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Alkaline basalt

Basic alkaline volcanic rocks
Alkaline basalt is basic Alkaline volcanic rock The general name of. It is more alkali than ordinary basalt, and silicon dioxide Calcium oxide is low. The main minerals are plagioclase (plagioclase feldspar), olivine, calcium rich pyroxene and titanopyroxene. There is no reaction edge between olivine and pyroxene, and there is no Perilla pyroxene And contains potash feldspar, anorthite, leucite, nepheline, sodalite, etc Feldspar mineral
Chinese name
Alkaline basalt
Foreign name
alkali basalt
Basic alkaline volcanic rocks
Main distribution
Continental and oceanic volcanic islands
Common species of basalt

brief introduction

It is mainly distributed in continental areas and oceanic volcanic islands. In Asia Circum Pacific volcanic belt Alkaline basalt is distributed near the mainland. In addition, in the Hawaiian Islands, basalt containing more than 5% of the actual mineral olivine and less than 5% of the standard mineral nepheline is also called alkaline basalt. Alkaline olivine basalt The rock series is also called alkaline basalt rock series for short. [1]


The mineral composition and chemical composition of alkaline basalt vary widely, with the prominent characteristics of rich alkali, K two O+Na two O>5%, Up to 9%. General Na two O>K two O, Very few K two O>Na two O's. And Tholeiite In contrast, alkaline basalt contains a large amount of Alkali feldspar , alkaline dark mineral and titanium rich pyroxene, olivine but no quartz appear in the matrix. If the alkalinity of rock is higher, feldspar like will appear. Compared with calc alkaline basalt, it is rich in TiO two (>2%), high alkali. Rocks often have glassy porphyritic texture hyalopilitic texture [1]


The common species of alkaline basalt series are as follows:
(1) Alkaline olivine basalt : Alkaline olivine basalt is the representative of alkaline basalt, containing nepheline, etc Feldspathic mineral In alkaline basalt Augite Under the microscope, most of them are lavender titaniferous pyroxenes, with obvious polychrome and zonal development. Ordinary pyroxene phenocrysts are usually earlier than plagioclase The phenocryst minerals occur in the order of olivine → augite → plagioclase. Peridot is common, Phenocryst stroma Both in. The formation pressure is large and the source depth is large. [1]
(2) Tephrite: SiO two Basaltic rocks with obvious unsaturated and high alkali content. It is composed of basic plagioclase, clinopyroxene and feldspathic, and can contain a small amount of olivine. The clinopyroxene is mainly titanium bearing pyroxene, and the feldspathic is mainly nepheline and leucite. According to the different types of feldspathic, they are named nepheline tephrite, leucite tephrite, etc. [1]
(3) Basanite: also SiO two Alkaline basalt with obvious unsaturated, high alkali content and rich feldspathic. The main minerals are basic plagioclase, olivine, clinopyroxene and feldspar like. Different from tephrite, olivine is rich, up to 25%. The phenocrysts are olivine and pyroxene, and feldspar like crystals mainly exist in the matrix. According to different types of feldspathic, it can be divided into nepheline basanite And leucite basanite, etc. [1]


Alkaline basalts usually contain different amounts of mantle derived xenoliths and xenocrysts, which is a window to study the composition of mantle materials. It contains blue corundum, zircon, garnet and other megacryst minerals, which are important gem materials. [1]