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Shijiu Port

[shí jiù gǎng]
Huanghai Bay and Port, Rizhao, Shandong
ShijiuPort, a large modern deepwater port newly built in China coal Port of export, Yanzhou Shijiu Railway End. It is located on the east coast of Rizhao City in the southeast of Shandong Province, bordering the Yellow Sea.
Chinese name
Shijiu Port
Foreign name
Geographical coordinates
119 ° 25 ′ E, 35 ° 33 ′ N
geographical position
Rizhao City, Shandong Province

Location context

Shijiu Port
Shijiu Port
The geographical coordinates of Shijiu Port are 119 ° 25 ′ east longitude and 35 ° 33 ′ north latitude. It is located on the north side of ear shaped Shijiu Bay surrounded by two natural headlands from Shijiuzui to Kuishanzui. The sea area is open and deep. It is not frozen all the year round, and there is no danger of siltation. The bay has a development coastline of 7 kilometers, water depth of - 6~- 8 meters, and bedrock burial depth of - 15~- 20 meters. The natural water depth 1 km away from Shijiuzui is more than - 10 meters, and the natural water depth 1.5 km away is more than - 18 meters. The sea is sandy, with good anchoring force, short distance from the deep-water channel, easy for large tonnage ships to enter and exit, and suitable for the construction of large ports.

Coastal headland

The protruding coast between bedrock headland and bay starts from Renjiatai in the north and ends near Zangjiahuang in the south of Kuishan in the south. The bedrock mountain area is close to the coast of this section, and the sea related mountain mouth and the denudation surface in front of the mountain become headlands and underwater reefs. Such as Ren Jiatai, Longshanzui, Shijiuzui, Kuishanzui, Li Jiajia, Taohua and Changlan. Jujian Bay is a series of sandy and gravel arc-shaped beaches. Large bay area forms small sandbar lagoon coast, such as Longshanzui Shijiuzui; The smaller bay area forms a full profile beach or back stacked beach, such as Shijiuzui and Kuishanzui. The intertidal zone has a wide beach, which is an ideal tourist destination.
The coastline takes the angle of bedrock as the fulcrum and presents a series of chain hammer wavy curves. Coastal materials mainly come from marine erosion products in bedrock headlands and gullies in rocky shore areas. The headland rock beach and gully mouth are all gravel, gravel and coarse sand, and the two sides are gradually fine. The characteristic minerals of beach materials are detritus mineral areas. [2]
Kuishanzui is located 5.8 kilometers south of Shijiu Port, southeast of the hills. The sea erosion column is like a long forest. The rocky beach at the cape coast protrudes toward the southeast sea area, 1000 meters long and 800 meters wide, and is formed by extending from the southeast foot of Kuishan Mountain to the sea. [1]

hydrographic features



It is mainly controlled by the semi diurnal tide free system of the South Yellow Sea outside Haizhou Bay (the tide free point is located at 34 ° 35 'north latitude and 121 ° 12' east longitude), and belongs to the regular semi diurnal tide type. The semi diurnal tide wave rotates counterclockwise around the tide free point, and propagates from north to south along the coast of Lunan and Haizhou Bay. The high tide occurs earlier in the north and later in the south. The peak time of Shijiu Port is about 1 hour behind Qingdao Port and about 45 minutes earlier than Lianyungang Port.
Tidal Characteristic Values of Shijiu Port Unit: m
10 years
14 years
Average sea level
two point six two
two point six one
Historical highest water level
five point three four
5.44 (September 1, 1981)
Historical lowest water level
-0.59 (October 26, 1980)
Annual average maximum water level
five point one three
five point one four
Annual average minimum water level
Average high tide
four point one zero
four point one zero
Average low tide height
one point one two
one point one zero
Average tidal range
two point nine eight
Maximum tidal range over the years
four point nine zero
four point nine zero


Coastal wave observation began only in 1961. After 1964, it was observed by shore optical wave meter. The First Institute of the State Oceanic Administration Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences From July 1979 to March 1981, the First Navigation Bureau Design Institute of the Ministry of Communications carried out deep water observation respectively. According to the statistics of wave measurement data
Wave direction: the dominant wave direction of Shijiu Port is east, accounting for 20.8%; The second direction is southeast and southeast east. East southeast waves account for 49.9%. In winter, the northward wave direction increases significantly. The maximum frequency of each month is east except from April to July.
Wave direction of extreme wave height over the years. According to the analysis of the annual extreme wave height data, the annual extreme wave appears in 24 directions. The east direction is the largest, accounting for 33.3%. The east northeast direction accounts for 75%, which is more concentrated in the east direction. For the waves with the maximum wave height greater than 3.0m in each direction in successive months, the wave direction is northeast southeast, of which the maximum wave is 3.3m in northeast direction.
Wave height: annual average wave height 0-0.4m, accounting for 40%; 0.5-1.4m, accounting for 58%; 1.5-2.9m, accounting for only 2%. Waves with a wave height greater than 3.0 meters have not appeared in the previous 15 years (the wave height of 4.4 meters was measured on September 1, 1981). According to the monthly statistical data analysis, there are more waves with wave height greater than 0.5m from June to August, which is 62-76%. In January and December, there are fewer waves, which is 47-48%. Waves with wave height greater than 1.5m are more in July September; March May is the least, accounting for only 1%. Waves with the maximum wave height greater than 3m appear in January and July September.
The occurrence rate of different periods in each wave direction. The average period is 4.0-5.9 seconds, mainly in the east southeast direction, with the southeast east direction accounting for 25.9%. The average period is 6.0-8.0 seconds, which occurs in the NNE-SE direction, of which the NNE direction accounts for 54.5%, followed by the NE and SE directions. [4]

ocean current

During the exploration of Shijiu Port (1978-1981), observations were made on the investigation area of the current field of the port (35 ° 20 ′ - 35 ° 24 ′ N, 119 ° 36 ′ E to the coastline of Kuishanzui).
Nature of tidal current: regular semi diurnal tidal current. There are two rising and falling tides in a day, and the duration of rising and falling tides is similar. The tidal current rotates counterclockwise, and the main stream axis (the current with the maximum velocity) is approximately northeast southwest.
Velocity distribution and change: the main current is south-west flow at high tide and northeast flow at low tide. The flow rate of rising tide is greater than that of falling tide, and the maximum difference can be 49cm/s. The maximum rising tide appears 3-2 hours before the high tide in Shijiu Port, and the maximum falling tide appears 2-3 hours after the falling tide in Shijiu Port. There is a jet belt at the isobath from - 5m to - 13m outside the Shijiuzui, with the maximum velocity exceeding 100cm/s.
The maximum possible current velocity is in the offshore area, mainly wind current. The tidal residual current caused by topography near the nozzle tip is also very obvious, and the maximum measured value can reach 27 cm/s.
The residual current in this sea area has two major backflows: one is the clockwise backflow in Shijiu Bay, that is, the sea water flows in from Kuishan Tsui at the southwest end of Shijiu Bay and flows out from Shijiu Tsui along the bay. The maximum velocity is 27 cm/s at the Shijiu nozzle, while the velocity at the bottom of the bay is relatively small, generally 8 cm/s. The second is to rotate counterclockwise in the north of Shijiuzui, and the sea water flows from the coast of Wanpingkou in the north to the Shilan of Shijiuzui and turns eastward. The maximum flow rate is 23 cm/s in the northwest of Shijiuzui. [4]

natural resources


Shallow sea resources

According to the survey report on the resources of the western sea area of Qingdao in 1984, the total area of Rizhao beach is 75877 mu. Of which, 66000 mu is soft, accounting for 87%; Hard 9877 mu, accounting for 13%. Shallow sea area: 300000 mu within the - 10m isobath, 400000 mu within the - 15m isobath, and 2790000 mu within the - 20m isobath.
Fish: There are 86 species of common fishes in the coastal waters of this city, belonging to 43 families of 3 classes. There are: ① Wrinkled lip sharks: white spotted star sharks (sharks, white spot sharks), Wrinkled lip sharks; ② Torpedae: Chinese Torpedo (Ladle fish); ③ Rajae: Pore ray (boss, laozi), similar species include spotted ray, yellow ray, and Kashi ray; ④ Family: red (yellow ray); ⑤ Herring family: Chinese herring (white scale fish), shad, green scale fish, spot sardinops melanosticta ;⑥ Anchovy family: anchovy, red nosed anchovy, yellow crucian carp, anchovy, wind anchovy; ⑦ Whitebait family: large whitebait; ⑧ Canidae: mullet (barracuda); ⑨ Muraenidae: moray eels (wolf eels); ⑩ Kangji Eel: star eel; (11) Family: fish (fine needle fish); (12) Hailong Family: Hailong, Japanese seahorse; (13) Wildlife: Youye; (14) Mugilidae: barracuda, mullet; (15) Family: Perch (Heizhai, Huazhai); (16) Parargyropidae: Parargyrops japonicus, Parargyrops tenuis Department: Duo; (18) Carangidae: Carangidae and Carangidae; 19 Perch family: Epinephelus obliquus Hapalogenys analis ;⒇ Sciaenidae : Spike head plum (big head treasure), small yellow croaker (yellow croaker), fish, white croaker, yellow croaker Johnius belengerii (21) Sparidae: red sea bream (Red Jiaji), black sea bream (Black Jiaji); (22) Ovipidae: banded herring carp; (23) Ophiidae: Ophids, Ophids; (24) Mackeridae : Yu Jin Yu (noodle fish); (25) Family: short fin; (26) Trichiuridae: hairtail (saury); (27) Scombridae: chub mackerel (chub mackerel); (28) Spanish mackerel: Spanish mackerel (Spanish mackerel); (29) Pomfret family: silver pomfret, swallow tail pomfret; (30) Gobiidae: goby with speartail (light fish), blunt pointed tail goby; (31) Sebastidae: black squid (black stockade), brown calamus (red stockade); (32) Scorpionidae: single finger tiger scorpion, Japanese ghost scorpion; (33) Megalobidae: Short fin damselfly (red headed fish), green fin fish, Euclidean sextile, pupa fish (croaker); (34) Pectoropterygidae: Lepidophthys tenuis (Mr. fish, sea catfish); (35) Paralichthys: paralichthys olivaceus, paralichthys cinnamomus (Paralichthys maculatus); (36) Flounder family: high eyed flounder, insect flounder, star flounder, wood leaf flounder, yellow covered flounder, oil flounder, stone flounder; (37) Cynoglossidae: sole Cynoglossus robustus , smooth tongue sole Cynoglossus joyneri cynoglossus abbreviatus (38) Tetrigonidae: puffer fish (mouse fish, breadfish); (39) Fugu family: Fugu pilosa (Tingba) takifugu ocellatus , red flag puffer Takifugu vermicularis , Fugu punctatus; (40) Fishes: yellow.
2. Cephalopods have 2 families and 6 species: ① Sepiadaceae: golden squid (cuttlefish) Sepiella maindroni Loligo japonica , cuttlefish; ② Octopus family: Octopus ocellatus (Octopus octopus), Octopus ocellatus (Octopus ocellatus). 3. There are two suborders and seven species of crustaceans: ① Long tailed suborder: prawn metapenaeus joyneri , eagle claw crayfish Acetes Chinensis , Squilla; ② Brachyura: Portunus trituberculatus, Japanese sturgeon. In this city, the rare vertebrate amphioxus with the reputation of "living fossil" was initially found, distributed in the sea area between Pingdao, Dashan Island, Cheniushan Island and Shijiu, covering an area of about 480 square kilometers, with about 300 amphioxus per cubic meter. [5]

Tidal flat resources

Rizhao coastal beach area is 75877 mu, of which 66000 mu is soft beach, accounting for 87%; 9877 mu of hard beach, accounting for 13%. The city has a wide variety of beach resources. According to the 1982 intertidal zone resource survey, there are 188 species of animals, including 79 species of shellfish and 54 species of algae. The ones with higher economic value include Xishi tongue, red snail, jade snail, clam, variegated clam, bamboo clam, sea cucumber, and cauliflower.
1. Molluscs: ① Monoshelled Polypoda: Platycladus, Fritillaria fuchschneii, Echinacea rustica thais clavigera , granular algal snail, single tooth snail, strong thorn red snail, vein red snail, pomfret snail, seashore snail, short seashore snail Gushi beach snails , Du's Bamboo Shoot Snail, Longitudinal Ribbed Crab Snail, Red Chamber Crab Snail, Nai Snail cerithidea cingulata , Li Li snail, nuclear snail SP, Chinese pen snail, common coarse grained snail, mud snail Japanese chrysanthemum snail , green snail, marmot, pseudolimpid SP, tamariidae SP, ladyloidae SP, skylight SP, octopus ocellatus, octopus ocellatus, and asparagus SP.
② Monoshelled double nerve class stone sulfonate, manatee SP Lepidozona coreanica , reticulated heavyhair chitons, shellless orchid side gill manatees Red striped skin chiton , Shi's woolly chiton. ③ Bivalve clams of Lambranchia, Xishi Tongue, Solen magna, Isosceles clam, Concave clam, Japanese mirror clam, Chinese clam Clam Clam , flood tide cuneiform clam, Philippine clam, curved bamboo clam, Jiuzhou clam, Bohai Yazui clam, Caitanming cherry clam Moerella jedoensis , Yidoubumu clam, purple colored blood clam, watercolor short tooth clam, Chinese green beetle, razor clam, Jiaohe clam Crispy shell whole sea bamboo shoots Chinese Clam , Sunda white sakura clam, black partial top clam, red mussel, spotted clam, hairy clam, hazel clam, mud clam, brown clam, parallel clam, symmetrical clam, olive clam Anomia chinensis , pleated oyster Modiolus metcalfei , blue clam SP, variegated clam.
2. Algae ① There are 8 species of Chlorophyta: Sclerotium, setaria anthophylla, Enteromorpha prolifera, Enteromorpha viridis, Enteromorpha enteromorpha, Pore, Reef membrane, Pinus spinosa. ② There are 11 species of brown algae in the phylum Phaeophyta: Artemisia hainanensis, Sargassum thunbergii, Hyalus aquae, Helminthosporium fulvum, Hemerocaceae, Cyst algae, Reticulatum, Heteroreticulate algae, Black top algae, Spot leaf algae. ③ There are 35 species of Rhodophyta: cauliflower Lycoris gracilis , Hyalus sp., Cercospora sp., Galleria sp., Gracilaria sp., Gracilaria platyphylla, Penicillium constricta, Fusarium sp., Fusarium sp., Centipede sp., Centipede sp., Centipede sp Red tongue alga, pine knot alga, top group alga, coral alga, heterosiphon alga, arthropod alga, and chorionic alga.
In addition, there are many crustaceans in the intertidal zone, represented by Procambarus aureolatus, Chenopodium rhododendron, horseshoe crabs, and Pachyderma piscina. From Renjiatainan to Kuishanzui in the north, echinoderms, sea cucumbers and sea urchins inhabit.
Among the above fish, shellfish and algae, yellow crucian carp, Spanish mackerel, mackerel, squid, prawn, eagle claw shrimp, octopus ocellatus are relatively stable; Hairtail, Chinese herring, small yellow croaker, hairy shrimp, jellyfish, etc. are basically out of production; Anchovy, perch and mullet have not been fully utilized. The shellfish and algae resources with high economic value are mainly Xishi Tongue, Meretrix meretrix, Sinonovacula gigantea, Clam quadriceps, Changluo, Sinonovacula bendata, and cauliflower. Sea cucumbers also have certain resources in Shijiu Bay, Changlan and Taohualan. [5]

Port construction


Survey and design

At the beginning of 1977, the state decided to build a 50000~100000 ton deepwater wharf in southern Shandong. Since 1978, Shandong Province has allocated 800000 yuan, presided over by Yang Bo, deputy director of the Provincial Revolutionary Committee, to organize Shandong Institute of Oceanology More than 600 people from 14 units, including the Navy and the Geological Department, have carried out a 4-month comprehensive survey on the hydrology, geology, tide, ocean current, water area, land area and earthquake of Rizhao County coastline. The data were comprehensively sorted and screened, and the Design specification In April 1979, the National Planning Commission, the Construction Commission, the Academy of Sciences, and the Ministry of Communications organized more than 80 experts from all over the country to conduct a comparative demonstration of the port site, and agreed that Shijiu has the following advantages: a long coastline and a natural coastline of 7 kilometers; The access channel is short, 2.5 km long, and 100000 ton ships can pass through; Natural water depth, 1500m away from the mouth of stone mortar - 18m; With good geological conditions, it is a sandy coastline of bedrock, suitable for building a gravity wharf, and strong anchoring force, it is a natural anchorage; No freezing or silting, with annual average temperature of 12.5 ℃; There is a vast land and water area. Only between Shijiu and Rizhao City, there is an area of 140 square kilometers for development; The economic hinterland is vast, with convenient land and water transportation and rich resources; The labor force is sufficient and the sand and stone materials are abundant, which facilitates the construction and saves investment.
After demonstration, it is considered that Shijiusuo coast is a rare good port site in China at present, and it is suitable to build a deep-water wharf of 100000~200000 tons. In November 1979, Shandong Province submitted the Design Assignment of Shijiu Port Coal Ore Terminal to the National Planning Commission. The First Navigation Engineering Survey and Design Institute of the Ministry of Communications, Beijing Urban Construction Engineering Design Institute, Shandong Architectural Design Institute and other units are responsible for the design. It is planned to build one 25000 ton wharf and one 100000 ton wharf, one 5000 ton fuel oil berth, and an annual coal handling capacity of 15 million tons. [6]

Investment and construction

Shijiu Port Phase I Coal Terminal Project is one of the national key construction projects during the "Sixth Five Year Plan" period, and it is also a project that China uses low interest loans from the Japanese government. The total investment is 706.19 million yuan, including 42049.97 million yen loans. Foreign currency is used to import complete sets of large equipment, including machinery, equipment, ships, etc.
Other wharf construction projects: one 10000 ton general cargo berth, one 15000 ton timber berth and one 25000 ton timber berth, with a total investment of 190 million yuan. Since the construction of Shijiu Port to the end of 1989, a total investment of 1.09 billion yuan has been made.
The first phase project of Shijiu Coal Terminal is mainly undertaken by the Second Engineering Company of the First Navigation Engineering Bureau of the Ministry of Communications, the Fourth Engineering Company, the Shanghai and Tianjin Waterway Bureau of the Ministry of Communications, the Seventh Company of the Ministry of Petroleum, the Guangzhou reef blasting team of the Ministry of Communications, and construction companies at all levels in Linyi and Rizhao. In February 1982, the main project of Shijiu Port was officially started. Main works of wharf reinforced concrete Caisson pier platform structure. In terms of organization, the contracting responsibility system and the investment contracting system are implemented, and the new launching process of caisson onshore prefabricated pedestal bottom floating dock is adopted technically. The main project was completed in 1985 and passed the ministerial acceptance in December of the same year. In May 1986, it passed the national acceptance, with excellent project quality, and was declared as a first-class port open to the outside world by the state. The ten thousand ton general cargo wharf built with the surplus funds also passed the acceptance of the Ministry of Communications in October of the same year, laying the foundation for Shijiu Port to develop into a comprehensive port.
In July 1987, the Shijiu Timber Wharf was started. The project investment is 170.93 million yuan. It was completed and put into operation in August 1990. The main works include two 100000 ton berths and five major parts of trestle, approach embankment, storage yard, port railway station and yard.
The wharf berth is open sea type, with caisson as pier and trestle structure, 452m long and 36m wide. The water depth of the front is 18 meters, which is composed of 5 berthing piers and 5 mooring piers. The piers are connected by prestressed beams and giant steel beams. Two shiploaders are installed on the wharf, each of which is loaded with coal at the rate of 6000 tons/hour. The longest (11000m) belt conveyor in China is used for coal transmission. The total length of the trestle is 1141m. The pier is made of round reinforced concrete caisson with a diameter of 14m and a height of 13-17m. The deck is made of parallel chord steel frame. The pier center distance is 88m, and the pier span is 82m. The trestle is 17.74m wide, with two 2.2m wide belts passing through. One side of the bridge deck is provided with a motorway and sidewalk for one-way traffic with a load of 5 tons. The approach embankment is the part connecting the trestle and the storage yard, 278m long. The storage yard covers an area of 225000 square meters and can store 1.2 million tons of coal. There are 3 stackers with an efficiency of 3600 tons/hour and 4 reclaimers with an efficiency of 3000 tons/hour in the yard, all of which are rail cranes. The total length of port railway track laying is 32.4 km. The effective length of station line is 850m. The station has a dumper room, 42 meters long and 30 meters wide. The underground structure is 16m long, all of which are reinforced concrete structures. It is equipped with two dumpers, which can allow two cars to roll over at the same time. The unloading capacity is 20-30 times/hour, and the annual throughput is 15 million tons. One 150000 ton berth is reserved outside the coal wharf. [6]

Port facilities

Port operation is automatically controlled by the central control room. With SC584 programmable controller, it can be implemented System control Interlock with. It is also equipped with analog monitoring panel, operating console, industrial television system, electronic measurement display system, wired and wireless communication facilities, sewage treatment, watering and dust prevention system equipment. In addition, the general cargo wharf is equipped with a 30 ton electromechanical land scale with an accuracy of one thousandth. It has the functions of computer storage, automatic printing, measurement and detection rate of 100%. There are 8 ships in port, including 5 tugboats, with the maximum power of 3200 horsepower. Others include traffic boats, supervision boats, barges, etc. By the end of 1989, a total of 80 loading and unloading machines had been put into use. There are 8 cranes, 25 conveying machines, 27 handling machines and 13 special machines. The port is equipped with 8 locomotives, one 500 ton, 250 ton floating crane and one 135 ton land crane. There are 11 storage facilities in Hong Kong, with an area of 400000 square meters and a storage capacity of 1.4 million tons. It is also equipped with machinery repair shop and ship navigation repair station. It is equipped with 800 automatic telephones, VHF telephones and fax communication equipment. Microwave communication can reach Qingdao directly. There are also water telephone, telegraph and 1200 PBX   [6]

Fishing Port Construction

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, there was a mooring point in front of Shijiu Institute. However, in every storm or off-season, large fishing boats had to take shelter in distant ports, and small and medium-sized fishing boats had to be carried to the shore. In 1976, the state invested 1.2 million yuan to build the first modern fishing wharf on the west side of Shijiu Commercial Wharf. The approach dike is 280 meters long, the wharf is 70 meters long and 30 meters wide. It is equipped with tap water and oil storage tanks, which can accommodate more than 10 200 horsepower fishing vessels to berth, load and unload at the same time.   [7]
In October 2023, the website of Rizhao Public Resources Trading Network will release the bidding for the east coal southward moving project (Phase II) of Shijiu Port District, Rizhao Port, Shandong Port Bid plan. [18]

Development history

Shijiu Suokou is 12 kilometers east of Rizhao City. In the Yuan Dynasty, grain transported by sea from Liujia Port to Zhigu via stone mortar. Therefore, there is a poem saying: "Red millet in the Yangtze Huaihe River reaches the Shenjing, and the transportation is carried out by Shijiu." At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Shijiu's shipping industry began to take shape. There are more than 50 professional transport sailboats with an annual throughput of about 30000 tons. In the 1920s, with the opening of the Qingdao Shijiu Haizhou route, the Shijiu shipping industry further developed. For example, "Deshengtang", "Yutai", "Changji" and other firms have successively set up shipping agents. After more than ten years of development, Shijiukou has more than 50 five masted gale sailboats, more than 20 three masted gale sailboats, and small ships have set sail from Shijiu to Qingdao, which is the heyday of Shijiu shipping. In 1939, the Japanese army invaded Shijiu Institute and transported the agricultural and sideline products that had been plundered on a large scale to other places. From 1946 to the spring of 1947, tens of thousands of tons of relief supplies from the United Nations were transported to Shijiu Station by "Wanxian", "Wanhong", "Qingling" and other ships, where they were unloaded and evacuated. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, with the construction of Shijiu Suokou Port, Shijiu Suokou became increasingly prosperous and became the largest foreign trade port in Rizhao. [8]

Port production


freight transport

Shijiusuo Port, 1953 Cargo throughput 41000 tons, reaching 522000 tons in 1986. Later, due to the completion and official opening of the Shijiu Coal Terminal, the cargo throughput of Shijiu Port has declined. After several years of construction, the infrastructure of Shijiu Port is basically complete, and two 100000 ton cargo ships can be berthed at the same time for loading operations. In May 1986, the State Council approved Shijiu Port as a "first-class port". On October 21, 1987, the Liberian flag ship "Ouluobo" docked at Shijiu Port with a load of 110000 tons. It was the largest ship docked at Shijiu Port since it was put into operation, and also the largest coal ship docked at China's ports. By 1989, cargo ships from more than 20 countries and regions, including Kuwait, Brazil, Peru, the Soviet Union, Thailand, the Philippines, Greece, Chile, Jamaica, the United Kingdom, Myanmar, Japan and Canada, had berthed at Shijiu Port. After Shijiu Port was put into operation, its cargo throughput has increased year by year, reaching 2.628 million tons in 1986 and 8.45 million tons in 1989, ranking the 10th in China's coastal ports, with profits and taxes of 15000 yuan per capita, ranking the second in China's coastal ports. [9]

passenger transport

In 1918, the Japanese ship "Haizhou Maru" opened the Qingdao Shijiu Institute Haizhou route and became a special liner for Qingdao Shijiu Institute. In the 1930s, the Yutai Ship Company, the Changji Ship Company and the Gongxiang Ship Company in Rizhao successively sent ships to carry passengers and goods on scheduled shifts and sailing dates. At this time, Rizhao only had Shijiu Port for passenger transportation, which coincided with years of famine and bandit harassment. There were many people fleeing from famine, and the passenger flow was very large. At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, East China United Transport Company "Xinmin" No. 1 and No. 2 ships carried passengers and goods on the Qingdao Shijiusuo Lianyungang line. Later, the "Fu Sui" and "Hai Xing" ships of Qingdao Branch sailed the route from Qingdao to Shijiu to Lianyungang, carrying passengers and goods. In October 1959, the two new passenger and cargo ships "Lumin 1" and "Lumin 2" manufactured by China became passenger and cargo liners from Shijiu Institute to Qingdao. In June 1965, the passenger and cargo ships carried out empty flights. They came on a single day and went on a two-day trip. During the festival, overtime ships were sent to sail from Shijiu to Qingdao, stopping at Lingshan on the way. In December 1967, Shijiusuo's new passenger and cargo wharf was completed, and the number of passengers leaving the port increased to 15000. By 1984, the number of passengers entering and leaving the port had dropped to 5000, and the fifth class fare from Qingdao to Shijiu was 3.90 yuan. Due to the convenient land transportation, the number of passengers taking ships is decreasing, resulting in serious losses in passenger transport. In March 1985, the passenger liner was cancelled. So far, the passenger transport of Shijiu Railway Station, which has a history of 60 to 70 years, has stopped. [10]

Management organization

Management organization Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, Shijiusuo Port continued to use the form of folk management, which was controlled by the "wharf gang". In December 1949, the Qingdao Branch of Beiyang District Maritime Transport Administration of the Ministry of Communications set up an office in Shijiu. In August 1953, Shijiusuo Port was under the jurisdiction of the province and was the shipping station of Shijiusuo of Qingdao Branch of the Shipping Administration of the Provincial Department of Communications. In October 1958, the Provincial Department of Communications delegated the port, and Shijiusuo Shipping Station was changed to Shijiusuo Port of Linyi Special Administration of Provincial Department of Communications. In June 1959, the Linyi Special Administration entrusted Rizhao County People's Committee with custody, which was renamed Shijiusuo Port of Rizhao County. In December 1960, it was taken under the jurisdiction of Shandong Province and renamed Shijiusuo Port of the Maritime Transport Bureau of Shandong Provincial Department of Communications. In November 1984, it was changed to Shijiu Port Office in Shandong Province.
In November 1979, the Shijiu Port Project Preparation Office was established. In June 1980, the Shijiu Port Construction Headquarters was established, and the Shijiu Port Project Preparation Office was canceled. The Shijiu Port Construction Headquarters, on behalf of the Ministry of Communications and Shandong Province, exercises unified leadership and management over the Shijiu Port construction project. The headquarters implements the command responsibility system under the leadership of the Party Committee. The business is dominated by the Ministry of Transport, and the party and government work is dominated by Shandong Province. On November 10, 1981, the CPC Shijiu Port Construction Headquarters Committee was established. On December 6, 1984, the Shijiu Port Authority of the Ministry of Communications was established. On January 1, 1985, it was announced to the public and put into operation. On January 16, 1988, the Shijiu Port Authority of the Ministry of Communications carried out institutional reform, implementing a new system with the dual leadership of the Shandong Provincial Government and the Ministry of Communications, with the province as the main body, and was renamed "Shijiu Port Authority". [11]
Joint inspection of ships According to the regulations of the General Administration of Maritime Transport of the Ministry of Communications, the joint inspection of ships is under the direct control of the harbour superintendency administration, and personnel are sent to participate in the joint inspection. The units participating in the joint inspection of Shijiu Port include: the Administration of Shijiu Port Supervision of the People's Republic of China, the Shijiu Border Inspection Station, the Shijiu Customs, and the Shijiu Health Quarantine Station.
Harbour superintendency administration. In 1985, Shandong Province set up the Lanshan Ship Inspection Institute for Port and Navigation Supervision and Ship Inspection in Lanshan Port. Administratively, it was led by Lanshan Port Authority, and professionally, it was directly under the leadership of Shandong Port Authority and Shandong Ship Inspection Office. The port supervision business of Shijiu Port was initially managed by the Shijiu Port Authority. On January 1, 1988, the Shijiu Port Authority set up the "Shijiu Maritime Safety Supervision Bureau of the Ministry of Communications", which is known as the "Shijiu Port Authority of the People's Republic of China", and implements the dual leadership of the Ministry of Communications and the local central city.
customs. In 1889, the Qing government set up "Jiao'ao Customs" in Qingdao, and set up sub customs in Shijiusuo, Taoluo and other Haikou, under the jurisdiction of the Shandong Customs Supervision Office. In February 1946, Rizhao Branch of the Second Branch of Shandong Administration for Industry and Commerce set up four Haikou offices, namely, the customs agency, Shijiu, Taoluo, An Dongwei and Wangjiatan. In June 1947, Rizhao Branch of Industry and Commerce, with the approval of the superior, transformed two Haikou offices, Taoluo and An Dongwei, into customs offices, and Shijiu Haikou Office was under the leadership of Taoluo Customs. At the beginning of 1948, Taoluo Customs was cancelled and merged into Antonwei Customs, and Shijiu Customs Office was led by Antonwei Customs. In March 1951, Andongwei Customs and Shijiu Customs were cancelled. On June 7, 1984, while building Shijiu Port, Shijiu Customs began to prepare for its construction, which was basically completed by the end of 1985. The opening and closing ceremony was held on May 19, 1986.
Shijiu Customs is the national supervision and administration organ for entry and exit at Shijiu Port《 Customs Law of the People's Republic of China 》And relevant laws and regulations, supervise the inbound and outbound means of transport, goods and articles at Shijiu and Lanshan ports, collect tariffs and other taxes and fees, investigate and suppress smuggling, compile customs statistics and handle other customs business, and be responsible to Qingdao Customs. In addition to being responsible for port supervision, Shijiu Customs is also responsible for the supervision of foreign-funded enterprises in Linyi region and Rizhao City, "three processing and one compensation" and imported equipment for technological transformation, and handling the registration and filing of these enterprises and projects, the approval of tax reduction and exemption, and strengthening the follow-up management and verification. [12]

Port services

China Ocean Shipping Agency Shijiu Branch was established on March 25, 1983, with manager Yue Guanjia and deputy manager Zhang Piyi. Official agency business on December 23, 1985. It is mainly engaged in shipping agency, freight forwarder, container transportation agency, cargo collection, charter, booking, customs declaration, inspection and other related businesses. It has established agency relations and business contacts with dozens of domestic and foreign shipping companies and specialized import and export companies in Shandong, Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Henan, Jiangsu and other provinces and cities. By 1989, a total of 484 ships were represented, with freight volume of 4.02 million tons and net tonnage of 3.96 million tons.
The Shijiu Branch of China National Coal Import and Export Corporation began its preparation in 1983. In October 1984, the Shijiu Office of China National Coal Import and Export Corporation was officially established. In October 1987, the office was cancelled and Shijiu Branch was established. Pei Fengming and Huang Shucheng successively served as managers. The main responsibilities are to organize the coal supply, manage the port cargo, fulfill the contract with foreign parties, investigate the international market, and settle accounts with foreign parties. At the same time, it is also responsible for the export of all or part of the coal and its products in Shandong, Henan, Hebei and other provinces. In May 1986, it began to export coal. By 1989, 2.98 million tons of coal had been exported, earning 104 million dollars in foreign exchange.
Shijiu Branch of China Ocean Shipping Tally Corporation was established on September 2, 1986. Sun Fanglai, the manager, is under the dual leadership of China Ocean Shipping Tally Corporation and Shijiu Port Authority. Operating the tallying business of ships sailing international routes and domestic routes; International container loading and unloading tallying business; The tallying business of import and export goods in various places. By 1989, tally signing business had been organized for incoming ships from Japan, Germany, the Soviet Union, Southeast Asia and other countries and regions, and the satisfaction rate of the ship owner was 100%. 76 tally ships were completed, with a tally volume of 219000 tons. The variety of tally has also increased from a single chemical fertilizer to building materials, food, electromechanical equipment, etc. [13]

Economic hinterland

Shijiu Port and Lanshan Port have been completed and put into use, together with the opening of Yanzhou Shijiu Port and Pingshang Lanshan Port lines, the economic hinterland of these two ports is very vast, accounting for more than one-fifth of the total area of the country, including the five provinces and regions in the northwest, the vast areas in northern Henan, Hebei, Shanxi, and southern Shandong. [9]

Fishery production

stone mortar
1959 labor 1191 fishing boats 175 fishing boats 3556 tons
1963 1609 ┃ 189 ┃ 3313
1975 1324 ┃ 208 ┃ 4705
1980 1272 ┃ 219 ┃ 6248
1983 1268 ┃ 324 ┃ 5866
1989 3074 ┃ 665 ┃ 14321


Kelp cultivation began in 1958, with Shijiu Bay as the center.
In the autumn of 1975, mussels were raised in Rizhao. The seedlings came from Yantai and Dalian. The breeding sea areas were selected in Shijiu and Lanshan, with a total of 200 mu. Harvested in May of the next year, the shell is 6-8 cm long, reaching the commodity specifications, and the yield per mu is 3000-4000 kg. This is also the beginning of the cultivation of seashells and algae in Rizhao.
The shrimp and prawn breeding began in 1962, ranking first in the country in the early time, and is located in Shijiu Jiu and Shiliang Villages. Used at that time Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute The shrimp ponds and shrimp seedlings in these two villages are farmed for two years. The area of shrimp farming is led by Taoluo Town. In 1989, the shrimp area of the town was 7200 mu, followed by Shijiu Sub district Office 4818 mu,
In 1971, the county kelp farm introduced the seedlings of undaria pinnatifida for the first time from Qingdao, and tried to breed them in Shijiu Sea Area. The yield per mu was 400-600kg, which was twice as high as that of kelp. In the next year, 50 mu of seedlings were planted and more than 20000 kg were harvested. Later, it was suspended due to blocked sales.
Sea cucumber breeding and releasing sea cucumber resources are distributed around the first three islands, and there are no sea cucumber resources in the offshore. In 1958, the sea cucumber was introduced from Qingdao and bred in Zhangjiataihai District, Silk Mountain, where it grew well and produced offspring. In 1976, 70000 self-developed ginseng seedlings with a fluid length of 5mm were released into Shijiu Bay. In 1977, 730000 self-developed ginseng seedlings with a fluid length of 5mm were released in Shijiu and Xishan sea areas. From 1978 to 1982, 20000 large ginseng seedlings of more than 1 cm were released every year in the Silk Mountain Sea area and around the former three islands. [15]


In the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty, Anton Ying set up Anton Wei to prevent Japanese pirates. The Wei has jurisdiction over five thousand households in the left, middle, right, front and back. Both the former and the left are located in the Andong Acropolis, and the latter is located in Shijiu Village (now Shijiu Village). Each office shall have the posts of chief, deputy chief and general manager. In 1659 (the 16th year of the reign of Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty), Andong Camp was set up as a green battalion. It was dedicated to guarding the flood area of the garrison and was subordinate to the Qingzhou Camp. In 1662 (the first year of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty), it was renamed Yizhou Camp. In the 22nd year of Kangxi, it was renamed Dengzhou Town. There were 1000 horses and infantrymen, one Dusi, one garrison and two thousand soldiers. From 1666 to 1723, there were four reductions, only 8 officers below Dusi, 86 horsemen, and 279 infantrymen. Among them, there is one person stationed in Benxundu, one person in charge of one thousand troops, one person in charge of one thousand outsourced troops, two persons in charge of two outsourced troops, 42 horsemen and 140 infantrymen. Lanshantou, Zhang Luo, Tao Luo and Jiacang are divided into 4 Haikou. In addition, Rizhao flood control was divided into three Haikou, namely Longwangkou, Shijiu and Songjia, with a total of one member, 15 horsemen and 58 infantrymen; Divide and defend Langyatai, Lanxun Dongjiakou, Longwangkou and Langyakou in the east pavilion, including 1 member, 13 horsemen and 27 infantrymen; There is a total of 1 person in charge of Juzhou Xunbao, 16 horsemen and 54 infantrymen. In 1912, An Dongying evacuated Rizhao.
In 1900 (the 26th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty), Yizhou Prefecture set up Yifang Camp. In 1903, Yifang Camp was changed into patrol camp. Take charge of the third company and a battalion to garrison in Rizhao. It has three companies, more than 400 people, and is equipped with rifles. The battalion headquarters and a company are stationed in Rizhao City, and the rest are stationed in Wangjiatan, Shijiusuo, Jiacang, Taoluo, An Dongwei, Lanshantou and other coastal villages and towns to defend Haikou and maintain local security. In the summer of 1911, the patrol camp was renamed Yifang Camp. In 1915, Yifang Battalion was evacuated from Rizhao and reorganized into the Fifth Mixed Brigade of Shandong Army. [16]
On November 14, 1897 (the 23rd year of Guangxu's reign), German warships invaded Jiaozhou Bay, and a group of German warships forcibly occupied Shijiu and other places. In October of the next year, the German warships invaded Shijiu Institute again, which shocked the local officials of the Qing Dynasty and crushed the anti foreign religious masses. In the middle of February 1899, three German warships, carrying more than 360 soldiers, landed at Lanshan Mountain. In addition to leaving more than 120 people to guard the ship, the rest of the soldiers were divided into two ways, one way straight to Yishui County, and the other way more than 100 people attacked Rizhao County on 19 under the command of German Archbishop An Zhitai. They cut through the bars of the city gate and attacked the county government to occupy Rizhao City. In late March, more than 40 German soldiers landed from Andongwei, and three of them went to Yizhou Mansion. When passing Wangjiatuan, they were surrounded by hundreds of villagers. German soldiers shot and wounded many villagers, and then the local government escorted them back to the ship. On March 29, the Governor of De Jiaoao sent Captain Von Falkenhain to lead 120 marines to Shijiu, and attacked Rizhao County on the same day. On May 25, the German army took five gentlemen from Shijiu Institute as hostages and retreated to Qingdao. On June 15, 1939, the Japanese Marine Corps of the Japanese aggressor army landed in Shijiu and occupied the coastal area of Rizhao with more than 100 people in three warships.
On June 7, 1941, the Chinese traitor Chen Chenggong was provided with guns and ammunition by the Japanese army, and 18 soldiers and hooligans were recruited to establish the "China Peace Building Army" in Shijiu Institute.
On February 5, 1938, the Japanese army dispatched two planes and three warships to bomb and shell Shijiu and Rizhao. In Shijiusuo alone, Japanese planes dropped 48 bombs and warships fired 136 shells. Most of the houses in the town were destroyed, killing and injuring countless people. Liu Jialin, a family of 6 from Shijiu Fourth Village, was killed by the explosion, and the houses and property were reduced to ashes.
be known formerly as Shijiu Island , exposed Shijiu Stronghold , changed later Shijiu Institute The port is now renamed Rizhao Port. Shijiu Port is adjacent to Mount Sishan in the north and Mount Kui in the south. It has an open harbor, deep water and wide land, free from freezing and silting, and good geological conditions. It has the advantage of building a deep-water wharf. There was a small dock with very small throughput capacity. In 1966, a passenger and cargo ship dock was built at Longwangmiao in the southeast of the small dock. The dock shoreline was 160 meters long, and the annual throughput of the port was about 400000 tons coal chemical fertilizer Building materials, grain, agricultural and sideline products are in large quantities. Passenger transport Shijiu Institute Lingshanwei - Qingdao Line. The new port was built in 1980. Two 100000 ton deepwater berths, one 25000 ton berth and one 10000 ton general cargo wharf have been built, with an annual throughput of 40 million tons. Shijiu Port has become a large-scale modernization coal Export ports and emerging coastal cities play an important role in speeding up the development of Yanzhou and Shanxi coal fields and expanding the export of coal.

Port overview

1. Geographic location:
119° 33' 18" E, 35° 22' 48" N
2. Tidal range: the maximum tidal range is 4.90m
3. Draft limit of channel: 14.0m
4. Diversion service:
Compulsory diversion; Working time of pilot: 24 hours.
5. Whether to sail into the port after sunset: allowed to enter the port.
6. Tugboat: 4X3200HP 1X1600HP
7. Floating crane: load capacity 200 metric tons
8. Supply services: food
Call channel: 16; Working channels: 01, 10, 23, 26; Working time: 24 hours; Call sign: Shijiu platform
10. Ship repair service: ship repair service is available
11. Main import and export goods:
coal , fertilizer Corn Dried melon
12. Anchorage: name of anchorage, location, water depth (m), nature of anchorage, tonnage of anchoring ship
First anchorage 119 ° 37'29 "E, 35 ° 20'29" N
119 ° 39'53.5 "E, 35 ° 18'29" N 17-19 mud and sand land below 200000 tons
Second anchorage 119 ° 39'53.5 "E, 35 ° 20'29" N
119°39'53.5"E,35°18'29"N 119°42'24"E,35°18'29"N
Third anchorage 119 ° 37'23 "E, 35 ° 18'29" N
Fourth anchorage 119 ° 39'53.5 "E, 35 ° 18'29" N
119°39'53.5"E,35°16'29"N 119°42'24"E,35°16'29"N
13. Wharf berth:
Name of operation area Name of berth Length (m) Depth (m) Allowable ship length (m) Loading and unloading cargo type Shore crane
Special coal wharf berth A 370 17 280 coal shipment (Part II)
Berth B 370 17 280 coal 1X10T
10000 ton berth of general cargo wharf 220 8.5 165 bulk cargo, coal gasoline . Light and heavy diesel 1