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conceal the truth from higher authorities

Chinese words
Concealing, a Chinese word, refers to the act of concealing relevant events or accidents in order to shirk responsibility.
Chinese name
conceal the truth from higher authorities
Part of speech
Shirk responsibility


After a production safety accident occurs in a production and business operation entity, the relevant personnel at the scene of the accident shall immediately report it to the person in charge of the entity.
After receiving the accident report, the person in charge of the unit shall promptly take effective measures to organize rescue, prevent the accident from expanding, reduce casualties and property losses, and report to the local department responsible for the supervision and administration of production safety in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state, and shall not conceal, misrepresent or delay in reporting, or deliberately destroy the scene of the accident or destroy relevant evidence.
After receiving the accident report, the department responsible for the supervision and administration of production safety shall immediately report the accident in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State. The department responsible for the supervision and administration of production safety and the relevant local people's government shall not conceal, misrepresent or delay in reporting the accident.

give an example

Zuoyun 5 · 18 catastrophic flooding accident in Shanxi Province has been confirmed as a catastrophic concealed accident. At present, the number of trapped miners in the mine is confirmed to be 56. Unexpectedly, on December 28, 2005, a catastrophic flooding accident occurred in Fanjiasi Baoyuan Coal Mine in Dianwan Town of this county, which is also a concealed accident. (People's Daily Online, May 29, 2006)
Recently, a tip off letter said: Chen Yanping, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Public Security Bureau of Pingli County, Shaanxi Province, and Leader of the Traffic Police Brigade for more than two years Practise fraud , deliberately concealed more than 420 traffic accidents and 52 deaths... In this regard, Chen Yanping made it clear that this is a secret disclosed by the traffic police system. (May 29, 2006, China Business News)
On the afternoon of January 28, Chen Bangtong, the director of the medical education office of Suqian People's Hospital, Jiangsu Province, confirmed that the hospital had purchased a batch of counterfeit drugs produced by Qiqihar No.2 Pharmaceutical Factory on January 16, 2006, which were recognized by the state - a total of 10000 Armillarisin A Injections. By the time the fake drug incident of Qiqihar No. 2 Pharmaceutical Factory was exposed and the hospital completely stopped armillarisin A on May 13, 7500 of 10000 had been used, and two patients were suspected to have died due to injection of Qiqihar No. 2 Pharmaceutical Factory. On May 24, the local media published a report, citing the head of a department of the local drug administration, claiming that the city had not found any fake drugs from the Second Qi Factory - apparently someone lied. (Modern Express, May 29, 2006)


The accident is related to the responsibilities, rights and interests of the department that should be responsible for supervision. It is the negligence of the relevant departments, giving up the responsibilities that should be adhered to, and inadequate daily supervision that have led to many accidents that should not have occurred, making the controllable public crisis out of control - while behind the dereliction of duty there is often a dark curtain of power and money transactions, collusion between officials and businessmen, or fraud The sordid business of swindling honor in exchange for greater power - all these things are not sunny. Once an accident happens, it can't be stopped, so they have to cover it up, try to hide the truth from the sea, and continue to play their "hidden rules" game. These are well reflected in the above three news events - the mine owner of the May 18 catastrophic water seepage accident has a brother who is the head of the township people's congress in charge of coal work as a "umbrella", the traffic police brigade of Pingli County has been rated as "advanced" for two consecutive years by "concealment", and Suqian County, which "did not find" fake drugs, if there is no fake drugs, Then the drug supervision defense line built by the county's drug supervision department is undoubtedly worthy of recognition and commendation.
If greed for profits cannot be completely eradicated and everyone is lucky, then there is another phenomenon in "concealment", which is more noteworthy. Once a major accident occurs, the following strict rectification measures will make the local government afraid: the cost is too much, too large, It not only directly affects the local economic growth in a period of time, but also may have a negative impact on the local image - which is ultimately linked to the performance assessment of the first government team. As a result, "concealment" has become a non selfish policy choice, and combined with the means of redemption and preservation for selfish interests, it has become an alliance without contract, creating a transmission path and pathological environment of "epidemic" for "concealment".