement is that it has the essence of Substantial justice and formal justice, starting point justice and result justice, procedural justice and rule justice, these contradictory aspects constitute the actual concrete content of social justice. A Dictionary of Ethics
Social justice
6 Edited by Tang Yuqi, Chen Jixin and Zeng Huiyao, CPC Central Party School Press Published in June 1990, with 135000 words, editor in charge: Motor For example, justice is harmony (Pythagoras), justice is struggle (Democritus), justice is knowing how to act best (Socrates), justice is performing their own duties, keeping their own order, and getting their own place. A Dictionary of Chinese Philosophical Works in the 20th Century World Social Justice Day (February 20)
Social justice
Social justice It is the basic principle of peaceful and prosperous coexistence within and between countries.

Scholar discussion

Social justice is one of the core values of socialism, as well as the consistent proposition and goal of the Chinese Communists. Justice reflects the value concept and value standard that people pursue the interest relationship, especially the rationality of distribution relationship, morally and legally, which contains people's demands for a reasonable social order, social norms and interest pattern. Social justice is the eternal pursuit of mankind. The content of social justice is not only the reasonable distribution of wealth, but also the political rights, social status, culture and education, judicial justice, social assistance, public services and social welfare required by citizens. In order to fully safeguard and realize social justice, in addition to narrowing the income gap and expanding social security, efforts must be made to create a just social environment in law, system and policy to ensure that all members of society can enjoy the right to education, medical care, welfare, employment, labor creation The right to participate in social and political life and the right to receive legal protection. In this sense, social justice is not only a value orientation of social development and progress, but also an important measure of social civilization and progress.
The Marxist concept of justice provides us with socialist system The realization of fairness and justice under provides an important ideological and theoretical basis. Social justice is a social and historical phenomenon. First of all, fairness and justice is a historical category, which is the manifestation of the conceptualization of social and economic relations. The standards of fairness and justice have developed with the development of history. There is no unified and constant standard applicable to all social systems. Instead, we must grasp the standards of fairness and justice from the contradictory movement between productivity and production relations, economic foundation and superstructure. Secondly, fairness and justice are concrete and have different connotations in different fields. We cannot simply define fairness and justice with abstract concepts. For example, in the economic field, fairness and justice mainly refer to the market economy principle of exchange at equal value Embodied equality; In the social field, fairness and justice are reflected in that all members of society, including the elderly, the infirm, the disabled and other disadvantaged groups, can obtain basic living security and social welfare. A socialist harmonious society requires the establishment of a fair security system that integrates fair rights, fair opportunities, fair rules and fair distribution. Thirdly, fairness and justice are relative, and their realization is restricted by specific economic and social development. Because China is and will be in Primary stage of socialism The basic economic system with public ownership as the main body and multiple ownership economies developing together determines that the distribution system with distribution according to work as the main body and multiple distribution modes coexisting is the only fair distribution system. Therefore, fairness cannot be understood as equalitarianism in income, nor can the income gap be allowed to expand. Fairness is the fairness that can protect the people in difficulty on the basis of respecting the interests of the overwhelming majority. It recognizes the existence of the gap, but the gap should be reasonable and moderate.

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Social justice
Justice, fairness and justice can be expressed in the same word in English. As a part of social norms and value system, "social justice" is a controversial concept. In the market economy system, social justice, as a "procedural justice" or "equal opportunity", can be accepted by many people, but as a "justice of results", it will cause objections.
Since the reform and opening up, China has implemented the socialist market economy system and the principle of "giving priority to efficiency and giving consideration to fairness" in social distribution, which has achieved remarkable results. The problem of people's food and clothing has been solved, the living standard has generally improved, the number of people living in absolute poverty has dropped significantly, and the education popularization has significantly improved. With the material foundation provided by development over the past two decades, China has made remarkable progress in social equity. However, in the market economy environment, the gap in income distribution is also expanding rapidly. At the same time, there are also various unfair social phenomena. Therefore, the process of "building a well-off society in an all-round way" is the process of constantly promoting social equity while economic growth. So, what is the meaning of the social justice we seek?
nobel prize in economics Professor Amartya Sen, the winner, summarized the theory of social justice into three schools, namely utilitarianism Liberalism And Rawls' theory of justice.
Utilitarianism is the most influential theory of social justice since the 19th century, with Bentham, Marshall and Pigou as its representatives. Traditional welfare economics and public policy economics have been based on utilitarianism for a long time. Utilitarian Principle Dependent on utility, the standard for evaluating social justice is the sum of individual welfare in society. In a society embodying social justice, its total utility is the largest, while in an unjust society, its total utility is significantly lower than the level that should be achieved. The representative figures of liberalism are Nozick and Hayek, who believe that the rights such as property rights have absolute priority. The "rights" enjoyed by people when exercising these rights cannot be denied because of the consequences, no matter how bad the consequences are. The so-called social justice is just a fantasy. The only valuable thing as a social criterion is justice defined by the rule of law. The theory of justice of the American philosopher John Rawls is based on two principles: first, everyone should have the broadest range of basic freedoms equally; second, the difference in social distribution among individuals should not harm the interests of the most disadvantaged people in society as a principle, and the status and position should be open to all.
Amartya Sen's social justice theory regards freedom as the primary purpose, and believes that development can be seen as a process of expanding the real freedom enjoyed by people. At the same time, freedom is also the main means of development It is conducive to economic participation. Economic conditions (represented by opportunities to participate in trade and production) can help people create personal wealth and public resources for social facilities. "
Social justice
The above four fairness theories are all standardized Market economy system On the premise of this, we will discuss whether the social distribution is fair or not and how to reduce or eliminate the unfairness.
For all countries in transition, there are some“ Pre capitalism ”It is not the market system itself, but the unsound market system, such as the incomplete development of the market, the lack of legal control, and some people use information asymmetry or their special status and relationship to seek benefits. Therefore, in terms of social equity, accelerate Market economy system The construction of is of great significance. The other kind of social injustice arises from the market mechanism. The market mechanism determines the use of resources and the distribution of income. When the market mechanism plays its full role, resource allocation is guided by its price. Therefore, the allocation result should be efficient. However, due to the different degree of scarcity of resources, the position and income of resource holders in the market are different, so the income distribution results are always disappointing. The relative scarcity of capital makes capital owners in a favorable position in distribution, while simple workers are always in a relative surplus. They do not own other capital except their own labor, so they are always in a disadvantageous position in distribution. Due to technological progress and the improvement of the organic composition of capital, the total amount of wealth has expanded, but the marginal production of labor has declined. The wage level of workers determined by the marginal production has declined. Most of the income belongs to property owners as profits and rents. Therefore, for the majority of workers, the market economy is efficient, but the income distribution is unfair. Conditions for market access among regions, enterprises and individuals are also unequal. When explaining the economic development among countries and regions, economists attribute the three determinants other than capital, labor and technological progress to geography, openness and institutions. These three differences have a significant impact on the level of economic development. Due to different geographical locations, the development gap between the east, middle and west of China is widening; The old state-owned enterprises are restricted by the system and bear various heavy social burdens, so it is difficult to compete with the new enterprises on an equal footing; Employees of different ages have different personal conditions and social and historical factors that form these conditions, which determines that the "equal" competition between them is also necessarily unequal. All these will inevitably lead to the expansion of income differences between regions and individuals in the market competition.
Social justice
Liberalism And equalitarianism are two extreme solutions. Liberalism turns a blind eye to a large number of social problems in the market economy, and insists that people must accept the consequences of the market economy as long as they have the rights of freedom, democracy and so on. This is also what many Western governments have repeatedly advocated on various international platforms. Equalitarianism is another extreme, which requires absolute equality of results, while ignoring that economic development will lose momentum due to the loss of incentives. Equalitarianism has eliminated the basic principles of market economy, and at the stage of human development, it has also suppressed the material conditions for the existence and development of social justice. Egalitarianism is still very serious in China's state-owned sectors. At present, we still have the task of opposing equalitarianism. Utilitarianism aims to maximize the welfare of the whole society, but it takes "utility" as the basic analytical concept, ignoring non utility factors such as rights and freedom; It pays attention to the total amount of social welfare, while ignoring the distribution of the total amount among social members. Rawls' theory of social justice distinguishes between the basic principles of political power fairness and economic treatment of differences. Sen regards human freedom as the purpose and means of development, and the two establish the basis of social value system in different ways, which has important positive significance. In particular, Sen has put forward valuable ideas for explaining social fairness in the market economy and proposing ways to correct unfairness. But the term "freedom" is too academic, and is it something that people are born to enjoy, or is it something that others give?
scientific socialism The idea of Capitalist market economy Criticism of the negative consequences of development. One of the core goals of socialism is the equality between people. The conditions for achieving social equality are material enrichment and the full and free development of human beings. Obviously, achieving the goal of socialism will be a long historical process. In order to realize the condition of material abundance, we need to implement the market economy system to develop the productive forces. Because so far there is no better way to coordinate the complex economic activities of human society, and no better rules to encourage people to meet each other's needs. In order to realize the condition of full development of human beings, it is necessary to take human beings as the center of development and pay full attention to them in the long process of development. We are in Primary stage of socialism Because it is socialism, our goal of "liberating the productive forces, developing them, eliminating exploitation, eliminating polarization, and ultimately achieving common prosperity" will not change; However, because it is the primary stage, our requirements for social justice can only be basic, that is, to adapt to the current level of productivity and social development in China as a whole. The realistic requirement is that every member of society should have equal access to

political rights

Including the right to vote, the right to move, the right to speak and other basic freedoms.

Right to life

It includes the basic material conditions for survival and human reproduction, basic health care, and basic security.

Right to development

Including basic education and equal access to the market. The fundamental rights of politics, survival and development are interrelated. As a right, people are born with it. It does not need to prove its importance with the terrible prospect of social division and conflict, nor does it need to be bestowed with the compassion of awakening people. Its absolute priority constitutes Market economy system The social basis for normal operation. In the mid-1980s, when China's Per capita national income When it was still low and the financial situation was tight, the government decided on a large-scale poverty alleviation plan. Facts have proved that the policy of "fairness first" in terms of basic rights also plays an important role in improving the efficiency of the whole society. It can be expected that, with the development of economy and society, the above-mentioned basic rights will also be continuously promoted and expanded. Through the long-term and continuous accumulation of more than ten or even dozens of generations in the construction of material and spiritual civilization and system construction, human beings can achieve the ideal goal of social equality.