Grave robber

People engaged in tomb robbing
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synonym Grave robber (People engaged in tomb robbing industry) generally refers to grave robbers (people engaged in tomb robbing industry)
Grave robbers, Changshanese call Tu Fuzi with Theft the ancients a burial In treasure A professional person. From ancient times to the present, it has existed in all dynasties and generations. They usually catch rabbits during the day and steal cultural relics at night.
Chinese name
Grave robber
Foreign name
The robbers
Commonly known as
Tu Fuzi
A professional who steals treasures from ancient tombs
Film and television works
Tomb Raider 》《 National treasure 》Etc

brief introduction

Ancients“ To die is to live ”He believes that people will go to another world after death and continue to enjoy their lives, so he attaches great importance to the specifications of his own tombs and the quality of the funerary goods. The high officials and nobles with high status usually have rich funerals after death.
Historical pairs Grave robber All the opinions are negative. They think that it is wicked and the punishment for grave robbers in the legislation is extremely severe. However, in the face of the temptation of funerary objects with amazing value, some people still take risks, and even operate for generations, forming a unique tomb theft technology. It is not difficult to find praise for tomb robbers' technology in many western films, such as《 Tomb Raider 》National Treasure, etc
To some extent, the tomb robbers' tomb robbing technology is ahead of the official archaeological excavation technology. Many cultural relics, such as oracle bone inscriptions, were first discovered by tomb robbers; Many archaeological techniques were also first invented by tomb robbers, such as the famous“ Luoyang shovel ”。


In Western civilization, private property is emphasized, and the first discoverer should possess cultural relics, so“ Grave robber ”Concept and“ Go!Explore ”Confused. The world's largest number of museums, such as British Museum Louvre A large number of top collections in are masterpieces of the original "explorers".
Tomb robbers, in the process of digging and robbing, give up the big and take the small, give up the cheap and take the expensive, which also causes great damage to cultural relics and is not conducive to the overall excavation and protection of cultural heritage.