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Direct observation

Reconnaissance terminology
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The direct observation method refers to a method in which the investigators go to the site to count, measure, measure and register the investigation items of the investigation unit in order to obtain first-hand information. For example, in order to know the yield of crops in time, the investigators went to the field to conduct actual cutting, threshing, drying, weighing and other work; For another example, in order to understand the product balance of industrial enterprises at the end of the year, investigators went into the workshop to observe, count, measure, etc. The direct observation method can ensure the accuracy of the collected survey data, but it requires a lot of manpower, material resources, financial resources and time, and some socio-economic phenomena can not be measured with the direct observation method at all, such as the investigation of historical data and the investigation of the income and expenditure of workers' families. [1]
Chinese name
Direct observation
Directly observe and record transactions
Do not control or interfere with the observed events
Two types
Open observation and concealed observation
Record behavior mode or behavior time
Tool support
Sound recording, video recording, photography and other equipment

Direct observation method 1

For example, during the shopping mall survey, the investigators do not visit anyone, but only observe the basic situation of the scene, and then record. Generally, the content of the survey includes the passenger flow in a certain period of time, the length of time customers stay at each counter, the sales situation of each group, the basic characteristics of customers, and the service attitude of salespersons.


Direct observation can be divided into open observation and concealed observation.
Public observation refers to the openness of the investigators at the investigation site, that is, the respondents are aware that someone is observing their own words and deeds. Concealed observation refers to the fact that the respondent is not aware that his/her behavior has been observed and recorded. In most cases, these two methods are survey methods that collect first-hand data directly. For example, the operators of supermarkets can record the customer flow through open observation, count the rule of passenger flow and the number of shoppers in the store, and redesign the display and layout of goods. At the entrance of American supermarkets, there are usually new products to be promoted by manufacturers or seasonal goods to be promoted by stores. When customers enter the store, they will probably stop to watch or even buy these goods. Market researchers can take advantage of this opportunity to observe and collect consumers' attention to new products or seasonal products and information on their purchases.
Store operators often need to understand the operation of competitors in order to know themselves and their competitors in the market and take the initiative in the competition. However, conducting a public survey in a competitor's store will attract the attention of the other party. The covert observation method can be used as a survey method to directly collect information about competitors. If the enterprise sends market researchers as customers to the competitor's store for direct observation, it will be able to obtain information on the variety, price, furnishings and layout of the competitor's goods, the promotion activities of the store, the service of the salesperson, etc.


Under specific conditions, when consumers are difficult to cooperate with the implementation of the investigation, the direct observation method should be adopted. If consumers are difficult to answer some sensitive and private questions or do not have enough time to answer them, they should use this method to directly observe their behavior and record their behavior or behavior time to achieve the purpose of research.
Under natural conditions, it is difficult to fully record consumers' complex behaviors and activities only based on the attention and memory of the observer. In addition, the observation results are easily affected by the observer's personal attitude, ideas and the surrounding specific environment. Even if the observer has a high professional level, its observation results are hard to avoid the influence of various factors. Therefore, modern application of this method requires the help of advanced recording tools, such as audio recording, video recording, photography and other equipment.